saint joseph - clover in my power, to...

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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Office Location Phone Email/Fax Website

Parish Office 105 Harrison St., New Milford 201-261-0148 Fax #: 201-261-0369

Religious Education 105 Harrison St., New Milford 201-261-1144

Saint Joseph School 305 Elm St., Oradell 201-261-2388

the greenhouse-PreK 305 Elm St., Oradell 201-477-8114

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 pm

DAILY Weekdays 7:00 am &

8:30 am

Saturday 8:30 am

HOLY DAYS as announced

Miraculous Medal Novena Monday, 7:00 pm in Mary’s Chapel

Eucharistic Adoration First Wednesday of Month

SACRAMENTS Confession: Saturday,

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Baptism

Contact the Parish Office. Marriage

Arrangements should be made with a priest at least one year in advance.

Sick/Homebound/Hospital Call the Parish Office.

Christian Initiation of Adults—RCIA

Contact the Parish Office.

PARISH REGISTRATION Contact the Parish Office.


Msgr. David C. Hubba


Rev. Andrew Park Rev. Roy Regaspi

DEACON George Montalvo


Rev. George M. Reilly

Oradell/New Milford, NJ Roman Catholic Church Saint Joseph

April 30, 2017

Parish Office Hours: Parish: Mon.-Fri..9 am-5 pm, ; Rel. Ed.: Mon –Thurs.: 9:30 am—5 pm (Also by appointment.)

See a list of our EASTER FLOWER DONORS

and their intentions on pages 8-9-10.


Ariana Rylie Mennetti Child of David & Quiana

Rafael Arturo Medina, Jr. Child of Rafael & Bridgitte

with sister Ava

Isabella Gloriana Boede Child of Michael & Elizabeth

Clara Elizabeth Blundo (infant) Josetta Blundo

Children of Joseph & Christine

Donovan Jack Fahey Child of Thomas & Jacqueline

with sisters Addison (left) & Sidney (center)


God bless the newest members of our Church and their families.

April 23, 2017


Saturday 8:00 pm

Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 10.30 am 10:30 am MC 12:00 pm UC

Monday 7:00 am 8:30 am

Tuesday 7:00 am 8:30 am

Wednesday 7:00 am 8:30 am


7:30 am 8:30 am


7:00 am 8:30 am

Saturday 8:30 am 5:00 pm

Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am UC 10:30 am MC 12:00 pm UC


PRAYER REQUESTS Let us remember those who are ill:

Onofrio Petrella, Rodolfo Ibanez, Baby Oliver Kamal, Nathalie Brill, Doreen Tortorelli, Florence Bartus

Let us remember those who have recently died: William Sveridovich, Juan Valderama

Let us remember those serving in the military.

SUNDAY COLLECTION Week of April 23, 2017

BASKET PARISHPAY TOTAL $7,147 $4,851 $11,998

EASTER SUNDAY 2017 COLLECTION Amount will be published in the May 7 bulletin.


The bread and wine for the week of April 29, 2017

is offered for the honor and glory of God.

Saint Joseph Parish Staff

Parish Trustees………..Mr. Brendan Walsh/Mrs. Carol Winkler Parish Pastoral Council…………….Mr. Martin De Benedetto Dir. of Religious Education ……….Deacon George Montalvo Sacraments Coordinator …………..Mrs. Arlene Kennedy Director of Music ……………………..Mr. Monroe Quinn Youth Minister ………………………...Mrs. Donna Cirino Facilities Director …………………....Mr. Tom Meli Business Manager ……………….…. .Mrs. Phyllis Vrola Parish Secretary ……………………....Mrs. Geraldine Carolan

Principal of Saint Joseph School…Mrs. Colette Vail Dir. of Comm./ Bulletin Editor…...Mrs. Diane Hellriegel

Visit us on our websites: CHURCH:


STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the scriptures?” LUKE 24:32 How often do we take the time to discern what Jesus wants from us? Are our prayers always petitions, asking Jesus to do things for us? If so, that’s a one-sided relationship. Living our faith means developing a personal relationship with Jesus. Just like any friendship, there is give and take, each side listening to each other and helping each other out. Take time in silence to listen to what Jesus is asking of you.

