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SAAAF Schools Campaign Sanitation Awareness, Assessment and Action for Schools Campaign MEDAK 2006. RWS/TSC-Medak UNICEF CEE SSA. Why SAAAF?. Create awareness among students, teachers, community and Gram panchayat - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


SAAAF Schools Campaign

Sanitation Awareness, Assessment and Action for Schools Campaign

MEDAK 2006


Why SAAAF? Create awareness among students, teachers, community and

Gram panchayat Trouble shooting to revive the existing facility with the

participation of students, teachers, community, Grama panchayat and line departments

Fund generation

Monitoring at all the levels (use & maintenance) School level (by students committees, teachers & HM) Village level (Panchayat and Village WATSAN committees) Mandal level (Mandal Education Officer (MEO), Mandal Parishad

Development Officer (MPDO), Mandal Resource Persons (MRPs), NGOs)

District level (District Education Officer (DEO), Superintendent Engineer-Rural Water Supply)

Objectives of SAAAF Build awareness on sanitation and hygiene issues

amongst students, teachers, head masters and concerned line departments.

Conduct school level assessment of the sanitation and hygiene infrastructure use and maintenance through a participatory process involving students, teachers, head masters, concerned line departments and community representatives.

Identify and initiate action at individual, school, community and line department levels to resolve problems and lead to proper use and maintenance of sanitation and hygiene infrastructure in schools.

SAAAF Schools Campaign

Sanitation Awareness, Assessment, Action For Schools Campaign




Education Department




Students &


Education Department




Before After

SAAAF Schools Campaign implementation Initiated in October 2006 Reached 421 Govt. schools in Medak District Partnership between CEE-AP, Total Sanitation

Campaign (TSC)- Medak, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and UNICEF

Key stake holders: 69 Mandal Resource Persons (MRPs) and District

Resource Persons (DRPs) from Education department 60 Preraks from 23 mandals 9 mandal level facilitators from NGOs

ProcessConstitution of District SAAAF Schools Committee

Constitution of Mandal SAAAF Schools Committee

Selection of schools

Training workshop organizers

Conducting SAAAF workshops in schools for Awareness building,

participatory Assessment and Action planning

Facilitating implementation of the action plans

Continued monitoring and support to schools


  July-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07

District workshop with Line Departments             

MEOs workshop             

Model camp             

Camp organizers training (Selected MRPs and DRPs)



SAAAF schools campaign in 369 schools             

Monitoring completed in 120 schools           


MEOs Review             

SAAAF Schools competition declared             

MEOs Review             

District SAAAF schools day             

Time line

What happens in a SAAAF school camp?Awareness Assessment Action

Learning by doing

Activity approach

Hand washing with soap Safe drinking water Web of contamination Waste disposal

Participatory assessment


Students Teachers Community PRIs Line


Action plan on WATSAN improvement and use

Commitment for actions by 375 schools Formation of school

WATSAN committees Hand washing with

soap Solid and liquid

waste disposal Commitments from

stake holders

SAAAF Campaign

Interaction with teacher Assessment of WATSAN facilities

Activity with Children Demonstration of Hand washing

Action plan preparation with Panchayat and Parents

Glimpses of action

The raised height of the urinalsThe two pits being cleaned during the

SAAAF workshop

Repairing of sunken pits Cleaning of School premises

Review meeting at district level with Mandal Education Officers (MEOs)

SAAAF StatusTotal number of schools covered : 375 in 23

mandals143 complete SAAAF schools in 23 mandals

These schools have Students using the sanitation facility Sanitation committees in place Proper waste disposal (solid and liquid) Students with good personal hygiene

behavior Hand washing with soap Community participation and involvement

in school sanitation

(Based on monitoring visits conducted from 26th February to 9th March 2007)

SAAAF Schools Campaign status





No. of schools without water

No. of schools without propersanitation facility

No. of schools which requirerepair

Funtional schools

On the basis of evaluation conducted in 190 SAAAF schools


Scale up….. Medak: 2,648 schools celebrated SAAAF

schools day on March 1st by order of the District Collector

In 368 Gram Panchayats including Kalajadha team performed awareness programme on Hand Washing with soap and ISL use

The SAAAF schools campaign is being also replicated in Khammam, Ananthapur and Vishakapatnam

Actions after Assessment

Before After

Digging a compost pit Compost pit

Thank You

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