rotary club of newlands “the club that appeals” · 10.10.2016  · rotary club of newlands...

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“The club that appeals”

President: Chris Beech

Secretary: Bill Meyer

Editor: Peter Ennis


Newlands Rotary website:

Rotary District 9350 website:

10 October 2016 WEEKLY UPDATE P O Box 44735



MEETINGS: Western Province Cricket Club Sports Centre, Ave De Mist, Rondebosch,

every Monday at 18h00 for 18h15 (Except for first Monday of the Month

which is a Partner’s Meeting, 18h30 for 19h00).

ATTENDANCE: Notice of apologies and guests and/or meal specifics to email Melinda

Stapleton at and copy to Bill Meyer at before 10h30 on Monday mornings please.


South African Early Childhood Review 2016 The South African Early Childhood Review 2016 presents information on essential

components of the comprehensive package of Early Childhood Development (ECD) services.

The review includes data and commentary on over 40 carefully selected indicators on the

status of children under six, and service delivery progress across 5 domains:

maternal and child health,

nutritional support,

support for primary caregivers,

social services and grants, and

stimulation for early learning.

The South African Early Childhood Review is a collaboration between Ilifa Labantwana, the

Children’s Institute at the University of Cape Town and the Department of Planning,

Monitoring and Evaluation in The Presidency.

Read the full report: South African Early Childhood Review 2016

Some highlights follow in the following pages.

Mike Young






Previous Meeting

Minutes of the meeting on 3 October 2016 Scribe: Richard Burnett

Acting Sergeant Mike Walwyn introduced Acting President Wybe to the non-acting (totally

performing) Rotary Club of Newlands.

Wybe introduced our two guests from Cape Town Club being Hein Wolvaardt and François.

Glynis Menné repeated the 4-way test. Brian Pickup the grace and toast to Rotary International

forgetting the Protease Cricket team.

Paul raffled the partner/ member to Glynis and the other partner/ member to Johan. It is a raffle.

Which ones the partner?

An early spot by Francois and Hein Wolvaardt (Cape Town Rotary). They promoted a Potjie and

Boule competition on November 20th. Motivation is a drive for new members. They appear to be

putting a lot of effort into the event and deserves support.

Daphne spoke on family health day and asked for member to contribute their time. It is a good


Belinda wants more support re the Dragon Boat racing at Sandvlei this Saturday. Too late by the

time you read this!

Richard B gave a positive update on the Wine auction. All good, wines in store, Tables sold. Watch

this space. Late starters contact the Scribe.

Katie Dodge Introduce our food packing affair for the night. She represents “Stophungernow”

which support EDC communities with basic foods. These supplies are only given to the recipients

who can prove sustainability.

It was great to see 50 Rotarians and their partners dispensing all the basic foods into packets and

then into cardboard containers for distribution (by our Club) to those in need. (4-way test in action).

Each packet contains rice, soya, soup mix and 25 vital vitamins to feed 6 people. At 8.22 we had

finished our 25 boxes have enough meals for 5200 meals (Katie’s numbers). Project accomplished.

Stop hunger now appear really well organised. Go to for more info.

Presidents address cagouled all of us to support our many projects and went onto happy Rands.

DG Ian announced the sale of his Peugeot. No takers!!

The president closed the meeting @ +-9.00.

Previous Previous Meeting

Minutes of the meeting on 26 September 2016 Scribe: Graham Finlayson

Sergeant Johan Beukman opened the meeting and requested Acting President Colin to do the

Welcome. He duly proceeded to welcome all the Members and the Guests:

Brian Smart, RC Pinelands and June Smart; Thami Makayi; RC Pinelands; Linnell Holland; Justin

Schonegevel, RC Wynberg; Ruth (Justin’s fiancée); Jo Maxwell, RC Claremont; Gavin Schachat,

RC Sea Point; Katja Hamilton, District Youth Services’ Secretary; Panashe Nyamupanemunda,

Rotex (ex Rotary Long-Term Exchange Student); Sue Kieswetter, Interact Teacher in Charge,

Bishops Prep; Mrs Phumla Sibene, Earlyact Teacher in Charge, Sivile Primary; Mr Vinjwa,

Earlyact Assistant Teacher in Charge, Sivile Primary; Avuye, Sivile Primary; Nqobile, Sivile


Primary; Lungiswa Gwaai, Leap Interact Coordinator; Sizwe Thafana, Interact Teacher in Charge,

Leap School; Silo Boiboi, Leap School; Mabatho Mbelane, Leap School; Mr Fortune Afrika,

Interact Teacher in Charge, COSAT; Belinda Fortune; Kamvelihle Sikalana; COSAT; Zusakhe

Fayi, COSAT; Eytan Seeligsohn, Summit House; Avram Seeligsohn, Eytan’s brother; Luc

Gendron, Rotaract District Representative; Lee Bergman, Past Rotaract District Representative;

Kerri Connor, Rotaract; Jessica de Smidt, Rotaract; Raihaanah Johnson, Rotaract

Colin then took the liberty of doing the President’s Slot advising as follows:

Member are requested to remember the Dragon Boat Racing at Zandvlei on Saturday 08th

October – volunteers to assist with support, both in physical help and cheering (making noise)

Pamphlets on the table for Rotary Family Health Day need stickers to be attached – this

project task was completed by the end of the Meeting

4 Way Test was recited by Richard House

Grace and Toast to RI & the Youth was said by Garnett

Guest Youth Presentations proceeded to be made as follows:

Earlyactors from Sivile Primary reported on their projects, namely to stock their School Library

with books and cleaning up the toilets, removing graffiti, painting, etc. All to beautify the

School environment towards creating a positive learning place.