April 29, 2017 Mary B. Sweeney

April 30, 2017 People of the Parish Doris Daigle Marie Gaynor Ernesto Acosta Josephine Manchesi

May 1, 2017 John Haviland Rev. Eugene Hazewski (First Anniversary)

May 2, 2017 Eileen & Danny Keating Rev. Eugene J. Hazewski

May 3, 2017 For the living and deceased members of the Prior & Plinio Families Marie Flieger

May 4, 2017 George Holmes Jess Alto

May 5, 2017 Doris Daigle Susan & Anthony Navarra May 6, 2017 Thena Wofford Geraldine Smith (Birthday Remembrance)

May 7, 2017 People of the Parish Richard Spaulding Phyllis Follety Gertrude Walker James O’Shea & Evelynn Erdmann

ADORATION—MAY 3 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held on Wednesday, May 3 in Mary’s Chapel from 9:00 am —5:00 pm. The Legion of Mary invites you to attend.

CATALYST Pick up a copy of Catalyst, the “Journal of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights.” It is available in the church literature racks while supplies last.

Like Saint Joseph on Facebook. Go to




The seventeenth-century poet George Herbert, who was also the pastor of a Church of

England parish in the village of Bermerton, took great joy in music and used to go to nearby Salisbury to play it with friends. On his way there one day, his biographer Izaak Walton (who is best known for his book on fishing, The Compleat Angler) described how Herbert

… saw a poor man with a poorer horse that was fallen under his load; they were both in distress, and needed present help, which Mr. Herbert perceiving, put off his canonical coat, and helped the poor man to unload, and after to load his horse. The poor man blessed him for it, and he blessed the poor man; and so was like the Good Samaritan, that he gave him money to refresh both himself and his horse, and told him, that if he loved himself, he would be merciful to his beast. Thus he left the poor man, and at his coming to his musical friends at Salisbury, they began to wonder that Mr. George Herbert, who used to be so trim and clean, came into that company so soiled and discomposed; but he told them the occasion; and when one of the company told him he had disparaged himself by so dirty an employment, his answer was, that the thought of what he had done would prove music to him at midnight, and that the omission of it would have upbraided and made discourse in his conscience, whensoever he would pass by that place. “For if I be bound to pray for all that be in distress, I am sure that I am bound, so far as it is in my power, to practice what I pray for. And though I do not wish for the like occasion every day, yet let me tell you, I would not willingly pass one day of my life without comforting a sad soul, or showing mercy; and I praise God for the occasion. And now let’s tune our instruments.”

Herbert wrote some of the most exquisite poetry in our language, but it wasn’t published until after his death. Herbert left a small book of it for Walton to offer to the publisher Nicholas Ferrar in case “it may turn to the advantage of any dejected poor soul,” a hope that has been bountifully fulfilled since then. One of Herbert’s poems has made its way into the Liturgy of the Hours (also known as the Divine Office), the daily prayers priests and religious are duty-bound to say for the benefit of all the Church. Most of these prayers are assigned to set times of day (Morning

(continued above)

Prayer, Midday Prayer, Evening Prayer and Night Prayer), but the Office of Readings can be said any time. Like the other “hours,” it has Psalms or other biblical songs (or “Canticles”) and scriptural readings. And with these, there are readings from non-biblical sources, usually passages from the writings of great saints. Near the end of each of the four volumes that make up the full Liturgy of the Hours is an appendix of poems, most by Catholic authors, but some by non-Catholics, including George Herbert’s beautiful one entitled “Love (III)”:

Love bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back, Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-ey’d Love, observing me grow slack From my first entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning, If I lacked anything. “A guest,” I answer’d, “worthy to be here”: Love said, “You shall be he.” “I, the unkind, ungrateful? Ah, my dear I cannot look on Thee.” Love took my hand, and smiling did reply, “Who made the eyes but I?” “Truth, Lord, but I have marr’d them; let my shame Go where it doth deserve.” “And know you not,” says Love, “who bore the blame?” “My dear, then I will serve.” “You must sit down,” says Love, “and taste my meat.” So I did sit and eat.

