saint matthias parish · 8/21/2016  · the 2016 - 2017 parish religious education program (prep)...

Post on 24-May-2020






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Saint Matthias Parish

128 Bryn Mawr Avenue Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004

W e b s i t e : w w w . s a i n t m a t t h i a s . o r g

E m a i l : m a t t h i a s @ s a i n t m a t t h i a s . o r g

Founded 1906

R e c t o r y : 6 1 0 - 6 6 4 - 0 2 0 7 F a x : 6 1 0 - 6 6 4 - 3 5 5 9 Parish Religious Education Office and Youth Office: 610-664-1942

Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions): Saturdays at 4:15 PM, also by appointment ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reverend Monsignor Gerard C. Mesure, J.D., J.C.D., M.A. … Pastor Director of Parish Outreach: Peggy Haley

Reverend Sean P. Bransfield, J.C.L., M.A., M.Div.… Parochial Vicar Director of Liturgical Music: Berthilla Wiscount

Reverend John A. McGinnis, Retired Priest Coordinator of Religious Education: Peggy Haley

Deacon Michael J. Kubiak Director of Youth/Young Adult Ministry: Katie Bryson

Brandon M. Artman, Seminarian _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to Saint Matthias Parish! Please see one of

the priests after any weekend Mass, or call the Rectory if you are interested

in registering at Saint Matthias Parish.

RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: The office staff is available for business matters

Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

APPOINTMENTS: You are asked to arrange an appointment in advance by

telephone with the Priest you wish to see.

SICK CALLS: Emergencies – Please call the Rectory. Hospital Visitation –

The Parish Priests will be happy to visit any Parishioner who is hospitalized.

Please contact the Rectory, since hospitals do not contact the Rectory.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is administered most

Sundays at 11:30 a.m. Arrangements are made in advance at the Rectory.

Sponsors must provide proof of eligibility by a letter from their respective

Pastors. First-time parents attend a Pre-Jordan Meeting prior to Baptism,

which is arranged at a mutually convenient time.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made with the Pastor

at least six months before the date of the Wedding. Pre-Cana instructions are

required. Weddings may be scheduled on Saturdays between 10:00 a.m. and

2:00 p.m., or on Friday evenings.

A U G U S T 2 1 , 2 0 1 6 – T W E N T Y - F I R S T S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

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August 21, 2016 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, August 20 – Vigil, Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

*5:00 Kevin & Marie Quinn: 50th Wedding Anniv.

Sunday, August 21 – Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 Richard Gormley 10:30 Chrystyna Zydzik 7:00 For Our Parishioners

Monday, August 22 – Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30 Happy Repose of the Souls of the Buccino, Talarico, and Mollinedo Families

Tuesday, August 23 – Weekday/St. Rose of Lima 7:30 For Employment and Guidance in Making Right Decisions

Wednesday, August 24 – St. Bartholomew 7:30 Gerard Vaughan

Thursday, August 25 – Weekday/St. Louis/St. Joseph Calasanz 7:30 Ben Brophy

Friday, August 26 – Weekday 7:30 Benjamin Brophy

Saturday, August 27 – St. Monica

*8:00 Special Family Intention: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tadeo

5:00 For Our Parishioners

Sunday, August 28 – Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 Claire Dellinger 10:30 Elizabeth M. DeLacy 7:00 For Our Parishioners

* Extraordinary support through the Saint Matthias Day Program

LIVING LIGHTS: On the side of the Sanctuary near the statue of the Sacred Heart is a place where three candles burn for special intentions. If you wish to have one of these candles burning for your intention, please bring your donation and intention to the sacristy or the rectory office. The Donation for these candles is $10. This week’s candles are lit for: Our Youth, Marriage and Family, and Special Intention.

H.O.P.E. – Helping Other People Enthusiastically H.O.P.E. volunteers assist fellow Parishioners by providing transportation to doctors’ offices, banks, and supermarkets. The H.O.P.E. Captain for August 22 – 28 is Jenny Custer: 610-664-3158.

