salvation of the jews by rabbi simon altaf

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Are the Jews saved?



Created: 15th July 2009 Modified: 05/01/2010

Salvation of the Jews

All references from the AF Nazarene Hebraic Study Bible, where different it is stated.

Please treat the name of the Holy One of Israel with respect and care, if you print this article and decide to throw it in the garbage please tear the name of the Holy One out to bury. We need revelation not theology for many truths which are hidden in the Bible! No theological school is every going to cover them all not in ten lifetimes. I want you to take this as my opinion, the opinion of Rabbi Simon, and I also know I am going against the grain of a major error of scripture that has been circulating for over 1900 years. Even after the reformation over the last four hundred years. So the disclaimer is that not only do I believe in this but I also teach this and no you are not going to change my mind out there because this is by Revelation and not theology. When YHWH chose me working in a London Bank he did not need the permission of a Christian Pastor or a messianic Rabbi so why would He now? The Rabbis that I train and teach, we teach this truth and agree upon this not only because of scripture but because of revelation of the Holy One of Israel bestowed upon me by His grace and favour. The hope of the Jewish people has been deferred because of this error and the Jewish people have been separated, cursed, persecuted and thrown abuse to this day as a result of this dichotomy. This major error in doctrine was established by Roman Catholicism and by men not the Lord of Heaven and earth because there is only One Shma Israel Adonai Elohenu Adonai Akhad. This error in my opinion has been taught in churches up and down from country to country, as gospel truth when it is not. The error is this; that the Jewish people will die in sin and go to hell if they do not believe in the Messiah that Christians call Jesus Christ! In fact He is presented as some kind of European Messiah propagating pagan ideologies that somehow must be embraced by the Jewish people. How unwise this can never be. I will show you why the Christian Messiah as presented cannot be accepted by the Jewish people! The books of the prophets illustrate certain truths and the truth of the Renewed Covenant writings, which are misunderstood until this very


day. The Renewed Covenant writings do not categorically tell us anywhere to take the gospel to the Jewish people or the House of Judah. Not only is this counter productive but divisive because you do not make Jewish people Christian, it is an oxymoron!!! The mandate is that no one is allowed to corrupt the tribe of Judah as they are the lawgivers. There is not even one Torah commandment that states that the Jewish people need to wait for a man in this case Yahushua of Nazareth to turn up to give them atonement for their sins. So I am now to believe that the Holy One just forgot to mention to Israel such an important fact one that concerns everyone’s salvation to wait for the coming Messiah, then the NT will be written and then you will receive your atonement. Some would like to believe this. While the creator is meticulous in every detail in the Torah on which foot to use and which hand to use for what, which way to face the altar however billions of peoples’ important and precious souls were left in the balance for the Catholics to come along and decide a mother church for their universal salvation. So the sixteen million Jews if that is what people believe exist is actually only those Jews who know who they are. The figure of Jews of those who do not even know who they are is actually close to two hundred million in the world. Many of these might be Christians, atheists, Muslims and even Hindus or perhaps of no religion. There are also Chinese people in this category of Jewish decent but they do not all know about it, impossible? Not so. To believe in such a theology of the Roman Catholic Church having the universal truth while the Torah following Jews all being wrong, which is a dogma out of the church, which condemns them to the everlasting fire is not only preposterous it shows the creator as incompetent but Christians can believe in such things however here we examine and know this is not how it is meant to be. So a Muslim woman who lives in a remote village and has never heard of the European Jesus will die in her sin and then be thrown into the lake of fire of no fault of her own, how wonderful? Not really. The judge of this earth is not so cruel and just and equitable this is why Abraham said:

Genesis 18:25…Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? We stand where many fall in error and by the way we can stand on our own and fight our battles as the Master of the universe helps us to fight them!!! If you are with us praise God and if you are not still praise God. Rabbi Simon can stand where many fall! There are plenty of shadows and Types for the Messiah in the Torah, but there was no such Torah commandment for atonement of sin as understood by Christian people today. I am going to sum up Christendom in three words.


Error begets error Of course I care for the Jewish souls and Christian souls to write this article and make the teachings available on the internet without gain and without profit. I do not sit on the judgment seat of the Holy One of Israel as some other condescending individuals do as one such individual wrote to me, a Rabbi who shall remain nameless who does not even know how to have a civil discussion with respect to each other: Start quote All you Efraimite rabbincal jewish wannabees know more hebrew than Yahshua, Matthew, or Rabbi (name omitted) very interesting....

End quote When people cannot defend their error then they attack so this is nothing new for me as I have been standing alone without any big name ministries for eleven years and still standing because Yahushua/Jesus of Nazareth is behind me so I do not need fear this kind of charade and unwise comments that show the intent of the poster to be more of lack of respect rather than a offering real critique of what I have said. These types of comments lack maturity. Also I do not operate like cultic groups which operate in cloak and dagger style, behind the door secret member meetings, hush, hush don’t tell anyone style of operation. I stand openly and say what is in my heart so you can all hear and examine it very loud and clear both with pictures and sound and all my trainee Rabbis and Pastors will do likewise with full transparency. The Majority of my teachings are available online on at and on, just type in Simon Altaf and see it for yourself. We conceal nothing, anyone who writes to us will know this plainly. Everything we say can be judged against scripture and tested and I guarantee you that it will stand the test of time whether we are around or not. Now coming to the prophet to come mentioned in Deut 18:18 by Moses in the Torah is indeed a fulfillment of the Messiah Yahushua and a continuation of Torah so its not a problem that the Jewish people were blinded by the Holy One deliberately and for several reasons, which will continue to the End of the Age and until the Messiah reveals Himself to them just as Yosef did not reveal himself to his brothers until the very end. Many people today are blinded to the two House truth, many are blinded by not recognising the End-Times Islamic beast, many are blinded not to recognise the patriarchal lifestyle of our forefathers so there are different kinds and different levels of blindness effecting different people. This does in no way condemn these category of believers.


