
Post on 29-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    *** (07:16:25):Welcome to the True Blood in Dallas Chat Room.

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:16:30):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:17:52):

    hiya, Dallas! :)

    Lisnoe says to (07:17:54):


    Harley Dickerson says to (07:17:58):


    True Blood in Dallas says (07:17:58):

    Hey !

    1EvilJessica says to (07:18:00):

    hey Lis :)

    Cavalavalier says to (07:18:06):

    Hello Everyone!

    1EvilJessica says to (07:18:08):

    and Harley :)

    samantha739 says to (07:18:11):

    Hello all

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:18:23):

    :D sooo what did everybody think?

    1EvilJessica says to (07:18:26):

    dallas did u see my video I posted on ya fb wall?

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:18:28):

    Would you guys tweet a #trueblood reminder !

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    anelson53546 says to (07:18:31):

    Hey all

    Lisnoe says to (07:18:32):

    Loved the montage of the "dearly departed"..my fav was Tina the cat!

    samantha739 says to (07:18:34):

    so eric noooooo

    1EvilJessica says to (07:18:39):

    I am LOVING (L) Yvetta and Jess!

    anelson53546 says to (07:18:42):

    another good episode

    1EvilJessica says to (07:18:57):

    sure thang, Dallas! :)

    Lisnoe says to (07:19:04):

    Jesus is creeping me out!

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:19:05):

    thanks E jess

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:19:07):

    I tweeted one Dallas

    Cavalavalier says to (07:19:08):

    I thought it was great. Feeling a little sad foir Jason, it is the first time i really noticed how lonely he

    really is.

    1EvilJessica says to (07:19:20):

    yvw! :)

    anelson53546 says to (07:19:21):

    Too bad a 2 wk wait for nxt epi :(

    B B says to (07:19:35):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Lisnoe: Jesue is going to be a bad witch

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:19:35):

    taking off woprk 2 weeks from now

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:19:40):


    True Blood in Dallas says (07:20:09):

    I'll take some calls after becca but we might have a little shorter sdhow this week

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:20:19):

    have the guys been on emmys yet ?>

    B B says to (07:20:28):

    We love you Dallas

    1EvilJessica says to (07:20:29):

    OOhhh maybe I should order pizza then

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:20:34):

    thanks BB

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:20:38):

    i think they were on during true blood

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:20:41):

    Its hard this time of the season

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:20:52):

    *runs in* Here! I'm here!

    B B says to (07:20:57):

    I think Dallas needs to become the first Huiman Queen of Texas!!!!!

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:20:57):

    this is 150 times more work than it ever seems like

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    True Blood in Dallas says (07:21:04):

    hey truebie

    1EvilJessica says to (07:21:07):

    I hope not, hope they werent on during TB

    1EvilJessica says to (07:21:12):

    hey trubie! :)

    anelson53546 says to (07:21:25):

    I saw Anne & Steven on E!'s Red Carpet-they looked great

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:21:26):

    Hey, Dallas! I got the most lovely gift in the mail this week *wink*

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:21:37):

    great truebie

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:21:39):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:21:45):

    OOhhh can u post that pic?

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:21:49):

    you guys are just great

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:21:51):

    all of you

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:21:54):

    Good evening Trubies

    1EvilJessica says to (07:21:55):

    lol ditto, Dallas ::winks:::

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:21:57):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat



    Pamspumps says to (07:21:57):

    Evening everyone- how did you like Pams outfit- that camo was fierce

    1EvilJessica says to (07:22:02):

    G'Evening Tara

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:22:11):

    Hey Evil Jess!

    1EvilJessica says to (07:22:18):


    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:22:25):


    sookiebontemps says to (07:22:33):


    B B says to (07:22:35):

    Pam is becoming a Bitch, But I still love her.

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:22:42):

    Pam is always fierce.

    1EvilJessica says to (07:22:43):

    G'evening, Sook-EH!

    atilly says to (07:22:51):

    hey room!

    sookiebontemps says to (07:22:52):

    Hello, 1EvilJess

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:22:52):

    I love that you always whisper, BB

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    1EvilJessica says to (07:22:55):

    and Pam is now my ringtone, :::gigglesnorts:::

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:23:02):

    bout time you came out of the basement

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:23:02):

    hey sook

    sookiebontemps says to (07:23:09):

    "in the morning. . .in the evening, ain't we got fun"

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:23:17):

    Soooookie *pounces*

    Lisnoe says to (07:23:20):

    Am hoping Pam and Sookie would become friends like in the books.

    sookiebontemps says to (07:23:23):

    *cue Kathy Lee Gifford from the deck of a carnival cruiseliner*

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:23:23):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:23:24):

    I am LOVING who came to her rescue ::Smiles::

    sookiebontemps says to (07:23:35):

    Hey, TruebieDooby and Tara

    sookiebontemps says to (07:23:48):

    Hey Dallas!

    B B says to (07:24:03):

    Where are the Fairy's? Why are they not helping Sookie?

    1EvilJessica says to (07:24:16):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    cuz they dont want their light stolen

    anelson53546 says to (07:24:17):


    ChoChoMojo says to (07:24:26):

    Hey Sookie :-)

    anelson53546 says to (07:24:34):

    a pic @ the Emmy's

    sookiebontemps says to (07:24:48):

    Hey, Quest!

    1EvilJessica says to (07:24:58):

    OOhhh thankies for that! :)

    SheiroQ says to (07:24:58):


    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:25:08):

    Hey Dallas

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:25:09):

    Hey Stina

    B B says to (07:25:10):

    Did True Blood win any Emmy's?

    anelson53546 says to (07:25:11):


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:25:19):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:25:22):

    LOVE (L) her shoes!

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    anelson53546 says to (07:25:31):

    I know

    samantha739 says to (07:25:34):

    I don't like Anna's dress. At least the top

    SheiroQ says to (07:25:40):

    Hey Questa & Sheri! Long time... LOL

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:25:42):

    outstanding drama hasn't been done yet

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:25:54):

    LOL I know right

    B B says to (07:25:55):

    Thanks harley

    1EvilJessica says to (07:25:56):

    so theres still hope for TB?

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:25:59):

    *whew* just tuned into the Emmy's

    atilly says to (07:26:02):

    I know they were nominated

    Pamspumps says to (07:26:09):

    we need some pics of Alex at the Emmy's- where are they??

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:26:10):

    *looks at gchat* I got Stina Stereo

    Kalinshadow says to (07:26:20):


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:26:38):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Kalinshadow says to (07:27:49):

    feeding the kiddys din right now lolo

    atilly says to (07:27:56):

    this is my first time in the room

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:28:09):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:28:11):

    Welcome atilly :)

    atilly says to (07:28:14):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:28:19):


    atilly says to (07:28:20):

    long time listener

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:28:34):

    the cast or the awards they're nominated for?

    Kalinshadow says to (07:28:36):

    me too atilly

    Konfetti says to (07:28:37):

    evening all. Hit me :)

    atilly says to (07:28:37):

    love her dress

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:28:45):

    *turns off phone and growls* people know better to talk to me on a sunday

    atilly says to (07:28:46):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    claire danes that is

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:28:49):

    Favorite quote: Infatuated tween

    sookiebontemps says to (07:28:57):

    TruebieDooby: I agree.

    Lisnoe says to (07:29:07):

    Am wondering what to do next Sunday evening without True Blood. :o~(

    1EvilJessica says to (07:29:07):

    WOW! shes grown up

    Kalinshadow says to (07:29:11):

    trubie doobie lol ha ha

    sookiebontemps says to (07:29:12):

    Is it me or does Kitch look like redneck RPattz?

