rother district council  · web viewtable 1 shows that formula grant has fallen by 13.3% on a like...

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Rother District Council Agenda Item: 6.1Report to - Cabinet

Date - 21 December 2011

Report of the - Director of Resources

Subject - Draft Revenue Budget Proposals 2012/13

Recommendation: It be RESOLVED that:

1) the report of the Director of Resources be noted; and

2) the proposed key areas for consultation for the 2012/13 revenue budget be approved.

Head of Service: Robin Vennard


1. On Thursday 8 December 2011, the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) released the financial settlement figures for 2012/13. The result for Rother was a decrease in Government funding of 13.35% in 2012/13 against the settlement for 2011/12. This is in line with the two year settlement announced in December 2010.

2. This report outlines the likely financial position and the key issues Members need to consider before finalising the report for consultation. Attached at Appendix A is the summary draft revenue budget, Appendix B gives summary information for each service area and Appendix C details the main changes from the 2011/12 budget. Appendix D provides details of the Council’s revenue reserves and Appendix E details the savings achieved through the Service Resetting Programme.

3. The Budget has been prepared largely in accordance with the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), which sets out the broad financial context for establishing the budget.

4. All Budgets, for the purposes of Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee presentation, are shown at “Net Operational Expenditure Levels”, that is, to exclude capital charges, central costs and support service recharges. This ensures Members are provided with a clear identifiable core cost for each service. Support services are shown separately in their own right.

Budget Assumptions

5. As the Section 151 Officer, the Head of Finance confirms that in accordance with section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003, these estimates have been prepared on a robust basis. For a number of years the Council has sought to restrict increases in its Revenue Budget through a variety of means including transferring functions to charitable trusts (DLWP and Leisure), outsourcing to

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the private sector and working with the voluntary sector through service level agreements (SLAs). In addition the Council has restricted increases in running costs budgets where possible. The following assumptions were made when calculating the draft budget:

Inflation - where possible budgets are effectively cash limited at their 2011/12 levels. Budgets that have been increased in line with inflation (estimated at 4%) are contracts and utilities. Business Rates have been increased in line with the announced rate poundage for the next financial year.

Salaries - salaries have been compiled on the current staff establishment list and include an increase in pension contributions of 0.33% based on the recommendations of the Pension Fund actuary. It has been assumed that staff not at the top of their grade will progress to the next spinal column point. No pay award is included in the detailed staffing budgets at this stage but a contingency sum of £26,000 has been included based on a 0.5% pay award from September 2012. This is separately identified in Appendix A. Any final pay award will be subject to approval of the Licensing and General Purposes Committee.

Growth - only contractually committed or previously approved committee growth has been allowed.

Transfers - given that there has been a “cash freeze”, the use of transfers between existing budgets has been encouraged to help enable funding to be re-directed into priority areas.

Income - where the Council has discretion, increases should be in line with the increase in costs. A target of a 5% overall increase has been set within previous forecasts.

Contributions to reserves – Planned contributions to reserves have been limited to grant received in relation to the Intereg IV project involving the EPIC and Camber Visitor Management projects.

Government Grant and Capping

6. The Government announcement of the level of grant support is in line with the provisional settlement announced in December 2010. The reduction in grant for 2012/13 amounts to £667,000.

Table 1

Comparison of Formula Grant - RSG and Redistributed Business Rate

Local Authority

Redistributed Business Rates

Revenue Support


Formula Grant

2011/12 adjusted


Reduction in Grant

% change

(£ million) (£ million) (£ million) (£ million) (£ million) %

Eastbourne 6.673 0.133 6.806 7.538 -0.732 -9.71%Hastings 6.705 0.133 6.839 7.757 -0.918 -11.83%Lewes 3.692 0.075 3.767 4.217 -0.450 -10.67%Rother 4.244 0.085 4.329 4.996 -0.667 -13.35%Wealden 5.181 0.106 5.287 6.162 -0.875 -14.20%

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7. Table 1 shows that formula grant has fallen by 13.3% on a like for like basis in 2012/13, the second highest percentage loss in the County. In cash terms this is a loss of grant near £700,000. This compares to the CLG quoted reduction in spending power for Rother of 5.38% and shows Rother continues to be hit disproportionately.

