salem library seismic evaluation

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  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    Evaluation Report

    Salem Central Public Library

    Submitted to

    City of Salem, Oregon

    February 14, 2014A14.0170.00

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page ii

    E+"L"-.O% REPOR-

    City of Salem

    Salem Central Public Library

    -"!LE OF CO%-E%-S

    SEC-.O% P"/E

    E0EC-.+E S##"R ******************************************************************************************************************** iv 


    .%-ROC-.O% ******************************************************************************************************************* 1 

    1*1  /eneral ******************************************************************************************************************* 1 


    Scope ********************************************************************************************************************** 1 


    CO%-E%-S OF REPOR- ******************************************************************************************************* 1 

    (*  /EO-EC3%.C"L "% SE.S#.C ES./% CR.-ER." ************************************************************ 2 

    (*1  /eotec&nical ata************************************************************************************************** 2 

    (*2  Regional Seimic /eology ************************************************************************************* 2 

    (*(  Level of Seimicity and Soil -ype ************************************************************************** 4 

    (*4  Seimic Performance Level *********************************************************************************** 5 

    4*  C.- OF S"LE# CE%-R"L P!L.C L.!R"R ********************************************************************* 5 

    4*1  Library !uilding ****************************************************************************************************** 6 

    4*1*1  /eneral !uilding ecription ******************************************************************** 6 

    4*1*2  !uilding -ype********************************************************************************************** $ 

    4*1*(  Lit of "umption *********************************************************************************** 7 


    Finding ****************************************************************************************************** 7 

    4*1*5  Recommendation ************************************************************************************* 1 

    4*2  "uditorium !uilding *********************************************************************************************** 11 

    4*2*1  /eneral ecription *********************************************************************************** 12 

    4*2*2  !uilding -ype********************************************************************************************** 12 

    4*2*(  Lit of "umption *********************************************************************************** 12 

    4*2*4  Finding ****************************************************************************************************** 1( 

    4*2*5  Recommendation ************************************************************************************* 14 

    4*(  Par8ing /arage ****************************************************************************************************** 14 

    4*(*1  /eneral ecription *********************************************************************************** 14 

    4*(*2  !uilding -ype********************************************************************************************** 15 

    4*(*(  Lit of "umption *********************************************************************************** 15 


    Finding ****************************************************************************************************** 15 

    4*(*5  Recommendation ************************************************************************************* 16 

    5*  SE.S#.C P/R"E OP.%.O% OF PRO!"!LE CO%S-RC-.O% COS- ******************************* 1$ 

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page iii


    "ppendi9 " : Reference

    "ppendi9 ! : Cot Etimate

    "ppendi9 C : Propoed Renovation ra;ing

    "ppendi9 : Site P&otograp&"ppendi9 E : "SCE (1:( -ier 1 C&ec8lit

    Drawings removed from report for 

    security purposes.

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page iv

    E0EC-.+E S##"R

    %&i' re!ort (ocument' a 'ei'mic 'tructural an( non'tructural a''e''ment of City of Salem

    Central Library, )&ic& inclu(e' t&e main library buil(ing, t&e au(itorium, an( t&e a(*acent

    !ar+ing garage. %&i' re!ort in(icate' (e'cri!tion', evaluation', an( u!gra(e recommen(ation'.

    %&e evaluation' )ere !erforme( in accor(ance )it& t&e c&ec+li't' !ro(uce( by t&e American

    Society of Civil Engineer' ASCE- in ASCE 1/0 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings. %&i'

    re!ort i' ba'e( on an ASCE 1/0 %ier 1 evaluation. Structural u!gra(e' are ba'e( in !art on t&e

    analy'i' !roce(ure' of ASCE 41/0 Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings. Before

    im!lementation of any 'ei'mic u!gra(e 'c&eme, a com!lete ASCE 1/0 %ier # evaluation

    '&oul( be !erforme(.

    %&ree ma*or com!onent' )ere con'i(ere( in t&i' 'ei'mic evaluation t&e Library, t&e

    Au(itorium, an( t&e Par+ing 2arage. 3&ile t&e Library an( t&e Par+ing 2arage reuire ma*or

    'ei'mic u!gra(e' t&e Au(itorium reuire' better out/of/!lane attac&ment' for t&e )all'. %&e'ei'mic u!gra(e for eac& com!onent, along )it& t&e ty!e of )or+ involve(, can be 'ummari5e(

    a' follo)'.


    Au(itorium e'timate( co't 67,000

    −  einforce anc&orage of t&e roof to t&e concrete )all'.

    •  Library e'timate( co't 6.##4 million

    −  A(( ne) reinforce( concrete '&ear)all' at four location'.

    −  A(( ne) micro/!ile foun(ation' to 'u!!ort t&e ne) concrete '&ear)all'.

    −  A(( collector element' at elevate( level' in or(er to get 'ei'mic loa( to t&e ne) concrete


    −  einforce t&e connection' of elevate( level' to e8i'ting concrete )all' an( !ier'.

    −  einforce t&e connection of t&e com!o'ite metal (ec+ to e8i'ting concrete )affle 'lab'

    an( concrete )all'.


    einforce t&e connection of t&e metal roof (ec+ to e8i'ting concrete )affle 'lab' an(concrete )all'.

    −  einforce t&e connection' of !reca't concrete '!an(rel beam' to t&e 'tructure.

    •  %&e Par+ing 2arage e'timate( co't 61.09: million

    −  A(( ne) reinforce( concrete '&ear)all'.

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page v

    −  A(( collector element' at elevate( level' in or(er to get 'ei'mic loa( to t&e ne) an(

    e8i'ting concrete '&ear)all'.

    −  einforce t&e connection' of !reca't concrete '!an(rel beam' to t&e 'tructure.

    %&e co't' li'te( above are (irect con'truction co't' only. See A!!en(i8 B, ;irect Con'tructionCo't Summary for a li't of ot&er co't categorie' to be inclu(e( )&en con'i(ering t&e total

    !ro*ect (evelo!ment co't.

    Con'truction of t&e'e u!gra(e' )ill li+ely (i'ru!t t&e (aily function of t&e facility an( coul(

    ma+e !ortion' of eac& facility off/limit' (uring con'truction.

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page 1

    1*  .%-ROC-.O%

    1*1  /eneral

    BergerABAM &a' been retaine( by t&e City of Salem to con(uct buil(ing evaluation' for

    t&e Salem Central Public Library cam!u'. %&e facility inclu(e' t&ree 'e!arate buil(ing

    'tructure' t&e Library buil(ing 'tructure, t&e Au(itorium buil(ing 'tructure, an( t&ea(*acent Par+ing 2arage 'tructure. %&e !ur!o'e of t&i' 'tu(y i' to evaluate t&e e8!ecte(

    'ei'mic !erformance of t&e e8i'ting buil(ing', an( to (etermine t&e co't to re&abilitate

    t&e buil(ing' to a life 'afety level of 'ei'mic !erformance.

    $ur evaluation' of t&e e8i'ting buil(ing' are ba'e( on vi'ual ob'ervation', numerical

    calculation', an( t&e revie) of t&e original (e'ign (ocument'. Evaluation criteria from

    t&e ASCE 1/0 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings an( t&e ASCE 41/0 Seismic

    Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings )ere u'e(, in !art, a' t&e ba'i' of our 'tructural


    $b'ervation', analy'e', conclu'ion', an( recommen(ation' containe( in t&i' re!ortreflect our be't *u(gment. Conceale( !roblem' )it& t&e con'truction of t&e buil(ing'

    may e8i't t&at )ere not reveale( t&roug& t&i' revie). BergerABAM, t&erefore, i' unable

    to )arrant or guarantee t&e con(ition of t&e e8i'ting con'truction of t&e buil(ing'.

    1*2  Scope

    %&e !ur!o'e of t&i' 'tu(y i' to evaluate t&e e8!ecte( 'ei'mic !erformance of t&e e8i'ting

     buil(ing', i(entify area' )&ere 'tructural an( non'tructural im!rovement' can or

    '&oul( be ma(e, an( evaluate t&eir 'ignificance. =nclu(e( in t&i' )or+ i' e'timate( co't'

    itemi5e( for eac& 'tructural element nee(e( for t&e re&abilitation of t&e buil(ing'.

    Sei'mic con(ition a''e''ment' )ere con(ucte( on all t&ree e8i'ting buil(ing 'tructure'.

    %&e a''e''ment' )ere con(ucte( in com!liance )it& ASCE 1/0 %ier 1 'tan(ar('.

    ASCE 41/0 Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings an( a t&ree/(imen'ional ;- finite

    element com!uter !rogram E%ABS>- )ere u'e( to analy5e t&e Library 'tructure for

    !ro!o'e( u!gra(e'. ?an( calculation' )ere u'e( to evaluate t&e Au(itorium an( t&e

    Par+ing 2arage.

    %&i' re!ort i' inten(e( to a''i't t&e City of Salem )it& (etermining t&e fea'ibility of

    re&abilitating t&e Salem Central Public Library buil(ing 'tructure'.


    CO%-E%-S OF REPOR-%&i' re!ort !re'ent' t&e geotec&nical an( 'ei'mic (e'ign criteria an( t&en (e'cribe' eac&

     buil(ing in term' of it' location, age, 'i5e, con'truction, an( ot&er general information. =t

    al'o inclu(e' 'ummarie' of t&e buil(ing'@ 'tructural an( non'tructural 'y'tem', fin(ing'

    of t&e evaluation, an( recommen(ation' for c&ange' to im!rove eac& buil(ing@' 'ei'mic


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page #

    %&e a!!en(ice' inclu(e co't e'timate', !ro!o'e( renovation (ra)ing', 'ite !&otogra!&',

    an( ASCE 1/0 %ier 1 c&ec+li't' an( 'u!!orting calculation'.