Bishops learners reported with photo slides on their Club’s social responsibility activities

mostly in support of St. Paul’s Primary School in the BoKaap: collecting and distributing Easter

eggs and shoes for learners, and renovations to the library.

Summit House, Eytan, reported their Interact Club had started this year. Their outreach projects

are involvement with the elderly at Booth Memorial Home, issuing hampers and interacting

with them.

COSAT School reps reported their Interact Club was chartered last month. Their project

proposals are to start a recycling bank, donate Santa Shoe Boxes to orphanages and develop a

sustainable food garden at the school.

Youth Awards for those who provide support to and assist the Youth Clubs so they may exist,

were then presented to:

Sue Kieswetter from Bishop’s Primary School

Lungiswa Gwaai from leap School

Brian Smart from RC Pinelands for starting 22 Interact Rotaract Clubs

Justin Schonegevel from RC Wynberg for his involvement in District Rotaract

Gavin Schachat from RC Sea Point for his involvement in District Rotary Exchange

Joe Maxwell of RC Claremont for her Sleeping Bag project with Earlyact Clubs

Lee Bergman Rotaract C. of Wynberg and recent Past Rotaract District Representative

Thami Makayi of RC Pinelands for the development of the Khayelitsha based Earlyact and

Interact Clubs

Our Jenny Howard for chairing the District Youth Services portfolio and involvement with

youth clubs

And in absentia:

David Holtzhausen of RC Bellville for running the RYLA Camps

Stephen Boers of RC Cape Town for running the Citizenship Camps of Understanding



Nora: announced Lungiswa has presented her with a key-ring with a quotation (which I wasn’t

able to record) which she now treasures

Richard Burnett: reported the Johannesburg Wine Auction had disappointingly only raised R

130,000. Our Wine Auction is being held on 20Oct16, with a couple of tables still available.

Collections are currently underway.

Pippa: reminded all of the Rotary Family Health Days and a request for helpers

Menno: requested all equipment from the SCT marathon to be returned to him and confirmed that

the Meeting on 17Oct16 will a ‘Membership Drive’ meeting.

Justin Schonegevel: announced there is a Fund Raising Quiz evening being held at the Earth Fare

Market at the back of the Builder’s Warehouse Complex in Retreat on this Thursday evening

– R 60 a ticket – please details on the website: www.rotaryquizzct.??


Johan then closed the meeting.


Year Planner

Please advise the secretary promptly of any additions or changes October 2016

Mon 10 Ordinary Mon 17 Membership Evening Thu 20 Wine Auction

Mon 24 Business Mon 31 Ordinary November 2016

Mon 7 Partners Mon 14 Ordinary Mon 21 Ordinary Mon 28 Business - AGM

Not sure…

10 October

Lucian & Sandra Pitt

13 October

Jana & Martyn

Newlands Rotary ClubRunner Calendar



DATE 10 October 17 October 24 October 31 October

MEETING Ordinary Membership

Evening Business Ordinary

SERGEANT Jenna Monk Regine le Roux Lucian Pitt Bill Holland


OBJECT Henry Campbell Bill Meyer Nora See Heidi Andersson

GRACE & TOAST Vanessa Rousseau Terry Lancaster Willie Wijenberg Anthony


ATTENDANCE Jana Forrester Tony van der Lith Richard House Brian Pickup

FELLOWSHIP Melinda Stapleton Rochelle



Henshilwood Richard Burnett

MINUTES Geraldine Nicol Colin Burke Corinne Hudson Michael Walwyn

COMMENT Mike Young Andy Ismay Graham Finlayson Richard Burnett


Simons Jamie Hart

INTRO SPEAKER Glynis Menné Pieter van


Vaders …


10 Oct Lisa Kane – Road space, congestion, Uberpool & the sharing economy

31 Oct Robin Hammond – The Phoenicians

14 Nov Marilie van der Walt – Medicine, Magic and Malpractice: The Art of Healing in Ancient Egypt

If you cannot do your job on the day, please

find someone who can do it instead of you,

then contact the Sergeant on the day to

update the roster. Please don't leave this

until the Monday afternoon – let the

Sergeant know in advance if you have not

been able to arrange a swap. If you are going

to be away for particular future meetings let

Peter Ennis know.


Rotary Club of Newlands Office Bearers

Chris Beech President

Bill Meyer Secretary

Peter Ennis Treasurer

Graham Finlayson President Elect

Corinne Hudson Community Service

Melinda Stapleton Club Service

Jenny Ibbotson International & Vocational Service

Colin Burke Past President

Regine le Roux Public Relations

Vanessa Rousseau Youth Service

Menno de Wet Membership

Andy Ismay Entrepreneurship

Books for the World

For all educational school books and novels for

age from early education to High school


St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Ndabeni Street, Langa

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