    B B says to (07:29:24):

    Lisone; Cry

    1EvilJessica says to (07:29:26):

    nope its not jus u sook

    EricNorthman says to (07:29:27):

    Someone could bring out a fire extinquisher

    1EvilJessica says to (07:29:44):

    Im gonna be watching The Gates the day its not on

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:29:54):

    leave lines open for becca !!!

    sookiebontemps says to (07:29:56):

    So. . .will tomorrow's HBO "In Memoriam" montage include Eric and Russell?

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    True Blood in Dallas says (07:30:00):

    no calls for 20 minutes or so

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:30:06):

    i need sound check

    sookiebontemps says to True Blood in Dallas (private) (07:30:08):

    I can hang up?

    EricNorthman says to (07:30:09):

    *glares at SBT*

    Kalinshadow says to (07:30:19):

    Eric will not die. Pam wont let him

    B B says to (07:30:22):

    I have always wante to watch The Gates, but other stuff is on

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:30:32):


    atilly says to (07:30:35):

    I think russell will die first

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:30:35):

    sound ???

    sookiebontemps says to (07:30:37):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:30:37):

    yaa I know, Ive been recording it

    samantha739 says to (07:30:38):

    We have Sound, lads and gents!!

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:30:40):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Pamspumps says to (07:31:35):

    Sookie is gonna save Eric

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:31:44):

    Dallas can't hear ya

    1EvilJessica says to (07:31:45):

    k theres a special guest on the season finale? who is it?

    atilly says to (07:31:47):

    ha totally counting on it

    Lisnoe says to (07:31:49):

    Can barely hear ya?

    atilly says to (07:31:51):

    bad plan though

    sookiebontemps says to (07:31:52):

    *can't watch the Emmys because I'm half dead at Fangtasia*

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:32:03):

    casting and drama

    sookiebontemps says to (07:32:04):

    Dallas: You're in and out, soundwise

    Cavalavalier says to (07:32:05):

    Dallas can't hear u all that well,

    Pamspumps says to (07:32:05):

    Sookie I will DVR it for ya

    1EvilJessica says to (07:32:06):


    sookiebontemps says to (07:32:14):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat



    sookiebontemps says to (07:32:16):


    EricNorthman says to (07:32:21):

    Cannot hear the show

    Cavalavalier says to (07:32:29):

    Up next, best Actor/actress in a mini series-Anna, Steven, Alex

    Lisnoe says to (07:32:30):

    Nope, my sound's up full blast...

    Cavalavalier says to (07:32:31):


    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:32:32):

    my sound it turned up as loud as it can be and can;t hear ya hun

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:32:34):

    a little

    Cavalavalier says to (07:32:36):

    Sounds better

    sookiebontemps says to (07:32:41):

    Pamspumps: Thanks so much. . . *turns away b/c I secretly hate award shows*

    Lisnoe says to (07:32:50):

    Nope...sounds like a loud whisper

    Pamspumps says to (07:32:51):

    I think we all need some V to help with the sound

    B B says to (07:32:53):

    I am not picking up the show at all. Is Dallas on?

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    ChoChoMojo says to (07:32:55):

    there you go!

    atilly says to (07:32:58):

    I think ascars has it in the bag

    sookiebontemps says to (07:32:58):

    B B: She's coming back

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:33:11):

    its fine

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:33:22):

    wow - tonight was a little crazy!

    1EvilJessica says to (07:33:23):

    no I think were good now

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:33:25):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:33:32):

    hello lafeme

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:33:39):

    *passes the tequila around*

    EricNorthman says to (07:33:42):

    still no sound, restarting window

    Pamspumps says to (07:33:44):


    B B says to (07:33:49):

    How are they going to wrap up this season in One Show.

    Kalinshadow says to (07:33:53):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    I'm loving the Eric involvment

    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:01):

    Hmm. . .is there still no sound or can I not hear anything because of all the blood loss?

    sabby77 says to (07:34:02):

    did true blood win an emmy?

    Louisianagirl29 says to (07:34:06):

    Hey Dallas, I can't hear anything.

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:34:07):

    Maybe Dallas could just do interpretive dance

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:34:11):

    Sam and Tara hooking up out of loneliness

    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:13):

    Nice, Truebie.

    True Blood in Dallas says (07:34:16):


    B B says to (07:34:17):

    I still have no sound

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:34:18):

    LOL @Trubie

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:34:18):

    I'll start *huge wave*

    Pamspumps says to (07:34:19):

    Eric and I have a love hate realtionship- I hate how much I love him!!

    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:22):


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:25):


    atilly says to (07:34:31):


    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:31):

    Mucho mejor

    Lisnoe says to (07:34:32):

    No sound either...will keep refreshing!

    Kalinshadow says to (07:34:36):

    is it just me or was that Sam Tara wierd

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:34:36):

    reloading page can;t hear nothing now

    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:40):


    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:41):


    atilly says to (07:34:41):

    Pamspumps i love him too

    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:42):


    Harley Dickerson says to (07:34:43):


    samantha739 says to (07:34:44):

    8-) yes

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:34:45):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:56):


    sookiebontemps says to (07:34:58):


    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:34:58):


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:34:59):


    Louisianagirl29 says to (07:35:00):


    Pamspumps says to (07:35:02):


    EricNorthman says to (07:35:04):

    Trio is on Emmys now

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:35:05):

    they're on!

    1EvilJessica says to (07:35:06):

    k the TB cast r on

    Konfetti says to (07:35:06):

    yes, better ty!

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:35:11):

    TB Emmys

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:35:17):

    much better

    Pamspumps says to (07:35:19):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    they are on!!!!

    Lisnoe says to (07:35:19):

    They're on Emmys

    Kalinshadow says to (07:35:19):

    yay what channel are the emmys

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:35:24):


    anelson53546 says to (07:35:25):

    can hear u

    1EvilJessica says to (07:35:26):

    she kind of looks like princess leia

    1EvilJessica says to (07:35:35):

    or she reminds me of leia

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:35:37):


    sabby77 says to (07:35:39):


    Konfetti says to (07:35:40):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Lisnoe says to (07:35:55):

    The top of Anna's dress is a little too much of a good thing

    EricNorthman says to (07:35:56):

    not funny Konfetti

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:36:01):

    I think she looks purdy

    sookiebontemps says to (07:36:08):

    in the morning, in the evening, ain't we got fun!

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:36:10):


    Harley Dickerson says to (07:36:11):


    atilly says to (07:36:25):


    EricNorthman says to (07:36:35):

    Isn't she Anna Moyer now?

    atilly says to (07:36:36):

    but still pretty cause its different lisnoe

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:36:46):


    Harley Dickerson says to (07:36:50):


    sookiebontemps says to (07:36:54):

    I like Anna's dress. #justsaying

    1EvilJessica says to (07:36:58):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    call her princess leia sookie?

    sookiebontemps says to (07:37:05):

    Whoops. . .hashtags don't count here.

    Lisnoe says to (07:37:08):

    Enjoyed the episode tonite...Pam better have snapped out of it so Bill can help Sookie

    EricNorthman says to (07:37:28):

    as long as you don't call me Eric the Hut 1EvilJessica

    atilly says to (07:37:36):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:37:39):

    lol I jus might now that u mentioned it

    1EvilJessica says to (07:37:47):

    ::: tucks it away for later use:::

    Kalinshadow says to (07:37:51):

    I hope that Anna and Steven live long and hapy together but I also hope Sookie and Bill never have

    another love scene. Ever. lol

    sabby77 says to (07:38:00):

    they are back at the emmys

    Pamspumps says to (07:38:00):

    wow Alex is so dashing!

    B B says to (07:38:01):

    Do you think that jessica will turn Hoit?