    A!!en(i8 E of t&e re!ort contain' t&e team@' fin(ing' about t&e e8i'ting con(ition' of

    eac& buil(ing in term' of t&e criteria containe( in five c&ec+li't' foun( in ASCE 1/0

    Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings t&e Ba'ic an( Su!!lemental Structural C&ec+li't,t&e 2eologic Site ?a5ar(' an( "oun(ation' C&ec+li't, an( t&e Ba'ic an( =nterme(iate

    on'tructural Com!onent C&ec+li't'.

    (*  /EO-EC3%.C"L "% SE.S#.C ES./% CR.-ER."

    (*1  /eotec&nical ata

    At t&e time of t&i' re!ort, no geotec&nical re!ort )a' available. ;uring t&e ASCE 1

    analy'i', no calculation' )ere reuire( t&at nece''itate( a''um!tion' for t&e bearing

    ca!acity of t&e e8i'ting 'oil con(ition'. %&e e8i'ting (ra)ing' (i( li't allo)able 'oil

     bearing !re''ure' u'e( for t&e original (e'ign of t&e 'tructure.

    "or t&e ASCE 1 evaluation to be com!lete, a licen'e( geotec&nical engineer )ill be

    reuire( to evaluate t&e 'ite for t&e con(ition' li'te( in t&e 2eologic Site ?a5ar(' an(

    "oun(ation' c&ec+ li't' t&at are locate( in A!!en(i8 E of t&i' re!ort. =n !articular, t&e

    !otential geologic 'ite &a5ar(', 'uc& a' liuefaction, 'urface fault ru!ture, an(

    (eterioration of foun(ation element' mu't be i(entifie(.

    (*2  Regional Seimic /eology

    %&ere are t&ree 'ei'mic 'ource 5one' for eart&ua+e' in t&e Pacific ort&)e't. %&e'e

    5one' are illu'trate( in "igure 1 an( inclu(e 'ub(uction 5one interface, 'ub(uction 5one

    intra!late, an( cru'tal 'ource'.

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page

    Figure 1* Potential Seimic Source

    %&e fault bet)een t&e ort& American an( t&e uan (e "uca !late i' t&e Ca'ca(ia

    Sub(uction one =nterface an( i' a !otential 'ei'mic 'ource for t&e 'ite. %&i' 'ource i' at

    a (e!t& of to 1# mile' an( i' locate( a!!ro8imately beneat& t&e coa'tline of )e'tern

    $regon, 3a'&ington, an( Briti'& Columbia. A ty!ical 'ub(uction 5one interface

    eart&ua+e &a' a !otential moment magnitu(e of 9.0. %&i' ty!e of eart&ua+e@'recurrence interval i' a!!ro8imately 00 to 00 year', ba'e( on &i'torical an( geologic

    information. %&e la't +no)n eart&ua+e occurre( in 1700 an( in(icate' t&at t&e

    'ub(uction 5one i' active.

    ;ee! Ca'ca(ia Sub(uction one intra!late fault' are al'o a !otential 'ei'mic 'ource. %&e

    Ca'ca(ia Sub(uction one intra!late 'ource lie' a!!ro8imately (irectly beneat& t&e 'ite

    at a (e!t& of # to 0 mile'. %&ree eart&ua+e' in recent &i'tory &ave been attribute( to

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page 4

    t&i' 'ource. =n 1949, 19, an( #001 eart&ua+e' )it& moment magnitu(e' of 7.1, .0,

    an( .:, re'!ectively, )ere ob'erve(. =t i' e'timate( t&at t&e intra!late 'ource i' ca!able

    of generating an eart&ua+e )it& a ma8imum moment magnitu(e of 7. )it& an

    a!!ro8imate return interval of #0 to 40 year'.

    Cru'tal 'ource' are relatively '&allo) fault' )it&in t&e ort& American Plate an( aregenerally con'i(ere( )it&in a certain (i'tance from t&e 'ite. %&i' (i'tance i' commonly

    c&o'en a' 0 mile'. Cru'tal 'ource' locate( more t&an 0 mile' from t&e 'ite are ty!ically

    not ca!able of generating 'ignificant level' of '&a+ing. %&ere are numerou' fault' )it&in

    0 mile' of t&e 'ite, but t&ere i' muc& uncertainty in t&e cla''ification of t&e'e 'ource', a'

    only limite( geological e8!loration &a' been con(ucte( on mo't of t&e 'ource'.

    %&e &i'torical 'ei'micity for t&e region in(icate' t&at t&ere &ave been five eart&ua+e'

    )it& a magnitu(e greater t&an .0 'ince 1:41. %&e large't recor(e( eart&ua+e to affect

    t&e region )a' from t&e Ca'ca(ia Sub(uction one =nterface. $t&er notable regional

    eart&ua+e' )ere from cru'tal 'ource'D t&e 19# M. Portlan(Fancouver eart&ua+e

    an( t&e 199 M. Scott' Mill eart&ua+e.

    (*(  Level of Seimicity and Soil -ype

    %o evaluate t&e buil(ing', ASCE 1/0 reuire' a cla''ification of t&e 'ite into one of

    t&ree level' of 'ei'micity lo), mo(erate, or &ig&. %&e'e level' (efine a (egree of

    e8!ecte( eart&ua+e &a5ar( an( are ba'e( on re'!on'e acceleration value' ma!!e( by

    t&e Gnite( State' 2eological Survey GS2S-. ASCE 1/0 u'e' a 'ei'mic recurrence

    !erio( of a # !ercent c&ance of e8cee(ance in 0 year', )&ic& i' an average recurrence

    interval of #,00 year'.

    A geotec&nical evaluation )a' not !erforme( a' !art of t&i' evaluation. See Section .#for information about regional 'ei'mic geology. ASCE 1/0 allo)' a 'oil Site Cla'' ; to

     be a''ume( in t&e ab'ence of '!ecific geotec&nical information. Site Cla'' ; i' (efine( a'

    'tiff 'oil )it& t&e follo)ing c&aracteri'tic'.

    •  00 ft.'ec. H v' H 1,#00 ft'ec, )&ere v' i' t&e average '&ear )ave velocity, or

    •  1 H H 0, )&ere i' t&e average Stan(ar( Penetration %e't blo) count, or

    •  1,000 !'f H 'u H #,000 !'f, )&ere 'u i' t&e average un(raine( '&ear 'trengt& of t&e

    u!!er 100 feet of 'oil' at t&e 'ite.

    "or (etermination of t&e 'ite 'ei'micity, a Site Cla'' ; )a' a''ume(. %&e re'!on'e

    acceleration value' are '&o)n in %able 1 an( )ere obtaine( from GS2S (ata for t&e 'ite

     ba'e( on latitu(e an( longitu(e GS2S re!ort may be foun( in A!!en(i8 E of t&i'

    re!ort-. "or t&e !ur!o'e of t&e %ier 1 evaluation of t&e t&ree buil(ing 'tructure', t&e'e

    value' in(icate t&at t&e buil(ing i' locate( in a region of &ig& 'ei'micity.

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page

    -able 1 : S/S Seimic 3a?ard ata for t&e Salem Library

    Seimic eign Parameter +alue

    Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) 0.318

    SDS (Design short period spectral response acceleration) 0.626

    SD1 (Design spectral response acceleration at onesecond period) 0.3!1

    (*4  Seimic Performance Level

    %&e (e'ire( !erformance level for t&e City of Salem Central Library cam!u' buil(ing' i'

    Life Safety, )&ic& i' a level of buil(ing !erformance t&at inclu(e' (amage to bot&

    'tructural an( non'tructural com!onent' (uring a (e'ign eart&ua+e, 'uc& t&at !artial

    or total 'tructural colla!'e (oe' not occur, an( t&e overall ri'+ of life/t&reatening in*ury

    a' a re'ult of 'tructural an( non'tructural (amage i' e8!ecte( to be lo).

    4*  C.- OF S"LE# CE%-R"L P!L.C L.!R"R

    %&e City of Salem@' Central

    Public Library i' locate( at :

    Liberty Street SE in Salem,

    $regon, an( '&are' a cam!u'

    )it& Salem City ?all. %&e

    original library buil(ing )a'

    con'tructe( in 1970 an(

    currently 'erve' Salem@' 1,000re'i(ent' &our' a )ee+. %&e

    Library cam!u' i' locate( on a

    'lo!e( lan('ca!e.

    Mo(ification' )ere ma(e to t&e

     buil(ing in 1990 to a(( :,100

    'uare feet to t&e Library

    'tructure. Al'o in 1990, a ,0#0/'uare/foot Au(itorium an( a 90,:4/'uare/foot

    multi'tory Par+ing 2arage )ere con'tructe(.

    A 'erie' of buil(ing im!rovement' occurre( bet)een 199 an( #010D &o)ever, it (oe'not a!!ear t&e buil(ing 'tructure )a' altere(.

    %&e original (e'ign an( con'truction (ocument' !rovi(e( for t&e library are (ate(

    Marc& 1970 an( t&e e8!an'ion !ro*ect (ocument' are (ate( ovember 19:9. Bot& 'et' of

    !lan' inclu(e( arc&itectural an( 'tructural (ra)ing' '&o)ing 'ite !lan', floor !lan',

     buil(ing elevation', 'ection', (etail', an( 'c&e(ule'. %&e e8i'ting (ra)ing' !rovi(e(

    City of Salem Central Public Library

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page

    )ere revie)e( an( com!are( for con'i'tency )it& t&e a'/built con'truction by

    !erforming a 'ite vi'it of t&e facility.

