sainte anne insight #8 – august 2014

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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INSIGHT is part of our everyday life at Beachcomber Sainte Anne Island. We have related some great stories; we have shared our joys, our achievements, our initiatives and successes with all our colleagues, our friends and our partners both in Seychelles and overseas.


I N S I G H TN E W S L E T T E R O F S A I N T E A N N E I S L A N D - A U G U S T 2 0 1 4

Pool refurbishmentWorks have been performed on all the pools and ponds, namely the main swimming pool, reception and restaurant ponds, the SPA pool along with a few dozen villa pools. David Gappy, Maintenance Manager at Sainte Anne Island who has supervised the project, gave some details to INSIGHT. «We have replaced all the electrical panels, the pool lighting devices. We also made sure to replace the damaged tiles and grouts and upgraded the entire chemical dosing systems.»

This upgrading of the pools and ponds now allows the resort to save water and helps protect the environment by reducing the amount of chemicals required to maintain them. «Some of the alterations in the new installations will also prevent damage to critical electrical and mechanical parts that have in the past been aff ected during days of heavy rains. We also expect the facilities to be in a better state for our guests who will no doubt be the fi rst to feel and appreciate the benefi ts of these works. It goes without saying that our pool maintenance team will soon be presented with a much easier set of tools and equipment to maintain these facilities better than before,» David Gappy added.

Boiler tanks and piping upgradeOver the years, many of the steel pipes of the resort’s domestic cold & hot water distribution network had reached their lifetime. This has prompted Management to also replace the two hot water storage tanks with new steel equipments.

David Gappy: «On this project, some of the

maintenance staff also volunteered and supported the System Building team as they worked all through the night on two diff erent occasions to move the heavy tanks in and out of the plant room. This special moment of close collaboration will no doubt be etched in the memory of all who took part in this delicate operation and, as we say in Creole – “travay ti la!” Here too, the huge investment now off ers a more comfortable stay to guests as they get the cleanest water the island can provide.»

Villa air conditioning & sensorWear and tear have, over the years, had the better of some of the villa air conditioning equipment’s fan coil, a crucial component to allow our guests to have a cool night sleep. «It must be noted that these are also some of

the big energy consumers in the resort and a source of energy wastage if they are not properly monitored or left on while rooms are unoccupied. It was therefore a great initiative to choose eco-friendly thermostats to fi t in this project. Some of the benefi ts will include air conditioning sensors in rooms and this system will also wait for doors to close before the air conditioner starts operating, thus preventing energy waste.»

The resort expects to make considerable savings in the coming months with these newly introduced technologies. Sainte Anne Island keeps pace with its policy to improve its eco-friendly operations while providing maximum comfort and top quality facilities to its guests. This is the continuous challenge that the resort imposes upon itself at all times.

Product upgrade

• IN THIS ISSUE • PAGE 2 | COMMUNITY | Formation professionnelle • PAGE 3 | NEWS | Sainte Anne Island features in SBC TV «Knock-Out» • PAGE 4 & 5 |PEOPLE | «New responsibilities are thrilling»| Celebrating Seychelles • PAGE 6 & 7 | GUESTS | Never change a winning destination! | Dream destination report • PAGE 8 | EVENT | World Cup frenzy • PAGE 9 | EXPOSURE | Les Escapades Seychelloises 2014 • PAGE 10 | GREEN CORNER | Setting-up a botanical nursery with Roland Nolin • PAGE 11 | AIR NEWS| Air Seychelles returns to Paris • PAGE 12 |We're in the News

Important works have been carried out during these past weeks to upgrade and maintain strategic facilities at the resort. These refurbishment jobs have mobilized team members of the Maintenance Department. Precious support was also received from contracted companies such as System Building and Watertech as well as the Beachcomber technical team.

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Sainte Anne Island Resort est le premier hôtel aux Seychelles à lancer un programme de stages pour diplômés en tourisme et hôtellerie. Il a démarré sur une base

pilote avec un contingent initial de sept jeunes professionnels de l’île de La Réunion.

Un accord relatif à ce programme de stages a été signé le 20 juin dernier avec le ministère du Tourisme et de la Culture et la Seychelles Tourism Academy (STA), représentés respectivement par le ministre Alain St-Ange et Flavien Joubert.

Le premier groupe de diplômés a débarqué à Sainte Anne Island au début d'août 2014 en provenance de l’île de La Réunion. Dans le cadre de leur formation professionnelle, ils seront appelés à travailler pendant deux ans dans la préparation des aliments, au service en restaurant, à l’entretien, à la réception et à la relation clientèle.

Outre la formation qu’ils recevront, ces jeunes pourront apprendre à mieux connaître le peuple seychellois et sa culture. Cette initiative revêt

également une importance particulière dans le positionnement de marché des Seychelles, avec le lancement par Air Austral de deux vols directs hebdomadaires au départ de l’île de La Réunion.

Norbert Couvreur, le Directeur Général de l’établissement qui a paraphé cet accord, a souligné le soutien continu que son hôtel apporte à la formation hôtelière aux Seychelles : « Nous avons toujours favorisé une politique de formation dans notre métier. Nous avons déjà un vaste programme de coopération avec la STA pour la formation de jeunes seychellois et seychelloises. Nous accueillons en ce moment même des stagiaires chinois. Nous avons aussi innové en développant un projet pour la formation et le recrutement de mères célibataires.»

L'ex-Reef Hotel a été mis à la disposition de l’Ambassade de France aux Seychelles pour la célébration de la Fête nationale française le lundi 14 juillet dernier. Cet établissement, qui a

jadis été l’un des lieux les plus emblématiques de la vie seychelloise, a constitué l’écrin le plus approprié pour honorer la plus belle fête française cette année et, par la même occasion, célébrer l’amitié entre les Seychelles et la France. Pour cette occasion, L'ex-Reef Hotel avait complètement changé de look avec les drapeaux français et européens.

Les célébrations ont eu lieu lors d’une réception où étaient conviées les plus hautes personnalités du pays. L’ambassadrice de France, Madame Geneviève Iancu, a accueilli, entre autres, l’ancien Président James Mancham, le Vice-Président Danny Faure, des juges de la Cour Suprême, les ministres Jean-Paul Adam, Idith Alexander, Alain St Ange, Rolph Payet, Peter Sinon et Mitcy Larue ainsi que des membres de l’Assemblée nationale.

L’ambassadrice Iancu et le ministre seychellois des Affaires étrangères, Jean-Paul Adam, n’ont pas manqué de souligner l’excellence des relations entre Victoria et Paris. Ils ont évoqué la coopération dans les domaines des infrastructures, de l’éducation, de la sécurité, de la culture et du tourisme, pour ne citer que quelques secteurs.