Is it necessary that every person should know every truth immediately? The answer is No. As long as you love the Messiah Yahushua/Jesus and are willing to follow Him and keep Torah to the best of your ability this is your starting point. If you are willing and teachable then the Holy One can and will impart the knowledge to you one step at a time. There is no question about this in my mind, I am a living example of it. This is why we at Abrahamic-Faith unlike some rude Messianics or if they want to call themselves Nazarenes, we have both the common sense, grace and humility not to condemn people, make fun of them or put them down for these things or start slandering them as we have found many alleged Christians and Messianics currently engaged in. The Jewish people can teach much to the Christians and to the Messianics but the only way this will happen is when they work together with the Jews and not against them. The only reason why the Messianics have failed and will continue to fail to convert the Jews in a mass conversion is because the tribe has been preserved by the Holy One of Israel meaning God himself. Yes that is correct that is why these groups continue to fail. The Jews must be preserved as an identifiable tribe and people in the land of Israel to uphold the Torah of ����.

Nah 1:15 (KJV) Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace! O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows: for the wicked shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off.

It’s right there in the New Testament also but many do not even see it because blindness in part has happened to Israel. Well unless Christians are not part of Israel then this also applies to them. I want to present three clear scriptures that show that the Jewish people are not going to hell so to speak as Christian pastors and Rabbis have been teaching in messianic/Nazarene circles. Some of these people are even so arrogant to put down others who teach them about their error as you saw the quote above came from one such Rabbi. If after reading this you do not see it then please pray for revelation. If you think I am in error and you wish to correct me then I suggest a public debate on the subject and you will soon learn that you will have to give up many of the unbiblical doctrines in Christianity that many messianics also carry, which I call church error. Majority of the people are tainted by the Church dogma so most cannot get past the church dogma established by the anti-Jewish church fathers. Before you invite me to a public debate prepare to have your world rocked because Simon Altaf does not take these things lightly at all.


The Torah is what we measure everything and not via the NT (Brit Chadasha) Renewed Covenant writings!

Deuteronomy 6:25 And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before YHWH our Elohim, as he has commanded us.

It is crystal clear that the Master will save those who obey Torah. It does not say how much righteousness a Jew needs to work but clearly the ability to demonstrate obedience results in the Holy One giving them eternal life, by unmerited favour with what we rightly term GRACE or Favour! No Sacrifice needed! You want me to prove it. Let me show you… This is why Rabbi Paulos said the following:

Ephesians 2:8 (KJV) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

So what is faith? It is believing and trusting in YHWH and His Torah the very law of God. If you do not believe in the law of God then your belief in Messiah is of no use because without the Law there is no Messiah. Because He would then be classed as a lawless Messiah don’t you see? Right out of the Bibles Christians and this is not my translation.

Psalm 51:16-17 (KJV) For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. (17) The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart These, O God, You will not despise.

So what is your excuse now? King David could not afford a sacrifice? Did God say please repeat after me the four spiritual laws of Christianity!!! King David said You (The holy God) do not Desire SACRIFICE else I would give it!!!! A man after God’s own heart who left so much material for his son to build the first Temple could offer so many sacrifices as he desired but he did not need to. What about the Messiah’s death on the tree? That death is in fulfillment of Moses’ covenant made at Nebo and Isaiah’s suffering servant, the requirements of the Covenant made in Mount Nebo so it does not stand isolated from the Torah. Yes that was needed to fulfill the covenant or to bring it to completion. There are stages, first stage was Mount Nebo:

Deuteronomy 29:1 (AFNHSS) These are the words of the covenant, which �� �� commanded Musa (Moses) to make with the children of


Yah’sar’el (Israel) in the land of Moab, beside the covenant which He made with them in Horeb.

Note this covenant is an additional New Covenant beside the Ten Commandments made at Mount Sinai. The New Covenant did not arise out of Jeremiah 31:31 contrary to Pastors making this point like a Muslim cleric reciting the Azan prayer five times a day like a parrot and his Allah Hu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) so just because the Imam said it therefore it must be true? Or just because my Pastor said it attitude it must be true? I am sorry it is not true. My brother in law said to me in Pakistan before I became a believer that one and a half billion people can’t be wrong going to Mecca! I said they can all be wrong!!! Likewise the 135,000 denominations of Christians are all wrong comprising two billion people regarding the Jewish question. So what answer do you give to those who were massacred in the holocaust by the German Christians, yes many were Christians? What about German Christians massacring other German Christians who opposed the Jewish holocaust? Who was right? Is God going to forgive both the Christian groups and throw Jews into the lake of fire for rejecting Jesus of the Germans? Likewise I will demonstrate that two billion Christians whatever you care to call them are not right about the salvation of the Jews either!!!! How many of the people have the guts to say that openly? I do and I say it publicly not in a secret room. Even the leading Jewish sages Rambam and Rashi agree that the New Covenant after Israel’s sin at Mount Horeb of not obeying the Ten commandments was made at Nebo and was not made with Jeremiah in Jer 31:31, which was repeated from Deut 29:1. Sorry folks you have been duped into all sorts of error. If the Messiah Yahushua/Jesus is the King of Israel and if He is the same one who walked with Israel as the cloud and pillar then Deut 6:25 and Deut 29:1 makes perfect sense to me as that statement comes from Him. Why would He change? The Messiah of Israel is not man-made, He is everlasting so unless He is YHWH revealed in the flesh do not bother. We cannot rest our faith in a Messiah who breaks Torah and tells people its OK go ahead and break the Sabbath, stop eating kosher, do not keep the feasts because they are for the Jews only. This type of messiah does not know the difference between clean and unclean. This was one of the sins of Israel of not knowing clean from unclean. We find the church continues in the same sin, they do not know the difference between clean and unclean, I doubt many people fully understand what I am even saying here. Any man-made messiah that does this in this world is at best a false messiah and a false prophet!!!