8. The Government have also maintained the additional £60,000 funding for the impact of the economic downturn on homelessness but there has been a further reduction in Housing and Council Tax Benefit Administration Grant of £51,000.

9. The settlement gives indicative Council Tax Freeze Grant receivable of £177,000 from the Government if the Council were to continue to freeze Council Tax at 2010/11 levels. This represents a 2.5% increase in Council Tax and is on top of the existing grant of £177,000 which was for 4 years from 2011/12. The new grant offer is time limited and will be removed in 2013/14 creating a further saving requirement. The Government also announced the capping limit for 2012/13 at 3.5%, 1% above the amount provided for in the Freeze Grant. Members therefore need to consider forgoing the grant and increasing Council Tax by 3.5% to ensure the increased revenue is secured. The increase in Council Tax revenue through a 3.5% increase equates to £220,485, £43,000 more than the Government offer. The draft budget has been prepared on the basis that Members increase the Council Tax by 3.5%. Should Members forgo this increase and accept the Freeze Grant, further savings will need to be identified, £43,000 in 2012/13 plus a further £177,000 in 2013/14.

New Homes Bonus

10. Members will be aware that the previous Planning and Housing grant was replaced in 2011/12 with the New Homes Bonus, which rewarded Councils for increases in their taxbase and delivery of affordable homes. This funding is guaranteed and cumulative over six years. In 2011/12 the Council received nearly £385,000 and for 2012/13 it is expected that this will increase by approximately £225,000 to £610,000. This is a substantial sum of money but is time limited. Currently this income has not been taken into the base revenue budget, but depending on Government funding decisions for 2013/14 and 2014/15 (the remaining period in the current spending review) it may be necessary to utilise some of this money to maintain services until the full impact of the resetting programme is achieved.

Draft Budget 2012/13

11. Appendix A summarises the proposed budget for next year taking into account the draft settlement. However there are risks with the draft budget which are explored below:

12. Investment Income – Members will be aware that the Interest Equalisation Reserve has been used to offset the loss of investment earnings due to low interest rates and poor economic conditions. The Reserve however will be depleted in 2011/12, and a further £366,000 will be needed to make up the shortfall from the MTFS reserve. It is essential that the Council reduces is reliance on investment earnings and £100,000 has been removed from the budget in 2012/13.

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13. Income – There continues to be pressure on existing income sources, particularly Planning, Building Control and Land Charges. Building Control fee income has been reduced by £100,000 albeit this has been partially offset by reductions in staffing and savings achieved through working in partnership with Hastings Borough Council. This year the draft budget includes additional income of £180,000 for recycling credits, taking account of current performance. Car Park income has been uplifted by £100,000 excluding inflation, in accordance with the target set by Cabinet. Should the work of the Car Parking Review Working Group fail to deliver this target, further savings will need to be identified to meet any shortfall.

14. Savings and Service Resetting – The draft budget contains in excess of £1m of savings and consists of savings in employee costs achieved through the voluntary redundancy programme, savings achieved through the service resetting programme (£415,000 which includes some voluntary redundancies) and opportunity savings (£24,000) through reviews of current spending. Appendix E shows a statement setting out the savings achieved through the Service Resetting programme compared to target savings. The Council needs to maintain the pressure to secure the savings it has identified as any slippage will result in further calls on reserves.

15. Use of Reserves – the draft budget expects to use just under £1.4m of reserves. As indicated above, two thirds relates to meeting the shortfall in investment income. The other main uses relate to the Local Development Framework, and the final year of reserve support for the Council’s communications function. Details of the Council’s revenue reserves are shown at Appendix D.

16. After the utilisation of £1.4m of reserves, by the end of 2012/13 Revenue Reserves are estimated to total £7.2m. Of this, approximately £0.9m is available to support the Corporate Priority Projects with a further £0.56m available in the MTFS Reserve to meet one off investments, in particular any invest to save projects that come forward. The remainder of reserves are earmarked for specific purposes previously agreed by Members. Referring to recent statements by the Secretary of State for CLG, Mr Pickles MP, it is important that the Government recognise that these reserves have been built up to be used in a planned way and are not just available to balance the Council’s Revenue Budget.