Un autre point fort de la soirée a été l’interprétation des hymnes nationaux seychellois, français et européen par la chorale de la paroisse d’Anse Boileau, l’animation de Jean Quatre et son orchestre ainsi que celle de la troupe nationale des Seychelles. Les invités ont ensuite eu droit à une dégustation d’un large choix de fromages, vins et autres plats typiquement français. Le

service était assuré par les mains expertes des team members de Sainte Anne Island. Madame Iancu a exprimé sa gratitude au Groupe Beachcomber et à Sainte Anne Island pour le succès de cette Fête nationale française aux Seychelles qui a été, selon elle, à la hauteur de ses espérances.


professionnelle le lancement par Air Austral de deux vols directs hebdomadaires au départ de l’île de La Réunion.

Norbert Couvreur, le Directeur Général de l’établissement qui a paraphé

avons toujours favorisé une politique de formation dans

déjà un vaste programme de coopération avec la STA pour la formation de jeunes seychellois et seychelloises. Nous accueillons en ce moment même des stagiaires chinois. Nous avons aussi innové en développant un projet pour la formation et le recrutement de mères célibataires.»










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Honneur à la Fête nationale française

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A group of ladies from the Diplomatic Spouses’ Association in Seychelles (DSA) visited the resort

recently. The guests were greeted by Valérie Couvreur, the General Manager’s spouse and they were guided on a tour of the island, which ended with lunch.

The DSA was formed in 2009 by the spouses of diplomatic Heads of Missions in Seychelles and it is now composed

of ladies from various backgrounds. The objective of the DSA is to operate as a voluntary, non-profi t organisation in promoting international friendship and strengthening relations with Seychelles. It supports local charitable causes by fund-raising through organised activities, events and sponsorship.

The guests expressed their thanks to the resort for the special attention they were given during their visit.

The new Sainte Anne fragrance is on sale. Inspired by the unique atmosphere of the resort, the ‘Bonjour Perfume’ brand has come up with a product that sits proudly

on the shelves of the resort’s boutique. Sainte Anne joins the other iconic islands of Seychelles in the wide array of the local brand. Wrapped in a luxury package, the product is already a hit among guests who visit the Boutique. This initiative is part of the overall objective of the resort to promote local products in the hospitality industry.

Sainte Anne Island has joined the national network for rainfall data collection. This volunteer programme managed by the Division of Climate & Environmental Services of the National Meteorological Services regroups

39 monitoring sites across the country.

A gauge has been installed at the resort next to the administration offi ces. Errol Ally from the Sports & Leisure Department has volunteered to collect the reading on a daily basis and to report to the Met Offi ce accordingly.

The resort is proud to be part of such an initiative, which contributes to the national development. «We are indeed very interested in this programme and we are happy that a team member is one of the numerous volunteers in the country», Nichol Therlermont, the resort’s Human Resource Manager told INSIGHT. Errol Ally says that it is a noble task to collect the rainfall data. «I feel that I have to carry out this mission for the country and I am really interested in the ways rainfall amounts change from year to year.»

Rainfall data gathered from the various locations is very helpful in drought monitoring and disaster assessment purposes after torrential rains. Marcel Belmont, Senior Meteorological Technician at the Met Offi ce, is thankful for the participation of Sainte Anne Island in this project. «I must thank Sainte Anne Island for all the assistance given to facilitate the setting up of a rain gauge on its premises. I am particularly grateful to the volunteer rainfall reader who will be providing us with the readings. This shows the existing good partnership between the private sector and the Met Offi ce on common national issues.»

The resort gratefully accepted to host the filming crew and the participants of the second round of the popular

‘Knock-Out’ TV program. ‘Knockout’ is a competitive game show that started in August 2013.

This year, teams representing various organizations in Seychelles participated in this fi fty-two minute show aired on SBC TV. They were assigned tasks to perform while taking the audience on a learning journey. Most tasks involved learning something about history and culture. ‘Knock-Out’ adopts a treasure hunt format whereby the participants are required to follow clue after clue.

After starting off on Mahé and being able to decipher the various riddles given to them, the participants had to fi nd their way to Sainte Anne Island. Once on the island, they had to take a pedalo and paddle all the way to Moyenne Island and fi nd Brendon Grimshaw’s grave.

Sainte Anne Island provided the team with transportation from Mahé to the resort and back as well as the two pedalos used by the participants. Team members from the resort also assisted the guests by posing the fi xers for the game. After the fi lming, the resort made provision for snacks and beverages for the crew members and the participants.

La Maison Lux'en Bouche de l’île de la Réunion a présenté ses produits lors d’une matinée de dégustation en juin à Sainte Anne Island. Cette action

s’inscrit dans le droit fi l de doter l’hôtel et l’industrie du tourisme des Seychelles de meilleurs produits de luxe qui cadrent bien avec la réputation de la destination.Lors de cette dégustation, le caviar Prunier et le saumon fumé Balik ont été présentés. Le caviar Prunier est un produit haut de gamme préparé d’après des techniques très développées depuis plus de 86 ans. Le célèbre saumon fumé Balik fut introduit sur le marché mondial en 1984. Aujourd'hui, près de 30 ans après, il s'impose toujours comme le nec plus ultra.

To celebrate the International Year of Small Island Developing States, school children from Mont Fleuri Primary School recently visited Sainte Anne Island in order to know one of their neighbouring islands.

During this visit and accompanied by their teachers, the 40 children learnt about the biodiversity of Sainte Anne. The young visitors were briefed about the actions the resort is taking to promote sustainable tourism. They were guided to the inner part of the island and observed the rich wildlife of the island while discovering the historical sites. The school children then proceeded to the nursery to learn about the project for endemic plant cultivation and the tour ended at the Vallée-des-Palmes.


Diplomatic spouses on a tour

Special fragrance

Discovering the biodiversity of Sainte Anne

Supporting rainfall data collection

Sainte Anne Island features in SBC TV «Knock-Out»

Produits de luxe

Discovering the biodiversity of Sainte Annebiodiversity of Sainte AnneDiscovering the biodiversity of Sainte AnneDiscovering the

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Gelage Hoareau has been vested with very important responsibilities lately. While still in charge of the Saint Anne Residence at Anse-aux-Pins, he has also

been given the task of special project coordinator on the resort for some weeks. He revels in his new functions. «This is a demanding job but I feel at ease. I am assigned by the general manager to monitor all issues pertaining to environment, erosion, drainage, health and safety and security on the resort. I build on my experience at the Sainte Anne residence to accomplish my new job.»

Gelage is seen everywhere on the island. He checks the progress of a project on the beach, supervises team members cleaning the garden and ensures that the surroundings are kept tidy. «After the morning meeting, I usually set on my journey for the day. As part of the risk management

program, I also inspect the good condition of life jackets on the boats, which shuttle guests and team members to and from mainland Mahé. I must check the safety of all gas outlets and cylinders, ensure that the sewerage system is functioning well and that no pollution is caused. I am very strict on the general aspects of safety and security on the resort.»

