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Post on 15-Sep-2020






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*•"* Exquisite charm and beatttious spleyidor marked the Cole-\ GHffin nuptial last Tuesday evenimj, April sixth, when Lului Jdhnsoa, lovely daughter of Mrs. George W. Cole, ST., of ParkA view Avenue, Oakland, became the bride of Bernard Chambers] (iriffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin of Washington, Penn­sylvania, The ceremony took place in the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, the Reverend Robert D. Brown, performing the impressive service.

The church ivas beautifully decorated with palms, ferns, spfiny flowers cud Easter lilies, with ropes of bright green smiiax festooned from the ihandel-?* iejre. White satin ribbons bordered " reception in Loendi Club parlors the pathway of the center aisle, and March !7th, to which the bribe's, a t wrfre caught at the reserved pews with clusters of tulle and spring t u b e r s .

•The bride was given in marriage by her brother, George W. Cole, J r . Mrs. Arthur D. Stevenson attended as matron of honor; Miss Margaret Wallace, maid of honor and the Mjisses Anncnter Cheatham and Bjtrnice Lcftridge as bridesmaid*. Mrr. Griffin was attended by Reuben W a a l e r of Washington, Pennsyl­vania, and the groomsmen were Dr. "V^UUam ,1. Cole, brother of t h bride; James Griffin, brother of the groom; and Attorney Arthur 1). Stevenson. ,

.Immediately preceding the cere­mony, Mrs. James Monroe Burwell -a*ug very plea.-dngi;,. She wore a smart gown of gray georgette.

The Bridal Party . Xbe bridal par ty was a. vision of

loveline.-.-. There was a simplicity and kmartne^a that seemed inimit-afeU1.

.•Miss Cheatham and Miss Leftridge were chic in fairy-like chiffon crea-

tendants were hostesses. The affair was quite enjoyable and declared to be the smartest of the season.

t h e then' Miss Lulu Johnson Cole; received her club a | d int imate! friends m her Parkview*avenue home last Saturday to a unique and clev-1 eriy arranged Trousseau Tea. The> hostess wore a green frock of che-; mile geoigeu . Assisting were her! at tendants, Mrs. A. D. Stevenson, in j bUck Ivelvet attdjrtetaltie cloth; Miss! Armenter CheafhfinJat black taffeta; i Bliss Bernice Leftridge in green flat j crepe and Miss Margaret Wallace in | black georgette! Miss Wallace re-c.?ived the guests, Miss ueftrid^e and Miss Cheatham presided at tea i and Mrs. Stevenson exhibited the- '' lovely trousseau. ,

The bride's boudoir reminded one of an exclusive deluxe shop in 'Par is or a salon of a devotee of fashion- j able l>eauvilJe. Gowns, hats, shoes, i

Charity Club Is'Broke'Now

The Charity Club dance will take place Friday evening, April 16, in the Liberty Gardens. The club is very much in need of funds to carry on their charity work. As a mem­ber said the other day, "We «re broke." Now, that bespeaks the success of this organization, for the needs of the community are so great tha t they willingly give, and give until there is nothing left.

The club sponsors but one enter-j ta inment during the year, and all of their efforts and energies are cen­tered upon its success. Friends are urged to boost the April 16th dance, tha t it may be the most t r iumphant in the club's career.

Left to right—Mrs. Arthur D. Stevenson, yiatton of honor; Miss Armenter Cheatham, bridesmaid; Miss Bernice Leftridge, bridesmaid; Miss Margaret Wallace, maid of honor.

Mrs. Bernard Chambers Griffin

and filet lace guest towel. Mrs. msc, coats negligees, undies in a : Henry Lindsay, second prize, a love-

color and material com-j /,, parr of French silk garters. Third j lows: prize, Mrs. Wilbur Douglass, an \ VVhr-re'er You

inning Attack; adorable orchid potoder puff, and o h S e f *"••*,,. tmps of pastel green trimmed in lace ; c l*Pe with trimmings of blade and 'the honor giiest received an~efquis- Gvpsv Serenade' ol the same shade; They wore rose j *"«Ke plaid; a smart blue thfnnel; ; ,-fc set of silver bread-and-butter bats , rose slippers and chiffon hose j cerise georgette embroidered in crys-ahd carried sunburst bouquets of I *a^> white brocaded crepe with ceri-

bination. The gowns,-

bouquets ot I *ai> w w uiocauen crepe witn cerise l&ik Killarney roses tied with long (georgette tr im; a canary printed tuile bows. Mrs* Stevenson and j georgette crepe; flesh crepe satin Jfiss Wallace were charming in chif-1 w i t h touches of cream lace; black se-fon gowns in the ultra-fa.^hionable | t l u i n> a gorgeous blue and silver eve-"I^ountain haze." They carried sun- j n i n £ gown; an apple green satin huls t bouquets ot^jjrfrik Killarney ; trimmed in orchid crepe—all design-TOJea tied with long bows of tufle c d in the late spring mode. Blouses add wore rose hat*j and slippers with j *'f printed sitk, white and flesh crep"e. i notching hose. - ; Shoes and hose in silver, blonde, I

*The bride was radiant in a hand- I gray, white, brown and black. The spme creation of white bridal satin • former trim the gamut of smartness. a%d real pearls. Her veil of tulle l Some m kid, others in satin, suede f|H from a coronet of jewels, orange ! awf leather, with novel s t rap and blpssoms and lace, and a court train ' buckle Ornamentation.

