safety & health management program...may 30, 2016  · management has overall responsibility for...

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Revision Date: May 30, 2016


Comet Builders LLC 309 Gallimore Dairy Road, Suite 102

Greensboro, NC

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program


Safety Regulations 6 Subcontractor Safety Performance 6 Subcontractor Safety Submittals 6 Notification of Unsafe or At-Risk Conditions 7 Incident & Injury Notification & Investigation 8 Early Return To Work Program 8 Safety & Health Responsibilities 10 Substance Abuse & Prohibited Articles Policy 11 Safety Training 13 Disciplinary Action Policy 14 Safety Inspections 16 OSHA Inspection Procedures 17 Project Specific Safety Plans 18 Emergency Procedures 18 Project Specific Emergency Action Planning 20 Hazard Communication Program 20 First Aid Requirements & Procedures 23

WORK SITE SAFETY & HEALTH RULES & PROCEDURES 26 General Safety Rules 26 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) 26 Housekeeping and Material Storage 29 Hand & Power Tools 29 Fall Protection & Prevention 31 Mobile Equipment 33 Rigging 34 Cranes 35 Ladders, Stairways & Ramps 40 Scaffolding 41 Fire Protection & Prevention 43 Electrical Safety 45 Hot Work 46 Confined Spaces 47 Trenching & Excavation 48 Lock-Out / Tag-Out 49 Motor Vehicle Safety 52 Cell Phone / Hand Held Device Usage Policy 53

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

FORMS TAB APPENDIX A: Notice of Health & Safety Non-Compliance A APPENDIX B: Incident & Injury Notification & Investigation Report B APPENDIX C: Safety Program Orientation & Acknowledgement C APPENDIX D: Safety Training Report D APPENDIX E: Site Safety Inspection Checklist & Report E APPENDIX F: Daily Crane Safety Inspection Report F APPENDIX G: Daily Forklift Safety Inspection Report G APPENDIX H: Daily Aerial Work Platform Inspection Report H APPENDIX I: Daily Scaffold Safety Inspection Report I APPENDIX J: Daily Trench & Excavation Safety Inspection Report J APPENDIX K: Project Specific Safety Plan K APPENDIX L: Emergency Action Plan L APPENDIX M: Rigging Inspection Report M APPENDIX N: Hot Work Permit N APPENDIX O: Confined Space Entry Permit O


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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

The safety and health of our employees, subcontractor employees, supplier employees and visitors associated with our projects is of paramount importance. Comet Builders LLC is committed to developing and implementing safety and health programs and procedures to ensure that everyone associated with our projects goes home safe and healthy every day. Comet Builders LLC believes that no job or task is more important than worker health and safety. Every effort will be made to plan a safe way to perform every task. This includes work performed by Comet Builders LLC employees as well as work performed by subcontractors.

Management’s Expectations of All Personnel

• If a task is not safe, or if you are unsure about an assignment, do not perform the assigned task and speak to your supervisor or management.

• If you see someone else working at risk, you have the authority to speak up, stop the task and ask those involved to take appropriate precautions.

• Make working safely the most important aspect of your job every day. Shortcuts that place worker safety and health at risk will not be tolerated. Make sure you are physically and mentally prepared to work safely.

• If you or someone else becomes injured at work, report it immediately so that future injuries may be prevented.

• All employees, subcontractor & supplier employees as well as visitors to our projects are expected to adhere to the requirements of this Safety & Health Management Program.

What You Can Count on From Management

• If you bring up a safety concern we will address it promptly. • No worker will be required, expected or allowed to place their safety and health

at risk to complete a task. • If you stop a task or the task of another person because of a safety concern, we

will support you. • If there is an accident, we will conduct an investigation to determine the root

cause of the accident such that future occurrences can be prevented.

The safety of everyone working for Comet Builders LLC requires cooperation and commitment from everyone involved. Making a commitment to working safe and injury- free is not just the right choice; it’s really the only choice.

Nathan Isner Construction Manager


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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

The objective of this Safety & Health Management Program is to prevent and eliminate injuries and illnesses to all employees and subcontractors working at Comet Builders LLC work sites and to encourage a culture where working safely becomes part of our everyday activities. This Safety & Health Management Plan is designed to achieve these objectives as follows:

• By providing safety and health training for all employees to ensure that everyone can complete their work in a safe and healthy manner.

• By ensuring that all work activities are supervised by experienced and competent persons.

• By making regular safety inspections of work areas and equipment for the benefit of all employees, subcontractors and visitors.

• By establishing safety rules and procedures for all employees and subcontractors to comply with.

• By providing and requiring the use of safety equipment for all employees working for Comet Builders LLC.

• By complying with safety and health regulations as established by OSHA and other regulatory agencies.

• By investigating all incidents, injuries and near misses in a manner that lessons can be learned that might prevent similar occurrences in the future.

• By ensuring that prompt care is provided for any injured person in the most expedient and appropriate way.

• By developing site specific safety plans and pre-task plans to anticipate and address project/task specific hazards.


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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

This Safety and Health Management Program (SHMP) was prepared to assist management, subcontractors and employees in understanding the health and safety expectations and requirements of Comet Builders LLC at all work sites. Compliance with the requirements of this SHMP is expected and a condition of employment and subcontract with Comet Builders LLC. Management has overall responsibility for the implementation and execution of this Safety and Health Management Program. Specific responsibilities are established later in this SHMP.

Comet Builders LLC and each subcontractor will incorporate and comply with, at a minimum, OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Construction Safety Regulations, OSHA 29 CFR 1910 General Industry Regulations (as applicable), other specific governmental regulations and requirements (as applicable), and this Safety and Health Management Program when determining the safe work practices and protection of workers. In the event any of these regulations, requirements, rules or procedures conflict, the most stringent shall be applied.

Comet Builders LLC expects each subcontractor to execute their work on all projects with a visible, proactive, and extraordinary vision and commitment to safety at all levels. Each subcontractor must plan their work with a focus on protecting their workers from incidents and injuries. Comet Builders LLC will monitor and assess each subcontractor for compliance with this Safety & Health Management Program and appropriate regulations. Subcontractors will be expected to take immediate corrective action to eliminate hazards, at-risk behavior, or non-compliance with this SHMP. Should the subcontractor fail to take immediate action to correct and eliminate safety hazards and non-compliance, Comet Builders LLC may take action including the suspension of work, correction of the unsafe work or employing a safety consultant to oversee subcontractor’s safety compliance at the subcontractor’s expense by way of deductive contract change order.

Prior to Beginning Work Each subcontractor is required to submit to Comet Builders LLC the following:

• Subcontractor’s written safety program. In the event that a subcontractor does not have a written safety program, the subcontractor shall adopt and implement this Safety & Health Management Program as the subcontractor’s written safety program at a minimum.


Safety Regulations

Subcontractor Safety Performance

Subcontractor Safety Submittals

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• Current certificate of insurance verifying worker’s compensation and general liability coverage. Automobile liability and other insurance coverage may be required as deemed necessary by Comet Builders LLC. Policy limits will be established by contract.

• Subcontractor shall maintain properly trained competent persons on site at all times to supervise high risk activities including but not limited to work requiring fall protection, scaffolding, rigging, crane operation & signaling, trenching & excavation, confined space entry, lock-out/tag-out, etc. Subcontractor will submit name(s) and training verification of designated competent persons as required or requested by Comet Builders LLC.

• Name(s) and training verification of trained and qualified equipment operators as required by the scope of work for cranes, forklifts, aerial lifts, etc.

• Current annual crane inspections for all cranes brought onto the project. • A listing of all hazardous chemicals and materials that will be brought onto the

site accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheet for each hazardous chemical and material to be used or stored on the project.

• Training verification of OSHA and client required training as necessary. On-Going Submittals Each subcontractor will be required to submit various on-going safety documents to Comet Builders LLC as required by the scope of work. Unless otherwise indicated, all submittals should be issued to the Comet Builders LLC Foremen or Project Manager. These submittals may include the following:

• Incident and Injury Notification and Investigation Report (Incidents must be reported immediately followed by written reporting within 24-hours.)

• On-going inspections of Cranes, Forklifts, Aerial Lifts, Rigging, etc. as required by this SHMP, OSHA or the client.

• Executed Pre-Task Safety Plans, Hot-Work Permits, Confined Space Entry Permits, etc. when required.

Each employee and subcontractor employee has the right and responsibility to notify the management and supervision of Comet Builders LLC of any unsafe or hazardous condition that may be present or observed without fear of retribution. Comet Builders LLC supervision and management will take immediate action to correct or remove any hazard brought to their attention. Non-compliance of OSHA or other regulations and requirements of this Safety and Health Management Program may be documented on a Notice of Health & Safety Non- Compliance form (Appendix A) and submitted to Comet Builders LLC. Comet Builders LLC management will promptly follow-up with the appropriate persons.

Notification of Unsafe or At-Risk Conditions

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

Every incident and injury must be reported immediately to the management of Comet Builders LLC. The Incident & Injury Notification & Investigation Report (Appendix B) should be used to report all incidents and injuries. The management of Comet Builders LLC, in conjunction with the involved subcontractor(s), will thoroughly investigate the incident/near-miss to determine the probable root cause(s). Preventive action plans will be developed to eliminate future occurrences. The Incident & Injury Notification and Investigation Report should be completed and submitted to the office of Comet Builders LLC within 24 hours of the occurrence. Injured employees will be accompanied to the medical facility by another employee whenever possible.

PURPOSE: The Early Return To Work Program (ERTW) is a progressive recovery method that is intended to facilitate the safe return of an injured employee to work when possible. POLICY: If an employee is temporarily unable to perform the full scope of his/her job duties due to either a work related injury or illness, he/she may be eligible to participate in the ERTW Program. Any ERTW assignment will be of a temporary nature with the goal of facilitating an employee’s return to his/her normal work activities as soon as possible. Comet Builders LLC reserves the right to determine the availability, type, and duration of all ERTW assignments on a case-by-case basis. The information in this document is designed to serve as a guideline to all employees and does not constitute a promise, commitment, or contract between any employee and the company. REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION:

1) An employee’s medical restrictions must be of a temporary nature (subject to improvement of the approved medical provider).

2) A Return to Work Prescription form or Physical Capabilities form must be completed by the approved medical provider.

3) The temporary work assignment must be of a productive nature. Because business conditions will vary, temporary work assignments may not always be available.

NOTE: If an employee refuses medically approved available work, that will be considered a refusal to work and may constitute a voluntary resignation by the company. Workers’ compensation, disability and other benefits may also be affected. EARLY RETURN TO WORK PROCEDURE:

1) Injured Worker a. Reports to their Supervisor or Manager when released to temporary

transitional duty by the approved medical provider within one working day for assignment to the job.

Incident & Injury Notification & Investigation

Early Return To Work Program

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

b. Meets with the supervising manager of the temporary transitional duty job to review policy and job description.

c. Reports any changes in condition to their Supervisor or Manager and arranges to see the physician if unable to work due to increase in symptoms (treating physician must authorize any days away from work).

d. Every effort should be made to schedule doctor appointments outside working hours.

e. Maintain weekly contact with their Supervisor or Manager. f. Failure to participate in approved temporary transitional duty assignments

may result in suspension of worker’s compensation benefits. g. While working in a temporary transitional duty position, an injured worker is

responsible to the supervising manager of the assigned department. The worker is expected to follow the same performance standards as a regular worker in the department. This includes satisfactory completion of the work assignments, reporting to work on time, completing scheduled shifts and arranging for time away from work with the supervising manager.

h. Submits time worked through the usual reporting procedure. 2) Supervisor or Manager

a. Obtains copy of the physician’s release to work and reviews it with the injured employee.

b. Provides the employee with a copy of the medical release from the physician. c. Discusses with injured worker the temporary transitional duty work. Reviews

policy, explains worker/supervisor responsibilities, including physical restrictions, reporting mechanisms and rate of pay.

d. Notifies workers compensation provider of injured workers’ return to temporary transitional work, scheduled hours and rate of pay.

e. Communicates clear understanding of work expectations. f. Monitors worker’s performance, which includes working within expected

parameters of the physical restrictions, attendance, quality and quantity of work assigned.

g. Verifies hours worked weekly. Notifies the worker’s compensation insurance company of any problems that arise, such as worker’s inability to perform assigned tasks, absenteeism or other performance problems.

h. Takes corrective action, initiates disciplinary measures as necessary. TERMINATION OF EARLY RETURN TO WORK ASSIGNMENT Early Return-To-Work assignments end when:

1) The job duties have been completed or are no longer required by the employer, or

2) The medical condition of the employee is determined, by the medical care provider, to be recovered sufficiently to resume his/her normal job duty assignment, or

3) The medical condition of the employee is determined, by the medical care provider, to be a permanent restriction and the employee becomes eligible for a permanency award or long term disability status.

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

Every employee and subcontractor working with Comet Builders LLC must understand their safety and health responsibilities at work. Each person will be held accountable to fulfill their safety and health responsibilities. Please notify the management of Comet Builders LLC if you are unsure of your safety & health responsibilities or feel you are unable to fulfill your responsibilities. Comet Builders LLC – Supervision and Management The management of Comet Builders LLC has overall responsibility for the effective implementation of this Safety and Health Management Program in all of the company’s operations and will serve as the safety representative for their assigned project(s). The responsibilities of Comet Builders LLC management are as follows:

• Review and update the safety requirements in this SHMP as needed. • Allocate resources to ensure that all work is executed in a safe and healthful

manner. • Ensure that this SHMP is communicated to and understood by all employees and

subcontractors. • Provide for on-going safety and health training of all Comet Builders LLC

personnel as required by this SHMP and OSHA regulations. Ensure training records and files are maintained.

• Ensure that the work is conducted in compliance with the requirements of this SHMP, project specific safety requirements and OSHA regulations through frequent and regular inspections of the work sites.

• Promote and encourage subcontractors and subordinate employees to fulfill their responsibilities as outlined in this SHMP.

• Investigate all accidents and safety violations and maintain records. Ensure provisions are made for the prompt treatment of any injured employee.

• Maintain safety files and safety documents required by this SHMP at the Comet Builders LLC office.

• Promote and encourage subcontractors to provide safety and health submittals as required by this SHMP and ensure files are maintained.

• Ensure Project Specific Safety Plans, Emergency Action Plans and Pre-Task Safety Plans are completed for each project.

• Attend safety and health training as required by OSHA or for professional development.

• Promote and encourage work to be performed in accordance with the Pre-Task Planning requirements of this SHMP, OSHA regulations and project specific safety requirements.

• Ensure that required safety permits and equipment inspections are completed as required by this SHMP and project specific safety requirements.