In his wonderful biography of Herbert, Music at Midnight (University of Chicago Press, 2014), John Drury notes that in 1938 Simone Weil encountered “Love (III)” during a time of personal crisis as events were unraveling toward World War II. She called it “the most beautiful poem in the world.”

Msgr. David Hubba

EASTER THANKS We are very grateful to all who helped to make our Holy Week and Easter celebrations so beautiful. Many thanks to our ushers/greeters, altar servers, readers, music ministers, ministers of Holy Communion, and the members of our parish Art & Environment Committee who decorated the upper church, Mary’s Chapel in the lower church, and the school gym. A special thank you to our sacristan Tom Moran, Dr. Michael Petrella, our master of ceremonies for the Easter Vigil, and the members of the Parish Pastoral Council and other volunteers who helped to distribute the books given to parishioners. Thank you all!


“CATHOLICISM” Join us again on Wednesday, May 3 at 9:30 am in the Jackson Room of the lower church for the next episode of this remarkable series. Episode 6 - A Body Both Suffering and Glorious: The Mystical Union of Christ and The Church Clearly answering the question, “What is the Church?” Bishop Barron presents the reality of the Church as “one, holy, catholic and apostolic.” The Body of Christ can be seen on earth from the Church’s center in Rome to the cities of New York, Sao Paolo, Manila, Namugongo and Uganda, while still escaping total understanding as the mystical union between Christ and his Church. Bishop Barron also explores the Catholic conviction that the life and presence of Christ continues to embrace humanity in all its joys and sorrows through the presence of the Church. Journey around the world and deep into the Faith with Bishop Robert Barron every Wednesday through May 31(except April 12). There is no cost.


If you are an active member of any of our Liturgical, Faith Formation, Leadership or Service Ministries,

you should have received an invitation from Msgr. Hubba to our Evening of Appreciation on Friday, May 5 in the School Gym for a buffet dinner, music and fellowship in honor of your dedication and commitment to your ministry. If you did not receive your invitation, please call Gerry at the parish office at 201-261-0148 to let us know you will be attending!


Over the course of the next three weekends, Saint Joseph Church will welcome 80 children to the table of the Lord for the first time. First Communions will be celebrated today and at the 5:00 pm Masses on Saturday, May 6 and May 13 and at both the 10:30 am UC and 12 noon Masses on Sunday, May 7 and May 14. Please join us for these beautiful celebrations and be sure to keep all of our First Communicants in your prayers. (Candidates have been assigned a rehearsal time, typically the Tuesday or Thursday before their Communion date. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Arlene Kennedy at 201-261-1144.)


SHARING GOD’S BLESSINGS On May 27, 2017, seven men will be ordained as priests at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. Five of the men are resident seminarians of Immaculate Conception Seminary; one is a resident seminarian of Redemptoris Mater; and one studied at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. Although each new priest took a

different journey in responding to God’s call, all of them share a deep humility at being called to the priesthood and the common desire to do the will of God and serve His Church. Thank you for your support of the Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal which provides funding to our seminaries. If you have not yet made your pledge, please pick up a brochure in our church literature racks.



OUR LADY OF FATIMA STATUE The Legion of Mary would like to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima by making the statue of Our Lady available to visit the homes of our parishioners. It is the Legion's goal to have the Pilgrim statue visit homes weekly until October 2017 in recognition of the centennial. Two

statues are available to accommodate our goal. If you wish to honor Our Lady in your home, please call Veronica Ocello at 201-265-6894 to place your name on the visitation schedule.


GREAT ADVENTURE TRIP The 22nd Annual NJ Catholic State Youth Rally at Six Flags Great

Adventure in Jackson, NJ will be held on Sunday, May 21. The cost of this trip is $50.00 a person and includes entrance into the park, a FREE return ticket to Holiday in the Park, a 4-hour all-you-can-eat buffet, Mass, the Opening Ceremony, and a Free Parking Pass. Any teen interested in going please contact me either on my cell at 201-362-8783 or by email at

WHAT IS NCYC? The Archdioceses of Newark Pilgrimage to the 2017 National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC, in Indianapolis, IN, will be on November 15 - 19, 2017. It is a powerful, three-day experience of prayer, community, and empowerment for Catholic teenagers. It would take to much space in the bulletin to explain it, but if you email me I will send you a booklet that will give you the details including the cost and more. Please feel free to contact me for more information, I have been to several of these events and have found them enjoyable for teens and adults alike. —Donna Cirino, Youth Minister



