rugby illinois disciplinary policy approved march 20 2019€¦ · disciplinary policy 1 april 2019...

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Rugby Illinois Disciplinary Policy

Rugby Illinois

Policy: Disciplinary

Number: DP001

Approved: 20 March 2019

Effective: 1 April 2019

This policy supersedes all previous versions of the policy.


USAR – USA Rugby

WR – World Rugby

SBRO/SRO - State-Based Rugby Organization

LAU – Local Area Union

CIPP - Club and Individual Participation Program – Registered with USA Rugby, also referred to as USA

Rugby registration number and can be found or created at

Foul Play, per World Rugby (WR) Regulation 17, “Foul Play” means a breach or breaches of Law 10 of

the Laws of the Game and/or a breach or breaches of Law 3.11(c) or Law 4.5(c).

Misconduct, per World Rugby (WR) Regulation 20 For the purposes of these Regulations Relating to the

Game, “Misconduct” shall mean any conduct, behavior, statements and/or practices on or off the

playing enclosure during or in connection with a Match or otherwise, that is unsporting and/or cheating

and/or insulting and/or unruly and/or ill-disciplined and/or that brings or has the potential to bring the

Game and/or any of its constituent bodies, World Rugby and/or its appointed personnel or commercial

partners and/or Match Officials and/or judicial personnel into disrepute. Misconduct shall only exclude

Foul Play during a Match which has been the subject of consideration and a finding under the regime

prescribed for Ordering Off and/or Citing in Regulation 17.

World Rugby Regulation 17 (Discipline – Foul Play) can be found at

World Rugby Regulation 17 Appendix 3 (Disciplinary guidelines for underage game) can be found at

World Rugby Regulation 18 (Disciplinary and Judicial Matters) can be found at

World Rugby Regulation 20 (Misconduct and code of conduct) can be found at

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USA Rugby Disciplinary Procedures can be found at


SafeSport is the Olympic community's initiative to recognize, reduce and respond to misconduct in sport

and is specifically referred to as SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympics Movement and

can be found at

Technical Zones - a catch-all term for a way to set up and run a field for a rugby match in an organized

fashion. Simplified, it is a box, 3m x 18m painted on the sideline of the field, 2m away from the touch

line, meant to contain coaches and substitute players in 7’s only, a designated place for spectators, and

a way to run the match using a #4 referee. When line marking is not available, markers, such as cones,

can be positioned between the 10m and the 22m lines to contain the coaches and the substitute

players. You can

High School (HS) refers to U16 up to U18 and Middle School (MS) refers to up to U16 as laid out in

Appendix 1 WR Sanctions for Foul Play

Season relates to a playing year governed by USAR membership term beginning September 1st and

ending August 31st of the following calendar year.

REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Rugby Illinois is affiliated with USA Rugby and as such, it follows the USA Rugby Disciplinary Procedures.

Rugby Illinois has established the following regulations and procedures for itself and its affiliates who

are players, parents, coaches, team, clubs, spectators, and administrators.

Each Club/Organization should ideally appoint a Disciplinary Panel, or minimally an individual, charged

with the responsibility of maintaining standards of discipline within their own Club/Organization.

General Information and Requirements:

1. Rugby Illinois will ensure that all their affiliates are fully aware of and follow these procedures.

For its part, Rugby Illinois will post these regulations to its Website, and inform its members via

other electronic or printed media.

2. Reciprocity is mandated. Players and/or clubs sanctioned in Rugby Illinois are sanctioned in all

LAUs and SBRO’s and vice versa.

3. Rugby Illinois will maintain written records of all disciplinary decisions reached and actions

taken. The information may be brief, but will include name, CIPP number, address, date and

type of incident, action taken, etc. Details will be maintained for 4 years. These files must be

kept in a professional manner. The information is required in order to determine whether an

individual is a repeat offender. The information is only to be used during the deliberation

portion of any hearing or action, and only if there has been prior disciplinary action taken. It may

not be utilized in determining if the individual has been found to have committed Foul Play or


4. If an individual has been found to have committed foul play or misconduct and the party moves

to a new location, the file(s) of any incidents must be copied and the copy sent to the

Disciplinary Chair of the LAU or SBRO in the new location. This will ensure continued awareness

of past problems that will need to be addressed if the individual is again accused of misconduct.

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6. Any activities that fall within Sexual Misconduct and Related as defined by the SafeSport Code

for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympics Movement shall be reported to the proper SafeSport

authority per the USA Rugby Policy.

