rotary foundation grants by pp salwa el haddad

Post on 14-Jul-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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The Rotary Foundation Grants DDTS 2015-2016

February 26-28, 2015

North Coast, Egypt Salwa El Haddad,

ARRFC Zone 20B

District Subcommittee Grants Chair


The Rotary Foundation is …

… the charitable arm of Rotary International.

… OUR charity, as Rotarians.

… rated as one of the top charities in the world.


To enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education,

and the alleviation of poverty

Mission Statement:



Humanitarian Grants

Educational Programmes VTT Scholarships Peace centres



Funds from Annual Fund available to districts 3 years after they are contributed - through SHARE

Contributions to the Annual Fund made in 2011-12 will be available in 2014-15

Contributions made in 2013-14 available in 2016-17








Earnings used for Earnings used for administrative administrative



Up to ½ to District


At least½ to Global


2012-13 2013-14 2014-152014-15 2020



$100,000 $100,000

Share Fund


So your club wants to do a project …


• Global Grants

• District Grants


Global Grants

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Long-term projects

Larger grant awards

Think: “Global”

Global Grants

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International Rotary partner required

World Fund match: minimum match = $15,000

Therefore, $30,000 minimum budget

Community need and participation

Sustainable, measurable outcomes

Long-term benefits

Alignment with area(s) of focus

No application deadline

Apply directly online:

Global Grants

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• Peace and conflict prevention/resolution

• Disease prevention and treatment

• Water and sanitation

• Maternal and child health

• Basic education and literacy

• Economic and community development

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District Grants

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Single block grant awarded annuallySmaller activities and projectsLocal or international

activitiesActive Rotarian participationAdhere to stewardship guidelinesActivities align with TRF’s Mission


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FundingDistrict Grants Global Grants

District applies for a block grant, up to 50% of DDF, and distributes smaller amounts to clubs for projects.

Clubs and Districts apply for a minimum World Fund award of $15,000, for a total project budget of at least $30,000.

No World Fund match. World Fund match of 1:1 for DDF, and 0.5:1 for cash.

Awarded to District by the TRF. District distributes funds to clubs.

Awarded by TRF.

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District Grants Global GrantsNo partner required, can be local or international, District and Club must be qualified.

International Rotary partner and host partner, both must be qualified.

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Scope or Vision

District Grants Global GrantsMust be related to TRF’s mission.

Must align with at least one of the six areas of focus.

Short-term, one-time, smaller in scope.

Long-term, sustainable, measurable.

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How Can You Find an International Partner

• Rotary Showcase• Rotary Ideas• ProjectLINK• Attend TRF Seminars in different Districts• Attend Regional TRF Seminars• Attend RI Convention• Contact Rotary Action Groups• Join Project Fair• Personal Contact with other Rotarians

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Getting your club ready to apply for a grant

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Getting your club ready to apply for a grant

Action Plan – Here’s what to do:Plan a project.

Club must become qualified.

Agree to implement club Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Submit application for District Grant by May 31, 2015. Submit application for Global Grant when ready.

After application is submitted:

Wait for final approval!

Complete project.

Submit reports.

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Getting your club ready to apply for a grant

Plan a project:Conduct a needs assessment in the community

Assess your club’s resources, including potential partners

Set goals – measurable and sustainable

Establish a realistic budget with competitive bidding

Disclose potential conflicts of interest

Create an implementation plan

Have a contingency plan

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Getting your club ready to apply for a grant

Get qualified: what it means

Ensures that clubs have appropriate financial and stewardship controls in place to manage grant funds

Entire club is responsible

Potential conflicts of interest are disclosed

Agree to TRF Terms and Conditions for grants

Club will cooperate with all audits

Grant funds will be properly used

Grant reporting will be done properly

Potential for disqualification is understood

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Getting your club ready to apply for a grant

About qualification:Qualification process open to all clubs.

Club agrees to implement MOU.

At least 2 club members must attend GMS.

Reports and dues payments must be current.

Qualification good for one year.

Current Club President and PE must sign off.