• Any additional safety and health responsibilities that are assigned throughout this SHMP.

Subcontractors & Suppliers • Adopt and implement a safety program that meets or exceeds the requirements

of this Safety & Health Management Program. In the absence of a written safety

Safety & Health Responsibilities

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program, subcontractors will be required to adopt and implement this Safety & Health Management Program at a minimum.

• Ensure that the subcontractor’s safety program or this SHMP is communicated to and understood by all employees.

• Ensure that the subcontractor’s safety program is implemented and that the work is conducted in compliance with the requirements of their safety program, project specific safety requirements, this SHMP and OSHA regulations through frequent and regular inspections.

• Immediately stop and correct any unsafe activity recognized by Comet Builders LLC, the project owner/client, the subcontractor’s own staff or OSHA.

• Report any injury or unsafe condition immediately to Comet Builders LLC. • Provide for the prompt treatment of any injured employee. • Any additional safety and health responsibilities that are assigned throughout this

SHMP. All Employees & Workers

• Work in such a manner as to ensure your own safety as well as the safety of co- workers and others in the work area.

• Understand and observe the safety rules and procedures established by this SHMP, project specific safety requirements and OSHA.

• Complete required tool & equipment safety inspections before beginning work. • Plan for safety before beginning each task. Stop work and request help when

unsure how to perform any task safely. • Correct unsafe conditions and acts immediately. If correction is not possible,

stop work and report any unsafe condition or observation immediately to a Comet Builders LLC supervisor or manager.

• Report to work in good physical and mental condition to safely carry out the work. • Report any work related incident or injury immediately. • Attend safety and health training as provided and required. • Any additional safety and health responsibilities that are assigned throughout this

SHMP. Visitors / Architects / Engineers

• Adhere to all Comet Builders LLC and project safety rules. • Check in with the Comet Builders LLC Supervisor or Manager prior to

entering any project site. • Obtain and wear the required personal protective equipment including hard hats,

safety glasses, etc.

This policy applies to all Comet Builders LLC employees, subcontractor employees and other third party employees while working on or visiting construction projects. This policy does not apply to Comet Builders LLC employees working away from active construction projects. Drug and alcohol abuse can contribute both to incidents and to greater risk for all

Substance Abuse & Prohibited Articles Policy

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

individuals employed by Comet Builders LLC, as well as the general public. The following are prohibited and will result in immediate termination while working for at Comet Builders LLC projects:

• Being under the influence of any amount of alcohol or illegal drugs. • The use, sale, offer to sell, purchase, transfer, distribution or possession of illegal

drugs, drug paraphernalia or alcohol products. • Possession of any firearm, explosive or other dangerous weapons.

Pre-Employment Drug Screening As a condition of employment with Comet Builders LLC, each applicant offered employment may be required to successfully pass a company sponsored drug screening. Reasonable Cause Drug Screening Any employee or subcontractor employee suspected to be under the influence of any amount of alcohol or illegal drugs will be temporarily suspended from work and required to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing. Subcontractor employee testing will be at the subcontractor’s expense. Post-Incident Drug Screening Any worker involved in an incident will be required to submit to a post incident drug and alcohol test performed within three (3) hours after the incident. Subcontractors will ensure that any worker involved in an incident submits to a post incident drug and alcohol test. Random Drug Screening Comet Builders LLC employees may be required to submit to random drug and/or alcohol screening as required by Comet Builders LLC management or to meet any contract requirements. Compliance with this policy is completely voluntary, however workers that refuse to be tested, stall to be tested, are uncooperative with test collectors, or attempt to alter a specimen will be considered positive and immediately suspended/terminated from employment. At a minimum, all drug and alcohol tests will follow current NIDA guidelines. Unless otherwise required by management or client requirement drug tests will consist of a 5 panel drug screen (Marijuana, methamphetamines/amphetamines, PCP, cocaine and opiates). Workers who test positive during any drug/alcohol screening will be immediately suspended/terminated from work with Comet Builders LLC. Individuals who test positive will not be eligible for future employment for a period of 6 months or until they can provide satisfactory evidence of rehabilitation from a facility recognized by Comet Builders LLC. Additional drug screening will be required before becoming eligible for future employment and randomly during re- employment. Should an individual who tested positive be re-hired and test positive a second time, the employee will be terminated and will not be eligible for future employment for 1-year and until they can provide satisfactory evidence of rehabilitation from a facility recognized by Comet Builders LLC. The results of all drug testing will be kept confidential.

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

Subcontractor, supplier and other third party company personnel found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to removal from the premises. Violation of this policy by a subcontractor or supplier may also result in cancellation of the contract or order between Comet Builders LLC and the subcontractor or supplier. Prescription Medications Working under the influence of some prescription medications could have a negative impact on your safety and the safety of others at work. If you are taking prescription medications that could impair your physical abilities, balance, judgment, focus, concentration or otherwise endanger you or another person, Comet Builders LLC requests that you confidentially notify management such that appropriate precautions can be taken to ensure the safety of everyone.

Employee Safety Orientation In an effort to maintain safe operations and communicate minimum company safety policies, procedures and expectations, Comet Builders LLC will issue a copy of this Safety & Health Management Program to all new employees and subcontractors. Each employee is required to read and acknowledge understanding of this Safety & Health Management Program by completing the Safety & Health Management Program Orientation & Acknowledgement form (Appendix C). Toolbox Safety Training Meetings Each Comet Builders LLC project supervisor or manager is required to hold a weekly “Toolbox Safety Training Meeting” to ensure all employees are informed of current safety requirements and best practices to minimize risk of incident and injury. All employees are expected to participate in these training meetings. Subcontractors are required to conduct their own weekly Toolbox Safety Training Meetings for their employees. Comet Builders LLC will maintain records of all safety training using the Safety Training Report (Appendix D) or similar roster. Professional Development Safety Training Professional Development Training is encouraged of all employees and will be provided on an as needed and as required basis. The following safety training courses are recommended for all construction supervisors and managers as needed:

• OSHA 10 or 30 Hour Construction Safety & Health Training Course • First Aid & CPR • Forklift Operator Safety Training • Trenching Competent Person Training • Scaffold Competent Person Training • Fall Protection Training • Confined Space Entry Training

Safety Training

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

At-risk behavior that could contribute to an incident or injury will not be tolerated by Comet Builders LLC. Each employee has an individual responsibility to work safely, and supervisors and managers are responsible for correcting at-risk behavior of workers under their direction. Failure to comply with this Safety and Health Management Program, OSHA Regulations or the verbal or written direction of Comet Builders LLC management or supervision may result in disciplinary action. At-Risk Behaviors that ARE Immediately Dangerous to Life & Health Comet Builders LLC reserves the right to immediately terminate an employee or remove a subcontractor employee from the project for at-risk behaviors that are Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health. Additionally, Comet Builders LLC may take action including the suspension of work, correction of the unsafe work or employing a safety consultant to oversee subcontractor’s safety compliance at the subcontractor’s expense by way of deductive contract change order. At-risk behaviors that may result in immediate termination or removal from the project include, but are not limited to:

• Failure to use fall protection where required. • Entering a Permit Required Confined Space without a proper permit. • Working on energized electrical equipment. • Failure to comply with Lock-Out/Tag-Out Procedures. • Failure to comply with the Substance Abuse Policy. • Possession of firearms, explosives or dangerous weapons. • Theft and other criminal activity. • Entering or allowing others to enter a hazardous barricaded area. • Fighting, horseplay, or practical joking. • Reckless or unauthorized operation of motorized vehicles or equipment. • Knowingly endangering the safety of another employee or worker.

At-Risk Behaviors that are NOT Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health The following three step disciplinary action policy will be applied for all safety infractions within a 12 month period that are NOT deemed Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health as determined by Comet Builders LLC supervision or management. • First occurrence: Documented verbal warning or written warning to

employee/worker and notification to subcontractor management. Re-training of affected employees/workers as deemed necessary by Comet Builders LLC.

• Second occurrence: Written warning and possible suspension from employment or the project without pay for three full work days and notification to subcontractor management. Re-training of affected employees/workers as deemed necessary by Comet Builders LLC management.

• subcontractor’s safety compliance at the subcontractor’s expense by way of deductive contract change order.

• Third occurrence: Comet Builders LLC employees may be terminated from employment. Subcontractor employees may be removed from the project indefinitely as deemed necessary by Comet Builders LLC management. Additionally, Comet Builders LLC may take action including the suspension of work, correction of the unsafe work or employing a safety consultant to oversee subcontractor’s safety compliance at the

Disciplinary Action Policy

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subcontractor’s expense by way of deductive contract change order. • Safety infractions and at-risk behaviors resulting in disciplinary action will be

documented on a Notice of Health & Safety Non-Compliance form (Appendix A). Records of safety infractions will be maintained at the offices of Comet Builders LLC

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

General Safety Inspections Comet Builders LLC project supervisor or manager will be responsible for conducting a general safety inspection of assigned projects to include all work areas, tools, equipment and operations on a daily basis for the purpose of identifying existing and potential safety, health and environmental hazards. General safety inspections must be documented as needed but not less that once per week using the Site Safety Inspection Checklist & Report (Appendix E). Completed Safety Inspection Checklists and Reports must be kept on file. Equipment & Activity Based Inspections The following safety inspections should be completed by qualified/competent employees of the respective subcontractor for all equipment before use. Any defects should be reported to Comet Builders LLC using the appropriate inspection forms

1) Daily Crane Inspections – Appendix F

2) Daily Forklift Inspections – Appendix G 3) Daily Aerial Work Platform Inspections - Appendix H 4) Daily Scaffold Safety Inspections – Appendix I

5) Daily Trench & Excavation Safety Inspections – Appendix J

If hazards are observed during any of these inspections they must be corrected promptly and when necessary, the appropriate subcontractors must be given notice. If a hazard cannot be immediately corrected, then the task must be stopped until a plan for safeguarding workers is developed and corrective action is implemented. Hazard abatement may be achieved through any of the following:

• Eliminating the hazard through engineering controls. • Protecting against the hazard by developing and implementing safe work practices. • Guarding against the hazard. • Providing and using personal protective equipment.

Safety Inspections

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Should a compliance officer from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration conduct an investigation of Comet Builders LLC projects, equipment or work activities, immediately notify the supervision and management of Comet Builders LLC. Comet Builders LLC employees will participate in all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) inspections in a cooperative, professional and courteous manner. Opening Conference

• Prior to the site inspection the OSHA compliance officer will typically hold an opening conference. Be polite, respectful, and cooperative. He/She will display their official credentials and ask to meet an employer representative. Always check the officer’s credentials to verify that they are a representative of the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

• During the opening conference, the compliance officer will explain the reason for the OSHA inspection, the scope of the inspection and the standards that apply.

OSHA will generally conduct inspections for the following reasons: Employee/worker complaint of unsafe conditions, general scheduled inspections, after a serious accident/fatality, plain view violations, etc. If the inspection is the result of an employee complaint, you should request a copy of the complaint.

• Be prepared to show the compliance officer the company’s safety and health management programs and associated safety files and records. Copies of safety programs and documents should not be given to the compliance officer without approval from Comet Builders LLC management. The compliance officer may want to review any or all of the following: Company safety and health management program manual Safety training records Hazard communication program and MSDS OSHA 300 logs Safety inspection records Safety disciplinary guidelines Emergency action plan

The Site Inspection Tour • A Comet Builders LLC supervisor or manager must accompany the OSHA

compliance officer during the inspection at all times. • Limit the extent of the inspection only to the areas asked to be seen by the OSHA

compliance officer. If possible, normal work procedures should not be altered in order to accommodate the inspection.

• Do not volunteer unrelated or unnecessary information. Do not argue with the compliance officer if you disagree with anything during the inspection. Make a note of the discrepancy.

• Be prepared to tell the compliance officer who is responsible for special services, such as: Temporary toilets First-aid kits Fire extinguishers

OSHA Inspection Procedures

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• The compliance officer will normally interview one or more employees. The compliance officer has the right to conduct these interviews in private unless the employee being interviewed asks for a supervisor to be present. Do not interfere with these interviews unless the interviews are being conducted in a manner that unreasonably disrupts work operations. The officer will probably ask some of the following questions: Who do you report to for First Aid? Where is the First Aid Kit? What is an MSDS? Where are the MSDS kept? What is the Hazard Communication Program about? Where is the nearest Fire Extinguisher? How do you use a fire extinguisher? How often do you have safety training meetings? What is your company’s policy regarding fall protection (6’ etc.)?

• Take note of the names of employees interviewed, equipment and materials examined and the description and location of any alleged violation.

• If the compliance officer points out an alleged violation, do not admit guilt or express that you agree that a violation exists. Instead take the necessary action to correct the alleged violation if possible. If you disagree with the compliance officer, do not cause an argument.

• If the compliance officer takes photographs to document a potential hazard, the supervisor/manager should also take photos from the same vantage point as the compliance officer and other vantage points as needed that may illustrate that there is no potential hazard.

Closing Conference • Ask the compliance officer if citations will be issued and for what alleged

violations. Ask the compliance officer to indicate the level of severity of the alleged citations (Non-serious, serious, willful, etc.). Make note of the alleged citations and severity level.

• After the closing conference, thank the compliance officer for any safety suggestions that were offered during the inspection and assure him/her that immediate action will be taken to correct any remaining alleged safety violations that were noted.

This SHMP will serve as the Project Specific Safety Plan for all projects. Prior to beginning work on each new project, Comet Builders LLC management and supervision will complete the Project Specific Safety Plan form (Appendix K) to ensure project specific safety planning has been completed and project specific safety responsibilities have been assigned. The completed Project Specific Safety Plan form (Appendix K) will serve as an amendment to this SHMP and together form the Project Specific Safety Plan. This project specific safety plan will include

Project Specific Safety Plans

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the following items:

Assignment of project safety responsibilities to Comet Builders LLC personnel and/or subcontractors.

Ensuring that the Site Emergency Action Plan is complete and in place including provisions for treatment of injured employees.

The completed Project Specific Safety Plan will be communicated to all affected employees and subcontractors working on the project.

The following procedures have been established to provide general guidelines for handling various emergencies. Medical Emergencies • Protect yourself and other workers from further injury. Call for emergency

services for all serious injuries. For minor injuries, contact your supervisor for instructions. Employees who have been injured should not transport themselves to the medical facility unless first authorized by your manager or supervisor.

• Immediately report the injury and location to your supervisor and Comet Builders LLC

• Provide first aid care only if you are qualified to render these services. Summon trained first-aid personnel as needed.

