saint pius v june 18, 2017 roman catholic · queens, new york for 109 years, rooted in the gospel...

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ROMAN CATHOLIC 106 –12 Liverpool Street, Jamaica, NY 11435

Phone : (718) 739-3731, Fax : (718)739-7086 Email:

Facebook: Saint Pius V Roman Catholic Church

Website: Office Hours: Mon-Wed, Fri-Sat: 9:00am - 1:00 pm

Mon-Fri 4:00 pm–8:00 pm

Office closed Thursday Mornings & Saturday Afternoon

Mass Schedule Monday - Saturday 8:00 am English Thursday 7:30 pm Spanish Saturday 6:00 pm Bilingual Sunday 8:00 am English 9:00 am Portuguese 10:30 am Spanish 12:00 pm English Fourth Saturday 6:00 pm Youth Mass Solemnities 8:00 am English & 7:30 pm Trilingual

Administrator : Father Felix Sanchez

The Parish Staff

Secretaries : Ana Rodriguez, Rui Terra Bookkeeper: Marlene Kaselis

Bulletin: Ilda Mar tins Parish Trustees: Annette Vaz , Mar io Gil

Maintenance: Jose Ventura Music Director: Lewis A. Perez

OUR MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith community of St. Pius V located in South Jamaica,

Queens, New York for 109 years, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and called to spread that Gospel, value the faith, customs, traditions and diversity of our

Parish and we share them in communion with the Roman Catholic Church. We are committed to live, proclaim and spread the Gospel message through example, service and worship, under the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will

continue to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday in English, Spanish and Portuguese. As we look forward to the next 100 years, we seek spiritual growth

and unity as a community who encourages and respects each other’s differences, but comes together in one faith.

“Contemplate the beauty on the face of Christ and experience the depths of His love.” St. Pius V

Parish Committees and Councils

Finance Committee Annette Vaz, Mario Gil, Fernando Caridade, Ilda Canton Jose C. DaSilva, Pedro Zamora, Ambrose Iwu., Juventino Morales

Parish Pastoral Council Annette Vaz, Ilda Canton, Marthe Helmany, Leonilda Alves Carla Pinto, Sandra Laviscount, Ana Rodriguez, Paul Alibi, Ambrose Iwu, Fernando Caridade, Paul Omoagbi, Alfredo Castellanos, Constanza Silva, Eloise Nesty, Juventino Morales, Ruth Sosa, Ozvaldo Fernandez

Hispanic Committe Elida Melo, Catalina Torres, Dalia Ramírez, Constanza Silva, Ana Rodriguez, Ruth Sosa, Ana & Antonio Quiñones, José Báez, Alfredo Castellanos, Jesús Conforme, Juventino Morales, Rita Gonzales , Osvaldo Fernández, José Luis Cruz , Pablo Rojas, Hilda Jiménez

Our Lady of Fatima Committee Isabel Eira, Deolinda Jorge, Paula Gonçalves,

Anabela Mota, Celeste Dias, Ilda Canton, Isabel Ferreira, Laurinda Silveira, Orlando Fernandes, Dulce Sperr,

Miquelina Rebelo

Reconciliation - Saturday 4:00 pm or by appointment

Communion & Confirmation (Religious Education) - Sunday 10 :30am

Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA - Saturday 11:00 am (English)

Sunday 12:00 pm (Spanish) Marriage - Please make arrangements with priest, six months before Marriage date is set Anointing of the Sick - First Friday of the month 8 : 00 am (English)

7 : 00 pm (Trilingual) Our Lady of Miraculous medal Novena — Monday 8:00 am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament : Friday 8:00 am

Quinceañera & Sweet 16 Mass:

Please make arrangements with the priest or please call at the rectory

Communion for Homebound : anyone unable to attend mass

because of illness may receive Holy communion at home regularly .Please call the rectory


1st Saturday 1:30 pm English 3rd Saturday 1:30 pm Spanish 4th Saturday 1:30 pm Portuguese Baptism Instructions

English 2nd Thursday 7:30 pm Spanish 2nd Sunday 12:00pm Portuguese 3rd Thursday 7:30 pm

Initial contact must be made by appointment with the priest

CCD - Religious Education

Director of Religious Education Leonilda Alves, Carla Pinto RCIA Marthe Helmany, Alfredo Castellanos Catechists Ms. Sofia Almeida , Rosalina Alves, Ms. Claudia Fernandes, Ms. Rosibel Rosario Ms. Cindy Nobre, Mrs. Paula Gonçalves Ms. Marthe Helmany, Mrs. Sandra Laviscount CCD AIDES Antonio Gonçalves, Jessica Terra, Diana Castellanos, Jessica Pinto, Jessica Roman, Davina Bridgemohan,



