rotunda - vol 61, no 15 - feb 9, 1982

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Rotunda - Vol 61, No 15 - Feb 9, 1982Winter 2-9-1982
Rotunda - Vol 61, No 15 - Feb 9, 1982 Longwood University
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State Food Prices Drop Farmville up 2.6%
FARMVILLE, VA. - The new year started on a rather sour note for local food shoppers. Food prices in January went up 2.6 per cent from December levels.
When compared to January of 1981, the local consumer fared somewhat better. The January 1982 market basket cost $60.90 in local stores, compared to $60.80 a year ago.
In the latest market basket survey, the price of 22 food items went up, 15 went down, and three stayed the same from the
beans, oranges, carrots, celery, onions, potatoes, peaches, corn tomatoes, and sugar. Evaporated milk, bananas, and tomato soup were priced the same as last month.
A comparison of the local situation to other parts of the state is shown in the table below. The figures for Richmond, Northern Virginia, and Norfolk- Virginia Beach-Portsmouth were provided by the Department of Labor and Industry in Richmond.
Showing the largest yearly decline among the four areas of the state was Northern Virginia
Arrid deodorant, Alpo dog food, Windex cleaner, Jergen's hand lotion, 9-Lives cat food, Tide detergent, and Top Job cleaner.
Sharp decreases in prices were found for Dial soap, Bounty towels, GE light bulbs, Hershey's candy bars, Reader's Digest, Bic Fine Point pens, Pledge furniture polish, Kleenex tissue, I^ggs panty hose, Downy fabric softener, notebook paper, Evereariy batteries, Wrigley's chewing gum, Johnson's cotton swabs, Lysol spray, and Prell shampoo.
Local gasoline prices followed
1/81 1/82
Farmville +0.16 Richmond 58.10 57.64 -0.8 59.34 -2.9 Northern Virginia 58.42 58.74 -0.5 64.22 -8.5 Norfolk-Va. Beach-Portsmouth 58 48 58.02 -0.8 58.76 -1.2
previous month. Accounting for the rather sharp rise in January were higher prices for flour, corn flakes, bread, soda crackers, round steak, bacon, hot dogs, frozen haddock, tuna fish, cheese, milk, frozen orange juice, apples, cabbage, lettuce, peas, coffee, cola drinks, shortening, peanut butter, margarine, and grape jelly.
Prices went down for hamburger, pork chops, fryers, ice cream, eggs, frozen green
(8.5 per cent). Farmville is still the highest priced area. It is surprising in comparing the four areas that the Richmond area presently enjoys the lowest food prices in the state.
In addition to the local market basket, the Economics Seminar class also took prices of the "Farmville Trivia Basket" in January. The sharpest quarterly increases in this basket were for Budweiser beer, Marlboro cigarettes, Crest toothpaste,
the general state and national trend. Except for Texaco which went up slightly, the prices for Exxon, East Coast, and Imperial gasoline went down during the quarter.
The Farmville market basket and trivia basket are projects of the Economics Seminar class at Longwood College. The studies are financially supported by the Longwood College Foundation and are under the direction of Dr. Anthony B. Cristo.
News Briefs By BILL BRENT
NATIONAL Last week President Reagan met with Egyptian President
Muborak in Washington. Muborak said the "key to peace" in the Middle East is the Palestinian problem. Both agree adhering "to the Camp David accord and the autonomy talks" as crucial elements in dealing with the Palentinian issue.
The U. S. Labor Department reports unemployment dropped to 8.5 per cent in January from 8.9 per cent in December.
The Congressional Budget Office is forecasting next year's federal deficit to be in excess of $150 billion. But Reagan Administrators are predicting a $90 billion deficit. Congressional opposition is strong toward alternative and sharp spending cuts. WORLD
Great Britain has joined the United States in imposing sanctions against Poland and the Soviet Union since martial law was established last December. Travel restrictions, purchasing fish and technical cooperation are sanctioned.
China is now willing to talk with the U. S. and set a time limit for American military sales to Taiwan.
Last week in Moscow, Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev called for a two-thirds reduction in U. S. and Soviet medium-range nuclear weapons in Europe by 1990. Brezhnev criticized the U. S. for com- bining arms talks progress to other issues, namely Poland.
Grants, Loans
Still Available Despite recent budget cuts,
there are funds available for applicants who demonstrate need. There are federal grants, loans, and work-study employment. State grants are
Photo by Joe Johnson The Robin Thompson Band Ignited Mardl Gras Weekend last Friday night In Jarman auditorium.
available at both public and private institutions. Scholarships and grants are offered by all post- secondary institutions in the state. Longwood College urges all prospective or returning students to seek information about financial aid from their financial aid officer at the institution of their choice. Because application deadlines vary, students should make this contact immediately.
Longwood's financial aid application deadline is April 1. The director of financial aid is Marvin L. Ragland, Jr., telephone 392-9339.
