r&s®rt-zc02 r&s®rt-zc03 ac/dc current probe user manual€¦ · requiring current...

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R&S®RT-ZC02 R&S®RT-ZC03AC/DC Current Probe User Manual




2 Subject to change without notice


1 Introduction 32 Safety 33 SpecificationsRT-ZC03 6

SpecificationsRT-ZC02 74 OperatingInstructionsRT-ZC03 8


OperatingInstructionsRT-ZC024.1 Switch On 4.2 ZeroAdjustment4.3 CurrentMeasurement4.4 AutoPowerOFF4.5 BatteryReplacement4.6 Maintenance5 WarrantyandRepair 13

3Subject to change without notice

1 Introduction

Thecurrentprobehasbeendesigned for usewithmulti-meters and oscilloscopes respectively for accurate, non-intrusivemeasurementofAC,DCandcomplexwaveformcurrentsusingadvancedHallEffecttechnology.


RT-ZC03 RT-ZC02Measurementrange 5mAto30A 500mAto1000AResolution 1mA 100mA/500mAFrequencyrange DCto100kHz DCto20kHz

Connector RT-ZCxx BNC BNCHZCxx dual4mm dual4mm

Thesefeaturesmakeitapowerfultoolforuseininverters,switch mode power supplies, industrial controllers andother applications requiring current measurement and/orwaveformanalysis.

2 Safety


14 Subject to change without notice

1 Introduction

The HZO50 current probe has been designed for use with multimeters and oscilloscopes respectively for accurate, non-intrusive measurement of AC, DC and complex wave-form currents.

Using advanced Hall Effect technology the HZO50 can mea-sure currents accurately with a resolution of 1mA from 5mA to 30 Amps over the frequency range of DC to 100 kHz.

These features make it a powerful tool for use in inverters, switch mode power supplies, industrial controllers and other applications requiring current measurement and/or wave-form analysis.

2 Safety

The following symbols appear on the products:

Warning The HZO50 may only be used and handled by qua-lified personnel. To avoid personal injury, follow these precautions:

– To avoid electric shock, use caution during installation and use of this product; high voltages and currents may be present in circuit under test.

PN 2560394 March 2006 ©2006 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.


i30s/i30 AC/DC Current Clamps

Instruction Sheet Introduction The i30s AC/DC Current Clamp has been designed for use with oscilloscopes and DMMs for accurate, non-intrusive measurement of both AC, DC, and complex waveform currents. The i30 AC/DC Current Clamp has been designed for use with DMMs only. Using advanced Hall Effect technology the i30s can accurately measure currents with a resolution of 1 mA from 5 mA to 30 A over the frequency range of DC to 100 kHz. These features make it a powerful tool for use in inverters, switch mode power supplies, industrial controllers and other applications requiring current measurements and/or waveform analysis.

Symbols The table below lists the symbols used on the product and/or in this manual.

Symbol Description

~ Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste. Contact Fluke or a quadfcycler for disposal.

W Important Information. See manual.

T Double insulation.

- Do not apply around or remove from the HAZARDOUS LIVE conductors.

)Conforms to Canadian Standards Association.

PComplies with the relevant European standards.

Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste. Contact Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KGor a qualified recycler for disposal.

PN 2560394 March 2006 ©2006 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.


i30s/i30 AC/DC Current Clamps

Instruction Sheet Introduction The i30s AC/DC Current Clamp has been designed for use with oscilloscopes and DMMs for accurate, non-intrusive measurement of both AC, DC, and complex waveform currents. The i30 AC/DC Current Clamp has been designed for use with DMMs only. Using advanced Hall Effect technology the i30s can accurately measure currents with a resolution of 1 mA from 5 mA to 30 A over the frequency range of DC to 100 kHz. These features make it a powerful tool for use in inverters, switch mode power supplies, industrial controllers and other applications requiring current measurements and/or waveform analysis.

Symbols The table below lists the symbols used on the product and/or in this manual.

Symbol Description

~Do not dispose of this product as unsorted municipal waste. Contact Fluke or a qualified recycler for disposal.

WImportant Information. See manual.

TDouble insulation.

-Do not apply around or remove from the HAZARDOUS LIVE conductors.

)Conforms to Canadian Standards Association.

P Complies with the relevant European standards.

4 Subject to change without notice

WarningThecurrentprobemayonlybeusedandhandledbyqualifiedpersonnel. To avoid personal injury, follow these precautions:

– To avoid electric shock, use caution during installation and use of this product; high voltages and currents may be present in circuit undertest.

– Do not use the product if damaged. Always connect probe to displaydevice before it is installed around the conductor.

– Always ensure the probe is removed from any live electric circuit, and leads are disconnected before removing the battery cover.

– UsetheCurrentProbeonlyasspecifiedintheoperatinginstructions;otherwise the current probe’s safety features may not protect you.