Thanks for your generosity. Gracias por su generosidad. Obrigado pela vossa generosidade. 6/11/17: $2671.00

Lectors, Ministers, Altar Servers, Ushers 6/25/2017 8:00AM Mass: Lectors/Ministers: Jean Washington, Nicole Lamothe, Kathy Rivera Altar Servers: Pearce, Leslie 9:00AM Mass: Leitors: Ilda Canton, Isabel Eira Ministros: Anabela Mota, Eugenia David Altar Servers: Pearce, Arlene, Gabriella 10:30AM Mass: Mon: Aracelis Collado Lectores: Elsi Villatoro, Catalina Torres Ministros: Jesus Conforme, Ruth Sosa, Delmi Estrada, Maria Abreu Servidores del Altar : Alexander, Mayrelis, Miguel, Ayari Hospitalidad: Flor iber to Valencia, Milton Cardenas, Pablo Rojas, José Cruz, Roberto Montoya, Maria Abreu.

12:00PM Mass: Lector: Justin Kulikhan Ministers: Sandra Laviscount, Mar the Helmany, Paul Alabi, Carla Pinto

Altar Servers: Nallely, Naomi, Naidelyn

UPCOMING SUNDAY COLLECTIONS 6/25/17 Peter’s Pence & Vatican Collection 7/2/17 Renovation Fund 7/9/17 Flowers Collection 7/16/17 Air Conditioning Fund

MASS INTENTIONS 6/18/2017 THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a 1 Cor 10:16-17 Jn 6:51-58 (167) 8:00AM Mass: 9:00AM Mass: + Francisco e Necas Rodrigues, Felisbela Brito, sogros, avos, e tios a pedido de Rosa Rodrigues, Em Honra de Nossa Senhora de Fatima uma intenção especial a pedido da Anabela Fernandes, +Vitor Lopes a pedido de Vania e Danny Lopes, + Luis Cardoso Maria de Anunciação Condês José Faria a pedido da familia, +Pelas almas de Antonio dos Santos +Samuel Saraiba +Manuel dos Santos e +Beatriz Barreto a pedido de Rosa Pinto 10:30AM Mass: Por el 4°mes de fallecimiento de Paul Viterbo Martinez pedido de la familia Morales Marquez, + por el alma de Ubaldo Moreira en el dia del padre de parte de su hija Cenia Moreira, + por el alma de Leoncio Barba en el dia del padre intencion de su viuda y hijos. 12:00PM Mass: + Candido Murillo offered by the Williams Family

Monday 6/19 Saint Romauld, Abbot 2 Cor 6:1-10 Mt 5:38-42 (365)

8:00 AM Mass:

Tuesday 6/20 Weekday 2 Cor 8:1-9 Mt 5:43-48 (366)

8:00 AM Mass:

Wednesday 6/21 Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious 2 Cor 9:6-1 Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 (367)

8:00 AM Mass: For the health of Kui-sun Hyun by family, + Jean Roland by wife Marie Roland and children Thursday 6/22 Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop; Saint John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs

2 Cor 11:1-11/Mt 6:7-15 (368)

8:00 AM Mass: 7:30 PM Spanish Mass:

Friday 6/23 THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS Dt 7:6-11 1 Jn 4:7-16 Mt 11:25-30 (170)

8:00 AM Mass: + For the eternal rest of Dong-Hun Hyun by Ines Hyun, In honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Maria Leal Saturday 6/24 THE NAVINITY OF SAI NT JOHN THE BAPTIST Vigil: Jer 1:4-10 1 Pt 1:8-12 Lk 1:5-17 (586) Day: Is 49:1-6 Acts 13:22-26 Lk 1:57-66, 80 (587) 8:00 AM Mass:

6:00 PM Mass:

6/25/2017 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jer 20:10-13 Rom 5:12-15 Mt 10:26-33 (94) 8:00AM Mass: 9:00AM Mass: 8°mês de falecida de Maria Vaz Pereira da Silva Afonso a pedido do neto Deodato Marques +Manuel e +Rosa Fontoura, +Manuel Tavares Martins e +Regina Tavares a pedido de Manuel e Ilda Martins +13°Aniversario de falecida de Sara Pinheiro, pais, e filho a pedido da Adelaide Pinheiro 10:30AM Mass: + Héctor Roberto Toro y +Héctor Jimmy Toro de parte de Rosa Toro y familia 12:00PM Mass: + Carolina and Ana Valente by Paula Gonçalves