Inside Page 2
Rusty Roxx rolls over the bee-bop music and grasps "fusion-rock" in Rookorner. Page 3
Movie reviews are not always movie reviews. Cin- derella and Joe Johnson will tell you why. Page 6
H-SC grapplers remain undefeated in their series with I/Migwood. Page 7
Lady Cagers split two. Men's Basketball leads nation in scoring.
Page 2 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, February 9, 1982
Music Festival Highlights Black History Month
By FELICIA MANN "Keep me terd", "I'm gonna
Praise Him", "I must tell Jesus", are some of the songs heard in Jarman auditorium Feb. 7,1982. This concert sponsored by Brothers And Sisters In Christ of BASIC. Gospel Choir was the second of several events scheduled for Black History month. The BASIC choir formed a workshop featuring guest artist Carry Yarbrough on Feb. 6, which included four other gospel groups. They are, Black Voices of U.Va., New Beginnings for VCU Jerusalem Youth Choir of Goochland, Va., and the
Majesties of Farmville. They met in Wygal music building on Saturday for six hours of rehearsal.
Carry Yarbrough, who taught the workshop, is a native of Pittsylvania County Va. He was an honor Graduate of VCU and is now teaching in the Richmond public school system. Mr. Yarbrough's most recent attribute to gospel music in the recording of one of his gospel works on the Gospel Festival I,p from the Richmond area. Three of his songs were taught in the workshop and performed on the program in a mass choir.
Concert Choir Performs at Washington and Lee
The tengwood College Concert Choir travelled to Lexington Friday to perform in two concerts with The Washington and Lee University Glee Club and Show Choir.
The choir left campus Friday morning and arrived at Rockbridge High School where they put on an hour long concert with the W&L Show Choir. Following this, the choir went to the W&L campus for a rehearsal in tee Chapel and a short tour of the campus. The W&L Glee Club provided dinner and entertained their guests with a performance
<* %t K REG CHEESE PIZZA $3 40 ONE (1) TOPPING $3 80
OPEN Mon.-Thur. Til 10 PM Fri. & Sat Til Midnight 104 HIGH STREET 392 5865
Gene Cotton uses audience participation. Photo by Joe Johnson
from their Show Choir. At 8:00 p.m., before an
audience of about 125 people in Lee Chapel, the W&L Brass and Percussion Ensemble, under the direction of Robert Stewart, the tengwood College Concert Choir, directed by Mrs. Pauline Haga, and the W&L Glee Club and Show choir, directed by Gordon Spice, put on Washington and tee University's Winter Concert. Each group performed for approximately twenty minutes and then all three groups combined to perform "0 Clap Your Hands" by Ralph Vaughn Williams, directed by Gordon Spice.
Soviet Interests Spark Work By JOHNEL BROWN
"Yes, I suppose I'll be here forever," he chuckled as he told me of his fifteenth year teaching at Longwood. Dr. James Crowl decided in undergraduate school at Davis Elkins that he wanted to teach history. He later chose Soviet History as his major, and worked to earn his Ph.D. at the University of Virginia.
Originally from Pennsylvania, Dr. Crowl is now a Farmville resident and very pleased with teaching and working with the students here at Longwood. test year, Dr. Crowl was a member of the inter-fraternity council, and this year he is actively involved with Sigma Phi Epsilon as their chapter advisor. He spoke highly of the members of the fraternity and you can always find a group of SPE's in Dr. Growl's office and holding informal rap sessions.
When I asked about his activities or interests outside of work here at tengwood, Dr. Crowl looked stunned as though there was no life outside of tengwood and searched the room for traces of life elsewhere. Finally as though he'd stumbled into awakening, he remembered
.1 suppose I'll be here forever."
that he did enjoy adventurous indulgences like canoeing, fishing, and playing bridge with the Cristo's — now that's adventurous! (Except maybe for the bridge!)
In late December, Dr. Crowl produced a more climatic and significant piece of workmanship than playing bridge with the Cristo's. His efforts of over three years of research and refinement
manifested into his first published book, Angels in Stalins Paradise: Western Reporters in Soviet Russia 1917-1937 — a Case Study of Louis Fischer and Walter Duranty. A rather expendable title, I inquired to its meaning, and Dr. Crowl told me the story of two American reporters, who for paradoxical reasons, chose to create
(Continued on Page 8)
By RUSTV KOXX Back in the early '70's, a group
of rockers came out of Chicago with a vengeance. Chicago, of course. They had what was then termed a fusion style: jazz-rock. Well, fans in 1982, the word is out.
Jazz if back. Big Time. Not the "Big bands"! which will
never come back) but jazz-rock or fusion is back in an updated role and selling more records than ever. Chicago and Blood, Sweat and Tears have, regretfully, disappeared from the chart but in their place is a new breed of jazz-rocker.