Zechar’yah 8:23 (AFNHSS) Thus saith YHWH of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the tzitzit of him that is a Yahudi (Jewish), saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that Elohim is with you.

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Now what about Romans 1:16? Oh I see. Not inspired?

You are only steps/ months away from denying the NT. Its just a matter of time

As can be seen Judgment is cast upon me and I am condemned already to the fires of hell by this alleged Nazarene Rabbi so much for grace and goodwill to fellow brethren. Let’s just examine for a moment what does denying the NT means? Is God going to throw people into the lake of fire? The answer shockingly is no because if he was then all the Patriarchs who did not have the New Testament would be unsaved. What about the Jews who deny it but uphold the Torah as the utmost standard of God? According to God at least they are not going to the lake of fire while Christians are quite happy to send them there. Look at Zechariah 8:21. That is a Jewish man who only obeys the Torah and has no connection with the NT. If we really apply strict hermeneutics then the only established scripture is the Tanach. This is not me saying it but Yahushua, Peter, Rabbi Paulos, and the rest. The New Testament although we believe is scripture but strictly speaking as per the scripture definitions it was not available in the first


century as 27 books and it was not called scripture until after the death of the disciples four centuries later. Out of Yahushua’s mouth

Matthew 15:3 (NKJV) He answered and said to them, “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?

What books were the commandment of God? Answer) Torah of Moses and prophets or the OT entirely referred to as scripture.

John 10:35 (NKJV) If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

So what books did Yahushua called scripture? The Tanach what Christians term as Old Testament as he quoted from Psalm 82:6. In fact it is Christians who are negating scripture while I am attesting it. However for the record I believe the New Testament or Renewed Covenant confirms what the Tanach (Scripture) has already prophesied. The Renewed Covenant is scripture loosely speaking while it is more of prophetic fulfilment and historical significance to us. Do I believe that the whole of NT is accurate including Rabbi Paulos’ letters? My answer is Yes. Sadly people have built up their false church theologies forgetting that it is the Law of God that means grace to us personified in Messiah while the New Testament adds details nowhere does God ever presupposes that those who do not have the NT or deny it are condemned. Only in the lands of the stupid do you find this kind of theology prevailing where all Jews are condemned and all others who acknowledge 27 books only are saved. A complete opposite to what the scripture says of course. In fact it is not the denial of NT that condemns one but denial of the law of God. Now ask yourself who denies the law of God? Even Yahushua is clear that not to do the will of His Father (Matt 7:21) (Torah of Moses) is tantamount to death and being thrown out of the kingdom. Now tell me what Bible did the disciples and Yahushua Himself carried? If you can prove it was the gospels or any of Rabbi Paulos’s letters then I am clearly wrong and a liar and you are all correct. But my challenge is open to all that, that day will never come when you can prove me wrong on this that any of the above carried the gospels or letters of Rabbi Paulos. When I was saved 11 years ago YHWH pointed me to look in the ancient paths Jeremiah 6:16 to the Law of Moses for my salvation and it was later that I heard the voice of Messiah but He never said to me read the book of Matthew or John. In fact as a Muslim back then I had no bible at hand while the God of Israel sill managed to save me and give me eternal life and it will stand forever until I believe in YHWH and obey Him. No man or woman can take it away with their philosophy or theology.


Let me explain Romans 1:16.

Romans 1:16 (AFNHSS) For I am not ashamed of the besorah (good news):���� for it is the power of Elohim to salvation to every one that believes; to the Yahudi (Jewish) person first, and also to the Greek.

So why is Rabbi Paulos saying this to the messianic believers at Rome? Is he saying that the Jews must be saved first then it’s the turn of the gentiles or is he proclaiming an eternal truth way back in the Torah? Note this often misunderstood and misconstructed doctrine by many teachers that to the Jew first then the Greeks. The Messiah did not send Rabbi Paulos to the Jewish people first, in fact He told him to go to the gentiles, the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24) so it was Rabbi Paulos’ own idea to go to the Yahudim first as he would have thought that it would help him if they joined him to reach other lost sheep but in reality this was a desire in Rabbis Paulos’ own heart so we must not mix up his desire with what he was commanded to do. See Romans 11:13, Romans 15:16 and Romans 10:1. This verse simply ranks Jewish people in the order of truth, they have Torah truth first, while the gentiles need to receive the Torah and they do not have it yet. This is why the gentile world is into paganism. The problem with people who look at this one verse and devise their errant doctrine is that fail to take the whole chapter into consideration. Let us see what the next verse says.

Romans 1:17 (AFNHSS) For therein is the righteousness of Elohim revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the righteous shall live by his faithfulness.

Rabbi Paulos quotes from Habakkuk 2:4, the text says the just shall live by His faithfulness meaning we are relying on YHWH’s trust and faithfulness. Once again you cannot isolate and break scripture the meaning is clear to those who understand. *������!�������������������� �������� &�� ����� �������������������������� �������������& ������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ��!��������������"�������������#���"�������������$��������������������������$�������������������%�&����������������' (�����#�$������$������������)����*����������������������� It reveals that this Yahudi is not a Marxist or an atheist, he is actually wearing tizitzits, which means he is Torah obedient according to his local halacha set by ����� ����� �5���6�����-� �������!������������������&�


his Rabbis/teachers. It may be he is from Chabad, traditionalist, reconstructionist, Reform, Conservative or whatever sect of Judaism and it matters little since the Holy One is not sending him to the lake of fire that is what matters. In fact he is leading the gentiles (nations) including Christians to Jerusalem. Wakeup Christians you have been believing error all along about the Jewish people. The Messiah is not meant to reveal Himself to His brothers (Judah) until the very end. This is what your Pastors did not tell you since they do not understand this point themselves as they carry the party line status quo. How can they teach what they know not? Knowing that Yahushua/Jesus is the Son of God is a revelation and not theology. The point can be proven very easily friends.

--New King James Matthew 16:15-17 He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?'' 16. And Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'' 17. Jesus answered and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.

