russell dewing - media g321 audience research

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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Audience Analysis – G321The survey was distributed on Wednesday

the 11th of November. The survey was conducted on survey monkey as it was easy

to send to people as well as collect the results. From doing it in this format it has

been very beneficial with a total of 56 replies.

Q1: How old are you? This is a basic quantitative data question. The result shows that the majority of people who answered this questionnaire (out of 56 who replied) were in the 15-24 age range category, more specifically they were aged 16/17 (87.50% of all data). The Second highest result was the 0-14 category with the majority 13/14. The minority were 45-54. I chose this question because it helps provide rough data as to what age range our thriller opening should set it main target audience to (who thrillers appeal to). From this question it is obvious that our thriller opening should be aimed at teenagers primarily in the older teens as oppose to under 15's. There is simply not a big enough audience to make it appeal to the 45-54 age range, however they may enjoy the thriller also.

Q2: Are you male or female?This question was asked to see which was the more popular gender for thriller films. The results on this question were extremely close with the main result being female at 51.79% and males only just behind at 48.21%. From the results it would suggest that the thriller opening should have aspects to appeal to the female genre, this may be difficult as thrillers are generally very masculine styled movies. 

Q3: How often do you go to the cinema?I asked this question to see what the cinema viewing habits of the audience are. It is often the case that people don't visit the movies anymore, this was to do a brief check on how often they go to the cinema (For more in depth about how people watch movies see question 9). People who answered longer tend to go on average 5 times a year with the least being never going to the cinema.

Q4: Which of the following are your favourite film genres? (3 maximum)On this question the intention is to gather what the target audience’s favourite genre (sub-genre) of film is. Quite clearly it is comedy which is the most popular genre with 75% of people going for that option. Second was the action genre which had 33.93% of people went for. The third popular was horror/ supernatural (30.36%). These three genres are the ones that should be most considered as a sub-genre element to our thriller opening. I asked this question to see what other genres could be incorporated into our opening scene. For responses which responded as ‘Other’ in this question half of which (3 out of 6) said fantasy films.

Q5: What is your favorite film and why?This is a qualitative question with which I can provide no statistical data for. However the cause of asking this question is to see what kind of movies interest our audience, we can then look at those films and by knowing what makes them a good film we can use their aspects and adapt those for our own thriller.

Shaun of the Dead because I really like comedies and the two actors Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.11/19/2014 1:44 PM 

Sherlock- A game of shadows11/19/2014 1:18 PM 

Too many to choose from11/19/2014 12:48 PM 

Ouija and 22 Jump Street Ouija because it is a very good horror film with constant tension and suspense throughout. 22 Jump Street because it shows conventions of a thriller with aspects of comedy which is hilarious.11/19/2014 11:31 AM 

Despicable Me 2 because it is funny and I love it.11/19/2014 11:21 AM 

Fury (2014)11/19/2014 11:07 AM 

XMen Days of Future Past because the Quicksilver scene is amazing.11/19/2014 11:05 AM 

Spirited Away - Good plot, funny and well made11/19/2014 10:30 AM 

Avatar due to the amazing graphics and interesting storyline. 11/19/2014 10:08 AM 

The hunger games, because it kept you on edge11/19/2014 6:39 PM 

Pulp Fiction (also a thriller) - Full of non-stop action.11/19/2014 5:13 PM 

Life of pi because it provided a pretty accurate representation of the book and I loved the animation and effects and the plot (more the book though)11/19/2014 3:00 PM 

Amelie, sooooo hilarious, typical French11/19/2014 9:06 PM 

Love Actually because it's a good Christmas film.11/19/2014 8:07 PM

I don't really have a favourite film, but I do especially enjoy older films, as they contain a better storyline and details instead of 'dragging on' like todays.11/19/2014 7:40 PM 

Guardians of the Galaxy - too much awesome packed into it.11/19/2014 7:35 PM 

Inbetweeners movie, because it is just the thing I like11/19/2014 2:56 PM 

The Fault In Our Stars because it is such a good film and portrays the love between two people and how short but special it can be.11/19/2014 2:49 PM 

St Trinians, probably because it's hilarious and complete girl power11/23/2014 11:07 AM 

The Breakfast Club (1985) it's funny and I like 80s films11/22/2014 7:33 PM 

Thor: the dark world Reason: loki11/21/2014 11:52 AM 

million ways to die in the west11/21/2014 10:07 AM 

Gravity- brilliant graphics and great on the big screen11/27/2014 9:10 AM 

The Boat That Rocked because it is funny, historically accurate and stays true to the idea of pirate radio stations.11/28/2014 10:22 AM 

My favourite film is probably Blade Runner because it's futuristic, it has a great cast and it divulges into the backstories and the ethics of each of the characters to make the story more intriguing for the audience.11/27/2014 3:16 PM 

The Goonies, it's a classic and is really great.11/27/2014 3:00 PM

Aliens, it has a great cast, plenty of jump-out-of-your-skin moments and a lot of action.11/27/2014 1:49 PM 