Grover Washington, Jr. released "Just the Two of Us" this summer and it created a tremendous success. Besides reviving a fantastic vocalist (Bill Withers) it allowed for some good jamming from Grover . . . and it went gold. Chuck Mangione is still reeling from the success of "Feels So Good" and Earth, Wind and Fire survive disco to remain the best band in America working on a funk-rock format.
But those lucky few whe attended the S-UN production of the Washington, I). C.-based
The Rebirth of Fusion group Natural Bridge really know how exciting fusion can be. Natural Bridge stormed through two tempestuous sets, breaking all the rules of what fusion rock ought to be. And they were awesome. After a couple years of country rock it is great to have fusion back. Those who missed Natural Bridge ought not to be scorned — but pitied.
Natural Bridge is riding on a brand new form that has been created in only the past few years. A style where the excitement of jazz meets the energy of rock 'n' roll. Surely if they had warmed up for Robbin Thompson, he would have been
blown off the stage. It would not be as surprising if in 1983 Natural Bridge would be a chart-bound band and not Thompson's band of
died in the 60's and now is more alive than rock.
This new fusion style is less handcuffed than that of Chicago; it doesn't rely on a given type of sound. Gino Vanelli, for instance, handles fusion much differently than George Benson who is worlds away from Weather Report. In fact, there are so many different flavors that are available that the line between Jazz and Rock is more blurred than ever. In fact, ever since Miles Davis announced that he could form a better rock 'n' roll band than Hendrix (something which he has failed to do) jazz
...our »uy who shouted "Freebird" was
mel with no response except everyone wondering whal cultural vacuum he had come out of...
mediocres. Or worse, Fat Ammonds and
his beach music. Fat will be gone ... (soon I envision a giant Dietac consuming the former Rhondell). But, jazz ... oh, my, it nearly
and rock have grown steadily interdependent on one and the other.
Sometimes the results are negative, and results in "canned music" (read: junk). Witness the
decrease respect for the mighty Maynard Ferguson Herbie Hancock and Stanley Clarke are two more great players who have lost their early promise. But how refreshing it is when the results are positive. . . Zappa, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, David Bowie and Dizzy Gillespie. Even the Stones have flirted with jazz.
Natural Bridge is just the latest installment. Sometimes jazz-rock is just a watered down version of both but Natural Bridge proved to all that it is a dynamic and viable form. The one guy who shouted "Freebird" was met with no response except everyone wondering what cultural vacuum he had come out of... and if that was all he wanted why didn't he sit in his room and play "Freebird" until his ears fell off (which wouldn't take long). No one else is complaining and let's hope the current marriage of Jazz & Rock is a happy one and lasts a long time. Coming up: A three-part series: "Is Rock Art?" I'd like your help with this question and would appreciate your response at Box 606. Be fun and have good, 'til next week.
Page 3 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, February 9, 1982
The Waterworks Players under the direction of Mr. Dudley Suave will present Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood — a play for voices. The play will be presented Thursday night, February 11, at Hampden-Sydney. Curtain will be at 8:00 o'clock.
Dr. Rosemary Sprague, who has worked extensively with the play, said, "It will be an opportunity for the students to see some good acting. They will also enjoy the musical hall humor. It is essentially a comedy, with some serious spots. It was a tremendous success when played in New York"
STUDY TOURS to Europe beginning June 19. From $1010- $1620. And earn college credits. For complete information, contact: Dr. Fred L. Phlegar, Professor of Education, Radford University, Radford, Virginia 24142, or call (703) 731-5216 (office), (703) 731-5249 and (703) 639-2913 (home).
Gloria Vandertollt 32 One of our beautiful line of fashion frames.
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FRIENDS OF WORLD TEACHING is pleased to announce that hundreds of teachers and administrators are still needed to fill existing vacancies with overseas American Community schools, international, private, church-related.and industry- supported schools and colleges in over 120 countries around the world. FRIENDS OF WORLD TEACHING will supply ap- plicants with updated lists of these schools and colleges over- seas. Vacancies exist in almost all fields — at all levels. Foreign language knowledge is not required. Qualification requirements, salaries, and length of service will vary from school to school, but in most cases are similar to those in the U. S. Further information, prospective applicants should contact:
FRIENDS OF WORLD TEACHING P. O. Box 6454 Cleveland, Ohio 44101
Louise Dimlcell will be performing in the Gold Room tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. Ma. DlmlceU has performed at schools like the University of Texas to St. Bonaventure. This will be her second engagement at Longwood. The concert will be free.
Dimicelli to Perform in Spotlight Convert
Filled with energy and creativity, Louise delights her audiences with pure, wide- ranging vocals, innovative musical arrangements and an irresistible spirit. With equal ease she can squeeze the last drop out of her own sassy blues song "Sleepy", cartwheel through a jazz improvisation of "Glory of Love" or render an exquisite tender ballad.
