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Rwanda. Located in Central Africa Population: 7 million Two main ethnic groups Hutu (90 percent of population) Tutsi Considered aristocracy of Rwanda Dominated Hutu peasants under Belgium colonial rule. Fast Facts. Brief History. 1962 gain independence from Belgium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Fast Facts

• Located in Central Africa

• Population: 7 million– Two main ethnic groups

• Hutu (90 percent of population)

• Tutsi– Considered aristocracy

of Rwanda

– Dominated Hutu peasants under Belgium colonial rule

Brief History• 1962 gain independence from Belgium

– Hutu majority seized power & reversed the roles• Oppressed Tutsis through systematic discrimination & acts

of violence

– 200,000 Tutsis flee to neighboring countries & form rebel guerilla army, Rwandan Patriotic Front

• 1990 Rebel army invaded Rwanda • forced Hutu President Habalyimana into signing an accord

which mandated that the Hutus

and Tutsis share power

Brief History• Ethnic tensions increase in

October 1993 after the assassination of Hutu president Melchior Ndadaye in Burundi

– UN peacekeeping force dispatched to preserve cease-fire between Hutu government and Tutsi rebels

• peace threatened by Hutu extremists – opposed sharing power with Tutsis– desired to exterminate Tutsis

Genocide Begins• April 1994 Rwandan

President Habyalimana and Burundi’s President Cyprien Ntaryamira held several peace meetings with Tutsi rebels

– April 6th – returning from a meeting in Tanzania, the presidents’ jet was shot down by ground-fired missiles as it approached Rwanda’s airport at Kigali.



Genocide Begins• Rwanda plunged into political violence

– Hutu extremists target prominent opposition figures – moderate Hutu politicians & Tutsi leaders - who were on their death-lists

– Killings spread throughout country • Carried out by Hutu militia• Killed Tutsi civilians – all Rwandans had to carry ID cards

specifying their ethnic background

– 10 UN peacekeeping soldiers were captured by Hutus, tortured and murdered.

• US, Belgium, France, & Italy evacuate own personnel from Rwanda

– UN headquarters in New York: killings categorized as breakdown of cease-fire between Tutsi & Hutu

• Throughout massacre US and UN refrain from classifying killings as genocide

Genocide Begins

• April 21st - Red Cross estimates hundreds of thousands of Tutsi already massacred

– UN Security Council abandons Rwanda – UN peacekeeping troops pull out; only 200

remain for entire country

Genocide Begins

• Hutu engage in genocidal mania– Rwandan state radio encourages killings

• Use hate propaganda• Reveal Tutsi hiding places

– killers aided by the Hutu professional class– Tutsis seek refuge in churches and mission

compounds• Scenes of worst massacres• Ex. Musha – 1200 Tutsis killed from 8 am till



• Mid May – estimated 500,000 Tutsis killed• Under scrutiny from media, UN Security

Council votes to send 5,000 soldiers to Rwanda

– troops fail to arrive in time

• July 1994 genocide ends when armed Tutsi rebels invade from neighboring countries

– 800,000 killed

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