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:38:04):

    HA! nice kalin

    atilly says to (07:38:06):

    Alex is too hot

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:38:14):

    vamp hoyt??? ROFL

    Lisnoe says to (07:38:15):

    Loving Anna's hair and make-up

    1EvilJessica says to (07:38:16):

    thought I already did ::evil fangy grin:::

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:38:17):

    Alex is always dashing!!! yum

    sookiebontemps says to (07:38:25):

    Love Jefwithonef

    Lisnoe says to (07:38:41):

    Love the guys from Campblood

    sookiebontemps says to (07:38:47):

    Becca is fantastic!

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:38:48):

    Anna is def showing off her ring! Don't blame her one bit. :)

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:38:50):

    Me too, Lis

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:39:07):

    Just started reading Becca's book....fantastic

    atilly says to (07:39:09):

    im excited for him

    sookiebontemps says to (07:39:10):

    If you guys haven't checked it out, "Truly, Madly, Deadly: an offical True Blood Companion" it's


    greeneyegirl says to (07:39:13):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Truby doo!

    B B says to (07:39:17):

    I like seeing Bill (Stephen) Sookie naked together.

    Kalinshadow says to (07:39:18):

    OH! I always wondered why you always made sure we knew Jef only had one F. lol

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:39:18):

    crap i dont have a headset

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:39:22):

    i like Becca's book too! It is crazy all the little things

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:39:26):

    Hey, GEG

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:39:26):

    i didnt know i needed skype

    sookiebontemps says to (07:39:29):


    Lisnoe says to (07:39:31):

    HA B.B.

    sookiebontemps says to (07:39:39):

    Harley: You can call in. No skype necessary

    Cavalavalier says to (07:39:53):

    sookiebontemps-Had the book the day it came out. Love it!

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:39:56):

    HEY BECCA! !!!

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:39:58):

    its not letting me complete the call

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    atilly says to (07:40:00):

    my eye B.B.

    Kalinshadow says to (07:40:00):

    Poor Becca

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:40:06):

    Sookie are you going to call in for the finale?

    sookiebontemps says to (07:40:10):

    Cava: one of the best fandom compilations. She did her homework.

    sabby77 says to (07:40:12):

    what book did she write?

    sookiebontemps says to (07:40:13):

    Questa: YES!

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:40:17):


    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:40:26):

    Glad yer feelin beter Becca

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:40:27):

    woo hoo

    atilly says to (07:40:32):

    im ready for the rise of eric and sookie

    Kalinshadow says to (07:40:33):

    It'll be like ol' times Sookie.

    sookiebontemps says to (07:40:35):

    sabby: "Truly, Madly, Deadly: The Unofficial True Blood Companion"

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    sabby77 says to (07:40:48):


    Lisnoe says to (07:40:50):

    Weird how Dallas is kind of quiet and Becca sounds like she's sitting on my couch.

    sookiebontemps says to (07:40:51):


    Cavalavalier says to (07:40:57):

    sookiebontemps-I completely agree.

    1EvilJessica says to (07:41:00):


    B B says to (07:41:03):

    I want to see Eric & sookie together also : atilly

    Kalinshadow says to (07:41:12):

    I concur

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:41:18):

    We need something in Western Canada uhmmm Calgary would be good *hint hint*

    atilly says to (07:41:23):

    the first book i bought after the first one was dead to the world

    Lisnoe says to (07:41:24):

    I know the Eric and Sookie thingy is coming, but Bill will always be my man

    1EvilJessica says to (07:41:24):

    too bad all of em cant be sitting on our couch when we watch the show or read the books :P

    sookiebontemps says to (07:41:28):

    Cava: I'll admit. I'm a little biased. She has a fantastic section on True Blood on Twitter

    atilly says to (07:41:29):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    loveed it

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:41:29):

    I think that we are all ready for the eric/sookie love affair

    Louisianagirl29 says to (07:41:48):

    When he touched her face I wanted to cry. Love Eric.

    atilly says to (07:41:56):

    its going to happen

    1EvilJessica says to (07:41:58):

    :P not us Team Bill Brandy :P

    B B says to (07:42:00):

    Where is the jason story going

    Cavalavalier says to (07:42:03):

    Tara-I am thinking the same thing but for the east. Halifax.

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:42:04):

    I can't believe the season is ending already, after all the #waitingsucks, it came and went like that

    atilly says to (07:42:06):

    im so no longer team bill

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:42:09):

    funny how soft Eric can really be

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:42:13):

    I know Sher

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:42:16):


    sookiebontemps says to (07:42:18):

    Brandy: We'll have to see. . .Ball has said that this is a Bill/Sookie story. . . but who knows? We all know

    Ball likes to yank chains.

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:42:19):

    More for me, Atily

    Lisnoe says to (07:42:19):

    I hope that in the end Sookie will be with Bill

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:42:22):

    noooo nothing here in the west *cries*

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:42:33):

    sorry TEAM BILL but Eric and Sook are forever. Bill gets a little crazy stalker thing going

    1EvilJessica says to (07:42:39):

    I concur LIsnoe

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:42:39):

    and i am not a fan of that

    Kalinshadow says to (07:42:40):

    Ball loves to yank chains

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:42:48):

    bah I am Team Sam *snickers*

    B B says to (07:42:52):

    1Elbie; I am more team Bill they Team Eric. But Eric is HOTTTTTT.

    atilly says to (07:42:52):

    i am so in agreement

    sookiebontemps says to (07:43:04):

    Team Sookie.

    atilly says to (07:43:08):

    I love the depths of eric

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Lisnoe says to (07:43:08):

    Of course you are TaraThorntonBT

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:43:09):

    Tara- I kinda thought drunk Sam was hot

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:43:13):

    TEAM SOOKIE always!

    1EvilJessica says to (07:43:14):

    lol I think Tara will ALWAYS be Team Sam :P

    sookiebontemps says to (07:43:19):

    Thank, you Brandy.

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:43:20):

    same here *winks @Trubie

    Konfetti says to (07:43:22):

    Sookie likes to yank chains, too *ba bah bum! Here all week!*

    B B says to (07:43:25):

    I think the books will end with Sookie having Sam's baby.

    sookiebontemps says to (07:43:25):

    Truebie: You like a dirty dog. . .

    Kalinshadow says to (07:43:25):

    I think Sookie should end up with Hadleys ex husband personally but I'm strange I guess

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:43:28):

    Samis so bad ass right now

    sookiebontemps says to (07:43:30):

    Konfetti: HA

    1EvilJessica says to (07:43:30):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat



    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:43:31):


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:43:33):


    atilly says to (07:43:36):

    they do not

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:43:44):

    HA! BB that is hilarious!

    atilly says to (07:43:50):

    sams a drunk ahole

    atilly says to (07:43:53):

    but a hot one

    atilly says to (07:43:57):

    so hes forgiven

    B B says to (07:44:02):

    Tera also loves drunk Sam

    Kalinshadow says to (07:44:04):

    Sookies little couson needs a mom that understands him

    1EvilJessica says to (07:44:08):

    lol how about a drunk hole?

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:44:10):

    I love drunk Sam

    sookiebontemps says to (07:44:11):

    B B: Don't know if it will end that way, but I find it hard to believe that Sookie won't have a baby in the


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Louisianagirl29 says to (07:44:12):

    I did! This episode was much better.

    sookiebontemps says to (07:44:21):

    B B: If she does, it could very well be Sam's.

    Lisnoe says to (07:44:27):

    Wonder how crazy Arlene's baby's going to be...

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:44:30):

    Hunter has someone that understands him.. his dad

    sabby77 says to (07:44:32):

    just googled the book and im running to borders tomorrow to buy it

    Pamspumps says to (07:44:37):

    Poor Laffy is starting to have visions

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:44:39):

    I agree SookieBonTemps - i do see a kid in Sook's future!