—MAY 6 Every year our Social Concerns Committee hosts a special Mass for individuals who are handicapped and have a difficult time getting to Mass or social events. The Mass this year is open to ALL PARISHIONERS and will include Anointing of the Sick. The Mass is scheduled for Saturday, May 6 at 12:00 noon in the Gym, followed by recitation of the Rosary and a luncheon. All facilities used are accessible. If you would like to attend, please let us know so that we can prepare for the luncheon. Please contact Flor Alto at 201-265-1254 or Joan Murray at 201-265-5823.



OUR LADY OF FATIMA—MAY 13 Come celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Our Lady's First Apparition to the three

shepherd children of Portugal on Saturday, May 13. All are welcome at Our Lady's Blue Army Shrine, 674 Mountain View Road, Asbury, NJ. 08802. Celebrant: Most Rev. James Checchio; Guest Speaker: Rev. Frederick Miller. Confessions at 10:30 am; Rosary Procession at noon; Guest Speaker at 12:30 pm; Mass at 1:00 pm; followed by Eucharistic Procession, Fatima Farewell Procession, Enrollment in the Brown Scapular; and concluding with the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Visit the Holy House USA, a replica of the Holy House at Loreto, Italy; the Capelinha (little chapel) with three roof tiles from the original built in Portugal but destroyed in 1922. For more information, call 980-689-1700 x210 or visit the website at


FOR 8TH GRADE SCHOLARSHIPS St. Joseph Council No. 3814 of Oradell/New Milford is sponsoring a 50/50 Cash Raffle to raise $2,000 for our 8th Grade Scholarship Program. With your help we can reach our fundraising goals and you will have a chance to win one of three cash prizes. Raffle tickets are $20 each. The Raffle drawing will be held on Saturday, May 20, at 9:00 pm at the Columbian Club hall at 199 River Road, New Milford, NJ. Winner need not be present to win. For tickets, contact Jeff Walters at 201-925-7174, or leave a message on the Council phone at 201-262-9722.

SHAWL MINISTRY MEETING—MAY 9 Saint Joseph Shawl Ministry will meet on Tuesday, May 9 from 2:00-4:00 pm in the Parish Life Center on Grove Street. All knitters and crocheters are welcome to join us in making shawls...or bring your current yarn project and spend a relaxing afternoon with us. Our ministry has shawls available for those experiencing illness, confinement, bereavement, or other situation. For further information, please contact Barbara Piersa at 201-261-0298 or Pat DeNicolo at 201-261-4323.




—COMING MAY 5-6 The Tony Kyasky/Make a Change Diaper Bank was established in 2013 in response to an American Academy of Pediatrics study finding that one in three families struggle to provide diapers for their babies. A COLLECTION BIN will be placed in our entrance foyer to help alleviate diaper need for families in northern NJ. Your diaper donations will be greatly appreciated and will be distributed to the most vulnerable children in our community.


The new Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Newark, Cardinal Joseph Tobin, will be making a pastoral visit to our Deanery on Monday, May 1 (the feast of St. Joseph the

Worker). After a dinner meeting with the priests of our Deanery, he will celebrate Mass at St. Peter the Apostle Church in River Edge at 7:30 pm for the people of our parishes who wish to attend. The evening will conclude with a town hall-style meeting. Because of this gathering, which we hope many will be able to attend, there will be no Novena on Monday, May 1 at Saint Joseph.


The Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday Club is planning a Pilgrimage to the beautiful Shrines of St. Joseph, Saint Anne de Beaupré and Our Lady of the Cape, in the

Province of Quebec, Canada. Msgr. Paul Bochicchio and Rev. Kevin Carter are the dedicated Chaplains. The cost of the 9-Day Pilgrimage is $950.00. For further information please call Joan Murray at 201-265-5823.