This heavy schedule keeps Gelage very busy and quite happy. He relies on his vast experience in the security field to perform his daily duties. «I have spent 23 years in the police force, the army and the prison services. This helps me a lot to carry on with my present job. Every day is a different one. I like to work on the resort with so many team members coming from different shores. Working with such diversity is a unique opportunity and I make it a fundamental principle to learn from others.»

Il a la stature imposante dans son habit tout blanc et un large sourire. Quand INSIGHT a rencontré le nouveau Executive Chef de Sainte Anne Island, il cachait mal son émotion après cette promotion.

Lui Sanjesh Canakiah, enfant du village de Souillac dans le sud de Maurice, a la tête de la cuisine d’un hôtel de renom, il croit toujours rêver ! Il marque aussi l’histoire du groupe Beachcomber en devenant le premier ‘team member’ de la région océan Indien à diriger la cuisine. Un aboutissement après plus de deux décennies au service du même groupe.

« J’ai débuté en 1987 avec ma formation à l’Ecole hôtelière de Maurice et l’année suivante, j’ai intégré le personnel de l’hôtel Paradis à Maurice. J’y ai gravi tous les échelons et je dois remercier tant de personnes qui ont travaillé avec moi là-bas, parmi Kervyn Rayeroux. C’est en 2012 que je suis arrivé à Sainte Anne Island comme Executive Sous-Chef. »

En prenant son travail aux Seychelles, le chef Sanjesh découvre un monde totalement différent. Le concept de l’hôtel est un nouveau défi pour lui. « Le concept all-Inclusive package était une opération nouvelle pour moi mais je me suis vite adapté. Comme on doit servir les repas à toute heure du jour, l’organisation est sensiblement différente. Ce nouveau challenge m’a permis d’utiliser toute mon expérience acquise au sein du groupe Beachcomber. »

Deuxième tâche inédite pour le chef, celle de gérer et de travailler avec des collègues venant de plusieurs pays. «Dans la cuisine, nous avons des Seychellois, des Mauriciens, des Sri-lankais, des Népalais. Il faut tout harmoniser et comprendre le tempérament et la mentalité de chaque groupe pour en faire une vraie équipe et maintenir de bonnes relations de travail. »

Aujourd’hui, le chef Sanjesh s’habitue à son nouveau rôle. Il doit prendre de nouvelles responsabilités et accomplir des taches encore plus importantes. «Je suis tout à fait à l’aise dans mon nouveau rôle. Je mesure le poids de cette responsabilité mais je suis heureux de pouvoir compter sur le soutien du Directeur Général, Norbert Couvreur. Je suis fier que la direction m’ait fait confiance. Maintenant, en plus du travail que j’effectuais auparavant, je dois gérer les coûts, assurer la qualité, négocier avec les fournisseurs, traiter avec les agences de voyages pour les groupes ou des évènements spéciaux, introduire de nouveaux menus, tester les nouveaux plats. Mais je me sens armé pour accomplir ce travail. »

Dès son plus jeune âge, le petit Sanjesh voulait travailler dans la cuisine d’un grand hôtel. «J’avais 10 ans quand j’avais dit à mon père que je voulais devenir un chef de cuisine. J’ai tout fait pour développer ma carrière dans ce sens. J’ai toujours aimé les saveurs et les textures pour offrir les meilleurs plats à mes invités ou à mes clients. »

A l’aise dans son nouveau rôle

«New responsibilities are thrilling»

dream is a serious thing inteanne-resort .com

Discover the island of dreams and sensual pleasures

DAY DISCOVERYFrom 11.00 a.m. to 6 p.m.

INCLUDED IN YOUR PACKAGE- Shuttle service- Bar service- Lunch (Buffet or “à la carte”)- Water & land activities (as per our daily program - equipment supplied)- All items followed by the ISLAND INCLUSIvE logo

on our bar & restaurant menus

RATES (price includes tax)- Adults SCR 1,600- Children 12 to 17: SCR 800

5 to 11: SCR 500Under 5: Free

EVENING DISCOVERYFrom 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.

INCLUDED IN YOUR PACKAGE- Shuttle service- Dinner (a choice of three restaurants)- Bar service including champagne (entertainment from 7 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.)- All items followed by the ISLAND INCLUSIvE logo

on our bar & restaurant menus

RATES (price includes tax)- Adults SCR 1,800- Children 12 to 17: SCR 900

5 to 11: SCR 720Under 5: Free

RESERVATIONFor reservation and further details please e-mail us on

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Team members gathered around the fl agpole near the jetty to celebrate the National day in June. It was an emotional moment not only for the

locals but also for the expatriates from many countries. Each one wanted to pay tribute to Seychelles and its people. It was also an opportunity to express the best wishes of success to the nation in all fi elds and particularly the tourism sector, the country’s main income earner. Norbert Couvreur, the General Manager, led the fl ag-raising ceremony together with team members coming from all departments.

The honour to raise the fl ag on top of the pole was given to Mary Anne Blackburn. She was designated because of her hard and dedicated work and for setting the example as a role model. Mary Anne, Senior Supervisor of the Public Area, is a pioneer worker at Sainte Anne Island and her enthusiasm blended with a sense of professionalism makes her the most appropriate team member to hold the Seychelles fl ag high.

Norbert Couvreur said he was happy to have Mary Anne to carry out this mission on such an important event. «On this special day, I thought it fi t to have Mary Anne perform this national duty. She always has the right attitude and correct behaviour. She is an example as a Seychellois to all other team members and by inviting her to raise the fl ag, it was my way to thank her for all these years of good service.» The national anthem was sung by those present and Mary Anne lifted the fl ag with tears in her eyes.























































Mary Anne Blackburn

«I was not expecting to be granted this honour at all. This is so emotional for me. I am so

glad too that my e� orts and hard work are being recognized on this important day. I am proud to have raised the national � ag in front of

all my colleagues.»

Marie Denise

«I think we are one of the rare hotels not to say the only

one to have this � ag-raising ceremony. I really appreciate

that my expatriate colleagues participated in this event.

It shows how much respect we have for each other and how they respect our country. I cannot hide my pride when I see my national

� ag on top of the pole.»

David Gappy

«This is a nice way to celebrate the National day at the resort. It’s very good too that our colleagues from

all other countries could participate. I am very happy to be here today.»

Bernard St Ange

« I was very proud with a deeper sense of patriotism. I appreciate

the initiative of the resort to make us live such emotional moments.

I have played for the national football team and I have always felt so happy when I heard the national

anthem like today at Sainte Anne Island.»

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A group from the Spanish branch of the renowned mobile telecommunications operator Vodafone visited

the resort a few weeks ago. The 96 guests enjoyed the facilities with special programs exclusively designed for them. There was a kind of fi ery, passionate and party atmosphere all around the hotel during their stay. They were not shy to enjoy themselves at the beach or at the bar. The mobile phones were exceptionally kept in the villas…

A Spanish taste

A the resort a few weeks ago.