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:44:42):

    Sam needs more love in the books and TB

    Konfetti says to (07:44:46):

    omg omg before this fangirl forgets to shout it to the heavens: Jessi and Hoyt were HOT tonight!

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:44:54):

    Tiny_T_I_M is a sweetheart

    sookiebontemps says to (07:44:58):

    Truebie: Agree, completely. Not too crazy about his girlfriend in the last book.

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:45:00):

    but the boobies and gore don't hurt

    1EvilJessica says to (07:45:03):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    1EvilJessica says to (07:45:48):

    ::::fangs::: Shhh Lafemme

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:45:50):

    Hoyt is completely love stoned ... I don't think he really gets it

    Pamspumps says to (07:45:55):


    sookiebontemps says to (07:45:55):

    Tara and Sam: literally f---ing the pain away.

    Konfetti says to (07:45:56):

    This is an episode I will wtch over and over and over. Not saying there arent some parts I will FF over and

    over and over hehe

    B B says to (07:46:00):

    I think jesue will turn out to be Evil.

    Lisnoe says to (07:46:03):

    Eric was sweet to Pam. He truly loves her.

    sabby77 says to (07:46:09):

    omg i cant believe we have to wait 2 weekds! wtf

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:46:12):

    I don't mind Tara and Sam together

    sookiebontemps says to (07:46:20):

    What do you guys think is up with Jesus?

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:46:20):

    Tommy grates my last nerve.

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:46:22):

    I liked Pam tonight

    Lisnoe says to (07:46:29):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    yeah, Tommy felt so bad that he stole from his brother. Nice!

    Konfetti says to (07:46:31):

    Pam always brings it, consistently. Her fight with Bill killed me

    sookiebontemps says to (07:46:32):

    What did Lafayette ssee in Jesus?

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:46:32):

    Jesus is a witch doctor

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:46:37):

    One word, Hoyt: manscaping.

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:46:45):


    B B says to (07:46:47):

    Tommy can leave and no one will miss him.

    1EvilJessica says to (07:46:50):

    Yes, we got the money shot!! :::Evil laugh:::

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:46:58):

    HA! DoobyDoo!

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:46:58):

    bout time tommy back peddled on his bad attitude

    atilly says to (07:46:59):

    manscaping lol

    Konfetti says to (07:47:01):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    @ sook nowadays? who knows? They blend in high schools hehe

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:48:02):

    Tommy has been traumatized... no one cuts him any slack

    atilly says to (07:48:04):


    sabby77 says to (07:48:05):

    i need to watch this episode again i was so distracted with the emmys

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:48:07):

    ohhh I got a write up on book 11

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:48:09):

    Like minds, Brandy *wink*

    sookiebontemps says to (07:48:10):

    Konfetti: If they're Cullens, you know where I stand.

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:48:11):

    team TAM

    Lisnoe says to (07:48:14):

    Tam and Sara

    1EvilJessica says to (07:48:15):

    ::::EVIL LAUGH::::: they SO shouldve ended the season w/ tonights show

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:48:18):

    I wanna see sam and tara together

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:48:36):

    Sam and Tara need to come together outside of being lonely

    B B says to (07:48:39):

    I want to see Sam naked again

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Konfetti says to (07:48:43):

    LOL I'm all about Team Jacob, so spray the Cullens!

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:48:44):

    I hope Tara simmers down next season

    atilly says to (07:48:44):

    I want eric to loose his memory

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:48:47):

    i am team TAM too! i think that could really work given the chance

    1EvilJessica says to (07:49:03):

    Dallas you are VERY low

    Louisianagirl29 says to (07:49:11):

    I think Sam and Tara are great!

    Konfetti says to (07:49:18):

    seriosuly gang, what was eric's ringtone? can't find a definitive answer....

    B B says to (07:49:20):

    atilly: I think the season will end with Eric loosing his memory

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:49:24):

    Rutina manages to never even take her bra off in the sex scenes. Talk about a good agent!

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:49:29):

    I would like next season to play out like the book - b/c book 4 is the best

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:49:32):

    I want Sam and tara to come together when they are not lonely

    Konfetti says to (07:49:33):

    *looks at EricNorthman* Helloooo

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:49:36):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    she don;t wear one

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:49:38):

    and crushing on other folks.

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:49:39):


    atilly says to (07:49:41):

    exactly dooby do

    1EvilJessica says to (07:49:43):

    lol yaa she has others do it for her Trubie :::winks:::

    B B says to (07:49:54):

    Brandy: Book 3 & 4 are the best

    Tenyjah says to (07:50:06):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:50:27):

    Welcome Tenyjah

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:50:30):

    I know who I want to win!!

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:50:31):

    Will Season 4 erase MY memory? I'd like to forget Mickens tightie whities.

    B B says to (07:50:33):

    How lame to be a fairy. Says sookie

    Lisnoe says to (07:50:33):

    Me too lafemmetopaz

    atilly says to (07:50:34):

    I think it will

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:50:37):

    It would be a huge upset if Mad Men does not win

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:50:47):

    I am new to watching Mad Men

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:50:50):

    Would also like to forget the crappy storylines they give Jason

    Pamspumps says to (07:50:55):

    outstanding drama is being announced

    sabby77 says to (07:50:55):


    atilly says to (07:51:03):

    Jimmy fallon is a tool

    Lisnoe says to (07:51:05):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Don't think TB is mainstream enough...but I think it's so well written

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:51:07):

    I love Mad men and TB.. but Mad Men is possibly one of the best shows in TV history

    atilly says to (07:51:08):

    im just saying

    Kalinshadow says to (07:51:08):

    Oh! So THAT what I am

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:51:09):

    i wish they would have kept out the fairy then and keep the grandfather reveal

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:51:15):

    here we go

    Konfetti says to (07:51:18):

    Did Mad Men get it?

    1EvilJessica says to (07:51:19):

    here we go w/ the outstanding drama

    B B says to (07:51:20):

    atilly: Jimmy is a little tool

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:51:20):

    It effects me so much more

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:51:21):

    agreed, Lafemme *ducks*

    Louisianagirl29 says to (07:51:29):

    I really want True Blood to win, but I bet it will be Mad Men or Lost.

    Pamspumps says to (07:51:35):

    madmen :(

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    atilly says to (07:51:36):


    atilly says to (07:51:38):


    1EvilJessica says to (07:51:39):

    Aaawwwwww mad man

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:51:41):


    Lisnoe says to (07:51:41):

    What other show makes you cringe, laugh and really think...Mad Men wins

    1EvilJessica says to (07:51:42):


    ChoChoMojo says to (07:51:46):


    Konfetti says to (07:51:46):

    Figur *le sigh*

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:51:51):


    Lisnoe says to (07:51:59):


    Pamspumps says to (07:51:59):

    smack emmy's :S

    1EvilJessica says to (07:51:59):

    madmen won, when will TB win?

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:52:05):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat



    ChoChoMojo says to (07:52:09):

    I wanted _ _ _ _ to win ;-)

    atilly says to (07:52:13):

    what the heck is that chick wearing

    1EvilJessica says to (07:52:17):

    ::: reaches thru the screen and smaks the emmy's:::::

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:52:19):

    TB will get theirs next yr

    atilly says to (07:52:27):

    a blue tinkerbell outfit tuto thing

    B B says to (07:52:29):

    The Faory pond is stupid. Come on think of a better way to introduce Fairys

    Pamspumps says to (07:52:33):

    stupid stupid wimps at the emmy's

    sabby77 says to (07:52:36):

    waaaaaaaaaa trueblood didnt win

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:52:41):

    Sorry guys I love TB but Mad Men is brilliant

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:52:44):

    it's horrid

    Lisnoe says to (07:52:51):

    I do think this season's TB was much better written than last season

    Pamspumps says to (07:52:51):

    look at that cast- ugly!!