17. Given the current financial context, no unfunded developments to services are proposed.

Overall Position

18. The total net spend for the Council is estimated at £11.7m for 2012/13 after use of reserves, vacancy savings and use of the New Homes Bonus grant referred to above, a decrease of nearly 4% over the 2011/12 budget. Appendix A shows that the forecast Council Tax will be £166.83, an increase of £5.64 over 2011/12. This is assuming that Members do not adopt the Council Tax Freeze Grant and receive £177,000 in Government grant.

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19. In reality the Council needs to continue with its significant programme of change to secure a balanced budget. Already in place are measures such as freezing recruitment in certain services, redirection of staff to higher activity areas, close monitoring of income streams and recruiting posts on fixed terms to maximise flexibility over the size of workforce.

20. For 2012/13 it may be necessary to utilise further reserves to meet the shortfall in funding. However this must be part of an overall plan to deliver additional income and savings during the next 4 to 5 years. In setting performance targets and agreeing service improvements, Members will need to decide the balance between what is desirable and what is deliverable with the resources available. The work of the Value for Money Steering Group will help Members in this process. Also Heads of Service will continue reviewing service provision in the context of less resources being available so that the impact can be considered by Members. The current MTFS is being reviewed to take the above issues into account. This will be available for consideration in the new calendar year before Members decide on the final budget in March.

Forecast Financial Position 2013/14 to 2016/17

21. At the same time as preparing the 2012/13 revenue budget, it is important to look to the financial issues facing the Council in subsequent years. However the level of uncertainty regarding the future financial position of the Council makes financial planning very difficult. Major uncertainties exist regarding the following:

a. Impact of Business Rate retention schemeb. Impact of Localised Council Tax Benefitc. Reductions in Council Tax Benefit Subsidyd. Waste and street & beach cleansing contracte. High inflation ratesf. Economic outlook for investment returnsg. Continued reduction in Planning, Building Control and Land

Charge incomeh. Acceptance of devolvement by town and parish councils

22. Work will continue over the next 3 years to implement the existing resetting proposals previously agreed by Members. However, substantial savings will still be required beyond the current resetting programme in order to maintain a balanced budget particularly as a result of poor investment returns and the uncertainty regarding the waste and street & beach cleansing contract. The level of commitment both from Members and Officers required to achieve these savings should not be underestimated and difficult decisions will need to be made. The full impact of the Localism Act is still being assessed by Officers but clearly there are potential significant challenges and opportunities for the Council to change the way services are delivered in the future. The Strategic Management Team are keeping the situation under close review and considering options for delivering the necessary savings and these will be reported to Members once the situation becomes clearer.


23. It is sensible to continue to inform residents and businesses regarding the financial reality facing Rother and local government in general and the plans

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that are in place to minimise the impact. It is proposed that the consultation is linked to the review and consultation on the new Corporate Plan. In particular to focus on:

The Councils response to the recession. How the Council is achieving Value for Money by reducing costs and

improving key services. Clear message around the size of Rother District Council, including

staffing. How local government funding is looking over the next 3 years.

24. The timetable for the Corporate Plan review envisages a programme of public engagement will commence in March 2012 and be completed by June. This will give us a good opportunity to convey the reality of our financial situation to residents and to explain the Council’s forward financial strategy. We will then have an opportunity to build residents’ views on value for money into the refresh of the corporate plan and the associated delivery programme. In the meantime, we will continue to communicate the challenging financial climate using our existing public relations channels.

Next Stages

25. The draft budget is due for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees at their joint meeting in January 2012. In addition, if approved by Members, this report will form the basis of consultation carried out this year with residents and local businesses.

Malcolm JohnstonDirector of Resources

Risk Assessment StatementThe reduction in government support is a reality at least in the short term and therefore plans need to be put in place to deal with this and its impact on the delivery of services. To ensure a sound financial future for the Council, the Council’s financial strategy needs to be robust and current.

