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Post on 03-Oct-2020






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Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool


Worship Services Continue to be on

Sundays at 9:00 AM Please see page three for our plan as we enter into Phase I.

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

From the Pastor’s Desk

Grace to You and Peace from God our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord.

As this Pandemic continues its course, more and more people are finding them-selves losing hope and joy. Despair is a very real thing in our world today. Some of it comes from the lack of face to face greetings, and some of it comes from the fear that has gripped us by the throat. The real culprit or mastermind behind the scenes is Satan, the great deceiver. He fuels the despair, and puts fear in our lives, he desires us to give up hope and to lose our joy. He knows that once we give in to fear and despair, once we lose hope and joy, we will also give up on our relationship with our heavenly Father. Then it will be game over; he has won.

However, we have a true and great defense, Jesus. Jesus died on the cross to defeat Satan, and to bring us joy, and hope. The greeting that I started this article with is an old greeting. Paul used it as did many of the other Apostles. It encompasses two parts, a what and a who.

The what is in two parts, GRACE and PEACE. These are the two words which were used in tradi-tional greetings as people met on the streets, or as they gathered together. Grace was the Gentile greeting, in Greek χαρις is related to charity, good feelings, good relations. Peace is the Hebrew greeting, in Hebrew לום it also wishes prosperity, friendship and health upon the individual. Both שterms establish, strengthen and foster relationships. They are wishes and gifts.

The who is also in two parts. Ok, first a disclaimer; does it matter who the gift is from, or do we simp-ly look at the gift? To me, who is giving the gift is more important than the gift itself. Again, it is the relationship that matters. Now, who is the giver of grace and peace? Is it the one who extends the greeting, or someone much bigger? Yes, it is both. We extend the greetings, but it is God who em-powers those greetings to be of great benefit. So, the who is God the Father, and Jesus Christ our Lord. The giver of all good things extends to us the wealth and prosperity of heaven itself in the rela-tionship we have with God our Father. We trust in Him to provide for us, and to supply all our needs. There is a dependence on God and a reliance on him. That is where true grace and peace are found in our Father’s presence. Likewise, Jesus Christ as our Lord watches over us and helps us in all our needs. But there comes that reliance, dependence again. We are truly at peace when we rest in the arms of our savior.

Why, then, do we have such turmoil and despair in our lives? Because we start thinking it is all about us, it is all about the gift, all about my happiness. We lose hope and joy because we focus inward, and lose sight of God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. We take our eyes off God and give Sa-tan to show us the false vision of how decrepit our lives are. He twists and misshapes our world until we give up and turn ourselves into a royal mess. God does not, however, give up on the relation-ship. His grace and peace are with us, even when we forget to look for it, even when we have jour-neyed far away from our God. His grace and peace sustain and support us without our even asking. His love never ends. When we find despair and grief in our lives, we need to seek out the grace and peace that God has placed in our lives, not so that we can pour it over ourselves, but so that we can pour it over everyone we meet, so they will also know that relationship which God has established with them.

In closing, I bid you God’s grace and peace, I pray that they may well up in you and sustain you through all trials, and I pray that God will give you all things needful in this desperate time.

Pastor Tim Email: Cell phone: 636-744-9044

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

Update: April 30, 2020

Beginning on May 10th:

During Phase One of the reopening plan, we will begin reestablishing our sanctuary worship presence. We are not going to go back to full swing yet. We will allow people to be in the sanctuary during the ser-vice to participate in the worship experience. We will have the follow-ing guidelines:

• We will use alternating pews in each section, so that an empty pew separates the pews where people are sitting. Family units may be seated together.

• We ask that you maintain a social distance of 6 feet between family groups.

• We ask that you refrain from shaking hands or hugging.

We will celebrate Holy Communion, however the form in which we will distribute the bread/wine is still being considered. We will continue to broadcast on 91.7 to our “Drive-In” crowd for those who do not wish to enter the sanctuary. We will also continue to Live-Stream on Face-book. For now our service time will remain at 9:00, but we will eventu-ally phase in the two service format again, timing will be determined at a later date. Bible class will resume in Big Barnabas at 10:30 AM with people maintaining social distance. We will be phasing in more activities, as things settle down. We appreciate your patience.