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Konfetti says to (07:52:52):

    They are ferocious, the Fae! Eric described them as formidable fighters

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:52:55):

    Its nuts that HBO was pitched Mad Men and turned it down

    1EvilJessica says to (07:52:56):

    hey! she visited Tinkerbell land and the tinkerbell pond! :)

    Kalinshadow says to (07:52:57):

    I want to scene in the hospital room where almost dead Bill stands up slowly to save Sookie one last

    time. And I'm team Eric

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:52:57):

    never watched it

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:53:07):

    the creator of Mad Men is the creator of the Sopranos

    atilly says to (07:53:07):

    lol Jessica

    B B says to (07:53:12):

    The Emmy Voters are jelouse because they are not on the show

    1EvilJessica says to (07:53:23):

    was that claudine?

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:53:26):

    HA! BB - could be true

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:53:27):

    the total claudine thing is horrid

    1EvilJessica says to (07:53:31):

    or was she repping Claudine? :S

    Konfetti says to (07:53:35):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Will be nice to see the Fae when they are not interacting with the comatose...

    Pamspumps says to (07:53:35):

    middle finger at the emmy's

    lafemmetopaz says to (07:53:42):

    lol Pams

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:53:52):

    I think TB's strength is more with their acting than writing. It is great, but not the strongest part of the

    show *waits for Nelsan Ellis Emmy*

    B B says to (07:53:55):

    Claudine need to S*** or get out of the show

    Kalinshadow says to (07:53:58):

    I like Holly too

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:53:59):

    the fairies are a joke. it is so much better in the books and i would have hoped that could have turned

    out different

    Lisnoe says to (07:54:02):

    Holly has been interesting so far

    Konfetti says to (07:54:19):

    I LOVED that Holly quit when Sam caled her a bitch. Good for her. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. lol

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:54:22):

    I agree Brandy

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:54:22):

    Holly will be Hallow - NO?

    atilly says to (07:54:24):

    Im kinda happy they have super powers though

    EricsFlipFlops says to (07:54:33):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    in post mortem director says fairyland is sookie percetion.. but kinda intimated the fairy reality is


    Harley Dickerson says to (07:54:34):

    3 years in a row :P

    Lisnoe says to (07:54:35):

    I agree Brandy...the fairies in the book were more regal, kind of like the elves in the Lord of the Rings

    atilly says to (07:54:39):

    faries that is

    Kalinshadow says to (07:54:39):

    I hope Holly isn't Hallow

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:54:41):

    I don't think they will merge the Hallow/Holly characters

    B B says to (07:54:42):

    They make Holly ugly for some reason. She is nice looking in real life.

    Pamspumps says to (07:54:44):

    did anyone see postmortem- he hintede the view on fairies was Sookie's perception of what they are

    1EvilJessica says to (07:54:51):

    OOOOHHHHhhhh, my girl, Yvetta!!! GAWD! I am LOVING (L) her now!! ::: *** eating grin::::

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:54:52):

    YES Lisnoe!

    EricNorthman says to (07:54:59):

    Hallow will be a necromancer - not a Wiccan

    Harley Dickerson says to (07:55:00):

    i was thinking that truebie

    Lisnoe says to (07:55:04):

    I am sooooooo tired of Jason's jealousy of the new QB kid...not interested.

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    EricsFlipFlops says to (07:55:09):

    yes pam

    sabby77 says to (07:55:20):

    what happen to the baby!

    atilly says to (07:55:20):

    out of one of the best books ever

    Pamspumps says to (07:55:25):

    hoping he will show another side of the Fae

    B B says to (07:55:26):

    Jason need a better story line

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:55:32):

    no pamspumps I need a lin to the postmortom

    TaraThorntonBT says to (07:55:34):


    EricsFlipFlops says to (07:55:39):

    me too

    1EvilJessica says to (07:55:42):

    I know u hate Yvetta, Eric...sorry ERic the hut ::: blows raspberries::::

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:55:44):

    I think the QB kid is there for Jason to look back and think about himself growing him and try to grow

    from it

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (07:55:44):

    yes, this Jason QB story is weird - i am not sure what it has to do with anything

    sabby77 says to (07:55:49):

    arlene didnt lose to the baby? but she didnt finish the tea

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (07:55:50):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    half sisters

    Kalinshadow says to (07:55:51):

    I think Hallow will be related to Jesus

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:56:17):

    growing up*

    Lisnoe says to (07:56:23):

    Maybe so ChoCho, but is it really worth all the time spent on him... I get it already.

    Pamspumps says to (07:56:31):

    Looks like the queen and Alcide is back next episode :)

    B B says to (07:56:50):

    Wgen Holly told Arleen that she may not loose the baby, I knew she would not kill it

    atilly says to (07:56:51):

    yay alcide

    Lisnoe says to (07:57:09):

    Poor Terry, gotta love him!

    Cavalavalier says to (07:57:14):

    I metioned Earlier, I am really starting to see Jason as a very lonely character. He seems to need

    someone to love or love him. I feel a llittle sad

    Pamspumps says to (07:57:20):

    Terry was dancing

    Louisianagirl29 says to (07:57:26):


    ChoChoMojo says to (07:57:26):

    unless it was a strong spirit

    Lisnoe says to (07:57:33):

    It's something about being destined to be born

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    B B says to (07:57:36):

    The need to push time foward or Arleen will be prego's for the next 5 seasons.

    Kalinshadow says to (07:57:55):

    Seriously B B

    Pamspumps says to (07:58:03):


    Louisianagirl29 says to (07:58:16):

    She said if the pregnancy was meant to be it would survive.

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:58:21):

    season needs to be lonnnnger

    1EvilJessica says to (07:58:42):

    yaaa, at least go all the way thru Halloween

    Kalinshadow says to (07:58:47):

    I'm waiting for that scene where Sookie vows not to get her arsse kicked this year!

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:58:52):


    Pamspumps says to (07:58:55):

    double cousin!!!

    atilly says to (07:58:55):

    me too

    B B says to (07:58:57):

    I heard Arlene doing a interview and she said that she will be geting rid of the RED WIG next season and

    use her real hair.

    ChoChoMojo says to (07:59:28):

    I think CP said they shoot again in Nov maybe?

    Pamspumps says to (07:59:32):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    I wonder if I have any double cousins?

    Lisnoe says to (07:59:57):

    It was nice to see Maxine Thortenberry again

    atilly says to (08:00:01):

    look back far enough and you might pams

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:00:10):

    i think Arlene looked really pretty fishing - so much more natural

    Kalinshadow says to (08:00:21):

    What is up with maxine and Hoyt's Ex?

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:00:22):

    I'm from Kansas City originally. Odds are good in the double cousin category

    Pamspumps says to (08:00:28):

    @brandy- looked like her natural hair

    1EvilJessica says to (08:00:33):

    I shouldve known Maxine and Summer teamed up, Damn that bitch! ::FANGS::::

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:00:42):

    should have known Momma Maxine was involved

    Lisnoe says to (08:00:44):

    I think that was the actress' real hair

    Kalinshadow says to (08:00:50):

    I think it was her hair

    Louisianagirl29 says to (08:00:56):

    May ga da daw! Double Cousin!

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:01:00):

    pssh small town in texas i got double cousins all over the place

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Bill= better then a seatbelt

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:01:47):

    soccer mom seat belt!

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:01:54):

    just sayin

    Kalinshadow says to (08:01:55):

    lol Trubie

    Lisnoe says to (08:01:59):

    I want a Bill seatbelt!

