round 1 ultimate question kaiser wilhelm ii vladimir lenin georges clemenceau scores can be changed...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Round 1 UltimateQuestion

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Vladimir Lenin

Georges Clemenceau

Round 2

Category #1 Category #2 Category #4 Category #5 Category #6The Great

WarPre-WWI Tensions

Diplomacy RussiaAge of

Anxiety: Part I

October Revolution

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200$200










$300 $300 $300


$500 $500 $500



This static type of warfare characterized

the Western Front.


Round 1

What is trench warfare?


Scoreboard Answer

This German naval policy eventually

brought the United States into the war.


Round 1

What is unrestricted submarine warfare?


Scoreboard Answer

This 1916 battle was the bloodiest of the war: over 1 million



Round 1

What is the Battle of the


Place a bet between $100 to $1000 (or higher if you have more money)



Scoreboard Answer

Britain failed to take this peninsula:

the key to taking Constantinople.


What is Gallipoli?

Round 1


Scoreboard Answer

This 1914 battle foiled Germany’s invasion of France and saved the

Allied cause.


Round 1

What is the (first) Battle of

the Marne?



The creation of these new super-battleships

resulted in a frantic naval arms race

between Britain and Germany.


Round 1

What are Dreadnoughts?


Scoreboard Answer

Germany’s unconditional support for Austria-Hungary

against Serbia in July, 1914 is known as this.


Round 1

What is the “blank



Scoreboard Answer

This statesman’s resignation in 1890 led

to a more reckless German foreign policy

regarding Russia.


Round 1

Who is Otto von Bismarck?


Scoreboard Answer

This 1911 crisis over a French colony in North Africa nearly led to a general war among European states.


Round 1

What is the Second

Moroccan Crisis?


Scoreboard Answer

This Austrian’s Lay Down Your Arms (1889) inspired

peace societies in Germany and Austria

while calling for an end to the arms race.


Round 1

Who is Bertha von Suttner?



This international collective security organization was

created by the Versailles Treaty (but the U.S.

never joined).


Round 1

What is the League of Nations?


Scoreboard Answer

This provision of the Versailles Treaty placed

sole blame for World War I on Germany.


Round 1

What is Article 231?


Scoreboard Answer

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proposed this, a

blueprint for ending World War I.


Round 1

What is the Fourteen Points?


Scoreboard Answer

This 1917 British statement seemed to favor the creation of a

Jewish homeland in Palestine.


Round 1

What is the Balfour Note?


Scoreboard Answer

The interception of this secret message revealed a German proposal for a

military alliance with Mexico against the U.S.


Round 1

What is the Zimmerman Telegram?



Alexander II is considered one of the

greatest tsars in Russian history, in part, because he did this in



Round 1

What is end serfdom

(Emancipation Edict)?


Scoreboard Answer

This event was THE major cause of the Russian Revolution.


Round 1

What is World War I?


Scoreboard Answer

This bloody event occurred after people

peacefully came to St. Petersburg asking

the tsar for help.


Round 1

What is “Bloody Sunday”

(Revolution of 1905)?


Scoreboard Answer

He was the leader of the Provisional

Government during much of 1917.


Round 1

Who is Alexander Kerensky?


Scoreboard Answer

After the Czar was overthrown in February

1917, this body served as part of the dual

government. It consisted of workers and soldiers.


Round 1

What is the Petrograd




This 1929 novel by Erich Remarque

detailed the horrors of trench warfare.


Round 1

What is All Quiet on the

Western Front?


Scoreboard Answer

This 19th-century German philosopher wrote that “God is dead” while his

anti-Enlightenment views reflected post-WWI



Round 1

Who is Friedrich



Scoreboard Answer

This German pessimist wrote Decline of the West in which he saw

Europe being surpassed by Asian civilization.


Round 1

Who is Oswald Spengler?


Scoreboard Answer

This poet wrote “The Wasteland” in 1922, depicting a world of growing desolation.


Round 1

Who is T. S. Elliot?


Scoreboard Answer

This writer’s The Trial, and The Metamorphosis

portrayed helpless individuals destroyed by

inexplicable forces.


Round 1

Who is Franz Kafka?



Lenin led this Russian faction of communists.


Round 1

Who are the Bolsheviks?


Scoreboard Answer

This document/speech by Lenin in the spring of 1917 outlined his goals of revolution.


Round 1

What is the “April



Scoreboard Answer

This leader of the Red Army overthrew the

newly-elected Russian government in 1917 and led the Reds during the

Russian Civil War.


Round 1

Who is Leon Trotsky?


Scoreboard Answer

This Bolshevik terror organization destroyed thousands of Lenin’s political opponents.


Round 1

What is the Cheka?


Scoreboard Answer

This slogan was used by Lenin to gain

support during the elections following the October Revolution.