FROM PROMOTIONAL SERVICES In the past few years, Ix>uise
has emerged as a singer- songwriter with growing appeal and a gift for leaving the audience with the warm feeling of having Deen a P31* °* ner
music. She has completed many successful college tours from the state of New York to Washington state; developing strong rapport with audiences in Illinois, New York, Texas, Florida, Wisconsin
and Arkansas. She has displayed tremendous virtuosity by appearing alone or in concert with such greats as Odetta and Martin Mull.
As explained by one reviewer, "In a finely shaped piece of wood there is solidity and gentle movement of the intricate grain. In Louise Dimiceli there is the same beauty."
Photo by Pam Winger
Photo by Pam Winger Top: Fat Amrnons Band played in the lower dining hall Saturday night as part of Mardl Grai
Weekend. Bottom: The Howard Hanger Jan Fantasy ended the weekend with a cc:ert Sunday night.
Page 4 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, February 9, 1982
Editor, The Rotunda: This letter is in response to
your highly questionable editor's turn concerning the choice of major fields that people pursue.
In the first place, I am not quite ready to accept your unfounded generalities about my major or the future plans I may wish to pursue as a result of that major. Also, it needs to be pointed out to you that people succeed or fail not majors.
If I had to bet my municipal bonds which any business or Economics major knows are not very good investments, I'd say that there are a lot more career opportunities for accountants and other business majors than there are for English majors. Unless I'm highly misinformed I don't see any alternatives for you except as an English teacher or an author. Unless you are extremely good, which may not be the case, you will be an unpublished author; unpublished authors are a dime-a-dozen. They are the ones that "will be searching trash cans for food and the classified section of the newspaper." Upon finding this section of the paper, it would only further frustrate the already frustrated English major, as the
employment section is rather large for qualified accountants but is extremely small for English teachers and authors.
As a final point, I just want to say that this is not an attack on the editor, his staff, or the English department. I merely want the credibility of the business department defended. When we graduate we are qualified and competent. But, indeed, it is true our search for a job will be a difficult one, just as it is for many college graduates these days.
Dallas Bradbury
Editor's Note: The editor is sorry you missed the point of his column. If you go back and reread it you would find that it was not "an attack" on majors but the attitudes of students in any major. The misconceived notion that college will guarantee jobs and lucrative income is ridiculous. "When we graduate we are qualified and competent" is a pile of bologna.
You did strike gold though when you agreed ... "it is true our search for a job will be a difficult one." Yet students here are not using the placement services available to them.
Mark Segal
Kit-hard Brnn.-tl
HI SINE8S M \\ IGER Harry Driver GRAPHM S » 1)1 n»R Sha«n Won* SI U r CM) Ctrell, Johnrl Bniv.ii.
K«> Konnlr Brown
Member o! the VIMCA
Published weekly during the College year with the exception ot Holidays and eliminations periods by the students of Longwood Collage. Farmville. Virginia
Printed by The Farmville Herald Opinions expressed are those ot the weekly Editorial Board and its columnists, and do not necessarily reflect the views ot the student body or the administration.
Letters to the Editor are welcomed They must be typed, signed and sub mitted to the Editor by the Friday preceding publication date All letters are subiect to editing
FREE 8-10 PM
LAr*FORD BUILDING LONGVVOOO COLLEGE Sponsored by Department ot Art and Student Unton
Dear Joanie, I am going out with a great guy.
The only problem is that he has Herpes. He does not think I know about it but all I have to do is look at all of his old girl friends. It is terrible! Should I break up with him or sacrifice my lips? Signed SCARED OF SCABS IN TABB
Dear Scared, First of all he is a great guy.
Don't break up with him. Next, I do not know if you have kissed him yet. Regardless, your chances of getting this crusty germ sometime in your life are very high. So why not go ahead and get it now? Also, please enclose $6.50 for a tube of Joanies Herpes Cream and mail it to: Dear Joanie c-o Art Thinklighter, Pier 67, New York, New York 10026.
Geist Sponsors Blood-Drive
The Geist Bloodmobile is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, February 24 and 25, from 12 noon to 6 p.m. in the Red- White-Green Rooms of Lankford. The quota is 150 pints.
There will be a training session for Bloodmobile workers on Tuesday, February 16, 1-3 and 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Red-White-
Green Rooms. Training for all areas of bloodmobile work will be included — pre-registration, donor workers, medical observers, and canteen area. Those who complete the training session will be certified to work bloodmobiles anywhere. Sign-up to work the Geist Bloodmobile (two-hour shifts) at the training session.
NOTICE: Longwood Disciplinary Procedure — After February 2, 1982, the disciplinary procedures appearing on pp 108-110 of the Student Handbook will not necessarily apply to Honor Board investigations and hearings; those appearing on page 61 will apply — as they do for Area Boards. This change results in having only one guaranteed disciplinary procedure for all student boards.
