sad thug: structural anomaly detection for transmissions ... · like locky, cerber or crylocker,...

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Open access to the Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium

is sponsored by USENIX.

SAD THUG: Structural Anomaly Detection for Transmissions of High-value

Information Using GraphicsJonathan P. Chapman, Fraunhofer FKIE

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium.

August 15–17, 2018 • Baltimore, MD, USA

ISBN 978-1-939133-04-5

SAD THUG: Structural Anomaly Detectionfor Transmissions of High-value Information Using Graphics

Jonathan P. ChapmanFraunhofer FKIE


The use of hidden communication methods by malwarefamilies skyrocketed in the last two years. Ransomwarelike Locky, Cerber or CryLocker, but also banking tro-jans like Zberp or ZeusVM, use image files to hide theirtracks. Additionally, malware employed for targeted at-tacks has been using similar techniques for many years.The DuQu and Hammertoss families, for instance, usethe popular JPEG file format to clandestinely exchangemessages. Using these techniques, they easily bypasssystems designed to protect sensitive networks againstthem. In this paper, we show that these methods resultin structural changes to the respective files. Thus, in-fections with these malware families can be detected byidentifying image files with an unusual structure. We de-veloped a structural anomaly detection approach that isbased on this insight. In our evaluation, SAD THUGachieves a mean true positive ratio of 99.24% for JPEGfiles using 10 different embedding methods while main-taining a mean true negative ratio of 99.323%. For PNGfiles, the latter number drops slightly to 98.88% but themean true positive ratio improves to 99.318%. We onlyrely on the fact that these methods change the structureof their cover file. Thus, as we show in this paper, our ap-proach is not limited to detecting a particular set of mal-ware information hiding methods but can detect virtuallyany method that changes the structure of a container file.

1 Introduction

Malware infections are, and remain, a constant threat tocomputer users worldwide. For the second quarter of2016, Microsoft reports that 21.2% of the systems thatare running their Windows operating and are configuredto share encounters with the company encountered mal-ware at least once, up from 14.8% in the year before.1

Victims of malware may be private individuals, or smallbusinesses that e.g. lose money or files due to infec-

tions with a banking trojan or ransomware. Or they maybe large corporations, public institutions like the Na-tional Health Service in the United Kingdom, which wasseverely affected by the WannaCry ransomware, or evenpolitical entities such as the Democratic National Com-mittee (DNC) in the United States, which was attackedby the group associated with the Hammertoss malware[23, 9].

Practically all malware uses the Internet to establisha command and control (C&C) channel with its au-thors. For instance, banking trojans upload credentialsharvested from the infected machine. Similarly, mal-ware used in targeted attacks exfiltrates passwords, doc-uments, or other sensitive information or retrieves newcommands from its operator. Network operators on theother hand seek to detect or prevent malware communi-cations to protect their systems. Application level gate-ways are important tools to these ends. However, in arecent study Gugelmann et al. [27] were able to bypassall three tested systems simply by base64 encoding data.With respect to attempts to establish a covert channel,which includes the methods discussed in this paper, theypoint out that no product even claims to be able to detectthem.

Consequently, the use of steganography, the scienceof hiding even the fact that communicating is takingplace, by malware has surged in the last two years[52, 38, 39, 20, 53]. More particularly, malware usedin targeted attacks like DuQu [14], Hammertoss [23] orTropic Trooper [8] has been hiding data in image files formany years. General purpose malware like the ZeusVM[59] and Zberp [2] banking trojans followed suit. How-ever, most of the recent surge in the use of steganogra-phy may be attributed to exploit kits. These kits bundleattacks against common web browsers and are leased toother malware authors to help them distribute their soft-ware [25, 41].

Significant resources were invested in research for de-tecting steganography exploiting compressed image data

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[48, 11, 12, 21]. However, most malware families, in-cluding those used in targeted attacks, sidestep these ef-forts by hiding their data not in the image data itself butin the container file that is used to deliver it. Until now,only Stegdetect [48] implements methods that can de-tect specific attacks of this kind. However, it is limitedto JPEG files and can effectively only detect variations ofone particular method. Also, when we employed Stegde-tect to analyze a realistic data set, it caused a significantnumber of false positives, rendering it unfit for practicaluse.

In this paper we introduce SAD THUG, or Struc-tual Anomaly Detection for Transmissions of High-valueinformation Using Graphics, a machine-learning basedanomaly detection approach to uncover malware thatmodifies the structure of image files. While technicallyour approach can be used with any structured file format,for this work we focused on the two image file formatswhich are most widely used on the Internet and also mostfrequently exploited by malware, JPEG and PNG. Forboth formats, SAD THUG achieves exceptional accu-racy. We also show that it can detect both known and un-known methods, so long as they cause significant anoma-lies in the structure of the image files they use as a covermedium.

Our contributions to the state of the art are as follows:

• In contrast to previous work for detecting struc-tural anomalies in JPEG files, our approach uses alearned model and achieves near perfect results fora wide range of information hiding methods.

• Our approach is not limited to a particular file for-mat and is the only approach with the demonstratedcapability of detecting structural anomalies in PNGfiles.

• SAD THUG achieves a very low false positive ratiofor JPEG files and a low ratio for PNG files.

• Our findings are backed by an comprehensive eval-uation using 270,000 JPEG files and 33,000 PNGfiles along with additional files used by live mal-ware.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.First, we briefly define the usage scenario for our ap-proach. Then in section 3, we describe the JPEG andPNG file formats, methods for structural informationhiding, and how they are abused by a wide range of mal-ware families. We then introduce a small set of pre-viously unpublished structural embedding methods thatcomplement the methods currently used by malware.With this background, we introduce our detection ap-proach in section 5, and describe our evaluation and re-sults in section 6. Before contrasting our approach with

previous work in the field (section 8), we briefly describeits inherent limitations. Finally, we draw our conclusionsand show avenues for future work in section 9.

2 Threat Model

Companies and organizations, in particular those thathandle sensitive data, use network separation to containthe effect of malware infections and other attacks. Onthe other hand, fully disconnected, or air-gapped, net-works are often not an option. In these cases, most orga-nizations only allow communications to take place usingemail or HTTP through a proxy server. Here, the proxyserver doubles as an application level gateway (ALG)that only allows communication to take place that ad-heres to the HTTP standard.

However, malware authors adapted to these precau-tions. Instead of attacking systems directly, they useemail and HTTP to attack their victims. Spear fishingemail is often and effectively used in targeted attacks[10, 55, 28, 17], and additionally, exploit kits [25, 41]or collections of attacks against web browsers and theirplugins gained significant popularity as a tool for infect-ing end user systems. Finally, practically all malwarefamilies use the HTTP(S) protocol for their C&C com-munications, allowing them to simply use their victim’sHTTP proxy servers.

Hence, organizations started adopting more advancedALGs, often referred to as web application firewalls(WAFs). WAFs implement ancillary security featureslike payload signatures to prevent malicious communica-tions through them. Additionally, many ALGs execute aman-in-the-middle attack against TLS/SSL connectionsto prevent unwanted communication from taking placeunder a simple layer of off-the-shelf cryptography. How-ever, malware authors once again adjusted to the new sit-uation by more elaborately hiding their communications.Since they still almost exclusively use the HTTP proto-col, WAFs remain in the right place to detect or preventtheir communications. Yet they are increasingly unableto do so. A study covering three commercial WAFs [27]showed that none of them was able to detect the exfil-tration of sensitive data once that data was base64 en-coded. The authors also pointed out that they were notaware of any product that claims to be able to detect ad-vanced techniques like establishing a covert channel us-ing messages hidden in image files. Our work providesan important cornerstone for closing this gap.