Scope and Jurisdiction:

1. These regulations and procedures shall cover the following;

a. All rugby games, jamborees, events, and tournaments organized by Rugby Illinois and its

affiliate teams / clubs. It shall also cover games and any incidents that may result involving a

touring team from another union, foreign or domestic, playing a Rugby Illinois team at an event

within the jurisdiction of Rugby Illinois.

b. All players, coaches, parents, and administrators representing Rugby Illinois or its affiliates at

any regional or national event either as a member of their local team or as an elite player.

c. All affiliates including players, parents, coaches, team, clubs, spectators, vendors, and


i. Rugby Illinois committee members will be subject to the authority of the of the Disciplinary

Committee. The findings of the Disciplinary Committee will then be shared with the

Executive Committee for any additional action that may be warranted.

(a) In the event a member of the Executive Committee presents a conflict due to their

team affiliation, or other circumstances, their alternate shall replace them for the


ii. The Executive Director, being an employee of Rugby Illinois is not subject to the authority

of the Disciplinary Committee. That authority rests solely with the Rugby Illinois Executive


Disciplinary Committee (DC)

1. Rugby Illinois will have a Disciplinary Committee. It shall be comprised of a Rugby Illinois

committee member, normally the disciplinarian and one alternate, a coach representative and

one alternate nominated by the membership and approved by the competition committee and

the Chicago Area Rugby Football Union Referee Society (CARFU RS) Vice President and one

alternate appointed by CARFU RS. Their mission will be to oversee the disciplinary actions

within Rugby Illinois.

i. The three members of the Disciplinary Committee shall select a chairman and an


ii. All members and alternates will be familiar with World Rugby Regulations 17, 18 & 20, USA

Rugby Disciplinary Procedures, and the Rugby Illinois Disciplinary Policy.

For clarification, familiar means has read and understood the documents and

completed WR Judicial Training online module prior to being involved in a hearing,

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except where exceptional circumstance don’t allow. This course can be found at

iii. In the event a member of the Disciplinary Committee presents a conflict due to their team

affiliation, their alternate shall replace them for the hearing.

iv. In the event a member of the Disciplinary Committee presents a possible conflict due to

their playing division affiliation, their alternate may replace them for the hearing

v. Alternates may also be used when time is of the essence and the members are unavailable.

vi. In the event a member of the DC is under review for a disciplinary issue, they will be

excluded from being involved in any DC matters for as long as the review is active. If found

guilty, the member will not be allowed to sit on the DC for a minimum of three seasons.

2. The proceedings, findings, or decisions of a Disciplinary Committee shall not be invalidated by

reason of any minor defect, irregularity, omission or technicality unless such defect,

irregularity, omission or technicality raises a material doubt as to the reliability of the

proceedings, findings or decisions.

3. The Disciplinary Committee may choose to consult with a Qualified Judicial Officer (JO) (defined

in the USA Rugby Disciplinary Procedures) in the course of conducting its business.

4. In the absence of a Disciplinary Committee, or at the request of the Disciplinary Committee, a

Qualified JO may conduct the business of the Disciplinary Committee

The Process: 1. Upon the receipt of an incident report the Disciplinary Committee Administrator will inform the

violator and the team’s coach / administrator that they are subject to a disciplinary action. The

Disciplinary Committee Administrator will provide them with the details of the alleged incident as

well as provide them with a Rugby Illinois Player / Coach Incident report to fill out. This incident

report is to be returned to the Disciplinary Committee Administrator within 48 hours.

2. It will be assumed that the incident is uncontested should the Player/Coach incident report form not

be returned within the specified timeframe. If the alleged incident is contested, the Disciplinary

Committee Administrator will provide the Disciplinary Committee with the reports for its review and


3. If the information contained in the reports is insufficient, the Committee will gather the additional

information it believes necessary to reach a decision. This additional information may include

interviewing individuals directly involved in the incident, other individuals who may have

information that is pertinent to the Committee’s deliberations, and requesting additional

information and/or documentation of the incident.

4. The Disciplinary Committee then convenes a hearing. At the hearing, which may be conducted by

telephone, all involved may make statements relating to the incident and may be represented by

counsel. The presence of counsel for any party must be communicated at least 24 hours prior to any

hearing. The individual who is the subject of the disciplinary action shall have an opportunity to

review all evidence at least 24 hours prior, and the hearing shall be consistent with traditional

notions of due process and consistent with World Rugby Regulation 17.

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5. The committee will render its written decision within forty-eight hours (48) of the hearing. Such

decisions may be communicated by mail, fax, or email and followed up by regular mail as

appropriate using the WR Judicial Hearing Decisions Template, in appendix 3, when possible.

6. For reasons of practicality, during playing season, the disciplinary committee will meet each Monday

with an expectation that any reviews are conducted at a set time in advance of weekly games.

