
Post on 30-Dec-2015






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    Sacred Texts


    [from John Noyce, Sahaja Studies (2012)

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    Acts of Thomas

    Greek text with Gnostic influences that records the missionary work of Thomas in India. The earliest

    surviving copies are in Syriac. Early 3rd century CE.

    Adi Granth see Guru Granth Sahib.

    Advaya Taraka Upanishad

    One of the yoga upanishads to be found in the Sukla Yajur Veda, this text explains the awakening of

    Kundalini through taraka yoga. Possibly 17th century, but influenced by earlier texts.

    Aitareya Upanisad

    One of the earlier, primary upanishads.

    Akulavira Tantra

    Nath text attributed to Matsyendranath.

    Aleppo Codex

    An important manuscript of the Jewish Bible, written in the city of Aleppo in Syria in c.930.

    Damaged in riots in 1947, 294 of the original 487 pages are preserved in Jerusalem.

    Allah Upanishad (Allopanishad)

    A text written during the 17th century, possibly at the request of Darah Shikoh.

    Amanaska Yoga

    Nath text attributed to Gorakhnath. 12-13th century.


    Nath text attributed to Gorakhnath. 12-13th century.

    Amritabindu Upanishad

    Yoga upanishad that refers to dvara (gate) for the centres of the subtle body. May have been written

    between the 8th and 13th centuries under the earlier title, Brahmabindu Upanishad.

    Amritanada (Amritanadabindu) Upanishad

    A yoga upanishad written between the 12th and 13th centuries, originally known as the Amritabindu



    A Marathi text by Jnaneshwara describing the Divine blessings (amrit). Late 13th century.

    Anu Gita

    L Mahabharata (14:16-50).

    Apirami Antati

    Tamil hymn from South India in praise of the Goddess Apirami. 18th century.


    A Sanskrit text on self-realization attributed to Sankara. 7th century CE.

    Apocalypse of Ezra

    A Christian text in Greek that may be based on an earlier Jewish text in Hebrew. Late 1st century CE.

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    Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

    Channelled through the American mystic, Levi, this is an account of the life of Jesus Christ. Published

    in 1907.

    Ascension of Isaiah

    Early Christian text that is a composite of two texts. Reached its present form in the second half of the

    2nd century CE, but may date as early as c.80CE.

    Ashrama Upanishad

    Text that describes the various types of forest ascetics. 3rd century CE.

    Ashtavakra Gita

    Possibly late 15th century.


    Hatha yoga text, probably modern, attributed to Goraksa.


    A printed South Indian collection of the upanishads, written in Telugu characters. 1883.

    Atharvasira Upanishad

    Minor upanishad.

    Atharva Veda

    This ancient Sanskrit text may represent an independent tradition parallel to that of the Rig Veda and

    other vedas.

    Avadhuta Gita

    Text ascribed to Dattatreya.


    The primary collection of the sacred texts of Zoriastrianism, written in the Avestan language.

    Ayur Veda Sutra

    Yogic text that combines yoga and Ayurveda. Composed by Yogananda Nath. 16th century.

    Baja Govindam

    Verses by Sankara.

    Bhagavad Gita

    Sanskrit text. Probably 2nd century CE.

    Bhagavata Purana

    Well-known text of bhakti to Krishna. 10th century. Also known as the Srimad Bhagavatam.

    Bhaktavijaya and Bhaktilamrita

    Two important compilations of information on the Maratha saints by the 18th century pandit,


    Bhakti Sutra of Narada

    A popular work that expounds the path of bhakti. 10th century.

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    Bharat Tirtha

    Verses in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) said to be a prophecy of the Sahaja yogis

    meeting at Ganapatipule on the western coast of India.

    Bhavana Upanishad

    A text of the Shri Vidya tradition.

    Bhavisya Purana

    Massive Sanskrit text, much still untranslated, containing chronicles and prophecies.

    Bhela Samhita

    Long-lost ancient Sanskrit compendium of Indian medicine, rediscovered in the 20th century.