Anúncios - Português

WE PRAY for those who are ill: Alicia Murillo, Nair Martinez Figueiredo, Audrey Thibodaux, Angela McLain, Denise Sanders, Jose Rivera, Victor Acosta, E. Salas, Mary J. Cole, Isabel Salinas, Dionisio Rodriguez, Manuel Alfredo Alvarez, Anais Rodriguez, Dario Mously, Jamar Gordon, Frank Brina, Regulo Ponce, Juan David Hoyos, Marie Singh, Rosalia Varzuela, Handy Moise , Onesimo Veliz, Indira Cruz, Sandra Mowrne , Patrick Gajovczyk, Trinidad Benitez, John Ham, Daniel Mallet, Jose Carlos Diaz, Sipriano Cruz, Alchime Abreu, Maria Fernandes, Zenaida Arias, Maria Helena Fernandes, Julissa Flores, Clementina Balbuena, Lucia Kym, Eustaquia Vasquez, Alessandra Valentim, Maria Alvarez, Jose Baez, Florinda Gutierrez, Jose Intriago, Robert Machcoal ,Francisco Intriago, Manuel Ramirez Hernandez, Enma Jine , Christine Lawrence, Carol Sylvester, Jorge Jimenez, Ernesto Antonio Yascaribay, Ortense Almeida, Altagracia Rodriguez, Ambrose Osawa, Manuel Domingos Fernandes, Mary Houston, Tonya Blake, Marta Martinez, Lilian Mariona, Gene Gonzalez, Elena Gonzalez,Nora Greene, Bryant Greene,Roselio Remigio,Nina Torres, Martha Jackson, Tania Macwenn, Donna Dopwelll, Damaso Rivas, Nydia Nuñez, Adoracion Muñoz , Fr. Luiz Antonio de Aguiar, Violet Johnson, Maria Engracia Diaz, Candida Martinez, Wilfred Sylvester

Anuncios - Español

Lámpara del Santuario Si quiere hacer arreglos para tener la Lámpara de

Santuario iluminada por favor llame a la rectoría: la donación es $25. El mes de Junio

es por Aurora Bras a pedido de su familia.

Se quiser patrocinar a Lâmpada do Santuário O donativo é de $25,

quem desejar ofertar a Lâmpada do Santíssimo, Por favor contacte a reitoria para mais informação

Ésta sendo iluminada durante o mês de Junho por Aurora Bras a pedido da familia

La reunión de la Ultreya de los Cursillistas se lleva a cabo todos los miércoles en la Capilla de San Pedro a las 7:00 PM La despensa de alimentos estará distribuyendo alimentos todos los 1º Miércoles del mes 12-1PM El Grupo de Oración Carismático “ Cristo la Roca” se reúne todos los jueves en el sótano de la iglesia después de la misa; El Grupo matrimonio “La Casa de Nazaret” se reúne todos los viernes a las 7:00 pm en el sótano de la iglesia; El Grupo Carismático “Cristo La Roca” invitan a participar en el seminário “Vida en el Espiritu” todos los Jueves a las 7:30PM con la Misa. Son 7 semanas, con invitados Especiales. No Falten Las personas que estén interesadas para llevarse la capilla de Nuestra Señora la Virgen de la Altagracia a casa por favor hable con un miembro del Comité Altagraciano y si usted desea que lo acompañemos para hacer el Santo Rosario mientras tenga la capilla por favor hable con un miembro del comité Altagraciano para registrarse después de la misa. Las inscripciones están abier tas para el curso de RICA/ADULTOS todos los domingos después de la misa de la 10:30am y en ingles todos los sábados de 10:00Am – 1:00PM La matrícula para el catecismo tendrá lugar todos los sábados de junio de

10:00 AM –a las 1:00 PM en la oficina de catecismo. Guarde la fecha: Sábado junio 24 celebramos la fiesta de S. Juan Batista con misa y después tendremos una cena y baile El precio es de $20.00 con cena incluida, niños menos de 6 anos son gratis,Bebida no incluida, tendremos un bar con bebidas a venta El Coro tiene una venta de pasteles en el auditorio el domingo 25 de junio después de cada misa. Habrá deliciosos postres, por favor, muestren su apoyo a nuestro coro. El Comité Altagraciano quiere invitar a todas las personas para llevarse la capillita de Nuestra Señora la Virgen de la Altagracia a casa, los que estén interesadas por favor hable con un miembro del comité para registrarse después de la misa.