So if Peter who was an eye witness disciple of the Master did not know that Yahushua is the Son of God (Ben Elohim) and he had to have a revelation of the Holy Spirit then how can anyone condemn the Jews who are not meant to know this truth yet? Many Messianic/Nazarene Rabbis even struggle with the text of 7����-�� 8:23 trying to add the word well this Jewish man could be redeemed from the nations. I am afraid that this is only a guessing game, the Hebrew is very clear that He is already saved by obeying Torah. Here is my equation for you to understand: Torah = Messiah Messiah = Torah Torah = Grace Messiah = Grace E = mc2 therefore Messiah = Torah and grace. Torah = Messiah and Grace both are Akhad (One) Two roads that lead to the one Messiah, one door, one baptism, one faith of Israel (Eph 4:5). The Messiah was to come and redeem the whole of Israel not just Christians. However his first and foremost duty was/is to gather the exiles while Judah is at home in Israel. Even those of Judah in the nations are in


the hands of our loving heavenly Father. They will be resurrected in the millennium. The story is the same as when Yosef was in Egypt, he helped his brothers but did not tell them who he is until the very end when he had to. The TYPE is the same for the Messiah. The Messiah’s blood shed at the tree already covers the Jewish people based on the covenant made with the forefathers on Mount Nebu Deut 29:1, which is termed the Renewed Covenant. So what is important Covenant or Blood? To most Christian teachers, the blood but to us who have some understanding of Torah and increasing by the day it is most definitely the Covenant. Without the Renewed Covenant there is no shedding of blood! Also for those who think there is no salvation apart from the blood of an animal by misquoting scripture let me show you what the NT says on this subject:

Matthew 19:17 (NKJV) So He said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.''

Here it from the horse’s own mouth. So there is life in the Torah by keeping the commandments as I said earlier Yahuweh clothes you with His righteousness as a gift. Did Yahushua/Jesus say at anytime or give us a clear allegory of Torah applying to a fundamental commandment in the Torah? Indeed yes. Let me show you the most misquoted passage in Christendom but the least understood.

-- King James John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

I guess it is not clear right. Let me first show you the Torah passage that this points to:

Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life [Torah] and death,[non-Torah] blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

Now let me make it clear by giving you the one from the Abrahamic-Faith Nazarene Hebraic Study NT.


Yahuchannan (John) 14:6-7 (AFNHSS) ����� said to him, I am the way,����

the truth,���� and the life����: no man���� comes to the Abbah, but through me.(7) If you had known me, you should have known my Abbah also: and from henceforth you know him, and have seen him.

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8 Philip said to him, Master (Adonai: Lord), show us the Abbah, and it is sufficient for us.

9 ����� said to him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip? He that has seen me has seen the Abbah; and how do you say then, Show us the Abbah? The Holy One is clear choose ‘LIFE’, drash for Torah/Messiah and to choose anything else would be ‘death’. Well everyone dies right so that would not be a punishment. This is because behind the term death is the idiomatic term eternal death, the same death that Adam was warned about. So ‘life’ and ‘death’ the two idiomatic expressions reveal Torah keeping or Torah breaking. Torah keeping is GRACE and Torah breaking is DEATH. Whether you like it or not and this is for the ignorant Rabbi above this is in fact the reality and Jews are privy to it, in fact they beat you to it. All the Jews who keep Torah therefore by definition will be cloaked with YHWH’s righteousness, the same YHWH that stood in the garden with Adam, the same YHWH that stood with Abraham and the same YHWH who stood in Jerusalem 2000 years ago to die on the stake. It makes no difference if they recognise Him or not, He will recognise them. Look at Yosef in Egypt, did his eleven brothers recognise him? NOPE. But he recognised all of them. Did he say well since my brothers do not acknowledge me I won’t send grain to my family in Israel. Clearly not. The Type and shadows match perfectly. However it is incorrectly taught that you have to keep or obey all of the Torah, the fact of the matter is that you do not have to keep all of it. Let me prove this by a real example and not just hocus pocus mumbo jumbo. Are you a woman? If so then only the commandments of the women apply to you. Let me use a crude example to put some reality back for the men. If you are a man then would you be keeping the nidda uncleanness laws of ritual purity? One such is the monthly discharge cycle for women? Now I would like any man out there to prove to any of us that we men have to keep this commandment! By the way sorry I did not tell you but this is not the only one there are quite a few commandments around the various discharges that can affect the ladies. You would be unwise to even try. This Torah law is heavily documented by the Rabbis and there are reams and reams of material on it in Judaism. So how much of the Torah is for women alone? It would be safe to say that as an educated guess of at least one third of the Torah covers women and the laws around them for ritual purity both in the Temple, in the Synagogue and in the home for marriages, death and divorce. That is a whopping 33% of the Torah not relevant for you men! Wow.


Already I as a man do not have to keep 33% of the laws of the Torah. Now for the geniuses out there who keep beating people up and as the ignoramus Rabbi I was having my little discussion with who could not keep civil, those who want others to keep 100% of the Torah explain this one? Why would the people keep 100% since the women commandments do not apply to men and vice versa. And marriage laws do not apply to singles and Temple laws do not apply to non presiding priests? Its absurd and not required. Next time you tell people you have to keep a 100% Torah be careful how you communicate that truth because the reality is they do not have to keep all of it. So working on the equation of 66% being the remainder how many laws then cover Temple priesthood? Once again It would be safe to conclude that one third of the laws, statutes and judgments are for the Temple or Tabernacle priesthood. So if we take the laws of women which is 33% and take the laws of priesthood both past, present and future yet to come, let us just say total 33%, we end up with 66% or two thirds of the Torah roughly that may never apply to the ordinary man or woman on the street!!!!!! Now tell me how much Torah do I have to keep to be saved or receive grace from the Holy One? How about one third. Now very quickly we start to instil reality in the equation and when I tell people that only possibly one third of the Torah may at best apply to you even not all the one third laws apply to us at all times so that then makes Torah keeping very very easy today and forever for everyone. They Holy One knew this. That is why He said it is forever. He was not kidding. The Torah therefore is no longer a burden since our forefathers did not see this as a burden either. Moving on to Salvation What instructions did Yahushua give to His disciples?