Revised Worship Schedule:

MAY 3rd: Sunday at 9:00 AM, “Drive-In” and Facebook Live Service ONLY MAY 10th and On: Sunday Worship in the Sanctuary at 9:00 AM, “Drive-In” and Facebook Live Services Still Offered 10:30 AM Bible Study in Barnabas Hall All services will be broadcast on CTK Facebook Live and on 91.7 FM from the parking lot or within a mile radius of the church, on Sundays at 9:00 AM, for those that still feel the need to practice precautionary measures.

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

Moving Christ The King Forward in 2020

Reason for the initiative: A plan to deal with the aging HVAC systems in some of our buildings.

Capital funding campaign to build up a replacement fund for the aging original HVAC systems in the various buildings on Christ The King’s campus, along with replacing some of the Designated Funds from the General Fund which were used in the recent period of shortage.

Goal of the Campaign: $150,000 over a 3-year period.

We invite you to join in on this initiative to upgrade and improve the experience at Christ The King, by replacing the aged air conditioning units which have been needing more repairs in recent years, with modern and energy efficient units that will serve our congregation in the future.

We are establishing this as a 3-year project, with the moneys being deposited in a des-ignated account, so that the funds would be available when the units need to be re-placed. Your pledge can be a one-time, one-year, or three-year pledge. Please fill out a pledge card and place it in the designated box on the center table in the narthex. There are special golden colored envelopes for your monetary donations (to be placed in the offering plate), in the narthex as well. We will also have a poster displayed which will map the progress of this initiative.

We hope you will join in on this much needed initiative.

Pastor and the Church Council of Christ The King


For Your Continued Financial Support

During This Time. Actual Givings Received Total Needed Difference 1st Quarter Total: $72,795.57 $65,130.00 $7,665.57 (January—March) April $21,556.70 $20,040.00 $1,516.70

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

02 – Matt & Diane Ouligian 04 – Michael & Christina Manahan 09 – Chris & Katie Padoan 17 – Craig & Corinne Fennessy 19 – Paul & Yohena Bischoff 20 – Gary & Suzanne von Behren 23 – Mont & Lisa Cartwright 24 – Jonathan & Jill Hetz 25 – Rex & Freyda Smith 27 – Tom & Trista Porter 29 – Dale & Sue Rolando 30 – Randy & Kim Frey Dan & Angie Hilken

01 – Gregg Biro 03 – Mila Hilgendorf 04 – Gunn Loyd Arthur Padoan Mavis Sink 07 – Samantha Neubauer Rickey Reeth Nicholas Shorter Joe Thieme

08 – Grisel Appenzeller Jeff Bass 11 – Doris Druid Logan Tice 12 – Jane Fischer 14 – Jeannie Coddington Michele Cromwell 15 – Larry Cutter Susan Klippel 17 – Joseph Odebraski

18 – Bob Barch Donna Mattox Michael Tomcsak 19 – Joe Alexander Jack Biro Bonnie Robinson 22 – Craig Fennessy 23 – Aslynn Lee Crowe 25 – Karen Guenther Tammy Stauferland

26 – Jeff Oakman Mia Sanchez Don Weschler 27 – Donald Rathmann Anna-Carolyn Slot 29 – Timmy Gross 30 – Rachel Sheridan 31 – Erin Ferguson

Happy Birthday!

Happy Anniversary!

We Are Expanding Our Online Presence! Please follow us on Instagram!


Audio of Pastor Brown’s Sermons are available on our website at

Video of Pastor Brown’s Sermons are available on our Facebook page at

“Christ The King Lutheran Church & PreSchool”

Newsletter Deadline: May 15, 2020


JUNE 22 - 26, 2020

Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 7:00 AM—1:00 PM

Christ The King Lutheran Church and Preschool

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