• No one on site is to attempt a rescue, except to remove someone from an immediate life threatening situation and then only if it can be done without endangering yourself or others. Professionally trained personnel will perform rescue operations.

• Preserve the area around the accident scene until a proper investigation can be conducted.

Fire and Explosion Procedures • All personnel must immediately evacuate all building areas and move to

safe locations. • Call the fire department and other emergency services as needed. • Report the fire or explosion and its location immediately to Comet Builders LLC

management. • No employee is expected or required to attempt to extinguish any workplace fire.

All personnel must immediately evacuate all building areas and report to the designated assembly area for head count and further instructions.

• If you have been trained, have a clear path of escape and can do so without risk of injury, you may at your discretion choose to attempt to extinguish small fires only, by use of portable fire extinguishers. In all other cases evacuate the area using the closest and safest exit.

Severe Weather Procedures - Tornadoes, Severe Storms, Hurricanes, High Winds • Secure all loose materials that may become air borne or are exposed to

damage from severe weather. • All workers on scaffolds, ladders, cranes, aerial lifts, and roofs must evacuate

to designated protected locations away from windows.

Emergency Procedures

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• Crane booms will be lowered if determined to be necessary by the crane operator or Comet Builders LLC management/supervision.

An Emergency Action Plan must be in place for each new project or work site. Comet Builders LLC will develop and implement an Emergency Action Plan using (Appendix L). The requirements of the Emergency Action Plan will be reviewed with all employees and subcontractors prior to beginning work.

This Hazard Communication Program must be reviewed with all employees and workers and

made available on each project in a location accessible to all employees and subcontractors.

All employees are entitled to know the properties and potential safety and health hazards of chemicals or substances that they may come in contact with while working for on Comet Builders LLC projects. No employee or subcontractor is expected to expose themselves to harmful levels of any hazardous chemical or substance while working on a Comet Builders LLC project. This Hazard Communication Program has been developed to ensure that information on hazardous chemicals and substances is communicated to workers in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.59/1910.1200. This shall include the necessary information for employees to safely handle, use and store potentially hazardous chemicals/substances as part of assigned work activities. The Comet Builders LLC project Manager or Supervisor will be responsible for ensuring the requirements of this Hazard Communication Program are fulfilled on their projects. Chemical Inventory A Chemical Product Inventory (Chemical List) will be developed for each project site. This list shall include all potentially hazardous materials and chemicals used or stored at the site by Comet Builders LLC. This chemical inventory will be made available for all employees to review. The location of the chemical inventory for each project will be established in the Project Specific Safety Plan (Appendix K). A copy of this chemical inventory may also be obtained by contacting the offices of Comet Builders LLC. Material Safety Data Sheets A Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) will be obtained from the chemical manufacturer or supplier and made available to employees for all known hazardous chemicals and materials used or stored by Comet Builders LLC. The location of the Material Safety Data Sheets for each project will be established in the Project Specific Safety Plan (Appendix K). Material Safety Data Sheets may also be obtained by contacting the offices of Comet Builders LLC. Contact your supervisor immediately if an MSDS cannot be located for any chemical used or stored on site. Employees should read, understand and comply with all instructions found on the MSDS prior to using any chemical. The Material Safety Data Sheet for each chemical will contain a variety of information necessary to safely handle, use and store the chemical including:

Project Specific Emergency Action Planning

Hazard Communication Program

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• Chemical & Common Name • Physical & Chemical Characteristics • Physical Hazards including potential for fire, explosion and reactivity • Health Hazards, signs and symptoms of exposure • Primary routes of entry into the body • OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit and Threshold Limit Value • Whether the chemical is a carcinogen (cancer causing) • Precautions for safe handling and use including hygiene practices

and procedures for clean-up of spills and leaks. • Engineering controls, work practice controls and PPE that should

be implemented while using the chemical. • Emergency first aid procedures. • Name, address and phone number of the manufacturer.

Chemical Container Labeling Comet Builders LLC and each subcontractor bringing hazardous chemicals and materials on the site will ensure that all hazardous chemicals/containers are properly labeled in accordance with the MSDS. If a chemical must be transferred from its original container into a secondary container, the secondary container must be labeled to indicate the container contents and appropriate hazard warnings. This includes containers used to dispense and transfer fuels such as gas cans. Employees should read, understand and comply with all instructions found on the chemical label prior to using any chemical. Employee Training Employees who work with or may potentially be exposed to a hazardous chemical or material will be informed of the requirements of this Hazard Communication Program, the location of the inventory listing of hazardous chemicals and materials, the location of Material Safety Data Sheets and labeling requirements. Each worker will also receive training prior to using or being exposed to hazardous chemicals or materials in their work area to include:

• An explanation of chemical labels, warnings and material safety data sheets. • How to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical in the work area. • The specific physical safety or health hazards of the hazardous chemical or

materials in the work area. • Procedures to protect against hazards associated with the chemical material. • Engineering controls, work practice controls and personal protective equipment

requirements necessary to protect against exposure. • Emergency procedures in case of exposure or an accidental spill.

Sharing of Information Due to the potential exposure of one contractor’s employees to another contractor’s chemical materials, each subcontractor is required to submit to Comet Builders LLC an inventory listing of all chemicals and materials that will be brought onto the site accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheet for each hazardous chemical and material. These submittals will be kept with the Comet Builders LLC Material Safety Data Sheets for access and review by all subcontractors and workers at the project site.

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Additional Information For more information regarding this Hazard Communication Program please contact the offices of Comet Builders LLC. Comet Builders LLC 309 Gallimore Dairy Road, Suite 102 Greensboro, NC 27409

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First Aid Kits & Supplies

• Comet Builders LLC will provide first aid kits and supplies for Comet Builders LLC employees at each work site. First Aid kits will be located in the company truck or in company tool boxes.

• Each subcontractor is responsible for providing and maintaining adequate first aid kits and supplies in their work areas for their employees.

• Personal protective equipment to protect first-aid providers from blood borne pathogens will be kept with each first-aid kit. Personal protective equipment will include rubber gloves and eye or face shields at a minimum.

• All first-aid materials used during the treatment of injuries shall be replaced as soon as possible.

• Subcontractors who misuse, damage or destroy first aid kits provided by will Comet Builders LLC be held financially responsible for the labor and material costs to replace them.

Trained First Aid Providers • Comet Builders LLC will ensure that at least one person certified in first-aid is

available at each work site to provide first-aid treatment to Comet Builders LLC employees. Each subcontractor is responsible for ensuring that at least one person on the project is certified in first-aid.

Blood Borne Pathogens Universal Precautions Policy & Procedures No employee shall provide first-aid treatment to another person without observing universal precautions as described below.

• Universal precautions shall be observed to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. For the purpose of these procedures “universal precautions” means protecting yourself from contact with any bodily fluid as if the fluid is infected with Hepatitis B, HIV or other blood borne pathogens. For the purpose of these procedures "other potentially infectious materials" includes all body fluids.

• No employee shall provide first-aid treatment where there is the potential for exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials, unless the proper personal protective equipment is worn including rubber gloves, eye and/or face protection and other protective clothing as needed.

• Immediately after first-aid treatment is rendered, the first-aid provider shall thoroughly wash their hands and any other skin exposed with soap and running water. In the absence of soap and running water, the employee shall use an antiseptic towel or hand cleaner in conjunction with either a clean cloth or paper towels to clean the hands and other exposed areas of the body. Washing with soap and running water shall be done as soon as feasible.

Basic First Aid Procedures Minor Lacerations, Abrasions, Punctures, etc.

• Clean the wound with antiseptic soap and water or antiseptic towel. • Apply antibiotic ointment or spray.

First Aid Requirements & Procedures

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• Cover the wound with a sterile dressing. • Apply a bandage to hold the dressing in place if necessary. • Seek medical treatment and obtain tetanus shots if necessary.

Major Lacerations, Abrasions, Punctures, etc. • Cover the wound with a sterile dressing and press firmly against the wound to

control bleeding. • Cover the dressing with a bandage to maintain pressure. • Elevate the wound if possible. • Apply force to pressure points if bleeding is still uncontrolled. • Call for emergency medical services and an ambulance immediately.

Impalement. • Never remove any impaled object from an injured person. • Place bulky dressings around the object and bandage the dressings to support

the impaled object. • Call for emergency medical and rescue services immediately.

Fractured/Broken Bones. • Do not move the injured person unless absolutely necessary. • Apply a splint to immobilize the injured bone or joint only if the injured person

must be moved by someone other than emergency medical personnel. A board, cardboard or a rolled newspaper may be used as a splint.

• Call for emergency medical services immediately or seek medical treatment. Neck and Spinal Cord Injuries.

• Minimize movement of the head and spine. • Maintain an open airway and check breathing and consciousness. • Control any external bleeding. • Call for emergency medical and rescue services immediately.

Burns. • Cool the burned area with large amounts of cool water for several minutes. Don’t

use ice or ice water except on minor burns. Do not touch or try to clean burns. • Loosely cover the burns with sterile dressings. Do not apply any pressure to the

burned area. • Do not apply ointments unless it is a very minor burn. • Seek medical treatment for burns unless they are very minor. • Victims of serious burns should lie down and be covered with soaked towels,

sheets or other wet cloths. • For severe burns call for emergency medical services immediately.

Chemical Burns. • Consult MSDS for first aid procedures. For most chemicals, flush skin or eyes

with large amounts of cool running water for 15-30 minutes or until emergency medical services arrive.

• Remove any clothes that have the chemical on them.

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• Seek medical treatment. Take the MSDS for the chemical to medical facility. Strains and Sprains.

• Apply ice to the affected area periodically for 72 hours or until the swelling goes away. Seek medical treatment if necessary.

Eye Injuries. • Do not rub your eyes. • Use the corner of a sterile cloth to draw out small particles only if the particle is

not embedded and is clearly visible or hold the eyelids open and flush the eyes continuously with clean water or irrigating solution.

• If foreign objects are embedded, do not attempt removal. Close and cover both eyes with bandages. Seek medical treatment immediately.

Heat Cramps. • Rest in a cool place. • Drink cool water or sports beverages. • Gently stretch and massage affected muscles. • Do not take salt tablets or drink salt water.

Heat Exhaustion. • Symptoms include cool, moist, pale or flushed skin, headache, nausea,

dizziness, weakness and exhaustion. • Remove the victim from the heat. • Loosen any tight clothing and apply cool, wet cloths. • Drink cool water. About 4 ounces every 15 minutes. • Allow the victim to rest in a cool comfortable location. • Monitor the victim for changes in condition and seek medical treatment if

necessary. Heat Stroke.

• Symptoms include refusing water, vomiting and unconsciousness in addition to heat exhaustion symptoms.

• Keep the victim lying down and continue to cool the victim’s body with wet cloths and ice packs.

• Call for emergency medical services immediately. Insect Stings/Bites and Snake Bites.

• Wash the wound. Remove stinger if present. • Seek medical treatment immediately for spider or snake bites. • Seek medical treatment as needed for other insect bites and stings.

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• Keep your mind on your work at all times. Avoid distractions that could cause you to

take your mind off of the task at hand and increase the risk of injury or incident. • Watch where you are walking. Running is not allowed on any project site. • Do not distract the attention of fellow workers. Do not engage in any act which

would endanger another employee. Horseplay is prohibited. • Never work at heights if you are afraid to do so, or if you have medical conditions

that make you subject to fainting, dizziness, seizures or other symptoms that could increase your risk of falling.

• When lifting tools and materials, lift with your legs - not your back. If the load is too heavy, GET HELP.

• Entering areas barricaded by other contractors is prohibited without the permission and safe clearance of the contractor in control of the barricaded area.

• Never throw anything "overboard." Someone passing below may be seriously injured.

All employees, subcontractors, vendors, and visitors will wear the following personal protective equipment as prescribed without exception while on Comet Builders LLC projects. All personal protective equipment required to be worn will be provided by Comet Builders LLC for Comet Builders LLC employees. Each subcontractor is required to provide their own employees with the required personal protective equipment. Each employee is expected to inspect and maintain their PPE on a daily basis and prior to use. Damaged PPE shall not be worn. Each employee is responsible for maintaining provided PPE in their possession. PPE that is lost will be replaced at the employee’s expense at the discretion of Comet Builders LLC. General work attire and work boots/steel toe boots must be provided by each employee. General Work Attire Shirts with a minimum sleeve length of three (3) inches are required at all times. Long sleeve shirts may be required for some activities. Tank tops or cut-off shirts are not permitted. Properly fitting long pants are required as necessary to protect against cuts, scrapes and other injury to the legs. Pants that are worn low on the hips or thigh are not allowed. The length of pants should be such that they do not present a tripping hazard. Shorts are only allowed during work activities that do not present hazards to the legs. Head Protection Hard hats meeting ANSI Z89.1 requirements must be worn at all times on all project sites. Ball caps or other head wear not specifically designed to wear with a hardhat will not be worn under the hard hat. Hard hats will be worn with the brim forward except when specifically allowed by the hard hat manufacturer or to accommodate a welding


General Safety Rules

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

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hood. All hardhats must be non-conductive. At the discretion of Comet Builders LLC, the policy to wear hardhats at all times may be relaxed at times or near the end of the project to an “as needed” basis. Hard hats will always be required when exposed to overhead work, falling/flying objects, impact hazards, etc. Foot Protection Sturdy work boots that are in good condition must be worn at all times on Comet Builders LLC work sites. Safety-toe shoes are recommended and will be required depending on project conditions or work activity exposure. Slip resistant shoes are recommended at all times and will be required depending on the project conditions. Tennis shoes, sandals, or other street-type shoes are not allowed. Other protective footwear shall be worn as needed to protect from chemicals and other hazards. Eye and Face Protection Appropriate eye and face protection is required during any work activity that creates potential hazards from flying objects or particles, chemicals, arcing, glare, or dust. When required, eye and face protection equipment must meet ANSI Z87 requirements. The following table should be used as a guide to determine appropriate eye and face protection for various activities and operations.

Work Activity/Operation Required Eye & Face Protection Equipment Welding Safety Glasses & Welding Hood with Proper Lens Torch Cutting Appropriate Shade Cutting Goggles & Face Shield Grinding of Metals or Concrete Safety Glasses and Face Shield Drilling or Reaming Safety Glasses Drilling or Reaming Overhead Safety Glasses and Face Shield Sawing Metals with Abrasive Saws Safety Glasses and Face Shield Sawing Masonry or Concrete Safety Glasses and Face Shield Pneumatic/Gas/Powder Nail Guns Safety Glasses Handling Chemical Liquids Chemical Goggles and Face Shield General Power Tool Operations Safety Glasses (Add face shield as needed)

Hand Protection All employees and workers are required to wear gloves appropriate for their work at all times during activities that present a potential for hand and finger injuries. Protective gloves or clothing are required as necessary to protect against sharp objects, abrasions, lacerations, punctures, thermal or chemical burns. The following table should be used as a guide to determine appropriate hand protection for various activities and operations.