Figure 1 depicts the simplified structure of a partiallysegmented network. On the left side of the figure, clientsystems reside in a protected network – including a com-promised system, as indicated by a warning sign. Thesystems in this network have no direct access to untrustednetworks but they may communicate with an email and

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Protected Network Demilitarized Zone Untrusted Networks

Figure 1: Schematics of a partially segmented network. Icons: Tango Project.

HTTP proxy server residing in the organization’s demil-itarized zone. These in turn have access to other, un-trusted networks, e.g. the Internet. To communicate withanother system under the attacker’s control in those net-works, again indicated by a warning sign, the attackerhas to exploit the servers in the demilitarized zone.

For the purposes of this paper, we define an attacker asan entity that has control over two systems. One systemresides in a segmented network. The attacker wants toestablish a communication channel between this systemand another system outside that network that allows it totransfer significant amounts of data between them. How-ever, all communications have to traverse an uncompro-mised ALG. The ALG, on the other hand, has to distin-guish between benign and malicious data exchanged be-tween systems inside and outside a given network withno advance knowledge on which particular systems ordata may be malicious or not.

We are aware of 40 malware families, including fourproof-of-concepts, that use various techniques to hidetheir C&C communications. 34 families exploit im-ages for this purpose. There are two facts supportingthis choice, in particular with regard to WWW traffic.First, compressed images primarily consist of high en-tropy data that is difficult to distinguish from encrypteddata. Second, viewing a single web page usually re-quires downloading dozens, sometimes well above onehundred, image files. Hence, attackers can hide theircommunications among a large volume of benign datatransfers.

The malware families exploiting images can further besubdivided into two evenly sized groups. The first halfhides their messages in the image data – the detectionof which has been covered by an extensive number ofresearch papers. The second half however exploits thestructure of the corresponding file – an approach that hasreceived little to no attention so far despite being usedby high profile malware like DuQu [14] or Hammertoss[23]. Therefore, our work focuses on the detection of

methods falling into the second category.

3 Background

In this section, we first briefly introduce the file formatsmost widely exploited by malware for hiding their com-munications, JPEG and PNG. We then summarize thefundamental structural embedding methods before point-ing out how different malware families implement theseapproaches in practice.

3.1 JPEG File Structure

The JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) [31] and Ex-changeable Image File Format (Exif) [19] are both con-tainers for JPEG compressed image data. Unless wespecifically need to explain a detail with respect to oneof these formats, we will simply refer to a “JPEG file”,assuming that the data is stored in either one of them.For simplicity, and like most decoders for JPEG files,for the remainder of this paper we do not distinguish be-tween the segments of the container format and those thatsyntactically belong to the JPEG compressed data exceptthat we introduce them in separate sections below.

3.1.1 JPEG Container Formats

Both JFIF and Exif files borrow from the JPEG data for-mat they are designed to contain. They consist of a se-ries of segments, each starting with a two byte “marker”code. The code indicates the type of a given segment andis sometimes followed by a two byte length field. Bothfiles begin with a “start of image” (SOI) marker, and an“end of image” marker indicates the end of the imagedata.

There are 16 codes that indicate an application-specific or “APPn” segment follows where n is a num-ber between 0 and 15. These segments start with a zero-terminated ASCII string to identify the nature of their

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content. Somewhat contradictory to the marker’s desig-nation, the JFIF standard requires that the SOI markeris followed by an “APP0” marker with identifier “JFIF”that contains mandatory meta data. Similarly, Exif filesstart with an “APP1: Exif” segment that also containsmeta data on the image. In contrast to the JFIF stan-dard, Exif does discuss the possibility of encounteringadditional data behind the end of image marker, and rec-ommends that such data should be ignored.

3.1.2 JPEG Data Format

The JPEG compression algorithms’s [30] core dependson the block-wise transformation of an input image’scolor channels into frequency components. It achievesits lossy data reduction by dividing the respective coeffi-cients using a quantization table, allowing users or theirapplications to choose a trade off between the quality andfile size achieved. The resulting data is stored in seg-ments, each of which starts with a two byte marker indi-cating the segment’s type. Most but not all of these seg-ments also include a two byte length field, limiting theirsize to 65,535 bytes. Furthermore, most segments con-tain or consist of a header indicating how the followingdata should be interpreted. While some obvious restric-tions exist, e.g. quantization tables must occur before theencoded image data that refers to them, the JPEG stan-dard is generally permissive with respect to the order ofsegments.

3.2 PNG File Structure

The Portable Network Graphics (PNG) standard waswritten partly due to the realization that the earlierGraphics Interchange Format (GIF) standard relied ona patented compression algorithm. It provides losslesscompression for bitmap images with a 24 bit color spaceand optional alpha channel. PNG files start with a fixedheader followed by a variable number of segments andend with an “IEND” segment. Each segment starts witha four byte payload length field followed by four ASCIIletters indicating its type, the optional payload and finallya checksum. The case of each letter in the type identifierindicates some properties of the segment, e.g. an uppercase first letter indicates that the segment is “critical” andthe decoder must be able to interpret it. Technically, thestandard only mandates that the file header is followedby an “IHDR”, which has a fixed structure and indicatesthe dimensions and other basic properties of the image,and the closing “IEND” segment.

3.3 Structural Embedding Methods

In this section, we briefly describe the basic methods forhiding data exploiting the structure of container file for-mats. As we will see below, the methods actively usedby current malware are variations of these approaches.Figure 2 shows a generic structured container file formatwithout hidden data as well as with data embedded usingthe three methods described below.Append This approach simply appends the stegano-graphic payload at the end of the cover file. Thus, thestructure of the cover file remains intact but it is followedby additional data.Byte Stuffing File containers often allow the length ofa segment to be specified even if it is already implied bythe segment’s type or header. While the resulting files arenot strictly standard-compliant, most parsers only readthe expected data from the segment and ignore the addi-tional bytes that follow. Therefore, attackers may expectthat their file is accepted as legitimate by most decoders.Segment Injection Finally, container file formats likeJPEG and PNG permit the addition of segments that arenot used in the decoding process. For instance, commentsegments allow storing data for informational purposes,e.g. to indicate which program was used to modify thefile, but have no influence on the decoded data. Hence,attackers can add such segments without risk of losingcompatibility and with little risk of discovery.

3.4 Structural Embedding Methods Usedby Malware

In this section, we briefly introduce the structural em-bedding methods used by eleven live malware families,grouped by the file format they exploit. For reference, weincluded their basic properties on the left half of table 1in section 6.

3.4.1 JPEG-based Methods

Cerber The Cerber malware [5] transfers a malware bi-nary by appending it to a JPEG file. Before appendingthe file, it is encrypted by simply XORing the binary witha single constant byte.DuQu, DuQu 2.0 The DuQu malware [15, 14] exe-cutable contains a simple JPEG file. To exfiltrate screen-shots and process lists gathered from the infected system,it bzips and encrypts the data using the AES cipher. Theencrypted data is then appended to the JPEG file and sentto the C&C server.Hammertoss [23] uses the append method to deliverconfigurations and commands to infected systems. Here,the attackers use a JPEG file of their liking and then ap-pend the RC4-encrypted message to the end of that file.

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File Header Meta-DataDecoder Info

File Footer

(a) Without embedding

File Header Meta-DataDecoder Info

File FooterAppended Data

(b) Append

File Header Meta-DataDecoder Info

File Footer

Stuffed Data

(c) Byte Stuffing

File Header Meta-DataDecoder Info

File FooterComment Injected Data

(d) Segment Injection

Figure 2: Examples for a structured container file without and with data embedded using different methods.