– Adhere to local and national safety codes. Individual protective equip-ment must be used to prevent the shock and arc blast injury wherehazardous live conductors are exposed.

– Do not hold the Current Probe anywhere beyond the tactile indicator.

– Before each use, inspect the Current Probe. Look for cracks or missing portions of the Current Probe housing or output cable insulation. Also look for loose or weakened components. Pay particular attention tothe insulation surrounding the jaws.

– Use caution when working with voltages above 60 VDC,30 VAC rms or 42 VAC peak. Such voltages pose a shock hazard.

– Useofthisequipmentinamannernotspecifiedhereinmayimpairthe protection provided by the equipment.

– CAT III equipment is designed to protect against the transients in theequipmentinfixedequipmentinstallations,suchasdistributionpa-nels, feeders and short branch circuits, and the lighting systems inlarge buildings.

Always inspect the probe and lead for damage before use.To avoid electric shock, keep the probe clean and free of surface contamination.

Safety in itsuse is the responsibilityof theoperatorwhomustbeasuitablyqualifiedandauthorisedperson.Ensu-rethatyourfingersarebehindtheprotectivebarrierwhenusingtheprobe.

5Subject to change without notice

Safety StandardsEN61010-1EN61010-2-032300VRMSCatIII,PollutionDegree2

EMC StandardsEN61326-2-2ROHSandWEEEcompliant

Thisproductisdesignedtobesafeunderthefollowingcon-ditions:– indooruse– altitudeupto2000m– temperature0°Cto+50°C– maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures upto31°Cdecreasinglinearlyto40%relativehumidityat50°C.

Useof theprobeonuninsulatedconductors is limited to300VRMSACorDCandfrequenciesbelow1kHz.

6 Subject to change without notice

3 SpecificationsRT-ZC03

Electrical Characteristics (allaccuraciesstatedat23°C±1°C)

Nominal input current 20ARMS,ACorDCMeasuring range ±30AOverload capacity ±500AOverall DC accuracy ±1%ofreading±2mA,typ.Resolution 1mAOutput noise level 200µVRMS,typ.Gain variation ±0.01%ofreading/°C,typ.Output sensitivity 100mV/AFrequency range DCto100kHz(0.5dB),typ.Max. slew rate ±20A/µs,typ.Response time betterthan1µsWorking voltage 300VRMSACorDC

General dataOperating temperature 0°Cto+50°CStorage temperature withbattery removed –20°Cto+85°CPower supply 9VAlkalinebattery


Battery life 25hours,typ.Load impedance (minimum) Conductor sizeWeightOutput cable and connectorsRT-ZC03

> 100kΩand≤100pF25mmdiameter320g2mlongcoaxterminatedwithasafetyBNCconnector50Ohms

7Subject to change without notice


Electrical Characteristics (allaccuraciesstatedat23°C±1°C)

Nominal current In 1000ARMSACorDCMeasuring range ±200/±2000AOverload capacity ±2000AOverall DC accuracy(0 A ... 200 A / 1500 A) ±1%ofreading±0.1/0.5A,typ.Overall DC accuracy(1500 A ... 2000 A) ±5%ofreadingResolution 100/500mAOutput noise level 600µVRMS/10µVRMS,typ.Gain variation ±0.15%ofreading/°C,typ.Output sensitivity 10/1mV/AFrequency range DCto20kHz(-3dB),typ.Max. slew rate ±20A/µs,typ.Response time betterthan5µsWorking voltage 300VRMSACorDC

General dataOperating temperature 0°Cto+50°CStorage temperature withbattery removed –20°Cto+85°CPower supply 9VAlkalinebattery


Battery life 50hours,typ.Load impedance (minimum) Conductor sizeWeightOutput cable and connectorsRT-ZC02

> 100kΩand≤100pF32mmdiameter320g2mlongcoaxterminatedwithasafetyBNCconnector50Ohms

8 Subject to change without notice

4 Operating Instructions RT-ZC03

1 2






1 Jaws2 Conventionalcurrent direction3 TactileBarrier4 Batterycover

5 Batterycoverscrew6 Jawtrigger7 ON/OFFswitch8 Autozerobutton9 LED

9Subject to change without notice

Operating Instructions RT-ZC02

1 Jaws2 Conventionalcurrent direction3 TactileBarrier4 Batterycover5 Batterycoverscrew

6 Jawtrigger7 ON/OFF andrangeswitch8 Autozerobutton9 LED

1 2






10 Subject to change without notice

Typical performance Plots RT-ZC03

11Subject to change without notice

Typical performance Plots RT-ZC02

Conductor size.......................... 32 mm diameter Weight....................................... 320 g.Output cable and connectors.... 1.5 m long coax with

4mm safety plugs (CP1000) 2 m long coaxterminated with a safety BNC connector 50 Ohms (CP 1005)

CP1005 Frequency Response









10 100 1000 10000 100000

Frequency (Hz)


n in





Gain dB 1000A Gain dB 100A

CP1005 Phase Response










0.0010 100 1000 10000 100000

Frequency (Hz)


e Sh

ift in



phase 100A phase 1000A


WarningToavoidinjury,whenusingtheprobeensurethatyourfin-gers are behind the protective barrier. Do not use the probe if any part of the probe, including the lead and connector(s), appear to be damaged or if a malfunction of the instrument is suspected.



