ruminating with a view talking to myself by carol mcleod

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Ruminating With A ViewTalking to myself by Carol McLeod

I’m thinking about my life with Parkinson’s

There are decisions I need to make about my future

How able will I be in five years?

I no longer have a carepartner

and that changes everything






I should introduce myself

My name is Carol

I’m 53 years old.

I have Parkinson’s disease.

Who will care for me later?

What if I can’t …

I may not live so very long, I know I won’t be very strong. P.D., alone and growing old, together makes my blood run cold.

If I were smart I’d make a plan, before my P.D. hits the fan. What will others like me do? Would you help me, if I help you?

I can’t live alone as time and my

Parkinson’s progress.

The thought of being a hermit is growing on me,

and that can’t be good

I’m fading. Piece by piece I’m losing place in my environment.

I will have to make a new place to be or stay in the dark and out of

the way of a faster world.

There are many young onset people with Parkinson’s who live alone.

What if we form intentional communities, sharing our strengths and minimizing our weaknesses. We each still have different capabilities.

Just in case that cure is still just five years away. Squared

We need to find answers. I want to be as independent as possible.

Independence Strength Community

What’s the answer?

Many of us are concerned about what the future holds for us.

Plan B, we each manage as best we can on our own resources

There will be a cure, but when?

We talk about alternatives but we know that we will probably have to go to plan B.

We are aging

before our time

We may have problems staying focused

but together we are stronger.

Thanks for listening

- Carol McLeod

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