rui costa lopes - instituto de ciências sociais da ......mata, a., costa-lopes, r. & mendonça,...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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Rui Costa Lopes

Personal information

Born: 1981, Portugal

Citizenship: Portuguese


• Professional address: Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Universidade de Lisboa;

Avenida Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt, 9 1600-189 LISBOA

• Home address: Avenida dos Estados Unidos da América, 91, R/C Esq., 1700-167









• 2015 – Present: Research Fellow at ICS - ULisboa

• 2012 - Present: Visiting Assistant Professor at the School of Human Sciences –

Catholic University of Portugal.

• 2009 – 2015: Postdoctoral researcher at ICS – ULisboa and at the Radboud

University Nijmegen (supervised by Dr. Jorge Vala & Dr. Daniël Wigboldus).


• 2014 – Present: Coordinator at ICS – ULisboa of LiSP – Lisbon PhD in Social


• 2011 – Present: Coordinator of ICS Postgraduate Studies Seminars in Social


• 2016 – 2018: Deputy Director at ICS - ULisboa

• 2015 – 2016: Vice-President of the ICS Postgraduate Studies Committee

• 2015 – 2016: Coordinator of ICS Summer Schools

• 2015 – 2016: Coordinator at ICS – ULisboa of the PhD in Migrations


• 2004 - 2009: Ph.D in Social and Organizational Psychology, ISCTE (Lisbon,

Portugal) (Supervisors: Jorge Vala & Charles Judd)

• 2006 - 12th Summerschool of the EAESP – Workshop on Intergroup Relations

(Coordinated by Jolanda Jetten and Emanuele Castano)

• 1999 – 2004 : Degree in Social Psychology, ISCTE (Lisbon, Portugal) : 17/20

o Erasmus programme, October 2001 - March, 2002 : Universita degli studi

di Roma, « La Sapienza »


• Socially Critical Decisions in Asymmetrical Social Relations

• Prejudice, Racism and Intergroup Relations

• Social norms and Legitimation

• Social Identity, Patriotism and Nationalism


Journal Articles ____________________________________________________________________________

Guerra, A.R., Rodrigues, R.B., Aguiar, C., Costa-Lopes, R., Alexandre, J., & Carmona,

M. (in press). School achievement and well-being of immigrant children: the role of

acculturation strategies and perceived discrimination. Journal of School Psychology.

Smeekes, A., Jetten, J., Verkuyten, M., Wohl, M. J. A., Jasinskaja-lahti, I., Ariyanto, A.,

… Costa-Lopes, R.,.... & van der Bles, A.M., (2018). Regaining in-group continuity in

times of anxiety about the group’s future: A study on the role of collective nostalgia

across 27 countries. Social Psychology, 49, 311-329.

Sindic, D., Morais, R., Costa-Lopes, R., Barreto, M., & Klein, O. (2018).

Schrodinger’s Immigrant: The Political and Strategic Use of (contradictory) Stereotypical

Traits about Immigrants. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 79, 227-238.

Smith, H. J., Ryan, D. A., Jaurique, A., Pettigrew, T. F., Jetten, J., Ariyanto, A., ..Costa-

Lopes, R., .... & Butera, F. (2018). Cultural values moderate the impact of relative

deprivation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(8), 1183-1218.

Outten, H. R., Lee, T., Costa-Lopes, R., Schmitt, M., & Vala, J. (2018). Majority group

members’ negative reactions to future demographic shifts depend on the perceived

legitimacy of their status: Findings from the United States and Portugal. Frontiers in

Psychology, 9, 79.

Torres, E.C.,, Moreira, S., & Costa-Lopes, R. (2018). Understanding how and why

people participate in crowd events. Social Science Information, 57(2), 304-321.

Teymoori, A., Jetten, J., Bastian, B., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N..., Costa-Lopes, R.

… et al. (2016). Revisiting the Measurement of Anomie. PLOS One Vol. 11, 7, 1-27.

Costa-Lopes, R., Vala, J. & Judd, C.M. (2016). Intergroup Relations and Fundamental

Dimensions of Social Judgment. PSIQUE, 12, 11-24.

Costa-Lopes, R., Pereira, C. R., & Judd, C. M. (2014). Categorisation salience and

ingroup bias: The buffering role of a multicultural ideology. International Journal of

Psychology. 49 (6), 508-512.