A Spanish tasteA Spanish taste

Rencontre avec…

Joueur de football en Ligue 1 françaiseMaxime Baca

Never change a winning destination!

« On adore la pluralité dans l’harmonie »

Avant de reprendre la nouvelle saison de latéral droit dans son nouveau club de Guingamp, Maxime Baca est venu se détendre dans son lieu préféré de vacances avec sa famille. C’est maintenant un habitué de Sainte Anne Island depuis quelques années. Il a bienveillamment accepté de consacrer quelques instants à INSIGHT.

Vous connaissez bien l’hôtel maintenant ?

Oui, absolument ! C’est la troisième fois que je viens à Sainte Anne Island. J’y suis venu pour la première fois en 2011 avec mon épouse. Ensuite on est revenu l’année suivante et me voilà encore ici dans ce lieu merveilleux. Cette fois, on est à trois car entre-temps notre petite fi lle est née.

Parlez-nous de vos débuts dans le monde du football.

J’ai débuté à six ans, c’est-à-dire tout petit dans la cour de récré comme tout garçon de mon âge. Ensuite j’ai franchi toutes les étapes : jeux entre copains, inscription dans un club, sport études et passage au niveau professionnel. J’ai été formé au Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). Cela fait 10 ans que je suis passé professionnel et j’ai débuté au club du Havre avant de jouer pour le FC Lorient. Je viens de rejoindre le club de Guingamp pour la nouvelle saison.

Une carrière avec beaucoup de satisfaction…

Oui, l’un des meilleurs moments a été sans doute la signature de mon premier contrat professionnel. Puis au Havre, on a été champion de la 2e division et on est monté en Ligue 1. Avec le FC Lorient, on a signé beaucoup de belles victoires surtout celle contre le PSG. Cette année, je compte connaître encore plus de belles émotions avec mon nouveau club de Guingamp. C’est une nouvelle saison, un nouveau challenge. C’est vrai que le PSG fait fi gure de favori avec Monaco mais on a une belle carte à jouer.

Donc, un bon repos chez nous avant d’entamer une nouvelle étape dans votre carrière ?

Oui. Les Seychelles, ça invite au voyage. Ma femme et moi avons un coup de cœur pour Sainte Anne Island. Nous y passons des moments merveilleux. Tout est super ici et j’adore y revenir. On se sent au repos dans le luxe avec une bonne dose d’une nature conservée et protégée.

He looks like an iconic football fi gure and is very often mistaken for Sir Alex Ferguson! Eric Garner has lived with this weight on his shoulder for years and wherever he has been around the world. «At fi rst I did not pay attention to

this resemblance. It’s in Malaysia many years ago that some hotel employees came up to me to ask if I was the Manchester United boss. I was very taken aback by this question. In England, while we were attending a New Year’s dinner dance in Nottingham, a man even took a bet with his friends that I was Sir Alex! Of course he lost when they had a close look at me. You see, I am carrying this burden all the way now. Even here at Sainte Anne Island, the Premier League footballer Younes Kaboul wanted to have a photo with me when he was on vacation in 2013. He said he wanted to show it to his friend at Tottenham Hotspur. In the end, we took a photo together and I was the one who showed to my friend that I had a snap with a great player!»

Eric and Janet come from Haxley, a rural farming village, in North Lincolnshire. After working in the steel industry, Eric joined his brother in a dry-cleaning business in Doncaster. He has recently left his home village to enjoy a few days far from the cold weather.

«It is our third visit to Sainte Anne Island in three years! Usually, we don’t go to the same place for our holidays but this resort is so special for us,»Janet explains. «I can remember when a staff at the Western & Oriental travel agency recommended Sainte Anne Island. We were told how peaceful and beautiful it was. We were never and still are not disappointed about the choice we made. We wanted to come to Seychelles for the wonderful beaches and the good weather.»

After many trips to Mauritius at Shandrani Hotel, Eric and Janet have now decided to adopt Sainte Anne Island. «We feel we have

still a lot to discover and enjoy here. The staff is so friendly and the time we spend so beautiful that we don’t see any reasons to change,» Eric concludes.

And, in a nutshell, you never change a winning destination just as the famous Scottish football manager would have said: «Never change a winning team!»

Le Docteur Jean Arend s’occupe avec dévotion de ses patients presque 300 jours dans l’année et ce qu’il vient avant

tout chercher à Sainte Anne Island, ce sont des moments de sérénité avec son épouse Claude.

«Oui, je préfère le calme, passer la journée en maillot de bain et admirer les fl eurs du frangipanier qui borde notre villa. Je me ressource avec ce soleil qui me redonne la force pour retourner m’occuper de mes patients,» nous avoue Jean, assis sur le transat devant sa villa.

Ce couple venant du Luxembourg, parents de trois fi ls, aiment cette destination qui est totalement diff érente de leur lieu de résidence. « J’avais toujours rêvé de faire ces longs voyages au bout du monde. Quand j’étais gosse, je voyais les belles plages de Bora-Bora sur les magazines. Et après, j’ai entendu parler des Seychelles et de sa douceur de vivre, » confi e Jean.

Le couple Arend aime aussi aller en ville à Victoria pour fouiller un peu dans les boutiques d’artisanat. « On se sent tellement à l’aise ici. Les gens sont très souriants. On ne voit que des visages plaisants. Et puis, il y a cette pluralité de la population dans une harmonie parfaite, » raconte Claude avec admiration.

Nos amis aiment aussi la végétation intacte qui entoure l’hôtel, ce côté sauvage. « On est très loin d’être déçu de la réalité. Au contraire, on revit à chaque pas que nous faisons, à chaque instant de la journée. On se laisse aller, on se sent libéré, on fait la lecture, on joue aux cartes, on paresse un peu, bref c’est le dépaysement parfait pour nous. »

Jean a déjà repris ses consultations dans son cabinet de médecine générale au Luxembourg avec toutes ces images de vacances passées pieds nus dans le sable avec la tête très souvent dans les nuages…

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« Enchantée de mon voyage »

« As sublime as you can get ! »

Fabienne Maurey fait partie de ce club de fi dèles de la ville d’Épernay en France qui visitent l’hôtel régulièrement. Elle est passée il y a quelques semaines en

compagnie de quelques amis afi n de s’éloigner du froid hivernal de sa ville natale.

Et Fabienne semble avoir fait le bon choix pour ses vacances. «Pour une première visite aux Seychelles et à Saint Anne Island, ce fut plus que réussie. J'ai été enchantée de mon voyage, tant au niveau des paysages et de la végétation que de l'accueil à l'hôtel, le personnel très souriant et toujours à l'écoute des clients. »

Cette destination dont on parle tellement a toujours attisé l’envie de Fabienne. « La destination Seychelles était un rêve et j’ai pu le réaliser enfi n ! Il faut dire que Norbert Couvreur, le Directeur Général de l’hôtel a bien fait les choses et nous a donné l’envie de faire ce voyage bien avant notre départ de France. Donc les meilleures conditions étaient réunies pour partir à la découverte des îles seychelloises.»