    $n # ovember #01, t)o BergerABAM engineer' !erforme( a )al+t&roug& of t&e

    facility to verify a'/built con(ition' an( to !erform a 'ite vi'it con'i'tent )it&

    reuirement' for t&e !re!aration of an ASCE 1, %ier 1 Sei'mic Evaluation. 3&ile on'ite, BergerABAM !er'onnel met )it& t&e City of Salem Engineering Program Manager,

    Mr. Allen ;annen, PE, to (i'cu'' e8i'ting buil(ing function' an( +no)n renovation' or

    alteration' t&at )oul( be u'eful information for !re!aration of t&e 'ei'mic evaluation

    re!ort. %&e 'ite vi'it covere( t&e Library lo)er floor, main floor, 'econ( floor an( roof-,

    t&e Au(itorium, an( t&e Par+ing 2arage. %&e !erimeter' of all t&ree buil(ing' )ere

    ob'erve(. ;uring t&e 'ite vi'it, fiel( note' )ere recor(e( to inclu(e ob'ervation' of any

    'tructural 'ei'mic (eficiencie' an( a !&otogra!&ic inventory of over 00 !&otogra!&'

    )a' collecte(.

    4*1  Library !uilding


    /eneral !uilding ecription

    %&e Library i' a t&ree/'tory buil(ing a!!ro8imately : feet tall from t&e groun( to to! of

    t&e roof !ara!et on t&e nort& 'i(e of t&e buil(ing. %&e gra(e 'lo!e' from an elevation of

    177 feet on t&e nort& 'i(e of t&e buil(ing to an elevation of 1:9 feetI- on t&e 'out& 'i(e

    of t&e buil(ing. %&e lo)er floor i' at an elevation of 177 feet, t&e main floor i' at an

    elevation of 1:9 feet, t&e 'econ( floor i' at an elevation of #01 feet inc&e' an( t&e roof

    varie' bet)een #1 feet inc&e' to #14 feet 10 inc&e'. %&e total area of t&e original

    'tructure i' #,#7: 'uare feet, )&ic& inclu(e' a #1,7/'uare/foot lo)er level, a

    #1,7/'uare/foot main level, an( a 9,7/'uare/foot 'econ( level. ;uring t&e 1990

    e8!an'ion, a total of :,100 'uare feet )a' a((e( to t&e buil(ing. %&i' u!gra(e a((e(10, :0 'uare feet to bot& t&e lo)er floor an( main floor an( 1,7#0 'uare feet to t&e

    'econ( floor. %&e total area of t&e Library to(ay i' a!!ro8imately 91,14: 'uare feet,

    )&ic& inclu(e' a #,4#/'uare/foot lo)er level, a :,#9/'uare/foot main floor, an( a

    #0,4#/'uare/foot 'econ( floor.  Structural System Description

    %&e original library buil(ing con'tructe( in 1970 'it' on '&allo) '!rea( footing'.

    %y!ically, t&e lo)er level 'lab i' inc&e' t&ic+ an( on gra(e. "raming for all ot&er level'

    con'i't' of a 14/inc& (ee!, ca't/in/!lace reinforce( concrete )affle 'lab )it& reinforce(

    concrete column' an( )all'. %&e lateral/force/re'i'ting 'y'tem inclu(e' t&e original

    e8terior #0/inc& by 7/foot concrete !ier' in a((ition to t&e :/inc& an( 10/inc&/t&ic+reinforce( concrete )all' of bot& t&e elevator '&aft an( t&e 'out& 'tair )ell. "or t&e

    lo)er floor only, t&e 1#/inc&/t&ic+ retaining )all' act a' lateral/force/re'i'ting element'.

    %&e retaining )all' are locate( on t&e ea't, )e't an( 'out& 'i(e' of t&e buil(ing. %&e

    nort& 'i(e of t&e lo)er floor (aylig&t' to a !la5a. %&e roof i' com!o'e( of built/u!

    roofing an( gravel over a 14/inc& ca't/in/!lace reinforce( concrete )affle 'lab.

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    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

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    Salem, $regon Page 7

    Accor(ing to original con'truction (ocument', all column' an( )all' are (o)ele( into

    '&allo) '!rea( footing'.

    %&e 1990 e8!an'ion al'o 'it' on '&allo) '!rea( footing'. %&e framing con'i't' of 'teel

    column' an( beam', /1#/inc& normal )eig&t concrete over #/inc& forme(/'teel metal

    (ec+ing, an( reinforce( concrete )all'. %&e column' are attac&e( to t&e '!rea( footing'via four 1/inc&/(iameter anc&or bolt'. einforce( 1#/inc& concrete retaining )all' are

    (o)ele( into '&allo) '!rea( footing'. %&e lo)er floor i' com!o'e( of a /inc& t&ic+

    concrete 'lab on gra(e. %&e roof 'tructure i' com!o'e( of 1 1#/inc& metal (ec+ing over

    'teel beam'. o a((itional lateral force re'i'ting element' )ere con'tructe( in 1990. %o

    re'i't lateral force', t&e 1990 e8!an'ion relie' on t&e :/inc&, 10/inc& an( 1#/inc&

    reinforce( concrete e8terior )all', t&e :/inc& an( 10/inc&/t&ic+ )all' of t&e 'out&

    'tair)ell, an( t&e #0/inc& by 7/foot e8terior column' of t&e original buil(ing.  Nonstructural Systems Description

    %&e e8terior of t&e original buil(ing con'tructe( in 1970 con'i't' of reinforce( concrete

    )all', !reca't 'ill', an( gla5ing. %o t&e be't of our +no)le(ge, t&e gla5ing i' neit&erlaminate( anneale( nor laminate( &eat/'trengt&ene( 'afety gla''. "urt&ermore, t&e

    gla5ing attac&ment to concrete (oe' not allo) for relative (i'!lacement. Preca't concrete

    fa'cia i' u'e( along t&e entire e8terior of t&e roofline. %&e acou'tical ceiling' are (ro!!e(

    an( 'u'!en(e( from t&e )affle 'lab 'y'tem.

    %&e e8terior of t&e 1990 e8!an'ion area of t&e main buil(ing con'i't' of reinforce(

    concrete )all', !reca't '!an(rel', an( gla5ing. %o t&e be't of our +no)le(ge, t&e gla5ing

    i' neit&er laminate( anneale( nor laminate( &eat/'trengt&ene( 'afety gla''. %&ere i' a

    large circular '+ylig&t in t&e 1990 e8!an'ion area of t&e 'out& 'i(e of t&e buil(ing t&at

    create' a lig&t/)ell t&roug& t&e 'econ( floor.

    Large boo+ 'tac+', '&elving unit', an( 'torage rac+' over 4 feet inc&e' in &eig&t can be

    foun( t&roug&out t&e buil(ing. %&e buil(ing al'o contain' a coffee '&o! )it&

    mi'cellaneou' eui!ment on t&e lo)er level. %&ere are 'everal refrigerator', ven(ing

    mac&ine', )all/mounte( televi'ion', an( (i'!lay cabinet' foun( t&roug&out t&e


    P&otogra!&' of t&e interior' an( t&e e8terior' of t&e buil(ing are inclu(e( in

    A!!en(i8 ;.


    !uilding -ypeBy ASCE 1 (efinition', t&e main buil(ing )a' evaluate( a' a C#/ty!e buil(ing

    Concrete S&ear 3all' )it& Stiff ;ia!&ragm'. %&e floor an( roof framing of t&i' buil(ing

    ty!e con'i't' of ca't/in/!lace concrete 'lab', concrete beam', one/)ay *oi't', t)o/)ay

    )affle *oi't', or flat 'lab'. "loor' are 'u!!orte( on concrete column' or bearing )all'.

    Lateral force' are re'i'te( by ca't/in/!lace concrete '&ear )all'. =n ol(er con'truction,

    '&ear )all' are lig&tly reinforce( but often e8ten( t&roug&out t&e buil(ing. =n more

    recent con'truction, '&ear )all' occur in i'olate( location' an( are more &eavily

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    reinforce( )it& boun(ary element' an( clo'ely '!ace( tie' to !rovi(e (uctile

    !erformance. %&e (ia!&ragm' con'i't of concrete 'lab' an( are 'tiff relative to t&e )all'.

    "oun(ation' con'i't of concrete '!rea( footing', mat foun(ation', or (ee! foun(ation'.

    4*1*(  Lit of "umption

    %&e follo)ing a''um!tion' )ere ma(e regar(ing t&e 'ei'mic !erformance of t&e Library buil(ing. %&e a''um!tion' are ma(e becau'e of a lac+ of information !rovi(e( by

    'tructural (ocumentation an( to outline 'tan(ar( !ractice of evaluating lateral force/

    re'i'ting 'y'tem'.

    •  Concrete 'trengt& i' f@c J 4,000 !'i an( ,000 !'i, (e!en(ing on t&e com!onent.

    •  ormal )eig&t reinforce( concrete )eig&' 10 !cf

    •  ebar 'trengt& fy J 0+'i

    4*1*4  Finding

    %&e library buil(ing &a' been evaluate( for a Life Safety !erformance ob*ective for t&e

    ;e'ign Eart&ua+e a' (efine( in ASCE 1/0 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings.Ba'e( on t&e !roce(ure' of ASCE 1, t&e follo)ing (eficiencie' in t&e buil(ing@' lateral/

    force/re'i'ting 'y'tem an( non'tructural com!onent' )ere i(entifie(. 

    General Basic and Supplemental Structural Checklists (3.7. and 3.7.S!"