The fa ts— green felt, gold cloth,1

Majck satin, grosgrain ami li.-.ere. The undies— dainty cobwebby gar-1

mer.ts of georgette, voile, satin, and i crepe trimmed in lace, ribbon and dowers in delicate shades of peach,! green flesh, orchid, blue, yellow and white. A negligee of red Velvet and i

or satin added regal beauty. She wore white kid slippers and chiffon hose and carried white roses, freesias A d Hlies of the galley in a shower faltened with long tulle and satin bows. She$k wore a pear! pin en­crusted with daintomls, the gift of the groom

sprwedjers. The guests included M^sdames

Wm, L\ Wood, Chas. H. Carroll, Roht. L. Vayin, Wm. H. Stanton, ('has. E. Webster, Henry Lindsay, Frank Cherrffl J. C. Moore, Frank Steward, Thos. T. Jackson, Wilbur Douglas;?, Fred E, Light foot and Eugene W. Lewi*.

— 0 — !: •

r , r r n p t : r r i ; ; s ' DAFFODIL DAXCE

Tin- I'ierrettcs' Daffodil Vance h attracting pleasing attention. The affair wilt take place Fridan eve-, ning, April dth, and their friends will attend in large numbers. Grce~ ly's Commanders ivill play the dance mumc and the decorations will sug­gest the charm and color of the daf­fodil. Mrs. Frank Cherry is social chairman

Fine Program For Benefit Friday Eve

I t is gratifying to know that the patrons of the Three-in'*One Bene­fit a t Wat t School, Friday evening, April Sith, will not be solely helping the principals by their attendance, but in appreciation for the generous spirit of the public, the participants declare the program will be of high and fine type. Miss Charlotte Dyer EntyWill accompany the performers, and Mr. Joseph Rodgers Walker will be the speaker. The program fol-

W u l k H H ridel I t o m a

. V a l d e z

Clef Choir To Gitfe Concert

C a n z o n e t t a . . . . Mr

T h e P i p e r of L o ^ e L a s t N i g h t . . .


Paul Robeson has sung in Pi t ts­burgh ,tHis seafon and later Roland Hayes is announced to appear. Pit tsburgh is interested in the visits of those two representatives of the race, and will be still more inter­ested in the concert to be given the Clef Chair, a group of 40 splendid singers, under j the direction of Jo­seph Rodgers Walker, a t Carnegie Music Hall on Tuesday evening, April 27. The concert is under the management of Edith Taylor Thom­son, who broughtNPaul Robeson to this citv. The Clef Choir is sue-

North Side Choral

In Benefit \McAbee Recital Thursda


censor to the Club, and for c

Mary Small Club The Mary J. Small Club will meet

at the residenee of Mrs. Magjrie Rob-dnson, 709 James street, North Side, Thursday, April 8. Mrs. Maggie Rob­inson, president; Mrs. W. E. Looney, secretary.

—o— Poinsetta Conference

The Poinsetta Conference will meet a t the residence of Mrs. Han­nah Bradley, 6373 Aurelia street, East End, Tuesday, Apri l ' 13. Mrs. Hannah Bradley, president; Mrs. J W. Williams, secretary.

Mme. Ruth Lee MJ- \

Western District Auxiliary The Western District Auxiliary

the Women's State Convention heVd a glorious meeting Good Friday at the Metropolitan Church, North Side. From 8:30 in the morning until 6 p. m. a large number of Christians held praise service.

Members holding envelopes are re : ' 2 / T . ^ i l i ^ ^ L i l 6 ^ ^ ?hl quested to turn them in a t the next .upiea a unique place among the i__*t_ . x», . c • . , . XT r,-w L i , fnf i t , A n m „ , » « m m i «f rt. meeting. May 6, in the New Zion


.....L; r> lckerson

. . . C a r e w . K j e i u l f

j MavchetH Miss Diokeraibn a n d Mr. B l a k e y

E r l k i n g — " I n fJ< Mr

F a i r L o t u s F lc ivea Oblnjmta

Mlt*3 I S tood o n

(—d'Ambrosio j people for the encouragement of the I p__ f t- i ru, .*tt. world's best njusic. Many complete I i 3 a p U s , t ^ n u r ™ choral works of great composers j have been giien. Joseph Rodgers Walker, the conductor, has had broad musical training under the best teachers and is also a composer

' The N e g r o Y o q t h in Mvi.u j, Mr. W a l k e r

. S o h e r t z i n s e r

"V,1",. v ' •• ^ h l i n e r t ! and arranger df many splendid num-aw3 l th Violin j bers. He is (trilling his choir con-

Lynes i stantly and the success of the com-1Vi'ki>rKi"M I T m » concert seems already assured.