Fabienne Maurey a surtout apprécié le côté nature de l’hôtel, son imbrication dans cette végétation et la vie paisible qu’on y mène. « Ma villa était idéalement située au bord de la plage Robinson avec une vue imprenable sur l'île de Mahé. En me baignant un matin, une raie s'est approchée à un mètre de moi. Quel bonheur ! En marchant le long de la plage les pieds dans l'eau, des poissons transparents avec des nageoires de couleurs vives étaient autour de moi. Encore du bonheur ! »

La dame d’Épernay aime cette fusion entre la nature et le luxe. Elle ne ratait jamais l’occasion d’admirer la faune de son entourage. « Tous les soirs en rentrant à la chambre, en passant par le pont en bois, je voyais un héron immobile perché sur un rocher à l'aff ût de ses proies ou encore des crabes qui avaient envahi la plage et formaient un ballet, alignés en fi le indienne. »

Fabienne Maurey, comme tant d’autres qui visitent Sainte Anne Island, a découvert les vrais trésors de ces lieux et elle se dit prête à venir les découvrir davantage prochainement. Cette fois, elle compte convaincre son mari François de faire le voyage avec elle.

Les invités du groupe Queguiner sont partis ravis de leur séjour à Sainte Anne Island. L’agence de voyages en France qui a préparé ces vacances

est d’ailleurs très satisfaite de cette opération comme l’indique les commentaires de son Chef de projets : «C’était un grand succès. Le voyage s’est admirablement bien passé, l’hôtel est superbe et le service impeccable. C’est un des plus beaux voyages de Queguiner!»

Cette société française est un spécialiste en matériaux de construction, leader de son secteur en Bretagne et premier réseau de négoce avec plusieurs agences réparties sur plusieurs départements français. Pour récompenser ses clients, la société avait récemment invité 46 d’entre eux à eff ectuer ce voyage de rêve aux Seychelles, une récompense que les heureux bénéfi ciaires ont savourée avec délices.

Le groupe a été pris en charge par l’équipe de Sainte Anne Island avec toute l’attention voulue et le traditionnel service que l’hôtel réserve à ses clients. Des randonnées autour de l’île, des visites à Mahé, Praslin et la Digue, des activités sur la plage, une joyeuse soirée de gala ; tout un

programme que les Team Members ont exécuté à la lettre.

«Le personnel a fait preuve d’une réactivité permanente. La disponibilité a été parfaite», souligne Valérie Ronfl et, Chef de groupe. «Mes

clients ont été très contents de l’accueil, des facilités de l’hôtel et de l’ile. Ce qu’ils ont aimé, c’est surtout l’ambiance qui est très très loin des hôtel-clubs bruyants. Ici, la musique et l’animation sont très classe. Le groupe a aussi aimé la diversité des plages et le changement de décors naturels à chaque détour.»

The three nicely dressed ladies treading along the beach on this sunny afternoon were making

their way to the bar for their must-have tropical cocktails. Margaret, Karen and Lily Rose are from three generations of the same family: Margaret the mum, Karen the daughter and Lily Rose the granddaughter, who came from Surrey in England to spend their holidays at Sainte Anne Island.

«We simply wanted to escape to paradise», Karen was quick to say. «Actually it’s a kind of reward for Lily Rose who did brilliantly in her law exams at London University. We kind of shared the gift amongst the three of us! She would have been quite bored coming alone here, isn’t!»

Karen says she is so happy to leave the offi ce for some days and have these leisure moments. «Nobody can fi nd us here. It’s just paradise. It’s the second visit in Seychelles and it’s

as amazing as the fi rst one. Natural beauty looms everywhere in this dream destination.»

They feel blessed for being at Sainte Anne Island. Lily Rose enjoys her casual and relaxed moments enjoying all that the resort can off er. «It’s a gorgeous sensation to drink the water from a fresh coconut at the beach bar and to eat the cream. We also like to savour the good food at Mont Fleuri Restaurant. The food is as good as you can get from anywhere.»

«We try to get the maximum from our stay here», Margaret says. «We enjoy the afternoon cocktails very much and in the morning we like to have a nice late breakfast. During the day, we all prefer the same things: sun and sea. Lily Rose, being a very good swimmer, makes the most out of the unspoilt beaches around the resort. The other day as we were sitting on a beach, we were very lucky to see a group of dolphins passing by.»

And, as all ladies would do, our friends like to have some pampering at the spa after some time spent on the beach. Margaret would opt for a face treatment;

Karen would defi nitely choose the manicure and Lily Rose would relax during a massage session. Margaret sums it so well: «It’s as sublime as you can get!»

Anja Bech, a travel journalist from Germany, recently visited Sainte Anne Island for the new edition and extended version of Merian Momente Travel Guide. This travel guide of 192 pages is scheduled to be published in September 2014 in book shops, in online shops and through travel agents in Germany that sell holidays in Seychelles. INSIGHT had a chat with Anja Bech about her stay at the resort.

How did you � nd the resort this time as it is not your � rst stay at Sainte Anne?

I think that it is now a well-run and well-established resort. I had the feeling that everybody knew what he/she was doing, that the team was strong, that everything was well organised. The concept worked wonderfully and I was really impressed by the landscaping. Everything had grown so much since my last visit there! There was also a good activities program and the excursions on off er (snorkelling, etc.) were very interesting. I also liked the transfer service to Mahé.

How did you assess the product and the service?

The rooms were in good shape as well as the public buildings. I got the feeling that the tourists were very happy here…

Tell us more about this new publication, Merian Momente.

It is a new series which focuses on people's need to get an individual experience they will never forget. It will inform them but also inspire them to live special moments in life, hence the title. So, apart from giving general information, it recommends special places and what they have to off er, like romantic settings, special places for a sunset dinner, beautiful and rarely visited beaches and the like. It will be distributed in all German-speaking countries and will be translated to appear in other countries. The fi rst edition is usually published at 30,000 copies but, as soon as half of those are sold, I am asked to update the content so that a new, up-to-date copy of the book can be printed. The already existing travel guide Merian Live Seychelles has been on the market since 2001 and is already in its 9th edition. It has been updated and modifi ed every year.

How is Seychelles faring on the German market right now?

Seychelles is still a dream destination for many Germans and a very popular one. It is considered to be very expensive though there is also a demand for recommendations of aff ordable places. Sainte Anne Island, being an all-inclusive resort, makes it very attractive for Germans. Since the German and Swiss economies are strong at the moment, Seychelles remains a very sought-after destination. I think that the fact that there are many protected nature reserves and that conservation rates high here makes it also very attractive to Germans who tend to be very eco-friendly minded.