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Carmel Bane, Joseph Butler, Marie D. Fratini, Martha Eckert, Richard Knorr, Stephen Williams, Ryan Williams, Wyn Marino, Thomas Liciardella, Jeanne Glick, Nita Dransfield, Anthony Massini, Louise Rascioli, Paul Snyder, Joe Casino, Irma Bates, Mary Takacs, John Lynch, Dorothy Rubincam, Eugene Scotti, Catherine O’Connor, Tom Klemick, Alec Boult, Frank Diebold, Louise Grato, Bernie, Katherine, Jordan Damas, John DiVivo, Baby Michael Anthony Siniscalchi, Mary Rowland, Joan

Grzeskowiak, Gerry Gregory, Roger & Lelene Lifleur, Josette Brun, Eleanor Kuhl, Jacqueline Gregory, Christine Ambrose, Lorraine Beaulieu, Dr. Joan Hurlock, Theresa Jandrositz, Raymond Sullivan, Rev. Thomas Wheeler, SJ, Maryhelen Hogan, Thomas O’Connor, Jr., Dante Scott, Gerard Hilard, Gabriel Minders, Chadd Kraus, Sr. Rita Powell, Bill Duffy, Rachel Smith, Louis Owens, Lynne Dotsey, Anna Dolores Frank, Toni Mastrocia, Jack Yura, and Tom Whelan. We also pray for those served by our Parish in Inglis House and Bala Nursing Home. If you wish to have someone’s name added to or removed from our Sick List, please call the Rectory.

MEMBERS OF THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Heidi Anderson, Patricia Black, Katherine Bryson (ex-officio), Mike DeMonte, Maggie Duffy, Peggy Haley (ex-officio), Ross Holgado, Ray Nepomuceno, Mark Rooney, Peggy Saeger (Secretary), Gina Sullivan, H. Nelson Keyser III (Finance Council representative), Mike Utkus, Berthilla Wiscount (ex-officio).

Sacrificial Giving ~ Stewardship

Sunday Collection – August 13/14: $ 5,101

Thank you for your continued sacrificial generosity!

Priest Celebrant Schedule for August 27/28: 5:00 Monsignor Mesure 8:30 Father McGinnis 10:30 Father Bransfield 7:00 Father Tran

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Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John

Being Catholic takes more than simply

believing in God or doing what he asks of us. Jesus

wants you to be more than just a believer—he wants

you to be his disciple and friend. To help you answer

this call to deeper friendship with Christ, St. Matthias

will begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of

John on Tuesday, September 13th at 7:00 PM. For

more info or to register, visit, or

contact Roxanne by phone at 215-520-2997 or by

email: You will not only

benefit personally from being part of this study; you

will also help us to grow in fellowship as a parish as

we grow closer to Christ together.

Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of

a renewed friendship with Christ. You will learn what

it takes to follow him. You will experience the joy of

divine friendship, and you will see how God—and

only God—can satisfy the deepest desires of the heart.

Participants of Follow Me will receive a work-

book and will meet every week to view an engaging

video presentation followed by a time of lively group

discussion and fellowship. The eight 30-minute

videos, presented by Dr. Edward Sri, will guide you

through the Gospel of John. Dr. Sri will explain how

Christ’s encounters with others in the Gospel are

examples of how he lovingly and persistently calls

each of us to a more intimate and life-changing

relationship with him.

The answer when teens ask,

“Why do I have to go to Mass?”

Teens today are surrounded by distractions:

music fills their ear buds, while tweets and posts are

constantly checked and updated. They have been

conditioned to fill any void or silent moment with

noise and stimulation. So instilling an appreciation

and enthusiasm for the Mass can be a challenge.

Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass

Revealed is a new five-part study on the Mass for

teens that features powerful cinematography, inspiring

presenters, and engaging workbook resour-

ces. Altaration uses humor, stories, and small group

discussion to capture your teen’s attention and instill

in them a deep and lasting love for the Mass.

