sales lessons from boardwalk empire

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Sales Lessons from Boardwalk


Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

I was going to write about this in the “Lessons from the Idiot Box” section of next month’s double

issue of…

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

the Marketing Made Easy Newsletter, but I wanted to get this out there while it was still


Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Anyway, it’s about a couple of sales lessons gleaned from HBO’s

Boardwalk Empire.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

If you haven’t seen or heard of the show before, it takes place in the

1920s, during Prohibition…

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

And its main character is “Nucky” Thompson, former treasurer of

Atlantic City.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Last week there were a couple of scenes that had particularly strong

sales lessons in them.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Without further adieu, here’s a description…

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

The scene of these lessons takes place at the Union Club in New

York where Nucky meets Andrew Mellon, the Treasury Secretary of

the US.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Being in the presence of such an important man has Nucky off his

game a bit, acting nervously.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Huge mistake number one.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

I won’t bore you with the details—or spoil the plot—but in the end

Nucky makes a “sales pitch” to Mellon, and asks for the order, so

to speak.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Then… a pause.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

And then Nucky makes his second big mistake of the meeting.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

After asking for the order, Nucky jumps the gun and asks Mellon—

who was deliberating on an answer, or possibly just stalling…

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

—if his silence is to be perceived as a “yes.”

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

And after another second of hesitation, Nucky asks if the silence signifies a “maybe.”

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Huge mistake number two.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

OK. Let’s get down to business…

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Why are these two actions mistakes?

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

The first—Nucky’s acting nervously in the presence of

Mellon—is pretty easy to see as a mistake.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

When you’re selling anything—and you are always selling—you want to deal from a position of


Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Acting nervously doesn’t bode well for that.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

No matter who you are, or who you’re dealing with, you are

speaking to an equal.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

I don’t care if you just graduated from shoe-shine school and you’re

talking to Bill Gates.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Be respectful, but act as if you’re your counterpart’s equal.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

People buy certainty, and nervousness is its opposite.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

The second mistake might not appear be as obvious a mistake if you haven’t sold face-to-face or

over the phone.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

But in asking for the order and following up with “is it a yes?” or “is it a maybe?” Nucky broke the

first rule in sales…

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

He who speaks first loses.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Burn that one in your memory if you haven’t already. Make sure

your sales staff knows this, understands it…

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

And most importantly, follows this rule strictly.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

He who speaks first loses.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

When you (or your staff) lay your case out there for your prospect and you convincingly ask for the


Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

Say nothing until the prospect does.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

No matter how long the pause, or how much you desperately want

to say something, say nothing.

Sales Lessons from Boardwalk Empire

If you do say anything, you will have surely lost the sale.

Until Next Time…

Until next time,

Kevin Oefelein

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