round one ultimate questioncarnegie morgan rockefeller round two scores can be changed manually...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Metternich“ISMS” British

Reforms1848 Urban


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$300 $300 $300


$500 $500 $500




This bloody 1819 event occurred in England when a

crowd protested the Corn Laws.


Round 1

What is the Peterloo



Scoreboard Answer

Metternich led a diet to issue these laws to

drive liberals and nationalists

underground in the German



Round 1

What are the Carlsbad Decrees?


Scoreboard Answer

The Quadruple Alliance formed the backbone of

this series of arrangements to maintain

the status quo and a general peace until the



Round 1

What is the Concert of Europe?


Scoreboard Answer

This conservative system sought to resolve European

disputes through a series of conferences but it only lasted until

1822 when Britain opted out.


Round 1

What is the Congress System?


Scoreboard Answer

This ultra-conservative arrangement, proposed by

Tsar Alexander I, was a throwback to the Middle

Ages but had little influence outside eastern



Round 1

What is the “Holy




This “ism” sought to return European society

to the ancien regime ways prior to the

French Revolution.


Round 1

What is conservatism?


Scoreboard Answer

This “ism” strongly advocated

representative government and was favored especially by

the middle class.


Round 1

What is liberalism?


Scoreboard Answer

This “ism” was advocated by Herder, who believed a unique “volksgeist” existed

among different groups of peoples.


Round 1

What is nationalism?


Scoreboard Answer

This “ism” rejected the rationalism of

the Enlightenment.


Round 1

What is Romanticism?


Scoreboard Answer

Emile Zola and Heinrich Ibsen were two leading

writers of this movement.


Round 1

What is Realism?



This monumental British law made the

House of Commons the most powerful body in



Round 1

What is the Reform Bill of



Scoreboard Answer

This law prohibited the employment of children under the

age of nine.


Round 1

What is the Factory Act of



Scoreboard Answer

This group advocated universal

suffrage for men.


Round 1

What is the Chartist



Scoreboard Answer

This organization worked tirelessly for decades to kill the high tariff of 1815.


Round 1

What is the Anti-Corn Law



Scoreboard Answer

This religiously-driven reformer campaigned to

end slavery in the British Empire.


Round 1

Who is William Wilberforce?



This 1848 revolution saw the overthrow of Louis Philippe and the creation of the Second

French Republic.


Round 1

What is the February



Scoreboard Answer

This 1848 Revolution in France saw class

warfare between the bourgeoisie and the



Round 1

What is the “June Days”



Scoreboard Answer

This failed 1849 attempt by Frederick

William IV of Prussia to unify the German

states became known by this term.


Round 1

What is the “Humiliation of Olmutz?”


Scoreboard Answer

This newly-created body oversaw the 1848

Revolution in the German Confederation

seeking to unify Germany under

Prussian leadership.


Round 1

What is the Frankfurt



Scoreboard Answer

This Magyar leader nearly succeeded in winning Hungary’s independence from



Round 1

Who is Louis Kossuth?



This urban planner rebuilt Paris under

the reign of Napoleon III.


Round 1

Who is Georges von Haussmann?


Scoreboard Answer

This Benthamite’s “sanitary idea” helped clean up

cities and reduce disease.


Round 1

Who is Edwin Chadwick?


Scoreboard Answer

This scientist’s germ theory of disease was

responsible for the greatest breakthrough

in reducing the transmission of disease.


Round 1

Who is Louis Pasteur?


Scoreboard Answer

This 1890s innovation represented the real revolution in public



Round 1

What is the electric



Scoreboard Answer

This term refers to the new urban phenomenon where the wife was the

homemaker and the husband was the wage



Round 1

What is separate spheres?



This 18th-century Enlightenment economist was

championed by liberals and business owners

for his belief in laissez faire.


Round 1

Who is Adam Smith?


Scoreboard Answer

This country became Europe’s leading

industrial nation by 1914.


Round 1

What is Germany?


Scoreboard Answer

This innovation resulted in iron being turned into steel, a

new major industry of the 2nd Industrial



Round 1

What is the Bessemer Process?


Scoreboard Answer

This free-trade zone developed in the

German Confederation after 1834.


Round 1

What is the Zollverein?

Place a bet between $100 to $1000 (or higher if you have more money)



Scoreboard Answer

This liberal economist spoke about an “iron

law of wages” that kept wages very low for

workers due to overpopulation in cities.


Round 1

Who is David Ricardo?

Category #1 Category #2 Category #3 Category #4 Category #5 Category #6

The Arts Socialism Romanti-cism


Big Ideas Grab Bag

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400$400










$600 $600 $600


$1000 $1000 $1000



This Frenchman became most associated with

Impressionism, after he painted Impression:

Sunrise (1873)


Round 2

Who is Claude Monet?