Additional reviews can be held if and when required.

7. All parties have the right to an appeal involving an appeal committee unconnected with the original

ruling. See Appeals Procedure below.

8. In the case where additional documented evidence is required to be prepared, 7 days will be

allowed to gather such evidence prior to convening a hearing.

Minor Infractions (Yellow Cards)

1. Yellow cards (temporary suspensions) will be given to players in accordance with the current

WR (World Rugby) laws and at the discretion of the referee. In order to address the issue of

repeat offenders and professional fouls the following disciplinary procedures will be


2. If a player commits an infraction that warrants a second yellow card in a game that player will

be shown a red card and ejected from the game.

3. For disciplinary purposes, receipt of a third Yellow Card by the same player within a one (1)-

year period carries the same consequences as a Red Card and each subsequent Yellow Card

received by that player carries the same consequences as another Red Card for disciplinary


4. When a player is on loan to facilitate a game to be played, as often happens currently in

middle school and girls’ games, yellow cards issued for repeat team fouls will not carry an

automatic suspension for the loaned player, given that this occurs in a situation where

learning is occurring. This in no way limits the DC’s ability to issue appropriate sanctions for

foul play by a player, regardless of the team they are playing with on any given week.

Major Infractions (Red Cards)

1. Red cards (Sent Off/ removed from the remainder of the game) will be given to players in

accordance with the current WR laws and at the discretion of the referee.

a. Any player or coach who is sent off for the remaining duration of a match for any reason is

suspended from all play until the resolution of the matter.

i. The head coach shall notify the club Disciplinarian and Administrator that the player will

miss the next scheduled match.

b. The referee must file a playing incident report located on CARFU RS website within forty-eight

(48) hours of the incident. This form is found in the reports section and is titled Discipline

Report: Rugby Illinois. For practical reasons, if this web report is unavailable to the referee, a

report must be made verbally or via email to the Disciplinarian or Administrator within forty-

eight (48) hours of the incident and follow up with the CARFU RS report, when it becomes


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c. Upon the receipt of a of incident report the Disciplinary Committee will follow The Process as

outlined above.

2. Where a coach or player receiving the red card is from another Territorial Union, Local Area

Union or State Based Organization reports should be addressed to the Disciplinary Committee

of that organization.

3. Where a red card is issued during either the last game of the season or when playing on a high

performance team, appropriate sanctions will still apply to subsequent Rugby Illinois games,

regardless of season or team represented.

Non-Playing Violations / Misconduct 1. A non-playing violation/Misconduct constitutes an act that violates the codes of conduct,

policies, laws, and rules of World Rugby, USA Rugby, or Rugby Illinois, or that is detrimental to

the sport of rugby or Rugby Illinois.

a. Knowingly filing of false violations or withholding information relevant to the investigation by

anyone connected with Rugby Illinois is considered an act that is contrary to good

sportsmanship and the spirit of the game and is an act detrimental to the sport.

b. Proven allegations of misconduct that result in the game being placed in disrepute are to be

dealt with in an appropriate manner by the Rugby Illinois Disciplinary Committee.

c. Clubs/Organizations are responsible for the activities of their members and supporters, as they

relate to the image of the game. Clubs/Organizations are expected to provide for the discipline

of their members and supporters who bring the game into disrepute.

2. Non-Playing Violations/Misconduct, as defined in this code, are outside the limits, authority,

and control of the match referee, and as such become the responsibility of the clubs to report

any such violations to the Rugby Illinois Disciplinary Committee.

3. Abusive or foul language, belligerence, and/or physical threats by spectators shall not be

tolerated and upon the request of a match official the offender should be removed from the

immediate vicinity of the playing area by a member of the coaching staff. Police intervention

should be considered when necessary.

4. All disciplinary action as the result of a Non-Playing/Misconduct Violation may be initiated by

any member of any affiliated team/club of Rugby Illinois in good standing, or any visiting


5. The individual initiating the disciplinary action shall determine the offender's name and club

affiliation at the time of the incident, where possible, to aid in any investigation.

6. The individual initiating the disciplinary action shall prepare a formal written report providing

full details of the violation; and shall send the original to the Disciplinary Committee


7. Following a review of the report, the Disciplinary Committee reserves the right to dismiss the

claim or initiate a hearing leading to a possible, warning, fine, suspension or other sanction,

due to non-playing violations.

8. Any allegations regarding Misconduct by a referee, assistant referee, or match official must

come from a directly involved player/club/SRO or USA Rugby, and shall be directed to, and

handled by a Disciplinary Committee or Qualified JO appointed by the Referee’s local referee

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organizing body, which shall (1) adjudicate whether Misconduct occurred, (2) upon a finding of

misconduct, determine what sanctions, if any, shall be imposed, and (3) issue a written

decision. Additional process and information is contained in the USA Rugby Disciplinary

Procedures, Section 8.2.