21 Lancers Selected For Who's Who
The 1982 edition of WHO'S WHO AMONG STUDENTS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES AND COLIJ^GES will carry the names of 21 students from lx>ngwood College, who have been selected as being among the country's most outstanding campus leaders.
Campus nonimating com- mittees and editors of the annual director}' have included the names of these students based on their academic achievement, service to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities and future potential.
They join an elite group of students selected from more than 1,300 institutions of higher
learning in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and several foreign nations.
Outstanding students have been honored in the annual directory since it was first published in 1934.
Students named this year from Longwood College are: Patricia A. Bowman, Dallas A. Bradbury, William E. Brent, Bethann Clark, Brenda N. Coleman, Bonnie J. Conner, Frank R. Creasy, Betsy D. Delong, Kimberly E. Fuhr, Sharon L. Harrup, Beth E. Joles, Christi A. Lewis, Victoria L. Mathewson, Ann H. Normand, Grace A. Rogers, Marguerite L. Roller, Mary D. Sewell, Mary L. Slade, Betty L. Smith, Debra L. Spencer, Pamela K. Updike.
Page 5 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, February 9, 1982
—Movie Keview— Cinderella and Prince Vicious
By JOE JOHNSON Walt Disney is back. Cinderella
in her gilded white gown and fragile glass slippers is once again filling the pre-pubescent dreams of little boys and girls. I could not review this movie. What if the characters were stereotypic, unhumorous, trite even. Would I be able to face my own coveted youth, knowing I had been so easily bamboozled? Of course not, but there are some fascinating aspects to the tale just the same.
For instance, have you ever tried to figure out what decade Cinderella takes place in, for that matter what century? There were fairy godmothers in 1860 but not in 1862? It is timeless, right?, a fairytale set adrift in the 4th dimension. But what would happen if we plucked Cinderella out of the stream we go a-fishin in and set her right here in 1982. Gave her a parrot green wrap- around, Izod sweater and Agner shoes. Put her in a college somewhere on the east coast and let her have three very rotten
suite-mates, who wear leather jackets with zippers in the appropriate places. We would get a preppie Cinderella in Punk Rock Land.
Cinderella hops into the room,
do our nomework." "That's right", continued Sado,
whose hair is died neon blue, "You can't come to no punk rock party with us — you have work to do, here, eat your cornflakes."
to that party," she finally decides and slips into her father's old army jacket and jabs a safety pin through her cheek and starts walking.
Four white mice and apumpkir
Don't ask me why she's eating cornflakes
for supper—this is a fairy tale—remember?
her bright pink ribbon bouncing on her back. "Where are ya'U going to, you look absolutely ravishing." Maso, one of the three punk sisters (Maso, Sado and Fato) says, with steel studs gleaming eloquently on her jacket, "we're going to a wild punk party with Elvis Costello, Devo, the B-62's and the King of Punk Sid Vicious. "Ohh can I go too," squeals Cinderella with her ruby lipstick dripping.
Fato, who has just put the finishing touches on her facial (pin through the cheek and shaved eyebrows) says, "Hell no, you prissie preppie, you have to
(Don't ask me why she's eating cornflakes for supper — this is a fairytale — remember?)
So Cindy sits down to eat her cornflakes as the three punk pistols shoot off into the night. Unfortunately, some PCP the punksters (no punkettes — no gender in Punk Land) had been sprinkling into their joints is on a tray right along side the sugar and Cindy does not know the difference.
Shortly, dragons are swimming out of electrical sockets and the walls start melting. "Far out," says Cindy, who thinks her hand is growing daffodils. "I am qoing
kindly stop her and give her a ride. She, of course, does not realize she is hitching a ride with four white mice and a punkin — she thinks it is a checker cab. "1133 Forty Second Street and don't spare the gas."
To make a long story short she goes to the party, meets Sid Vicious and falls madly in love. (Of course we all know Sid Vicious is dead, but necrophilia is nothing new to punksters, However, she has to leave at twelve to get her suitemates homework done, but not before Sid Vicious pulls the pin out of her cheek. The next day he is cruising
the campus looking for a cheek to match the pin.
He knocks on Cindy's suite. "Hi, I'm looking for a vicious blond in an army jacket that was..." Fato screams, Sado caints, Maso yells "Jesus! it's Sid Vicious," and Cindy comes bopping out with a Pappagalo multi colored handbag and pink button-down. "Oh Hi, Sid darling — I was hoping you'd stop by." Sid is overwhelmed. "What a great idea — colors, I can see it now, lime green, puke pink, yicky yellow — a new fad, I'll be at the top again Baby — where did you get all the crazy costumes?"
"At Leggetts." "Is that anything like the
Salvation Army?" He does not wait for the reply
but fits the pin back into her cheek and they are married by a local D.J. And so, as the story goes, the not so handsome punk prince (you wouldn't be handsome either if you'd been dead for 3 years) and the preppie Cinder a 11a, lock cheeks and live happily ever after.