    Bodmer Papyri

    A group of 22 papyri found at Pabau in Egypt, the headquarters of the Pachomian monks (and not far

    from Nag Hammadi), and named after their first modern owner. Includes Jewish and early Christian

    literature, and some Greek texts.


    A prose tex -1283), completed in 1257. Lit. The Orchard.

    Brahmabindu Upanishad

    A yoga upanishad that may have been written between the 8th and 13th centuries, later being renamed

    the Amritabindu Upanishad.

    Brahma Gita

    Modelled on the Bhagavad Gita, this text is to be found in book six of the Yoga Vasishtha.

    Brahma Purana

    Yoga is discussed in one chapter of this purana. (235:4-29)

    Brahma Samhita

    A lost Sanskrit Pancaratra text, possibly 13th century CE, of which 62 verses of chapter 5 survive,

    rediscovered in the early 16th century by the Vaishnavite bhakta, Chaitanya.

    Brahma Sutra of Badarayana

    A commentary on the classical, earlier upanishads. Possibly 2nd century BCE.

    Brahma Vidya Upanishad

    An early yoga upanishad of 14 verses written between the 9th and 11th centuries. There is also a longer

    southern version of 111 stanzas, probably composed in the 17th or early 18th century, which takes

    much of its expanded text from the Upasanasarasamgraha.

    Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad

    An early upanishad which contains the first presentation of multiple pathways of vital energy in the

    subtle body. This text is a dialogue between the sage Yajnavalkya, and his wife, Maitreyi. Possibly


    Buddha Carita

    Biography of Gautama, the Buddha, by the Buddhist teacher, Ashvaghosha. 1st century CE.

    Cantigas de Santa Maria

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    Written in Galician-Portuguese (a precursor of modern Spanish), the Cantigas are songs in praise of

    the Virgin Mary, set to music by King Alfonso X, known as El Sabio (the Learned) and his musicians

    at the Castilian court in Toledo and later Seville.

    Caraka Samhita

    Ancient Sanskrit compendium of Indian medicine, ascribed to Caraka (possibly 2nd century CE), the

    earlier Agnivesa, and the much later Drdhabala (9th CE) who gave it its present shape.

    Chandogya Upanishad

    Early upanisad containing the teachings of the chandogas, the Vedic chanters. It contains an early

    description of the yogic subtle system.

    Codex Sinaiticus

    An early manuscript of the Christian Bible written in Greek in the 4th century CE, containing the

    earliest complete copy of the Christian New Testament.

    Codex Vaticanus

    An influential early manuscript of the Christian Bible written in Greek, and kept in the Vatican

    Library where it has been stored since the 15th century.

    Culika Upanishad

    One of the early yoga upanishads. Known as the Mantrika Upanishad in South India. 9th 11th

    centuries CE.

    Dakshinamurti Stotra

    A hymn to Dakshinamurti by Shankara.

    Darshana Upanishad

    One of the later yoga upanishads, this text of 224 verses is a systematic summary of yoga practice in

    South India in the late medieval period. Possibly early 18th century. Also known as the Yoga

    Darshana Upanishad.


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    Major instructional text in Marathi by the Maratha guru/ spiritual teacher, Samarth Ramdas. 17th



    The earliest of the texts on Hatha yoga. 13th century CE.

    Dead Sea Scrolls

    Ancient scrolls, written in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek, discovered at Qumran, from the period

    200BCE to 68CE. The scrolls include many Jewish texts that were lost for centuries until their

    rediscovery at Qumran.

    Devi Bhagavatam

    Secondary purana. Possibly 12th century.

    Devi Gita

    Text in praise of the Goddess. Can be found in the Devi Bhagavatam (7:15). 15th century.

    Devi Kavacham

    The reading of this Kavacham (lit: armour) protects the devotee in all parts of his body, in all places

    and in all difficulties. Found in the Markandeya Purana.

    Devi Mahatmyam

    Sanskrit text in which the Devi is extolled as the all-powerful protector of the universe. Part of the

    larger Markandeya Purana. Also known as the Sri Candi and as the Sri Durga Saptasati.