. . . .V.v'r by iu . r i ' ^1 . j I n addition tojgroups of par t songs W'imk I Wa(j» in Hi-iiibe'n Sc t t i n" '

( a ) d o n , .

tb) D O W ! 1 , . . \ I T . by J' . iakcy, a n d \\'i:«doni

Mr Hlakey S c h e r z o — T a r e m i ? ! l e . . . . .AVeiniavvaki

Mr. Miserere—l-From

I I I . . J . . . . . . I >ickpr.s(>n. U

Mr. a n d Mrs. •PQtiaora; Wil l i a n d t h e ncdomtwiBfat. M m C h a r l o t t e

"Master James Swann, ringbearer, a breakfast gown of black satin \fore a Lord Fauntleroy suit of black trinimeil with white brocailed crepe, satin. Ethel Mae Cole and Dorothy | The coats-—a gray Knglish\twee<i

l>yi»r K m > . itr i reu to tUH>l»0 Mbikey a n d Mr t h ^ l r m u s i c a l <

wtsdora 111 Troiktaort—A,t

.j .! Verdt lalcoy a n d W i s d o m

l l o b c r t L" \v i s , t h o [,| in IS. Fil>';, t r e a s u r e r j

and spirituals, there will bo a group of soigs for o n t r a l t o sung by Mrs. Edna Curtis Reed, with Helen Fran


pears in recital , morial Presbyteria?? day evening, Apiil >. following program, ; i.-dicited, by Miss Mark-.. m'atic reader: Joseip'ffl linist, and Messrs 1. Pa'mer: The Dmwn , W h y ? ..'.". ior.g ot the Opou. . .

Mrs. M , v , . Concerto in A Minor.

Mr. R,,k Readinc Si tu M'aimais Ariette ,

Mrs. M.-A . -Medlior

Messrs. Kender>o-i an. Song of the >Ji!c Dream Son.x

Mr* Mr \ Ritorna Vincitor (Aidai

Mrs. Mo\i ... Suvenior . . . . . . . . . . .

Mr. RO.!K,-> Reading: Spring SOUK

Messrs. Fendersim B»>. Spirituals :

1. I Stood on de Ribbrr 2. Go Down Moses I. Were Yoa There ?

Mrs. McAiir

- i t "man,*

U :<•

•'• lot

• Coi ,


Mi.. CftJe

I f«lWt

Alpha Art Social H u b The president of the club, Mrs.

Carrie Boardman, resigned ai the last meeting with Mrs. Inez Pass, and Mrs. Ester Smith was appointed. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Boardman, 619 Junilla street, Satui-day, April 24.


The Lucy Stone Civic League, which is presenting through its scholarship committee, Mr. Aubrey W. Pankey, tenor, on Sunday, April 11th, a t 4 p. m., a t Beautiful El­more theater, feels confident tha t its many friends who a re planning to attend the benefit recital will, be de­lighted with the young musician. Mr. Pankey is an orphan Pi t tsburgh boy, a product of the picturesque hill district, and its residents and



Auxiliary to P. O. Employes The Women"* Auxiliary to

GIRL RESERVES The Ne Plus Ultra Hub en*

tamed their mother.- ;i<\u tP3i yB day afternoon at the Metroj B&ptist church. Rev. W. R, Bp pastor of the church was also guest. A short program Wag rend ed. On Wednesday, Match IL' "Pollyanna" club of Penn Towrishl3

niu a is tnct , ana its M N B I B « f i s tar ted their rehearsal* f o r a i T the many, many friends which the ^ i v e n f o r t h < l b o n e t i ; o f f ** sweet singer had made are exceed- , o £ t h e F i r s t B a t i ; t r f c J J a

ingly proud of p u r boy. | "Farmer and r«nrterettef ptfo* The bei.efit is sponsored by the 1 *

Lucy Stone Civic League. The pat-I rons a r c : DA Harrison M. Brown, I Mr. and Mrs. Judson J . Thompson, ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harr i s , Mr. & Mr». Hollie Henderson, Mr; and Mrs. S. Nelson Artcr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler,

. Bumtt * accompanist, ^ ™^of%^t$™^^\»^^ ^ - ^ ^ V ?