Matthew 15:24 (AFNHSS) But he answered and said, I have been sent unto the prostituting sheep of the bayit (House) of Yah’sar’el (Israel).

The House of Israel is a clear name for the Ten Northern tribes of Israel (Ephraim) who became goy (gentiles), that is who Yahushua came for!!! Whichever way we slice it and dice it, many of these today are prophetically speaking Christians and some are unbelievers in the nations such as Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. Christians are both prophetically and some in them biologically connected to the House of Israel.


The third scripture that I am going to give you is even more important:

Mattityahu 9:12-13 And He said, they that are healthy do not need a physician, but they that are sick. (13) But go you and learn what that meant, I desire mercy, and not sacrifice: for I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Let us see Hosea 6:6 Hosea 6:6 For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of Elohim more than burnt offerings.

What is the context of Hosea 6:6, who is saying this? Is Judah saying it or is it Ephraim (goy gentiles now?)

Hosea 6:1 Come, and let us return to YHWH; for He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.

Verse 4 shows us the Holy One addresses this to both Houses of Israel, Bayit Judah and Bayit Israel, but verse 10 shows us that the prophecy is for the Ten northern tribes only, who became gentiles. He spoke in allegorical form using the method of PRDS in the drash.

Luke 15:31 And he said unto him, Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.

The son is Judah and Yahushua taught that he (Judah) is already with our Father in heaven. Yahushua’s blood retrofits Judah and all her sins just like it does for the House of Israel. See video clips on for the Salvation of the Jews. The Christian/Roman Catholic view It goes like this, if you do not believe in Yahushua with His various titles given to him, like Yesu, Jesu, Isus, Yeshu, Eeshu, isus christos and of course Jesus, the Jewish people will die and will not be raised and will go to hell. The Messianic and Nazarene view is the same because it is still Roman Catholic in origin!!!


They says The Jews need Yahushua else they all will (Jewish people) go to hell. I am only dealing with the following tribes here that means the tribes of Benjamin, Judah and Levi for now, I will deal with the Ten tribes in my second and third lecture. This is certainly not true for the Jewish people. The people I am talking about here Jewish Israel are those who are Torah believers who do not yet believe in the Messiah Yahushua. This is how it is meant to be until the very end when the Messiah who has already saved them will speak in Hebrew to them and tell them I am your brother, your Messiah just like Joseph did to his brothers. My first evidence:

Yahuchannan (John) 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.

If the word which is here a drash for the king Messiah who was with Elohim or Abbah YHWH and by the way still is with Abbah YHWH then the Jewish people have always had Yahushua without understanding that side of the coin as they have been so busy doing outward commandments that they forgot the internal parts of what is fitted where. This is what I term the outer garment of the middle-pillar. Most of you may not know what do I mean by the middle pillar. The middle-pillar is an esoteric term which in the deeper study of Torah is applied to Adam Kadmon who indeed is the body which was used to fashion man. In retrospect this Adam Kadmon is indeed the Messiah who we know is Yahushua. Jewish believers of all persuasions meaning orthodox, Sephardic, middle-eastern and other like minded ones who adhere strongly to the Torah but do not believe in the Christian Messiah will not go to hell! I like to add they will not go to hell even if they do not believe in the Messianic version of Messiah, because both views in my opinion are wrong as they drive from incorrect theologies out of Catholicism. Some pastors correctly say that the Jewish people do not need the gospel but fail to explain why? John Hagee is one such brave soul who is criticised by many. I can assure you by now you are bewildered with amazement how come I did not see all this. No this is not some new heresy, some different door for the Jewish people? You just did not see it the way YHWH has allowed by His gracious mercy revealed it to me to see this truth and actually showed me this truth the first day even before I set foot into a Messianic church but at that time I was not privy to


the full details of this truth but he gave me a glimpse of what he was saying but I understood what he meant almost eleven years ago and fully came to reveal this to me about eleven years later. Imagine me walking into a messianic church back them and saying hey, where are the Jews? And the pastor might say what Jews they worship in a synagogue but you are in a church. And I turn around and say but shouldn’t you be all together and shouldn’t you be following the Jews not them following you because the Messiah is Jewish. I am sure I would have been kindly shown the door so to speak and many would say this must be a confused Muslim man back then. Moving on…

Deuteronomy 4:31 For YHWH your Elohim is a merciful El), He will not forsake you nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them.

Replacement theology Churches teach that the Jewish people that is the orthodox have to be converted to Christianity. The Jewish men or women after conversion should start eating swine and other unclean foods. So he/she needs to break Torah in order to prove their salvation. They will be keeping Christmas not Chanukah, they will be keeping Easter not Passover according to the established church orthodoxy. I find Something is wrong with this picture. Yet this error has been taught for 1900 years to this day. Anybody who decides to practice Torah and still believes in the Messiah, he may be from Kathmandu but he will be heavily criticised by the Christian clergy, have you become Jewish or are you mad! The word ‘Jew would be used as a derogatory word against that person. This is replacement theology by the established Church. So in order to do away with replacement theology what do we need? Do we need more Zionist Christians? No, More Messianics/Nazarenes? No. Then what? We need the church and the synagogue amalgamated into one akhad unit so both the Jewish people and gentile are one (Akhad)!!! Let us look at the Debate with Justin and Trypho Trypho the Jew was a lot more smarter than Justin Martyr yet Christians rate Justin Martyr and not Trypho! How ironic.