Costa-Lopes, R., Dovidio, J.F. Pereira, C. & Jost, J. T (2013). Social psychological

perspectives on the legitimation of social inequality: Past, present and future. European

Journal of Social Psychology. 43-4, 229-237.

Durante, F., Fiske, S. T., Kervyn, N., Cuddy, A. J., Akande, A.,.. Costa-Lopes, R.

(2013), Nations' income inequality predicts ambivalence in stereotype content: How

societies mind the gap. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52: 726–746.

Costa-Lopes, R., Vala, J, & Judd, C. (2012). Similarity and Dissimilarity in Immigration

contexts: Different dimensions, different processes. International Review of Social

Psychology, 1, 31-65.

Vala, J. & Costa-Lopes, R. (2012). Dynamics and dilemmas in social psychology: Social

relations, identities and cognition. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 11 (1), 3 – 14.

Pereira, C., Vala, J. & Costa Lopes, R. (2010). From Prejudice to Discrimination: the

justifying role of perceived threat in discrimination against immigrants. European

Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 1231 – 1250.

Vala, J. & Costa Lopes, R. (2010). Youth attitudes towards difference and diversity: a

cross-national analysis. Análise Social. 45, 255-275.

Costa Lopes, R. (2010). Semelhança e diferença nas relações entre grupos sociais

[Similarity and difference in the relationships between social groups]. IN-MIND

Português. 1, 22-28.

Vala, J., Pereira, C., & Costa Lopes, R. (2009). Is the attribution of cultural differences

to minorities an expression of racial prejudice? International Journal of Psychology, 44,


Deschamps, J-C., Vala, J., Marinho, C., Costa Lopes, R., & Cabecinhas, R. (2005)

Intergroup relations, Racism and attribution of natural and cultural traits. Psicologia

Política, 30, pp. 27-39.

Books - Author ____________________________________________________________________________

Guerra, R., Rodrigues, R. B., Barreiros, J., Carmona, M., Aguiar, C., Alexandre, J. &

Costa-Lopes, R. (in press). Inclusão e sucesso académico de crianças e jovens

imigrantes: O papel das dinâmicas de aculturação [Academic inclusion and wellbeing of

immigrant youths in Portugal: The role of acculturation dynamics]. Estudos do

Observatório da Imigração. Lisboa: Alto-Comissariado para as Migrações.

Costa-Lopes, R. (2010). Similarity and Dissimilarity in Immigration Contexts.

Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

Books - Editor ____________________________________________________________________________

Sindic, D., Barreto, M. & Costa-Lopes, R. (Eds.) (2015). Power and identity. London

and New York: Psychology Press; Taylor & Francis Group.

Pereira, C. & Costa-Lopes, R. (Eds.) (2012). Normas, atitudes e Comportamentos

Sociais [Norms, attitudes and social behavior]. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Book Chapters ____________________________________________________________________________

Costa-Lopes, R., Madeira, A. F., Miranda, M., & Moreira, W. (2018). Meritocracy and

socially critical decisions towards low status groups. In S. Aboim, P. Granjo, & A.

Ramos (Eds.). Changing societies: Legacies and Challenges / Ambiguous inclusions:

inside out, outside in. Vol.1, Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. (pp. 137-158).

Vala, J., & Costa-Lopes, R. (2016). Categorização social e fatores ideológicos na

dinâmica das relações intergrupais. In M. E. O. Lima (Eds.), Níveis de análise e formas

de intervenção em psicologia social (pp. 43-73). São Paulo: Scortecci

Sindic, D., Barreto, M., & Costa-Lopes, R. (2015). Power and Identity: The Multiple

Facets of a Complex Relationship. In D. Sindic, M. Barreto, & R. Costa-Lopes (Eds.)

Power and identity. London and New York: Psychology Press; Taylor & Francis Group

(pp. 1-12).

Vala, J. & Costa-Lopes, R. (2012). National identity and attitudes toward immigrants in

a comparative perspective in F. Hoellinger & M. Hadler (Eds.) National and

Transnational Identities in Europe and Beyond. (pp.71 - 100). Frankfurt: Campus.

Costa-Lopes, R. & Pereira, C. (2012). A normatividade das attitudes e comportamentos

sociais: Uma introdução [The normativity of attitudes and social behaviors: an

introduction]. Pereira, C. & Costa-Lopes, R. (eds.). Normas, atitudes e comportamento

social (pp. 15-24). Lisboa: Imprensa de CIências Sociais.