S S c f i L " " $ l C h ° i r " m l M y H;^^Lr^"?.°^^f.^»f^;!cBhrann, I', Tna S t 5£%M

(Don:itinjt t h e i r igorv-ttilss nicl i f -rson, Mr; W t s d o m in fur thej - lns ; Suca t ion .

Personals* - t - j . •• .... —

noon. Apr J 13 at 2 o'clock at gfc 5 T C 3 Mra. V^&uZ,,»MB home of Mrs. James S. Vaughn, 166 M r J N d s o n & M r s _ J u H S S K ^ K !

avenue'fS?fh S»de. All Clark( Ml, and Jjf* :Iohn p. C l a r £

members are requested to.be present, M r ' A n n a CaCL I,r .nH Mr,.

Miss Elizabeth Williams of Ber-tliocd street

Cherry, the flower girls, wore dainty | utility coat; a black satin afternoon Pfocks of canary georgette and car- i coat, rfed silver b a s k e ^ of roses.

Reception A reception was held immediately

after the ceremony a t the bride's

is recuperating from

Handkerchiefs and gloves in a var­iety of soft shades, the tans and grays predominating. . Dozens of handkerchiefs in silk, chiffon, lace,


"Yc Olde Time Maue. Daye Cinj-jSolo Souvenir, Franz Drdla—Swen- \ dercllaJ'artye" with "Ye Olde Eng- \ dolyn ^ichards|>n (aged 9 W^HI Miss Paulii H; Hand and Master lishe tourte Jesters entertaining. Good Night, Qood Night, Beloved! ' I ^ 0 - r - s Holl, And f th

. Low, J . L a r n b y - C h o r u s ; Violin i n l ] u e n z a a n d a c u t e bronchitis

. Liwuaijd of New Castle spent ind a real fairy dipper for tfc« jCiro Pinsmt 4- Chorus; .Overture, \ t ! v a w c e k-end | with their aunt, Mrs. airy princess Is that miqAeil / ^ W i l l i a m Tell, G. R o n a ^ - O i c h e s . : W i l l i a m H o v l | o f Webster a ^ n u e . hat unusualf Is that novel? ; t ra, - I "vr ,

That must be the Ritz JC'IMOJ #/te I

Mrs. Ceorge W. Cede, Sr., and the bridal party outfits were creations

g ray crepe _ shoes and hose. Mrs. John Griffin : f ? f t blankets, ot Washington; Pa. , mother of the j kitchen needs, groom, and Mrs. George Gould, sis- ! . J n t h e display was the at tendants ' ter~of the bride, assisted. Mrs. Grif- \ K«* to the bride—a beautiful white fin vrore gray crepe and Mrs. Gould j vrepe gown a n d step-in trimmed was stunning in a Frenchy creation \ w l t h white Chantiily lace, white sat-of rose ami gold. Baskets of spring >n ribbon and silk net. The white flowers decorf,teii the house, aaid* for : satin al tar ^ pillow was the handi-the bridal,,XsaiUpum was a delici-; work of Miss Emma V. White. The ous white cak« wltii smiiax and roses trousseau gowns were designed by strewn about it.

Mrs, John W. Cole*of Washington, Pa., sister-in-lajW of the bride, wore pond re bliae ?hi^«m with matching hat and silver slippers and hose.

For the Attendants The bride presented her maids

with friendship circle brooches of whtie gold set with blue sapphires. To the flower girls she presented peaurla and to Master .Swann, a ring. The groom gave his groomsmen Silk scarfs.

Honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Griffin left immedi­

ately for Cleveland and Detroit, and after April 20th will be ;it home at I Hall avenue, Washington, Pa. The bride traveled in a tailleur ensjcmMe of gray F.nglish novelty cloth, with gray faille frock. Ut r slipper^, glov*4 and accessories were g ray^ ie r feat having touches oi silver and blue. A corsage of Angeju* roses tknd lilies of the valloy eomnlettd ihe striking costume.

^ Presents The presents attested th*' pop»lar-

ity a!".-i social favor of* tho hride.

broideries a n d C r t ' " f s wtil t)rCi'ail at fhe "Maye \ Taylor Choral Club in the auditori-" " Daye Cinderella Part ye'' of the Ritz > um of the Bellevue Hi

Mrs. J. M. ^anil Mrs.

city ;. ;;!.i:Qn, Mr

members are requested to be present, as there is business of importance. Plans are bein^ made for a musical and literary program on April 20. New members are solicited to join. Mrs. R. L. Porter, president; Mrs. W. H. Doggett, secretary

—o— Texas Club

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McCary of Kiakaid street were hosts to the last meeting of the organization.