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:02:05):


    sookiebontemps says to (08:02:17):

    Truebie: That would totally be statuotory

    Pamspumps says to (08:02:18):

    i want Eric to stop my car sometime

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:02:22):

    I want a Eric seat warmer! Can I get one for Christmas

    anelson53546 says to (08:02:22):

    I like Crysta

    sookiebontemps says to (08:02:23):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:02:24):


    1EvilJessica says to (08:02:29):


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    sabby77 says to (08:02:29):

    jason is annoying this season!

    atilly says to (08:02:31):


    Kalinshadow says to (08:02:36):

    I liked when Tara finally relaized it was an accident with Eggs

    anelson53546 says to (08:02:37):

    meanr Crystal

    Pamspumps says to (08:02:42):

    Love Jason this season

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:02:44):

    redneck Rob PAtz

    Louisianagirl29 says to (08:02:45):


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:02:46):

    Girls want a Bill seatbelt, and boys want Sookie airbags.

    1EvilJessica says to (08:02:48):

    Id rather have a Bill seatbelt so those arems can be around me

    1EvilJessica says to (08:02:58):

    LMAO@Trubie, aint that the truth!

    Pamspumps says to (08:03:01):

    Jason has scrambled EGGS in his head

    sookiebontemps says to (08:03:02):

    HAHA. . .it helps to have a little somethin' up top.

    Kalinshadow says to (08:03:06):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    I dont want Bill anywhere near me

    Kalinshadow says to (08:03:07):


    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:03:16):

    I liked it when Andy finally fessed up to Tara....he actually meant it

    atilly says to (08:03:18):

    me neither

    Lisnoe says to (08:03:20):

    I like how Andy said that Eggs wanted to die...maybe it will make Tara think

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:03:28):

    Andy did well tonight!

    Kalinshadow says to (08:03:45):

    I LOVED Andy tonight

    Lisnoe says to (08:03:48):

    I'll take Bill Kalinshadow :P

    Kalinshadow says to (08:03:53):

    completely redeemed

    sookiebontemps says to (08:03:55):

    Hello, Harley!

    1EvilJessica says to (08:04:01):

    thank you, Becca, good job, once AGAIN! night!

    sookiebontemps says to (08:04:05):

    Thanks, Becca!

    Cavalavalier says to (08:04:06):

    See Ya!

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    madmen sucks

    sookiebontemps says to (08:04:38):

    Unfortunate, really.

    atilly says to (08:04:40):

    night room

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:04:41):

    never watched mad men

    Lisnoe says to (08:04:47):

    And I still have never watched it either

    Kalinshadow says to (08:04:47):

    Alan Ball must be pissed

    1EvilJessica says to (08:04:47):

    I think TB should take a bite out of MadMen

    1EvilJessica says to (08:04:50):

    ::: fangs::::

    Pamspumps says to (08:05:05):

    only madmen I am interested in is Russel

    sabby77 says to (08:05:05):


    sookiebontemps says to (08:05:06):

    Kalin: Vamps get no love at award shows

    EricNorthman says to (08:05:10):

    the Vampire curse when it comes to awards

    sookiebontemps says to (08:05:13):

    LOL Pamspumps

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    1EvilJessica says to (08:05:15):

    our fangs would SO kick their @SS

    BeccaWilcott says to (08:05:20):

    Thanks for having me again, Dallas! Hope everyone's having a great night! xx

    Kalinshadow says to (08:05:21):


    Kalinshadow says to (08:05:23):

    ha ha

    Pamspumps says to (08:05:24):

    Buffy always got snubbed as well

    Kalinshadow says to (08:05:25):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:05:26):

    unless it is a MTV award shoe

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:05:28):


    sookiebontemps says to (08:05:28):

    YAY! Thanks, Becca!

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:05:32):

    Pams.. Mad Men is term, nickname for advertising execs

    Kalinshadow says to (08:05:36):

    I think Kristen gets ignored too

    EricNorthman says to (08:05:47):

    *shakes head* leaving me out

    Lisnoe says to (08:05:58):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Temple Grandin was good tho

    1EvilJessica says to (08:06:01):

    guess the best things do come in small packages ::smirks::::

    sabby77 says to (08:06:10):


    Pamspumps says to (08:06:12):

    the only madmen I want is the mad ones on TB

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:06:18):


    1EvilJessica says to (08:06:24):

    YES! I agree w/ you Pams :)

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:06:27):

    I said that last week Dallas

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:06:31):

    Sarah Newlin and Jane Bodehouse on MadMen last week

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:06:50):

    Only Sarah Newlin

    Kalinshadow says to (08:06:55):

    Lol Mad Men= Franklin Mott lol

    Pamspumps says to (08:06:57):

    Eric so redeemed himself this week

    EricNorthman says to (08:07:00):

    Your check is in the mail

    Lisnoe says to (08:07:03):

    What, Mrs. Thortenberry's reappearance didn't grab you?

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    NOoo, he has Sookie vision :P

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:08:10):

    Eric was better tonight that in the best 2 weeks

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:08:11):

    Yay, Harley!

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:08:15):


    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:08:18):

    thanks Harley

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:08:20):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:08:20):

    good one 1EvilJessica

    sookiebontemps says to True Blood in Dallas (private) (08:08:23):


    Harley Dickerson says to (08:08:24):

    made my night

    sookiebontemps says to True Blood in Dallas (private) (08:08:25):

    I'm here

    1EvilJessica says to (08:08:28):

    :) thankies

    1EvilJessica says to (08:08:33):

    good job Harley

    Pamspumps says to (08:08:34):

    Happy to see Bill and Eric working togther

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Kalinshadow says to (08:08:39):

    I know

    Lisnoe says to (08:08:44):

    Me too Pamspumps

    Kalinshadow says to (08:08:54):

    I knew the minute that Eric was like "Hit Me" lol

    1EvilJessica says to (08:08:58):

    Sookie is talking from beyond the grave

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:09:00):

    Sookie zapped BTR

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:09:01):


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:09:04):

    Sookie needs to use fairy jumper cables to fix Dallas' glitch

    1EvilJessica says to (08:09:11):


    Kalinshadow says to (08:09:11):


    Pamspumps says to (08:09:12):

    Funny watching them fight- Eric could break Bill's neck in a sec

    Kalinshadow says to (08:09:18):

    I know

    Kalinshadow says to (08:09:26):

    isn't Pam older than Bool though

    Lisnoe says to (08:09:29):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Didn't get "the hit me" part unless it was a way for Bill and Eric to be alone...

    1EvilJessica says to (08:09:29):

    lol can u hear me now

    Kalinshadow says to (08:09:31):

    I was confused about that

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:09:37):

    Pam is younger, Kalin

    Pamspumps says to (08:09:37):

    In the book Pam is older

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:09:37):


    EricNorthman says to (08:09:38):

    Not in Alan Ball's world Kalinshadow

    1EvilJessica says to (08:09:46):


    Kalinshadow says to (08:09:49):


    sabby77 says to (08:09:50):


    Lisnoe says to (08:09:52):


    Kalinshadow says to (08:09:53):

    Pam is 300

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:09:56):


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:10:06):

    HI SOOK!

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:10:06):

    In the show, Pam is 100

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:10:07):

    It was meh to me this ep

    sabby77 says to (08:10:09):

    this episode was OKAY

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:10:12):

    waaaaaay to much arlene this ep

    1EvilJessica says to (08:10:16):

    tonights episode shouldve been the last one

    Pamspumps says to (08:10:18):

    son of god?

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:10:25):

    can the finale be 6 months long?

    Lisnoe says to (08:10:27):

    It was kind of a treading water episode...am hoping the finale will be great

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:10:29):

    @Pams ahahahahaha

    1EvilJessica says to (08:10:32):

    they SO shouldve left us hanging w/ SO many questions

    Kalinshadow says to (08:10:33):

    I guess I should just give up my last bit book loyalty when watching the show

    Lisnoe says to (08:10:34):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Mary was getting down!