9. With respect to Sexual Misconduct cases and Related Misconduct or other Prohibited Conduct

as defined by The SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement and within

the SafeSport Practices and Procedures for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement all such

cases shall be reported to the USA Rugby SafeSport Liaison, or, at the reporting individual’s

option, to the U.S. Center for SafeSport Response & Resolution Office (Office), which is the

division of the U.S. Center for SafeSport responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance

with the SafeSport Practices and Procedures for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement,

which body has exclusive authority over such cases.

i. Additional processes and information is contained in the USA Rugby Disciplinary

Procedures, Sections 11.1 – 11.3.

ii. Violations of SafeSport shall also be reported to the appropriate legal jurisdiction.

Appeals Procedure

1. During any appeal, the individual remains under whatever sanction, if any, originally imposed by the

Disciplinary Committee or Qualified JO.

2. An appeal must be filed within 72 hours from the date that the Disciplinary Committee’s decision is

communicated to the offending individual/team/club.

3. A $50 Appeal Processing fee is required. The fee will be refunded if the appeal is successful.

4. Instructions:

a) Complete the appeals application form completely, attached herein as Appendix 5.

b) Pay the $50 processing fee by paypal to While paypal is the

preferred method of payment, a paper check made out to Rugby Illinois is acceptable.

c) Scan or take a photo of the check, if applicable.

d) If paying by paper check, confirm the physical mailing address with the current Rugby Illinois

Disciplinarian or Treasurer and mail the check with the printed copy of the appeal.

Email a photo or scan of the check or the paypal receipt and the electronic form to the following two

email addresses with “RI APPEAL” in the subject line:

5. Upon receipt of a written appeal the Disciplinary Committee Administrator shall initiate an appeal

hearing by contacting and securing the services of three coaches from the pool of Disciplinary

Appeals coaches not involved in the case. The Rugby Illinois President, or Executive Committee

member, the President of the CARFU RS and the three certified coaches shall be the Appeals

Committee. The Disciplinary Committee Administrator may elect to use a Qualified Appeal Officer

(AO) (defined in the USA Rugby Disciplinary Procedures) in place of the Appeals Committee.

i) All members of the Appeals Committee will be familiar with World Rugby Regulations 17, 18

& 20, USA Rugby Disciplinary Procedures, and the Rugby Illinois Disciplinary Policy.

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ii) The pool of six Disciplinary Appeals coaches will be selected by the Disciplinary Committee

Administrator. Preferably this consists of no less than one coach from each of Middle

School, High School Boys and High School Girls programs.

iii) By agreeing to participate in any appeal process, each committee member thereby swears

or affirms that s/he has no current or prior connection to any party involved in the appeal

that would preclude them from participating in an unbiased and fair manner.

iv) All members of the appeals committee shall be currently in good standing with Rugby


v) In the event of a difficulty filling the 5 member appeals committee, due to availability and/

or conflicts, a hearing may proceed with as few as three members to avoid any delay in the


6. The Disciplinary Committee Administrator shall forward all information regarding the case to all

members of the Appeals Committee or Qualified AO.

7. A hearing date, time and place shall be determined by the Disciplinary Committee Administrator and

sent to each member of the Appeals Committee (or Qualified AO) and to the appellant. Such details

of the hearing shall be agreeable to all parties, subject to them not withholding consent


8. All reasonable costs related to a hearing are borne by Rugby Illinois; however the offenders’

Team/Club will cover their own costs.

9. All parties involved shall be given an opportunity to present all pertinent information, and counsel

may represent the appellant.

10. Upon completion of the hearing, the Appeals Committee (or Qualified AO) shall render a written

decision within seven (7) days of the hearing to all involved, and Disciplinary Committee

Administrator shall send copies to the Executive Director, the Executive Committee, the Appellant,

the USA Rugby Disciplinary Committee and the Referee Department of USA Rugby.

Tracking Offenders

1. It is the responsibility of the Disciplinary Committee to provide a written report to the National

Office of USA Rugby of any action taken above, for all individuals suspended for three or more

months. The report must contain a recent photograph of the suspended individual. USA Rugby will

periodically circulate information on all suspensions throughout the United States. Methods of

circulating such information will include but are not limited to: posting to a Web site, Club

Newsletters, and other electronic or printed media. Any team that allows a suspended player to

participate in matches while suspended will be subject to additional penalties by their SBRO, LAU or

Territorial Union, or both Disciplinary Committees.