Work Activity/Operation Required Gloves/Hand Protection Welding or Torch Cutting Leather Welding Gloves Handling, Grinding or Cutting Metals/Concrete Leather Gloves Sawing Masonry or Concrete Leather Gloves Using Utility Knives/Sharp Tools Leather or Cut Resistant Gloves Chemical Handling Compatible Chemical Gloves

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High-Visibility Reflective Vest Any worker that must work in or adjacent to an active roadway or in other areas of exposure to vehicle and equipment traffic will wear an approved high-visibility reflective vest. Hearing Protection Approved hearing protection (earplugs or noise muffs) will be worn as necessary while working with or around high-noise level producing machines, tools, or equipment. Hearing protection must be considered when noise levels are at or above 90 decibels. A good rule to follow is: When you must raise your voice to be heard over the surrounding noise level, you need hearing protection. Exposure to impulsive or impact noise shall not exceed 140dB noise level. Respiratory Protection Comet Builders LLC will endeavor to implement engineering controls as needed to eliminate or reduce airborne contaminants to safe levels and therefore wearing a respirator will not be routinely required by Comet Builders LLC employees. When cutting, grinding, chipping or sanding silica containing materials (concrete, masonry, asphalt, etc.), engineering controls will consist of wet-cutting, grinding, chipping, etc. to eliminate airborne concentrations of silica and other substances. HEPA filter equipped vacuum equipment attached to saws, grinders, sanders, etc. may be employed as an alternative or additional engineering control when suitable for conditions and materials. If engineering controls cannot be implemented or when engineering controls do not reduce airborne contaminates to safe levels and it becomes necessary for Comet Builders LLC employees to use respiratory protection to protect employees from inhalation hazards created by fumes, vapors, dust, smoke, gases or other airborne contaminants, the requirements outlined in OSHA 29 CFR 1926.103 and OSHA 29 CFR

will be followed, which include: 1. Have affected workers complete a Medical Questionnaire for Respirator Use. 2. Submit questionnaires to a Physician or Licensed Health Care Professional

(PLHCP) for review and further medical testing and evaluation. 3. Once medical approval to wear a respirator is received from the PLHCP:

a. Select the appropriate type of respirator, filter and cartridge to protect workers from the hazard(s).

b. Train affected workers about the specific type(s) of respirator(s) being used. c. Fit-test the workers with the specific type(s) of respirator being used.

If a worker desires to voluntarily wear a filtering face piece respirator, commonly referred to as a dust respirator and a respirator is not required, the worker will be informed about the limitations of the selected respirator and the proper procedure for wearing the respirator. Additional Protective Equipment During the course of work or activity, Comet Builders LLC may require workers to wear additional personal protective equipment to reduce the likelihood of a work related injury or illness.

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A sign of quality work is a clean and organized work area. A clean and organized work site is the start of a safe work site. Comet Builders LLC and all subcontractors will maintain clean and organized operations free from scrap material, trash and debris. All areas must give the direct and obvious impression of a clean and orderly work place at all times. The following are the minimum housekeeping and material storage requirements for Comet Builders LLC operations: • All work locations and storage areas shall be kept clean and orderly at all times. • Materials shall be stacked and stored so that they will not create a falling, lifting or

tripping hazard. • Stored material must be kept at least 6 feet from unprotected floor openings and at

least 10 feet from unprotected floor perimeters. • Slippery or wet areas must be cleaned up immediately to prevent slips or falls. • All protruding nails in scrap lumber and crates must be removed, bent, or otherwise

protected to eliminate puncture hazards. • Material and debris must be kept clear from active work areas, passageways, and

stairs. Waste material must be stacked in orderly piles to prevent tripping hazards. • Flammable debris, scrap material and other waste will be removed from the work area

as the work progresses and at a minimum, on a daily basis. • Throwing or dropping materials from upper floors is not permitted. • Access walkways, roadways, and fire lanes will not be blocked with trucks,

equipment, material, tools, ladders, scaffolds, welding leads, air hoses or electrical cords at any time.

• Trash containers will be provided and placed at appropriate locations as needed and required.

General Requirements • Do not use power tools and equipment until you have been properly instructed in the

safe work methods and become authorized to use them. • Before servicing, repairing, adjusting or changing the bit, blade or wheel on any

electric, air, hydraulic or other powered tool or piece of equipment, it must be unplugged or otherwise disconnected from the power source. The plug end (power source) must be in the control of the person servicing the tool at all times. If disconnection is not possible its power source must be locked out and tagged. The battery must be removed prior to servicing any battery operated saw, grinder, etc.

• Disconnect the power supply of power tools when not in use for extended periods. • All hand and power tools must be kept in good condition through regular inspection

and maintenance. Keep tools clean and sharp for safe operation. • Hand and power tools must be used according to manufacturer’s instructions and


Housekeeping and Material Storage

Hand & Power Tools

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• Appropriate personal protective equipment must be worn when using hand or power tools.

• Keep unnecessary persons at safe distances from the work area when using power tools.

• Place your work on saw horses or other suitable surface and secure your work with clamps or a vise to free up both hands to operate the tool. Using both hands to hold a power tool can help you control the tool in the event that a drill bit, saw blade or grinding wheel suddenly stalls causing it to “kick back”.

• Power tools will operate better, faster and safer when excessive force is avoided. • Be sure to maintain good footing and balance when using hand and power tools. • Appropriate clothing should be worn when using tools. Loose clothing, untucked

shirts, unbuttoned sleeves and jewelry could get caught in moving or rotating power tools causing serious injury. Long hair and long beards must be secured and tucked inside your shirt before operating any rotating tools or equipment.

• Tools should not be modified in any way. • Any tool that becomes damaged or is otherwise unsafe for use must be removed

from service and tagged “Danger – Do Not Use”. Hand Tools • Impact tools such as chisels, wedges, punches, etc. must be maintained to prevent

mushroomed heads. • Wooden handled tools such as hammers must not be splintered or cracked. All tool

handles must be maintained in a tight condition. • Hand tools must be used for the purpose for which they were designed. Always use

the right tool for the job. • When using utility knives and other similar cutting tools, always cut in a direction

such that the blade is facing away from your hands and body. A simple slip of the blade could seriously injure you or someone else.

Electric Power Tools • Power tools must never be carried, hoisted or lowered by the cord. • Never yank on a cord to disconnect it from the receptacle or another cord. Instead

unplug it by pulling on the plug end. • Electric power tools must not be used in explosive or flammable atmospheres unless

they are suitable for these environments including the electrical connections. • Saws including hand-held circular saws, miter saws, radial arm saws and table saws

must be equipped with guards that cover the blade’s teeth along the entire circumference of the blade except where the blade is in contact with the work material. Guards must not be removed or made inoperative.

• When using a table saw a “push stick” should be used when necessary to keep your hands a safe distance from the blade.

• When using a circular saw or table saw to make a partial cut, turn the saw off once you reach the end of the desired cut, then allow the saw blade to coast to a stop before removing the saw blade from the material. This will reduce the likelihood of kick-back.

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• Circular saw and table saw blades should be adjusted so that the depth of the cut is approximately 1/4-inch deeper than the thickness of the material.

• Table saws should be stored with the blade fully lowered below the table surface. • Table saws must be used in conjunction with a device to prevent unexpected restart

of the saw following a temporary loss of power to the tool. • Electric power tools must be equipped with appropriate safety switches from the

manufacturer. • Electric tools must have a three-wire cord with ground pin intact unless it is double

insulated. Portable Abrasive Wheel Tools • All grinders and abrasive wheel saws must be equipped with guards as supplied

from the manufacturer. Guards must not be removed. • Grinding disks and wheels will be checked to verify they are compatible with the

grinder and are rated for the operating speed (rpm) of the grinder. • Grinders will be equipped with all handles as supplied by the manufacturer and shall

be used at all times. • Abrasive wheels should be “ring tested” to detect cracks before being installed on

the tool. Pneumatic Power Tools • Clips, whips or retainers are required at each air hose coupling and to prevent

attachments from being ejected from the tool. • Compressed air must not be used to blow dust or dirt from your clothes, hair, or

hands. • Air compressor tanks will be drained of water condensation at the end of each shift. Powder Actuated Tools • Only trained and authorized workers will be allowed to operate a powder actuated

tool. Operator training cards must be kept in your possession while using powder actuated tools.

• Powder actuated tools shall not be used in a confined space or flammable/explosive atmospheres.

• Powder actuated tools shall not be loaded until just before being fired. • Powder actuated tools shall not be left loaded when not in use or unattended. • Powder actuated tools shall not be pointed towards anyone including yourself.

Fall Protection Policy Comet Builders LLC and all subcontractors will take all practical measures to eliminate, prevent, and control fall hazards. Fall protection is required for all workers at all times when exposed to falls to lower levels of 6 feet or more. All work will be planned with the intent to eliminate identified fall hazards. When a fall hazard has been identified that cannot be eliminated, then effective means of fall protection will be implemented.

Fall Protection & Prevention

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Approved Fall Protection Systems and Criteria for Comet Builders LLC: • Personal Fall Arrest Systems: Personal fall arrest systems shall consist of an ANSI approved full-body harness,

double shock absorbing lanyards, approved anchorage connectors and anchor points. Self retracting lifelines, horizontal lifelines and vertical lifelines used in conjunction with a rope grab may also be used as part of a personal fall arrest system.

All snaphooks on lanyards and lifelines must be the double-locking type. Body belts are not allowed as part of a personal fall arrest system. Body harnesses must be properly adjusted to fit snugly with all straps properly

connected. Each employee must inspect their personal fall arrest equipment prior to each

use for damage or defects. Damaged or defective fall arrest equipment shall not be used and shall be removed from service, destroyed and then disposed of.

Points of anchorage for lanyards and lifelines should be capable of supporting 5,000 lbs. per person attached. When in doubt, have a qualified person evaluate your anchor point.

Personal fall arrest equipment shall not be used for any other purpose such as in place of rigging equipment to hoist materials.

Never attach one lanyard to another lanyard to increase its length. A snaphook should never be attached to another snaphook. Only attach snaphooks to the D- ring on your harness and to proper points of anchorage and anchorage connectors.

• Floor Hole Covers: All floor penetrations 2 inches or larger must be protected with a cover capable of

supporting a minimum of twice the maximum intended load to be applied to it. All floor hole covers must be securely fastened or cleated to prevent accidental

displacement. All floor hole covers must be labeled or marked “Danger – Hole Cover” or similar


• Guardrail Systems: Comet Builders LLC employees are not required to use personal fall arrest

systems (tie-off) when working in areas that are protected by a proper guardrail system, except when working from the platform of an aerial lift or when employees must lean over or reach through guardrail systems.

Guardrail systems must consist of at least a top rail, mid rail and toe board. The top rail of a guardrail system must be capable of resisting a 200 lb. force outward or downward without deflecting more than 3 inches. The mid-rail of a guardrail system must be capable of resisting a 150 lb. force applied outward or downward. The toe board of a guardrail system must be capable of resisting a 50 lb. outward force.

Climbing or standing on any part of a guardrail system is prohibited. Standard guardrail systems should never be used as an anchor point for

personal fall arrest systems.

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The following table provides minimum specifications for the construction of guardrails systems.

Construction Criteria Wooden Guardrails Steel Pipe Guardrails Wire Rope Guardrails

Height of Top Rail 42” 42” 42” Height of Mid Rail 21” 21” 21” Height of Toe Board 3 ½” 3 ½” 3 ½” Top Rail Size 2 x 4 1 ½” Schedule 40 3/8” Diameter Mid Rail Size 2 x 4 or 1 x 6 1 ½” Schedule 40 3/8” Diameter Toe Board Size 1 x 4 ¼” Plate or Wood 1 x 4 ¼” Plate or Wood 1 x 4 Post Spacing 8’ 8’ (See Note) Post Size 2 x 4 1 ½” Schedule 40 (See Note) Note: Post spacing and size for wire rope guardrails to be determined by a qualified person.

Fall Hazard / Fall Protection Training Each contractor that will have employees working at height will be required to provide Fall Hazard/Fall Protection Training to the affected employees and submit training records to Comet Builders LLC prior to beginning work. Periodic refresher training may be required as deemed necessary by Comet Builders LLC.

General Requirements • Equipment and vehicles shall only be operated by persons that are authorized and

have the requisite training and experience. • Parking brakes shall be set on all parked vehicles and equipment. All vehicles and

equipment parked on a slope shall have the parking brake set and wheels chocked to prevent accidental movement. Vehicles with trailers shall also have the trailer wheels chocked.

• All equipment operated from a seated position must be equipped with rollover protective structures (ROPS).

• Seatbelts are required to be worn at all times in equipment equipped with ROPS. • No equipment or vehicle will be used to transport personnel unless it is specifically

designed to do so. Riding in the bucket, on the forks, fenders or running boards of equipment is prohibited. Riding in the bed of pick-up trucks is prohibited.

• Vehicles and equipment operating with an obstructed view to the rear must have an audible backup alarm. A spotter is recommended when backing all mobile equipment and is required in confined or congested work areas.

• Rated lifting capacities and hazard warnings must be conspicuously posted on all equipment and observed.

• Never oil, lubricate or fuel equipment while it is running or in motion. Lock-Out/Tag- Out equipment prior to doing any service work.

• Vehicles and equipment must not be operated in close vicinity to open trenches or excavations.

Mobile Equipment

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• Make sure operators can always see you before walking near operating equipment or vehicles. High visibility vests should be worn when you must work around moving equipment and vehicles.

• Equipment must not be operated within 10 feet (minimum) of overhead power lines. • Equipment operators are responsible to check their equipment daily to verify

it is working properly. As a minimum, each operator will check:

Brake systems Lights and mirrors Backup alarm & horn Hydraulic systems Steering mechanism

Forklifts Operating controls Safety devices Fire extinguisher (if equipped) Limit switches Fluids and leaks • Forklift operators must be properly trained and possess an operator’s certification

issued by their employer. A copy of forklift operator certifications must be submitted to Comet Builders LLC prior to operating forklifts on site.

• All forklifts must be inspected each day prior to use. Forklift inspections should be documented using the Daily Forklift Safety Inspection Report (Appendix G).

• Lifting workers on the forks of a forklift is prohibited unless a proper safety platform is used and procedures described by OSHA and the forklift manufacturer are followed.