Costa-Lopes, R. & Pereira, C. (2011). O impacto da norma anti-racista nas respostas a

inquéritos sobre preconceito [The impact of the anti-racist norm on responses to surveys

about prejudice]. In António, J. H. C., Policarpo, V. (Eds.), Os imigrantes e a imigração

aos olhos dos portugueses: manifestações de preconceito e perspectivas sobre a inserção

de imigrantes (pp. 169-187). Lisboa: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Fundação

Calouste Gulbenkian

Vala, J., Pereira, C., Costa-Lopes, R. & Deschamps, J-C. (2010). Identidade nacional e

atitudes face à imigração [National identity and attitudes towards immigration]. In J.

Sobral, J. Vala. & M. V. Cabral (Eds.). Identidades nacionais, inclusão e exclusão social.

Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. (pp. 191-210).

Amor, T. Nunes, C. & Costa-Lopes, R. (2010). Conjugalidade e Parentalidade

[Conjugality and Parenthood]. In J. Machado Pais & V.S. Ferreira (Eds.). Tempos e

transições de Vida. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. (pp. 149-183).

Costa-Lopes, R. Vala, J., Pereira, C. & Aguiar, P. (2008). A construção social das

diferenças nas relações entre grupos sociais. [The social construction of differences in the

relationships between social groups]. in M.V. Cabral, K. Wall, S. Aboím & F. C. Silva

(Eds.). Itinerários: A investigação nos 25 anos do ICS. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências

Sociais. (pp. 769 – 790).

Other Publications ____________________________________________________________________________

Costa-Lopes, R., Wigboldus, D. W., & Vala, J. (2017). Priming meritocracy increases

implicit prejudice. Lisboa: Colecção Working Papers ICS.

Vala, J., Pinto, A. M., Moreira, S., & Costa-Lopes, R. (2016). Burnout na classe médica.

Estudo nacional: principais resultados [Burnout in the medical professionals. National

Inquiry: Main results]. Lisboa: Ordem dos Médicos

Vala, J., & Costa-Lopes, R. (2015). Intergroup relations. International Encyclopedia of

Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd Ed. ) (Vol. 12, pp. 409-415). Oxford: Elsevier

In Preparation ____________________________________________________________________________

Costa-Lopes, R., Mata, A., & Mendonça, C. (in prep.). More than just numbers: Moral

dilemmas, number of victims and identifiability.

Costa-Lopes, R., Miranda, M., Moreira, A., Swift, H., & Abrams, D. (in prep.). The

impact of threats on attitudes toward senior citizens.

Costa-Lopes, R., & Vala, J. (in prep.). National identification, nationalism and attitudes

towards immigrants: stability or change?

Costa-Lopes, R., & Moreira, W. (in prep.). Meritocracy and socially critical decisions

towards low status groups in moral dilemmas.

Bettencourt Rodrigues, L., & Costa-Lopes, R. (in prep.). From developmental

paradigms to normative frameworks: Theory and law in child protection.


Conferences by Invitation ____________________________________________________________________________

Costa-Lopes, R. (April, 2018). Atitudes e recurso a meios coercivos: Contributos da

Psicologia Social [Attitudes and the use of force: contributes from Social Psychology].

Talk presented at ISCPSI, Lisbon, Portugal.

Costa-Lopes, R. (January, 2018). Thinking about meritocracy and killing low status

group members. Talk presented at the Institute of Psychology of the Université Paris

Descartes, Paris, France.

Costa-Lopes, R. (November, 2016). Meritocracy, Implicit Associations and Socially

Critical Decisions towards Low Status Groups. Talk presented at the Institute for

Molecular Medicine (Seminars in Neuroscience), University of Lisbon, Lisbon, PT.

Costa-Lopes, R. (October, 2013). Sociedades Meritocráticas e Preconceito

[Meritocratic societies and prejudice]. Talk presented at Universidade Agostinho

Neto, Luanda, Angola.

Costa-Lopes, R. (November, 2010). Sociedades Meritocráticas e Racismo [Meritocratic

societies and racism]. Talk presented at FPCE – UP, Porto, Portugal.