Field Botany Class Offers New Insights Into Nature by Joe Johnson
"People tend to be frightened of the natural environment, because they're not familiar with it. If you keep your eyes open and your mouth shut nothing will happen that isn't expected." Dr. David Briel draws a breath and continues, "Of course what you wear is important — don't go through a poison ivy patch wearing a bikini."
And a bikini definitely wouldn't be the proper attire for the six- credit Longwood Summer Field School in Botany directed by Dr. Breil. The field course offered for the first time at Longwood College, will be held during the second session of summer school from July 5 through August 6.
"We're hoping to get people who like watching National Geographic on the tube to realize that those types of exotic things are right here in their own backyard. They should go outside and look at these things for themselves.
"The Piedmont region forms a large resourceful area, not only for Virginia but elsewhere in the southeastern states. This summer school field school will let the people who are interested — and there are no prerequisites to this course (except curiosity) — to get down on their hands and Knees and examine these plants, work with them.
"The course will be studying different kinds of plant communities, using special tools and simple identification manuals. We will be doing such things as measureing growth, watching the different rates of change which occur between plant communities (succession) and identifying the common trees, ferns, herbs, and mosses that occur on the Piedmont. The influence of cflmate, topography.
Breil and Mosses: mutualism at its finest.
soil type and drainage will be investigated. Hopefully many skills, such as map reading, soil testing, and utilizing various instruments for determining temperature, relative humidity,
altitude and light will be developed. We also plan on having lots of fun.
"Of course, as I mentioned before, there are hazards. I spent last spring semester in Florida
collecting mosses in the Kverglads Swamp area — you learn to respect the water moccasins and alligators. One thing that always happened on the Plant Ecology field trip, when
we went down to areas like the Seashore Park that have Spanish moss, was an infestation of red bugs when the students tried to bring the moss back with them
"The big plus to this is being able to go out in the field during the summer, in the past the only time allotted for such field trips was during the fall or winter and the plants are dormant during these months.
"There is some unusual plant growth around here too. 1 bet you didn't know we had Canadian hemlock trees in our own backyard or, for that matter, cacti creeping along the rock up
(Continued on Page 8)
SPORTS Student Booster
Longwood's Student Athletic Booster Club held its first meeting last Tuesday with Athletic Director Carolyn Hodges and several students present.
The group discussed its objectives (1) to promote athletic events at Longwood, (2) to increase attendance at home games, and (3) to arouse school spirit in students.
Plans for the club include, promoting all sports by announcing games on the Longwood radio station (WUTA) and putting up signs around school, obtaining local high school bands to play at home games, sponsoring bus trips for students to big away games (men's basketball at Liberty Baptist, women's basketball at VAIAW State Tournament), getting a mascot (Lancer) for home games, and sitting together as a group to cheer at games.
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, February 9 (today) in Lancer Hall, Room 208. Officers will be elected. All students interestea are welcome to attend.
'Say Uncle"! Photo by Joe Johnson
Wrestlers Host Four-Team Match
The Longwood wrestling team, which now stands 7-7, participates in the Capitol Collegiate Tournament (DC) Tuesday and hosts a four team match with Townson St., Loyola and Newport News Apprentice Saturday at Lancer Hall. Action begins at 1:00.
In last week's action, the lancers lost to the Tigers of Hampden-Sydney by a 37-15 margin, and were 1-2 in a four team match that boasted three Division I schools, Saturday.
In the Lancers' loss to Hampden-Sydney, three I/)ngwood grapplers came away with wins. Steve Albeck, a 142 pounder, and Dana Dunlap, a 167 pounder, recorded pins over their Tiger opponents. Joe Bass, a 177 pounder, edged out Neil Huffman of Hampden-Sydney 12-8.
Saturday, the Lancers, who were the only non-Division I team, traveled to VMI and were
greeted with two losses of 49-2 to Duke and 39-10 to the homestanding Keydets. Ixmgwood did manage to gain a decisive 51-12 victory over East Tennessee State. Bright spots of the matches included a 2-1 showing by Steve Albeck and Joe Bass. Bass* overall record now stands at 12-4, a great achievement considering he has only been wrestling since January. Albeck boasts a 13-9 mark.
The Lancers were outclassed by Division I power VMI and ACC member Duke, but Coach Steve Nelson thought his grapplers showed more consistency than in the Hampden-Sydney match.
"It was a challenge for our kids, but we got to see what they could do against the best," said Nelson. "Considering the caliber of competition, we wrestled better."
The grapplers will try to get back in their winning ways on
Saturday and the addition of Mike Hackett will enhance their chances in pulling out a winning season. Hackett, a 118 pounder, has been suffering from a torn muscle and has been out of action for two weeks.
Lancer Hall will be the site of a four team event that features Townson St., Loyola, Newport News Apprentice and the homestanding Lancers. Longwood has already defeated Newport News 33-15 and won over Loyola 25-21 in last year's competition. Townson St., who beat the Lancers 47-6 last season, will field one of the stronger teams, but Coach Nelson believes that Newport News will also be a threat.