Microcin The Microcin malware [16] retrieves JPEGfiles that contain additional executable modules. Whileit uses the append paradigm, it first adds the sequenceABCD followed by a small header and finally the en-crypted payload.SyncCrypt Once the SyncCrypt ransomware’s [6] ini-tial infection is successful, it downloads a JPEG file.From the JPEG file, it extracts a ZIP file that, along withan HTML and PNG image file, contains the malware’sexecutable. The file is hidden simply by appending it toa given cover file.Tropic Trooper The Tropic Tropper malware [8] usesthe append approach in conjunction with a JPEG file todeliver a malware binary to an infected system.Zberp The Zberp malware is a hybrid built from the Car-berp and ZeusVM banking trojans [2]. It uses ZeusVM’smethod described to transfer configurations, which wedescribe below.ZeusVM The ZeusVM banking trojan [51] uses a vari-ation of the segment injection approach to hide the con-figuration and web-inject data provided to the infectedsystems. It injects a comment segment into a JPEG filebut sets the length header field for that segment to 16,144regardless of the length of the actual payload.

3.4.2 PNG-based Methods

Brazilian EK An unnamed Brazilian exploit kit [37]uses a simple yet effective method to deliver its payloadto the infected users. It appends an XOR-encrypted mal-ware executable to an otherwise inconspicuous PNG file.CryLocker The CryLocker ransomware [34] uses avariation of the byte stuffing method. It creates a filethat consists of a PNG file header and the mandatoryIHDR segment only. However, it injects information onthe compromised system into the IHDR segment. Whilethe resulting file is not compliant with the PNG stan-dard, CryLocker successfully used the pic-ture sharing platform for sending information to its cre-ators.DNSChanger The DNSChanger exploit kit [3] hides ad-ditional modules used to attack home routers in a com-

ment segment injected into a PNG cover file.

3.4.3 Discussion

While most malware uses variations of the appendparadigm, we have seen a diverse set of approaches forstructurally hiding data in image files. In comparison toimage data-based approaches, these methods can be im-plemented straightforwardly. However, there is a moreimportant while less obvious property of these methodsthat makes them even more attractive. Image data-basedmethods can only embed a limited number of bits be-fore their manipulation becomes obvious and even whenthat is acceptable, the total size of the image poses an in-surmountable limit for them. Structural embeddings onthe other hand generally not only do not affect the ren-dered image but also allow the transfer of messages ofarbitrary sizes. Even where some limits apply, e.g. themaximum segment size when injecting a segment likeDNSChanger, this can easily be overcome by distributingthe message over several segments. Thus, in principle,structural embedding methods could be used to exfiltrateterabytes of data in a single file transfer.

4 Proposed Embedding Methods

In this section, we propose a small set of new embed-ding methods that exploit the file structure of JPEG orPNG files. We used the identify command from theImageMagick [29] suite to establish the fact that only thepHYs Byte Stuffing method triggers a warning during thedecoding. Using a regular image viewer, we also verifiedthat none of these methods caused any visual changes tothe encoded images.

4.1 JPEG-based Methods

APP0 Byte Stuffing For this method, we exploit thefact that the structure of the mandatory APP0: JFIF seg-ment in JFIF files is well-defined. Since the segment’slength is nevertheless indicated by a length field, we can

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simply append data after the original payload of the seg-ment and then adjust the length field accordingly.

APP1: Comment Injection APP markers are de-signed to be used for application specific data. Hence,they start with a null-terminated ASCII string that indi-cates the nature of the data in the segment and parsers aresupposed to ignore data they do not understand. Here, wesimply chose the APP1 marker with identifier Commentbecause it should cause the least suspicion.

4.2 PNG-based Methods

pHYs Byte Stuffing The PNG standard contains anumber of optional segments that usually have no effecton the decoded image. From these segments, we arbi-trarily selected the pHYs segment, which indicates thephysical scale of the image. Since it has a fixed struc-ture, we can apply the byte stuffing paradigm and simplyadd additional data to an existing pHYs segment or injecta stuffed segment when the cover file does not contain apHYs segment yet.

aaAa Injection The PNG standard uses a four ASCIIletter code to determine the type of a segment and severalother of its properties. A code starting with two lowercase letters is designated as ancillary, non-publicly reg-istered. The third letter is supposed to always be uppercase and by using a lower case forth letter, we indicatethat the segment may be copied by a decoder that doesnot recognize it. Besides these restrictions, we shouldonly make sure that our new segment type is not used byany widely used application. For simplicity, we simplychose aaAa, which satisfies all of these criteria.

5 The SAD THUG Approach

Our approach consists of two main phases, a trainingphase for building a formal model and a classificationphase to check whether files correspond to that model.Since this model is based on empirical data, it representshow a given standard is implemented rather than how itis specified.

To build our model or to classify files against it, wefirst decompose each given file into a sequence of sym-bols describing the file’s segments. This process issketched in section 5.1. We then describe how we modelthe knowledge obtained during the training phase, whichis described in section 5.3. Finally, we describe how weuse the trained model to determine whether a given fileis anomalous with respect to our training data set or not.

5.1 File Decomposition

For both training and detection, we first decompose eachgiven file into a sequence s = s0, ...,sn−1 of segments.Generally, such a sequence can be obtained trivially andat negligible cost by sequentially parsing the file. Givena file type T , ST refers to the set of all segments for thattype. Correspondingly, the alphabet ΣT includes all seg-ment types that occur in files of that type. We use `(si)to refer to the length of segment si.

While the length of a segment is clearly defined, i.e.the count of bytes in the file until either the next seg-ment or the end of the file is encountered, there is someambiguity with respect to the type of a segment. Mostsegments start with a header or byte sequence that indi-cates their type. Often, their payload starts with anotherheader that is needed to correctly interpret the segment’spayload. Although the segment type is defined by theouter header, the inner header may have significant im-pact on how the segment is interpreted. Thus, we suggestidentifying subtypes based on these inner headers whereappropriate. These subtypes will be treated as fully sep-arate types in all respects.

For instance, in section 3.1, we introduced the JPEGfile format’s APP segments. They use the same segmenttype indicator but are supposed to start with a string indi-cating the software using the given segment, i.e. the pur-pose of a segment or even whether it should be ignoredcompletely by most decoders can only be determined byinterpreting this inner header. Hence, segments with dif-ferent inner headers are written and read for differentpurposes and should thus be assigned different subtypes.

Our prototype parses PNG or JPEG files. For bothfile types, the length of a segment corresponds to thelength of the encoded segment in a given file, as ex-plained above. When data is encountered following avalid segment that cannot be decoded, it is stored as aresidual data segment encompassing all bytes up to theend of the file. To determine the type of a segment ina PNG file, our parser simply uses the segment namesdescribed in section 3.2. However, when parsing JPEGfiles, it introduces subtypes for various segment types asillustrated for APP segments above.

Figure 3 a) shows a simplified decomposed Exif file.In the figure, each segment corresponds to a box where asmaller grey number on the bottom right of each box in-dicates the length of the respective segment in the parsedfile. It starts with a start-of-image segment on the left,followed by an APP1 marker and two quantization ta-bles. They are followed by a large scan segment, whichcontains the encoded image data. The file ends with anend-of-image marker, as indicated on the right hand sideof fig. 3 a).

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SOI APP1 DQT0 DQT1 Scan EOI2 50 69 69 247027 2

(a) A simplified, decomposed Exif file


(b) Automaton after learning a simplified JFIF file




(c) The automaton from b) after learning a simplified Exif file

Figure 3: Simplified data structures used by SAD THUG.