    •  A 3ea+ Story occur' at t&e 'econ( floor becau'e t&ere i' a 'ignificant re(uction in

    t&e number of lateral loa( re'i'ting element' an( t&e ca!acity of t&o'e element',

    from t&e main level to t&e 'econ( level (irectly above.

    •  A Soft Story occur' at t&e 'econ( floor becau'e t&e 'tiffne'' of t&e lateral/force/

    re'i'ting 'y'tem of t&e main level i' 70 !ercent more t&an t&e 'tiffne'' of t&e 'econ(

    'tory. Becau'e of large o!ening' an( irregularitie', t&e (ia!&ragm i' unable to

    re(i'tribute 'ei'mic inertial force' to '&ear)all' t&roug&out t&e buil(ing.

    •  At t&e main floor, t&e e'timate( (i'tance bet)een t&e 'tory center of ma'' an( t&e

    'tory center of rigi(ity i' a!!ro8imately feet, an( t)enty !ercent of t&e buil(ing

    )i(t& in t&e nort&/'out& (irection i' a!!ro8imately feet. %&u', t&e buil(ing may

    &ave in&erent tor'ional i''ue'.

    •  "or loa(ing in t&e ea't/)e't (irection an( u'ing t&e ASCE 1 %ier 1 evaluation

    !roce(ure, t&e '&ear 'tre'' in t&e concrete '&ear )all' on t&e 'econ( floor e8cee('

    allo)able limit'.

    •  Ba'e( on t&e original con'truction (ra)ing', t&e ratio of t&e &ori5ontal reinforcing

    'teel area to gro'' area of concrete for t&e '&ear )all' i' le'' t&an t&e recommen(e(


    •  %&e #4/inc& by #4/inc& reinforce( column' '!anning from to! to bottom of t&e

     buil(ing 'tructure &ave in'ufficient '&ear reinforcement to (evelo! t&e ma8imum

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    !robable moment ca!acity M!r-. %&e com!ute( ca!acity of t&e e8i'ting E- column

    i' only 4 !ercent of t&e ma8imum '&ear (eman( of 9# +i!'.  Basic and #ntermediate Non$Structural Component Checklists (3..1 and 3..2!"

    =na(euately attac&e( non/'tructural element' can cau'e 'ignificant (amage in t&e

     buil(ing, re'ulting in very e8!en'ive re!air' an( ren(ering it ino!erable for an e8ten(e(!erio( of time after t&e eart&ua+e. =n a((ition, falling content' are often &armful to t&e

     buil(ing occu!ant' (uring an eart&ua+e, )it& t&e young an( el(erly being !articularly

    vulnerable to ca'ualty an( 'ometime' fatality.

    •  %&e 'tair' (o not a!!ear to &ave 'li! connection' to accommo(ate (ifferential 'tory

    (rift. %&i' may cau'e an uninten(e( loa( !at& for 'ei'mic (eman('.

    •  %&e !reca't concrete fa'cia !anel' on t&e e8terior of t&e roof of t&e original buil(ing

    are anc&ore( at 7 feet inc&e' on center. %&e !reca't concrete fa'cia !anel' on t&e

    e8terior of t&e 1990 e8!an'ion !art of t&e buil(ing are anc&ore( )&ere t&e 'teel

    framing meet' t&e concrete !anel' at roug&ly : feet on center. =t i' unclear from t&e!lan' &o) t&e relocate( )in(o))all 'y'tem on t&e nort& 'i(e of t&e buil(ing i'

    attac&e( to t&e main 'tructure. "urt&er inve'tigation )oul( be reuire( to verify

    a(euate anc&orage.


    %all content' in t&e buil(ing con'i't of unbrace( boo+ 'tac+', '&elving unit', file

    cabinet', loc+er', an( ot&er mi'cellaneou' furniture )it& a &eig&t/to/)i(t& or a

    &eig&t/to/(e!t& ratio greater t&an /to/1 on all level' of t&e Library. %&e'e can !o'e a

    to!!ling &a5ar( (uring an eart&ua+e.

    •  %&ere a!!ear' to be ina(euate lateral bracing of t&e fire 'u!!re''ion 'y'tem,

    inclu(ing bot& '!rin+ler &ea(' an( !i!ing, along )it& area' )&ere t&e im!act of

    '!rin+ler !i!e' )it& ot&er unbrace( non'tructural element' coul( re'ult in

    unreliable !erformance. =na(euately brace( fire '!rin+ler !i!ing &a' !erforme(

    !oorly in !a't eart&ua+e', ren(ering 'y'tem' unu'able )&en mo't nee(e(.


    2a' !i!ing t&roug&out t&e buil(ing (oe' not a!!ear to &ave fle8ible cou!ling',

    )&ic& coul( lea( to a !i!e fracture in an eart&ua+e. %&i' can cau'e a fire &a5ar(

    (uring a 'ei'mic event, often cau'ing more (amage to t&e buil(ing an( it' content'

    t&an from 'tructural (amage alone.


    Anc&orage 'u!!ort' on many of t&e !um!' in t&e mec&anical room '&o) 'ign' ofcorro'ion. %&ere i' al'o 'urface corro'ion on 'teel !i!e' in t&e mec&anical room area

    of t&e buil(ing.

    •  %&e &ot )ater &eater in t&e mec&anical room i' not brace( for lateral 'u!!ort.


    Pi!ing from t&e &ot )ater &eater to t&e floor above (oe' not &ave fle8ible cou!ling'.

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    •  %&ere a!!ear' to be no lateral bracing of t&e integrate( 'u'!en(e( ceiling 'y'tem in

    many area' t&roug&out t&e Library.


    %&e lig&t fi8ture' in t&e 'u'!en(e( gri( ceiling are not 'u!!orte( in(e!en(ently of

    t&e ceiling 'u'!en'ion 'y'tem.

    •  %&ere are 'everal !iece' of eui!ment )eig&ing over #0 !oun(' attac&e( to ceiling'

    or )all' t&at are not laterally brace(.

    •  2la'' from original buil(ing (oe' not a!!ear to be 'afety gla'' e8ce!t in !ane' over

    five feet in (imen'ion. Safety gla'' i' reuire( at egre'' area'. =n a((ition, t&e

    connection of gla'' to 'tructure (oe' not allo) for t&e (ifferential (i'!lacement'



    RecommendationBecau'e of t&e (eficiencie' (e'cribe( above, t&e library buil(ing (oe' not meet t&e Life

    Safety !erformance ob*ective of an ASCE 1 %ier 1 'ei'mic evaluation. %o ac&ieve a Life

    Safety !erformance level for t&i' buil(ing, t&e follo)ing 'trengt&ening 'c&eme i'

    !ro!o'e(. Before any 'tructural u!gra(e' are !erforme(, a com!lete %ier # 'ei'mic

    evaluation of t&e 'tructure i' reuire(. See t&e Pro!o'e( enovation ;ra)ing' in

    A!!en(i8 E.

    4.1.%.1  Structural

    •  Provi(e ne) concrete '&ear)all' from t&e groun( to t&e roof level. 

      Provi(e ne) concrete foun(ation' )it& micro/!ile' to 'u!!ort t&e ne) concrete'&ear)all' an( allo) t&em to re'i't t&e lateral 'ei'mic loa('. 

    •  Provi(e ne) collector element' t&roug&out t&e elevate( floor' an( roof to &el!

    (i'tribute t&e 'ei'mic (eman(' to t&e ne) concrete '&ear)all'. 

    •  =m!rove connectivity of t&e e8i'ting concrete 'lab' to t&e e8i'ting concrete )all' an(



    einforce t&e connection' of t&e e8i'ting 'teel beam' to t&e e8i'ting concrete !ier' at

    t&e 'econ( level. 


    Strengt&en t&e connectivity of t&e e8i'ting com!o'ite metal (ec+ an( metal roof (ec+

    to t&e e8i'ting concrete 'lab' an( )all'. 

    •  einforce t&e concrete (ia!&ragm aroun( t&e 'tair o!ening in t&e 'lab on t&e 'econ(


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    4.1.%.2  Nonstructural

    •  Provi(e 'li! connection' in 'tair' '!anning bet)een floor' to !revent (amage (uring

    t&e (e'ign/level eart&ua+e.


    "urt&er analy'i' '&oul( be con(ucte( on t&e !reca't concrete !anel' along t&e

    e8terior of t&e roof level to en'ure t&at t&e anc&orage 'c&eme meet' current 'ei'micco(e. =f it i' (etermine( t&at t&e anc&or' are in'ufficient, a((itional anc&or' '&oul(

     be in'talle( to en'ure t&at !anel' (o not brea+ free from buil(ing (uring t&e (e'ign/

    level eart&ua+e.

    •  %all narro) content' in t&e buil(ing, inclu(ing boo+ 'tac+', 'torage '&elving, an(

    eui!ment over 4 feet in &eig&t an( )it& a &eig&t/to/(e!t& or &eig&t/to/)i(t& ratio

    greater t&an /to/1, '&oul( be anc&ore( to t&e floor 'lab or a(*acent 'tructural )all'.

    E8i'ting boo+ 'tac+' (o not a!!ear to &ave brac+et' to allo) anc&orage to t&e

    'tructure. %&e e8i'ting 'tac+' )ill reuire a retrofit or ne) boo+ 'tac+' )it& anc&or

    !oint' )ill be nee(e(. 

    •  Provi(e lateral bracing an( fle8ible cou!ling' for all flui(, ga', an( fire 'u!!re''ion


    •  Brace fire 'u!!re''ion !i!ing !er "PA/1.

    •  emove corro'ion on non'tructural element'. Protect non'tructural element' from

    future corro'ion. 