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He continues…

"For since you have read, O Trypho, as you yourself admitted, the doctrines taught by our Saviour, I do not think that I have done foolishly in adding some short utterances of His to the prophetic statements. Wash therefore, and be now clean, and put away iniquity from your souls, as Elohim bids you be washed in this layer, and be circumcised with the true circumcision. For we too would observe the fleshly circumcision, and the Sabbaths, and in short all the feasts, if we did not know for what reason they were enjoined you,--namely, on account of your transgressions and the hardness of your hearts. For if we patiently endure all things


contrived against us by wicked men and demons, so that even amid cruelties unutterable, death and torments, we pray for mercy to those who inflict such things upon us, and do not wish to give the least retort to any one, even as the new Lawgiver commanded us: how is it, Trypho, that we would not observe those rites which do not harm us,--I speak of fleshly circumcision, and Sabbaths, and feasts?

So Justin Martyrs words are clear

� For he said we do not trust through the law of Moses � He said the new replaces the old � There is a new law that abrogates the previous law � The Torah is for the Jews and not Christians as Justin saw it. � The Torah was given because of the hardness of your heart according to

Justin. I can tell you today that Justin and all those who follow after him are wrong! Justin and all others who reject the law of God and replace him are in for a surprise at the end of days. The first person that I can trace in history who hated the Jews and promoted this kind of theology was Marcion of Sinope, 85 to 160 CE. Marcion came on the scene just 22 years after Rabbi Paulos’ death. He cobbled and corrupted Ten of Rabbi Paulos’s letters and then subsequently made his own New Testament document called the Marcion gospel hence removing several documents that he did not like from our Renewed Covenant writings. He did not include any of the books of the Hebrew Bible that Christians call the Old Testament. Marcion was labelled a heretic much later but today Marcionism is prevalent in many churches across the world. But let us look at the Torah for a second for Salvation!

Devarim (Deut) 4:30 In the latter days when days of distress come upon you and if You will turn around to repentance to ���� your Elohim, and shall be obedient unto his voice;������������ (31) For ���� your Elohim is a merciful Elohim; he will not forsake you, neither destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your ahvot (fathers) which he swore unto them.

YHWH’s voice is YHWH’s Torah and not some new fangled doctrine! So YHWH said, if you repent in the latter days, that means in Simon Altaf’s time He will forgive the people. But how is that possible without a Temple? If I ask the Catholics they say I have to join their church to be saved else I am going to hell. They call it the mother church and the universal faith.


If I ask the Christians they say you have to repent and believe in ‘Jesus’ to be saved else you will go to hell. But what if I just realised that I am Jewish, supposed to keep Torah so what do I do? If I join the Catholics I go into Idolatry, if I join the Christians I go into idolatry and in joining both I break Torah and offend the Holy One of Israel. What to do? The ones who are in the sacred names movement say “believe in Him as the only way and then. YHWH never added a THEN clause!!!! There is something wrong with this picture also? The only way for Israel! Let us even take Yahushua and his words, will those Jewish people who believe and keep torah the best of their abilities be condemned to hell without the blood of Yahushua. The answer by Christians is yes but actually the real answer is No. You may wonder, How is that possible.

��������������� ����������������� Yirme’yah (Jeremiah) 31:11 For ���� has redeemed Ya’acob (Jacob), and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he.

YHWH has redeemed Israel as his first born son. Pidya he ben is the concept YHWH shows us in Jeremiah 31:11 for those who understand it. Redeeming the firstborn. Refer to Exodus (Shemoth) and Numbers (Bmidbar) for this: It does not spell it out for many, let me spell it out. Yahushua came to teach Torah so people would be obedient to it and His blood is already shed for Judah but Judah has not been revealed this truth and will not be revealed until the latter days when its time. They are meant to be in Israel first, this by the way is scriptural. Let’s rewind to Yahushua’s time.

Yahuchannan (John) 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.

The Jewish people have always had God. How?


The Torah is Yahushua and Yahushua is the Torah. Now have the Jewish people had the Torah or not? If so then have they had Yahushua or not? The answer YES. It was Ephraim who had rejected Torah hence why they needed to return and Judah had no need to return, she was already there in the land.

Yahuchannan (John) 14:6 Yahushua said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Abbah, but by me.

All that means for the Hebrew man is be Torah obedient and believe in the Holy One of Israel and nothing more. Yahushua was the way to get there, conduit. So if that witness is for Yahushua to be the only way for Jewish Israel then let me ask a very specific question: Every doctrine we make must originate out of the Torah and if it does then we have a foundation. Can you show me from the Torah where it says that YHWH (HaShem) will send His Son and the Jewish people have to rest their faith in Him in which case if they do not they will all go to hell? That during Moses time they would be playing hide and seek for their atonement. Such things are good fantasy tales. The truth is You will not find it. Not in Torah and not in the prophets writings. Every ordinance that we have received in the Torah came from the Father given by the Son but the Jewish people are blinded to that truth. Each commandment from YHWH has l’olam v’ed against it. Meaning forever. We are guilty of replacement theology because the early disciples were not guilty of this. Here is one Sequence of events that could have took place but we know it didn’t: The Messiah comes on the scenes 2000 years ago and all of Israel suddenly believe. Now what? Let’s break our Temple which took 45 years to build. Let’s not keep the feasts any longer as Messiah is here and the feasts were only a shadow of Him. Now that we have the shadow we do not have to keep the feasts as I am sure many would have reasoned. However there was one huge problem!!! YHWH said L-Olam – V’ed. For His feasts and for his sacrifices. This word means Forever. For me at least forever means until my death, so for each person it is until his or her death So now I have to swallow the camel by believing that the Temple stood for forty years but YHWH did not honour the sacrifices? YHWH indeed did honour the sacrifices otherwise Rabbi Paulos would not be there doing his Nazarite vow sacrifices with others. If such was the case then why did Rabbi Paulos go there


to offer sacrifices to a corrupt priesthood? These would be in vain too right? The disciples celebrating feasts in the Temple was also vain? The Christians will tell you this but they lack understanding as YHWH still accepted the Temple authority because He set it. Judah was and still is the lawgiver.

