sachibondu extern app - · etern proramme health centre to hospital founded over 35...

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Project Information & Application Form

Designing for Health:Join us to design and build new doctors’ houses for Sachibondu Hospital in Zambia.

Deadline 9 February 2018




Extern Programme

ORKIDSTUDIOWe believe everyone has the right to good design and access to healthy, inspiring and dignified spaces.

Orkidstudio works to benefit communities through innovative architecture and construction. We create high quality, affordable and healthy buildings using local materials and which promote opportunities for women.

We provide architectural design and construction-management services, which are high quality, efficient and socially-focused, and thereby create a reliable, trusted and exceptional build process and final construction.

Our design solutions are founded on human-centred principles and prioritise environmental performance, functionality and local resources. We are also a registered building contractor offering a trusted service, efficiently delivering projects on schedule and budget, working with local people and materials to create high quality and affordable buildings.

Extern Programme

HEALTH CENTRE TO HOSPITALFounded over 35 years ago, Sachibondu Health Centre is located near Mwinilunga, a remote and rural region of North West Zambia, at the upper end of the Copperbelt Region. Each year thousands of patients come to the Health Centre where they are met by a small team of dedicated nurses and midwives who do all that they can to help.

The current Health Centre serves an immediate catchment area of around 10,000 people. Beyond that, patients have been reported to travel up to ten days from their home in order to reach the Centre, so it is estimated that this catchment area could number well in excess of 30,000 people.

With a history spanning more than five decades, development and growth of the centre had always been dictated by urgent need, with little or no design input. To provide facilities that improved both healthcare and well-being positively, Orkidstudio embarked on a complete re-development of the site. Construction of the Hospital began in 2016 and took two years to complete. This redevelopment provided the required facilities to ensure that the Rural Health Centre was upgraded to a First Stage Hospital in 2017.

The hospital is currently supported by the Zambian Government Ministry of Health, The Churches Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ) and charitable donations raised overseas.

Extern Programme

OUR PROJECTIn December 2016, following the start of construction on the Hospital, the Ministry of Health stationed ten new staff members at Sachibondu. This new team included trained nurses, lab technicians, a midwife and a doctor. On the completion of the project, additional staff members were also stationed at Sachibondu.

The short notice given meant that the new staff were housed in existing accommodation on site that was inadequate, of a poor quality and cramped. Orkidstudio will be funding 5 new houses in 2018 to be constructed close to Hospital, with the intention of providing a better quality of life for staff stationed at Sachibondu, this includes; 2no. 3-bed houses, 2no. 2 bed houses and 1no. 1 bed house.

Better design and innovative approaches to basic materials and local building methods can make a huge impact on the lifestyles and well-being of the local medical staff who work tirelessly to provide healthcare services to the local community. In remote areas such as this, resources are scarce and buildings are typically inadequately ventilated and suffer from low light levels, even during the middle of the day. Our aim is to provide the staff with houses they can be proud of and which provide comfort and security for them and their families.

The project is supported by Orkidstudio partners:



“Drum is exceptionally proud to be a key partner of such a dynamic and ambitious organisation. Orkidstudio affect demonstrable physical and so-cial change in areas around the world that need them most, and we are delighted to be able to support such important and exciting work.”

Extern Programme

WHAT IS THE EXTERN PROGRAMME?Our extern programme is designed to give opportunities to designers, engineers and project managers interested in working with communities and gaining experience in social and economic development through building. We are interested in people at any stage of their career, especially those looking to build a longer term involvement in this type of practice.

Being an Extern at Orkidstudio will not only give you the opportunity to help the Sachibondu community but will also enable you to be a part of an exciting and dynamic design and build process. Our buildings are rarely traditional and we enjoy playing with new materials and experimenting on site, yet you will still be met with all the challenges of building efficiently, sustainably and economically in an environment where really good design can make all the difference.

Extern Programme

WHAT DOES AN EXTERN DO?Joining our extern team is both a highly challenging and rewarding experience. From selection through to completion of the project you will be required to dedicate a significant amount of time to our work at Sachibondu. The following information gives an overview of what you will be doing during you time with us.

Fundraising February 2018 - June 2018Each extern is required to raise a minimum of £2,500. This goes directly to the project, and also covers the cost of your flight to and from Zambia. You will receive support from our fundraising coordinator to help you reach your target.

On-Site Period 25 June - 3 September 2018 You will be part of the Project Management team on site. This phase of construction is focused on the construction of 5 doctor’s houses for new medical staff at the hospital and will follow there construction from groundwork to final finishes. Each extern will have opportunities to engage with a diverse range of trades, design challenges and building methods during their time in Zambia

You will work closely with the experienced Orkidstudio staff throughout your time with us, developing your skills and knowledge in design, construction, project management and development practice.

Extern Programme

INFORMATIONEligibility We welcome anyone over the age of 18 years from any background, nationality or career. Experience or knowledge in design or construction is recommended, but not essential.

Fundraising Each extern is required to raise a minimum of £2,500, which goes directly to the project and also covers the cost of your flight to and from Zambia.

Flights Your flights will be booked through our travel agent to ensure the best deal. We will handle all airport transfers in Zambia. Sachibondu can be accessed by road from Solwezi in around 5 hours.

Accommodation During the on-site period, all externs will be provided with free accom-modation close to the construction site.

Food & Drink We cannot cover the cost of any food and drink during the project. You will be asked to contribute a set weekly amount to cover all costs (typically around £30-40 per week).

Deposit All successful applicants are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of £250, payable by 23 February 2018.