Background papers – DCLG – Local Government Settlement 2012/13

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Revenue Budget Summary 2012/13 Appendix A

Council Aim £ £Central Services to the Public 412,050Corporate and Democratic Core 2,395,060Cultural & Related Services 2,858,480Environmental Services 4,689,690Planning and Development 1,350,740Highways and Transport (722,950)Housing Services 531,830Other Operating income and Expenditure (903,730)Support Services 3,060,960Vacant Posts (190,850)Net Revenue Budget before use of reserves 13,481,280

Less: Use of ReservesInterest Equalisation (682,680)MTFS Reserve (In lieu of Interest Equalisation) (365,640)Planning Delivery Grant (216,670)Communications Project (35,050)Community grants scheme (65,000)Homelessness Prevention (28,800)LSP/LAP funding on Community Strategy (10,000)NEETS Scheme (8,640) (1,412,480)

Net Revenue Budget After Use of Reserves 12,068,800

Contingency ItemsPay Award 26,000Application of BCCI funds (66,051) (40,051)

New Homes Bonus - grant receivable (609,926) - contribution to reserves 294,000 (315,926)

Less: Special Expenses - subject to change (861,750)Less: Government Grant (4,329,888)

Draft Budget Requirement 6,521,185

Council Taxbase 39,088.65

Council Tax £166.83

2010/11 Council Tax £161.19

Increase on 2010/11 (£) £5.64Increase on 2010/11 (%) 3.50%

Increase per Week (pence) 11

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 7

Appendix B

Net Revenue Budget - Summary

2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperatio


Service BudgetExpendit

ure IncomeExpendit

ure£ £ £ £

Central Services to the Public 608,580 9,591,0009,178,95

0 412,050

Corporate and Democratic Core2,798,55

0 2,709,730 314,670 2,395,060

Cultural and Related Services2,828,59

0 3,027,340 168,860 2,858,480

Environmental Services4,690,35

0 6,031,6801,341,99

0 4,689,690

Planning and Development1,379,69

0 2,683,9201,333,18

0 1,350,740

Highways and Transportation -615,670 502,3701,225,32

0 -722,950

Housing 502,61031,600,13


00 531,830

Other Operating Income and Expenditure


0 282,7602,789,82

0 -2,507,060

Support Services3,264,88

0 3,157,730 96,770 3,060,960

Net Revenue Budget 12,227,740




cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 8

Appendix B

Central Services to the Public

2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperatio


Service BudgetExpendit

ure IncomeExpendit

ure£ £ £ £

Cost of Collection (note 1) 163,160 487,360 374,000 113,360

Council Tax Benefits (note 2) -70,770 8,421,1208,557,5

00 -136,380Electoral Registration 89,720 86,130 1,000 85,130District Council Elections (note 3) 106,140 46,450 46,450Emergency Planning 65,310 89,180 25,450 63,730Land Charges -78,900 156,100 221,000 -64,900Support to Elected Bodies/Grant 248,220 226,880 226,880Benefit Investigation 85,700 77,780 77,780

TOTAL 608,5809,591,00


50 412,050


1. Reductions in staffing2. Increased subsidy (-£60k) offset by loss of Administration grant (£20k), reallocation

of postages (-£23k). 3. No election planned

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 9

4. Appendix B cont’d

Corporate and Democratic Core

2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperation


Service BudgetExpendit

ure IncomeExpendit

ure£ £ £ £

Representing Local Interest 283,940 293,290 100 293,190Committee Services 142,700 145,700 145,700Corporate Policy Making 253,460 247,210 247,210E-Government 132,940 125,370 2,750 122,620Public Accountability C/Ex 78,510 83,040 83,040Council Training Budget 97,430 97,430 97,430NLPG- E-Government 50,930 56,120 4,000 52,120Other Apportionable Overheads 213,320 211,780 500 211,280Vacant Posts (note 1) 337,600 0 0Treasury Management 31,660 29,640 29,640Bexhill Community Help Point (note 2) 164,360 138,980 10,760 128,220Battle Community Help Point (note 2) 72,630 106,620 12,460 94,160Rye Community Help Point (note 2) 75,160 52,990 52,990Customer Services and Development (note 2) 75,510 24,680 24,680Contact Centre (note 2) 241,840 236,250 236,250Public Accountability Treasurers 46,200 47,680 47,680

Risk Management -9,400 190,430204,10

0 -13,670Performance Management (note 3) 108,650 154,810 154,810Procurement Strategy 4,620 8,340 8,340Community Strategy 111,140 186,570 70,000 116,570Unapportionable Central Overheads 133,900 133,900 133,900Communications (note 4) 151,450 138,900 10,000 128,900


50 2,709,730314,67

0 2,395,060


1. Vacant posts shown separately on Appendix A2. Reduction in posts3. Transfer of staff from other departments4. Communications – reduction in running costs offset by reduced call on reserves.