--King James Psa 60:7 Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; Ephraim also is the strength of mine head; Judah is my lawgiver;

So what was Jewish Israel to do? Now let us apply the text of John 14:6 to Moses. The only way! Now let’s have the prophet Moses saying that same statement, does it mean without the Tabernacle and without Moses directing anyone from Israel could have gone to the Father? The answer is No. Then likewise Moses was also the only way! In its essence the statement in John 14:6 is simply for Torah obedience from Yahushua and His sacrifice is the fulfillment of Deut 29:1. If you have forgotten Deut 29:1 that is in the Torah for the Torah and the Torah is for the people of Israel. Praise God for that understanding. What sacrifice was still remaining? The only problem was that Judah got blinded on the way so they could not see that sacrifice and it was by the Holy One himself. He does not intend to send His people to oblivion even if Christians teach it every week it makes no difference. There are even ignorant Messianics/Nazarenes out there doing likewise but as I said it makes no difference. What about the blood of Yahushua the sinless lamb? Yahushua’s blood atones the Jewish people those Torah keeping ones and those who do not yet have His revelation through the same one door to heaven. How?

Deuteronomy 4:30-31 When you are in distress, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, when you turn to YHWH you Elohim and obey His voice (31) for YHWH your Elohim is a merciful El, He will not forsake you nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them.

Where is the covenant? In Genesis 12:3, 15:13, Gen 17:17 and Deut 29:1. The very first mention is with Abraham then with Isaac and then with Jacob.


Genesis 15:13 Then He said to Abram: "Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years.

Repeated three times. If you will turn to repentance… Meaning obey Torah to the best of your abilities wherever you are YHWH will cover the nation of Israel by grace as a gift. That we know is Messiah today but it’s the same grace for Judah. OK, one more thing that the whole Christian word is hung up on and many others: The word Yada H3045 in the Strong’s Hebrew or the Greek word ������������ ���� How we love to tell people that it means it’s a relationship! Yes it is true partly only however there are two sides to the Yada coin: One side is relationship and the other side is responsibility. Without responsibility nothing will work. It means YHWH is responsible to bring His bride in to the kingdom not man! Let me explain: Story time: When Israel was in Egypt for 400 years and then in the latter part of that time she was held in captivity or hard bondage, they had almost given up hope, can you see at that time their relationship with YHWH was pretty slim or partly non-existent? Some were believing in deliverance but most others had given up. There was no Yada from most of Israel in captivity but the Yada was only one sided from Yahuweh and that is all the Yada they needed!! How much Yada did Yahushua need from the thief on the stake? How about a total of three hours. (Matthew 27:45). So there goes our yada theory! Did he need repentance? No, the thief did not even have time to repent, so there goes our repentance theory. What did the thief need? He only needed Emunah, faith, which means trust onto the Master that is all. Trust and submission was his repentance. You don’t believe me? OK, love this one… Let’s see King David.

--King James


Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart These, O God, You will not despise.

This is the sign of repentance in Hebraic understanding. Now what about the thief?

� He did not need the four spiritual laws. � he did not need the Catholic church. � He did not need the Protestant/Anglican church � He did not even need their baptism!

Its all about the covenant! Now Let us look at the covenant and a reminder:

Beresheeth (Genesis) 17:17) And it came to pass, when the sun went down and it was dark, that behold, there was a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces.

So Abraham slept. Was their any other human walking in between the sacrificed animals? The answer is No. We see representation of the plurality in the walk so this shows us the onus was on YHWH not us to save Israel in Egypt, likewise the onus today is on YHWH to save Jewish Israel and they do not need Yahushua because Yahushua is YHWH. The deal is already done but He will not reveal this to them as yet. This is why He was adamant to His disciples to go to the lost sheep, Matt 15:24. The gentiles need Him but since Judah has Torah and Yahushua is the Torah, they actually already have him but they do not know him yet by the foreign names that Christians call Him by. They do not know Him as Yahushua but that is ok, since they know Him by HaShem or Adonai. These are cleaner names than, iso christos, Jesus’, jesu, eshu and all the other varieties. Problem National blindness This is a national blindness actually affects all of Israel at various degrees!

Ma’aseh Schlichim (Acts 2:21) And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of ���� shall be saved.������������

All who? All Israel. The book of Acts is not written to the ones in the Brazilian rain forests. It is written to Israel for Israel. Isaiah 6:9, coupled with Matthew 13:13.


Isaiah 6:9 And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear you indeed, but understand not; and see you indeed, but perceive not.

A divine national blindness So now I have to believe that YHWH blinds His chosen people first and then sends them one by one to the lake of fire. This is most ridiculous and bizarre theology if there ever existed one. But you can hear it out of churches every Sunday. Oh those poor poor Jews they are going to hell because they do not believe in Jesus, let us pray for them. Nice idea but just not true. In fact they should be praying for you so you would stop teaching error. A Jewish man’s prayer is powerful because of the Covenant that is why the Jew in Zechariah 8:23 will be leading people into the Kingdom. Oh, I was accused of being a rabbinic Jew and I said indeed I am just like Yahushua was a rabbinic Jew so am I, in fact I have credentials to prove it from my forefathers in Iran, the house of Levi indeed. In the end heartfelt prayer is needed for gentiles and those ignorant Jews in the churches to stop behaving like Pastors who do not know their theology. In fact I met at least two Jewish families in churches who ate pork and I was absolutely shocked! What a tremendous bad witness. YHWH had blinded the Jewish people in order to save them, He was testing their obedience! They remained obedient unto Torah even to this day. My question: If lawless Christians can enter the kingdom, can one believe that those who follow Torah i.e., Jewish Israel will be thrown out? No, Torah and Messiah are interchangeable terms for grace, they go hand in hand. We cannot have one without the other. You can never separate Torah from Messiah or the Messiah from the Torah. Then how do we reconcile that “ALL Israel shall be saved” in Romans 11:26, when we know that before the coming of the Messiah many will die physically?

