running out of gear designs? · 2018. 4. 28. · manufacturing, marketing and distribution of heavy...

Post on 09-Sep-2020






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RUNNING OUT OF GEAR DESIGNS? Are qou running out of new machines to pit qour plaqers against? Tired of plaqing the same old machines? Heed to spice up qour campaign with never-seen-before designs? Running out oftime to create qour own Gears?

Wait no more! This is the booh qou've been waiting for.

The Terra Nova Field Guides series showcases the most common pieces of equipment used bq the armies of the 62nd. Combat and utilitarian vehi- cles, Heavq Gears. striders: it3 all there! This first48-page volume presents eighteen of the most common Heavq Gears used by the armed forces of the Southern hemisphere. Six new vehicular weapons are also examined in depth. from the Verq Heavq Rutocannon of the Support Cobra to the Medium Flamethrower of the Flammiager Aeadq-to-plaq record sheets and 24 counters are included for all eighteen vehicles. R must-have for all Heavq Gear plaqers. regardless of their allegiance1

Basilish Rlach Mamba MP B l ih Iguana

Desert Viper Mh 2 Flammiager Jager Paratrooper long Fang BM Aazor Fang RM Sidewinder Silverscale StoneMason Strihing Cobra Support Cobra

Produced and Published bq Dream Pod 9 SO00 Iberville. Suite 332. Montreal. OC. Canada. H2H 256

nil Rrtworhs COp~~lQh~@l995 Oream Pod 9

HERVV G W M I E A A A NOM RELO GUIDESTM and SllHDUmETM are hadernarhs of Orearn Pod 9 RII artworh 0 1935 Orean Pod 9

nil nights Reserved

ISBN 2-92157s-31-8 Printed in Canada





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e file

TITLE PAGE .......................................................... 1 I BLACH MAMBA MP ............................................. 22

......................................................... NEW PERHS 7 RHTI-MISSILE SYSTEM ................................................. 7 CRMO NElTlNG ............................................................. 7 GRAPPLE LAUNCHERS ................................................... 7 RAM PLATE .................................................................. 7

CREOlTSlTABLE OF CONTENTS ............................. 2

PRESENTATION ........................................................... 28 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET ....................... 29

BLITZ !GIIflNfl ................................................... 30 PRESENTATION ........................................................... 30 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET ....... 31

PRESENTRTION ........................................................... 22 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET ............................................. 23

.......................................................... PROBLEM PRONE 8 UNSTRBILITY ................................................................ 8

..................................................... INTROOUCTION 1 LONG FANG BLACH MAMBA ................................. 24

SILVERSCALE .................................................... 36 PRESENTRTION ........................................................... 36

NEW WEAPONS .................................................... 4 VERY HEAVY AUTOCRNNON ............................................ 4 VERY LIGHT f l E L D GUN 5 VERY HERVY FIELD GUN ................................................ 5

PRESENTRTION ........................................................... 24 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET ............................................. 25

R m n FANG BLACH MAMBA .............................. 26 PRESENTATION ........................................................... 26 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET ............................................. 27

SNAHEYE BLACH MAMBA ................................... 28

NEW FLAWS ........................................................ 8 DIFFICULT TO 1001P( ................................................... 8 HEAT VULNERABLE ....................................................... 8 INEFFICIENT COMBAT COMPUTER ................................... 8 WERH UNDERBELLY ...................................................... 8

NO COMMUNICATION ...................................................... 8 P A n i t n i t Y EXPOSED CREN ........................................... 8

CHAMELEON ...................................................... 32 PRESENTRTION ........................................................... 32 VEHICLE RECORO SHEET ............................................. 33

BASlLlSH .......................................................... 34 PRESEHTRTION ........................................................... 34 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET ............................................. 35

VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION COOES ........................... 9

BLITZ JAGER ...................................................... 10 PRESENTATION ............................................................ 10 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET .............................................. 11

OARTJAGER ........................................................ 12 PRESEHTATION ........ I2 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET .............................................. 15

FLAMMJ AGER ..................................................... 14 PRESENTATION 14 VEHICLE RECORO SHEET .............................................. 15

JAGER COMMANO ............................................... 16 PRESENTATION ........................ 16 VEHICLE RECORO SHEET .............................................. 17

JAGEA PARATROOPER ......................................... 18 ................................................ 18

VEHICLE RECORD SHEET ............................................. 37

OESERT VIPER ................................................... 38 PRESEHTRTION ........................................................... 38 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET ...... ........................... 39

SlOEWlNOER ...................................................... 40 PRESENTATION ........................................................... 40

STRlHlNG COBRA ............................................... 42 PRESENTRTION ........................................................... 42 VEHICLE RECORD SHEET ............I ........ 43

SUPPORT COBRA ................................................ 44 PRESEHTRTION ........................................................... 44 VEHICLE RECORO SHEET ....................... 45

HEAVY GEAR COMPARISON CHAAT ....................... 46

HZM ‘*a0 ‘IEaJluo~ E sps ‘a[puaql ...........................................................





he hangar doors slowly opened, letting through a beam of red-orange sodium light. Glints of T metal outlined the silhouettes of two dozen

Gears in the semi-darkness.