, The next meeting will be held with

Mr;;. Anna Coles, Dr. and Mr*. Chas. Henry CarYoll, Dr. and Mrs. Emmet Davis, Attorney and Mr? Wilbur Douglas. Miss Ida Favor, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Focte, Mr. and Mrs. George Gould, Dr. A. G. Cantt , Dr. and Mrs. Jamc; - C. G. Fowler, Attorney Theron B. Hamil­ton, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hami'ton, Mr. Roscoe Howard, Mr. and Mrs.

staged on Thursday, April 1. by Jolly Workers ' club. "Kveryj club held its regular monthly" ness meeting on Thursday. A months ' program wa- drawn up.t a hike to Sewickly planned for Stl urday, April 24th.

During the lente:; season disco s b n s on "The Meaning of "The Popularity of Jesus.]1 "Lent* Values" were carried on in the n ious clubs. Round table talks, k each Sunday from F.-buiary 1% March 28 were held at Oi'tra! aiid attended by our girls. Net Health Week will be oi.Hrvedin various High school chins by sp talks on the program of "Sex Ed« tion." "On Tuesday, April 6, ! Jeannet te Washington, city mm will speak at a joint meeting of Alpine, Up-to-the-Minute and Bit Triangle clubs of the " t . " The M :s 5:20. Mis? n/o ihingh

the Mt. Zion Baptist 4e, Rev. W. W. Bbohe,J

present the Coleridge \ ters'oT'tTe'vefa'nV' Sunday

traughters of Conneils- j Mrs. Emma D. Phillips April 14th. Jennie Rickmond Luby wer? guests of their nd Mrs. Leon Straug

Klub at "Fe Olde Libeitye Gar­dens," Friday evening, May 7.

Prince RUz shall go forth] in qmst of the Fairy Priiicess!

l e a .Miss Hattie Mae Walker was hos­

tess at a beautiful tea given at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Llovd Seymour, Wittslow street, East End.

gh school, on Tuesday night, April 20th, at S:15 O'clock. The name of the club alone suggests a high class musical t reat and members as well friends of both, the church and club, are urged to be present.

— o—

E. G. Flen ing of East End#and James B. Johison of the North Side, are spending several days in Day-tona Beach, I la. They will be home

*>s ; the last of the week.

of Mrs. J. W. Cheatham of Chalfonte ' r h e ceu%rpiecfe decoration for the street. j table was a ^silver basket of fruit

Rehearsal Dinner * ! a n t * palms. The mints represented Mr-. George Gould of Susquehanna I the^ Easter colors—yellow, whit^ and

jstrewt, sister of the .bride, assisted P in 'K- The ladies Were beautifully by Mrs. Robert Lee Vani i was hok-teasj to an elaborately appointed din- • rser Monday evening, honoring the ftnde-t<>d)f. The dinner followed the \ church-rehearsal and the guests in- j eluded the member.- of the wedding! party.

The rooms were aglow with ro.-e* sha«io! Sights, and red tulips in vases and .-fiver baskets decorated. On the tabic a silver basket held a harjd->ome bouquet of the choijee blooms, and tb* pla^e cards were fflush rose cufis filled witn cionfectiol*. After a li-vx--course dinner the t | r id groom presented the groom -men with'glft frieklishi^ circles,; to the Wen, drtjss suit >carfs of white .-ilk, enbroidened i.s black polka tints. Mrs. Jame.-- Bur-well sang love songs, and to tendered the happy pair.

Mass Meeting The Women's Auxiliary of the U.

B. A. will hold a mass meeting

I — o— •' 1 I Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bayless,

of Milwaukee street, are the proud parents of a paby boy.

Mrs. C. D. Lowndes and C. D., Jr., Thursday, April 15th, at the Sixth! recently patients in the Passavant Mount Zion Church, of which the | Hospital, are Rev. Grayson is pastor. Missionary circles and clubs of the city are cor­

am i aides and

•to the maid.-.

dressed in bright new shades a n d ! d i a l ! y i n v l t e i , » ^ s t h e proceeds will charming Easter hats. Miss Walk-] ®>° t o w a r ( 1 t h e maintenance of the er wore a dress of silver! cloth! and j A:*e(1 Ministers and Laymen's Home black satin; Mrs. Seymour, gold can- ' l n B e l l e v u e - Mrs. Emma L. Gould ton crepe with ecru lace, and Miss I l s president and Mrs. Mamie Jack-Fore.st, gray georgette and rose. The ', s o n « corresponding secretary, guests were: Mrs. Lloyd Seymour, Mrs. Hattie Walker, mother; Miss Lillian Forest, Mrs. Arthur Robin­son, Mrs, Luaevis Lee, Mrs. Oscar Hutchinson, Miss Hannah Thompson. Mrs. Thelma Anderson, Mrs. Lerov Riley, Mrs. James Law, Mrs. John Horronj Mrs. Joseph Gould, Miss -Mary Brody, Miss Cora Ross, Miss Alenc Saunders, Miss Alice Jones,

bus, Ohio, on? illness of his

Fred Darey and Mjrs. Harrison



Party Mesdanies



—o-Daughters of Isis 'Program

The Daughters of Isis and Nobles of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine of North and South America will give a spe­cial program a t Columbia haJL Wednesday, April 14th. Dt. Agnes E. Goidston, Past Illustrious Grand Commander, Noble Robert Cooper, I. P. of Sahara Temple, will deliver address. The organization quartet