Most probably My Neighbor Totoro or The Cat Returns because the films are amazing to watch and draw you in.11/20/2014 10:59 AM 

Guardians of the galaxy, because of music, visuals, and all round performance.11/20/2014 10:06 PM 

Twister, romantic as well as action in it.11/20/2014 9:34 PM 

black beauty as I love horses, and forest Gump as its war and action11/20/2014 5:58 PM 

Lethal weapon11/20/2014 5:18 PM 

Hot Fuzz Funny11/20/2014 4:44 PM 

Star Trek First Contact; because it was a thrilling sci-fi.11/20/2014 4:24 PM Step Brothers11/20/2014 4:03 PM 

Lord of the rings- Tolkien is a master of fantasy.11/20/2014 1:03 PM 

Hot Fuzz because it has fantastic actors. it is also a great cross-genre between comedy and action.11/20/2014 11:47 AM 

Matilda, it has for ages11/20/2014 10:24 AM 

Finding nemo11/27/2014 9:05 AM 

Harry Potter I love these films because the plot is amazing and so interesting. Each film is unique yet they all tie in with the 'big picture'11/25/2014 12:59 PM 

Avatar, it was well made11/24/2014 1:29 PM 

Lord of the rings, the return of the king11/20/2014 10:29 AM 

Q6: What is your favorite thriller and why?This again is a qualitative question therefore there is no statistical data. Similarly to question 5 the idea is to look at the film they have answered with and the reasons why to see if there are any interesting elements from that film which we can incorporate in our thriller opining or maybe even make reference to in our production.

I don't watch many thrillers, however my favourite would most likely be The Sixth Sense (Bruce Willis) as it has a greater set dynamic than many other thrillers I have watched, it isn't to harsh (gore wise) but it has a in depth story line that prevents it from becoming a mindless thriller like many I have seen. I think it's difficult to write and direct thrillers if you have little idea of the story line and reasons behind it.11/28/2014 10:21 AM 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part two. because there is so much action and excitement in it, yet it is still sad and you connect with it.11/25/2014 4:14 PM 

Final Destination because it's entertaining and a bit jumpy.11/25/2014 10:04 AM

Fast and furious 6, it excited me11/24/2014 1:29 PM

Woman in black because it has Daniel Radcliffe in it and I don't know any others11/22/2014 7:33 PM

Crime drama inspector Lewis Good plot and James Hathaway11/21/2014 11:14 PM

Room 140811/21/2014 11:52 AM

The original Jaws movie because of how terrible the movie was made yet so good to watch.11/20/2014 10:59 AM

The Conjuring11/20/2014 10:29 AM

Batman- Dark Knight rises11/19/2014 1:18 PM 

Kill Bill - non stop action.11/19/2014 5:53 PM

Captain Phillips - Defines the perfect thriller11/19/2014 7:35 PM 

Shaun of the Dead, because it is funny and also draws you in with the character relationships.11/19/2014 2:49 PM 

Gravity, amazing CGI effects, great 3D experience, good acting, and set in an unorthodox genre.11/20/2014 10:06 PM

The Silence of the Lambs11/19/2014 3:00 PM 

The Bourne Supremacy because it's different from other films and it's shot really well.11/19/2014 8:07 PM

Kill Bill Vol. 2, revenge, the film all comes together, you get the full picture.11/20/2014 9:34 PM

James bond, taken, fugitive11/20/2014 5:58 PM 

Shutter island11/20/2014 5:18 PM

No country for old men- "call it, friend."11/20/2014 1:03 PM 

Rear Window because I love Hitchcock's ability to make a film as suspenseful as possible.11/20/2014 12:40 PM

The lovely bones, because it makes you smile, make you fall in love and makes you cry11/19/2014 6:39 PM

The Purge because it is full of tense situations which could be real11/19/2014 11:31 AM 

Taken - it has suspense and action throughout11/19/2014 10:03 AM

Paranormal activity as it is very tense but exciting.11/19/2014 10:08 AM 

I would settle on se7en11/19/2014 12:48 PM

My favourite thriller is Sinister, as it incorporates horror with a mind-solving problem.11/19/2014 7:40 PM

Twister It is a classic.11/19/2014 11:05 AM

Scream - Could be realistic and it's funny11/19/2014 10:30 AM

Q7: What age certificate films do you watch most often?The purpose of this question being included in my questionnaire is to see what age certificate films our audience mainly watch in order to make aspects of it conform to what is expected and allowed for each age rating. The overall popularity age rating was 15 (57.14%). This will impact my production by making sure aspects we include meet the requirements in terms of violence, storyline, references and language to include in the thriller opening.

Q8: Who do you mainly watch films with?The most popular result for this question was that people asked in the survey mostly watch films with their friends (38%) closely followed by family. It appears that very few people asked actually go to social gatherings such as film clubs to watch movies now-a-days. I asked this question to look into the viewing habits of the audience i.e. to see whether they prefer to watch movies as a family or alone, this can affect what we put in the thriller, if it is more family orientated certain scenes may best suit groups of friends for instance use of language. This will impact our study by targeting branding and advertising about the film towards friend groups rather than clubs or to individuals.