"They (Newport News) are a hundred per cent better than when we wrestled them earlier in the season," said the coach. "We will have to wrestle them tough if we expect to have a chance to win."
The Longwood Wrestling Team, pictured above in a 37-15 lots to Hampden-Sydney will be at home Sat. for a four-team tournament.
Steve Albeck (left) and Joe Bass (right) won their matches against Hampden-Sydney photo from Sports Info
Kersey Repeat Player of Week For the second time this season
and the 5th time in his two-year career, Jerome (The Cobra) Kersey (Clarksville) has been named Longwood College Player of the Week for the period January 29-February 5. Player of the Week is chosen by the Longwood Sports Information Office.
An all-around excellent performer in his sophomore season, Kersey had 18 points and seven rebounds in a 72-67 loss to Radford, 26 points, 13 rebounds and seven assists in a 94-86 win over West Virginia Tech and 16 points and six rebounds in a tough 84-78 loss to Virginia State.
Currently averaging 11.6 rebounds and 17.3 points, Kersey is already Longwood's career rebounding leader with 435. The 6-7 forward has had 19 slam dunks, 54 assists and 34 steals in addition to his scoring and rebounding this season.
A strong All-America candidate, Kersey has ranked all season among the top rebounders in NCAA Division II. Last season he finished 11th in field goal percentage at 62.9.
Kersey holds Longwood season records for field goals (197), field goals attempted (313), rebounds
(249) and blocked shots (32). In addition, he broke his one-game rebounding record this season when he pulled down 20 against Armstrong State.
With 749 career points already, Kersey is well on his way to scoring 1,000 points, a feat he should achieve early next season. The sophomore may also top the 1,000 rebound mark before he's through.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kersey of Clarksville, Kersey is a graduate of Bluestone High School. He's majoring in Social Work.
Page 7 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, February 9, 1982
SPORTS Lady Cagers Split Two Lancers Lead Nation in Scoring
By KAY SCHMIDT Longwood's women's asketball team defeated ridge water Wednesday 6(K57, ut fell to highly ranked UNC- reensboro Saturday 74-67. reshman, Florence Holmes led ith a 40-point, 21-rebound total
l the two games. The tedy lancers are now 6-11 overall, and
7 in VAIAW Div. II. This week the lady cagers have
Bvo conference games scheduled, ongwood visits George Mason uesday and hosts Liberty aptist Saturday night at 7:30. Wednesday's win over ridgewater was a close, see-saw attle. Although dogwood led 33-
at the half, the Eagles came ^ck in the second half to tie the
score 57-57. With less than a minute left on
the clock, Cindy Eckel hit one of two free throws to put the I^ady Lancers ahead 58-57. After Bridgewater missed a shot, Ixmg wood's Robin Powell canned two free throws with 19 seconds left to cap the victory. Holmes had 19 points and 12 rebounds while Mariana Johnson scored 10 points and Powell 9.
Saturday, Longwood faced UNC-Greensboro, ranked second in NCAA Division III. The Lady Lancers led by as much as 12 points (18-6) early in the first half, but the Lady Spartans evened things up at the half 33-33 and went on to a 74-67 win, their
(Continued on Page 8)
Photo by Joe Johnson
Florence Holmes goes for the layup.
Inside the IAA Song Contest was won by Sophomore Class of *84. Second place
l/ent to the Senior Class of '82. Women's basketball single-elimination tournament starts
'ebruary 15. Women's ping pong winner for the 2nd year was Marcie Swale. Co-ed volleyball entry blanks due Thursday, Feb. 11, in lancer,
earns do not have to be by dorms, sororities or fraternities. Badminton doubles entry blank due February 18.
Visit Atlantic Christian Wed., UDC Sat. longwood's men's basketball
team, 12-5, now ranks as the highest scoring Division II team in the country, according to NCAA Stats compiled Thursday. The lancers are averaging 87.9 points per game to top Division II.
In addition, Ixmgwood is 4th in field goal percentage, Jerome Kersey is seventh in rebounding and guard Mike McCroey is 9th in field goal percentage.
The Lancers, who won two of three last week and face Monmouth (NJ) tonight
Gymnasts to Host
Duke and UMBC Hoping to bounce back from a
loss Saturday to state rival Radford, the Longwood gymnastics team will be hosting Duke and Maryland-Baltimore County Tuesday night. This meet is an important one for the Lady Lancers as they try to even up their 2-4 record. Duke defeated Longwood in their first meeting two years ago, but Longwood has successfully stopped Maryland- Baltimore County twice in as many years. The meet begins at 7:00.
The 134.55-131.55 defeat at the hands of Radford gave Ixmgwood its fourth loss of the season, but the Lady lancers did manage to set two new school records. The team score of 131.55 broke the previous record of 128.75. Freshman Dayna Hankinson also set a new I/mgwood high with her 8.75 in floor exercise. The former high was 8.65.