Violet Conference Club

William E. Hanee, Dr. and Mrs. known as an efficient nursp, and l Honesty, Attorney Richard Jones, w g H prepared to speak to groaj Mis.s Mary T. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.! On Thursday, Dr. Luba Robin C« Edward Jones, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kennedy, Dr. and Mrs. Dudley G

Thursday, April 8th, Mrs. Mary i £ * * M,r" £ n d MT

r s ' E W Lindsay, ay ton wdl entertain the club at llJ: ?,nd ^ r s ' ^ a F . .Lew.s, Mr

a t home to friends.

Bert Abrams was called to Colum-account of the serious mother.

—o— Miss Lydial G. Crable, of,Chicago,

is here attendant upon her ill mother, Mrs. Sallie Crable, ot Charles street.

Clarence, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Sparksman Iporsey, of Frankstown avenue, is seriously ill with pneu­monia. . -r"

Carroll Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ot Holmes of Hallette

Cla her residence, 2412 Webster avenue. Mrs. Ida M. Carr, secretary.

Sunshine Club . The club met with Mrs. Melver

in East Wylie avenue last week. A number of visitors were present. Mrs. E. M. King, 2535 Elba street, will be hostess at the next meeting.


Josephine St. Pieere Ruffin Club The next meeting of the club will

be at the residence of Mrs. Bertha Groman, 815 Estella street, South Side, April 13th.

—o— Tiger Club

The club met last Thursc ay a residence of Miss Catherine Parker. The next meeting will be with Mrs. F; Harr is , 2432 Webster avenue.

—o— Wood-Bee Social Club

Mrs. Nelson S. Johnson entertain­ed the club last Thursday in cele­bration of her 18th wedding anni­versary. The out-of-town guests were: Miss M. Banks of New York City, and Mrs. Ida M. Frances of Harrisonburg, Va. James Johnson, pianist, and Mrs. Fred Redman, so-

street. is hopie from Lincoln Uni- j prano, rendered musical selections, versity for the Spring holidays. , —o—-

—o— j Frogs Help Students i Miss Palm D. Roberts of Canons-; At the solicitation of Mrs. C. D.

and Mrs. Eugene Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Morsell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKinney, Mrs . PrisciRa Stanton Miller, Mrs. James Monrme. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Jones, Mr. Lucius W. Jen­nings, Miss Minnie W. Milby, Dr. Frank Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Payne, Attorney and Mrs. W. M. Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Stewart, Captajn and Mr?. Frank R. Steward, Attorney and Mrs. Wm. H-Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Logan, Dr. andgMrs. R. W. Taylor, Mr. John Thomas, Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Taylor, Attorney and Mrs. Robert Lee Vann, Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Web­ster, Dr. Woo ten, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wood, Mr. and Mrs.' John T. Writ t , Mrs. WiHianlgMorti-mer Writt , Attorney George H. White, J r . . Dr. Marie Kinner, -Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Kinner and others.

the Misses Narcissus Williams, Hel­en Thompson, Emma V. White, Marjorie Taliaferro, Bernice Left­ridge, Marmenta Newton, Carrie Webb, Elizabeth Green and Mrs. L. S. Cowan.

i give an exhibition drill under

Sd\) linen. china, cut lamp.-, mirrors!, hotiseuirni.-hi! it was indVid ;i ^ortreous a oils outlay.

Thf out-i'Mi.w •: ene-t- c Tyrone, Altooiia, Cjlevejlni iWphfa and Washington;

Tlw bride is one *f the ular members of the yotlr set. .She is a member iif th feite and SteiMK* Clubs, The is a.--S',:H-iated with hi- fat hi John Griffin, who ow\- Rne toJ

s in Washington. Pre-nupt ia | Affairs

Among the pre-nuptia! affaii

t assWBssggasBsaBBsgsgs

10 Carnation Club Mrs. L. M. Comers of Duff street

was hostess t o t h e 10 Carnation Club on Thursday evening, April 1. Coy- j copal conference

smith of the University of Pitts burgh, will speak to a joint meetin of the-"Everygirl ." "Ne Plus Ulrri clubs a t .5:30 at the "Y," from subject, f'The Art of Living." Goldsmith is reputed as being best prepared person to, present g;.rls and women the very import problem of sex, and domes 1 recommended by many indivi Any interested girl or woman is I dially invited to atten/J these tures. Rehearsals for "Marerkt| the musical operetta to be present! at the Watt /Street School. Fridijl April 30th{ under the direction Mrs. Beatrice Page are held •» week a t the "Y.'