Join us for Altaration at St. Matthias in the

Parish Center beginning Sunday, September 25th,

from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, and continuing every

Sunday. For more information or to register for the

study, call Katie at 610-664-0207 or



The 2016 - 2017 Parish Religious Education

Program (PREP) Registration is now open for

our children entering Grades K-8. Registration fee:

$130. Forms are available at the church entrances.

For more information, please contact Peggy Haley

at 610-664-0207 or


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The links for on-line registration for CYO SPORTS is now open. ALL parish members and school attendees are eligible to participate in CYO activities. Please note: all participants must be registered prior to partaking in any practice or tryout.

1st/8th Girls & Boys Cross Country

5th/6th Field Hockey

7th/8th Field Hockey

5th/6th Football

7th/8th Football

3rd/4th Boys Soccer

Please take a moment to review the Sick List

on page 2 of this bulletin. If a name needs

to be removed (or added), please contact the

Rectory by email ( or by

phone (610-664-0207). Thank you for assisting us to

keep this list current.

Welcome, New Parishioners!

- The Shin Family: Steven, Stephanie, and Annabel - The Pahys Family: Joshua, Jenny, Gemma, Eloise, and Charles

- The Teskeredzic Family: Dino & Amanda, the digital

successor to the former Catholic Standard and Times Newspaper,

is updated daily with Catholic news, and catechesis,

and features a free weekly newsletter sent by email.

September 11th – 8:45 AM: First Day of PREP

September 18th – Catechetical Sunday

Opening Mass for PREP – 10:30 AM

Fall Kick Off after 10:30 AM Mass

September 30th – Outdoor Movie – 7:00 PM

October 4th – Blessing of Animals – 6:30 PM

October 17th – Forty Hours

October 18th – Forty Hours – Outdoor Eucharistic Procession followed by Cider Social

November 6th – Mass of Remembrance – 10:30 AM

November 12th – Volunteer Thank You Dinner

November 15th – Blood Drive

December 4th – First Sunday of Advent

Anointing Mass at 10:30 AM

Seniors Christmas Lunch after 10:30 AM Mass

December 9th – Kids Christmas Fun Fest/Outdoor Christmas Lighting

Second Collection Envelopes This Weekend: Catholic University Collection Second Collection Envelopes Next Weekend: Catholic Education Collection. This collection is used to support the various educational projects of the Parish. In particular, it underwrites the costs of our PREP program. All second collection envelopes should be placed in the main collection at the offertory of the Mass.

Holy Family Home, a Catholic long-term care facility run by the Little Sisters of the Poor in Philadelphia, is looking for a full-time, experienced Maintenance Director with strong supervisory skills and related certification. Please email resume to:

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MAIN LINE SINGLES DINNER CLUB (AGES 52-64) Catholic men & women are invited to join The Main Line Singles Dinner Club to share common interests & dine together twice a month. Our next event is Sunday, August 28th at 5:45 P.M. “End of Summer House Party” at a member’s home in Ardmore. More information, call Barb at (610) 896-6542. Catholic men are especially encouraged to participate.

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary

Annual Golf Outing 2016 The Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary Golf Classic

will be held September 12 at the Philadelphia Country

Club. Proceeds from the Seminary Golf Classic will

go directly to supporting the formation of our

seminarians. For more information, please visit


by the School of Theological Studies at Saint Charles

Borromeo Seminary. We are delighted to announce

that the first of our 2016-2017 Lecture Series will be:

“Catholic Perspectives on the Immigration Debate: An

Election Year Primer" featuring and Dr. Rusty Reno

Dr. Peter Casarella, on September 13 from 7-9 P.M. in

the Seminary’s Vianney Hall Auditorium. More in-

formation at

Polish Harvest Festival at the TK Club at 500 East Hector Street in Conshohocken on Sunday, September 25 from Noon to 6 p.m., to support St. Mary Polish American Society. Featuring music from the Naturalistix Polka Band, Polish food, a full cash bar, a 50/50 drawing, a basket raffle, and baked goods for sale. Tickets are $10 advance sales (through September 14) or $15 day of event (food not included in ticket price). For tickets, please email or call 610-630-0861.