Aerial & Scissor Lifts • Employees must be properly trained and authorized prior to operating any aerial

or scissor lift work platform. • All aerial work platforms must be inspected each day prior to use. Aerial work

platform inspections should be documented using the Aerial Work Platform Safety Inspection Report (Appendix H).

• Persons working from aerial lifts shall use a properly anchored personal fall arrest system (harness & lanyard) at all times.

• Workers must not sit, climb or stand on the guardrails or toe boards of an aerial or scissor lift to increase working height.

• Ladders or other items must not be used on the platform of an aerial or scissor lift to increase working height.

• Aerial and scissor lifts shall be positioned on level surfaces before being elevated. • Aerial and scissor lifts shall not be used as a crane to hoist suspended loads

unless specifically allowed by the manufacturer.

General Requirements


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• Workers engaged in rigging loads to be lifted must be qualified through training and experience.

• All rigging hooks including hooks on chain hoists and come-a-longs must be equipped with operable safety latches.

• All rigging equipment shall have a manufacturer’s tag or be otherwise marked noting its safe working capacity. Rigging equipment and spreader bars not tagged or marked with capacity ratings will not be used in conjunction with lifts made on Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC projects.

• Rigging capacities shall not be exceeded. • Rigging equipment used on Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC

projects will be inspected each day prior to use to ensure that it is designed and rated for the loads imposed and is free of excess wear and damage. Damaged rigging equipment shall be immediately tagged and removed from service.

• Rigging inspections can be documented as needed using the Rigging Safety Inspection Report (Appendix M).

Requirements for Cranes

• Annual certification inspections must be submitted to Comet Builders LLC for any crane operating on a Comet Builders LLC project. Copies of these certifications will be kept with each crane at all times.

• Only Certified Crane Operators (CCO) will be allowed to operate cranes on Comet Builders LLC projects.

• Each crane will be inspected daily prior to use by the operator. Any deficiencies identified, that could affect the safe operation, must be corrected prior to use. Daily crane inspections must be documented using the Daily Crane Safety Inspection Report (Appendix F) or equivalent.

• The entire swing radius of the rear rotating superstructure of all cranes must be barricaded to prevent crushing injuries.

• Hoisting operations will be suspended when wind, lightning or other weather conditions create a hazard. Booms will be lowered as needed.

• A tag line will be attached to and used to control all hoisted loads. • Cranes and their loads shall not be operated within 10 feet of electrical lines

rated less than 50 kilovolts. For lines rated over 50 kilovolts, minimum clearance shall be increased according to the table below. Where necessary proximity warning systems or persons shall be designated to ensure or observe safe clearance. Where safe clearance distances cannot be maintained, utility authorities shall be contacted to de-energize, insulate or relocate lines. Cranes shall not be operated under power lines.

Power Line Voltage Minimum Safe Approach Distance Up to 50 kV 10 Feet

50 kV to 200 kV 15 Feet 200 kV to 350 kV 20 Feet


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350 kV to 500 kV 25 Feet 500 kV to 750 kV 35 Feet

750 kV to 1000 kV 45 Feet

• Load charts, hand signals and other warnings shall be clearly posted at crane operator stations. Rated capacities, warnings and other manufacturer’s recommendations shall be observed and shall not be exceeded.

• Prior to erecting cranes within regulated aviation glide slopes, near airports or in the vicinity of helicopter landing pads, Comet Builders LLC will ensure that proper notifications and precautions have been taken including obtaining permits that may be required from the FAA.

• All overhead hoisting areas shall be considered limited access zones and properly controlled by the contractor in charge of the hoisting operation.

• The crane manufacturer’s load charts are often developed for use under ideal conditions. Actual field conditions vary widely and are often not ideal conditions in comparison to the crane manufacturer’s specifications. Therefore, the following guidelines must be followed: The ground where the crane will be setup must be solid and able to support

the weight of the loaded crane. Determine if underground utilities exist near where the crane will be set up.

Ensure the crane is level 360o and maintained during operation. Extend outriggers fully or set per the manufacturer’s recommendation for a

particular lift configuration. Crane weight must be off the tires unless working from “on rubber” load charts.

Cribbing or mats under outrigger pads should be of sufficient size and properly placed to ensure adequate soil bearing.

Cranes should never be erected near the top of a steep slope, trench or excavation.

Hoisting Personnel Cranes shall not be used to hoist personnel unless conventional means of access including ladders, scaffolds and aerial lifts would create a greater hazard or are infeasible due to structural design or site conditions. Proper procedures will be developed in accordance with OSHA regulations prior to hoisting any personnel with a crane.

Hand Signals & Signal Persons • Only trained and authorized personnel will be allowed to signal crane operators. • Only one person shall signal the crane at a time. • Crane operators will observe a “stop” signal given by anyone. • A signal person will be required in the following situations: When the point of operation, meaning the load travel path or the area near or

at load placement, is not in full view of the operator. When the equipment is traveling, the view in the direction of travel is

obstructed. Due to site specific safety concerns, either the operator or the person

handling the load determines that it is necessary. • Signals to operators will be by standard hand, voice or other audible signals.

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• When hand signals are used, the standard signals on the following pages shall be used.

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General Requirements

• Where employees must access elevated areas where there is a change in elevation of 19 inches or more, a ladder, stair or ramp will be used.

• Ladders will be used to access truck beds, trailers, loading docks and other similar elevated surfaces. Jumping from elevated surfaces including trucks and trailers is prohibited.

• Stairs, ladders and ramps will be structurally sound and capable of supporting intended loads without excessive deflection.

Stairways • Stairways having four or more risers or rising 30 inches or more will have a stair

rail system 36 inches high on each unprotected side. This shall not apply during stairway construction. Other fall protection systems such as personal fall arrest systems will be used during stairway construction.

• Stairways shall not be used when covered with snow, ice, mud or other slipping hazards.

• Stairways shall be kept fee of cords, debris and other tripping hazards. • All employees shall use one hand to grasp the handrail at all times when

travelling up or down stairways. Employees shall not carry excessive materials when walking on stairways such that one hand is not free to use the handrail.

Ramps • Ramps will be designed by a competent person and will be capable of supporting

without failure 4 times the maximum intended load. • Ramps will be securely fastened at one or both ends to prevent accidental

displacement from their supporting surfaces. • Ramps shall be at least 18 inches in width. • Guardrails will be installed on any open side of a ramp where a fall hazard

exposure in excess of 6 feet exists. Guardrails will consist of top rail, mid-rail and toe board.

Ladders • All ladders including job-made ladders will conform to OSHA and ANSI

standards. • Ladders used to access upper levels must extend past the bearing point no less

than 36 inches. • When ladders are used to access upper levels, they must be secured at the base

(when necessary) and at the top by tying to prevent displacement. • Aluminum ladders shall not be used around sources of electrical current. • Each employee is required to visually inspect ladders each day prior to use.

Ladders with broken or bent rungs, steps or side rails must be immediately removed from service, tagged “Danger – Do Not Use” and ultimately removed from the work area. Damaged ladders must be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications or rendered unusable and then discarded.

• All ladders must be rated for commercial or industrial use and shall have a duty

Ladders, Stairways & Ramps

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rating of no less than 250 pounds. Ladders shall not be overloaded. • Stepladders must only be used in the fully opened position. • Standing on the top or top step of any ladder is prohibited. • Extension ladders must be set up using the 4 to 1 rule. The base of the ladder

should be set out 1 foot horizontally for each 4 feet of ladder length. • All ladders will be equipped with slip resistant feet. • Ladder landing areas must be kept clear of items and debris that could create a

tripping hazard. • Personal fall arrest systems (harness, lanyard, etc.) are required when working

from a ladder in such a manner that causes the worker to reach or lean excessively off the side of the ladder. As a general guideline, if the worker’s belt buckle is beyond the side rail, personal fall arrest systems will be required when fall exposures are in excess of 6 feet.

• Personal fall arrest systems (harness, lanyard, etc.) are required when working from a ladder at a height of 6 feet or more and the work operation could cause you to lose your balance and fall.

• Carrying large, heavy or bulky items such as lumber, pipe or ductwork while climbing or descending a ladder is prohibited. At least one hand must be in contact with the ladder while climbing or descending.

• Employees must always face the ladder while ascending or descending. • Ladders shall not be placed in the swing path of doors unless the door is blocked

in the open position and suitable signage and/or barricades are erected. • Ladders shall only be placed on stable and level surfaces. Ladders shall not be

used on top of scaffolds or other elevated surfaces. • Ladders shall not be occupied by more than one person at a time unless

specifically designed for this type of use by the ladder manufacturer.

General Requirements

• Each contractor using scaffolds must designate a trained and experienced competent person to direct and supervise the erection, use, alteration and dismantling of any scaffold. Competent person training records must be submitted to Comet Builders LLC prior to beginning scaffold operations.

• The designated competent person must inspect each scaffold on a daily basis prior to use. The Daily Scaffold Safety Inspection Report (Appendix I) or equivalent must be used to document these inspections. Inspection reports must be submitted to Comet Builders LLC.

• The competent person must inspect all scaffolding components for defects and damage prior to erection. Damaged or defective components will not be used. Scaffold components that become damaged during use shall be immediately removed from service.

• Scaffolds shall not be loaded in excess of their rated capacity. • Work is prohibited on scaffolds that become covered with snow, ice or other

slippery materials except to remove these materials.


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• The use of “site-made” scaffolds is prohibited except when the use of conventional manufactured or other OSHA recognized scaffolds are infeasible.

• Ladders, buckets, stilts or makeshift devices shall not be used on top of any scaffold to increase working height.

• In addition to wearing hard hats all workers on scaffold platforms must be protected from objects falling from above such as hand tools, debris, and other small objects.

• Walking under or near the base of occupied scaffolds is strictly prohibited because of the hazard of falling materials and debris. The area below scaffolds must be barricaded to warn of the hazard of falling objects.

• When scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet above or below a point of access an approved stair, ladder or ramp must be provided and used to gain access to and from scaffold platforms.

• All scaffold planks must be secured to prevent displacement or overlap their supports at least 6" but not more than 12". All scaffold platforms must be fully and tightly planked. Gaps between scaffold planks shall not exceed 1 inch. All scaffold planks must be scaffold grade or engineered planks that are free of excessive damage or splits.

• All scaffold platforms over ten feet above lower levels must be equipped with standard guardrails including a top rail, mid-rail, and toe board on all open sides. Where it is infeasible to install guardrails, workers shall use properly anchored personal fall arrest systems.

• Tag lines shall be used anytime loads are hoisted onto a scaffold with a crane. • Scaffold use shall be discontinued in high winds or severe weather. • Scaffolds must be set plumb and equipped with all of the required bracing. • Scaffold foundations should be sound, rigid and capable of carrying the

maximum intended load and should consist of at least an adjustable or plain metal base plate resting on top of a 2" x 10" mud sill. Bricks or concrete blocks should not be used as any part of a scaffold foundation or support system.

• All scaffolds must be fully braced. • Scaffold platforms must be a minimum of 18 inches wide. • Climbing the cross braces is prohibited. • Scaffolds must be properly secured to prevent overturning when erected higher

than four times their minimum base dimension. • Scaffold legs, poles, posts, frames and uprights must be pinned or locked

together to prevent uplift. • Scaffolds must be erected a minimum of 10 feet from overhead electrical lines.

Frame Scaffolds • End frames/bucks of tubular welded scaffolds can be used as a ladder if all of the

following criteria are met: They are specifically designed and constructed as ladder rungs. Have a rung length of at least eight inches. Have uniform spacing between the rungs that does not exceed 16 ¾ inches.

• Side brackets shall only be used to support personnel and not material.

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Mobile/Rolling Scaffolds • Mobile scaffolds shall be diagonally braced to prevent racking. • Mobile scaffolds are not to be erected higher than four times their minimum base

dimension. • Mobile scaffold wheels must be locked at all times when occupied. • Mobile scaffolds shall not be moved while they are occupied. • Manual force used to move the scaffold shall be applied as close to the base as

possible, but not more than 5 feet above the supporting surface. Scaffold Training Each contractor is responsible for providing scaffold training for their respective employees as follows:

• Scaffold user training. All personnel working on scaffolds must be trained, by a competent person, in the hazards associated with scaffolds including: Electrical hazards and procedures. Fall hazards and procedures for erecting, maintaining and using fall protection

systems. Falling object hazards and falling object protection systems in use. The proper use of the scaffold and handling of material on the scaffold. Maximum load-carrying capacity of the scaffold. Any other pertinent requirements about the scaffold

• Scaffold erector training. In addition to the topics described above, each employee involved in erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, maintaining or inspecting a scaffold must be trained, by a competent person, to recognize the hazards associated with this work including the following topics: The nature of scaffold hazards. The correct procedures for erecting, disassembling, moving, operating,

repairing, inspecting and maintaining the types of scaffold in use. Fall protection and access methods and systems to be used during erection

and disassembly.

Fire Protection General Requirements.

• All fire fighting equipment must be inspected on a regular basis and maintained in proper working condition.

• Each employee must be familiar with the location of firefighting equipment, the safe use of fire extinguishers and the risks involved with incipient stage fire fighting.

• Remember the P.A.S.S. method for fire extinguisher operation. P = Pull the pin, A = Aim at the base of the fire, S = Squeeze the handle, S = Sweep side to side.

Fire Protection & Prevention

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Fire Extinguishers. Temporary fire extinguishers shall be provided and placed in locations and quantities as described below. • Fire extinguishers having at least a 2A rating will be provided and conspicuously

located as follows: In all Comet Builders LLC office areas. At least one on each floor of the building under construction. At least one on each floor adjacent to each stairway. Such that the travel distance to a fire extinguisher does not exceed 100 feet in

the building under construction. Such that there is a minimum of one fire extinguisher for each 3,000 square

feet of building area under construction. • Fire extinguishers having at least a 2A-10B-C rating will be provided and

conspicuously located as follows: Within 50 feet of wherever more than 5 gallons of flammable liquids or 5

pounds of flammable gas are being used or stored. Within 50 feet of oxygen or acetylene compressed gas cylinder storage areas. Where welding or torch cutting work is being performed.

• Fire extinguishers having at least a 2A-20B-C rating will be provided and conspicuously located as follows: Within 75 feet but not closer than 25 feet to bulk flammable liquid fuel storage

tanks. Within 75 feet but not closer than 25 feet to on-site refueling areas.

• Subcontractors who misuse, damage or destroy fire extinguishers provided by Comet Builders LLC will be held financially responsible for the labor and material costs to replace them.