5.2 ModelFor each given file, we want to determine whether itsstructure is reasonably close to the structure of benignfiles observed during a training phase. We character-ize the entirety of benign file structures as a formal lan-guage. Thus, each decomposed image corresponds to asequence of symbols and our core problem is to deter-mine whether a given sequence is a word in that lan-guage. To achieve this, during the training phase webuild a discrete finite automaton that approximates thislanguage based on the training samples. In the classifi-cation phase, we check whether a given decomposed filecorresponds to a word in the language described by thatautomaton.

More formally, for each file type T we build a directedgraph GT = (V,v0,ΣT ,E,F,γ) with a set of vertices V , adesignated vertex v0, corresponding to the head of a file,the alphabet of segment types ΣT for the given file type,directed edges E between elements of V and a set of ver-tices F corresponding to the last segments in the trainingfiles. Additionally, γ maps an edge to its annotations.

In our automaton, an edge v→ v′ ∈ E indicates thatin the training data set, two segments corresponding to vand v′, were observed at least once in that order. Whenthe segment corresponding to v′ has a fixed length, weuse the annotations to store how often this transition wasobserved during training. For variable length segmentshowever, we store all observed lengths. This allows usto derive a profile for the lengths expected in the contextdefined by the given edge. In the classification phase, weuse these annotations to enforce additional constraints onthe inspected files.

5.3 Training PhaseTo train our classifier, we build the model described

in section 5.2 that reflects the segments observed in thetraining set, including their observed order and length.Figure 4 shows the algorithm for building the respec-tive automaton. It starts with a set of decomposed train-ing files A and initializes an empty automaton GT =

Require: A {Set of decomposed training files}σ : ST →V ′ {Returns vertex corresponding to given segment’s type}

V ←{v0} {Vertices}E←{} {Edges}F ← /0 {Final states}γ : E→ N∗ {Annotations}for s in A do

call train_with_file (s)return (V,v0,Σ,E,F,γ) {Trained automaton with annotations}

method train_with_file (s)v← v0 {Start with the HEAD state}for si in s = s0, ...,sn−1 do

v′← σ(si)V ←V ∪{v′} {Add vertex, if missing}E← E ∪{(v,si)→ v′} {Add transition}if `(si) is fixed then

γ(v,v′)← γ(v,v′)+1else

γ(v,v′)← γ(v,v′)_ `(si)v← v′

F = F ∪{v} {Add current state to final states}

Figure 4: Training algorithm

(V,v0,ΣT ,E,F,γ). Processing each image individually,as described by method train_with_file, the automa-ton is constructed and, once all files have been processed,returned. The automaton can then be used in the classifi-cation phase to classify previously unobserved files.

In each iteration of train_with_file, we start withthe predecessor variable v pointing to a virtual HEAD statethat represents the beginning of the file. For each ob-served segment, we determine the corresponding vertexv′ and add it to the set of vertices V in the automaton ifnecessary. Also, we ensure that the automaton containsan edge e ∈ E from v′s predecessor v to that vertex. Fi-nally, we update the annotations γ(e) for that edge. Ifthe segment’s length is fixed, we increment the annota-tion for that edge by one, assuming the annotations wereinitialized to 0. For variable length segments, the anno-tations were initialized to an empty tuple and we appendthe observed length to the edge’s annotation. Finally, weset v′ to be the next predecessor v and process the next

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Require: (V,v0,ΣT ,E,F,γ) {Trained automaton with annotations}Require: α {Length sensitivity parameter}Require: τ {Confirmation threshold}Require: s {Decomposed image}

v← v0for si in s = s0, ...,sn−1 do

v′← σ(si)if not is_acceptable_transition(v,si,v′) then

return anomalyv← v′

if not v ∈ F thenreturn anomaly

elsereturn normal

method is_acceptable_transition (v,si,v′)if not (v→ v′) ∈ E then

return falseif `(si) is fixed then

if not γ(v,v′)≥ τ thenreturn false

elseC = {x‖x ∈ γ(v,v′)∧ (|x− `(si)| ≤ d`(si) ·αe}if not |C| ≥ τ then

return falsereturn true

Figure 5: Classification algorithm


After all segments are processed, v contains the ver-tex corresponding to the last processed segment. Hence,we add this vertex to the set of legitimate final states F .When this procedure has been completed for all individ-ual files, we return the resulting automaton.

Figure 3 b) shows an automaton after training on asimplified JFIF file while fig. 3 c) shows the same au-tomaton after learning the simplified Exif file depicted infig. 3 a). Here, the added vertices and edges are high-lighted in green and we omit lengths in b) and c). Bothfiles start with a fixed length SOI marker, so in the firststep, the annotation for the edge from the HEAD stateto the respective vertex is incremented. However, in theExif file, it is followed by an APP1 rather than an APP0marker and the corresponding vertex and an edge to itare added. The automaton already contains a vertex cor-responding to the DQT0 segment following in the fileand hence we only need to add another edge to processit. That segment however is followed by a previouslyunobserved DQT1 segment. Thus, again a new vertexand an edge from the DQT0 to the new DQT1 vertexare added. From there, an edge to the existing Scan ver-tex is added, reflecting the sequence of segments in theExif file. Since – like in the JFIF file the automaton wastrained with – the last segment is an EOI segment behindthe Scan segment, the respective final transition only up-dates the automaton’s annotations.

5.4 Classification Phase

Once the finite-state automaton has been built using theprocedure described above, we enter the classificationphase. Here, we treat each file as a sequence of symbolsthat are either accepted or rejected as words in a languageof legitimate files of that type. This process can be tunedby adjusting the two parameters τ and α . τ is the num-ber of times a transition has to have been observed dur-ing training before we accept that transition in the clas-sification phase. Obviously, with τ set to 1, we acceptany transition ever observed during the training phase.As we increase τ , our classifier becomes more restrictivebut also more robust against coincidental anomalies inthe training data or deliberate attempts to manipulate itduring the training phase.

For transitions to a variable length segment si, we onlyconsider those observations that are within a reasonablerange from that segment’s length, determined by our pa-rameter α . More specifically, we calculate the range bytaking the ceiling of multiplying α with the given seg-ment’s length: dα · `(si)e. Figure 6 illustrates this con-cept. It shows the absolute frequency of sizes for theJPEG DC0 huffman table that lie between 0 and 100. Agreen line indicates an observation of length 33. Withα set to 0.1, this corresponds to a range of 4, i.e. thearea highlighted in green in fig. 6. Our training data con-tains many observations within this range, so we acceptthe observation as legitimate. As another example, takethe red line at 70 in the figure. Its larger absolute valueresults in a significantly larger range as well. However,as the area highlighted in red shows, there are few ob-servations in this range, so – depending on the configu-ration – our approach will classify this observation as ananomaly.

Figure 5 shows the full classification algorithm. It re-quires a trained automaton, the two parameters τ and α

and finally a decomposed image as inputs. The result re-turned is the classification for the given file which maybe “anomaly”, if the file is considered to be malicious, or“normal” otherwise.

Like in the training algorithm, decomposed files areprocessed segment by segment. As sketched above,the main task is to identify whether individual transi-tions occurred in the training phase – taking into accountour parameters τ and α . This is handled by methodis_acceptable_transition in fig. 5. Here, we firstcheck whether a transition exists from the previous ver-tex to a vertex that represents the current segment. If thatsegment has not been observed during the training phaseor not been observed to follow the previous segment, thecheck fails and we consider the file to be anomalous.Otherwise, we verify whether the transition’s annotationssatisfy the constraints imposed by our parameters τ and

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20 40 60 80 100

Figure 6: The length of JPEG huffman table segments in bytes (excerpt).