Oral Presentations ____________________________________________________________________________

Madeira, F., Costa-Lopes, R., & Dovidio, J. F. (2018). Priming Meritocracy in Socially

Critical Decision-Making towards Low Status Groups. Talk presented at the 2018 Annual

Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, San Antonio, Texas.

Costa-Lopes, R. & Bettencourt Rodrigues, L. (2016). The rise or fall of national

identities and nationalism: Results from the ISSP. Paper presented at the Scientific

Meeting devoted to the presentation of the European Social Survey 2015 results "Europa,

Migrações e Identidades." Lisboa, Portugal.

Outten, H.R., Costa-Lopes, R. & Schmitt, M. (2016). The interplay between group

identification and perceived inferiority: Implications for women’s appraisals of options

for coping with discrimination and well-being. Paper presented at the 10th International

Conference Woman in Culture: "Gender, Culture & Migration", Gdansk, Polónia.

Mata, A., Costa-Lopes, R. & Mendonça, C. (2016). Dilemas morais, identificação e

número de vitimas: Entre pessoas e estatísticas [Moral dilemmas, identifiability and

victim number: Between persons and statistics]. Paper presented at IX Simposio Nacional

de Investigação em Psicologia. Faro, Portugal.

Costa Lopes, R. & Mourato, J. (2015). Programas Doutorais FCT: Valor ou problema

acrescentado? [FCT Doctoral Programmes: added value or problem?]. Paper presented at

III Encontro - A Investigação no ICS, "Ética e investigação em ciências sociais: teoria e

prâtica". ICS-ULisboa.

Guerra, R., Rodrigues, R. Alexandre, J., Carmona, M., Barreiros, J. & Costa-Lopes, R.

(2015). Inclusão e sucesso académico de crianças e jovens imigrantes: O papel das

dinâmicas de aculturação [Inclusion and academic performance of children and

adolescents of immigrant origins: the role of acculturation dynamics]. Paper presented at

Jornadas do Observatório das Migrações, Lisboa.

Sindic, D., Carmona, M., Costa-Lopes, R., Klein, O., Barreto, M. (2013). The political

functions of stereotypes about immigrants. Paper presented at the Annual conference of

the Social Psychological Section of the British Psychological Society, Exeter, UK

Costa-Lopes, R., Vala, J. & Wigboldus, D. (June, 2013). Impacto da norma

meritocrática descritiva na emergência de preconceito implícito [Impact of the

descriptive meritocratic norm on the emergence of implicit prejudice]. VIII Simpósio

Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia. Aveiro, Portugal.

Sindic, D. Costa-Lopes, R.; Carmona, M. Klein, O. & Barreto, M. (2013). O uso

estratégico de estereótipos sobre imigrantes [the strategic use of stereotypes about

immigrants]. Paper presented at VIII Simposio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia.

Aveiro, Portugal.

Costa-Lopes, R., Wigboldus, D. & Vala, J. (September, 2012). The dark side of

meritocracy. ESCON, Lisbon, Portugal.

Costa-Lopes, R., Wigboldus, D. & Vala, J. (June, 2012). The dark side of meritocracy.

Workshop on Inequality and Violence. Lisbon, Portugal.

Costa-Lopes, R., Wigboldus, D. & Vala, J. (July, 2011). Priming meritocracy increases

implicit prejudice, 16th General Meeting of the European Association of Social

Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Costa-Lopes, R. & Pereira, C. (April, 2011). A norma anti-racista [The anti-racist

norm]. Meeting of Plataforma Imigração. Lisbon, Portugal.

Costa-Lopes. R. & Vala, J. (October, 2010). Symbolic predictors of opposition to

immigration. 3rd EVS Workshop. Bilbao, Spain.

Costa-Lopes, R. Pereira, C., Vala, J. & Judd, C. (September, 2010). Categorization

salience and ingroup bias. British Psychological Society. Winchester, UK.

Costa-Lopes, R., Wigboldus, D. & Vala, J. (May, 2010). Meritocracy increases implicit

prejudice. Brown Bag Seminars. Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Costa-Lopes, R., Wigboldus, D. & Vala, J. (February, 2010). Normas sociais e

preconceito implícito [Social norms and implicit prejudice]. VI Simpósio Nacional de

Investigação em Psicologia. Braga, Portugal.