Fire Department Access. • Trucks, material and equipment will be positioned at project sites to maintain

unobstructed access at all times by fire department apparatus. • Trucks, material and equipment will be positioned at project sites to maintain

unobstructed access to all fire hydrants. Fire Prevention General Requirements.

• Open burning of combustible materials is prohibited. • Combustible waste and debris must be removed on a daily basis. • Flammable and combustible solvents shall not be used as cleaning agents.

Compressed gas cylinder storage. • Cylinders must be stored with valve caps securely in place when not in use. • Cylinders must be secured in an upright position at all times, including when

transported in vehicles.

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• Fuel and oxygen cylinders must be separated by 20 feet or more when not in use. Cylinders will be considered “in use” if they will be used again within 24 hours.

• Empty cylinders must be stored separately from full cylinders. Flammable Liquid Storage and Dispensing. (Gasoline, Diesel, etc.)

• Flammable liquids in excess of 5 gallons, must be stored outside and at least 20 feet from any structure or in a properly constructed flammable liquid storage cabinet.

• Flammable liquids will be stored in UL approved portable safety cans or approved and vented bulk storage tanks. Gasoline, diesel and other fuels must not be stored in plastic containers.

• All containers must be marked to indicate what it contains. • Flammable liquid storage areas must be posted with “NO SMOKING” signs. • All bulk gasoline or diesel storage tanks/drums must be surrounded by a 12 inch

high earthen berm or have other secondary containment. • Bulk storage tanks will be grounded and when dispensing flammable liquids, the

containers will be bonded.

• Prior to using any 120 volt (15 or 20 amp) receptacle outlets on construction sites,

employees must ensure that the outlet is protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). Where outlets are not equipped with a GFCI, portable (pigtail type) GFCI protection must be used.

• Receptacle outlets on portable generators rated in excess of 5,000 watts must be protected by a GFCI, or portable (pigtail type) GFCI protection will be provided and used.

• Extension cords must be of the three-wire type and shall be designed for hard or extra-hard usage. Romex shall not be used as a flexible cord. Flexible cords shall be protected from damage and shall not be exposed to vehicle or equipment traffic, pinch points, or sharp edges.

• Electrical cords shall not be exposed to wet or damp locations unless properly rated for wet or damp locations.

• Cords shall be kept clear of walkways and aisles to prevent tripping hazards. • Flexible cords shall not be frayed, worn, or damaged. Cords shall not be spliced.

Insulation shall be free of damage. Cord ends shall have proper strain relief devices to prevent pull from being transmitted directly to joints or terminal screws.

• Each employee must inspect cords daily prior to use. Damaged cords must be repaired or tagged “Danger Do Not Use” and removed from service. Cords will not be repaired with electrical tape.

• Welding leads shall be maintained in safe condition and repaired as needed. Splices and repairs shall not be made within 10 feet of the electrode holder.

• All electric tools and equipment shall be of the three-wire grounded type or double insulated.

• All grounding pins shall be intact and the path to ground from all circuits, equipment,

Electrical Safety

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tools, etc. shall be permanent and continuous. • Working on energized electrical circuits and equipment is prohibited on Comet

Builders LLC projects.

“Hot work” is defined as the use of open flames, other heat sources and/or spark producing devices in areas where combustible materials may be present/exposed or where there is potential for explosion or fire. Hot work activities include burning, welding, cutting, grinding or other operations that produce a flame or sparks that could cause catastrophic results if not controlled. Therefore, prior to performing “Hot Work” operations, Comet Builders LLC employees will conduct an inspection of the area to evaluate fire hazards. All fire hazards shall be removed or protected prior to beginning Hot Work. When performing Hot Work where there is substantial potential for fire based on site conditions, Comet Builders LLC will complete a Hot Work Permit (Appendix N) to ensure fire related hazards have been evaluated and controlled. A Hot Work Permit is valid only for the date and shift that is stated on the permit. The following precautionary measures will be taken when a Hot Work Permit is required:

• To the extent that it is feasible floor openings, etc. will be completely covered in such a way to prevent sparks and slag from falling to a level below.

• Fire extinguishers will be provided in the immediate work area. • No flammable or combustible materials (cardboard, paper, wood, flammable

liquids, etc.) will be stored within 35 feet in any direction. • Combustible/flammable materials that cannot be moved must be covered with

fire blankets or other suitable shielding material. • Fire watch personnel will be assigned as deemed necessary. Worker(s)

designated as fire watch will be trained and remain on duty during lunch/breaks and for 30-minutes after work has ended.

When burning or welding using compressed gases, flame arrestors will be installed on oxygen and acetylene regulators. Welding screens will be used to protect workers from welding flash. Employees performing any hot work will be trained in the following topics:

• Precautions to be taken to prevent fire and injury. • Proper use of fire extinguishers. • Emergency procedures in the event of a fire. • Duties of fire watch personnel.

Hot Work

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Confined Space Entry Policy No employee or subcontractor will be allowed to enter or work in any space that meets the definition of a Permit Required Confined Space without approval from the management or supervision of Comet Builders LLC. A detailed Confined Space Entry Permit (Appendix O) and Procedure will be developed prior to entering any Permit Required Confined Space. OSHA Permit Required Confined Space regulations should be consulted for further direction prior to entering any confined space. A confined space is any space that meets all of the following criteria:

• A space large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter and perform work.

• A space that has limited openings for entry and exit.

• A space that is not designed for continuous human occupancy.

A permit required confined space is any confined space, (as defined above) that also meets any one of the following criteria:

• Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death, incapacitation, or cause impairment of ability to self rescue such as: Flammable gas, vapor, or

mist in excess of 10 percent of its lower flammable limit (LFL).

Airborne combustible dust as a concentration that meets or exceeds its LFL.

Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5 percent or above 23.5 percent.

Atmospheric concentration of any substance for which a dose or a permissible exposure limit has been established and which could result in employee exposure in excess of its dose or permissible exposure limit.

Any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health.

• Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant.

• Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section.

• Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.

Permit required confined spaces may include, but are not limited to: • Storage tanks, pits, tubs & silos • Excavations & trenches (over 4 feet

deep) • Ventilation and exhaust ducts • Sewer or storm drains & manholes • Underground vaults & utility tunnels • Pipelines, wells & shafts • Boilers • Open top spaces more than four feet

in depth

Confined Spaces

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Prior to beginning any excavation or trenching on any project, the following must be completed:

• A competent person trained and experienced in the hazards associated with trenching and excavation work must be designated to supervise trenching and excavation work at all times. The competent person must have authority to take corrective action to prevent and eliminate recognized hazards. Work in trenches and excavations will not be allowed to proceed in the absence of a competent person.

• Underground utility locating authorities must be given the required advance notice (48-hours in NC) to locate and mark underground utilities. Dial 811 in most areas to have utilities located.

• Adjacent structures including buildings, utility poles, pavements, curbs, sidewalks, etc. must be evaluated by a qualified person and supported or braced as needed to prevent displacement or collapse. Vehicles and equipment must never be operated adjacent to trenches and excavations.

• Prior to entering any trench or excavation, the competent person must classify the soil to determine the condition and type of soil to determine proper sloping or shoring requirements. All soil will be considered Type C in the absence of soils classification by a competent person.

During excavation or trenching operations on any Comet Builders LLC project, the following requirements must be followed:

• The designated competent person must inspect excavations and trenches, the adjacent areas and protective systems each day prior to workers entering the trench or excavation. These inspections must be documented using the Daily Trench and Excavation Safety Inspection Report (Appendix J). Additional inspections must be made after rains and after any other hazard increasing event. The competent person shall monitor protective systems when trenches or excavations are occupied.

• Any contractor performing trenching and excavation work must install and maintain guardrails, fences or barricades to prevent falls into trenches and excavations 6 feet or greater in depth.

• Workers will not be allowed to enter any trench or excavation in excess of 3 feet deep with unprotected vertical sides. The sides of any trench or excavation 5 feet deep or deeper will be sloped, benched, shielded or otherwise protected in accordance with OSHA regulations and as determined by the competent person prior to entry.

• Spoil piles, equipment and all other materials will be placed a minimum of two feet from the edges of all trenches or excavations.

• When underground utilities such as electrical, water, gas, sewer and phone lines are present or suspected, the exact location shall be determined by hand digging prior to using mechanical equipment.

• When trenches or excavations are 4 feet deep or deeper, adequate access and egress must be maintained at all times while workers are in the trench or

Trenching & Excavation

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excavation. When ladders are used for access and egress, they will be placed such that no worker is required to travel more than 25 feet to reach a point of egress.

• Trenches and excavations in soils that have not been classified by a competent person or have been classified as Type C soil will not be benched.

• Excavations and trenches four feet or greater in depth may be classified as a confined space and require atmospheric monitoring.

• No worker shall be allowed to enter a trench or excavation where water is standing or accumulating.

• A registered professional engineer must design sloping, benching, shoring or other protective systems for trenches or excavations in excess of 20-feet in depth.

Purpose of Lock-Out / Tag-Out Policy This establishes policy for protecting employees who must perform service and maintenance on equipment such as electrical systems, mechanical systems, trucks, forklifts, boom lifts, etc. in which the unexpected re-energizing or start up of the systems or equipment, or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees. Service or maintenance includes servicing, repairing, adjusting, inspecting, cleaning, altering, constructing and similar activities. This policy will ensure that machinery or equipment is stopped, isolated from all hazardous energy sources and properly locked and tagged out. Scope of Lock-Out / Tag-Out Policy This policy applies to all employees and subcontractors who may be exposed to hazardous energy during service or maintenance work. Uncontrolled energy includes potential hydraulic, gravitational, mechanical, electrical, steam, pneumatic and other sources. Lock-out and Tag-out Devices Lock-out and tag-out devices must meet the following criteria to ensure that they are effective and not removed inadvertently: • Lock-out and tag-out devices will be selected and specified in the lock-out/tag-out

procedures developed for specific pieces of equipment. • Employees must use the lock-out/tag-out devices specified in the lock-out/tag-out

procedures for the equipment being serviced or repaired. • Each lock used for lock-out/tag-out must have a unique key and be marked with the

name of the employee that applies the lock. Exposure Survey Supervisors and managers will be responsible for conducting a hazardous energy survey to determine what service and maintenance tasks will require lock-out/tag-out. Lock-out/tag-out energy control procedures will then be established for each service and maintenance task requiring lock-out/tag-out.

Lock-Out / Tag-Out

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Energy Control Procedures Authorized employees who lock-out and/or tag-out equipment or do service and maintenance must follow specific written energy-control procedures. The procedures must include the following information: • The intended use of the procedure • Steps for shutting down, isolating, blocking, and securing equipment • Steps for placing, removing, and transferring lock-out devices • Equipment testing requirements to verify the effectiveness of the energy-control

procedures Employees must do the following before they begin service or maintenance work:

1. Inform all affected employees of equipment shutdown. 2. Shut down equipment. 3. Isolate or block hazardous energy. 4. Remove any potential (stored) energy. 5. Lock-out or tag-out the energy sources. 6. Verify the equipment is isolated from hazardous energy and de-energized.

Employees must do the following before they remove lock-out or tag-out devices and re-energize equipment:

1. Remove tools and replace machine or equipment components. 2. Inform co-workers about energy control device removal. 3. Ensure all workers are clear of the work area. 4. Verify machine or equipment power controls are off or in a neutral position. 5. Remove the lock-out and/or tag-out devices. 6. Re-energize equipment.

Lock-Out/Tag-Out Training Employees who may be exposed to hazardous energy will receive training before assignment to ensure that they understand this energy-control policy and have skills to apply, use, and remove energy controls. The training will include the requirements of

and the following: • Affected employees will be trained in the purpose and use of energy-control

procedures. • Authorized employees will be trained to recognize hazardous energy sources, the

type and magnitude of energy in the workplace, the methods and means necessary for isolating and controlling energy, and the means to verify that the energy is controlled.

• Employees whose jobs are in areas where energy-control procedures are used will be trained about the procedures and the prohibition against starting machines that are locked or tagged out.

• Employees will be retrained annually to ensure they understand energy-control policy and procedures.

• Authorized and affected employees will be retrained whenever their job assignments change, energy-control procedures change, equipment or work processes present new hazards, or when they don’t follow energy-control procedures.

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Current training records will be maintained for each authorized and affected employee including the employee’s name and the training date. Lock-Out/Tag-Out Definitions Affected employee - A person who uses equipment that is being serviced under lock-

out or tag-out procedures, or who works in an area where equipment is being serviced.

Authorized employee - A person who locks out or tags out equipment to do service or maintenance work. An affected employee becomes an authorized employee when that employee’s duties include service or maintenance work on equipment.

Capable of being locked out - An energy-isolating device that is designed with a hasp or other means of attachment to which, or through which a lock can be affixed, or if it has a locking mechanism built into it. Other energy-isolating devices will also be considered to be capable of being locked out, if lock out can be achieved without the need to dismantle, rebuild, or replace the energy-isolating device or permanently alter its energy-control capability.

Disconnect - A switch that disconnects an electrical circuit or load (motor, transformer, or panel) from the conductors that supply power to it. An open circuit does not allow electrical current to flow. Under a lockout procedure, a disconnect must be capable of being locked in the open position.

Energized - Connected to an energy source or containing potential energy. Energy source - Any source of energy. Examples: electrical, mechanical, hydraulic,

pneumatic, chemical, and thermal. Energy-isolating device - A mechanical device that physically prevents transmission

or release of energy. Hazardous energy - Any of the types of energy existing at a level or quantity that could

be harmful to workers or cause injury through inadvertent release or start-up of equipment.

Lock-out device - A device that locks an energy-isolating device in the safe position. Lock-out - Placing a lockout device on an energy-isolating device, under an established

procedure, to ensure the energy-isolating device and the equipment it controls can’t be operated until the lockout device is removed.

Procedure - A series of steps taken to isolate energy and shut down equipment. Tag-out device - A prominent warning sign, such as a tag, that can be securely

fastened to an energy-isolating device to indicate that the energy-isolating device and the equipment it controls can’t be operated until the tag-out device is removed.

Tag-out - Placing a tag-out device on an energy-isolating device, under an established procedure, to indicate that the energy-isolating device and the equipment it controls can’t be operated until the tag-out device is removed.

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Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

This policy applies to:

1) Vehicles owned, leased or rented to Comet Builders LLC. 2) Personally owned vehicles driven by employees on Comet Builders LLC

business. The following policies have been established to encourage safe operation of vehicles and clarify insurance issues relating to drivers and Comet Builders LLC. • All drivers must adhere to safety policies including the cell phone/hand held device

usage policy. • All drivers must have a valid driver’s license. Motor Vehicle Records may be

checked periodically. Driving privileges may be suspended or terminated if your record indicates an unacceptable number of accidents or violations.