2. While summary discipline facts and figures may be shared, no details of any specific incident or

hearing are to be shared outside of the parties explicitly mentioned in this document.

Fines / Penalties

Any fines, penalties, or fees collected will be placed into the community fund and used to help players

with financial needs.

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Sanctions for Foul Play

1. The WR Regulation 17 Sanctions for Foul Play schedule is provided in Appendix 1.

2. WR uses the term “weeks,” but as a practical matter, this means matches.

3. Should a player during their suspension commit any of the following, they are subject to

further disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the Disciplinary Committee:

(i) Play in a match with any team regardless of union or location,

(ii) Commit any further misconduct,

(iii) Fail to comply with the findings of the Disciplinary Committee

4. Should any one team receive any more than two red cards in a season, the team opens

themselves up for sanctions which could include any of the following, not in any particular


(i) Monetary fines issued to the team

(ii) Suspension of the coach in question for between 2-6 weeks

(iii) Requirement of coaching education courses from Positive Coaching Alliance

(iv) Forfeiture of league points

(v) Forfeiture of match wins

(vi) Forfeiture of playoff spots

(vii) Suspension of the team for up to a year

(viii) Removal of the team from the league

The DC will review the repeated offense or offender and determine, using The Process as

defined above, the severity of the repeated nature and suitability for further sanctions based on

root cause. In the event the root cause is willfully negligent and/or not in keeping with Rugby

Illinois or World Rugby ethos, more severe sanctions are appropriate. Typically these repeated

red cards, in the range of 3-4 per team, will require no more than coaching education and/or

forfeiture of league points. In the event more than 4 red cards are issued for a team, then some

of the other sanctions listed above may be enforced.

Sanctions for Misconduct

If the Disciplinary Committee or JO determines that an act or acts of Misconduct have been committed,

then they shall receive and consider representations on sanctions. The Disciplinary Committee and

Qualified JOs shall be entitled to impose such sanction as they deem appropriate to the Union, Person

and/or Player and/or other party concerned including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) a caution, warning as to future conduct, reprimand;

(b) a fine and/or compensation orders;

(c) a suspension for a specified number of Matches (including all on-field activities)

or period of time;

(d) expulsion from the remainder of a Tournament and/or Series of Matches;

(e) exclusion orders from Unions or grounds within Unions;

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(f) suspension from involvement in officiating, coaching and/or administration of the


(g) the withdrawal of other benefits of membership of World Rugby including but

not limited to the right to apply to host World Rugby Matches or International

Tournaments and/or funding;

(h) the deduction or cancellation of points or any such similar sports or tournament

based sanction; and/or

(i) any combination of the above or such other sanction as may be appropriate.

And in the case of Sevens Matches and/or Sevens Tournaments the following

additional sanctions may be imposed:

(j) the cancellation of a Match result;

(k) the replaying of a Match;

(l) the forfeiture of a Match;

(m) the deduction or cancellation of points or any such similar sports or tournament

based sanction; and/or

(n) any combination of the above or such other sanction as may be appropriate.

Schedule of Misconduct Sanctions Appear in Appendix 2

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Appendix 1 WR Sanctions for Foul Play

World Rugby has a schedule of Sanctions shown below and found in, World Rugby Regulation 17

Appendix 3 for Foul Play for U19 and U16, which Rugby Illinois will follow

WR uses the term “weeks,” but as a practical matter, this means matches.

Note: Any act of foul play which results in contact with the head shall result in at least a mid-range


9.11 Players must not do anything that is reckless or dangerous to others

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 3+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 3 matches Top-end: 5+ matches

9.12 A Player must not physically abuse anyone. Physical abuse includes, but is not limited



Up to U15s

Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 8 matches




U16 to U18

Low end: 8 matches Mid-range: 10 matches





Contact with

Eye(s) (8)

Up to U15s

Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 8 matches




U16 to U18

Low end: 6 matches Mid-range: 12 matches





Contact with

Eye(s) (9)

Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches


8+ matches

U16 to U18

Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches





with Eye

Area (10)

Up to U15s Low end: 2 match Mid-range: 4 matches


6+ matches

U16 to U18

Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches




Punching or

striking with

hand or arm

Up to U15s

Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches


4+ matches

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tackle) U16 to U18

Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches



Striking with

the elbow

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches


4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 6 matches


8+ matches

Striking with

the shoulder

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches


4+ matches

U16 to U18

Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches




Striking with

the head

Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches


6+ matches

U16 to U18

Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches




Striking with

the knee

Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches


6+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 6 matches


8+ matches

Stamping or


Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches


4+ matches

U16 to U18

Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches





Up to U15s Low end: 1 matches Mid-range: 2 matches


4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches


6+ matches


Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches


6+ matches

U16 to U18

Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches




9.13 Players must not verbally abuse anyone. Verbal abuse includes, but is not limited to

abuse based on: religion, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation.

Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 8 matches Top-end: 12+ matches

9.14 Players must not tackle an opponent early, late or dangerously. Dangerous tackling

includes, but is not limited to, tackling or attempting to tackle an opponent above the

line of shoulders even if the tackle starts before the line of the shoulders.

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Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 8+ matches

9.15 Players must not tackle an opponent who is not in possession of the ball.

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 8+ matches

9.16 Except in a scrum, ruck, or maul, a player who is in possession of the ball must not

hold, push, charge or obstruct an opponent not in possession of the ball.

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

9.17 A player must not charge or knock down an opponent carrying the ball without

attempting to grasp that player.

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 8+ matches

9.18 A player must not tackle, charge, pull, push or grasp an opponent whose feet

are off the ground

Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 10+ matches

9.19 A player must not lift an opponent off the ground and drop or drive that player

so that their head and/or upper body make contact with the ground.

Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 10+ matches

9.20 Dangerous play in a scrum

a. The front row of a scrum does not form at a distance from its opponents and rush

against them.

b. A front-row player must not pull an opponent

c. A front-row player must not intentionally lift an opponent off their feet or force

the opponent upwards of out the scrum

d. A front-row player must not intentionally collapse a scrum

Up to U15s Low end: warning Mid-range: 1 match Top-end: 2+ matches

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U16 to U18 Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 4+ matches

9.21 Dangerous play in a ruck or mail

a. A player must not charge into a ruck or maul. Charging includes any contact

made without binding onto another player in the ruck or maul.

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

b. A player must not make contact with an opponent above the line of the


c. A player must not intentionally collapse a ruck or a maul.

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

9.22 A player must not intentionally charge or obstruct an opponent who has just

kicked the ball.

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 8+ matches

9.23 A Player must not do anything that is against the spirit of good sportsmanship including

but not limited to:

Hair pulling

or grabbing

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches Top-end: 4+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

Spitting at


Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end:10+ matches


twisting or


the genitals


breasts in

the case of



Up to U15s

Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 12+ matches

U16 to U18

Low end: 6 matches

Mid-range: 12

matches Top-end:18+ matches

Other Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

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U16 to U18 Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 10+ matches

9.24 A player must not disrespect the authority of a Match Official

Up to U15s Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches

Top-end: 4+


U16 to U18 Low end: 1 match Mid-range: 2 matches

Top-end: 4+


9.25 A player must not verbally abuse a Match Official. Verbal abuse includes but is not

limited to, abuse on: religion, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation

Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 10+ matches

9.26 A player must not make physical contact with Match Officials

Up to U15s Low end: 2 matches Mid-range: 4 matches Top-end: 6+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 10+ matches

9.27 A player must not use threatening actions or words towards Match Officials

Up to U15s Low end: 4 matches Mid-range: 6 matches Top-end: 12+ matches

U16 to U18 Low end: 6 matches Mid-range: 12 matches Top-end: 24+ matches

9.28 A player must not physically abuse Match Officials

Up to U15s Low end: 6 matches Mid-range: 12 matches Top-end: 24+ matches

U16 to U18

Low end: 12

matches Mid-range: 24 matches Top-end: 48+ matches

(8), (9), (10) The 'eye' involves all tissues including the eye lids within and covering the orbital cavity

and the "eye area" is anywhere in close proximity to the eye.

(11) A Warning shall form part of the Payers disciplinary record while at Underage level but is not

extended into their senior disciplinary record.

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Appendix 2 Sanctions Schedule For Misconduct 1. Player Safety: Player safety is paramount to the game. Coaches and Administrators are to always

meet the laws and policies of World Rugby, USA Rugby, and Rugby Illinois. Failure to adhere to these

laws and policies are detrimental to the sport and are to be dealt with in the strongest manner.

Areas of player safety include but are not limited to:

a. Use of players not registered with Rugby Illinois in matches or practices, injured players used in

games not cleared by an appropriate physician (including concussions/return to play protocol),

failure to report injuries, bullying, hazing, players exceeding allowed play time, unapproved

players playing up or down, etc.

(i) First Offense: Coach(es) and Administrator(s) – minimum 3-5 matches. The club

responsible for the offending individual(s) will be fined a minimum of $250,

which may be waived by the Disciplinary Committee following timely and

appropriate sanctions by the club, as defined by Rugby Illinois disciplinary


(ii) Second Offense Same Season: Coach(es) and Administrator(s) - minimum 6-10

matches, The offending club will be fined a minimum of $500, placed on six (6)

months’ supervision and required to present a plan of action to Rugby Illinois

Disciplinary Committee, Executive Committee and Executive Director to remedy

the improper conduct in the future.

