roshan app for women empowerment( an idea)

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Women Empowerment

Innovation Category:

-Battle of women to liveJADWEGA


In present scenario women equal to men in every aspects.

Is there any problems for women to Reach employment?

When coming to the Education:

Some are equal to men Many of them Don't have education

Reasons behind this are Governments and many other private organizations sponsored scholarships to educate girls. But many of them don't Know about all these.

In choosing career path:

Women don't have any proper guidance for planning their career.

Men have his plan for achive their goals.

In Employment:

In Employment men are ahead of women.

This is due to less contact with the society and lacking awareness regarding job markets.

At Work Place:

They don't know about the work environment, industrial laws and their rights at work place. They get less earnings, if they do equal work with respect to men.

Some of women are only aware of work place. Uneven payments but equal work.

Is there any solution for all these problems?



Yes, t0 avoid all these bottlenecks We, the JADWEGA team have a solution. We want to Develop an App & Webpage to provide information regarding the scholarships, learning portals, career guidelines and financial assistance schemes and job opportunities in both public and private sectors for the women.

Our Application Name is ROSHAN

About Roshan Application:

Our idea consists of 3 parts which includes Mobile app,Webpage and Mobile calling option.

To provide a vital information we also extend this for normal mobile phones in which there is no internet facility. For that we are adding Mobile calling option. We ensured our app will be available in various languages to render the services for all the set of people.

How Roshan Mobile App works ?

In this mobile app details about scholarship schemes which can be provided for a child right from her birth is provided careerguidelines are provided to those who have completed their 10th and learning portals and details about job opportunities are also provided in this app.Roshan


Information in Roshan WebPage:

Firstly we need to register in this web page. During registration it self, we will be taking details like which kind of mobile they are using in case they are using smart phones we will suggest them to use the app. If they are using ordinary mobiles we will reveal the details either by phone sms or else by calls.

Roshan web page

How Roshan helps for Normal mobile users:

During Registration in web page we are adding additional option with that we Know about normal mobile users. So those who have registered in the website according to their details mentioned while registration they will be having voice call options or SMS services.

What are the benifits that women get from our app?

To educate women with respect to professional requirement and encourage them to greater heights in their life.

To attain workplace balance by providing equal facilities for both men and Women workforce in terms of welfare and safety. By using our app Next generation women will be immensely empowered.

To uplift the women and to equate them with men. Encouraging corporate leadership capacity with the quality to ascertain gender equality .

Security measures of Roshan application:

We ensure that our application is secure. We want to develop our application with open source software and technologies. So that the data of the each and every women is safe.

Main motto of Roshan App:

To make each and every women of future generations will be associated with our app to shine their paths. In each and every field we have only few women who live their life with a sense of self esteem courage, respect and dignity. From our app we want to make each and every women confident enough to claim their rights and reach their goals.

Thank you for your Attention....

Prasanna.Arigela Srisha.Vandrasi Divya.Kondela Jyothirmayee.Menda

We are Pursuing B.TECH final year with Electronics and communication branch in BONAM VENKATA CHALAMAYYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE Amalapuram, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh.

From JADWEGA team

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