α . If the segment’s size is fixed, we check whether thestored observation count reaches or exceeds the desiredthreshold τ . For variable length segments, we first de-termine the observed lengths that were within dα · `(si)ebytes from si’s length `(si). We then check whether theyexceed our threshold τ and reject the image, if that is notthe case. Given that all observed transitions were suc-cessfully validated, we only need to check whether thevertex corresponding to the last segment is also a finalstate in our trained automaton. If and only if that is thecase, we accept the image as normal with respect to ourtraining set.

6 Evaluation

We evaluated our approach using a large body of JPEGand PNG files with embeddings from ten different mal-ware families. The respective data sets are derived froma total of 270,000 JPEG and 33,000 PNG files down-loaded from popular websites. The same data set is alsoused for training and to determine our approach’s falsepositive ratio. Given the design of our experiment andthe size of our data sets, we believe that the results pre-sented here closely resemble those achieved in a real en-vironment.

In this section, we thus first describe the general de-sign of our experiment, before discussing the details ofour data sets. Section 6.3 describes how we obtained ameaningful configuration for our approach. We then pro-vide an overview to Stegdetect, which we use as a bench-mark. Finally, in section 6.5, we describe the results ofour evaluation for both approaches.

6.1 Experiment DesignWe conduct a ten-fold cross-validation on a large dataset of 270,000 JPEG and 33,000 PNG files, downloadedfrom the Internet as described in section 6.2.1, to verify

the accuracy and effectiveness of our approach. In eachiteration, we use nine tenths of each data set as trainingdata. The remaining data is further subdivided to con-struct realistic data sets using a diverse set of embeddingmethods. We use them – along with additional data sets– as test sets for our evaluation.

As a consistent measure for the quality of the detec-tion, we use the true classification ratio. This metriccan be applied on both files without and with a stegano-graphic payload. For the former files, it corresponds tothe fraction of the files that were classified as benign.Files that contain an embedding, on the other hand, mustbe classified as malicious to contribute to the respectivetrue classification ratio. Thus, a value of 1 indicates aperfect result for the given data set while a value of 0shows that the approach is not at all able to correctly clas-sify items in the respective subgroup.

6.2 Data Sets6.2.1 Base Data Set

We obtained a large data set closely resembling a set ofimages retrieved by average users browsing the Internet.To do so, we determined the top 25 websites accordingto Alexa [7] but after replacing semantic duplicates witha single domain name. For instance,, and all redirect to the samewebsite, based on your assumed locality and were thuswere replaced by a single instance of inour list. We then recursively crawled this pruned list butstopped the recursion once a non-image resource was re-trieved from a third-party domain. Many professionallyoperated websites serve static resources under a differ-ent domain name and thus without this exemption manyimages that were part of a website would not be loadedby our simulated Internet user. Through this process,we obtained a total of 271,968 JPEG and 33,651 PNGfiles. We removed randomly selected files from these sets

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to trim them to 270,000 JPEG and 33,000 PNG files.This facilitates creating evenly-sized groups from them,as discussed below. Note that our unbiased crawling re-turned more than 8 times as many JPEG than PNG files,reflecting the popularity of the two file formats.

Since we obtained these files from third parties, wecannot completely rule out the possibility that they doin fact contain hidden messages. However, the siteswe crawled are professionally run by respectable oper-ators, so we assume that they do not deliberately providemalicious image files. On the other hand, the sites wecrawled may allow users to upload content or referenceuser-uploaded content on third party websites and someusers may decide to abuse their functionality to uploadfiles with steganographic content. Since we are crawlingpopular websites with a large user base only, it is safe toassume that only a diminishing fraction of users – if any– engage in such activities. In turn, if our base data setdoes contain images with steganographic content, theirquantity will be negligible. Weighing this against the in-evitable lack of diversity in a self-assembled data set andconsequentially the remoteness of such a data set froma live deployment, we opted for the approach describedabove.

Further analysis of the data set nevertheless revealedsome interesting details. For instance, 15,005 files or5.56%, of the JPEG files and 777 or 2.35% of the PNGfiles contain data behind their EOI or IEND segment.4,484 JPEG files have 3 or less residual bytes behindtheir EOI marker, i.e. they are unlikely to carry any hid-den message. In the PNG partition, only 56 files fallinto that category. For both formats, the lion’s share ofthe remaining files with four or more appended bytes ismade up by It accounts for 9,527 of the10,521 JPEG and 475 of the 721 respective PNG files.In a manually inspected sample, these files contained thespace character (0x20) appended up to 455,942 times.The only reasonable explanation for this phenomenon isa programming error. accounts for most of theremaining files, i.e. 887 JPEG and 126 PNG files. Here,the files contain 46 additional bytes each, primarily a 32letter hexadecimal ASCII string. Since this correspondsto the length of an MD5 hash, we assume that the dataserves as a kind of watermark.

We acknowledge that these observations may be con-sidered anomalies and that the respective files could beremoved from the data set on that grounds. However,we left them in the data set for two reasons. First, withrespect to SAD THUG, the presence of these files maydecrease but not increase its detection performance, i.e.we avoid a potential unfair advantage for SAD THUGin our evaluation. Second, the files are part of an un-biased snapshot of files provided on the Internet. Re-moving them would conceal a challenge that a detection

method would face in practice.In our evaluation, we use the base data set for two

purposes. First, it serves as a training set for our ap-proach. Second, we use it to create sets of files that con-tain messages embedded with one of a total of 12 meth-ods (for reasons explained below, this figure does not in-clude CryLocker’s and DuQu’s methods).

6.2.2 Payload Data Sets

Malpedia is a curated collection of live malware sam-ples and analysis [46]. After removing signatures, notesand script-based samples from the collection, we ob-tained a data set that contains a total of 4,558 maliciousfiles.ZeusVM Configuration The ZeusVM malware usesJPEG files to transfer two pieces of configuration to in-fected machines. The first part consists primarily of alist of URLs that are used for command and control. Wediscuss the other part, web-injects, below. To create thisdata set, we extracted and parsed the content from 24 liveconfigurations for ZeusVM. From these configurations,we determined the smallest and largest number of valuesas well as all unique values for each option. To gener-ate new configurations that closely resemble the originalones, we chose a random count between the minimumand maximum number of values observed for each givenoption and then added random values from the pool ofobserved values for that option.ZeusVM Web-Inject ZeusVM’s configuration containstemplates that determine which and how websites visitedby an infected machine should be modified. To generatethe respective data set, we relied on the configurationsparsed as described in the previous paragraph. Likewise,we determined how many web-injects were provided inthe live configurations and chose a random sample fromthe given web-injects with a size ranging between thosenumbers.Web Exploits target web browsers using maliciousJavaScript, HTML or other code. To simulate an at-tack that hides this kind of data, we randomly selectedfiles from a collection of 2,543 malicious JavaScript files[43].CryLocker Payload The CryLocker ransomware [34]exploits the website to upload informationabout each infected system. From the scarce informa-tion available on that payload, we inferred the format andchose reasonable values for its variables.DuQu Payload The DuQu malware uses steganographyto exfiltrate data from infected machines. According toSymantec [1], its logger creates a screenshot and processlist every 30 seconds which will eventually be uploadedto a C&C server. To create a realistic data set, we setup a Windows virtual machine to automatically create

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0 200 400 600 800 1000








0 MB 0.5 MB 1 MB 1.5 MB












0 MB 5 MB 10 MB 15 MB 20 MB 25 MB 30 MB












0 MB 25 MB 50 MB 75 MB 100 MB 125 MB

CryLocker Payload

ZeusVM Configuration

ZeusVM Config + Web−Inject

Web Exploits


SyncCrypt Payload

DuQu Payload

Figure 7: The size distributions of the payloads used in our evaluation (grouped by maximum size in bytes).

a screenshot and store a process list every 30 seconds.By running a series of office tutorials from YouTube infullscreen mode on that machine, we ensured that thescreenshots are similar to those of a system being usedfor regular office tasks. We then selected random in-tervals with a duration of at least 30 minutes, and con-catenated the screenshots and process lists generated in arandomly selected time frame with that length. To createthe final DuQu payload, we compressed the data usingthe bzip2 algorithm and encrypted it using the AES ci-pher.