Costa-Lopes, R., Wigboldus, D. & Vala, J. (April, 2009). Social norms and implicit

prejudice. Brown Bag Seminars. Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Costa Lopes, R., & Vala, J. (February, 2008). Semelhança e diferença em contextos de

imigração[Similarity and dissimilarity in immigration contexts]. V Simpósio Nacional de

Investigação em Psicologia. Lisboa, Portugal.

Costa Lopes, R., & Vala, J. (March, 2007). Semelhança e diferença em relações

intergrupais: Dimensões diferentes, processos diferentes[Similarity and dissimilarity in

intergroup relations: Different dimensions, different processes]. IV Encontro de

investigação em Psicologia, Lisboa, Portugal.

Costa Lopes, R. Vala, J. & Deschamps, J-C. (Fevereiro, 2007). Identificação Nacional e

Atitudes Face à Imigração [National identification and attitudes towards immigration].

Presented at Symposium on National, nationalism and exclusion. Lisboa, Portugal.

Costa Lopes, R., Belles, S. & Rollero, C. (September, 2006). Where did the anxiety go?.

12th Summerschool of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology,

Padova, Italia.

Costa Lopes, R. (May, 2006). Novas Formas de Discriminação: Racismo Flagrante,

Racismo Subtil e Hetero-Etnicização.[New ways of discrimination: Blatant racism,

Subtle Racism and Hetero-ethnicization] Talk presented at the Coloquium: Diálogos

sobre Preconceito, Imigração e Integração. Lisbon, Portugal

Costa Lopes, R (October, 2005). Similarity and Dissimilarity in Intergroup Relations:

Different Dimensions, Different Processes. Brownbag Series. University of Colorado,

Boulder, USA.

Posters ____________________________________________________________________________

Costa-Lopes, R., & Moreira, W. (July, 2017). Meritocracy and socially critical decisions

towards low status groups in moral dilemmas. Poster presented at the 18th General

Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain.

Madeira, A.F., & Costa-Lopes, R. (July, 2017). Meritocracy and socially critical

decisions towards low status groups. Poster presented at the 18th General Meeting of the

European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain.

Costa-Lopes, R., Wigboldus, D. & Vala, J. (July, 2014). Descriptive meritocracy and

implicit associations towards low status groups, Poster presented at the 17th General

Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, The


Costa-Lopes, R., Vala, J. & Wigboldus, D. (January, 2011). Priming meritocracy

increases implicit prejudice. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society

for Personality and Social Psychology. San Antonio, Texas, EUA.

Costa Lopes, R., Vala, J. & Judd, C.M. (Junho, 2008). Fundamental dimensions of

social judgment and the effects of intergroup similarity and dissimilarity. Poster

presented at 15th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social

Psychology. Opatija, Croatia.

Lopes, D., Vala, J. & Costa Lopes, R. (2005). Social validation of everyday knowledge

and the use of the heterogeneity norm: an application to prejudice change”. Poster

presented at the 14th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental

Social Psychology, Würzburg, Alemanha.


Main Activities (Coordination of Curricular Units) ____________________________________________________________________________

• 2014 – Present: Coordination and teaching of Curricular Unit “Social

Psychology” (Degree in Psychology - School of Human Sciences of the Catholic

University of Portugal)

• 2012 – Present: Coordination and teaching of Curricular Unit “Social

Psychology” (Masters in Communication Sciences – School of Human Sciences

of the Catholic University of Portugal)

Other Teaching Activities ____________________________________________________________________________

• 2016 – Present: Teaching of Curricular Unit “Judgment and Decision Making”

(Masters in Psychology in Business & Economics – Católica-Lisbon School of

Business & Economics)

• 2014 – Present: Teaching of Curricular Unit “Social Psychology of Group and

Intergroup Processes” (Masters in Psychology/Social Cognition – Faculty of

Psychology – University of Lisbon) (Responsible, with Jorge Vala, for the

creation of the CU)

• 2012 – 2016: Teaching of Curricular Unit “Advanced Theoretical Modules in

Migration Studies” (Coordinator of the CU in 2014) (PhD in Migrations –

University of Lisbon)

• 2017: Short course on Survey Experiments (within the 7th Conference of the

European Survey Research Association)

• 2016: Session on Experimental Method (PhD in Comparative Politics – ICS –


• 2014: EASP Summer School Lisbon: Workshop on Social Cognition (together

with Daniël Wigboldus)