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:10:39):

    The gods look like the extras on Gilligan's Island

    Pamspumps says to (08:10:42):

    haysus is who she means

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:10:54):

    Jesus is definately bad - whether he wants to be or not - i don't think he will be able ot help it

    Lisnoe says to (08:11:01):

    Or rejects from Pee Wee's Playhouse

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:11:06):


    sabby77 says to (08:11:10):

    im telling u guys jesus is a demon

    Pamspumps says to (08:11:12):

    haysus is gonna be a V addict

    1EvilJessica says to (08:11:15):

    YES! rejects from Pee Wees playhouse!

    sabby77 says to (08:11:16):

    with that name how ironic

    Lisnoe says to (08:11:23):

    I agree Brandy, Jesus is some bad juujuu

    Kalinshadow says to (08:11:29):

    I can just imagine LaLa hot gluing that doll

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:11:31):

    Maybe Jesus is Hallow's brother

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    1EvilJessica says to (08:11:32):

    I think Lala is onto him, did u see his reaction?

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:11:46):

    wasn't his name mark or something ?

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:11:50):


    Pamspumps says to (08:11:51):

    Lala needs to stay away from Haysus

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:11:55):

    Dooby Doo - think that is possible

    Lisnoe says to (08:11:59):

    Too bad for Laf, would love to see him have some happiness come his way

    Kalinshadow says to (08:12:21):

    I think Jesus' grandpa is Hallow

    EricsFlipFlops says to (08:12:26):

    funny when Layfette says.. lala go to bed.. alone.. Jesus must leave.. His antenna is up

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:12:28):

    If the family is into dark arts, I think it totally points to Hallow's family

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:12:37):


    Lisnoe says to (08:12:40):

    Wonder what the jaguar really means/

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:12:42):

    Good thinkin Trueb

    Lisnoe says to (08:12:56):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    It was in this episodes preview on HBO

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:12:56):

    you're probably right Truebie

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:13:03):

    Hallow is a woman

    EricNorthman says to (08:13:06):

    Things are leading up to Hallow's appearance

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:13:12):

    but she has a brother

    Kalinshadow says to (08:13:16):

    Jesus' Grandpa is going to come to find Jesus and take over bon temps

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:13:17):

    maybe jesus could be AB's version of Mark???

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:13:22):

    Yeah, Questa. I was saying Jesus is her brother

    Pamspumps says to (08:13:31):

    In last weeks episode during the rollercoaster of love scene- Haysus said the 1st lady made potions to

    cure spells

    Colleensmommy says to (08:13:38):

    What about Yvetta being scorned/left out of Eric's will? Hallow wanted Eric's $$$ in the book

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:13:43):

    maybe tara

    Lisnoe says to (08:13:43):

    Why would anyone want to take over Bon Temps?

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:13:45):

    someone mention Hallow was the Grandpa

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Pamspumps says to (08:13:48):

    maybe one to cure Eric when he is cursed

    EricsFlipFlops says to (08:13:50):

    everyone is evolving.. rising to new understanding

    1EvilJessica says to (08:13:57):

    I am LOVING that SL Colleen

    EricNorthman says to (08:14:00):

    She wants more than my money Colleensmommy

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:14:03):

    I think you could be right Truebie

    1EvilJessica says to (08:14:09):

    I hope Yvetta wins in the end :::evil fangy grin:::

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:14:14):

    lisnoe telepaths shifters vamps who wouldn't want control

    Lisnoe says to (08:14:19):

    hey, what's wrong with being a teacher? He could teach in my school

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:14:31):

    he could teach in my house

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:14:42):

    and remember the relationship Lafayette has with eric...Jesus knows that laff sells V and maybe that

    could be his way "IN" with eric

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:14:49):

    Still think the real estate agent is a Selah reference

    Kalinshadow says to (08:15:00):

    Yeah Tara

    Lisnoe says to (08:15:08):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    I know Harley, but it's not exactly what I would call a happening town, for the humans I mean

    Kalinshadow says to (08:15:09):

    What about Jesus' Mom?

    sabby77 says to (08:15:14):

    sookie should be a striper lol

    Pamspumps says to (08:15:17):


    Harley Dickerson says to (08:15:22):


    Kalinshadow says to (08:15:23):

    Have they said her name?

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:15:36):

    good catch Truebie!

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:15:43):

    Tara and Jason both just float through. They need grounded storylines.

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:15:59):

    agreed - jason and tara need better

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:16:27):

    @Trubie i read something about possibly casting JB??? *cringes*

    Colleensmommy says to (08:16:38):

    liking the Holly SL

    Kalinshadow says to (08:16:41):

    I thought they merged Jason and JB

    EricNorthman says to (08:16:46):

    The Fae are far from Tinkerbells

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:16:47):

    i think that people that write the show should at least invest a little effort in the books and try to make

    some parallels

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:16:48):

    That's yur hubby, Tara *wink*

    Kalinshadow says to (08:16:50):

    wasn't JB the football star

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:16:53):


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:17:02):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:17:14):

    JB -HA!

    EricsFlipFlops says to (08:17:16):

    sookie... perception is kinda childish view of fairyland

    Kalinshadow says to (08:17:18):

    and Tara ends up with JB

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:17:19):

    and baby daddy

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:17:23):

    that would bee too boring for tara

    anelson53546 says to (08:17:28):

    He isn't as young as Kitch, tho

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:17:30):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:17:30):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    I thought he was in season 1 when the dawn girl dies?

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:17:35):

    Tara needs boring.

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:17:42):

    She got too much drama

    Louisianagirl29 says to (08:17:46):

    JB went to school with Sookie and Tara. Him and Tara are married and have a baby on the way.

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:17:47):

    ohhh hell no JB went to school with tara and sookie...he took sookie to the prom

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:17:48):

    TARA needs a little normal

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:17:50):

    Tara needs a valium

    Lisnoe says to (08:17:51):

    I agree Trubie, Tara could use some normal too

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:18:00):

    baby??? try twins

    Kalinshadow says to (08:18:02):

    I really think Tara needs to end up with someone like Terry. Quiet and Sweet.

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:18:06):

    In a very ugly dress

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:18:09):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:18:15):

    terry - NO

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:18:22):

    haha how about steve newlin??? *snorts*

    EricNorthman says to (08:18:25):

    My child has shown her depth

    Lisnoe says to (08:18:30):

    Will have to watch the finale' preview a few times, too much to take in

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:18:37):


    Louisianagirl29 says to (08:18:40):

    Sookie says JB is very good looking but very dumb. Like Jason.

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:18:41):

    I need a link to the finale preview

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:18:49):

    never showed it in canada

    1EvilJessica says to (08:18:56):

    yes folks snarky is the (only) way to be!

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:19:04):

    finale preview showed Godric..yuck but maybe he'll save Eric

    1EvilJessica says to (08:19:09):

    ::: smirks and then winks:::::

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:19:11):

    Sub runs outside

    Lisnoe says to (08:19:11):

    HBO should have the preview on it's website tomorrow, under True Blood episodes

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:19:26):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    yeah tomorrow

    anelson53546 says to (08:19:26):

    Jason's not exactly a genius in books, either

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:19:27):

    how was godric not nominated??

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:19:29):


    sabby77 says to (08:19:35):

    season 4 here we go

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:19:38):

    Harley cuz he didn't do anything

    Lisnoe says to (08:19:39):

    Thought I saw Godric in the preview...

    sabby77 says to (08:19:41):

    9 more months baby

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:19:46):

    guest actor

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:19:49):

    It wasn't greatest acting

    Kalinshadow says to (08:19:50):

    I think that Arlene's ex is coming out as a spirit

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:19:52):

    do you think maybe possibly Yvetta's real name is Hallow????