    •  %&e &ot )ater &eater in t&e mec&anical room '&oul( be brace( to t&e )all or

    anc&ore( to t&e floor. 


    %&e la((er in t&e mec&anical room '&oul( be brace(, anc&ore( to t&e floor, or 'tore(

    'ome)&ere )&ere it (oe' not !re'ent a !otential falling &a5ar( )&ile not in u'e. 

    •  Provi(e lateral bracing for t&e 'u'!en(e( ceiling 'y'tem t&roug&out t&e entire


    •  Provi(e lateral bracing for t&e lig&t fi8ture' in t&e 'u'!en(e( ceiling 'y'tem

    in(e!en(ent of t&e ceiling 'y'tem bracing.

    •  Brace eui!ment )eig&ing over #0 !oun(' t&at i' attac&e( to ceiling', )all', or ot&er

    'u!!ort' four feet above t&e floor level.

    •  Provi(e 'afety gla'' )&ere reuire(. e!lace )in(o) 'y'tem' to allo) for

    (ifferential (i'!lacement'.

    4*2  "uditorium !uilding

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    4*2*1  /eneral ecription

    %&e Au(itorium )a' con'tructe( in 1990 a' !art of t&e City of Salem Central Library

    E8!an'ion !ro*ect. %&e total area of t&e circular 'tructure i' ,0#0 'uare feet. %y!ical

    e8terior )all' are :/inc&/t&ic+ ca't/in/!lace reinforce( concrete. %&e main level i' on

    gra(e an( t&e roof i' at a ma8imum &eig&t of #0 feet above gra(e. %&e interior of t&e

    Au(itorium i' o!en, )it& very fe) !artition )all'.  Structural System Description

    %&e :/inc&/t&ic+ e8terior )all' ma+e u! t&e lateral/force/re'i'ting 'y'tem of t&i'

     buil(ing. %&e roof framing con'i't' of 1 1#/inc& metal (ec+ over 'teel o!en )eb *oi't

    an( 'teel beam'. %&e non/com!o'ite metal (ec+ roof 'y'tem i' fle8ible com!are( to t&e

    )all'. %&ere are four tube 'teel column' 'u!!orting t&e roof 'y'tem. %&e main floor i'

    'lab on gra(e. %&e 'tructural element' 'it on '&allo) foun(ation' an(, accor(ing to

    original con'truction (ocument', all column' an( )all' are (o)ele( into t&e '!rea(


    %&e nort&)e't !ortion of t&e Au(itorium i' attac&e( to t&e Library. %&e Au(itorium'tructural )all 'it' over t&e to! of a 1#/inc& 'ubgra(e )all. %&i' concrete )all 'u!!ort' a

    'mall area of t&e Library roof t&at i' locate( above t&e 'econ( floor level an( belo) t&e

    main roof. %&e Au(itorium roof 'tructure con'i't' of 1 1#/inc& metal roof (ec+ over

    'teel o!en/)eb *oi't' an( 'teel beam'.  Nonstructural Systems Description

    %&ere i' no cla((ing or veneer on t&e 'tructure. %&e interior ceiling &a' many !iece' of

    'u'!en(e( eui!ment along )it& acou'tical !anel'. %&ere i' a 'u'!en(e( !ro*ection

    'creen over t&e main 'tage area. %&e interior )all' are gy!'um boar( over metal 'tu('.

    %&e ?FAC (ucting i' 'u'!en(e( from t&e roof *oi't'.

    4*2*2  !uilding -ype

    %&e Au(itorium )a' evaluate( a' a %y!e C#A buil(ing Concrete S&ear 3all' )it&

    "le8ible ;ia!&ragm'. %&e'e buil(ing' are 'imilar to C# buil(ing', e8ce!t t&at t&e

    (ia!&ragm' con'i't of )oo( '&eat&ing on )oo( framing or metal (ec+ on 'teel framing,

    Lateral force' are re'i'te( by ca't/in/!lace concrete '&ear )all'. =n general, '&ear )all' in

    ol(er con'truction are lig&tly reinforce( but often e8ten( t&roug&out t&e buil(ing. "or

    more recent con'truction &o)ever, '&ear )all' occur in i'olate( location', are more

    &eavily reinforce( )it& boun(ary element' an( clo'ely '!ace( tie' to !rovi(e (uctile

    !erformance. %&e (ia!&ragm' con'i't of )oo( '&eat&ing or metal (ec+, &ave large

    a'!ect ratio' an( are fle8ible relative to t&e )all'. "oun(ation' con'i't of concrete '!rea(footing' or (ee! foun(ation'.

    4*2*(  Lit of "umption

    %&e follo)ing a''um!tion' )ere ma(e regar(ing t&e 'ei'mic !erformance of t&e

    Au(itorium. %&e a''um!tion' are ma(e becau'e of a lac+ of information !rovi(e( by

    'tructural (ocumentation an( to outline 'tan(ar( !ractice of evaluating lateral/force/

    re'i'ting 'y'tem'.

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    •  %&e Library 'tructure an( t&e Au(itorium are not 'ei'mically connecte( an( act a'

    'e!arate 'tructural 'y'tem'.


    =nterior !artition )all' (o not contribute to t&e lateral/force/re'i'ting 'y'tem.


    Structural )all' con'i't of t&e follo)ing.

      Concrete 'trengt& of f@c J ,000 !'i

    •  ormal/)eig&t concrete )eig&ing 10 !cf

      einforcing 'teel 'trengt& of fy J 0 +'i



    %&e Au(itorium &a' been evaluate( for a Life Safety !erformance ob*ective for t&e

    (e'ign eart&ua+e a' (efine( in ASCE 1/0 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings.

    Ba'e( on t&e !roce(ure' of ASCE 1, t&e follo)ing (eficiencie' in t&e buil(ing@' lateral

    force re'i'ting 'y'tem an( non/'tructural com!onent' )ere i(entifie(. 

    General Basic and Supplemental Structural Checklists (3.7.1& and 3.7.1&S!

    •  %&e Library buil(ing an( t&e Au(itorium from t&e 1990 e8!an'ion !ro*ect (o not

    &ave a(euate 'ei'mic *oint' an( coul( re'ult in buil(ing !oun(ing (uring an

    eart&ua+e. Buil(ing !oun(ing can re'ult in &ig&ly a(ver'e 'ei'mic be&avior in one

    or bot& buil(ing com!onent'.


    %o !revent !oun(ing, t&e nee(e( clear (i'tance i' 10 inc&e', )&ic& i' euivalent to a

    'etbac+ of t)o !ercent of t&e !otential contact &eig&t of eac& buil(ing.

    •  Ba'e( on t&e original con'truction (ra)ing', t&e ratio of t&e &ori5ontal reinforcing

    'teel area to gro'' area of concrete i' le'' t&an t&e recommen(e( 0.00# for t&e :/

    inc&/t&ic+ reinforce( concrete '&ear)all'.

    •  %&e roof (ia!&ragm i' ina(euately attac&e( to t&e e8terior )all'. %&e original

    con'truction (ra)ing' '&o) t&e roof (ec+ attac&e' to t&e e8terior :/inc& concrete

    )all' )it& a 'ingle :/inc& (iameter by /inc& )e(ge anc&or at 4: inc&e' on center.

    %&e'e anc&or' are no longer (eeme( a!!ro!riate for u'e in 'ei'mic con(ition'

     becau'e of t&eir unreliable !erformance. ?o)ever, to evaluate t&e (eman(/to/

    ca!acity ratio of t&i' attac&ment, anc&or ca!acity )a' com!ute( u'ing a com!arable

    :/inc& (iameter, ?ilti K)i+/Bolt == anc&or )it& a 4/inc& embe(ment (e!t&. %&ecom!ute( (eman( i' nearly 1. time' t&e ca!acity of t&e anc&or a' com!ute(

    accor(ing to t&e a!!rove( 'ei'mic !erformance re!ort E/4#7-.


    %&e 'tirru!' in t&e cou!ling beam', over&ea( of t&e !rimary mean' of egre'' for t&e

    Au(itorium, are &oo+e( )it& 90/(egree ben(' accor(ing to t&e original con'truction

    (ra)ing'. Current !ractice fort&e (e'ign of concrete cou!ling beam' inclu(e' &oo+'

    of 1 (egree' or more to (evelo! reinforcing 'teel.

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page 14 

    Basic' #ntermediate and Supplemental Nonstructural Component Checklists

    (3..1' 3..2 and 3..3!

    •  %&ere a!!ear' to be no lateral bracing for t&e 'u'!en(e( eui!ment or t&e

    'u'!en(e( acou'tical !anel' in t&e au(itorium.

    •  %&e 'u'!en(e( lig&t fi8ture' in t&e au(itorium a!!ear to not be laterally brace(.

    •  %&e fire/'u!!re''ion !i!ing (oe' not a!!ear to &ave lateral bracing.

    4*2*5  Recommendation

    Becau'e of t&e (eficiencie' (e'cribe( above, t&e Au(itorium (oe' not meet t&e Life

    Safety !erformance ob*ective of ASCE 1. %o ac&ieve a Life Safety !erformance level, t&e

    follo)ing 'trengt&ening 'c&eme i' !ro!o'e(. Before any 'tructural u!gra(e' are

    !erforme(, a com!lete %ier # 'ei'mic evaluation of t&e 'tructure i' reuire(.

    4.2.%.1  Structural


    einforce t&e anc&orage of t&e roof to t&e concrete )all'.

    4.2.%.2  Nonstructural

    •  Brace eui!ment )eig&ing over #0 lb' t&at i' attac&e( to ceiling', )all', or ot&er

    'u!!ort' four feet above t&e floor level.