Insurance You will be required to take out individual travel insurance which specifically allows for construction. We will provide you with full details of this nearer the time and will offer a special cover option at a highly competitive rate through our brokers.

Visa You will require a visa for entry to Zambia. Please seek the relevant advice and informa-tion for your nationality from the High Commission of Zambia in London. You will also require a Temporary Work Permit which costs 1,500 Kwacha.

Safety Sachibondu maintain a positive relationship with the local community, who are very welcoming and hospitable people. We will take every reasonable measure to ensure your safety at all times. Zambia‘s recent history has been stable, and there is no heightened threat to foreign nationals visiting the country. For more information, please refer to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Advice website ( On site, Orkidstudio operate a number of Health & Safety standards which you will be briefed on before you travel.

Extra Costs Please be aware that there are a number of additional personal costs including sitewear and vaccinations. By choosing to take part in our extern programme and the Sachibo-ndu Hospital Project you are making a financial commitment of several hundred pounds.

Extern Programme






First Name:




Primary Tel:

Other Tel:


Please give details of any qualifications or degrees you have been awarded or are currently working towards:

Course Title University/ School Dates Grade

Please give details of any other academic experience that may be relevant to your application:

Personal Information

Extern Programme

Name of employer:


Please give details of your employment history:


Position(s) held:

Duties performed:

Reason for leaving:

Contact information:

Dates (from/to):

Name of employer:


Position(s) held:

Duties performed:

Reason for leaving:

Contact information:

Dates (from/to):

Name of employer:


Position(s) held:

Duties performed:

Reason for leaving:

Contact information:

Dates (from/to):

Extern Programme

Name of employer:

Employment (cont.)


Position(s) held:

Duties performed:

Reason for leaving:

Contact information:

Dates (from/to):



Please list two referees whom we can contact via email or telephone:

Title/ Position:





Title/ Position:





Full width body text

Extern Programme

Relevant Experience

Do you have any past experience relating to international development work?If yes, please give details of the organisation(s) or project(s) you were involved with and the role(s) that you played:

Do you have any experience in house/housing design or other related experience?If yes, please provide details of the relevant company or organisation(s), your responsibilities, and how you feel this experience may benefit the Orkidstudio team:

Do you have any past experience working in the design or construction industry?If yes, please provide details of jobs undertaken, the type of project(s) and any other relevant details:

Extern Programme


Do you have any experience or ability in the following?

Please describe any other skills or abilities that you feel may contribute to our work:

Please provide any further relevant details on any of the above:









Please list any languages in which you possess communication skills.Rate your level of proficiency on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being fluent) in each of the following categories:

Oral Reading Writing

Extern Programme


Which of the following best describes your current level of fitness?

Excellent Good Average Poor

Do you suffer from any of the following medical conditions?

Diabetes Heart conditions High blood pressure Allergies/ Anaphylaxis

Asthema Lung conditions Epilepsy

Do you have any other medical conditions that may interfere with performing physical labour?If yes, please give details:

Have you undergone any major surgery or medical treatment in the last five years?If yes, please give details:

Do you have any special dietary requirements?If yes, please give details:

Do you have any valid first aid qualifications?

Yes No

Extern Programme


What do you hope to gain from the extern experience?

What is it that particularly interests you in the Sachibondu Doctors’ Houses Project?

Why would you like to be an extern at Orkidstudio?

Extern Programme



Do you hold a full driving license?

Yes, UK Yes, International Yes, both No

Do you have any criminal convictions, spent or unspent?

Yes No

If yes, please provide details:

By virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) Order 1975 and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2003 (as amended),applicants have a legal obligation to reveal spent convictions. Orkidstudio may additionally request criminal records check from the Criminal Records Bureau and/or the Disclosure and Barring Service and/or Disclosure Scotland.

CertificationBy signing this application form I confirm that all the information provided on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false or misleading information, or omission of pertinent information will result in the rejection of my application, or in ejection from the extern programme and the project if discovered subsequent to my acceptance. I certify that I am available for the full period of the project. I also confirm that I have read in full all the given information on becoming an extern and travelling to Zambia as part of this project. In the event of my selection for the extern programme I am content to fundraise or otherwise make payment of the full amount of £2,500 and I understand that these funds will cover the cost of my flights and airport transfers. I am also content to pay a non-refundable deposit of £250 if my application is successful.I understand that data contained within this application form will be held, used and processed for the purposes of selection and in connection with the project. This will be done in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Orkidstudio operates an equal opportunities policy and does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, sex, gen-der reassignment, religion or belief, national or ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital or civil partnership status, family responsibilities, political affiliation or any other comparable factor.

Full Name:


PortfolioPlease email a digital copy (no hard copies) of your portfolio or any other work which you feel might contribute to-wards your application. We appreciate that not all applicants will have creative backgrounds, and therefore this is not a compulsory part of the application process. Applicants who do have creative or architectural backgrounds are highly recommended to submit a portfolio demonstrating their abilities and recent work. Please limit your portfolio to a maximum of 12 images, in JPEG or PDF format and no larger than 3MB each. Images may be presented with an accompanying description or title either as part of the image or in a separate Word document, provided each section of text is clearly numbered in accordance with each image file name. If you have any questions about the portfolio requirements, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Please send your completed application form, plus any attachments, to:

Deadline for applications:

Friday 9 February 2018

You may be invited to interview. Please ensure you are available on one of the following dates:

Skype interviews may also be available. You may also be called for a second round of inter-views held via Skype.

Saturday 17th / Sunday 18th February 2018 in London

www.orkidstudio.orgOrkidstudio is a registered Scottish charity (SCIO) number SC041184

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