    Devi Bhagavata Purana

    A repository of spiritual wisdom relating to the Devi. Probably 12th century CE.

    Devi Sukta

    Sanskrit text in praise of the Devi. Can be found in the Rigveda 10:125.

    Devi Upanishad

    One of the later Upanishads. Possibly 12th century CE.


    Pali text containing teachings of the Buddha.


    Written in Java in 1418, in Old Javanese and Sanskrit, using the terminology of the South Indian

    Saivite tradition, this text describes the ascent of the Kundalini to the Sahasrara and the achievement

    of yoga.

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    Dhyanabindu Upanishad

    This yoga upanishad contains a description of Turyatita, namely that which is beyond Turiya. The

    early (northern) version of 21 to 23 slokas may date from as early as the 8th century, but more likely

    12th 13th centuries. The expanded southern text, containing 106 to 107 slokas, dates from the mid-

    late 17th century.

    Didache A rendering of the substance of the four gospels in the New Testament. Rediscovered in a monastery

    in Constantinople and published in 1883. May have been written between 70 and 100CE.

    (La) Divine Commedia

    A prophetic text by the Italian writer, Dante Alighieri (1265-1321).

    Divya Prabandham

    Collection of Tamil songs of the Alvars. Compiled by Nathamuni. 10th century.

    Diwan-e Shams-e Tabrizi

    A major work of Persian poetry by the Sufi, Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273)

    Durga Stotra

    Verses in praise of the Goddess Durga.


    The text known as 1 Enoch is a composite of at least five writings from the 2nd century BCE through

    to the 1st century CE. The entire text only survives in Ethiopic, but these manuscripts are relatively

    late. There are also earlier Greek textual fragments, as well as the Aramaic fragments in the Dead Sea


    Epistula Apostolorum

    Originally written in Greek, probably in Egypt, in the mid 2nd century. The text is preserved in

    translations in Coptic and Ethiopic.

    Epistula Fundamenti

    of Augustine.

    Garuda Purana

    This purana contains three chapters on yoga.

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    The sacred hymns of Zarathrustra, the founder of Zoroastrianism. Incorporated into the Yasna, which

    is found in the Avesta.


    Regarded as a foundation text of Hatha Yoga, this text was composed by Gheranda for his pupil,

    Chanda, and contains seven chapters corresponding to the seven means of perfecting the person.

    Gita Govinda

    th century.


    Early 17th century text, parts of which are to be found in the expanded southern version of the

    Dhyanabindu Upanishad.


    Nath text in the form of a dialogue between Gorakhnath and his teacher, Matsyendranath. Also known

    as the Gorakh Shataka.

    Goraksha Paddhati

    An important Hatha yoga text.

    Goraksha Samhita

    A collection of 13th century texts attributed to Gorakhnath.


    Nath text attributed to Gorakhnath.

    Goraksha Chalisa

    In praise of Gorakhnath.

    Gospel of Eve

    Lost Gnostic text from early 2nd century CE. Known from references in the Panarion of Epiphanius of

    Salamis (315-403CE).

    Gospel of Judas

    Gnostic gospel that survives in an early 4th century Coptic text. It has been suggested that this is a

    translation of an earlier Greek text of the late 2nd century CE.

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    Gospel of Philip

    Gnostic Christian text of the Valentinian tradition, found at Nag Hammadi. Late 2nd century CE.

    Gospel of Mary [of Magdala]

    Incomplete text that survives in a Coptic translation together with earlier fragments in Greek. Possibly

    2nd century CE.

    Gospel of the Ebionites

    Lost text that belonged to the Ebionites, a group of Greek-speaking Jewish-Christians. Known only

    from fragments in the Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis (315-403). Probably dates from the first

    half of the 2nd century CE.

    Gospel of the Egyptians

    Early Greek text, now lost, known only from fragments in the writings of Clement of Alexandria

    (c.150-c.215CE). Not to be confused with a later Coptic Gnostic text found at Nag Hammadi.