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in d


12 Subject to change without notice

4.1 Switch On Whentheprobeisswitchedon,thegreenLEDwillillumi-nate.TheLEDstartsflashingwhenthebatteryvoltageistoolowfornormaloperationandwarnstheuserthatitrequireschanging.ThisprocedureisdescribedinSection4.5.

4.2 Zero Adjustment The output zero offset voltage of the probemay changeduetothermalshiftsandotherenvironmentalconditions.Tonull the output voltagedepress theAuto Zerobutton.Ensure that the probe is away from the current carryingconductorwhilsttheprobeisbeingnulled.

4.3 Current Measurement – SwitchontheprobeandcheckthattheLEDislit.– Connecttheoutputleadtoanoscilloscope,multimeterorothermeasuringequipment.

– ZerotheprobeusingtheAutoZerobutton.– Clamp the jawsof theprobe round the conductor en-suringagoodcontactbetweentheclosingfacesofthejaws.

– Observe and take measurements as required. Positiveoutputindicatesthatthecurrentflowisinthedirectionshownbythearrowontheprobe.

4.4 Auto Power OFFIn order to save battery life, the probewill automaticallyswitch itself off after approximately 10minutes. To disa-bletheAutopowerofffunction,SwitchOfftheprobeandSwitchOnwhilst pressing the auto zero button. The redLEDwillilluminateandtheprobewillstayOnuntilswitchedoff again.

4.5 Battery Replacement

WarningTo avoid personal injury, always ensure the probe is removed from any live electric circuit, and leads are disconnected before removing the battery cover. Never operate the probe withoutthebatterycoverfitted.

ThegreenorredLEDwillflashwhentheminimumopera-tingvoltageisapproached.Usethefollowingprocedure.– Unclamptheprobefromtheconductor,turnitoffusingthe On - Off switch and disconnect the output leads,fromexternalequipment.

13Subject to change without notice

– Loosenthecaptivescrewwhichsecuresthebatteryco-ver.Liftthecoverthrough30°andpullitclearofthepro-bebody.Replacethebatteryandre-fitthebatterycoverandfastenthescrew.

Note: Replacementwithotherthanthespecifiedtypeofbatterywillinvalidate the warranty. Fit only the type 9 V PP3 Alkaline (MN 1604).

4.6 MaintenanceCleanthecaseperiodicallybywipingitwithadampclothanddetergent.Use isopropylalcoholtocleantheelectro-nics unit and theprobe.Donot use abrasive cleaners orsolvents.Donotimmersetheprobeinliquids.

5 Warranty and Repair

Ourinstrumentsaresubjecttostrictqualitycontrols.Priorto leavingthemanufacturingsite,each instrumentunder-goesa10-hourburn-in test.This is followedbyextensivefunctional quality testing to examine all operatingmodesand toguaranteecompliancewith thespecified technicaldata.Thetestingisperformedwithtestingequipmentthatiscalibrated tonationalstandards.Thestatutorywarrantyprovisionsshallbegovernedbythelawsofthecountryinwhich the product was purchased. In case of any com-plaints,pleasecontactyoursupplier.

Anyadjustments,replacementsofparts,maintenanceandrepairmaybecarriedoutonlybyauthorizedtechnicalper-sonnel.Onlyoriginalpartsmaybeusedforreplacingpartsrelevant to safety (e.g. power switches, power transfor-mers,fuses).Asafetytestmustalwaysbeperformedafterpartsrelevanttosafetyhavebeenreplaced(visualinspec-tion,PEconductortest,insulationresistancemeasurement,leakagecurrentmeasurement, functional test). Thishelpsensurethecontinuedsafetyoftheproduct.

The productmayonlybeopenedbyauthorizedandqualifiedpersonnel. Prior to working on the product or before the pro-duct is opened, it must be disconnected from the AC supply network. Otherwise, personnel will be exposed to the risk of an electric shock.

© 2020 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

Mühldorfstr. 15, 81671 München, Germany

Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0

E-mail: info@rohde-schwarz.com

Internet: www.rohde-schwarz.com

Customer Support: www.customersupport.rohde-schwarz.com Service: www.service.rohde-schwarz.com

Subject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding.

R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG. Trade names are trademarks of the owners.

Throughout this manual, products from Rohde & Schwarz are indicated without the R&S® symbol, e.g. R&S®RT-ZC03 is indicated as RT-ZC03.

1333.0844.02 Version 03 RT-ZC03 1333.0850.02 Version 03 RT-ZC02

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