• When operating your own vehicle for Comet Builders LLC business, your Personal Auto Liability insurance is the primary payer. Evidence of insurance coverage is to be provided to Comet Builders LLC each year, by either a copy of your policy’s declaration page or a Certificate of Insurance. Comet Builders LLC is not responsible for any Physical Damage to your vehicle. You must carry your own Collision and Comprehensive coverage.

Obey the Law: Comet Builders LLC is not responsible for any traffic violations, parking tickets or any other violation of city ordinances or state/federal traffic laws regarding your operation of a company or personal motor vehicle. Any tickets issued are the employee’s responsibility, even if the ticket is issued while conducting business for Comet Builders LLC or in a company vehicle. Other Safe Driving Precautions: • Seat belts must be worn by all drivers and passengers at all times. • Use better judgment when road conditions are poor. Limit or avoid driving when

rain, snow, or other severe weather conditions threaten your safety. • Make an effort to avoid distractions such as eating, paying too much attention to

your radio/CD player, or other distracting behavior. • Do not drive if your ability to drive safety is impaired by the influence of medications,

drugs or alcohol. • Laptop computers should never be used at any time while driving. • If using a vehicle not your own (rental or otherwise), be sure to properly adjust the

mirrors and familiarize yourself with the vehicle’s controls before operating. • Be aware of and practice defensive driving techniques and maneuvers. • All vehicles must be operated at safe speeds within the posted speed limit. • Drivers must conduct a pre-trip safety inspection of the following items: Lights,

Signals and Lenses, Brakes, Steering, Tires, Horn, Windshield and Wipers. • All loads will be properly secured with chains, straps and binders as needed.

“Bungee” cords are not an acceptable alternative. Tailgates and side boards shall be secured when equipped.

Motor Vehicle Safety

Revision Date: May 30, 2016 53

Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

• Drivers are required to set the parking brake prior to exiting the vehicle. Vehicles parked on inclines shall have wheels chocked.

• In case of a break down the driver should pull the vehicle as far off the highway as safely possible.

• Prior to backing any vehicle the driver shall use a spotter or in the alternative conduct a visual inspection of the area behind and around the vehicle to ensure no person or object is in the path of travel. When possible park all vehicles to reduce or eliminate the need to back-up.

• Headlights are required to be used at night, dusk/dawn hours and during rain, snow, fog or other similar conditions.

Definition: Mobile Hand Held Units - Hand held devices may include cell phones, pagers, palm pilots, radios and other communication devices While At Work The use of Mobile Hand Held Units during working hours is restricted to business related purposes only except during normal breaks, lunches and as authorized by management. The only exception is for emergency calls (family illness, etc.). While Operating Motor Vehicles Driver/operator inattention is a factor in a majority of motor vehicle accidents. We are not only concerned about your welfare as a Comet Builders LLC employee, but also the welfare of others who could be put in harm’s way by inattentive driving. Mobile phone and other hand held device use while driving is a common, often harmful, distraction. Drivers may only use hand held devices to place or receive calls while operating a vehicle when using hands free devices, head sets, etc. As a driver, your first responsibility is to pay attention to the road and/or surroundings. When driving on Comet Builders LLC business, or driving while conducting business on behalf of the company in any other manner, the following procedures apply:

Procedures: • Stop your vehicle in a safe location if possible before using your phone or hand

held devices. Avoid routine calls whenever possible by allowing voicemail to handle your calls and return them once you reach your destination or have stopped at a safe location.

• Business and emergency calls may be placed/received while driving only when using hands free devices, head sets, etc.

• If placing or accepting a call while driving, keep the call short to minimize distracted driving.

• When receiving a call while driving in heavy traffic conditions, ask the caller to hold briefly until you can stop your vehicle in a safe location.

• Be concerned for your co-workers’ safety. Ask them to call you back at a safer time if they call you while driving.

Cell Phone / Hand Held Device Usage Policy

Revision Date: May 30, 2016 54

Comet Builders LLC – Safety and Health Management Program

FORMS TAB APPENDIX A: Notice of Health & Safety Non-Compliance A APPENDIX B: Incident & Injury Notification & Investigation Report B APPENDIX C: Safety Program Orientation & Acknowledgement C APPENDIX D: Safety Training Report D APPENDIX E: Site Safety Inspection Checklist & Report E APPENDIX F: Daily Crane Safety Inspection Report F APPENDIX G: Daily Forklift Safety Inspection Report G APPENDIX H: Daily Aerial Work Platform Inspection Report H APPENDIX I: Daily Scaffold Safety Inspection Report I APPENDIX J: Daily Trench & Excavation Safety Inspection Report J APPENDIX K: Project Specific Safety Plan K APPENDIX L: Emergency Action Plan L APPENDIX M: Rigging Inspection Report M APPENDIX N: Hot Work Permit N APPENDIX O: Confined Space Entry Permit O


Appendix A





Name: Employer:

Work Location: Project Number:

Date of Violation: Date of this Notice:

First Offense – Verbal or Written Warning & $100 monetary penalty

Second Offense – Written Warning & $250 monetary penalty

Third Offense – Written Warning & Possible Suspension & $500 monetary penalty

Willful Violation of Safety Policy, Procedure, or Instruction – Suspension or Termination. Description of Disciplinary Action:

I understand that I have violated published, expressed or implied safety policies, procedures or instructions as described above and I understand the resulting disciplinary action which has been imposed. I acknowledge that future violations of safety policies, procedures or instructions may result in additional disciplinary action and/or termination of employment.

Employee Signature: Date: Supervisor/Manager Signature: Date:


Appendix B

Complete and submit this form to Comet Builders LLC within 24 hours of the incident.

TYPE OF INCIDENT (Check all that apply)






Injury Illness Near Miss Property Damage Auto Accident Fatality Environmental

Incident Date: Day of Week: Time:

Project Name: Project Number:

Project Address:

Date & time the incident was first reported to you:

Full Name of Employee: Employee Number:

Date of Birth/Age: How Long Employed: Job Title:

Home Address: Home Phone:

Hours Worked Per Day: Days Worked Per Week: Was injured paid for entire day of injury:

Where did the incident occur? (Be specific):

What was the employee doing at the time of incident? (Be specific):

What happened? Describe how the incident occurred (Provide photos or drawings if necessary):

What are the nature and location of the injuries? (Be specific):

Job Site First Aid Only – Describe first aid procedure & who it was provided by:

Medical Treatment Required – Name, Address & Phone Number of Medical Facility:

Hospitalization Required – Name, Address & Phone Number of Hospital:

Fatality – Date & Time of Death

Name, Phone Number, & Relationship of family member contacted:

INCIDENT INVESTIGATION & PREVENTIVE MEASURES Was personal protective equipment required? (Describe)

Was personal protective equipment used? (Describe)

Were any safe guards removed or damaged? (Describe)

Were there any other deficiencies in the work area? (Describe)

Had the involved employee(s) received required task and/or equipment training? (Describe)

Was the worker competent for the task? (Describe)

Were there witnesses? Who? (Obtain and attach witness statements)

Was any property or equipment damaged? (Describe Property Damage)

Did the employee contribute to the incident through unsafe actions or carelessness? (Describe)

Were there any third parties that contributed to the cause of the incident? Who? (List names of

persons or companies that contributed to the cause of the incident.)

Describe how the third parties contributed to the cause of the incident.

Describe the unsafe condition or act that directly caused the incident:

Describe the underlying/root cause of the incident:

Action taken to correct cause of incident:

Additional safety procedure or requirement recommendations:


Supervisor Signature: Date: Management Signature: Date:

Appendix C

By signing below I acknowledge that I have received and read the Comet Builders LLC Safety & Health Management Program. I also acknowledge that I understand the safety & health policies, procedures and expectations contained in the Safety & Health Management Program. I acknowledge and understand that failure to comply with company safety requirements could result in injury, death or disciplinary action. Placing my initials beside each of the listed items confirms that I am aware of each of the following basic Comet Builders LLC safety policies and procedures. Basic Comet Builders LLC Safety Policies & Procedures Employee Initials 1. I understand that working under the influence of drugs or alcohol is prohibited. 2. I understand that random, post accident or reasonable-cause drug testing

may be required of me and is a condition of employment. 3. I understand my obligation to report safety concerns to my supervisor. 4. I understand my responsibility to immediately report work-related injuries. 5. I understand the company disciplinary action policy. 6. I understand the Hazard Communication program. 7. I have been informed of the location of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). 8. I understand that horseplay is prohibited at all times. 9. I understand the requirements for hard hats and other PPE. 10. I understand that 100% fall protection is required above 6 feet. 11. I understand that I am not to operate equipment unless authorized to do so. 12. I understand that seat belts must be worn on forklifts and other equipment. 13. I understand that fall protection with harness & lanyard is required in aerial lifts. 14. I understand that climbing on the rails of a boom or scissor lift is prohibited. 15. I understand that standing on the top or top step of any ladder is prohibited. 16. I understand the requirements of the lock-out/tag-out policy. 17. I understand that guards must be used on all power tools including grinders. 18. I understand the fire protection requirements and hot work procedures. 19. I understand that GFCI protection must be used with all power cords & tools. 20. I understand that entering trenches/excavations is prohibited without approval. 21. I understand that entering confined spaces is prohibited without approval. I understand that construction work may be dangerous and I am committed to working in a safe manner, looking out for the safety of my co-workers and working in compliance with the requirements of the Comet Builders LLC Safety & Health Management Program provided. Employee’s Signature: Date: Supervisor’s Signature: Date: Cc: Safety Files


Employee Name: Date: Position/Title: Date of Hire:

Appendix D





Site Name: Project Number:

Instructor/Supervisor: Training Date:

Subcontractor Company (if applicable):

Safety Training Topic(s) Reviewed: Material Safety Data Sheets Reviewed:

Site Specific Safety & Health Issues Discussed:

Safety & Health Rules & Procedures Discussed:

Appendix E

√ = Satisfactory X = Unsatisfactory N/A = Not Applicable

GENERAL ELECTRICAL First –aid kit available & properly stocked MSDS & chemical inventory on site & from all subs. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Hard hats worn when and where required Safety glasses worn when and where required Face shields worn as required Proper clothing & shoes worn

GFCI on all circuits tested and working Extensions cords heavy-duty 3-wire type Cords protected from traffic / damage Grounding pins intact on cords Extension cords free of damage Welding leads free of damage Adequate clearance from power lines (10’ minimum)

Gloves worn as required RIGGING Approved respirators worn where required Hearing protection worn when required Cutting goggles worn for torch exposure Proper shields worn during welding operations FLOOR HOLES, PERIMETER AND WALL OPENINGS Guard rails (42” high top rail, midrail & toe board) Top rail withstands 200 lb. force Guardrails free of damage

Slings, chokers, etc. free of damage Wire rope slings free of kinks, excess broken wires Nylon, polyester and chain slings have capacity tags Rigging hooks are equipped w/ safety latches Taglines used on all loads per the safety program Loads are not hoisted over other workers Material hoisting routes barricaded as needed Rigging is of proper capacity

Floor holes larger than 2” securely covered & labeled INSPECTIONS & PERMITS Guard rails at wall openings over 6’ high HOUSEKEEPING / MATERIAL HANDLING & STORAGE Protruding nails bent or removed Stairs, floors and aisles kept clear Tripping / slipping hazards Combustible debris regularly removed Materials stored in orderly manner

Daily and Annual Crane inspections on file Daily Forklift inspections completed as required Daily Trench & Excavation inspections on file Daily Scaffolding inspections completed as required Daily Aerial Work Platform inspections on file Confined Space Entry Permits Executed as required Hot Work permits executed as required

Trash containers provided & maintained MISCELLANEOUS Gas/Diesel stored in labeled safety cans FIRE PROTECTION & PREVENTION Fire extinguishers on each floor, at each stairway Fire extinguishers fully charged Fire extinguisher within 50‘ of Oxygen/Acetylene Fire extinguisher near Gasoline/Diesel storage areas Extinguishers conspicuously located Combustible material moved 35’ from hot work areas FALL PROTECTION / FALL ARREST SYSTEMS 100% tie-off in use above 6 feet Proper anchor points in use Harnesses, lanyards etc. are free of damage Double locking snap hooks used Harness and lanyard used by aerial lift operators LADDERS Ladders inspected & free of damage Ladders secured top and bottom as needed Ladders used at proper angle & on level surfaces Ladders extend 3’ above landing surface

Ladders properly rated Step ladders used in open position Top/top step not used as work position STAIRS ____ Proper stairs and stair rails if 4 or more risers Stairs free of debris, tripping, slipping hazards


Site Name: Project #:

Supervisor: Date:

Appendix E


Individual Responsible Hazard Description & Location Corrective Action Taken Date &



Site Name: Project #:

Supervisor: Date:

Appendix F

Operators Station Yes/No M/T/W/Th/F/S/S 1. Proper load rating chart

2. Current annual certification available 3. Hand signals chart posted outside cab 4. Operator controls properly labeled 5. Charged fire extinguisher in cab 6. Cab glass clean and free of cracks 7. Signal horn operating 8. Gauges properly functioning 9. Controls operating and functioning 10. Limit switches working properly 11. Electronic / computer equipment working properly 12. Safety devices and operational aids working properly Boom/Hoist/Superstructure 1. Boom angle indicator working properly 2. Boom and jib free of damage 3. Boom and swing controls operating properly 4. load hook and safety latch free of damage 5. All wire rope free of excess rust and corrosion 6. All wire rope free of kinks and damage 7. Wire rope properly lubricated 8. Hoists spooling / reeving properly 9. Hoists operating and holding properly 10. Sheaves running freely 11. Hydraulic system free of leaks Carrier / Chassis 1. Proper ground condition 2. Outriggers holding properly 3. Outriggers and floats free of damage 4. Superstructure and boom free of damage 5. Superstructure swing radius barricaded 6. Crane set up and level / indicator working properly 7. Back up alarm working 8 Brakes and parking brake working properly 9. Hydraulic fluid / engine oil / coolant level 10. Proper operating pressures 11. Condition of oil / air / coolant 12. Mirrors / horns / lights operating 13. Tires / wheels / lugs in good condition

Inspection by: Week of:

(Operator) Company Name:

Site/Project Name: Project #:

Crane Make & Model Number:


Appendix G

Enter a “Check”, “X” or N/A M T W Th F S S 1. Forks are not bent or damaged. 2. Forks of appropriate capacity and match reach 3. Hydraulic fluid and engine oil 4. Fuel, engine coolant and brake fluid. Hydraulic leaks. 5. Condition of hydraulic hoses. 6. Tire pressure, condition & ballast 7. Lugs tight. 10. Seat belt. 11. Back-up alarm. 12. Horn. 13. Lights and signals. 14. Load chart present & visible to operator. 15. Fire extinguisher. 16. Mirrors. 17. Roll Over Protective Structure. 18. Frame level indicator. 19. Boom angle indicator. 20. Operator’s Manual available. 21. Evidence of any structural damage. 22. Floorboard free of debris. 23. Gauges working properly. 24. Service brake & parking brake. 25. Steering (All modes). 26. Transmission. 27. Hydraulic controls (Function test and cycle): Boom/Mast – Up & Down. Boom – Extend & Retract. Fork Tilt – Forward & Backward. Frame Level – Left & Right. Carriage Tilt – Left & Right. Traverse – Forward & Backward. Fork Side Shift – Left & Right.