    Gospel of the Hebrews

    A lost gospel written in Hebrew, known from fragments quoted in later Christian writings. Late 1st

    century CE.

    Gospel of the Savior

    Gnostic Christian text that survives only in 4th century Coptic fragments. May be latter half of the 2nd

    century CE.

    Gospel of Thomas

    An early record of the sayings of Jesus Christ. The Coptic text found at Nag Hammadi (c.320CE) is a

    translation from the earlier Greek text (pre 200CE) which has survived in fragments from three

    separate copies.

    Gospel of Truth

    Gnostic Christian text, originally in Greek, ascribed to Valentinus who was active in Rome, c.140-

    160CE. Known only from two Coptic translations found at Nag Hammadi.

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    -1283), completed in 1258. Lit. The Rose Garden

    Guru Gita

    A widely distributed text also found in the vast Skanda Purana.

    Guru Granth Sahib

    Holy book of the Sikhs. Also known as the Adi Granth. Contains verses by Nanak and the later Sikh

    gurus. Also contains verses by earlier bhakta saints.

    Hamsa (Hamsanada) Upanishad

    One of the later yoga upanishads that describes six chakras and the brahmarandhra through which

    move a breath or wind. The northern version dates to the 12th to 13th centuries. The southern version is

    later, possibly 15th 17th centuries.

    Hamsa Shodah Upanishad

    A short tantric text attributed to the rishi Virupaksha Mahakala.

    Hanumana Chalisa

    Hindi poem praising Hanuman. Composed by Tulsidas. 16th century.


    Part of the larger Upasanasarasamgraha.

    Haritaayana Samhita

    Alternative name for the Tripura Rahasya.


    Hatha yoga text. 17th century.

    Hatha Sanketa Candrika

    Hatha yoga text. Early 18th century.

    Hatha Yoga Pradipika

    A classic manual on Hatha yoga, written by Yogi Svatmarama (15th century), said to be a Nath yogi,

    and based on earlier Nath sources. Also known as Hathapradipika.

    Hevajra Tantra

    The surviving text contains 750 slokas and has several descriptions of the Sahaja state. Date uncertain,

    6th 10th centuries CE.

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    Homeric Hymns

    Ancient Greek texts in praise of the Goddess.

    Homilies of Macarius

    Greek text wrongly attributed to the Egyptian monk Macarius the Great (d.390). 4th century CE.

    Heart Sutra

    Pali text also known as the Hridaya Sutra from the Buddhist Mahayana tradition. Possibly 4th century


    (The) Interior Castle

    A mystical text by the Spanish Christian nun, Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) in which the soul enters a

    castle and proceeds through seven heavenly mansions so as to encounter God at its centre.

    Isa Upanishad

    One of the earlier primary upanisads.

    Ishvara Gita

    A Shaiva text embedded in the Kurma Purana. Possibly 9th century CE.

    Jabala Upanishad

    The oldest of the samnyasa upanishads. 3rd century BCE.


    The first hymn in the Guru Granth Sahib.

    Jivanmukti Viveka

    Text by Vidyaranya that refers to some of the yoga upanishads. 14th century.

    Jnana Karika

    Nath text attributed to Matsyendranath.

    Jnaneshwari (Bhavarthadpika)

    Marathi commentary on the Bhagavad Gita by Jnaneshwara. Late 13th century.


    Song in Marathi by Eknath invoking the ascent of the Kundalini. 16th century.

    Kalama Sutta

    Pali text cont

    tradition and the sayings of priests and teachers.

    Kamadhenu Tantra

    Text of 24 chapters that expounds on the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet.

    Katha Upanishad

    The first of the early Sanskrit texts to deal explicitly with yoga. Possibly 5th century BCE or even

    earlier. Also known as the Kathaka Upanishad.


    Nath text attributed to Matsyendranath. Contains a description of the Sahasrara and the chakras

    beyond. 11th century?