Folk Dances and Cast—Wednesd a t 4:30;wChorus, Saturday at 4:. Every girl who is taking a parti "Marenka" please be out on timet rehearsals. A sp°cial commit' meeting of the Program ehairn Miss Thelma Payne, president; * Blanche Brown, vice president; H Harriet Law, all officers of the t«r Club Counl-il, was held Sat day, April 3 at the "Y." _ Pl« were drawn un to entertain unique "May Fete," the officers j all' the Senior White and Col«< Girl Reserves clubs of the eR The time was set for Saturday, 3 8th at the "Y." The Center Ave Branch of the Young Worn* Christian Association was hostess' 12 delegates to the Methodic Ep

will sing and the patrol team will [ burgi Pa., w i s the week-end guest of, Lowndes, the Frogs Club subscribed ! ers were laid for ten 'and * del

awl music Prizes were

were awarded

diversions. | Mrs. Laura

iackWrl and J. B. Monroe. Consola-' Announce Engagement

cousin, Wiss Gertrude Ballard $15.00 in tickets to the Three-in-One of Benefit in Wat t Street School Fri-

ter of i day evening. of j • —o—

Student Princes I Cho! Cho! For the Student

George W.iMiller of Tucson, Ariz.,] Princes' Spring Frolic. Their train, who has been in the city securing ! "Pleasure Lajid Special," leaves '

k , -k io i s j On Tuesday, March: JO, the P luncheon was served.' The next meet- [ mittce of management iiet in M ing will be held at the home of Mrs Alice Stevenson, 2026 Rose street. Mrs. H. Preston,, prescient; Mrs. p . Cragway, corresponding secretary.

—o— Progressive Club

The club met Thursday

ciay conference. In the] morning! get making was discusjsed with Myra Jones of the metropolitan' fee, 8= 1- ader. Befori- sidjourr.iB« in the morning a short business sion was held. At 1 d

o c


ne Fei By AUCE Dl

> --J-

K k the

ZcH i t was thought unpedagogi n a r i <£ t h e Grea t £xpenmeatJ *efe told tha t vir tue is its ovj

by offering p r i w s for what they] uLnns and behaving in schen* S T S e d a J o W . This theory took

I? living and working is entenf ruvs of U»e Grea t Experiment f a reality, anyway. All thi« by way of remarking th

; %r\t* contents these halcyon dd l o a r t from the annual literary^ of the Crisis and Opportunity, I

offers the William E. Harmoi ished Achievement Quite the •Vcr made to persons of Negl MnsiC Fine Ar ts , Industry al

her Religion and Eace Relation Shite as well as colored. An ambi

opportunity for those seeking r t And what i i infinitely mod opportunity for the modest, u

m persons, who have been quiet1

Jtributiona to thei r communities, , »ome meri t for their work.

Messrs. Boni and Liveriffht offe d submitted to them by an aut

fr L 1926. Negroid must be the m ffnore characters, the influence of

And even the Sesqui-Centennial cber Award. ^ ^ (

The Wichita Church Chronicle hrdtcei Johnson in commenting or C -e the annual meeting of the 1

a$rous, more dangerous than Du med us to think. He hit us a b\ ^V TO FOLLOW JESUS. If thi pikers a brotherly square deal. ) i because we very much prefer

placest Of course, he upset tncansm!" Will an All-Wise Providence ,

Hums to address audiences of < Gotpel, and social workers? Si

flattering their audiences tJtj

After seeing wha t Winold Reis of a national type from that t Graphic, we do not feel so bj

those Negro school teacher! [the "New Negro," made us feel

tone. But we forgive him nd i i t If ha can t rea t a descet can a mere Harlemite expeq

You haven't seen any mention ritten by Nordic authors, have efully told in detail, all but tael r blood. But for the past two decades]

Crispus Attucks. To the cr ltd that they did erect a monumt [could be seen—on Boston Comma

the flair for insisting upon lug{ the Atlantic to the Pacific ai rians began to squirm. A ft

itioned in the books else they And then the colored people this Attucks person. It was

Massachusetts to erect a monu\ roe? off mixing up colored peof More and more speeches—mm it a Crispus Attucks Day. Tht But lo! A light broke upon t\ could prove beyond a doubt of the Revolutionary War

not a Negro! hn't that just splendid? He itse, or a dark Yankee, or a h\ But a Negro" A historical er Let us draw a deep breath has been saved, and the cou the black mun, and placed bt


That was quite a thought exf I when i t sought to know why

bit banks conducted by whites also the employment by whij

_ro laundresses. I t also asked i i department stores, or any otfnj Ut upon them. This in commen; Such, unfortunately, some of out

The only thing needed now ti «tc, as the race-segregation ord\ will be a ton of barbed wire,

taranteed to keep colored people 9kt, Then all will be beautiful.