Q9: How do you watch films?This is a very important question when it comes to audience research, if in the long run we were to take the thriller and release it for profit it would be a key piece of information as to the format it should be published, for example in my data the overall answer was for DVD/ Blu-ray which shows despite the introduction of online services and add-ons like catchup TV people prefer to watch the movies in a hard format (DVD). This is surprisingly followed by the cinema which again still shows that people would much rather go out to the cinema to watch a movie instead of online streaming or online box-office. It is important to know how to release it at it would be ill-advised to launch the thriller on somewhere such as LOVEFilm (online renting - 7.14% of people asked) where the majority is still in the “old fashioned” ways of producing and releasing movies (hard copies). From this it will impact our production as the next step would be release the film to look in to ways of getting a film released in cinema and on DVD. All answers for other were “Torrenting” i.e. downloading movies from a third party website/

Online Renting (e.g. LOVEFilm)

Other (please specify)

Recording from TV (e.g. NowTV or Sky Box Office)


DVD/ Blu-ray

Online Streaming (e.g. Netflix or Amazon Prime)


Q10: State two things that make a good thriller opening.This again is a qualitative question therefore there is no statistical data. It is very important in terms of responses for this question we need to know for the investigation. By asking the audience what they think makes a good thriller opening allows us to add aspects that would appeal to them. The key aspects that appear in the responses suggests that music (i.e. backing track – diegetic/ non-diegetic sound) is crucial to create an element of suspense and mystery. It is also a common theme that a build up of tension is required to incise the viewers, like a mini cliffhanger to make people want to watch the movie, a kind of “who done it?” atmosphere, it has to raise lots of questions about the narrative of the thriller.

action thrills11/28/2014 10:22 AM

I think a good thriller opening has to set up the storyline and give the audience information on the characters, scenes and the subject of the movie, not just dive into the action.11/28/2014 10:21 AM

Drama, drama11/27/2014 3:00 PM

Something unique that gets your attention straight away11/27/2014 9:10 AM

Action, something that keeps your interest- something UNIQUE11/27/2014 9:05 AM  - Excitement - Leave you wanting to watch more11/25/2014 4:14 PM

Someone dying/Guns and brains. 11/25/2014 12:59 PM

A jump scare and setting the scene11/25/2014 10:04 AM

Good fitting music, relevant graphic11/24/2014 5:39 PM

excitement and speed11/24/2014 1:29 PM

Action scene followed by suspense.11/23/2014 11:07 AM

* Good music * Interesting plot which engages the audience.11/19/2014 8:07 P

Spooky, loud and instrumental music A thrilling setting and effect e.g. a graveyard that is dark and misty11/19/2014 7:40 PM

Drama and a good story11/21/2014 11:52 AM

immediate interaction with main characters, and possibly starting with an important part of the story, and having the rest of the film lead up to that moment.11/20/2014 10:06 PM

1. Music & sound effects 2. Story taster, teaser/ cliffhanger11/20/2014 9:34 PM

Suspense and mystery11/20/2014 5:18 PM

1) I like it when you are not told everything about the characters and the plot unravels as you go along. 2) An action packed beginning.11/20/2014 4:24 PM

something to make you jump. suspension11/20/2014 4:03 PM

Subtle Suspense11/21/2014 11:14 PM

Tense dramatic music. A cliffhanger.11/20/2014 1:03 PM

The 'suspect' shown at the beginning mystery11/20/2014 10:29 AM 

Flash forward, to a tense situation. Then back to before, and continue from there. - You have to root for the good guy. - Through 90% of the film, the bad guys have to be in control. - You have to make it feel tense, having bad guys that have a short temper could snap at any moment is a good way to create this.11/19/2014 7:35 PM

- A bit of background to the movie - Good music11/19/2014 6:39 PM

1. Good fight scene/ car chase. 2. Good theme tune/ sound effects.11/19/2014 5:53 PM

Opening instantly in the middle of action then abruptly stopping so people are left wondering what that was about- therefore keeping them interested Starting on a cliffhanger/question so people are left thinking11/19/2014 3:00 PM

Suspense and a story.11/19/2014 2:49 PM

Camera angles Sound track11/19/2014 1:18 PM

a bank robbery or a murder11/20/2014 12:40 PM

The opening has to be tense and interesting, also the concept of the film has to be something that is interesting and that I can imagine being a good film.11/19/2014 10:08 AM

Guns and stuff11/19/2014 12:48 PM

Tension and Music11/19/2014 11:31 AM

Tense atmospheric build ups11/19/2014 11:07 AM

Suspense and fear11/19/2014 11:05 AM

Tense action opening sequence.11/19/2014 11:05 AM

1) Captivating 2) Clear as to what is happening11/19/2014 10:30 AM

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