The 30th Annual Liturgy for Those Whose Children Have Died will be held on Friday, May 12 at 7:30 pm at Notre Dame RC Church, 359 Central Avenue, North Caldwell, NJ. All parents who have suffered the death of a child of any age are invited to attend with their families and friends. The name of each child is read during the Mass. Pre-registration is requested Contact Lauren Egan at 973-497-4327 or at

TRIP TO OUTER BANKS—MAY 15-18 Ascension Parish in New Milford will sponsor a 4-day/3-night trip to the Outer Banks, North Carolina, from May 15-18. The price of $550 ($675 single occ.) per person includes 3 nights lodging, 3 breakfasts, 3 full course dinners, guided tour of Cape Hatteras, Roanoke Island Festival, Graveyard of the Atlantic, Wright Brothers National Memorial, Elizabethan Gardens, Bodie Island Lighthouse, Chicamacomico Life Saving Station, Bus Transportation, Luggage Handling Taxes and Meal Gratuities. $100 deposit will hold your reservation. For info and reservations call Josie at 201-265-0485 or Anna at 201-387-2632.

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AN INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM Interested in learning more about Catholicism, what Catholics believe, or the roles of people in the Church? Not sure what gestures mean, what vestments worn by the priest are called, or what the different places in the Church are for? Looking for a guide to the Mass or a list

of common Catholic prayers? Then take a look at the book shown above. (It can be found in our church literature racks). Whether you are a parishioner, a visitor, a person wanting to become Catholic or just someone curious about the Catholic Faith, pick up a copy today.

STRENGTHENING THE CHURCH AT HOME Thank you for your generous support of last week’s Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Your contributions will help strengthen the Church at home and ensure that the Gospel is spread across the United States. If you missed the appeal, it’s not too late to give! Just visit and click on the “How to Give” link on the left.


2017 Easter Flower Donations Donated by In Loving Memory of/Special Intention Donated by In Loving Memory of/Special Intention


Acierno, Steffan & Lorenza Alleman, Mark & Patricia ………...Richard & Julie Masterson Raymond Alleman Alto, Flor ……………Deceased Members of Villena-Alto Families Amorese, Frank & Linda …………Frank S. Amorese, Sr. Aquino, Frederico & Vicki……….Anthony Errico Lillian Aquino Aurigemma, Anthony & Maureen…..Doris & Aurigemma Families Baglivi, William & Mary…………..Grasso/Baglivi Famiies Barbagallo, Anna ….Deceased Members of the Barbagallo & McPartland Families Bartolomeo, Domenico & Anna…...Felice Bartolomeo Maria & Felice Scaglione Bednarcik, David & Mary Frances….Byrne & Bednarcik Families Belthoff, Thomas & Elizabeth…..Mr. & Mrs. George L. Costello Mrs. Ruth Belthoff Bevilacqua, Joseph & Concetta….Barney & Josephine Corso Frederick & Gloria Bevilacqua Boccanfuso, Antoinetta…………....Joseph Boccanfuso Boles, Patricia………………………….Russell Boles Bonavita, Josephine Bonte, Donald & Barbara………….Koth Family Bonte Family Bosco, Ferdinando & Daniela Brown, David & Kellie……………...Abigail Doris Brown Burns, Edward & Patricia………….Our Sisters Our Parents Burns, Michael & Jan……Deceased Members of the Tomassi & Burns Families Calise, William & Michele…………..Bill & Ann Calise Helen M. Hubert Pauline Calise Campanioni, John & Sophie………..David Naguit Irena & Waclaw Wnuk Ana & Juan Campanioni Andrzej Ochmanska Special Intention for Baby Ronan Wnuk Carrabbia, Nancy………My Parents: Rosina & Nicholas Merlino Caruso, Natale & Janine Casado, Francisco & Rosa…………..Alejandro Casado Casey, Daniel & Eileen……………….Special Intention Celestine, Barry & Dana Chartier, Margaret……………..Lothene & Arthur Hetherington Joe Fahey Judy O’Brien Chiarella, Anthony & Marie Chinery,Donald & Judith……………Marie & Thomas Monaco Chrisomalis, Stephen & Cary……….Robert Losada, Jr. Roberto Losada Sophie & Andrew Chrisomalis Clancy, Maureen………………………..Clancy & Mc Carthy Families Conti, Heidi Coronado, Libardo & Yolanda Crowley, Michael & Mary…………...Crowley & Galvin Families