Scoreboard Answer

This artist’s “Starry Night” was

emblematic of Post-Impressionism (or Expressionism).


Round 2

Who is Vincent Van



Scoreboard Answer

This Frenchman is considered the first

“modernist” painter due to his painting of Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe

(Luncheon on theGrass), 1863.


Round 2

Who is Edouard Manet?


Scoreboard Answer

This German composer straddled the Classical and Romantic periods and famously used a

romantic poem by Schiller in his 9th



Round 2

Who is Ludwig van



Scoreboard Answer

This German romantic painter’s mystical view of

he sublime power of nature was portrayed in

such paintings as Wanderers Above the



Round 2

Who is Caspar David




This German thinker is seen as the “father” of



Round 2

Who is Karl Marx?


Scoreboard Answer

This co-author of the Communist Manifesto

lashed out at the middle classes in his The

Condition of the Working Class in England (1844)


Round 2

Who is Friedrich Engels?


Scoreboard Answer

This French socialist wrote What is

Property? and believed that profit was stolen from the worker who was the source of all



Round 2

Who is Pierre Joseph


Place a bet between $200 to $2000 (or higher if you have more money) Questio



Scoreboard Answer

This French socialist demanded universal

suffrage for workers and urged them to take control

of the government peacefully. He later played a role in the “June Days”



Round 2

Who is Louis Blanc?


Scoreboard Answer

This early French utopian socialist

advocated planned communities and even the total emancipation

of women.


Round 2

Who is Charles Fourier?



This Enlightenment philosophe is also

considered one of the first romantics for his views of humans in a

state of nature as “noble savages.”


Round 2

Who is Jean-Jacques



Scoreboard Answer

This French artist is considered the greatest of the

Romantic painters: he painted Liberty

Leading the People.


Round 2

Who is Eugène Delacroix?


Scoreboard Answer

This influential German romantic wrote Faust and Sorrows of Young



Round 2

Who is Goethe?


Scoreboard Answer

This French romantic author wrote such

classics as Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les



Round 2

Who is Victor Hugo?


Scoreboard Answer

The Houses of Parliament in London

were built in this Medieval-inspired architectural style.


Round 2

What is Gothic Revivalism?



This country won its independence in 1829

with the surprising support of Britain and



Round 2

What is



Scoreboard Answer

This Italian was the leading figure in the movement for Italian

independence/unification in the years prior to



Round 2

Who is Giuseppe Mazzini?


Scoreboard Answer

This country won its independence from the Netherlands in



Round 2

What is Belgium?


Scoreboard Answer

This Italian opera composer embodied the

ideal of Italian independence and his operas evoked strong

nationalist views.


Round 2

Who is Giuseppe Verdi?

Place a bet between $200 to $2000 (or higher if you have more money) Questio



Scoreboard Answer

This German thinker is considered by some as the “father” of German nationalism. He spoke of German superiority while criticizing Jews.


Round 2

Who is Johann Gottlieb Fichte?



This biologist wrote On the Origins of the Human Species.


Round 2

Who is Charles Darwin?


Scoreboard Answer

This Austrian psychoanalyst believed

that the human subconscious was

responsible for humans being irrational



Round 2

Who is Sigmund Freud?


Scoreboard Answer

This scientist’s “germ theory” of disease was

responsible for the greatest breakthrough

in reducing the transmission of disease.


Round 2

Who is Louis Pasteur?


Scoreboard Answer

This liberal wrote perhaps the definitive work on liberalism in

1859, On Liberty.


Round 2

Who is John Stuart Mill?


Scoreboard Answer

This English utilitarian thinker believed in

government policies to provide “the greatest good for the greatest



Round 2

Who is Jeremy




This liberal-leaning political party

instituted a number of reforms in Britain

in the 1830s and 1840s.


Round 2

What is the Whig party?


Scoreboard Answer

This attempted 1825 liberal revolution of junior army officers sought to take over

Russia after Tsar Alexander I died.


Round 2

What is the Decembrist Uprising?


Scoreboard Answer

French King Charles X was overthrown by

liberal-minded revolutionaries in this

1830 uprising.


Round 2

What is the “July



Scoreboard Answer

This term identifies the lower-middle class in 19th-century society.


Round 2

What is the petite



Scoreboard Answer

Pope Leo XIII condemned socialism, defended

private property, and supported improved

working conditions for the proletariat in this papal



Round 2

What is Rerum Novarum?

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Category: Diplomacy


Ultimate Question


These were the three major

principles outlined by the Congress of Vienna in 1814-15.


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What are Legitimacy,

Compensation, and Balance of


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