The chain-letter pest has..ct p * d in the land again. There] m already—but there should bd ftanUy the sender of those aboj pan, or officer, or what not, thej | t to break the chain, or there p g seductive good luck, if one [twin twenty-four hours. Here i went majoring in philosophy] Mrefore? He who shall answ M have done mankind a servi< * brea=t of a t least one sufferer

Ifr*. Myrtle Foster Cook, t\ itujvai Xotes, the official orgaii

[f«*«, says that this column is\ ^oruide after a hectic day." >

That ix delightful praise. Sl\ / •*»• Modesty went out with T d dresses, the knitted petticot f< the chatelaine bag, and the modesty a lost art, that one is _

7"M from the National Notel *f-atc and obscure, forbid. Wt

W* °t Kansas City.

*ut of Town Societi




, Looking For A Home? Before Buying, Selling or Renting Consult


umner m her lovely home in Mahon streef on Palm Sunday, lion-

and air, W.


(A Realtor with IS Years' Experience) 6253 Broad S t Phone Hiland 5927

F i r e I n s u r a n c e A t R e a s o n a b l e R a t e s H p»no ; Hungarian Danfe No. (L J .

^ f ^ r ^ - . v ^ ^ a ^ a v ^ ' iirahm — Orche&lra; "Sweet and

A veiw attractive program has been ariranged by thp Bradford, Mu.-ioal (Jlub for their Musical Re-1 ©ring) l ier distinguished visitor^ eital on Friday evening, April 9tk.! hous^guests. Bishop Mattliew C at > :15 p. m. The following are Attorney A>hby Hawkins. Dr. |J soiite of the features jhat will be E. Bpwen and daughter. Miss I presentM: j Bowcn. The centerpiece was a Cross < pvertfire, "With Helmet end and the, favbrs ivere individual vt*hite

Swqrd, 1,. J. Panella—Orchestra; crosses. Baskets of Easter liliesIdec-' ^wing Along;" Will Marion Oook-f-1 orated the living room, and the table | hprus; Huniiarian Dance No. 5, J . appointments \w?re in silver. Cov-er.-llrahm ~ Orchestra: Violin Solo, were laid for twelve. "H,uniore.-ke," Dvaral; ft- Laghretta — o— ' Drake, (aged 7 yearsM Violin QuWr-j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fleming o

> rgo from "The New World," : Cleveland Were the week-end giiests, Howard Rodders, Dajr-||o|f Mr. ami 'Mrs . William Stanton of



a royal combination, eh, i 0 _ j . what? And, Bah jove! Don't for- Jack O'Lantern Twe get the little card "

• E N T T i Collegiate Ball


Mrs. Annie, Phi

short discussion of the pr< housing women an< gtris for o-J

The Fm ve Club l io, of Br<MH ' 0 d a l a*> r e n c u ; s gratis.

street entertained the club April 2nd. ! ,? r t S r ? ^ ^ t ' r ^ d The meeting was well attended ami j d , s t u ^ d b>; Mrs. W. 4 . lend

The Gold and Brown Club, com- i we were glad to have our lecre tarV i " * R l c e a n d

>sed of the city's popular young Mrs. Lelia Moore, and Mrs S a r a ' l-'^>'~

CREENSBURG. PA. J»e Harmony Club, of Gre< *\r r U" ^ a s ^8SU€<i invitations "* umrth anniversary and fori ^ r m to be given April 131

Symphony win S. Miller, Spencer Jackson ahd

ame- Duboi.-t T at the

m u . H E K OF

Maryland avenue. The Stantonb en-t^rtained for^them Monday evening and the Oiiioans returned borne Tues-! 4


St THEORY 3 7S15 FINANCE STREET § • Phone Franklin 7728


men, will give a Collegiate Ball in Liberty Gardens, Monday evening, April 12th. Classy music and the featuring of the season's latest dance hits will amuse the guests un-

, til the wee sma' hours. The Gold B j and Brown affairs are always en-P | joyable and the list of patrons swells 11 wijh each event. The members are

i ..d .. . . . . . .

White cut again. • Although the club i> but four months old, we have J f* made great progress and a program was arranged for the next meeting. ; The next meeting will be held at 42» Price avenue, Braddock, on May 1 ' Mrs. Ida Thomas, president.

—o— Mrs. 1 I. Murray of Reed street

after five week: ; i , Frederick H. Smith, chairman; Lee is convalescin-S. Cowan, Reginald Talbot. John W ' illness

I Wilkins, Louis Greene, Robert j

. . « i S y ' w aff i iho t B X " ' F m ' D a v i s * ! , M r s " G e o r g e T r u m a r ) 5 s recovering I. • • • o t- l h e sponsors are j from an attack of la grippe. |




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728 Fulton St. BR00KIYM, NEW YORK

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