    Brace fire 'u!!re''ion !i!ing !er "PA/1.

    4*(  Par8ing /arage

    4*(*1  /eneral ecription

    %&e Par+ing 2arage )a' con'tructe( in 1990 a' !art of t&e City of Salem Central LibraryE8!an'ion !ro*ect. %&e total area of t&e 'tructure i' 90,:4 'uare feet. %&e lo)er level i'

    a 'lo!ing 'lab on gra(e, t&e mi((le level i' 'lo!ing at 10.7 feet above t&e lo)er level

    an( t&e u!!er level i' 'lo!ing at 10.7 feet above t&e mi((le level to a ma8imum &eig&t

    of # feet above gra(e. %&e garage i' an o!en (e'ign an( a' 'uc& (oe' not &ave any

    mec&anical e8&au't 'y'tem'.  Structural System Description

    %&e Par+ing 2arage 'it' on a '&allo) '!rea( footing foun(ation. %&e garage &a' a /inc&

    concrete 'lab on gra(e )it& 4 reinforcing 'teel at 1#/inc&e' on center eac& )ay,

    'u!!orte( by a com!acte( gravel ba'e. %&e elevate( floor framing of t&e Par+ing 2arage

    con'i't' of #:/inc&/(ee! !re/ca't (ouble/tee *oi't', )&ic& are 'u!!orte( by corbel' at

    column', beam' an( )all'. %&e e8terior gravity 'u!!ort' are 1:/inc& by 1:/inc& column'

    ty!ically '!ace( at #4 feet on center %&e (ouble/tee' &ave a /inc& to!!ing 'lab )it& 4

    reinforcing 'teel at 1#/inc&e' on center eac& )ay t&at i' (o)ele( into '!an(rel' beam',

    )all', an( vertical concrete column'. %&e lateral force re'i'ting 'y'tem con'i't' of

    reinforce( concrete '&ear)all' 10/inc&/t&ic+ concrete )all' are along t&e e8terior of t&e

     buil(ing an( a 1#/inc&/t&ic+ full &eig&t concrete '&ear)all run' (o)n t&e center of t&e

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page 1

     buil(ing. Accor(ing to original con'truction (ocument', all column' an( )all' are

    (o)ele( into '&allo) '!rea( footing'.  Nonstructural Systems Description

    %&e e8terior cla((ing of t&e buil(ing i' !reca't concrete !anel'.


    !uilding -ype

    By ASCE 1 (efinition', t&e !ar+ing garage )a' evaluate( a' a C#/ty!e buil(ing

    Concrete S&ear 3all' )it& Stiff ;ia!&ragm'. %&e floor an( roof framing of t&i' buil(ing

    ty!e con'i't' of ca't/in/!lace concrete 'lab', concrete beam', one/)ay *oi't', t)o/)ay

    )affle *oi't', or flat 'lab'. "loor' are 'u!!orte( on concrete column' or bearing )all'.

    Lateral force' are re'i'te( by ca't/in/!lace concrete '&ear )all'. =n ol(er con'truction,

    '&ear )all' are lig&tly reinforce( but often e8ten( t&roug&out t&e buil(ing. =n more

    recent con'truction, '&ear )all' occur in i'olate( location', are more &eavily reinforce(

    )it& boun(ary element' an( clo'ely '!ace( tie' to !rovi(e (uctile !erformance. %&e

    (ia!&ragm' con'i't of concrete 'lab', an( are 'tiff relative to t&e )all'. "oun(ation'

    con'i't of concrete '!rea( footing', mat foun(ation', or (ee! foun(ation'.

    4*(*(  Lit of "umption

    %&e follo)ing a''um!tion' )ere ma(e regar(ing t&e 'ei'mic !erformance of t&e

    Par+ing 2arage. %&e a''um!tion' are ma(e becau'e of a lac+ of information !rovi(e(

     by 'tructural (ocumentation an( to outline 'tan(ar( !ractice of evaluating lateral force

    re'i'ting 'y'tem'.

    •  Concrete 'trengt& of f@c J ,000 !'i.

    •  ormal/)eig&t concrete )eig&ing 10 !cf.


    einforcing 'teel 'trengt& of fy J 0+'i.

    4*(*4  Finding

    %&e Par+ing 2arage &a' been evaluate( for a Life Safety !erformance ob*ective for t&e

    (e'ign eart&ua+e a' (efine( in ASCE 1/0 Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings.

    Ba'e( on t&e !roce(ure' of ASCE 1, t&e follo)ing (eficiencie' in t&e buil(ing@' lateral/

    force/re'i'ting 'y'tem an( non'tructural com!onent' )ere i(entifie(.  General Basic and Supplemental Structural Checklists (3.7.1& and 3.7.1&S!

    •  %&e garage (oe' not !a'' t&e 3ea+ Story evaluation. %&e 'trengt& of t&e lateral

    force/re'i'ting 'y'tem 'u!!orting t&e u!!er level i' 49 !ercent le'' t&an t&e lateral/

    force re'i'ting 'y'tem of t&e mi((le level.

    •  A Soft Story occur' bet)een t&e u!!er level an( t&e mi((le level of t&e garage. =n

     bot& t&e nort&/'out& an( t&e ea't/)e't (irection', t&e u!!er 'tory &a' le'' t&an

    70 !ercent of t&e lateral/force/re'i'ting 'y'tem 'tiffne'' of t&e mi((le 'tory.

    •  %&e (i'tance bet)een t&e 'tory center of ma'' an( t&e 'tory center of rigi(ity i'

    greater t&an t&e recommen(e( #0 !ercent. %&ere coul( be 'ub'tantial rotation of t&e

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page 1

    (ia!&ragm t&at coul( lea( to increa'e( (eman(' in t&e column' t&at )ere not

    (e'igne( to be !art of t&e lateral/force/re'i'ting 'y'tem.


    %&ere i' 'ome minor crac+ing of t&e concrete on all area' of t&e buil(ing an( aroun(

    a fe) connection' of t&e !reca't !anel'. %&e concrete i' al'o (eteriorating aroun(

    'ome of t&e (ouble/tee *oi't connection' to e8terior beam'.

    •  Collector element' are not !rovi(e( at reentrant corner' of t&e (ia!&ragm.

    •  %&e '&ear 'tre'' in t&e concrete '&ear )all', calculate( u'ing t&e uic+ C&ec+

    !roce(ure, e8cee(' t&e !ermi''ible limit for all level' of t&e !ar+ing garage in t&e /

    S (irection of loa(ing. %&e (eman(/to/ca!acity ratio' range from 1.1 to ..

    ;eman(/to/ca!acity ratio' in e8ce'' of 1.0 are con'i(ere( (eficient.

    •  Secon(ary com!onent' (o not &ave t&e '&ear ca!acity to (evelo! t&eir fle8ural

    'trengt&. %&e 1:/ by 1:/inc& reinforce( column' (o not &ave enoug& '&ear

    reinforcement to (evelo! t&e ma8imum !robable moment, M!r, or t&e ca!acity mo'tli+ely ac&ieve( by t&e element. %&e '&ear (eman( i' roug&ly t)ice t&e e8i'ting


    Basic' #ntermediate and Supplemental Non$Structural Component Checklists

    (3..1' 3..2 and 3..3!

    •  Cla((ing com!onent' )eig&ing more t&an 10 !'f'&all be anc&ore( at a '!acing

    eual to or le'' t&an four feet. %&e !reca't concrete !anel' u'e( on t&e e8terior of t&e

    !ar+ing garage )eig& more t&an 10 !'f an( are anc&ore( at eac& en(, or at an

    a!!ro8imate #4/foot '!acing.

    •  Corro'ion )a' ob'erve( on many connecting element', an( a fe) connection'

    a!!eare( to be (amage( or com!romi'e(.

    •  %&e connection' of t&e !reca't concrete !anel cla((ing to e8terior column' (o not

    &ave 'lotte( connection', an( t&erefore (o not accommo(ate a 'tory (rift ratio of

    t)o !ercent.

    •  %&ere are 'ome e8terior cla((ing !anel' t&at &ave fe)er t&an four connection' for

    eac& )all !anel.

    4*(*5  Recommendation

    Becau'e of t&e (eficiencie' (e'cribe( above, t&e !ar+ing garage (oe' not meet t&e LifeSafety !erformance ob*ective of ASCE 1. %o ac&ieve a Life Safety !erformance level, t&e

    follo)ing 'trengt&ening 'c&eme i' !ro!o'e(. Before any 'tructural u!gra(e' are

    !erforme(, a com!lete %ier # 'ei'mic evaluation of t&e 'tructure i' reuire(. See t&e

    Pro!o'e( enovation ;ra)ing' in A!!en(i8 C.

    4.3.%.1  Structural


    A(( ne) reinforce( concrete '&ear)all'.

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort/90< ;raft 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon Page 17

    •  A(( collector element' at elevate( level' in or(er to get 'ei'mic loa( to t&e ne) an(

    e8i'ting concrete '&ear)all'.


    einforce t&e connection' of !reca't concrete '!an(rel beam' to t&e 'tructure.

    4.3.%.2  Non$structural

    "urt&er analy'i' '&oul( be con(ucte( on t&e !reca't concrete !anel' along t&e e8terior

    of t&e 'tructure to en'ure t&at t&e anc&orage 'c&eme meet' current 'ei'mic co(e. =f it i'

    (etermine( t&at t&e anc&or' are in'ufficient, a((itional anc&or' '&oul( be in'talle( to

    en'ure t&at !anel' (o not brea+ loo'e from t&e buil(ing (uring a (e'ign eart&ua+e


    Provi(e 'li! connection' in anc&oring brac+et' for t&e !reca't !anel cla((ing.