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    Kaushitaki Upanishad

    An early primary upanishad that takes it name from an old brahmin family in which it was handed


    Kavach of the Devi see Devi Kavacham

    Kena Upanisad

    One of the earlier primary upanishads. Also known as the Talavakara Upanishad.

    Kerygma Petri (The Preaching of Peter)

    Lost Christian text known only from fragments in later Christian writers. Early 2nd century. Not to be

    confused with a later text known as the Kerygmata Petri.

    Kriya Samgraha Panjika

    Buddhist tantric text.

    Kshurika Upanishad

    One of the earliest yoga upanishads to describe a complete yoga practice. It uses the Ayurvedic

    marman (vital point) and other medical terminology rather than chakras. 9th 11th CE.

    Kula Arnava Tantra

    Text in the form of a dialogue between Shiva and Devi.

    Kulananda Tantra

    Nath text attributed to Matsyendranath.


    Mid 14th century.

    Lakshmi Stutu

    Sanskrit text in praise of Goddess Lakshmi. Can be found in the Vishnu Purana.

    Lakshmi Tantra

    This Pancharatra text probably dates from the 9-10th centuries CE.

    Lalita Vistara

    Pali text of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition.

    Lalla Vakya

    Collection of verses by the Kashmiri woman saint, Lalla. 14th century.

    Lankavatara Sutra

    Pali text in which the Buddha talks about Self-Realisation.

    Liber Graduum (The Book of Steps)

    Collection of thirty treatises concerning the rigorous asceticism of the early Syrian Christian tradition.

    Possibly from the Persian part of northern Mesopotamia. 4th century CE.

    Lotus Sutra

    Chinese verses in praise of the Goddess as Kuan Yin, translated from a now lost Sanskrit original.

    Chanted in Mahayana Buddhist temples in China and Japan.


    Ancient Sanskrit text. Assembled in its final form possibly in the 2nd century BCE.

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    Mahalakshmi Stotrum

    Verses in praise of the Goddess as Mahalakshmi. Part of the Padma Purana.

    Mahanrayana Upanishad

    An early text that incorporates later material from the brahmanical tradition.

    Mahanirvana Tantra

    Modern, probably 19th century, text that purports to be 12th century.

    Mahavakya Upanishad

    A South Indian yoga upanishad of 12 slokas. The text is attested by the 17th or early 18th centuries.

    Authorial date unknown.

    Maitrayaniya Upanishad

    Later upanishad that refers to the fourth (turiya) state. Possibly 2nd century BCE.

    Malinivijayottara Tantra

    A Sanskrit text from Kashmir that is regarded as part of Kashmiri Shaivism.

    Manache Shloka (Manobodha)

    Marathi text by Guru Samarth Ramdas. Lit: Verses to the Mind. 17th century.

    Mandala Brahmana Upanishad

    A South Indian yogic text. May be an expanded compilation based partly on the Advaya Taraka

    Upanishad and also influenced by the Siddhasiddhantpaddhati. Probably late 17th to early 18th

    centuries, but may be as early as the 14th century. Not to be confused with the non-yogic text of the

    same name derived from the Satapatha Brahmana.

    Mandukya Karika

    A text on Advaita Vedanta. Attributed to Gaudapada, a teacher active in the previous century to


    Mandukya Upanishad

    Later upanishad containing a description of the four states of consciousness, including the fourth state,

    turiya. Found in the Arthavaveda.

    Manteq at-Tayr

    Persian work by the Sufi, Farid ud-Din Attar (1145-1221), in which he describes the Seven Valleys of

    Love. Lit. Conference of the Birds.

    Mantra Mahodadhi

    An encyclopedic compilation of mantras compiled by Mahidhara. Late 19th century.

    Mantra Yoga Samhita th century.

    Mantrika Upanishad

    South Indian title for the Culika Upanishad.

    Markandeya Purana

    One of the oldest of the major, or maha-puranas, written in the style of a dialogue between the sage

    Markandeya and Jaimini, a disciple of Vyasa. Contains the Devi Mahatmyam. 4/5th century CE.

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