• 2013: Session on Experimental Method (Postgraduation in Psychosomatics –

Catholic University of Portugal)


PhD supervisor:

• Ana Filipa Madeira, “The legitimation of discrimination against immigrants in

the healthcare context”; PhD in Migrations (ICS-ULisboa). (ongoing)

• Catarina Carvalho, “Inequality legitimating beliefs and collective action

tendencies”; PhD in Psychology, FPCE – UPorto (co-advisor with Dr. Isabel

Pinto). (ongoing)

• Karla Mateus, “A culpabilização da vitima como justificação para a

discriminação contra minorias”; PhD in Social Psychology, Federal University

of Paraíba, Brazil.(co-advisor with Dr. Cícero Pereira). (ongoing)

Masters supervisor:

• Inês Figueiredo, “Actuação policial: o papel da etnia na decisão de disparar de

agentes de polícia”; ISCPSI (ongoing)

• Gonçalo Freitas, “Meritocracy and legal decisions towards low status group

members”; FP-UL (completed)

• Sara Catarino, “Intergroup Time Bias and ageism”; FL-UL (completed)

• Wilson Moreira, “Meritocracy and socially critical decisions”; FP-UL


• Catarina Peixoto Maia, “Power Distance and organizational Engagement”; FCH

– UCP (completed)

Supervision of research assistants:

• Mafalda Mascarenhas, ongoing – within FCT Research Project

• Gonçalo Freitas, ongoing – within FCT Research Project

• Nádia Cristino: 9 months – within FCT Research Fellow – Exploratory Project

• Bruno Carvalho: 6 months – within MOPACT project

Participation in PhD and Masters juries:

• Kinga Bierwiaczonek, ISCTE-IUL (PhD jury, 2019)

• Ana Filipa Almeida, FP – ULisboa (PhD jury, 2019)

• João Frade, FP-ULisboa (Masters jury, 2017)

• Catarina Azevedo, ISCTE-IUL (PhD jury, 2016)

• Paulo Ormonde, ISCTE – IUL (Masters jury, 2016)

• Teresa Neves, ISCTE – IUL (Masters jury, 2016)

• Carina Dias, FPCE-UP (Masters jury, 2016)

• João Moniz, Universidade de Aveiro (Masters jury, 2016)

• Hugo Toscano, ISCTE – IUL (PhD jury, 2015)

• Ana Louceiro, ISCTE – IUL (PhD jury, 2015)

• Mariana Pires de Miranda , ISPA – University Institute (PhD jury; 2014)

• Ana Leite, FPCE-UP (PhD jury; 2013)

• Cláudia Simão, ISCTE – IUL (PhD jury; 2013)

• Catarina Carvalho, FPCE-UP (Masters jury; 2013)

• Miriam Rosa, ISCTE – IUL (PhD jury; 2011) 9. RESEARCH GRANTS

Individual Grants ____________________________________________________________________________

• Portuguese National Science Foundation (FCT) FCT Research Fellow. 2015 –


• Portuguese National Science Foundation (FCT) Postdoctoral fellowship. 2009 –


• Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Grant: October – December 2005: Research

visit to University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Psychology

(Supervisor: Charles Judd).

• Portuguese National Science Foundation (FCT) PhD Scholarship 2004-2008.

Research projects ____________________________________________________________________________

• PTDC/PSI-GER/28765/2017MiLD - Meritocracy and legal decisions towards low

status groups (Role: PI), 2018 – 2020.

• IF/00285/2014/CP1239/CT0002 - Meritocracy and Socially Critical Decisions

Towards Low Status Groups (Role: PI), 2015 – 2018.

• FCT Project - Beyond Chronus: meaning and consequences of intergroup time

bias in racialized social relations (PI: Cícero Pereira), 2018-2020

• FCT Project - EPOCA: Understanding political ethics and corruption in austerity

contexts: the case of Portugal (PI: Luis de Sousa), 2018-2020.

• European Commission Project: FP7-SSH-2012-1 (Nr 320333) - Mobilizing the

Potencial of Active Ageing in Europe (MOPACT), (PI : Alan Walker), 2014-2017.

• FCT Project - EXPL/MHC-PSO/1614/2012 - Exploring political attitudes

towards Europe: Identity and legitimacy (PI: Denis Sindic), 2013 – 2014

• FCT Project - PTDC/PSI-PSO/120892/2010 - The strategic use of stereotypes (PI:

Denis Sindic), 2011 – 2014.