Dream destination report

es invités du groupe Queguiner sont

comme l’indique les commentaires de son «C’était un grand succès. Le

voyage s’est admirablement bien passé, l’hôtel est superbe et le service impeccable. C’est un des

Cette société française est un spécialiste en matériaux de construction, leader de son secteur en Bretagne et premier réseau de négoce avec plusieurs agences réparties sur plusieurs départements français. Pour récompenser ses clients, la société avait récemment invité 46 d’entre eux à eff ectuer ce voyage de rêve aux Seychelles, une récompense que les heureux

clients ont été très contents de l’accueil, des facilités

« L’un des plus beaux voyages… »

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Beachcomber World Cup 2014 special events

World Cup frenzyThe World Cup only comes around every

four years and the occasion had an extra special feeling at Sainte Anne Island this year as guests were treated to a dedicated

service. The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil brought its passion and thrill to the resort with guests and team members eagerly following their favourite teams. The resort was inspired by this world football event for weeks with almost all conversations pertaining to matches, incidents, disappointments and the happiness coming from Brazil.

The passion for the renowned sport was masterfully laced into every little detail at the World Cup Bar to make guests feel at home. Soul-quenching beverages did the rest in front of a giant screen where guests were cheering their favourite teams. The resort was soaked up in World Cup frenzy with the thrilling atmosphere. The samba-fl avoured tournament brought its scent up to the shores of Sainte Anne Island to help guests catch every match live, from the lottery of the group stages to the nail-biting fi nale on Sunday July 13.

Guests coming from many participating countries were nervous about their teams playing and many were soon in a sad mood after their country crashed out of the competition very early. Spanish guests fell from high as their team went home very early after a dull performance. During the evenings when Spain played, guests from this country could not hide their dismay but ultimately drowned their sadness at the bar. English guests were not far from the sadness zone as their team managed to put up a lowly show before crashing out. But the drinks compensated for the tears of our English guests. It was no secret that German and Dutch guests were savouring their successful march towards the skies. At the bar, shouting and cheering for each team as well as after-match discussions were common features every night at the resort. The service was great and the atmosphere buzzing.

Sainte Anne Island lived up to the world event. Flags of participating countries were placed in various parts of the public areas, scoreboards were displayed on strategic sites and mini-football competitions were organised on the beach during the day as the barmen prepared special cocktails over the counter to give the real taste of the Brazilian football festival.

Team members were also dragged into the feverish atmosphere when they were on- or off -duty with nearly all conversations and sometimes arguments revolving around the previous night’s matches. At Pti Pimen restaurant, team members would re-play the match while having lunch or coff ee. Some felt the weight of sleepless nights but courageously lived up to their daily tasks to treat the guest beyond expectations. The general feeling of a shared passion was constantly felt around the resort much to the delight of both guests and team members.

For the 2014 Brazil Football World Cup, all Beachcomber hotels went into gear to provide a thorough live coverage of the

event. All was done to create a great atmosphere and allow football fans residing at Beachcomber resorts to enjoy the matches in fantastic conditions. All Beachcomber hotels in Mauritius screened the matches live on giant screens. Most hotels also displayed a schedule and summary of football matches and results to keep clients up-to-date with the latest news.

At Paradis, Le Victoria, Le Canonnier and Le Mauricia, guests gathered around the main bar to watch and

comment on the matches. Some hotels also served themed cocktails for the occasion. Trou-aux-Biches decorated l’Oasis Bar with fl ags of the competing countries. Guests were invited to make predictions for each game for a chance to win a free cocktail! Dinarobin and

Shandrani even created temporary venues to celebrate the event in style. At Dinarobin, a Senior Suite was converted into an authentic English pub for the occasion! The grand fi nale was screened in Dinarobin’s exclusive villa. This is also where guests were

invited to enjoy a Brazilian dance show and dig into a delicious Latino buff et for dinner! Shandrani created the «Copacabana» club located beneath the lobby, inviting guests to socialise around a selection of drinks while watching the football matches.

Waving at World Cup champion Mario Götze’s extra-time winner for his country beat Argentina in the final as Germany was crowned world champion for the fourth time. Götze demonstrated perfect technique and commendable calm to chest down a pass and sweep in a left-foot finish with the prospect of a penalty shootout only seven minutes away. The golden boy of the World Cup 2014, Mario Götze, is a friend of Sainte Anne Island where he stayed in February 2012. He came to rest after an injury sustained while playing for his club Borussia Dortmund, which he later left for Bayern Munich. Götze even found time to spend some time with young Seychellois footballers during his stay inspiring them to work hard to reach higher levels in their game.Since then, Mario himself has climbed very high to reach the sky with that ever famous injury time winning goal in the Brazil Would Cup 2014. Seychelles and Sainte Anne Island are very happy to have offered Mario some sunshine in 2012 when he was injured. Now we just watch his tremendous rise to the pinnacle of the most popular game in the world.

FANS CORNERFRED PERON – GUEST FROM BRETAGNE, FRANCE«I really believed that France would be in the � nal. At the start of the tournament, I expected the team to reach the last eight at best. Now I am happy that we did better but we must be realistic, we were not the best team in this World Cup. I believe we missed Ribéry a lot. Here during our holidays, we do not miss a match. We enjoy the atmosphere at the bar. Really wonderful! We will always remember that we were at Sainte Anne Island…»

SEBASTIEN GUIVARCH – GUEST SUPPORTING SPAIN«I support Spain because of my Spanish origins. We were very poor and had a nasty time in the � rst match. But I drowned my sadness in the wonderful atmosphere at the resort among friends from so many di� erent countries. This was the icing on the cake for my holidays…»

PATRICIA RENÉ – TEAM MEMBER «I always believed that my team Germany would win. This was my � rm conviction much before the beginning of the tournament. And they did it! I watched all the matches with my son even until very late in the night. He is a fan of Brazil and he admitted that his team was much below standard. I did not rub salt in his wounds when Germany trashed Brazil in the semi-� nal… Ah! Ah! Ah!»

TANIA ASBA – TEAM MEMBER«I was so sad to see Argentina leaving the � nal without the World Cup. I believe Messi was the best player of the tournament and that his team played the best football. I watched all the matches as the World Cup takes place only one every four years. The show is so wonderful that I did not want to miss a minute of it.»

RONNY FRANÇOISE – TEAM MEMBER«I am a supporter of the Dutch team. They performed well and it’s a pity they did not reach the � nal. Despite the fact that I work long hours, I always set my alarm and woke up to watch my team. This is the World Cup after all, isn’t! We can’t just let the event go by without enjoying it.»

SHIRLEY PAYET – TEAM MEMBER«Brazil was not up to the standard this time. They were relying too much on Neymar and when he was injured, the team was reduced to an ordinary one. But I enjoyed the World Cup very much. It was the talk of the town and even at work we discussed about the chances of our favourites teams.»