(iii) Additional Violations: For three or more violation in the same season, the Rugby

Illinois Disciplinary Committee shall have discretion to determine appropriate

penalties for the improper conduct.

2. The Rugby Illinois Disciplinary Committee shall have the discretion to impose stricter penalties

as appropriate.

3. Technical Zones (TZ) for High School

a) Failure to set up TZ for home games

(i) 1st offense: Warning letter

(ii) 2nd offense: $100 Fine

(iii) 3rd offense: $250 Fine, loss of match points (scored as a forfeit),

(iv) 4th offense: $350 Fine, loss of match points (scored as a forfeit), and loss of

home games next season.

b) Failure to honor/use the TZ (too many coaches in the TZ, players not in proper areas, players on

wrong side of pitch, Fans on wrong side of Pitch, Coaches under L200 in the box – except for

flag, etc.)

(i) 1st offense: Warning letter

(ii) 2nd offense: $100 Fine

(iii) 3rd offense: $250 Fine, loss of match points (scored as a forfeit)

c) Players on Pitch not in pinnies or alternate shirts when they bring water and/or kicking tee, or

too many players

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(i) 1st offense: Warning letter

(ii) 2nd offense: $100 Fine

(iii) 3rd offense: $250 Fine, loss of match points (scored as a forfeit),

d) Unless agreed to by both teams and communicated to the referee before the game begins for

developmental purposes, coaches should not be on the pitch for any reason unless called on by

official or to offer assistance to an injured player, this includes running water, kicking Tee, etc.

Note, while on the pitch to offer assistance to an injured player, or when called on by an

official, coaches may not offer playing or coaching instructions to other players.

(i) 1st offense: Warning letter

(ii) 2nd offense: one match suspension

(iii) 3rd offense: two match suspension, loss of match points from one game

(scored as a forfeit)

e) Coaching from any position other than the coaching box (#4, AR, Behind Try Zone, Fans Side,


(i) 1st offense: Warning letter

(ii) 2ndoffense: one match suspension

(iii) 3rd offense: two match suspension, loss of match points from one game

(scored as a forfeit)

f) Post Season TZ Violations automatically start at 2nd offense for the violation

g) Violations exceeding the 3rd offense can include increased fines, supervision, longer

suspensions including for remainder of season, as the Disciplinary Committee sees fit but

should be consistent with the impact on RI for such repeat issues and agreed with USAR DC

prior to issuing.

4. Code Of Conduct Penalties: Penalties for teams and their spectators when there is a Code Of

Conduct Violation including via social media.

a) First Violation: The offending individual will be suspended from participation in any Rugby

Illinois activity for a minimum of eight (8) days and be placed on supervision for thirty (30) days.

The club responsible for the offending individual will be fined a minimum of $100, maximum of

$250 which may be waived by the Disciplinary Committee following timely and appropriate

sanctions by the club.

b) Second Violation Same Season: For the second violation of this Code of Conduct in the same

season, which includes pre-season and tournament matches, the offending individual will be

suspended from participation in any Rugby Illinois activity for a minimum of thirty (30) days.

The offending club will be fined a minimum of $250, maximum of $500, placed on six (6)

months’ supervision and required to present a plan of action to Rugby Illinois Disciplinary

Committee to remedy the improper sideline conduct in the future.

c) Additional Violations: For a third or more violation in the same season, the Rugby Illinois

Disciplinary Committee shall have discretion to determine an appropriate penalty for the

improper conduct.

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5. Being on supervision means that a club, team or individual will be considered as a repeat offender

and the sanctions increase as such. For clarification, any repeat issue will automatically be

considered as a second or greater occurrence, not restarted as a first offense. Minimum sanctions

are typically not relevant for clubs, teams or individuals on supervision, some of which are specified

above for misconduct offenses. For clarification:

a) A club or team is not on supervision if one of its players is on supervision.

b) A club is not necessarily on supervision if one of its teams is on supervision.

c) If a club or team is on supervision for a playing offense, all playing offenses will be treated as

repeat offenses, not only a recurrence of the same specific offense.

d) If a club or team is on supervision for any non-playing offense, all non-playing offenses will be

treated as repeat offenses, not only a recurrence of the same specific offense.