Reunião de Ultreia dos Cursistas: todas as 1ª Quartas-Feiras do mês às 7:00 PM na Capela de S. Pedro A despensa de alimentos ser ão distr ibuidas todas as 1ª Quarta-Feiras do mês das 12:00-1:00 PM Classes de Biblia em Inglês Todas Segundas e Quintas-Feiras às 7 PM na capela de S. Pedro, todos estão convidados a par ticipar . Grupo de Oração Carismático "Cristo la Roca” reúnem-se todas as Quintas-Feiras no porão da igreja após a missa. Grupo do Casamento "A Casa de Nazaré" reúne a cada Sexta-Feira às 7PM no porão da igreja Matriculas para catequese e para RICA todos os sábados de Junho das 10:00am-1:00pm Sábado 24 de junho vamos celebrar a festa de São João com missa às 6:00PM e depois, jantar e dança das 7:00PM as 12:00PM no auditório. O preço é de $20.00 com o jantar incluído.Bebidas não incluídas Haverá um bar com bebidas à venda, crianças de 6 anos ou menos não pagam. Se precisarem de mais informação, liguem para a Reitoria. O coro tera uma venda de bolos no auditório, domingo 25 de Junho, depois de cada missa. Haverá saborosas sobremesas.

Announcements - English

The Food Pantry will be distr ibuting food every 1st Wednesday of the month from 12-1:00 PM

The English Bible class meet at 7:00PM in St. Peter ’s Chapel, everyone is invited to join.

The class will take place the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month.

The Spanish Cursillistas Group meet every Wednesday at 7:00 Pm in St. Peter s Chapel

The Spanish Charismatic Group meets every Thursday in the church basement after the 7:30PM Mass

The Spanish Marriage Group meets every Fr iday at 7:00PM in the church basement

ATTENTION: Free lessons for guitar and piano every Saturday at 5:00 PM

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Fir st Fr iday of the month at 7:00PM

St. Pius V Tree of Life - You have an opportunity to commemorate a special event, Honor a deceased loved one or leave your mark or

the mark of a loved one permanently in the St Pius V Church tree of life. At the same time you will be making a generous contribution to

support your parish. You can pick up an order form from the entrance of the church or call the rectory for more information: “

Think of the value of leaving an everlasting footprint on the church you love.”

Registration for CCD will take place every Saturday in June from 10AM – 1PM in the CCD Office

Save the Date: Saturday June 24th we will be celebrating the feast of St. John with the Mass at 6PM and afterwards, dinner and dance. From 7:00Pm – 12PM in the auditor ium. The donation per ticket is $20.00 with dinner included. Drinks are NOT included There will be a cash bar with drinks for sale, Children 6 years and under are free. If you need more information please call the rectory. There will be a Memorial Mass for the repose of Winnie McCarthy. The date will be announced in the near future. The choir is having a bake sale on Sunday June 25th, in the auditorium this Sunday after every mass. There will be delicious baked goodies, please show your support for our choir.

The Sanctuary Lamp If you want to make arrangements to have the

Sanctuary Lamp lit please call the rectory at 718-739-3731.

The donation is $25 The Sanctuary lamp is lit for the month of June

for Aurora Bras at the family’s request

A WARM WELCOME: If you are new to our parish please feel free to introduce yourself to our priest or one of the servers after mass today. We kindly invite you to come to the rectory and register as a member of St. Pius V. Registration is important for all parishioners. Once registered we are able to issue letters of recommendation also sponsor letters of matrimony We also give end of the year statement of your contributions to the church through your regular use of envelopes. Everyone is Welcome.

Registration / Inscripción / Inscrição Registration is important in the event you may need testimonial letters, for baptism ,confirmation

sponsorships, wedding plans etc! If we don’t know you, we cannot vouch for you! Letters will be provided only to parishioners that are registered Please register TODAY! Thank you

Parish Membership: Name/Nombre _____________________________________________ Envelope/Sobre Yes ___ No ___ Address/Dirección _________________________________________ Zip Code __________ Tel#_____________________________ Email Address ____________________________________ REGISTRATION UPDATE REQUEST:

Envelope number/ Numero de Sobre _____________ Tel # _______________________________

Change name to / Cambio de nombre____________________________________________

Change address to: /Cambio de dirección ___________________________________________

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