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 10

Appendix B cont’d

Cultural and Related Services

2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperation


Service BudgetExpendit

ure IncomeExpendit

ure£ £ £ £

Arts Development 76,920 61,850 100 61,750Rother Museum Services 79,870 79,550 3,680 75,870De la Warr Pavilion – Client (note 1) 556,350 520,960 520,960Ancient Monuments & Gazebo 10,900 6,170 6,170Bexhill Allotments 27,980 31,030 7,500 23,530Rye Allotments 7,450 14,290 2,700 11,590Rural Allotments 130 180 180Camber Beach & Foreshore Mgmnt 153,750 176,740 25,650 151,090Bexhill Promenade & Foreshore 129,820 164,190 28,080 136,110Sports Development 68,030 52,820 52,820Battle Sports Centre 2,000 1,790 1,790Rye Sports Centre & Swimming Pool 152,170 191,580 35,000 156,580Bexhill Leisure Centre 74,650 85,700 2,180 83,520Bexhill Leisure Pool 116,770 145,830 20,350 125,480Bexhill Parks & Open Spaces 969,570 1,099,570 33,080 1,066,490Rye Area Parks & Open Spaces 136,060 140,180 10,140 130,040Rural Open Spaces/Amenity Areas 37,070 33,520 33,520Administration 5,420 2,670 400 2,270Tourism 223,680 218,720 218,720


90 3,027,340168,86

0 2,858,480

Notes1. Reduction in Grant.

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 11

2. Appendix B cont’d

Environmental Services

2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperatio


Service BudgetExpendit

ure IncomeExpendit

ure£ £ £ £

Cemeteries (note 1) 94,770 221,010 180,000 41,010Churchyards 18,610 16,710 16,710Coast Protection 41,000 43,480 1,200 42,280Food Hygiene/IDC/Water Purity 107,090 126,250 126,250Pollution 197,090 231,400 12,100 219,300Sub Standard Housing (note 2) 115,100 77,600 77,600Houses in Multiple Occupation 38,310 24,110 24,110Dog Control 62,800 66,840 1,250 65,590Pest Control (note 3) 43,130 58,460 43,790 14,670Animal Welfare 8,550 8,080 8,080Health & Safety/Swim Pools 99,520 82,600 82,600Licensing 18,730 114,640 86,700 27,940Taxi & Private Hire Licences -21,940 58,190 78,000 -19,810Licences & Registration 42,020 71,820 32,900 38,920Caravan Licences & Travellers 49,970 51,780 51,780Environmental Services Admin Account 6,550 6,850 500 6,350Public Conveniences 465,670 488,030 50 487,980Community Safety 56,910 23,430 23,430Crime & Disorder Initiatives 40,680 82,790 37,500 45,290Watercourses Ditches & Drains 9,820 14,630 14,630Internal Drainage Boards 122,440 117,000 117,000

Street & Beach Cleansing1,179,51

0 1,297,260 23,000 1,274,260

Refuse Collection and Recycling1,894,02

0 2,748,720 845,000 1,903,720






Notes1. Additional fee income (£20k) plus transfer of grounds maintenance costs (£40k).2. Reallocation of staff time3. Reallocation of staff time

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 12

Appendix B cont’d

Planning and Development

2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperation


Service BudgetExpenditu

re IncomeExpenditu

re£ £ £ £

Building Control Applications -238,680 337,230 537,000 -199,770Building Control Enforcements 17,650 22,810 22,810Access 10,350 11,890 11,890Dangerous Structures (note 1) 20,580 45,610 45,610Demolition 6,090 7,920 7,920Building Regulation Enquiries 22,180 31,180 31,180General Planning Expenses 12,350 14,600 1,500 13,100Planning Applications (note 2) 209,450 673,190 420,000 253,190Complaints, Compliance, Enforcement (note 3) 164,850 216,240 216,240Planning Appeals 99,980 93,040 93,040Planning Policy 214,580 204,080 204,080Planning Enquiries 210,880 211,370 211,370Planning Projects Incl Intereg IV 0 3,070 3,070Conservation and Preservation 46,430 46,870 46,870Planning E-Government 44,250 29,080 29,080Planning Delivery Grant Project 16,500 16,500 16,500Local Development Framework 240,510 220,170 220,170Home Energy Conservation Act 20,290 14,700 14,700Community Environment Centre 4,480 0 0Regeneration (note 4) 245,060 343,690 234,000 109,690Rye SLA 11,970 0 0Leader Warr Partnership -60 140,680 140,680 0


