sadp lhin july 29 presentation. working copy ns july 23

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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All about SADP

• Funded by the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network ( TCLHIN)

• Started in January 2009 to March 2010

• Developed by Flemingdon Health Centre in partnership with Social Services Network

• Focuses on the South Asian communities within Flemingdon Health Centre’s catchment area

Our Vision

To prevent diabetes among the South Asian Communities by outreaching and providing culturally relevant services at the community level.

Our Mission

The overall goal of the program is to provide the SA communities with equitable access to services by offering language specific and culturally sensitive diabetes prevention services

What we do

We reach out to the SA communities and;

• Conduct group screening sessions for prediabetes using an evidence- based tool tailored for the SA population

• Offer workshops: initial and follow up that focus on diabetes prevention

• Connect people and make referrals to different resources

SADP teamA multidisciplinary team;

• Registered Nurse

• Registered Dietician

• Outreach workers

• Project Coordinator

• Project Manager

Participants screened for since February 2009

Participants determined to be prediabetic


Screenings conducted13

Workshops conducted10

Groups/ centers to which SADP has been introduced26

Our Successes so far...

But, why choosing the South Asian communities and why focusing on


FHC’s Catchment Area Demographic

Demographics within a demographic

SADPP’s Database

Our Roles

• Anthropometric• Clinical Test: Finger Prick Test• Assessment of Risk Factors• Referral• Workshops

SADP as an innovative initiative

Screening Tool

– Unique to SADPP

– Tailored to South Asians

– Evidence based


• The research we conducted ( just pull the highlights from the research report)

SADP from the community perspective

• Bridging the divide

• Connecting with the community

• A common story


• Heba

Thank you!

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