Cucci, John & Donna Cullen, Eugene & Teresa…………………Ann Mc Gloin Curtin, Elizabeth…………………………….Timmy Curtin Dabrowski, Barbara Ann…………………..John Dabrowski Dalton, Jane…………………………………...Edward Dalton May & Jim Mc Laughlin Dance, Mark & Dorothy…..In Thanksgiving for our grandson, Henry Joseph Obin, born March 25, 2017 D’Angelo, Dolores…………………………..Anthony D’Angelo, Sr. Anthony D’Angelo, Jr. Da Silva, Eileen & John……………...Del Rosso, Da Silva, DiQuarto Families De Conzo, Vincent & Marilyn……………..Matteo & Elvira Gillio John De Conzo De La Cruz, Rogelio & Adelfa…………….Nena Dela Cruz Arturo & Florencia Bonite Del Bove, Mark & Deborah……………..Smith/Del Bove Families Della Torre, Faye Dello Monaco, Gail De Poalo, Fred……………………………De Poalo & De Vito Families De Rosa, Philip………………………………...Susan De Rosa Devine, Kevin & Laura Diaz, Genoueve………………………………...Jose Diaz Dragotta, Richard & Francine………Dragotta & Franco Families Driscoll, John & Yvonne……………….Dr. & Mrs. Henry Thel Mr. & Mrs. John Driscoll Dugan, Michael & Donna Erben, Carl & Barbara Fabiano, George & Gail……………….Fabiano & Sweeney Families Fakharzadeh, Frederick & Patricia...Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fleming Mr. & Mrs. William Johnson Catherine Fitzek Deceased Members of the Fakharzadeh Family Faley, Thomas & Darlene……………….Faley & Cole Families Fatovic, Jean-Michel & Dulce Felix, Rene & Aysis………………………..Felix “Papo” Matos Feoranzo, Frank & Roberta…………...Feoranzo & Graff Families Ferraro, Arthur & Barbara……………..Irena Fijalkowska Ferreras, Manuel & Manuela Flanagan, Hugh & Eleanor………….…..Dodd & Flanagan Families Fliegel, Diane………………………………...William K. Fliegel John J. Mc Kenna Flores, Frank & Ana……Mincone, Castro & Giansante Families Flurchick, Thomas & Kim…….………...Robert Gillman Fox, Mary Jane………………………..Margaret & William Peter Fox Gastelu, Christopher & Kim Gatti, Anthony & Jean Marie…………….Maria & John Scrofani Gherardi, Daniel & Donna…………….Nela, Dan & Gino Gherardi Giannotta, Angelo &Susan………………...Bill & Ann Heina Giardella, Olivio & Rosalie…..Di Martino, Velardi, & Giardella Families Gigi, Genevieve…………………………………Ralph Gigi Ray Mury Gillan, Gloria Ginley, Gerard & Roseleen………Patrick & Roseleen Mc Kenna Glenn, James & Teresa ……………….Zaccheo/Glenn Families


2017 Easter Flower Donations—cont’d. Donated by In Loving Memory of/Special Intention Donated by In Loving Memory of/Special Intention