SyncCrypt Payload The SyncCrypt ransomware usesJPEG files to transfer a hidden ZIP file. In that ZIP filehowever, it hides the malware’s main executable alongwith an HTML and a PNG file. Hence, to simulate thatpayload, we randomly chose a PNG file from the respec-tive base data set, an HTML file from the Web Exploitsset and a random malware binary from Malpedia andstored them in a ZIP file.

Discussion In this section, we briefly introduced thepayload data sets used. Figure 7 shows the distributionof the size in bytes of the messages drawn from thesedata sets for our evaluation. Since the data sets cover alarge variety, we grouped them by the size of the largestmessage in them, starting with the smallest data sets inthe top left and ending with the largest on the bottomright. To provide a point of reference, a dotted hori-zontal line indicates the maximum density in the next

plane. The plane on the top left shows the CryLockerand ZeusVM Configuration data sets, which only con-tain messages up to about one kilobyte and are clearlyconcentrated on about 200 or 700 bytes. The completeZeusVM payload, including the malware’s configurationand web-injects, evenly spreads from close to zero to 250KB. Most of the files from the Web Exploits data set arevery small, however the largest message drawn from thisset almost reaches 2 MB, as we can see in the same plane.The SyncCrypt Payload consists, among others of a ran-dom malware sample drawn from the Malpedia data setand thus closely resembles the latter data set’s size dis-tribution, as seen in the bottom left plane. Finally, theDuQu Payload data set’s size distribution ranges fromjust above 700 KB to 141.92 MB.

6.2.3 Additional Considerations for Data Sets

ZeusVM/Zberp The Zberp banking trojan is basedon the ZeusVM malware and inherited its embeddingmethod. Hence, for our evaluation we do not distinguishbetween the two. However, we use two different data setsto establish our approach’s efficacy with respect to theirmethod. First, we obtained a set of 24 JPEG files contain-ing live configurations which were extracted from dumpsof ZeusVM control panels. We denote this data set asZeusVM. Second, we used the leaked KINS builder2 forthe ZeusVM malware to embed configurations from our

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Method Payload Data

Malware Family Encryption Append


Segment Injection







CryLocker Payload



SyncCrypt Payload

Cerber XORDuQu, DuQu 2.0 AESHammertoss RC4Microcin XORSyncCrypt NoneTropic Trooper XORZeusVM, Zberp* XORAPP0 Byte Stuffing None




APP1: Comment Injection None

Brazilian EK XORCryLocker NoneDNSChanger NoneaaAa Injection None




pHYs Byte Stuffing None

Table 1: Evaluation data sets; names in italics correspond to the methods proposed in section 4. The payload for theZeusVM, Zberp* data set is constructed by combining two payload data sets.

payload data set into randomly selected JPEG files fromthe base data set. Since the builder would fail for JPEGfiles that did not end with an EOI marker, we excludedthose files from the selection process. The respectivedata set is called ZeusVM, Zberp* below.DuQu The DuQu malware uses a static JPEG file storedinside its executable to exfiltrate data. Since this file doesnot depend on the input, we created a data set indepen-dent from our base data set. Using our DuQu payloaddata set and the JPEG file used by DuQu, the 1000 files inthat set provide a very realistic approximation of DuQu’sC&C traffic.CryLocker The method used by the CryLocker ran-somware effectively creates a PNG file header withoutany image data. Thus, it does not depend on any inputand – like DuQu – we created and use an independentdata set of 1000 files for our evaluation.

6.2.4 Grouping

To perform our evaluation, we partitioned the files in ourbase data sets into ten evenly-sized groups. We then fur-ther subdivided each JPEG group into nine subgroupswhile we divided the PNG groups into five subgroupseach. As explained in section 6.1, for each step in ourcross-validation, we used nine of the ten groups as train-ing data. The subgroups in the remaining group serve asa test set for our classifier. Here, the files in one subgroupwould remain unchanged, i.e. without any malicious em-bedding, to allow us to establish the false positive ratio.In the remaining subgroups, we embedded messages inaccordance with table 1 and section 6.2.3. Note that the

CryLocker, DuQu, and ZeusVM data sets do not dependon our base data set and are thus not included in thesenumbers.

6.3 ParameterizationIn section 5.4 we introduced two parameters, α and τ thatallow tuning the precision and recall of our approach. Todetermine a reasonable configuration, we executed a sys-tematic grid-based parameter evaluation using ten valuesfor each parameter and chose the parameter set that max-imized our approach’s weighted mean true classificationratio. We doubled the weight for the data set without anyembedding to introduce a slight preference for a lowerfalse positive ratio.

For τ , we can choose any positive integer, so we optedfor the first ten possible values, i.e. 1 through 10, todetermine whether there exists a local optimum in thisrange. α can take any positive real value. However, weargue that very large values for α would make the ap-proach overly permissive. E.g. with a value of 1, alllengths from 0 up to twice the given length would supportthe legitimacy of the observed file. Hence, an attackercould simply create a very large segment and be surethat it would be supported by the model, if it appearedin the correct order. Thus, we select 0.5 as a reasonableupper bound for α . From this starting point, we chose10 evenly distributed values, i.e. set α to 0.05, 0.1 etc.up to and including 0.5. Following this methodology, forJPEG files the most restrictive configuration τ = 10 andα = 0.05 scored best. For PNG files we chose the con-figuration τ = 2 and α = 0.1.

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6.4 Stegdetect: Append and Invisible Se-crets

Provos and Honeyman published several papers on thetopic of hiding messages in JPEG files and detectingsuch embeddings, which we briefly discuss in section 8.While their work focussed on detecting hidden messagesin image data, the reference implementation of theirStegdetect [48] tool also contains two methods calledappend and invisible secrets. The first method checkswhether a file contains at least 4 additional bytes behindthe end of the image data. The invisible secrets methodon the other hand checks whether a comment segmentstarts with an integer reflecting the length of the follow-ing payload. We disabled all other detection methods toavoid triggering unnecessary false positives. However,their implementation was unable to parse a significantfraction of the files in the test sets. We include the frac-tion that could not be handled as error in our comparisonto allow our readers to account for these files.

6.5 Results

The left plot in fig. 8 indicates the detection perfor-mance of both SAD THUG, indicated by green boxes,and Stegdetect for JPEG files. Only SAD THUG is ableto process PNG files and thus the right hand side of fig. 8shows results solely for our approach. For Stegdetect, weshow the true classification ratio using blue boxes and theerror ratio, as explained in section 6.4, in red. Given thatall values are close to either 0 or 1, we split the graph intoan upper and a lower part. The upper part contains theupper 6% range while the lower part contains the lower6% range, respectively. There were no observations inbetween these intervals.