• FCT Project - PTDC/PSI-PSO/114159/2009 - From prejudice to discrimination:

The legitimizing role of threat perceptions, ingroup identification and scope of

justice (PI: Cícero Pereira), 2011-2013.

• FCT Project - PTDC/PSI/69009/2006 - Effects of Multicultural and Colorblind

Ideologies (PI: Jorge Vala), 2008-2011.

Research proposals (submitted/rejected)


• Ana Urbiola’s Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (Role: Supervisor)

(not selected for funding – attributed Seal of Excellence)

• FCT Project – Evolving Tajfel – An evolutionary dimension for social identity?

(Role: Co-PI) (not selected for funding)

• Urban Innovation Actions (UIA) – European Comission/FEDER - Innovative

Integrated Three Step Approach for Improving the position of Migrant Groups in

the Labour Market (Role: Team member) (not selected for funding)

• FLAD open call – Luso-American Self-Identity and Educational Attainment

(Role: Co-PI) (not selected for funding)

10. OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Scientific reports/studies for companies or other public or private organizations:

- 2015/ 2016: Study on the “Prevalence, predictors and consequences of Burnout in the

medical Portuguese population” (by invitation of the Portuguese Medical Association /

Ordem dos Médicos)

Diffusion of knowledge for lay audiences:

• Since 2010: Frequent participation in major public outreach events, representing

ICS and social psychology (e.g. European Researchers Night, Euroskills,


• 2018: Session about “Police behavior: the role of attitudes and the use of force” at


• 2017: Session on “Prejudice and Racism” at Bairro 6 de Maio, within the

initiative “Conversas no Bairro”, part of the Social Responsibility Project (ICS)

• 2017: Session on “Gender stereotypes and Discrimination” – invitation of the

PWN – Professional Women Network (Lisbon branch)

• 2014/2015: Workshop for High School students about Social Psychology (“Verão

na ULisboa”)

• 2012: Co-Editor of In-Mind Português (Online magazine about Psychology for

lay audiences in Portuguese).


• John T. Jost, New York University

• John F. Dovidio, Yale University

• Daniël Wigboldus, Radboud University Nijmegen

• Susan T. Fiske, Princeton University

• Federica Durante, University of Milan

• Jennifer Eberhardt, Stanford University

• Jeroen Vaes, University of Trento

• Jolanda Jetten, University of Queensland

12. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Professional affiliations


• EASP (Full member)

• APP (Portuguese Association of Psychology)

Journal editorships and editorial boards:

• PSIQUE (Editorial Board)

• Working Papers ICS (Co-Editor)

• Editor of Special Issue of the European Journal of Social Psychology on “Social

Psychological Perspectives on the legitimation of social inequality” (together with

John Dovidio, John Jost, & Cícero Pereira) - 2013.

Ad-hoc Reviewing

• Social Forces

• Political Psychology

• Social Psychological and Personality Science

• Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

• British Journal of Social Psychology

• European Journal of Social Psychology

• American Journal of Political Science

• Basic and Applied Social Psychology

• International Journal of Intercultural Relations

• Análise Social

• Psychologica

Funding agencies Reviewing

• FCT (Portuguese National Science Foundation) – Doctoral and Postdoctoral

Grants Panel member (2016/2017)

• European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants (remote reviewer) (2015)

Organization of Scientific Meetings (selected):

• 2018: Lisbon Meeting on Institutions and Political Economy (member of

Organizing Committee)

• 2016: ICS Conference: (Future) Movements: Bodies, routes, technologies,

belongings (ICS-ULisboa) (together with Marta Rosales)

• 2016: ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference 2016 (ISCTE- IUL, ICS-

ULisboa, FP-UL) (member of Organizing Committee)

• 2014: 14th Summer School of the European Association of Social Psychology

(ICS-ULisboa, ISCTE-IUL) (together with Margarida Garrido)

• 2009: International Meeting on “Power and Identity” (ICS-ULisboa) (together

with Denis Sindic)

• 2009: National Meeting on “Norms and social Behavior” (ICS-ULisboa)

(together with Cícero Pereira)


• Portuguese (native language)

• English (proficient)

• Italian (independent)

• French (basic)

CV updated in March, 26, 2019

(Rui Costa Lopes)

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