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Appendix 3 – WR Judicial Hearing Decisions Template



[insert] v [insert]

Player’s Union

[insert] Competition [insert]

Date of match

[insert] Match venue [insert]

Rules to apply

Regulation 17 World Rugby Handbook; or

Tournament Disciplinary Program; or

Other [insert]


Player’s surname

[insert] Date of birth [insert]



Referee Name

[insert] Plea ☐ Admitted ☐ Not admitted



*for drop down list, see attached

SELECT: Red card ☐ Citing ☐ Other ☐

If “Other” selected, please specify:

Summary of


[insert] weeks OR No Sanction [delete as appropriate]


[from calendar] Hearing venue [insert]



Other Members of



[insert] (ex-[insert team/referee] etc)

[insert] (ex-[insert team/referee] etc)

Appearance Player

YES ☐ NO ☐ Appearance Union YES ☐ NO ☐



Disciplinary Officer

and/or other


List of


provided to Player in

advance of hearing





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Breach admitted ☐ Proven ☐ Not proven ☐ Other disposal (please state) ☐

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Assessment of Intent – R 17.19.2(a)-(b) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Intentional/deliberate ☐ Reckless ☐

State Reasons

Gravity of player’s actions – R 17.19.2(c) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Nature of actions – R 17.19.2(d) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Existence of provocation – R 17.19.2(e) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Whether player retaliated – R 17.19.2(f) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Self-defence – R 17.19.2(g) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Effect on victim – R 17.19.2(h) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Effect on match – R 17.19.2(i) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Vulnerability of victim – R 17.19.2(j) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Level of participation/premeditation – R 17.19.2(k) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Conduct completed/attempted – R 17.19.2(l) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Other features of player’s conduct – R 17.19.2(m) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

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Entry point

Top end* Weeks

Mid-range Weeks

Low-end Weeks

*If Top End, the JO or Panel should identify, if appropriate, an entry point between the Top End and the maximum

sanction and provide the reasons for selecting this entry point, below.

In making this assessment, the JO/Committee should consider World Rugby Regulations 17.19.2(a), 17.19.2(h), and

17.19.2(i) or the equivalent provisions within the Tournament Rules referred to above.

Reasons for selecting Entry Point above Top End


Player’s status as an offender of the Laws of the Game – R 17.19.4(a) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Need for deterrence – R 17.19.4(b) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Any other off-field aggravating factors – R 17.19.4(c) (or equivalent Tournament rule)

Number of additional weeks:

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Acknowledgement of guilt and timing – R 17.19.5(a) (or

equivalent Tournament rule)

Player’s disciplinary record/good character – R 17.19.5(b)

(or equivalent Tournament rule)

Youth and inexperience of player – R 17.19.5(c) (or

equivalent Tournament rule)

Conduct prior to and at hearing – – R 17.19.5(d) (or

equivalent Tournament rule)

Remorse and timing of remorse – R 17.19.5(e) (or

equivalent Tournament rule)

Other off-field mitigation – R 17.19.5(f) (or equivalent

Tournament rule)

Number of weeks deducted:

Summary of reason for number of weeks deducted:




Tournament rule)

Total sanction [insert] Sending off sufficient ☐

Sanction commences

Sanction concludes


included in sanction



(JO or Chairman)






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Appendix 4 – Rugby Illinois Player / Coach Incident Report Form Submitter Information

Name: ________________________ Date Submitted: ____________ Phone: _______________

Email: _____________________________ Address (optional) :__________________________

City: _____________ State: ____ Zip: __________

Game Specifics, if applicable

Team Name: ______________________ Opposition: ______________________

Location: ______________________ Kick Off Date / Time: ______________

Game-time incident occurred: ________________

Incident Information

Date & Time Occurred: ______________

Name of Player & team of offending party: ________________________________________

Was there a threat of safety or injury: ____________________________

Was a referee, coach or other Rugby Illinois official notified? ________

If so, who: ________________

Nature of Offense (please describe in detail) ________________________________________







Any Other Comments? _________________________________________________________




Form may be submitted to the Rugby Illinois Disciplinary Chair at

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Appendix 5 – Appeal Application Form Submitter Information

Name: ________________________ Date Submitted: ____________ Phone: _______________

Email: _____________________________ Address (optional) :__________________________

City: _____________ State: ____ Zip: __________

Game Specifics, if applicable

Team Name: ______________________ Opposition: ______________________

Location: ______________________ Kick Off Date / Time: ______________

Game-time incident occurred: ________________

Incident Information

Date & Time Occurred: ______________

Name of Player & team of offending party: ________________________________________

Was there a threat of safety or injury: ____________________________

Nature of Appeal (new information, challenge interpretation / sanction, etc. - please describe in detail):







Any Other Comments? _________________________________________________________




Form may be submitted to the Rugby Illinois Disciplinarian at

top related