September 24

11:00 AM to 9:30 PM

Daylesford Abbey

Paoli, PA AbbeyFest, a full-day outdoor Catholic faith,

music and family festival featuring some of the top Christian contemporary artists including Matt Maher, Brandon Heath, Sara Groves, Righteous B, Marie Miller, Audrey Assad, Ike Ndolo and more. Along with the music, there have been inspiring keynote speakers such as Curtis Martin, Bill Donaghy, and Sister Mariam Heidland, SOLT. The beauty of AbbeyFest is its uplifting Christ-centered music, faithful Catholic speakers, a large outdoor Mass and the culminating candlelight Eucharistic procession, Adoration and Benediction. Featuring dozens of Catholic vendors along with food trucks, family and kid-friendly activities, pickup Frisbee, soccer and touch football games and dozens of Archdiocesan, Norbertine, and other order priests hearing confessions throughout the day and evening along with prayer and healing.

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Rosary at the Cathedral of Ss. Peter and Paul on the

Feast of the Holy Rosary

As a Year of Mercy event, and in recognition of the

real need for the prayerful intercession of our Blessed

Mother—Mother of the Church and Patroness of our

Nation—on the Feast of the Holy Rosary, Friday,

October 7 at 7:00 PM, we will pray the Rosary in the

Cathedral Basilica for all our many intentions. We

would like to see the Cathedral full—1,000 plus

people coming together from all over the Archdiocese

for this prayerful occasion.

Archbishop Prendergast High School Class of 1966 – 50th Reunion. Saturday, October 15 at Springfield Country Club, 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cost: $55. For more information, please email

The past few years, we at Saint Matthias have

exceeded our goal for the Catholic Charities Appeal. As you may have noticed, the “filled in” amount on the heart sign near our parking lot has not moved lately! Our parish goal this year is $45,942. As of August 12, we have raised $42,535, or 93% of our goal! We thank the 210 families that have contributed so far. If just 50 more of our families gave a gift of $75, we would be over our goal!

For 2016 there is a new vision guiding the Catholic Charities Appeal. In addition to our traditional and vital work among the poorest and most disadvantaged, this year Catholic Charities is targeting virtually every aspect of Catholic life for enrichment and improvement. We are taking on a bigger challenge than ever before. This year, your donations will benefit nearly 180 ministries and programs helping everything from childcare to retirement living, from homelessness to growing the Church on college campuses. We ask you to look deep in your heart and be as generous as you can. The Catholic Charities Appeal is the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s single most important fundraiser.

August, 2016

Universal: That volunteers may give themselves gen-

erously to the service of the needy.

Evangelization: That setting aside our very selves, we

may learn to be neighbors to those who find

themselves on the margins of human life and society.

This Monday, August 22, we celebrate the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The faithful, under the guidance of an unerring Catholic instinct, have ever recognized the queenly dignity of the Mother of "The King of kings and Lord of lords": the Fathers, the Doctors of the Church, Popes, down through the centuries, have

given authoritative expression to this truth and the crowning testimony to this common belief is to be found clearly expressed in the wonders of art and in the profound teaching of the liturgy. In their turn theologians have shown the fitting nature of this title of Queen as applied to the Mother of God, since she was so closely associated with the redemptive work of her Son and is the Mediatrix of all graces. Pius XII, by his encyclical letter of October 11, 1954, granted the unanimous desire of the faithful and their pastors and instituted the feast of the Queenship of Mary, giving sanction thus to a devotion that was already paid by the faithful throughout the world to the sovereign Mother of heaven and earth.

Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope.

To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs,

mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of

mercy toward us. And after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of thy womb,

Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.

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