sadlier-oxford vocabulary level g, unit 12 cathy murphy

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Aesthetic (think: artistic) (adj.) pertaining to beauty; sensitive or responsive to beauty Synonym: artistic


English 111

Sadlier-Oxford VocabularyLevel G, Unit 12

Cathy Murphy

Aesthetic (think: artistic) (adj.) pertaining

to beauty; sensitive or responsive to beauty

Synonym: artistic

Defunct (think: de-functional) (adj.) no longer in

existence or functioning; dead

Synonyms: extinct, nonexistent

Antonym: alive, extant

Discomfit (think: to make dis-comfortable)

(v.) to frustrate, thwart, or defeat; to confuse, perplex, or embarrass

Synonyms: nonplus, disconcert, foil

Espouse (think: you should support a spouse)

(v.) to take up and support; to become attached to, adopt; to marry

Synonyms: embrace, wed

Antonyms: repudiate, disavow, renounce


(n.) an object believed to have magical powers; an object of unreasoning devotion or reverence

Synonyms: charm, talisman, obsession

Gregarious (think of a sociable friend named Greg)

(adj.) sociable, seeking the company of others; living together in a herd of group

Synonyms: outgoing, extroverted

Antonyms: aloof, introverted, reclusive

Hapless (think: happy-less)

(adj.) marked by a persistent absence of good luck

Synonyms: unlucky, ill-starred, unfortunate

Antonyms: lucky, charmed, fortunate

Impeccable (think: no one can peck at your faults)

(adj.) faultless; beyond criticism or blame

Synonyms: flawless, spotless, immaculate

Antonyms: grimy, soiled, spotted, sullied

Importune (think: in-fortune)

(v.) to trouble with demands; to beg for insistently

Synonym: implore, entreat, dun, tax

Interpolate (interpose, insert, interject)

(v.) to insert between other parts or things; to present as an addition or correction

Synonyms: inject, interpose, introduce

Irreparable (think: ir-repairable)

(adj.) incapable of being repaired or rectified

Synonym: irremediable

Antonyms: remediable, fixable, reversible

Laconic (think: lack of words)

(adj.) concise, using few words

Synonyms: terse, succinct, pithy, compact

Antonyms: garrulous, prolix, loquacious, verbose

Languish (think: lazy people languish)

(v.) to become weak, feeble, or dull; to droop; to be depressed or dispirited; to suffer neglect,

Synonyms: flag, wilt, fade, pine

Mendacious (think: men) (adj.) given to lying

or deception; untrue Synonyms:

untruthful, false Antonyms: truthful,


Nadir (think of World Geography)

(n.) the lowest point Synonym: rock

bottom Antonyms: apex,

pinnacle, zenith

Omnipresent (think all-present)

(adj.) present in all places at all times

Synonyms: ubiquitous, ever-present

Perfunctory (think: per-factory) (adj.) done in a

superficial or half-hearted manner; without interest or enthusiasm

Synonyms: slapdash, cursory, shallow

Thorough, assiduous, diligent, meticulous

Plaintive (think: plainly sad)

(adj.) expressive of sorrow or woe; melancholy

Synonyms: sad, doleful, lugubrious

Antonyms: cheerful, blithe, joyous, merry

Requite (think: reimburse, recompense, repay)

(v.) to make suitable for repayment, as for kindness, service, or favor; to make retaliation, as for an injury or wrong; to reciprocate

Synonyms: reimburse, recompense, avenge

Tantamount (think: same amount)

(adj.) equivalent, having the same meaning, value, or effect

Synonym: indistinguishable from

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