As indicated by fig. 8 a), the worst true negative ratioSAD THUG achieved for JPEG files was 99.33% witha maximum of 99.59% and mean 99.48%. Stegdetecton the other hand achieved a mean true negative ratio of95.45%. This is due to the fact that a surprisingly largenumber of the JPEG files in our base data set contain dataappended behind their EOI marker, as discussed in sec-tion 6.2.1. SAD THUG implicitly compensates for this,resulting in a far better true negative ratio than Stegde-tect. However, as a side effect, SAD THUG also acceptssome files that contain a message added using the ap-pend paradigm. In section 9.2, we discuss how this canbe fixed easily. While we expected Stegdetect to classifyfiles with append-based embeddings perfectly, rangingfrom Cerber to Tropic Trooper in fig. 8, it does not. How-ever, the difference is explained by its failure to parse asignificant fraction of the files and is thus, on its own, notindicative of a shortcoming of the method.

The picture changes once we consider the remaining

methods. Here, SAD THUG achieves a 100% true pos-itive ratio while Stegdetect does not detect any ZeusVMfile and a parsing error triggers its only true positive forthe ZeusVM/Zberp* data set. As discussed above, thefiles in the ZeusVM/Zberp(*) data sets always end withan end-of-image marker and thus do not trigger Stegde-tect’s heuristic. The APP0 and APP1: Comment datasets on the other hand include any residual data that waspresent in the files used to construct them. Hence, hereStegdetect does not detect the actual embedding but theresidual data in the base data set. Thus, one could arguethat the 2.93% to 5.13% true positives it achieves are infact false positives.

On the right hand side of fig. 8, we see SADTHUG’s detection results for the PNG data sets. Weare not aware of any other approach for classifying thesefiles and hence cannot provide a basis for comparison.Here, SAD THUG correctly classifies all files acrossall cross-validation steps for all except two data sets.For the Brazilian EK’s method, which uses the appendparadigm, results are again distorted by residual datapresent in the base data set. Here, up to 4.85% of thefiles are incorrectly classified as benign with a mean trueclassification ratio of 96.59%. At the same time, SADTHUG achieves a mean true positive ratio of 98.88%.There was no obvious pattern with respect to what filescaused the usually single digit count of false positives ineach group.

To summarize, SAD THUG achieves very high trueclassification ratios for both JPEG and PNG files. Itclassifies several data sets perfectly but is somewhat im-peded with respect to append-based methods by the pres-ence of a large number of files with residual data in ourtraining data. Here, the worst true classification ratios is95.15% while the overall average ratios are 99.25% forboth JPEG and PNG files. Stegdetect on the other handscores well for append-based methods but fails to detectmethods relying on other paradigms. Additionally and incontrast to SAD THUG, Stegdetect causes a large num-ber of false positives, 5.26% on average.

7 Limitations

While our evaluation in section 6 shows that our ap-proach is very effective with regard to detecting embed-ded messages that change the structure of JPEG or PNGfiles, it is not designed to detect embeddings in the en-coded image data. Thus if an attacker chooses to embedmessages in the image data stored in a file, this fact can-not be detected using our approach. A large number ofapproaches exist that do attempt to detect such embed-dings (cf. section 8). With respect to detecting structuralembeddings, SAD THUG significantly outperforms theonly previous method attempting to solve this problem.

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e C



n R









e C



n R


No Embedding





Tropic Trooper




APP1: Comment


Stegdetect: True Classification Ratio

Stegdetect: Error

(a) JPEG














e C



n R


No Embedding





(b) PNG

Figure 8: The classification performance of SAD THUG and two Stegdetect methods for JPEG files and SAD THUG’sperformance for the PNG format.

Similarly, our prototype could be evaded by using afile type that it currently does not support. However,there are several points that mitigate this limitation. First,our approach is agnostic with respect to file types andthe prototype parser could simply be extended to parsethe structure of another file type. Second, an ALG mayexpect to observe files of one type much less often thanothers. As we pointed out in section 2, a web applicationfirewall (WAF) typically observes far more images thanHTML documents, since each HTML document usuallyreferences dozens of image files. While PDF, DOC orXLS files are often provided as downloads, they gener-ally make up a much smaller fraction of a website’s con-tent than HTML documents. Therefore, WAFs may referto more computationally expensive methods, like on-the-fly conversion into image files, or even require user inter-action before letting such files pass through them.

Like all supervised machine learning-based ap-proaches, our approach’s effectiveness depends on thetraining data set. A training data set that is not repre-sentative for the benign data observed in the classifica-tion phase may increase our approach’s false positive ra-tio. For instance, some programs, e.g. image optimiz-ers, write files with an unusual structure. If for a givenprogram of that kind no files were present in the train-ing data, SAD THUG is likely – and rightfully so – toclassify their files as anomalies. However, due to SADTHUG’s generalization properties, this can usually be re-mediated by adding a small number of curated files fromthat software to the training data.

Like all supervised machine learning-based ap-proaches, SAD THUG is to some degree vulnerable topoisoning attacks. If an attacker manages to inject alarge number of files into its target’s training data set, thiswill have a predictable effect on the resulting automaton.Thus, it could try to create transitions in the automatonthat would accept the structural anomalies created by itsapproach. In section 9.2, we discuss several avenues forfuture work that may mitigate this threat.

Finally, short of manipulating the target’s automaton,an attacker could make informed guesses about it as wellas about the target’s parameterization to devise a strategyto bypass SAD THUG. Generally, such a strategy wouldallow an attacker to add a few bytes to each variablelength segment in a file, possibly at the cost of the file’scompatibility with common decoders. i.e. even when anattacker successfully implements a method that bypassesSAD THUG, it will only be able to transfer a small num-ber of bytes per file – compared against an arbitrary num-ber of bytes with structural embedding in general.

8 Related Work

In this section, we provide a brief overview of relatedwork. We focus on three areas. First, we take a quicklook at legitimate use of steganography for censorshipcircumvention. Second, we provide an overview of otherapproaches for detecting malware or its communicationsin settings similar to that sketched in section 2. Finally,

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we discuss other methods for detecting steganographicmessage exchanges and their utility with respect to struc-tural embedding methods. Other approaches that applysimilar machine learning methods for solving informa-tion security challenges – Sivakorn’s HVLearn [54] orGörnitz et al.’s work [24] just to name two – provide avaluable background for this work. However, space con-straints do not allow us to discuss them in due detail here.

Several systems have been proposed for bypassingcensorship systems that may act like an application levelgateway in our threat model. While SAD THUG was de-signed to prevent unwanted communications from mal-ware, the problems are obviously related. Approachesdesigned to circumvent censorship could be employedto bypass legitimate restrictions according to our threatmodel while approaches like SAD THUG could be usedto detect attempts to circumvent censorship. Systemslike Burnett et al.’s Collage [18], Invernizzi et al.’s MIAB[32] or Feamster et al.’s Infranet [22] use stegosystemslike Outguess [47] or HUGO [45] to hide messages inJPEG image data. Thus, by their choice of cover me-dia, they are not affected by SAD THUG. Mohajeri etal.’s SkypeMorph [40] and Weinberg et al.’s StegoTorus[57] replicate or hide data in voice-over-IP traffic – whichcould not traverse a reasonably configured ALG in ourthreat model. However, StegoTorus can also hide datain HTTP headers and JavaScript, PDF or SWF files.Since our prototype currently only supports JPEG andPNG files, these methods are unaffected by SAD THUG.However by adding appropriate parsers, it may be able todetect StegoTorus’s data hiding methods. Finally, Wus-trow et al.’s TapDance [58] requires that the attacker’ssystem in the protected network is able to engage in aTLS connection with a system outside that network. Thismethod is not applicable if the ALG conducts man-in-the-middle attacks against TLS connections. If it doesnot, SAD THUG would not be able to inspect the datatransfered and obfuscation on the payload level wouldnot be necessary anyway.