XAVIER MONTHY – TEAM MEMBERIt’s a pity that England crashed out so early. I had thought that they would do better. I believe they were too tired after a long season and there were too many inexperienced players in the squad.


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Les Escapades Seychelloises 2014 Une moisson de succès La 11e édition des Escapades Seychelloises

organisée entre les 2 et 5 juin dernier a connu un vif succès dans plusieurs grandes villes de France. Les partenaires

français de l’industrie du tourisme des Seychelles ont répondu présent en très grand nombre. Journalistes, tour opérateurs, agents de voyages ont participé activement aux présentations faites dans les villes de Lille, Lyon, Toulouse et Biarritz.

La délégation seychelloise était dirigée par Bernadette Willemin, directrice Europe du Seychelles Tourism Board (STB). Le groupe Beachcomber faisait bien sûr partie de la délégation avec Véronique Ibrard de Beachcomber France et Norbert Couvreur, Directeur Général de Sainte Anne Island. Le succès de cette action marketing durant plusieurs années ne surprend pas Bernadette Willemin : « Nous avons les bons ingrédients pour créer cette démarche marketing. C’est très important d’organiser ce type d’évènements à l’étranger sur nos marchés traditionnels. Cela aide énormément à la visibilité de la destination auprès de nos partenaires. Les Escapades Seychelloises attirent de plus en plus de partenaires français. »

Norbert Couvreur abonde dans le même sens. Pour lui, cette campagne très ciblée en France est le fruit des eff orts importants de tous les acteurs du tourisme aux Seychelles : « C’est très important pour la destination d’aller à la source de nos marchés et de démontrer les atouts de la destination. Nous devons accentuer nos eff orts dans cette direction. »

Lors des présentations avec des moyens high-tech, les messages sur le côté unique des Seychelles, un lieu de vacances très apprécié des Français, ont été bien transmis. D’ailleurs, la rencontre avec les professionnels du voyage

et les journalistes à l’Hôtel du Palais à Biarritz a été un moment fort de cette tournée. L’Hôtel du Palais, prestigieux établissement 5-étoiles classé monument historique, a accueilli la délégation des Escapades Seychelloises et les partenaires français pour une rencontre fort sympathique.

Cet évènement à travers plusieurs régions de France ne présente pas uniquement la beauté des Seychelles. Il tisse des liens très solides avec les professionnels français du tourisme afin de maintenir la France comme le plus grand marché des Seychelles. Les préparatifs ont déjà débuté pour la 12e édition en juin 2015.

Palm Suite - Living Room

Ocean Suite - Bathroom

Palm Suite - Bathroom

The renovation works at prestigious Royal Palm in Mauritius are taking place in very good conditions and the hotel will reopen on Saturday 11th October 2014. As avant-première, we share with you the � rst illustrations of the Palm and Ocean suites.


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This is another corner of the resort that has received a lifting by our team members. Getting it more beautiful in the heart of the house near the maintenance workshop.EYESORE | NICESORE

Roland, tell us how the idea of a nursery cropped up at Sainte Anne Island.

There were two main reasons behind this project. First, the hotel management wanted to create a botanical trail for the guests and, secondly, Dr Gérard Rocamora had proposed to introduce the Seychelles white-eye bird on the island. These two factors led to the creation of the nursery with diff erent indigenous plants of Seychelles. The birds need lots of trees rich in insects or producing berries that we would plant for their food and the guests would admire our unique green treasures.

What were the main challenges of such a project?

We had to locate a suitable site on the island with good access and water supply. Then, we had to fi nd the mother plants which would provide cuttings for the nursery. We also searched for seeds and seedlings of different plants and trained a dedicated and a full-time worker to operate in the nursery. These were the main challenges that we initially faced in setting-up this green corner.

How was the work carried out at the start of the project?

When the site was identified, we uprooted all the invasive plants, particularly species like kasi (Leucaena leucophela), cat-claw creeper

(Macfadyena unguis-cati) and bwa zozo (Litsea glutinosa), to prevent their regrowth. We brought lots of cuttings and seeds from Mahé and we even had some seeds from Frégate, Desroches, Silhouette and Felicité Islands.

What species are presently being nurtured in this nursery?

We now have a good quantity of coastal plants, like porse (Cordia subcordata), bwa-d-rose (Thespesia populnea), bwa blan (Hernandia), and vouloutye (Scaveola taccada). Other main native plants are bwa siro (Premna serratifolia), bwa dir (Canthium bibracteatum), kastik (Phyllanthus pervilleanus) and several Seychelles endemic palms such as latannyen fey (Phoenicophorium borsigianum), latannyen milpat (Nephrosperma vanhoutteanum) or palmis (Deckenia nobilis). We also have in the nursery some ornamentals that help enhance the hotel surroundings of the guest villas.

What are the plants destined for? Where are they used?

Many of the coastal plants have been planted on the plateau, including around the villa’s guests. Other species like palms, bwa gayak (Intsia bijuga), bwa torti (Morinda citrifolia) and coco-de-mer (Lodoicea maldivica) have been planted in the Vallée de Palmes, which is the fi rst part of the botanical trail of Sainte Anne. We have yet to start the rehabilitation of the second part of the botanical trail.

What is the importance of the nursery in the context of the environmental programme to restore the ecosystem on Sainte Anne?

The nursery keeps producing native plants and the more we produce, the more introduced species will have to be removed for the fi rst to be planted. This will defi nitely allow other species of birds or insects to be re-introduced onto the island. We are on a mission to give the island its full green dimension. Although it is a huge task, the job is in progress.

Sainte Anne Island prides itself on preserving and improving its natural surroundings. One of the salient actions taken during the past three years has been the setting-up of a botanical nursery for the production of endemic plants. INSIGHT met Roland Nolin, the experienced plant conservationist and environmental contractor in charge of developing this project.

Health tips

One of the best ways to reduce the fat in your body is to drink honey in water.• Add one tablespoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water.• Drink this glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning.• You can also add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the honey and water mixture.

Cabbage is one veggie that is known to burn body fat eff ectively.• Make sure that you eat a bowl of raw cabbage every day before

your lunch to burn fat.

It would be better for you to eat steamed cooked or boiled food to prevent the risk of adding on weight.• Make sure that you only cook all your veggies by steaming

and do not fry them when you are cooking.• You can also consume boiled chicken or fi sh every day but make sure that you limit on fried chicken or other meat.

Carrot juice is very eff ective in reducing fat from your body.• Take one or two fresh carrots and peel off its outer skin.• Put the carrots in a juice blender and extract its juice.• Drink a glass of carrot juice every day in the morning.• You can also include carrots in your daily salad mixture or eat as many raw carrots as you can or even have it steamed with other vegetables every day to see a visible weight loss.

Honey with water


Steamed or boiled food

Carrot juice

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Greeted by a traditional water cannon salute on the arrival of the inaugural flight at Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG).