    5*  SE.S#.C P/R"E OP.%.O% OF PRO!"!LE CO%S-RC-.O% COS-

    %&e e'timate( !robable con'truction co't for t&e !ro!o'e( u!gra(e' are 'ummari5e( a'


    -able 2 @ Opinion of Probable Contruction Cot

    Com!onent Area 6S" %otal

    Library Main Buil(ing 91,14: 'f 7.1 6,##4,000

    Au(itorium Buil(ing ,0#0 'f 14.94 67,000

    Par+ing 2arage 90,:4 'f 1#.1 61,09:,000

    See A!!en(i8 B for a (etaile( co't analy'i' an( im!ortant a''um!tion' an( e8clu'ion'

    relate( to t&i' e'timate.

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    Evaluation Report

    Salem Central Public Library

    City of Salem, Salem, Oregon

    Appendix AReferences

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    City of Salem BERGER/ABAM, A14.0170.00

    Salem Central Public ibrary Buil!in" E#aluation 14 $ebruary %014

    Salem, &re"on A''en!i( A Pa"e A)1





    ASCE *1)0*, Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings. American Society of Ci#il En"ineer+. %00*

    ASCE 41)0, Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings. American Society of Ci#il En"ineer+.


    AC- *1)0, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary. American

    Concrete -n+titute. %00

    ASCE 7)0, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. American Society of Ci#ilEn"ineer+. %00

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    Evaluation Report

    Salem Central Public Library

    City of Salem, Salem, Oregon

    Appendix BCost Estimate

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    Salem Central Public L ibrary Architectural Cost Cons ultants LLC Estimate Date: R27-Jab-14Seismic Upgrade Evaluation Report Stanley J. Pszczolkowski, AIA Document Date: 20-Dec-13City of Salem, Oregon 8060 SW Pfaffle Street, Suite 110 Print Date: 27-Jan-14

    BergerABAM Tigard, Oregon 97223-8489 Print Time: 1:16 PM

    Evaluation Report Probable Cost Est imate - 1.2 Phone (503) 718-0075 Fax (503) 718-0077 Constr. Start: Winter 2016


    Component Area $ / SF Total

    01 | Library Main Building 91,148 sf 57.31 $5,224,000

    02 | Auditorium Building 5,020 sf 14.94 $75,000

    03 | Parking Garage 90,384 sf 12.15 $1,098,000

    The above estimates are for direct construction cost only. They do not include furnishings & equipment, architect andengineer design fees, consultant fees, inspection and testing fees, plan check fees, state sales tax, hazardous materialtesting and removal, financing costs, owners contingency nor any other normally associated project and development costs.

    The above estimates assume a competitively bid project, with at least three qualified bidders in each of the major sub-trades as well as the general contractors.

    The above estimates assume a construction start date of: Winter 2016. If the start of construction is delayed beyond the date

    above, the estimates must be indexed at a rate of 3 to 4% per year compounded.

    This is a probable cost estimate based on in-progress documentation provided by the architect. The actual bid documentswill vary from this estimate due to document completion, detailing, specification, addendum, etc.. The estimator has nocontrol over the cost or availability of labor, equipment, materials, over market conditions or contractor's method of pricing,contractor's construction logistics and scheduling. This estimate is formulated on the estimators professional judgment andexperience. The estimate makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that the quantities, bids or the negotiated cost of the workwill not vary from the estimators opinion of probable construction cost.

    The above costs are rounded to the nearest 1,000.

    The estimate makes an attempt to identify other systems scope of work to support the structural seismic work. A formalstudy is recommended to evaluate impacts to architectural, electrical and mechanical systems. Impacts to code requirements,existing pathways, etc.. Cost identified may not necessarily or adequately cover the required work to support this structuralscope of work.

    Executive Summary - Page 1Appendix B - Page B-1

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    Salem Central Public L ibrary Architectural Cost Cons ultants LLC Estimate Date: R27-Jab-14Seismic Upgrade Evaluation Report Stanley J. Pszczolkowski, AIA Document Date: 20-Dec-13City of Salem, Oregon 8060 SW Pfaffle Street, Suite 110 Print Date: 27-Jan-14

    BergerABAM Tigard, Oregon 97223-8489 Print Time: 1:16 PM

    Evaluation Report Probable Cost Estimate - 1.2 Phone (503) 718-0075 Fax (503) 718-0077 Constr. Start : Winter 2016

     Alternates Quantity Unit Cost / Unit Cost Sub-totals Comments

    01 | Library Main Building

    Demolitionsawcut slab on grade 256 lf $10.00 $2,560remove slab on grade 768 sf 5.00 3,840remove windows 10,000 sf 6.00 60,000temp shore / barricades / protect / cleanup 91,148 sf 2.00 182,296 allowancemisc. support / cut / patch 16 sum 3,500.00 56,000 allowancehaul & disposal 1 sum 16,600.00 16,600

    Sub-total 91,148 sf 3.52 /sf   $321,296

    Earthworkexcavate for footing, neat cut 90 cy $150.00 $13,500 by handhaul & disposal 90 cy 50.00 4,500

    Sub-total 91,148 sf 0.20 /sf   $18,000

    Pilingmobilization / building access 1 sum $10,000.00 $10,000100 ton micro piles 88 ea 4,000.00 352,000 premium for in bldg. work

    Sub-total 91,148 sf 3.97 /sf   $362,000

    Concrete workformwork

    footings sf $0.00 $0 NIC - assume earth formwalls 6,912 sf 12.50 86,400

    r/sfootings 11,750 lbs 0.95 11,163walls 39,250 lbs 0.95 37,288

    drill / dowel / coredowel @ sog 192 ea 25.00 4,800dowel to exist footings 8 lctns 2,000.00 16,000

    core elevated slab for shear wall steel 8 lctns 5,000.00 40,000 allowancedowel shear wall to roof slab 4 lctns 2,000.00 8,000 allowance

    redi-mix4000 psi 251 cy 105.00 26,355

    placefootings 94 cy 25.00 2,350walls 157 cy 105.00 16,485pump / transport concrete 251 cy 75.00 18,825

    finishfooting / slab finish 768 sf 1.00 768wall - break ties / patch 6,912 sf 2.25 15,552misc. 1 sum 25,000.00 25,000Sub-total 91,148 sf 3.39 /sf   $308,986


    new collector elements 1,345 lf 125.00 168,125 bolt to underside of waffle slabrigging 1 sum 30,000.00 30,000reinforce connection conc. piers to slab 44 ea 850.00 37,400reinforce cnnctn composite deck to wall 64 lf 100.00 6,400 main floor, verify qtyreinforce cnnctn stl beam to conc. clmn 12 ea 750.00 9,000 2nd flr reinforce cnnctn composite deck to waffle 167 lf 100.00 16,700 2nd flr reinforce diaphragm @ opening 128 lf 100.00 12,800 2nd flr reinforce precast cladding cnnctns 214 lf 75.00 16,050 2nd flr, verify qtyreinforce precast beam spandrel attach. 555 lf 100.00 55,500 roof, verify qtyreinforce precast cladding cnnctns 214 lf 85.00 18,190 roof, verify qty

    Sub-total 91,148 sf 4.06 /sf   $370,165

    Estimate - Page 2Appendix B - Page B-2

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    Salem Central Public L ibrary Architectural Cost Cons ultants LLC Estimate Date: R27-Jab-14Seismic Upgrade Evaluation Report Stanley J. Pszczolkowski, AIA Document Date: 20-Dec-13City of Salem, Oregon 8060 SW Pfaffle Street, Suite 110 Print Date: 27-Jan-14

    BergerABAM Tigard, Oregon 97223-8489 Print Time: 1:16 PM

    Evaluation Report Probable Cost Estimate - 1.2 Phone (503) 718-0075 Fax (503) 718-0077 Constr. Start : Winter 2016

     Alternates Quantity Unit Cost / Unit Cost Sub-totals Comments

    01 | Library Main Building - Continued

     Architectural Finishesremove / repair to support structural 91,148 sf 10.00 911,480 allowanceroof / cut / repair 30,450 sf 2.50 76,125 allowancenew windows 10,000 sf 58.00 580,000

    Sub-total 91,148 sf 17.20 /sf   $1,567,605

    Mechanical / Electricalremove / repair to support structural 91,148 sf 5.00 455,740 allowance

    Sub-total 91,148 sf 5.00 /sf   $455,740

    Non-structural - Allowances  A feas ibi li ty s tud y isslip connections @ stairs 6 flght 10,000.00 $60,000 recommended to evaluateconnections in anchoring precast panels 860 lf 85.00 73,100 / investigate actual rqr mnts.

    anchor tall narrow contents 91,148 sf 0.00 0NIC - shelving not bracable

    lateral bracing and flexible couplings 91,148 sf 0.15 13,672ductwork bracing 91,148 sf 0.20 18,230pipework bracing 91,148 sf 0.75 68,361hvac equipment 91,148 sf 0.35 31,902remove corrosion on nonstructural element 91,148 sf 0.20 18,230ceiling lateral bracing 91,148 sf 0.15 13,672light fixture bracing 91,148 sf 0.15 13,672misc. clg patch / repair for above work 91,148 sf 0.30 27,344

    Sub-total 91,148 sf 3.71 /sf   $338,183

    SUB-TOTAL 01 | Library Main Building 3,741,975 $3,741,975

    Estimating Contingency 15.00% 561,296Index To Construction Start Winter 2016 7.12% 306,393 @ ± 4% per year 