90 2,683,9201,333,1

80 1,350,740

Notes1. New partnership with Hastings – additional staffing costs offset by Management fee

and income. 2. Reduction in fee income3. Staff time allocation4. Intereg IV grant income – offset by contribution to earmarked reserves

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 13

Appendix B cont’d

Highways and Transportation

2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperatio


Service BudgetExpendit

ure IncomeExpendit

ure£ £ £ £

Car Parks -704,990 427,9001,222,7

20 -794,820Residual Highway Services 89,320 74,470 2,600 71,870


615,670 502,3701,225,3

20 -722,950


2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperatio


Service BudgetExpendit

ure IncomeExpendit

ure£ £ £ £

Housing Policy Strategy & Dev 97,640 75,770 75,770Housing Needs 215,750 292,610 82,000 210,610Homelessness & Prevention 69,600 66,980 66,980Private Sector Housing 122,010 101,180 101,180Housing Admin Account 57,840 48,200 48,200Housing Loans Account 0 0 0Housing Loans Account – Council 0 0 0

Rent Allowances (note 1) -301,20030,775,63


00 -210,670Care in the Community 240,970 239,760 239,760

TOTAL 502,61031,600,1


300 531,830

Notes1. Reflects current recovery through subsidy.

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 14

Appendix B cont’d

Other Operating Income and Expenditure

2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperation


Service BudgetExpenditu

re IncomeExpenditu

re£ £ £ £

Maintenance Services (note1) -15,600 178,820 224,480 -45,660West Trading Estate-Bexhill -326,560 18,260 339,930 -321,670Railway Land North of Little Common Rd 1,930 13,240 4,600 8,640St Martins-Battle -18,720 160 19,250 -19,090Misc Land & Buildings -23,690 8,190 30,000 -21,810Residual Housing Land -1,000 0 1,000 -1,000Peasmarsh Workshops -9,990 8,300 18,000 -9,700Udimore Workshops -5,200 3,660 7,590 -3,930Bexhill Depot -32,220 32,100 66,050 -33,950Watch Oak Estate -30,360 500 32,500 -32,000Elva Business Centre -31,950 76,180 95,000 -18,820Committee Property Account -173,070 18,200 180,000 -161,800Interest & Investment Income (note 2) -210,000 180,000 -180,000

Use of Reserves


0 -74,8501,591,42

0 -1,666,270



40 282,7602,789,8



Notes1. Reduction in vehicle leasing costs plus additional recharges to ensure fully recovered

in 2012/13.2. Based on forecast returns and funds available for investment.

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 15

Appendix B cont’d

Support Services

2011/12 2012/13Net Net

Original GrossOperation


Service BudgetExpendit

ure IncomeExpendit

ure£ £ £ £

Computer Services (note 1)1,128,00

0 1,070,300 600 1,069,700Printing Services 161,780 212,780 50,050 162,730Stationery 34,270 33,440 33,440Communications-Postages 71,880 106,990 106,990Communications-Phones 164,780 169,920 170 169,750Financial Services 399,900 371,540 371,540Creditors 46,310 41,430 41,430Payroll 38,290 45,220 45,220Cashiers 50,290 54,880 54,880Sundry Debtors 29,970 32,070 32,070Business Improvement 9,140 8,640 8,640Internal Audit 125,540 127,670 127,670Legal Services 234,200 224,050 30,000 194,050Human Resources (note 2) 222,970 153,950 15,950 138,000Property Management 86,270 115,590 115,590Admin Offices – Town Hall 285,910 277,800 277,800Admin Offices – Town Hall Annex 89,120 82,530 82,530Admin Offices – Print Room 21,830 14,990 14,990Admin Offices – Station Road 7,190 7,180 7,180Admin Offices – Rear Depot 6,280 6,760 6,760Admin Offices – Beeching Road 50,960 0