Histoire de Sainte Anne

1984 Ouverture du Sainte Anne II sur la côte est, le second village du Service National de la Jeunesse (National Youth Service – NYS)

Les étudiants dans leurs uniformes lors de parades et activités dans le village.

1984 Ouverture du Sainte Anne II sur la côte est, le second village du la côte est, le second village du Service National de la Jeunesse (National Youth Service – NYS)

Air Seychelles returns to Paris

Air Austral resumes direct flights to Seychelles

Air Seychelles has recommenced fl ights to Paris from its home base in the Seychelles on the 2nd July 2014 after a gap of two and half years. This new

route to Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG) airport is serviced by Airbus A330-200 aircrafts twice weekly and off ers 18 lie-fl at seats in Business Class and 236 seats in Economy Class. The fl ights operate with a brief stopover in Abu Dhabi.

Speaking in Paris, Joel Morgan, Seychelles minister for Home Aff airs and Transport and Air Seychelles Board Chairman, said: «The Seychelles connection to France stretches back 270 years and is symbolised today through shared elements of language, culture, traditions and growing trade and tourism ties. Accounting for a quarter of visitors from Europe to the Seychelles every year, France has always been a strategically important market for our airline and it was with deep regret that we had to suspend services to Paris in January 2012. Returning to France is symbolic of the success of our turnaround and we thank the French civil aviation regulatory authorities for granting us approvals to recommence services. Over the coming weeks, months and years we look forward to working with business, tourism and cultural bodies in France and in other European markets to bring more passenger and cargo traffi c to the Seychelles.»

Flying via Abu Dhabi, Air Seychelles new Paris schedule now off ers 1,016 extra seats per week to and from the Seychelles and, when combined

with codeshare partner Etihad Airways’ existing twice daily Paris-Abu Dhabi operations, it provides travellers with a choice of 18 connections per week to and from the Indian Ocean island archipelago. The new Air Seychelles Paris fl ight schedule has also been designed to provide easy access to the Seychelles from more than 40 cities across Europe. This includes connecting fl ights from Paris to Belgrade, Berlin, Birmingham, Bologna, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Florence, Genoa, Helsinki, Lisbon, Lyon, Madrid, Nantes, Newcastle, Stockholm, Vienna and Warsaw.

Manoj Papa, Air Seychelles’ Chief Executive Offi cer, said: «Today we are positioning Air Seychelles as the choice airline from Paris to the Seychelles. Our return comes at a time when demand for business, leisure and cargo services from the French capital and other key cities in Europe continues to increase year-on-year. Forward bookings are strong, a result of Air Seychelles being able to off er that same seat journey experience from Paris to the Seychelles combined with the world-famous Creole warmth and hospitality for which we are renowned. The benefi ts of working with our partner Etihad Airways are available to our guests in Paris, including access to the Etihad Airways’ Premium Lounge at Charles de Gaulle airport and soon a new luxury personalised pick-up and drop-off chauffeur service. Cargo customers will also have more choice and capacity now to and from the Seychelles, courtesy of the 13 tonnes of belly-hold cargo capabilities of our Airbus A330-200 aircraft which will operate the route.»

Air Austral fi rst non-stop commercial direct flight between La Reunion Island and the Seychelles landed in Seychelles on 23rd June. The Air Austral

Boeing 737, 162-seater aircraft, made its historical landing on Seychelles International Airport with 93 passengers on board.

Joel Morgan, Minister of Home Aff airs, Transport and Energy, was joined by Anne Lafortune, Principal Secretary for Tourism and Sherin Naiken, Chief Executive Offi cer of the Seychelles Tourism Board to welcome Air Austral’s Captain Didier Alenard, the six crew members and the passengers.

Minister Morgan said that the resumption of Air Austral commercial fl ights in Seychelles is an important step in opening a direct link between Seychelles and Reunion: «It’s an important step for Seychelles and Reunion because the resumption of Air Austral fl ights to Seychelles is the result of the political will of James Michel, President of the Republic of Seychelles and Didier Robert, President of the Regional Council of Reunion Island, to open connectivity between Seychelles and Reunion.»

It was in 2013 that Air Austral suspended its fl ights to Seychelles. By resuming its service on this route, Air Austral sends a positive message to the tourism trade partners in Seychelles. The Reunion traffi c benefi ts small guest houses, self-catering and small hotels.

The Seychelles Tourism Board is intensifying its visibility campaign in La Reunion to help grow the business from this neighbouring island. Anne Lafortune, the Principal Secretary for Tourism, said her department hopes to work closely with the «Vanilla Islands», to consolidate inter-island networking.

Sherin Naiken, the Chief Executive Officer of Seychelles Tourism Board (STB), said that her organization and the Reunion Tourism Offi ce in Reunion Island (IRT) are working jointly on the marketing side to increase Air Austral’s loading factor.

Air Austral’s two direct weekly fl ights will operate on Mondays and Thursdays and return fl ights to Reunion island leave Seychelles on Tuesdays and Fridays.
















La grille est composée de neuf colonnes et de neuf lignes. Elle est aussi divisée en groupes de neuf boîtes, résultant en un total de neuf blocs. Chacun de ces neuf blocs doit contenir les chi� res de 1 à 9. C’est là le problème : aucune ligne ni aucune colonne ne peut avoir le même chi� re. Ainsi, le but du jeu est de placer les chi� res dans les boîtes, sans qu’ils soient répétés ni dans les lignes ni dans les colonnes.

4 8 2 99 5 3 4

6 2 17 5 8 99 2

8 9 6 76 1 8

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President MichelcongratulatesWorld CupchampionsGermanyP3 Israel,Palestinians battleas Egyptian-pro-posed Gaza cease-fire collapses


Baldwin winsSwashbucklertriathlon


Rotary donateseducationalsoftware




ISSN: 1659-7001

VOL. XXXVII NO. 140 • Wednesday July 16 • Mercredi 16 juillet • Merkredi 16 Zilyet 2014. R5


20.20 21.10 20.10 21.20

12.00 12.45 11.90 12.4016.40 17.00 16.40 17.00

Continued on page 4

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Another World 2014

CamillaPour c

ètement changé de

look aveDans s




France et l

14 Juillet :Fête NationaleFrançaisecélébrée engrande pompe

Le Ministre Adam et Mme Iancu portent un toast à l’amitié f


Prerer sidencongraWoWoW rldchampmpmGermaP3


ISSN: 1659-7001




ébré en grande


l, annexe de l


Juillet en pré


résident Dann

des juLes

nder, Alain St


– des memb


Another World

CamillaPour c

ètement chang

look aveDans s


GenevièvFrance et l

14 Juilili llll etete :Fêtêtê e Natata ionFrançaisecélélé ébébé rée engrande pomp

N E W S L E T T E R O F S A I N T E A N N E I S L A N D - S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 412

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