Individual placers for the team were: Hankinson — 1st floor, 5th all-around; Kelly Crepps — 1st vaulting; Kathy Idelson — 2nd all-around, 3rd vaulting, tied 3rd bars, 5th beam, 5th floor; and Monica Chandler — 3rd all- around, 4th bars, tied 4th
(Monday), visit Atlantic Christian Thursday night in a game that was snowed out earlier and District of Columbia, ranked 11th, Saturday night.
Longwood polished off West Virginia Tech Monday night 94- 86, lost to 14th ranked Virginia State 84-78 Thursday and routed Rutgers-Camden 94-69 Saturday night in action last week. The Lancers rallied from 12 down in the second half to go ahead of - Virginia State 76-74 but lost in the final moments. Kersey sat out 13 minutes of the fin* half with three fouls, but came back to score 14 points in the second half.
Longwood head coach Cal Luther is closing in on a major milestone of his career. Luther has a career mark of 298-199 and may well equal the 300 victory mark this week. Luther, in his 21st year coaching, gained most of those wins at Div. I Murray
State in Kentucky. Sophomore Jerome (THE
COBRA) Kersey, Longwood's leading scorer (17.4) and rebounder (11.6), also tops the team in another category' — slam dunks. The 6-7 forward has jammed the ball through the rim 22 times. He also has 54 assists, 34 steals and 15 blocked shots while shooting 59 per cent from the floor.
Longwood got 20 points from Ron Orr, 19 from Kersey and 15 from Joe Remar in whipping homestanding Rutgers-Camden Saturday night.
Mike McCroey, Remar and Orr are all averaging around 15 points per game. McCroey, 15.5 and Orr and Remar, 14.9 give Longwood tremendous scoring balance. In addition, McCroey is shooting 63.4 per cent from the floor, Orr 62 per cent and Remar 59 per cent.
Kathy Idelson (below). 2nd all-around and Monica Chandler (above) 3rd all-around vs. Radford.
vaulting, 4th beam, tied 4th floor. After hosting Duke and UMBC
Tuesday, the team will travel to William & Mary, Saturday.
Happy Valentine's Day (ROM
numerous patterns.
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Soviet Interests
(Continued from page 2)
tremendous cover-ups of events taking place in Russia. One of the reporters, Fischer, was a I>enin biographer, and held little respect for the American capitalistic society and wanted to create a pleasant, working picture of the Soviet Union for the American public. Duranty, on the other hand, was motivated by a less honorable incentive. He was being paid great sums of money by the Soviets.
"What sort of cover up?" I asked. The two reporters were denying rumours of the famines and losses of thousands of lives in Russia
Dr. Crowl's interest in the et Union spawned the idea
for his book. There'd never been a comparison or case study of the two reporter's, but after researching Or. Crowl found contrasts and similarities in the
en. and thus the creation of Angels in Stalin's Paradise.
On a lighter note, I concluded the interview by asking Dr. Crowl, (although probably somewhat biased>how the History and Government Department of I/ongwood compared to those of other colleges and universities in Virginia. Longwood students, being primarily English or Business majors tend to overlook other strengths in the curriculum offered. The History and Government Department, according to Dr. Crowl compares favorable to those of other Virginia schools. He credited his colleagues and pointed out that many in the department have published or are working on books. Dr. Crowl is proud of the department, and of his latest accomplishment and his interest in the students of Longwood.
Lady lagers
14th against two losses. Holmes scored 21, Eckel 16 and
Robin Hungate 12 while Powell tied her own school record by handing out 8 assists. Hungate continues to lead the VAIAW in free throw percentage with 37 for 45 for 82.2 per cent. Holmes ranks 7th in rebounding (9.8) and sixth in scoring (14.2).
Field Botany (Continued from Page 5)
crops. In all I would say there are seven or eight easily identifiable plant communities within the 25 mile radius we will use for a study area.
"The time in the lab will be held to a minimum — this will be a definite FIELD study — more out than in — there is a good chance we will have one or two overnighters.
" 'This type of course will appeal to three levels of people — biology students, people just interested in their environment, or teachers who want to take the six-credit course for recertification."
NOTE : Dr. David Briel Is a professor of Biology in the Department of Natural Sciences at Longwood College. Dr. Breil has taught botany and ecology courses at the Pennsylvania State University, the Mountain take Biological Station, and at Longwood College for the past 14 years. He completed his B.S. degree in geology at the University of Massachusetts and the Ph.D. degree in Botany at the Florida State University. For the past several years Dr. Breil has led wildflower and moss walks in the annual Smokey Mountain Wildflower Pilgrimage and he has recently returned from Florida where he spent a half year Identifying and collecting information on the ecology and natural history of mosses in the plant communities of the peninsula.
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