80 3,157,730 96,770 3,060,960

Notes1. Reduction in staffing. 2. Reduction in staffing and transfer to other departments

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 16

Appendix CComparison of 2012/13 to 2011/12 Budget

Total General Fund Net Expenditure 2011/12 12,227,740Total Draft Budget 2012/13 12,068,800

Decrease in year on year budget -158,940

Set out below are the major reasons for the net increase in the revenue budget:

Employee related costs * -774,920

Contractual Inflation and Other Unavoidable CommitmentsWaste Collection 190,140Street and Beach cleaning 105,100Grounds maintenance and other premises costs 86,520Utilities and Business Rates 70,020Housing and Council Tax Benefit 49,140Crime and Disorder Initiatives - offset by savings in salaries 36,250Land Charges - ESCC charges increased 18,200Leisure contract 12,920Service Level Agreements - annual uplift 8,490Members Allowances 8,000Customer Services - Rye CHP 6,200Dog Control Contract 1,600Building Control - impact of Partnership -48,550Other 42,160 586,190

Savings identifiedCar Parks - Service Resetting -100,00014 Beeching Road -34,940De La Warr Pavilion - Service Resetting -30,000Arts/Sports Development - Service Resetting -20,000Vehicle Leasing Costs - reduced number of vehicles -12,400Drainage Board Levies -5,440Treasury Management Fees -2,200Other -3,860 -208,840

IncomeInvestment Income 30,000Planning applications 22,610Regeneration 8,920Cemetery Fees -20,000Active and Healthy Communities -46,370Car Parks -53,460Recycling credits -179,810Reserves 488,130Other -11,390 238,630

Total increase in revenue budget 2012/13 -158,940

* Includes increments, new and deleted posts and external funding whereappropriate

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 17

Appendix DRevenue Reserves

MediumGeneral Corporate Term Fin.


d Project StrategyInsuranc

eDetails Balance Reserves Reserve Reserve Fund Total

£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000

Estimated Balance at 1 April 2012 1,000 5,483 1,025 1,008 147 8,663


Use of earmarked reserves - as per Appendix A -928 -44 -440 -1,412

Estimated Balance as at 31 March 2013 1,000 4,555 981 568 147 7,251

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 18

Appendix EService Resetting – current position


Project title Savings target 2011/12 2012/13To be

Achieved£ £ £ £

Central Services to the PublicRevenues 138,000 60,000 78,000

Corporate and Democratic CoreMember training £TBD TBDLSP 42,000 42,000 0Performance management 10,000 10,000Procurement 15,000 15,000CHP review 153,000 139,500 13,500Battle CHP 20,000 20,000

Cultural and Related ServicesLeisure Contracts 100,000 100,000Filming 10,000 10,000De La Warr Pavilion 25,000 30,000 -5,000Arts and Sports development 20,000 20,000 0Parks contract 200,000 200,000Allotments 40,000 40,000Amenities admin 20,000 20,000

Environmental ServicesCrime and disorder # 10,000 10,000 0Pest Control 50,000 39,800 10,200Food, health and safety 40,000 40,000Pollution team BPI 12,000 12,000Licensing 22,000 22,000Waste contract 200,000 200,000

Planning and DevelopmentRegeneration marketing 18,000 18,000 0Development Control BPI 4,000 4,000Regeneration partnerships 29,500 29,500 0Regeneration staffing # 38,000 42,000 -4,000Planning Policy 9,000 9,000 0Building Control 25,000 48,550 -23,550Land charges/planning apps online 25,000 34,000 -9,000

Highways and TransportationCar Park review 100,000 100,000 0

HousingHome Energy Efficiency 20,000 20,000 0Housing Policy Assistant 22,000 22,000 0DFG/ HMG 10,000 13,500 -3,500

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 19


Project title Savings target 2011/12 2012/13To be

Achieved£ £ £ £

Support ServicesPrinting 50,000 50,000Website 10,000 3,000 7,000Technology # 125,000 130,000 -5,000Working Practices 30,000 30,000Beeching Road relocation 75,000 34,940 40,060

1,717,500 430,300 415,490 533,000

# included in employee cost savings in Appendix C

cb111221 – Draft Revenue Budget 20

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