    General Conditions / Insurance / Bond 9.50% 437,918 per BergerAbamGeneral Contractor OH & Profit 3.50% 176,665 1,482,273 per BergerAbam 39.61%

    TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST01 | Library Main Building 91,148 sf $57.32 /sf $5,224,248

    02 | Auditorium Building

    Seismic Workreinforce precast cladding cnnctns 240 lf 75.00 18,000 roof, verify qtyarch. finishes patch / repair 240 lf 35.00 8,400 allowanceremove & replace windows 200 sf 64.90 12,980

    Sub-total 5,020 sf 7.84 /sf   $39,380

    Non-structural - Allowanceslateral bracing and flexible couplings 5,020 sf 0.20 1,004ductwork bracing 5,020 sf 0.30 1,506pipework bracing 5,020 sf 0.85 4,267hvac equipment 5,020 sf 0.45 2,259remove corrosion on nonstructural element 5,020 sf 0.25 1,255ceiling lateral bracing 5,020 sf 0.20 1,004light fixture bracing 5,020 sf 0.20 1,004misc. clg patch / repair for above work 5,020 sf 0.45 2,259

    Sub-total 5,020 sf 2.90 /sf   $14,558

    Estimate - Page 3Appendix B - Page B-3

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    Salem Central Public L ibrary Architectural Cost Cons ultants LLC Estimate Date: R27-Jab-14Seismic Upgrade Evaluation Report Stanley J. Pszczolkowski, AIA Document Date: 20-Dec-13City of Salem, Oregon 8060 SW Pfaffle Street, Suite 110 Print Date: 27-Jan-14

    BergerABAM Tigard, Oregon 97223-8489 Print Time: 1:16 PM

    Evaluation Report Probable Cost Estimate - 1.2 Phone (503) 718-0075 Fax (503) 718-0077 Constr. Start : Winter 2016

     Alternates Quantity Unit Cost / Unit Cost Sub-totals Comments

    SUB-TOTAL 02 | Auditorium Building 53,938 $53,938

    Estimating Contingency 15.00% 8,091Index To Construction Start Winter 2016 7.12% 4,416 @ ± 4% per year General Conditions / Insurance / Bond 9.50% 6,312 per BergerAbamGeneral Contractor OH & Profit 3.50% 2,547 21,366 per BergerAbam 39.61%

    TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST02 | Auditorium Building 5,020 sf $15.00 /sf $75,304

    Estimate - Page 4Appendix B - Page B-4

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    Salem Central Public L ibrary Architectural Cost Cons ultants LLC Estimate Date: R27-Jab-14Seismic Upgrade Evaluation Report Stanley J. Pszczolkowski, AIA Document Date: 20-Dec-13City of Salem, Oregon 8060 SW Pfaffle Street, Suite 110 Print Date: 27-Jan-14

    BergerABAM Tigard, Oregon 97223-8489 Print Time: 1:16 PM

    Evaluation Report Probable Cost Estimate - 1.2 Phone (503) 718-0075 Fax (503) 718-0077 Constr. Start : Winter 2016

     Alternates Quantity Unit Cost / Unit Cost Sub-totals Comments

    SUB-TOTAL 03 | Parking Garage 786,540 $786,540

    Estimating Contingency 15.00% 117,981Index To Construction Start Winter 2016 7.12% 64,402 @ ± 4% per year General Conditions / Insurance / Bond 9.50% 92,048 per BergerAbamGeneral Contractor OH & Profit 3.50% 37,134 311,565 per BergerAbam 39.61%

    TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST03 | Parking Garage 90,384 sf $12.15 /sf $1,098,105

    Estimate - Page 6Appendix B - Page B-6

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    Evaluation Report

    Salem Central Public Library

    City of Salem, Salem, Oregon

    Appendix CProposed Renovation ra!ings

    Drawings removed from report for security purposes.

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    Evaluation Report

    Salem Central Public Library

    City of Salem, Salem, Oregon

    Appendix Site P"otograp"s


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(1 of '()*

    Photo 1 West Wall of B!l"!#$

    Photo % West Wall of B!l"!#$& Me''a#!#e Le(el )h!l"*e#+s Rea"!#$ A*ea

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(# of '()*

    Photo , West Wall of Ma!# B!l"!#$& Me''a#!#e Le(el )h!l"*e#+s Rea"!#$ A*ea

    Photo - Soth.est )o*#e* of Ma!# B!l"!#$

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '() of '()*

    Photo / Soth Wall of Ma!# B!l"!#$

    Photo 0 Soth E#t*a#e to Ma!# B!l"!#$

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(4 of '()*

    Photo 2 I#te*set!o# of Ma!# B!l"!#$ a#" A"!to*!3 at Soth S!"e of Ma!# B!l"!#$

    Photo 4 No*th.est )o*#e* of B!l"!#$

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(+ of '()*

    Photo 5 No*th S!"e of B!l"!#$

    Photo 16 No*th S!"e of B!l"!#$

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '( of '()*

    Photo 11 No*th S!"e of B!l"!#$

    Photo 1% No*theast )o*#e* of B!l"!#$

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(7 of '()*

    Photo 1, East S!"e of B!l"!#$

    Photo 1- East S!"e of B!l"!#$

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(- of '()*

    Photo 1/ East S!"e of B!l"!#$

    Photo 10 East S!"e of B!l"!#$ – Sho.s I#te*set!o# of A"!to*!3 .!th Ma!# B!l"!#$

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(10 of '()*

    Photo 15 Sotheast S!"e of B!l"!#$

    Photo %6 West S!"e of A"!to*!3

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(11 of '()*

    Photo %1 I#te*set!o# of A"!to*!3 a#" Ma!# B!l"!#$ at Roof Le(el

    Photo %% A"!to*!3 Roof Loo8!#$ Sotheast f*o3 Ma!# B!l"!#$ Roof

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(1) of '()*

    Photo 2, – Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ Boo+ Sta*+(

    Photo 2- .ie' of the Main Le/e# fro0 the Se*on$ Stor!

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(14 of '()*

    Photo 21 .ie' of the Main Le/e# fro0 the Se*on$ Stor!

    Photo 2 Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ She#/e(

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(1+ of '()*

    Photo 2 Unra*e$ S"(4en$e$ 5ei#in% S!(te0 an$ Pi4in%

    Photo 36 – Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ Li%ht Fi7t"re( in S"(4en$e$ Gri$ 5ei#in%(

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(17 of '()*

    Photo 33 Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ S"(4en$e$ Pi4in% S!(te0(

    Photo 3& Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ She#/e(

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(1- of '()*

    Photo 3, Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ She#/e(

    Photo 3- – Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ She#/e(

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(1* of '()*

    Photo 31 Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ Lo*+er(

    Photo 3 – Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ She#/e(

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(#0 of '()*

    Photo 3 – Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ La$$er

    Photo &6 Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ Me*hani*a# E)"i40ent

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(#1 of '()*

    Photo &8 Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ Me*hani*a# E)"i40ent

    Photo &2 Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ Me*hani*a# E)"i40ent

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(## of '()*

    Photo &3 Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ Me*hani*a# E)"i40ent

    Photo && Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ Me*hani*a# E)"i40ent

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(#+ of '()*

    Photo & Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ S"(4en$e$ Me*hani*a# E)"i40ent

    Photo ,6 Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ 5ainet(

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(# of '()*

    Photo ,8 A$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ 9ater Main Line

    Photo ,2 Ina$e)"ate#! Bra*e$ She#/e(

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(#7 of '()*

    Photo ,3 Interior of A"$itori"0

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(#+ of '(*+

    Photo 5! North Si"e o# P$rking G$r$ge

    Photo 5% North Si"e o# P$rking G$r$ge &SE 'orner(

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(*0 of '(*+

    Photo 5) E$t Si"e o# P$rking G$r$ge &SE 'orner(

    Photo 5* P$rking G$r$ge Looking North &NE 'orner(

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(*1 of '(*+

    Photo !+ So,th-et 'orner o# P$rking

    Photo !. Wet Si"e o# P$rking G$r$ge

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(*# of '(*+

    Photo !/ Wet Si"e o# P$rking G$r$ge

    Photo !0 North Si"e o# P$rking G$r$ge

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(** of '(*+

    Photo !4 North-et 1orner o# P$rking G$r$ge

    Photo !5 North-et 1orner o# P$rking G$r$ge

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(*4 of '(*+

    Photo !! Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

    Photo !% Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(* of '(*+

    Photo !) Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

    Photo !* Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(*- of '(*+

    Photo %+ Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

    Photo %. Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(*7 of '(*+

    Photo %/ Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

    Photo %0 Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(*) of '(*+

    Photo %4 Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

    Photo %5 Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation



    City of Salem BergerABAM, A14.0170

    Salem Central Public Library Evaluation e!ort 14 "ebruary #014

    Salem, $regon A!!en%i& ' Page '(*+ of '(*+

    Photo %! Interior o# P$rking G$r$ge

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    Seismic DesignSeismic DesignSeismic DesignSeismic DesignAddress: 585 Liberty Street SE, Salem, OR 97301-3513 

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


    Salem Central Public Library ASCE 31-03 Seismic Evaluation Checklists: MAI !"IL#I$

    3.7.9 Basic Structural Checklist for Building Type C2: Concrete Shear Walls with Stiff iaphrag!s

    3.7.9S Supple!ental Structural Checklist for Building Type C2: Concrete Shear Walls with Stiff


    3." #eologic Site $a%ards and &oundations Checklist

    3.9.' Basic (onstructural Co!ponent Checklist

    3.9.2 )nter!ediate (onstructural Co!ponent Checklist

  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


  • 8/18/2019 Salem Library Seismic Evaluation


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