Switching to the position of the ALG in our threatmodel, we first take a look at Bartos et al.’ approach[13] which analyzes an HTTP proxy’s log files. Whilethe approach is very lightweight, in this domain, data in-or exfiltration attacks using image files are practically in-distinguishable from legitimate transfers and thus theirmethod cannot provide the utility of SAD THUG.

Similarly, Rahbarinia et al.’s Mastino approach [50],Stringhini et al.’s Shady Paths method [56] and Kwon etal.’s approach [35] use the observation that exploit kitsoften send browsers through a chain of redirects beforedelivering the actual exploit. However, this limits theseapproach’s utility to the infection phase and even therethe redirects are not a technical necessity. More so, whenexploit code is extracted from an image file by an other-

wise inconspicuous JavaScript, a technique used by sev-eral exploit kits, e.g. Angler [44], Astrum [4] or Sun-down [36], the approaches are unlikely to detect the at-tack. Finally, they cannot detect C&C interactions usinghidden messages in image files. The same holds for In-vernizzi et al.’s Nazca approach [33] but simply for thereason that they explicitly ignore media files like images.

SpyProxy, proposed by Moshchuk et al. [42], is lim-ited to detecting successful exploitation attempts but notimpeded by the use of steganography in the process. Tothe users in the network, it serves as a proxy but beforedelivering unknown content to a client, it redirects therespective URL to a farm of sandboxes and only if itsrendering does not trigger a sandbox violation, it is re-layed to the user. Taylor et al. use a similar approachbut use honeyclients to impersonate the client request-ing a conspicuous resource. Like all sandbox-based ap-proaches, they are resource-intensive and also subject toevasion techniques like busy-waits or fingerprinting. Guet al.’s BotMiner [26] is one of the few approaches thatmay detect C&C communications after infection. How-ever, not only does it heavily rely on other sensors butalso on observing communications with external hoststhat do not occur in our threat model. Similarly, Yu etal.’s PSI approach [60] does not implement a detectionmethod of its own but provides a framework integratingexisting network-based detection methods, like the Broand Snort IDS or the Squid HTTP proxy. Thus, whileit cannot detect the attacks SAD THUG is designed todetect, it could integrate our approach to provide com-prehensive protection against them.

Finally, we want to take a brief look at approachesfor detecting network-based steganography using JPEGfiles. Provos, partly in conjunction with Honeyman, pub-lished a small series of papers on hiding messages inJPEG files and detecting such embeddings [48, 47, 49].Like the other methods discussed below, their methodsare concerned with the embedding in or detection of em-beddings in the image data of these files. The Stegde-tect tool described in [48] uses a small set of special-ized χ2 tests on the DCT coefficient distribution of thefile in question to detect one of three embedding algo-rithms. Additionally, as we pointed out in section 6, theStegdetect tool contains methods for detecting structuralembeddings like the ones we detect with SAD THUG.While these methods were not covered by the respectivepaper, we included them in our evaluation to determinetheir effectiveness and provide a comparison for our ownmethod. Our evaluation in section 6 shows that Stegde-tect performs well for embedding methods based on theappend paradigm but effectively fails to detect embed-dings using other methods. Also, for JPEG files SADTHUG scores a mean false positive ratio that is one or-der of magnitude below that of Stegdetect.

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In another statistical approach to detecting informa-tion hiding in DCT coefficients, Andriotis et al. [11] useBenford’s law on the distribution of the DCT coefficientsto determine whether they carry a hidden message. Bar-bier, Filiol and Mayoura’s method [12] on the other handuses a training set to derive the probability density for in-dividual bits of the encoded coefficients. If a suspiciousfile does not match these ratios, is is considered mali-cious. The work by Cogranne, Denemark and Fridrich[21] uses a roughly similar approach but employs ad-vanced techniques to derive their empirical model andtest suspicious images against it. Despite their indis-putable merit, these approaches do not solve the problemat hand. Their methods are designed to detect anomaliesin the image data – which is disregarded by our approach– and do not consider information hidden in the struc-ture of image files. SAD THUG on the other hand hasdemonstrated its ability to very reliably detect this kindof embedding in the evaluation presented in section 6.

9 Conclusions and Future Work

9.1 ConclusionsIn this paper, we presented SAD THUG, an approach fordetecting structural anomalies in image files caused byhiding messages in them. It derives an abstract modelfor the legitimate structure of container files from a train-ing set and verifies whether newly observed files corre-spond to that model to classify them as either benign ormalicious. SAD THUG achieved perfect classificationacross all cross-validation data sets for eight methods andscored well or very well for the remaining sets. Its meanfalse positive ratio was just 0.68% for JPEG files and1.12% for PNG files. Hence, in this paper we presenteda very effective solution to a problem faced by computerusers and administrators around the world today.

9.2 Future WorkCurrently, our approach is limited to the most commonembedding methods that change the structure but not theimage data in JPEG and PNG files. Nevertheless, futuremalware could rely on DCT coefficient-based steganog-raphy in JPEG files and some malware has been ob-served abusing PNG image data to hide its communica-tion. Also, malware could use a combination of struc-tural and coefficient-based embedding to minimize theobservable effect in each domain. Thus, our approachshould be integrated with an approach or approaches thatcan detect embeddings in image data to provide compre-hensive detection.

In section 6.5, we pointed out that a surprisingly largefraction of image files referenced by popular websites

contain additional bytes behind their image data. Thishad some effect on SAD THUG’s ability to detect em-bedding methods with a similar effect on the cover file’sstructure. As highlighted by this observation – like for allmachine learning-based approaches – attackers could tryto influence our method’s ability to detect their attacksby poisoning its training set.

There are several avenues that should be explored tomitigate this threat. First and foremost, we could simplyremove residual data in the training data set as well asin files delivered to systems. This would effectively pre-vent the establishment of a covert channel using a largefraction of the methods discussed in this paper. For theremaining methods, SAD THUG scored perfectly. Weabstained from simulating this approach for our evalua-tion because that would have completely voided Stegde-tect’s detection.

Additionally, the training data could be hardened bynot including files from sites that allow users to up-load images. Thus, attackers would have to compro-mise each website they want upload data to. The ef-fect of this approach could be even increased by usinga cross-validation approach. Here, a given website’s im-ages would be verified against an automaton trained onlyon other page’s files, i.e. an attacker would have to com-promise even more websites based on the constructionof the training data set. Finally, instead of using abso-lute counts to determine whether a transition has beenobserved sufficiently often to include it in our model, wecould use weights that depend on the input data. Theseweights could for instance be scaled to limit the influ-ence that either individual files or sources have on SADTHUG’s automaton. While SAD THUG is already sur-prisingly robust against a skewed training set, we believethat these methods would not only improve its reliabilitywith respect to classification in general but also renderit close to impossible to attack by poisoning its trainingset.

10 Acknowledgments

The authors would like to express their gratitude towardsthe many people that supported the efforts leading upto this work. In particular, Daniel Plohmann of Fraun-hofer FKIE, who does not only preserve the most pro-found knowledge on reverse engineering and malware ofall kinds and creeds but is also always willing to sharehis knowledge and insights. Matthew Smith of the Uni-versity of Bonn identified key factors that allowed usto significantly improve our evaluation. Among others,Elmar Padilla of Fraunhofer FKIE provided some com-ments and feedback on an earlier version of this paper.Finally, we would like to thank the anonymous review-ers for their helpful comments and remarks!

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Notes1Microsoft’s 22nd Security Intelligence Report provides data for

the first three months in 2017 separately while earlier reports aggregatedata for each quarter. Due to the unknown overlap between the under-lying systems, the 22nd report cannot be used to identify a trend withrespect to the earlier reports.

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