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Getting your club ready to apply for a grant

Some requirements of the MOU:

Written Financial Management Plan for your club

Separate bank account required for Global Grant (but not for District Grant).

Document retention plan

Reporting requirements

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Getting your club ready to apply for a grant

Attend a Grant Management Seminar

Required before receiving a grant.

Two members from each club must attend.

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• It is the TRANSPARENT and THOROUGH management of Rotary Foundation funds to ensure that they are used effectively and for the purpose in which they were given

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• Thorough project supervision by Rotarians• Implementing projects as approved• Reviewing financial records• Reporting irregularities to TRF• Submitting complete and accurate reports

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• Sharing information with partner club• Avoid any conflict of interest in using a

Rotarian supplier on grant application• Ensure that the supplier is not on the project

team• Avoid misuse of grant funds

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• Committee of 3 club members for grant project

• Committee of 3 club members for planning and implementation

• Establish an account for each project receiving TRF grant funds

• Keep documents to prove use of funds

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Unused District Grant Fund

In excess of US$500 must be returned to TRF and will be credited to the district’s DDF

Below US$500 must be used for charitable purposes that meet the district grant eligibility requirements

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Unused Global Grant Fund

In excess of US$500 must be returned to TRF and will be credited to the World Fund

If grant funds remain after a project’s completion, the Foundation may approve their use for project-related expenses, such as additional project supplies

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Submitting a grant application

Global Grant:

Begin application process at any time – no deadline.

Entire process is online at

The initial part of the application process insures you have all the necessary pieces in place.

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Submitting a grant application

District Grant:

Grant mentor/advisor will work with your club through the process.

Application is an online process

Application worksheet will be available to help make sure you have all the needed information.

Application deadline: May 31, 2015

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After application is submitted:

Global Grant:All communication from TRF will be through the website.

Receive grant funds.

Work on project.

Complete reports, as required. All reporting is done online.

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After application is submitted:

District Grant:Wait for approvals of grant.

Preliminary in June.

Final approval from TRF in July.

Once final approval received, work on your project!

Complete all reports.

Receive grant funds.

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• RC Cairo Cosmopolitan is sponsoring local volunteers to work at a Dental clinic in England for 2 weeks and D-2451 (DDF) will contribute $ 3500

• Is this a District or Global Grant ? & Why ?

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• Answer 1

• District Grant• Managed and awarded by the District• Small project (International or Local)• Short term project• No International Partner

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EXAMPLE 2• RC Alexandria will provide Books to a school

library in Roushdy area for an amount of

$ 2000 contributed by D-3040 in Taiwan

• Is this a District or Global Grant ?

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• Answer 2

• District Grant• Same as in Answer 1

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• RC Port Said will sponsor a team of 10 Physicians to travel to South Africa to study the treatment of Tropical Diseases in children and to conduct a workshop for community members on early detection and treatment of Tuberculosis

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• Answer 3

• Global Grant• Aligned with 2 areas of focus:

Disease Prevention and Treatment

Maternal and Child Health

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RC Port Said $10000

RC El Golf $ 500

RC Cape Town $ 2000

RC Washington DC $ 5000

D-2451 $ 2000

D-2452 $ 6000

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Answer 3

Total : Club Cash + DDF = $ 25500

World Fund matches Club Cash 0.5:1 = $ 8750

World Fund matches DDF 1:1 = $ 8000

BUDGET =$ 42250

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• RC EL Mansoura will provide clean water to 85 houses with a population of 850 citizins in a village in Dakahlia Governorate together with CLE classes to 300 women

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Answer 4

Global Grant

Aligned with 2 areas of focus :

Water & Sanitation

Basic Education & Literacy

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Answer 4

RC El Mansoura $ 10000

RC Leamington Spa Regency $2000

D-2451 $10000

D-1060 $2000

TOTAL $ 24000

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Answer 4

Total $ 24000

World Fund matches Club Cash $ 6000


World Fund matches DDF $12000


BUDGET $42000

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Answer 4

Grant cannot be done as the International Partner contributed less than 30% of ALL


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