“This way, Commandant. Watch your step.”

“Thank you, lieutenant. So these are new arrivals?”

“Yes, ma’am. Over here you have some Darfjggers. They’re a rapid intervention version of the JaQer. Please, have a closer look.”

“Fascinating!” said the Commandant. She had al- ways liked Gears, even though she’d never actually piloted one. There was something so ... virile about them. She turned to some slightly taller Gears. “These are Black Mambas, right?”

“That’s right, ma’am, Long Fangs. We badly needed these around, if I may say so.” The lieutenant kept walking between the Gears, fol- lowed by the Commandant.

“Over here we have Support C o h s , How about those Junglemower autocannons, eh? I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of thatbaby!” The Comman- dant nodded in agreement. Somewhere in the hangar, a door opened. Two men were arguing. The lieuten- ant feigned not to hear.

“And this way we have my favorite, the crown jewel ...” The lieutenant stopped dead in his tracks. There was an empty spot at the end of the row. The argument could be heard more clearly now. The lieutenant looked to his superior, at loss for words. The two arguing technicians turned the comer and came face to face with the officers. A sinister look on his face, the Lieutenant grabbed them by the arm, then turned back to the Commandant with an embarrassed grin.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

The lieutenant dragged both men in a small room. He came a few minutes later, visibly shaken.

“Well?” asked the Commandant, a bit restless.

“It seems we’ve run into some... problems with the Chameleon. ”

“The stealth unit? What kind of problem?”

“Well, um, ah ...” “Spit it out, Lieutenant.” Biting his lips, the lieutenant held back his tears.

“Well, apparently, we, um...we can’t find it, ma’am.’’

The Commandant stared at the lieutenant for a long time, then shrugged her shoulders.

“Well, at 1,500,000 dinars apiece, you should be able to pay i t back in, oh ... a mere 90 cycles?” she said casually.




--I__- - _._ -

The Terra Nova Field Guides are a series of quick and easy-to-use manuals for dedicated students of history on Terra Nova. These pages are filled with the vital statics and specifications of the most common military hardware used by the armies of Terra Nova. This volume is the first one focusing on the Heavy Gear South. The only models listed here are those common to all the Leagues of the Southern MILICIA. De designs and variants that are specific to individual leagues will be examined in later manuals of this series.

Although great pains were taken to ensure the accuracy and validity of this work, the constant renewal to which the Heavy Gears are subjected as well as the difficulty in obtaining any kind of information from the mil recent Gear designs make an all-encompassing book such as this one the work of a lifetime. We apologiz readers for any error that might have slipped within these pages. We must also insist that the specif included here are often provided by the manufacturer, based on training predictions and not actual field p ance.

While there are almost a hundred companies involved in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of Heavy Gears - civilian and military models alike - Territorials Arms is the Mandeers IS one of Territorial Arms' few competitors in th

keep the costs of new designs down.

Mandeers now has its own line of "private" Gear designs, commissioned by corporations or rich individuals. Howev models are extremely expensive, and often require extensive

Territorial Arms This IS one of the largest weapon manufacturing companies on Terra Nova Established in Timbuktu, Territorial Arms was founded in 1624


the Allied Southern Territories that guarantees its monopoly on Gear design and manufacturing

Territorial Arms Shunh Worhs A subdivision of Territorial Arms, the Skunk Works people experi- ment with high technology Gears and top secret projects. Although

Sidemnder or the S//versca/e.

goal would be to analyzeand develop "smartnets'" a new bpe Of neu- ral nets with increased learning and reaction capacities. The head of that department, professor Ereeka that neural net

Incidentally, it has been noticed by many that only Southern Republi- cans are part of the Skunk Works, which adds to the rumor that the southern hemisphere of Terra Nova is indeed controlled by the South- ern Republic. The head of public relations, Mr Akxander Villamente, claims that it is purely coincidental and that since the best engineer- ing colleges are in the Southern Republic, it should come as no

Systems has recently opened a new R&D division wh





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