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:20:04):

    I don't think we've seen Hallow

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Harley Dickerson says to (08:20:08):


    Louisianagirl29 says to (08:20:09):

    Time to put the kids to bed and watch the episode again.Good night Trubies!

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:20:11):

    She will have to have a grand entrance

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:20:19):


    lafemmetopaz says to (08:20:20):

    Maybe Hallow will be Holly's coven leader

    Lisnoe says to (08:20:21):

    I bet Halllow will be related to Jesus.

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:20:32):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:20:34):

    I agree HAllow when she shows up - BIG!@

    Kalinshadow says to (08:20:34):

    That's my bet also LOisnoe

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:20:38):

    keep getting booted

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:20:42):

    *waves at Dallas so she isn't lonely*

    Colleensmommy says to (08:20:56):

    We're still here Dallas!

    sookiebontemps says to (08:21:02):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Tara: I don't think Yvetta is Hallow. ..

    Lisnoe says to (08:21:03):

    Hallow is a witch, while Holly's a wican...they are not exactly the same

    1EvilJessica says to (08:21:07):


    EricNorthman says to (08:21:09):

    We have a poll running - your participation is requested:


    Kalinshadow says to (08:21:15):

    Holly is a good person

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:21:16):

    why not sookie?

    Lisnoe says to (08:21:17):

    Would say so Dallas

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:21:18):

    Yvetta is a cardiologist

    lafemmetopaz says to (08:21:22):

    I love that

    Kalinshadow says to (08:21:24):

    bad people dont go to support groups lol

    sookiebontemps says to (08:21:32):

    Harley: They'd need a better actress?

    sabby77 says to (08:21:34):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:21:36):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat



    Harley Dickerson says to (08:21:37):


    sookiebontemps says to (08:21:40):

    Harley: Yvetta's actress can't carry S4

    1EvilJessica says to (08:21:41):

    no they go to Holly's tho ;) :P

    Lisnoe says to (08:21:42):

    A cardiologist...hah!

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:21:52):


    Kalinshadow says to (08:22:10):

    I hated when Sookie attacks Pam

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:22:11):

    Love Andy and Brian!

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:22:14):

    No, and she isn't dark enough

    sookiebontemps says to (08:22:21):

    Truebie: Agreed

    Kalinshadow says to (08:22:23):

    I always think of Pam as being Sookie's suture best bud

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:22:26):

    can't wait for the next show! TB and DALLAS!

    1EvilJessica says to (08:22:29):

    I love me some Andy and Brian :)

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Lisnoe says to (08:22:30):

    Will Season 4 begin airing in June?

    Kalinshadow says to (08:22:30):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:22:49):

    Pam and Sookie are good friends in the books

    Lisnoe says to (08:22:49):

    Vampire crack...gotta luv it!

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:22:52):

    oh lord!

    Colleensmommy says to (08:23:05):

    Tommy irritates me

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:23:07):

    Yeah. Pam is more Barbie in the books.

    Kalinshadow says to (08:23:08):

    Tara will find out what Sam is

    1EvilJessica says to (08:23:09):

    vampire crack, Im gonna have to remember that

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:23:16):

    bout friggin time

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:23:18):

    Brandy have you read 2 blondes

    Lisnoe says to (08:23:26):

    Why oh why would Laf turn to Jesus...not good

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:23:28):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat



    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:23:30):

    no - who is it by?

    sookiebontemps says to (08:23:40):

    Folks, I gotta run.

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:23:46):

    Night, Sookie!

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:23:46):

    Bye Sookie!

    sookiebontemps says to (08:23:48):

    There's a table with my name on it at Fangtasia!

    Lisnoe says to (08:23:49):

    By sookiebontemps!

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:23:50):

    is it a short story/

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:23:50):


    Harley Dickerson says to (08:23:51):

    charlaine its her latest short story

    sookiebontemps says to (08:23:51):


    1EvilJessica says to (08:23:52):

    buh bye Sook-EH!

    Kalinshadow says to (08:23:55):

    Goodnight Dallas

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    sabby77 says to (08:23:59):

    adios bitches

    sookiebontemps says to (08:24:00):

    *gets back on the table and plays dead*

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:24:02):

    cya Sookie

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:24:01):

    hey guys

    sookiebontemps says to (08:24:03):


    True Blood in Dallas says (08:24:05):

    thanks to everyone

    sookiebontemps says to (08:24:09):

    Bye Dallas!

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:24:09):

    bye sook

    Colleensmommy says to (08:24:11):


    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:24:13):

    oh ok - no i haven't yet. but it has them on a road trip right?

    ChoChoMojo says to (08:24:13):

    Night Dallas :-)

    Kalinshadow says to (08:24:14):


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:24:18):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Thanks, Dallas!

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:24:18):

    it was in Death's exellent vacation

    1EvilJessica says to (08:24:23):

    Night Dallas :)

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:24:22):

    night cho

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:24:24):

    night Dallas

    Lisnoe says to (08:24:25):

    Whatever will I do next weekend...sobbing

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:24:29):

    not just any road trip

    sabby77 says to (08:24:32):

    im liking this song hold up

    EricNorthman says to (08:24:33):

    Farewell for now

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:24:34):

    THanks, Dallas! GOod night!

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:24:38):

    me too harley

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:24:43):

    @ Harley - i will have to check that out

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:24:43):

    night eric

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Kalinshadow says to (08:24:46):

    Night Dallas from Houston!

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:24:54):

    night brandy

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:24:55):

    heading back to my well....bed *snickers*

    EricNorthman says to (08:24:56):

    Goodnight Dallas

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:24:59):

    this song is good!

    1EvilJessica says to (08:25:00):

    farwell Eric the hut :P

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:25:01):

    night eric

    Kalinshadow says to (08:25:02):

    Vampires love Texas!

    anelson53546 says to (08:25:03):

    night all

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:25:10):

    Night Dallas - Good show tonight!

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:25:14):

    you should it's pretty much my favorite short story

    EricNorthman says to (08:25:14):

    Give your vote on the poll: http://itsh.bo/bzTtdu

    Kalinshadow says to (08:25:16):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    Goodnight ya'll

    TaraThorntonBT says to (08:25:20):

    good night

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:25:22):

    @Eric voting now

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:25:23):

    brandy you win the prize

    1EvilJessica says to (08:25:24):

    night everyone! :)

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:25:26):

    Northman, where did you come from?

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:25:26):

    email me

    Lisnoe says to (08:25:29):

    Just another reason to hate Sunday nights...like doing my weekly lesson plans wasn't enough.

    Lisnoe says to (08:25:45):

    Yay Brandy!

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:25:45):

    OMG!!!!! YAYA!!!!!!!!!

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:25:51):

    go brandy!

    1EvilJessica says to (08:26:01):

    congrats, Brandy!! :)

    Brandy Lee Betancourt says to (08:26:02):

    thanks y'all!

  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


  • 8/9/2019 s3e11chat


    have in chat

    Harley Dickerson says to (08:27:30):

    over 50

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:27:29):


    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:27:30):

    Maybe we could have Dallas book chat during the off-season *grins*

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:27:41):

    yes ill do a book show

    Lisnoe says to (08:27:44):

    Thanks everybody!

    True Blood in Dallas says (08:27:47):

    i did one last year

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:27:48):


    1EvilJessica says to (08:27:52):

    ::: evil laugh::: Down w/ Eric the Hut, Team Bill :P

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (08:28:00):


    Harley Dickerson says to (08:28:03):

    eric the hot you mean

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