Round 2

What is “Peace, Land,


Category #1 Category #2 Category #3 Category #4 Category #5 Category #6

WWIAge of

Anxiety: Part Deux

Imperial Russia

ModernityIn the Arts

Diplomacy: Part Zwei

Feeling Lucky?

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400$400










$600 $600 $600


$1000 $1000 $1000



The assassination of this heir from this

empire was the immediate cause of the



Round 2

Who is Franz Ferdinand of



Scoreboard Answer

This is the name of Germany’s battle plan for knocking France out of the war early and avoiding a

two-front war.


Round 2

What is the Schlieffen



Scoreboard Answer

These were the two alliances that fought

each other during World War I.


Round 2

What are the Central Powers and the Triple

Entente (Allies)?


Scoreboard Answer

This treaty got Russia out of the war in 1917, but at the cost of 1/4

of its population.


Round 2

What is the Treaty of



Scoreboard Answer

This British economist believed that the Versailles Treaty’s harsh provisions

against Germany were a huge mistake.


Round 2

Who is John Maynard Keynes?



Freud theorized that this—our unconscious drives—makes human

beings irrational. (It all made sense after WWI!)


Round 2

What is the “ID”?


Scoreboard Answer

This Viennese composer abandoned

tonality with his twelve-tone technique.


Round 2

Who is Arnold Schönberg?


Scoreboard Answer

His theory of relativity of time and space

challenged traditional ideas of Newtonian



Round 2

Who is Albert Einstein?

Place a bet between $200 to $2000 (or higher if you have more money) Questio



Scoreboard Answer

This philosophy says that there is no God and no inherent meaning to

life. Therefore, each person has to find their own meaning through



Round 2

What is Existentialism



Scoreboard Answer

This scientist was among the first to

theorize that “quanta,” or

subatomic particles, existed in atoms.


Round 2

Who is Max Planck?



This Russian parliament was created in 1905 and eventually

morphed into the Provisional



Round 2

What is the Duma?


Scoreboard Answer

Russia’s poor showing in this 1904-05 conflict

led, in part, to the Revolution of 1905 and Russia’s renewed focus

on the Balkans.


Round 2

What is the Russo-

Japanese War?


Scoreboard Answer

Tsar Alexander III instituted these harsh anti-Jewish measures.


Round 2

What are pogroms?


Scoreboard Answer

These highly regulated communes consisted of former serfs who paid

the state for land taken from nobles.


Round 2

What are mirs?


Scoreboard Answer

These district or village assemblies were created by Alexander II’s decree

and saw significant popular participation by peasants who elected



Round 2

What are zemstvos?



This style of painting was heavily influenced

by Freudian psychology.


Round 2

What is Surrealism?


Scoreboard Answer

Marconi invented this, a new form of mass

media that came of age in the 1920s.


Round 2

What is the radio?


Scoreboard Answer

This post-World War I art style made no

sense—just like society no longer seemed to

make sense.


Round 2

What is Dadaism?


Scoreboard Answer

This became the most popular form of mass entertainment after

World War I.


Round 2

What are movies?

Place a bet between $200 to $2000 (or higher if you have more money) Questio



Scoreboard Answer

This was Picasso’s masterpiece, a heart-

wrenching work on the bombing of a Spanish

city in 1937.


Round 2

What is Guernica?



Germany’s sinking of this passenger liner in 1915

strained its relations with the U.S. as 128 Americans perished in the tragedy.


Round 2

What is the Lusitania?


Scoreboard Answer

This French “tiger” was determined to

protect French security after World War I and eager to punish Germany.


Round 2

Who is Georges



Scoreboard Answer

At this 1878 conference, Russia gained nothing

even though it defeated the Ottoman Empire in war.

Austria got Bosnia while Serbia and Romania were

given independence.


Round 2

What is the Congress of



Scoreboard Answer

This 1926 international agreement seemed to

guarantee peace in the foreseeable future as Germany agreed to

accept existing borders.


Round 2

What is the Locarno Pact?


Scoreboard Answer

This 1906 conference settled the thorny issue

of French control of Morocco while isolating Germany from Britain

and France.


Round 2

What is the Algeciras




This political party took control of Germany after World War I.


Round 2

What is the Social

Democratic Party (SPD)?


Scoreboard Answer

This late-20s/early 30s crisis effectively killed the Weimar Republic.


Round 2

What is the Great



Scoreboard Answer

This 1924 U.S. plan provided loans to

Germany so it could pay reparations to Britain

and France, who in turn, would pay back its loans

to the U.S.


Round 2

What is the Dawes Plan?


Scoreboard Answer

This 1923 crisis occurred when France invaded

Germany because it could not make its reparations



Round 2

What is the Ruhr Crisis?


Scoreboard Answer

This communist group seized control of Berlin in

1919 before they were crushed by the



Round 2

Who are the Spartacists?

Category: Versailles

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These four politicians represented the Big Four at Versailles in



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Who are Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Wilson, and


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