Gomez, Berman & Ninay Gonzales, Severino & Cristina……..Deceased Members of the Acero-Gonzales Families Haney, Christopher & Mary Ann Hanley, Maureen………………………..O’Grady & Hanley Families Harnek, Ruth Ann……………………….Ronald F. Harnek Hartman, Dahlia…………………………John Hartman Heckler, Thomas & Mary Higley, Helen……………………………...Bill Higley Hill, Peter & Patricia…………………...Howard F. Mc Govern Hoock, Nancy (Sha, Mike & Nan)….Marge & Joe Hoock Joey Hoock Hughes, June……………………………….Robert Hughes Iler, Kevin & Karen……………………...Bill & Maureen Iler Jacob, Karen……………………………….Catherine & Al Jacob Jensen, Alfred & Diane ………………...Courtney Jensen Ed & Lorraine Sluka Lynn Sluka Wadlow Jones, Barbara…………………………….Tony Carnevale Helen & Francis Nolan Kedzierski, Elizabeth Kennedy, James & Arlene…………….Kennedy & Grimm Families Kirk, Bridget Klein, Diane………………………………..Robert J. Klein Marie Klein Knapp, Lucille…………………………….Joseph Knapp Kohli, Thomas & Margaret………….Helen & Fred Kohli Eleanor & Frank Antonini Korzelius, Linda………………………….Beatrice & Joseph Korzelius Mary & Ed Francis Lagdameo, Romualdo & Eloisa…….Jose & Teresita Lagdameo Rosita V. Corun a Ernesto Acosta, Sr. Flora Acosta Edgardo Acosta Lagrazon, Wilfredo & Anacoreto…..Deceased Members of the Obon & Lagrazon Families La Monica, Joan……………………………Fred La Monica Lavelle, John………………………………...Theresa Lavelle Lee, Frank & Winnie Locastro,Frank & Lorraine…………Masucci & Locastro Families Loschiavo, Richard & Janice Luongo, Robert & Loretta……………..Gennaro Izzo Lynch, Barbara…………………………….Dr. Thomas J. Lynch Eleanore & Albert Banisch Lynch, Dennis & Patricia……………Lynch and Danella Families Mac Aulay, Susan………………………….Andrew & Julia Fallat Doug & Judy Mac Aulay Majersky, Stephen & Christine….Deceased Members of the Majersky, Parascondola, Linder & Lug Families Maloney, Dennis & Susan………….Deceased Members of the Toscano & Maloney Families Marconi, Charles & Linda………….John Cariello Marino, Judith………………………….Michael Marino Marion, Peter & Priscilla………..Our Beloved Family & Friends

Maron, Ann Maron, Gerard & Christine……….Edward J. Maron Judene Maron Baglieri Martillo, Xavier & Marieta………..Jose Donoso Yolanda Martillo Martin, Bernadette………………….Emily Elizabeth Martin Jerome J. Martin Martini, Rose…………………………...For Easter Matthews, Patrick & Camille Mc Cann, Stephen & Kathleen………Vincenza Bisciglie McCarthy, James & Mary Mc Gorty, Francis & Dolores…….Deceased Members of the Mc Gorty & Cimicata Families Mc Gough, Susan……………………...Philip Mc Gough Mc Mahon, Suzanna………………….John J. Mc Mahon Mc Morrow, James & Kathleen….Leo Collins, Sr. Mc Partland, Kieran………………….Kieran & Anna Mc Partland Thomas Mc Partland Brother John Mc Partland Mercadante, Marilyn………………...Rose & Frank Mercadante Montalbano, Michael & Betty Moran, Thomas & Elaine…………...For Peace in Our World Moretti, Michael & Ann………Deceased Members of the Navarra Family Marie & William Codner Murdock, Sean & Sharon…………...Frank & Mary Vancura Joan & George Brugger, Jr. Fr. Jim Mc Kenna Murray, Donald & Lori……………...Daniel & Irene Murray Muscat, Angelo & Tina Mustard, Sheldon & Hyun Jeong….Maria Dan Muti, Michael & Barbara…………….Sergio & Jean Muti Charles & Grace Dorso Mylod, Charles & Elizabeth…..Cullen, Mylod, Meehan Families Nelson, Christopher & Maryann…….Mark Gaynor Joseph Mc Kenna Nicolich, Marco & Phyllis……………..Marco Nicolich Noble, Nicholas & Joan………………...Joseph, Josephine Minditto Rose Mulder Norian, Cordell & Katherine Oates, James & Monica ………………...Ellen Warren James R. Oates O’Brien, Catherine……………………….Nancy O’Brien Graham O’Brien O’Brien, Esther…………………………….Edward O’Brien O’Brien, Frances…………………………...Patrick B. O’Brien O’Brien, Thomas & Cecilia……………..Hilda Baez



2017 Easter Flower Donations—cont’d. Donated by In Loving Memory of /Special Intention Donated by In Loving Memory of /Special Intention