Outriggers – Up & Down.


Appendix H

Requirements for All Supported Scaffolds Yes No N/A Action Taken 1. Are all scaffolds that are incomplete tagged “Danger Do Not Use”? 2. Are all damaged components removed from service and tagged

“Danger Do Not Use”? 3. Are all areas below and around scaffolds barricaded to prevent

workers from walking under scaffolds? 4. Are canopies erected when workers must pass under scaffolds? 5. Are scaffold frames, legs & uprights plumb and level? 6. Is the work platform not more than 14” from the wall/face of work? 7. Do all planks overlap their end supports at least 6” but less than 12”? 8. Are scaffold planks free of damage, splits, etc.? 9. Is a safe means of access provided to all scaffold platforms more

than 2’ high? Extension ladders, attachable ladders, stairs or integral ladder access frames must be used. (No climbing cross braces.)

10. Does the ladder extend 3’ above the platform? 11. Are ladders secured to prevent displacement? 12. Are scaffolds at least 10 feet from power lines? 13. Are scaffolds loaded properly to prevent overloading? 14. Are 2”x10” mud sills and base plates used? 15. Are scaffold frames/legs pinned together to prevent displacement? 16. Are cross braces used at all locations? 17. Are frames and braces compatible? 18. Are all working levels fully planked (Max. 1” gap between planks)? 19. Are all platforms at least 18” wide? 20. Are scaffolds secured to the structure once the scaffold is 4 times

as high as it is wide? 21. Are scaffold ties repeated every 26’ vertically after the first set of ties?

(20’ for scaffolds 3’ wide or narrower) 22. Where scaffold ties are required are they installed at both ends of the

scaffold and at 30’ max. horizontal intervals between ends? 23. Are ladders installed as scaffold is erected to provide access

for erectors? 24. Are tag lines used when hoisting loads onto scaffolds with cranes? 25. Are guardrails installed on all platforms over 10’ high? 26. Guardrails include top rail (38”–45” high), midrails & toeboards? 27. Other: 28. Other: 29. Other: 30. Other:

Inspection by: Date: (Must Be a Competent Person)

Company Name: Time:

Site/Project Name: Project #:

Scaffold Location:

Competent Person’s Signature: Date:

Supervisor’s Signature: Date:


Appendix J

All Excavations Yes No NA 1. Have “One-Call” utility locating services been contacted? 2. Have all underground utilities been located and marked? 3. Have underground utilities been located by hand digging before using mechanical equipment? 4. Have underground utilities that cross through the excavation been properly braced or supported? 5. Are spoil piles, materials and equipment kept at least 2 feet from the edge of excavations? 6. Are employees protected from loose material that could fall from the face of the excavation? 7. Has a ladder or ramp been provided within 25’ of employees if the excavation is over 4 feet deep? 8. Does the ladder extend at least 3 feet above the walls of the trench? 9. If a trench box is used is the ladder placed inside the trench box? 10. Are employees protected from vehicular traffic? 11. Is there a potential for hazardous atmospheres in the excavation from adjacent landfills, sewer lines,

gas lines, gas/diesel powered equipment operating in the trench or other sources? 12. Has air monitoring been performed where there is a potential for hazardous atmospheres?

Air Monitoring Results: Oxy= % CO ppm LEL % H2S ppm 13. Is rescue equipment available where there is a potential for hazardous atmospheres including

breathing apparatus, harness and lifeline or tripod and stretcher basket? 14. Have surface encumbrances such as adjacent buildings, pavement, utility poles, trees, etc. been

considered and supported as required? 15. Is all heavy equipment and traffic kept safe distances from excavation side walls? 16. Is appropriate barricading provided around open excavations for public and employee protection? 17. Are walkways or bridges with guardrails provided where workers must cross over trenches? 18. Is the accumulation of ground water controlled in the excavation with pumps, etc.? 19. Are there any signs of distress such as cracking along the top of the slopes? 20. Are all trenches and excavation in excess of 3 feet deep sloped, shored or protected? 21. Are sloping and other protective systems in all excavations over 5 feet deep per OSHA requirements? 22. Have soils been classified to determine the design of protective systems? 23. Are protective systems in use appropriate for the soil type identified? 24. Are protective systems for excavations over 20 feet deep designed by a professional engineer? 25. Are engineered protective systems installed as designed? Trench Shields/Boxes 26. Does the trench box extend at least 18” above the trench walls? 27. Is the trench box no more than 2 feet off of the bottom of the trench? 28. Are voids on the outside of the trench box backfilled to prevent lateral movement? 29. Is the manufacturer’s tabulated data on site for all trench boxes? 30. Are trench boxes used in accordance with the manufacturer’s tabulated data? 31. Have all trench boxes been inspected and found to be in good condition? 32. Have employees been instructed to stay inside trench boxes at all times? Sloping Systems 33. Have slope angles been measured? 34. Is the slope angle appropriate for the soil type?

Type C Soil = 1-1/2 H to 1 V (34º), Type B Soil = 1H to 1V (45º), Type A Soil = 3/4/H to 1 V (53º)


Inspection by: Date: (Must Be a Competent Person)

Company Name: Time:

Site/Project Name: Project #:

Trench/Excavation Location:

Competent Person’s Signature: Date:

Supervisor’s Signature: Date:

Clearance of overhead power lines and/or underground utilities evaluated? Will Confined Space Entry be required for this project? If yes, has an entry procedure & permit been established? If no, who is responsible for developing the entry procedure and permit? Has the Emergency Action Plan been developed for the project? (Appendix L) Describe the plan to rescue a fallen worker suspended by his personal fall arrest equipment:

Location(s) first aid kits will be kept on the project: Location(s) Chemical Inventory and Material Safety Data Sheets will be kept on the project:

Appendix K

This executed Project Specific Safety Plan will serve as an amendment to the SHMP and together

form a complete Project Specific Safety Plan. GENERAL INFORMATION




Project: Date: Client: Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC Project Manager/Supervisor:

Responsibility Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Incident/Injury Reporting (Appendix B) Tool Box Safety Training Meetings (Appendix D) General Site Safety Inspections (Appendix E – Weekly)

Competent Person Responsible

Daily Crane Safety Inspections by Crane Operator (App. F) Daily Forklift Safety Inspections (Appendix G) Daily Aerial Work Platform Safety Inspections (Appendix H) Daily Scaffold Safety Inspections (Appendix I) Daily Trench & Excavation Safety Inspections (Appendix J) Execute Hot Work Permits (Appendix O) Overall SHMP enforcement on the project (Supv./Manager) Person(s) Responsible for First Aid on this project Other Safety responsibilities (Describe):

LLC Safety and Health Management Program Comet Builders LLC Safety and Health Management Program

Appendix L

Emergency Reporting All personnel are required to report any injury, emergency or potentially dangerous situation to Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC immediately. Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC Office Phone Number: (336) 544-2623 Site Address: Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC Project Contact Person: Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC Contact Person Phone Number: Emergency Contacts & Information The emergency phone numbers for this project are:

• Ambulance/Rescue/EMS: • Fire Department: • Police/Law Enforcement: • Medical Facility (Name & Phone Number): • Medical Facility Address: • Utility Companies (if applicable): • On Site First Aid Provider:

Emergency Duty Assignments (Assign these duties to capable employees) Who will call for Emergency Services? Who will meet & direct Emergency Service Responders to the accident location?

Who will assist with evacuations? Evacuation & Accountability Procedures If an emergency occurs that requires an evacuation of the work area, all personnel will be notified to evacuate using verbal, radio or cell phone communications. Upon receiving instructions to evacuate, all personnel must evacuate using the nearest safe exit. All exits should be identified prior to beginning work, kept clear and unlocked at all times during working hours. All personnel will evacuate and assemble at the following locations unless otherwise directed by the Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC supervisor or manager: Fire/Emergency Evacuation Assembly Area Severe Weather Evacuation Assembly Area No one is to leave the project or assembly area until accounted for and instructed to do so. Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC employees and subcontractors will not return to the work area until emergency responders, supervision or management has communicated that it is safe to return to the work area.


Appendix M

Inspection by: Date:

Company Name: Time:

Site/Project Name: Project #:

Inspection Removal Criteria for Alloy Steel Chain Slings 1. Has the identification & capacity tag been removed? 2. Is the identification tag legible?

Yes No Action Taken

3. Are there any cracks, nicks, gouges or breaks in any link or fitting? 4. Measure the chain length. Has the chain stretched? 5. Are there any bent, twisted or deformed links or fittings? 6. Is there excessive rusting or pitting on any components? 7. Is there weld spatter or evidence of heat damage? 8. Does the chain bind so that it does not hinge freely? 9. Is there any other visible damage? 10. Are any chain links worn beyond allowable limits? (Approximately 10%) 11. Have there been any unauthorized repairs? Inspection Removal Criteria for Wire Rope Slings 1. Has the identification & capacity tag been removed? (ASME Only) 2. Is the identification tag legible? (ASME Only) 3. Are there 10 or more broken wires in one lay? 4. Are there 5 or more broken wires in one strand in one lay? 5. Is there severe abrasion or scraping? 6. Is there evidence of heat damage? 7. Are any of the end attachments cracked, deformed or worn? 8. Is there excessive corrosion to the wire rope, hardware or end fittings? 9. Is the wire rope sufficiently lubricated? 10. Are there any knots or unauthorized repairs? 11. Is there any other visible damage? Inspection Removal Criteria for Synthetic Web Slings 1. Has the identification & capacity tag been removed? (ASME Only) 2. Is the identification tag legible? (ASME Only) 3. Is there evidence of acid, caustic or other chemical burns or exposure? 4. Is there evidence of melting, charring or other heat damage? 5. Are there holes, tears, cuts or snags? 6. Is there any broken or torn stitching or unraveling? 7. Are there any knots or visible signs of excessive abrasive wear? 8. Is there any discoloration or brittle or stiff areas in the webbing? 9. Is any of the hardware pitted, corroded, cracked, bent or broken? 10. Are there any visible wear indicators (red thread, etc.) 11. Have there been any unauthorized repairs? 12. Is there any other evidence of damage? Inspection Removal Criteria for Shackles 1. Are rated load markings present and legible? 2. Has the shackle diameter been reduced by more than 10%? 3. Is there evidence of bending, stretching, cracks, or breaks? 4. Is there excessive nicks, gouges, pitting or corrosion? 5. Is there evidence of heat damage, welding or weld spatter? 6. Are there unauthorized replacement components or repairs? 7. Does the pin turn freely and engage completely? 8. Is there any other visible damage?


Inspector’s Signature: Date:

Appendix N






Site/Project Name:

Permit Number (Optional):

Name of Employee Requesting Permit:

Names of Employees Performing the Hot Work:

Name of Fire Watch(s):

Location of Hot Work (Floor, Area, etc.):

Description of Hot Work Activity:

Hot Work Date/Time Requested (One shift maximum):

A Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC supervisor or manager must

Yes No NA 1. Have fire watch personnel been assigned to each floor or area adjacent to the hot work

area where there is a potential for fire to extend or ignite? 2. Are fully charged fire extinguishers, rated at least 2A-B-C accessible to each fire watch

person and to the persons performing the hot work? 3. Is the area around and below the hot work clear of other workers and activities that

could create a fire hazard? 4. Have all persons been instructed in the proper use of fire extinguishers?

(P.A.S.S. method = Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) 5. Have all combustible materials within 35’ of the hot work area been removed, shielded

or otherwise protected from sparks, slag, or flame? 6. Have all flammable liquids below and within 35’ of the hot work area been moved to a

safe distance? 7. Have all persons been instructed in the fire reporting procedures should a fire occur? 8. Have fire watch personnel been instructed to continuously monitor areas exposed to hot

work for at least 30 minutes after the hot work is complete?

Permit Approved

Permit Denied

Permit Approved with the following requirements:

Permit Issue Date/Time: Permit Expiration Date/Time:

Comet Development / Comet Builders LLC Supervisor Signature:

Date: Signature of Person

I have inspected the areas covered by this hot work permit at least 30 minutes after the completion of the work and I detected no sign of fire or smoldering.

Name Signature Date Time

Appendix O

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (Completed and Reviewed Prior to Entry) Required Verified Required Verified

Safety/Health Manager Notified Hot Work Permit Required Adequate Access Fire Extinguisher Available Adequate Lighting (low voltage) Lifelines Required Attendant Required Harnesses Required Warning Signs Posted at Access Respirators Required (Type:) Ventilation Required Air Supplied Respirators Required Authorized Entry Log at Access Protective Clothing Required Rescue Equip./Services Communications Equipment Available Rescue Team Required Continuous Air Monitoring Other: Other:

Attendant(s) Name(s):

AIR MONITORING Make: Model: ID# Field Calibration Date: Calibrated By: Atmosphere Checked By:

Contaminants Permissible Levels 1st Check* Time 2nd Check* Time 3rd Check* Time % Oxygen (O2) 19.5% to 23.5% LEL (Flammables) Less than 10% Carbon Monoxide (CO) Less than 35 ppm Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Less than 10 ppm Other:




DESCRIPTION Project: Supervisor: Type:

Subcontractor: Location: Non-Permit Permit Date and Time of Entry: AM/PM

Location of Confined Space: Type of Confined Space:

Tank Pipe Manhole Tunnel Vault Boiler Other

Work Description/Purpose of Entry: Hazards:

VERIFICATIONS Date Entry Supervisor's Initials

Lock-out/Tag-out (elect., mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, etc.) Purged, Cleaned, Drained, and Ventilated Employee Training


Entry Supervisor: Supervisor/Manager:

Appendix O

ENTRY LOG Employee Name Time

In Time Out

Time In

Time Out

Time In

Time Out

Time In

Time Out

top related