Ocello, Nicholas & Veronica………...Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lisa Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ocello Mr. & Mrs. Fred Siccardi Mr. Angelo Lanziotti Ochoa, Jaime & Theresa………………Departed Family Members Odynski, George & Alice……………...Henryka Mierzejewska Olsen, Maryanne O’Toole, Anne……………………………..Alfred O’Toole Emilyn O’ Toole Palazzo, Daniel & Julie………………...Florence Palazzo Albert E. Palazzo Gerard P. Lee, Jr. Passaretti, John & Donna……………..Nickolas J. Tucci Robert Anthony Passaretti Perez, Leo & Lorna………………Deceased Members of the Teneza-Ilas Family and Ceniza-Perez Family Perilli, Beverly……………………………..Angelo Perilli Perrone, Mary Ann……………………………...Joseph C. Perrone Perrone, Michael & Patricia………….Anthony & Jennie Perrone Petrazzuolo, Vincent & Judy………….Emily Bernard Louis Bernard Lena Petrazzuolo Pasquale Petrazzuolo Petrie, Rita…………………………………..Bill Petrie Petrie, Scott & Tracy…………………….William Petrie Piasevoli, Ivo & Ida……………………….Irma Primc Ivan Piasevoli Piazza, Marie…………..Deceased Members of the Piazza Family Piersa, Francis & Barbara…………….Piersa & Galvin Families Potter, Raymond………………………….Mary Patricia Potter Deceased Members of the Miller and Potter Families Prisendorf, Charles & Joanne…………Andrew Neubauer Prosser, Jane………………………………...Harriet M. Prosser Pucci, Maureen……………………………...John Pucci Quito, Reynaldo & Mirla………….……..Severino Prieto Reilly, James & Masako………………….Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Yozo Kimoto Rivera, Ruth Santaniello, Vincent & Rosalie………..Joseph & Grace Gaetano James & Theresa Santaniello Walter & Gerry Smith Santee, Mark & Christine Santos, Julio & Rosa……………………...Francisco Santos Javier Plascencia Scalcione, Vincent & Virginia Scesa, Louis & Kathleen………………...Boyle & Scesa Families Schatz, Dorothy…………………………….John & Margaret Schatz William J. Schatz John W. Schatz Schoenberg, Matthew & Tracy Schrader, Audrey………………………….Susan E. Schrader Arthur M. Schrader, Jr. Schuber, Elaine……….Deceased Members of the Cleary Family Schuber, Therese…………………………..William & Ella Schuber

Schuber, William…………………………...William & Mary Schuber Silverman, Alan & Diane………………....J. Howard Kutzelman Sobel, Mitchell & Diane…………………..Violet Guion Steffens, Matthias & Julia Strobach, Kurt & Patricia…..Giandomenico & Turchon Families Sullivan, Philip & Elizabeth……………..Patrick Sullivan Swift, Daniel & Josephine………………...Swift & Manolio Families Sykes/Pieczara, Gerard & Beata……….Roger Sykes Henry & Danielle Pieczara Tarantino, Robert …………………………...Katherine Tarantino Tumang, Lourdes…………………..For the Poor Souls in Purgatory Tumang, Monica………………………..Lacsamana-Tumang Family Valdez, Virgilio & Andria………………….Valdez Family Vasile, John & Ellen……………………....Vasile & Hreha Families Vega, Manuel & Kathleen……………….Elaine & Eugene Gillen Villena, Laura………………………………..Arsenia Villena Bernadette Sylvia Vincenti, Philip & Concetta…Carolina & Almerindo Accomando Vincent, Joseph & Barbara……………...The Vincent Family Viscardi, Anthony & Janice Viscardi, Robert & Maria………………...Curti & Viscardi Families Vitone, Joseph & Maria…………………...Manuel & Maria Amaral Vrola, Jean……………………………Baby Catherine Margaret Danes Kyle John Boyce Vrola, Arthur & Phyllis…………………….Rocco DiRico Arthur & Victoria Vrola Rocco & Lena Pace Lena Vrola Wagner, James……………………………Jean & Michael Sapunarich Wagner, William & Carolina……..Deceased Members of the Muoio & Wagner Families Weber, Darwin & Bernice……………...Our Parents Westerdahl, Gail…………………………….Robert Westerdahl White, Agnes…………………………………..Jim White Winkler, Edward & Carol……………...Deceased Family Members Wordelman, Ann & Biscardi, Joanne…..Frank A. Faustini Yam, David & Mary Lou………………….Alma & Eugene Galletta



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