Romiyah (Romans) 11:26 And so all Yah’sar’el (Israel) shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Tziyon the Deliverer, and shall turn away wickedness from Ya’acob (Jacob):

The Temple of Ezekiel also mentioned the tribe of Levi in the millennium so how did they get there since they certainly did not go via the Christian or messianic route? Think: They were already saved that is how! They were Torah obedient, which means they had the Messiah who is what? Torah. Let me show you.


Malachi 2:5-7 My covenant was with him, one of life and peace, and I gave them to him that he might fear Me; so he feared Me and was reverent before My name. (6) The law of truth was in his mouth, and injustice was not found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and equity, and turned many away from iniquity. (7) "For the lips of a priest should keep knowledge, and people should seek the law from his mouth; for he is the messenger of YHWH hosts.

How can Lewi be all these things? Because he was and is Torah obedient or was always brought into Torah obedience because of the Covenant, which at its hidden depth reveals the Messiah. My story: I did not know I was from Lewi until last year 2008 but from day one of my faith in 1998 was fully Torah obedient. I did not know many Torah truths back then but you can bet YHWH taught me quickly and he indeed did. What was needed on my part was my heart to be right with him, teachable and it was and it is to this day. I trust in Him fully. Let us reason with Rabbi Paulos

Romiyah (Romans) 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of ���� shall be saved.��������

If we follow to the interpretation of the letter in Romiyah 10:13 literally then Christians can never be saved or say they are saved because they call on Jesus and not YHWH. The intention of Rabbi Paulos is referring to those who cling to YHWH and start to keep His Torah and that by the way was and will always be through understanding Israel even if they call Him HaShem. The letter of the Romans is not to the Romans or Italians or the Vatican but to Israel the lost sheep! The Qur’an says this: Allah directs the paths of the Muslims. There is no free will in Islam. Even my brother said to me one day I did the bad things in my life because that is Allah’s will so he cannot punish me for what I have done since he has directed my path.

Sura 3:5 This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favour on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion; but whoever is compelled by hunger, not inclining willfully to sin, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

My brother actually had simple logic. What he said was true according to the Islamic model.


OK, can we go to Synagogue or Jewish places of worship like an orthodox or Sephardic place. Many people will tell you, no! I am not surprised by that response. The answer is actually yes we can go and we can even fellowship with our Jewish brethren! Did the Messiah go to the Synagogue? Yes. Did Peter go to the Temple? Yes. So why can’t we? Some might say they went to convert the Jews. Sorry this is not true, neither went with an intention to make them Christians but they would come to the understanding of the Messiah if that was YHWH’s will which we know now that is not yet time. You find that the gentiles follow Him because these are the ones who were suppose to find him first. In the first century all the 12 Disciples of Yahushua including Yahushua were found in the Synagogues. They were not converting the Yahudim to Christianity but were showing the fulfillment for Israel, Yahushua never went to condemn Israel in anyway then why are we? Were they converting the synagogues into churches? No. If not then why are we? Even after the Messiah’s resurrection they were found in the Synagogues. We actually were to behave like this, not to start a separate religion but that is what happened with Christianity. The first century Disciples did not see a dichotomy and simply saw themselves as having a revelation of the Messiah versus those who did not yet have it but nowhere do you find any of the twelve Disciples having a debate with the Jewish people to show them that they were superior to them in anyway. The issue was revelation versus no revelation. The Jews were blinded nationally so would not see the Messiah corporately but they were already in the Father’s hands because of His Son. Christians, Messianics and Nazarenes who try to convert the Jews are actually trying to prove that the prophet Isaiah was a liar. How is that?

Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

That is because Isaiah was right but modern Christians trying to convert Jews are wrong. You cannot break the prophecy of Isaiah and you will not succeed, the proof is 2000 years of Jewish hatred through the churches now well attested to what we term replacement theology.


Did Jacob (James) the first Nasi have a debate? No. He was well loved by the Jewish people even though they did not believe in Yahushua as the Messiah. Did Peter? No Did John? No, then why are you? So if the Jewish man who believes in HaShem actually is taught to protect the sacred name of YHWH and he believes in the Torah, which the Messiah taught by the way so according to Roman theology they are unsaved, which is also adopted by everybody else. While the man who believes in the lawless “Jesus” can go to the kingdom and the ones trying to live lawfully according to the Torah boundary goes to hell. The notion itself is childish but many will not see this truth because although they say obey Torah they do not see that having Torah is having the Messiah. Now What about the blood of the Lamb? The Messiah’s blood atones forwards and backwards including for Jewish Israel, which are Torah keepers but not yet with the full understanding of the Messiah. The Messiah has already saved them but he will not reveal himself to them until the second coming, which is for the Jewish people the first coming. I know why they say that. YHWH has given them the sceptre so they are in charge:

Genesis 49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people.

YHWH Himself says He has Judah as the lawgiver.

Psalms 60:7 Gilead is Mine, and Manasseh is Mine; Ephraim also is the helmet for My head; Judah is My lawgiver.

We know that the Christians reject any authority of the Jewish Rabbis in Orthodox Synagogues but YHWH said they are my lawgiver. So you are rejecting Judah and her decrees even though YHWH has placed Judah so you in fact are ignorantly rejecting YHWH. Now let me challenge you! Show me if Nicodemus who believed in Yahushua left Judaism? Show me Joseph of Arimathea left Judaism, he also believed in Yahushua? Neither did!!!!


Ethnic cleansing The Jewish people were thrown out of Europe, burned, gassed in chambers yet are we not guilty of doing the same? Of emptying Israel by ethnically cleansing Israel with our sermons and lectures and saying we can go to the Kingdom but the Jewish people will be ousted from the kingdom. In our error we forgot that we are doing the same thing as the Germans did the only difference is that we are not doing it physically but through the tongue. Both are equally dangerous and high time we repent of such actions. YHWH Himself blinded Jewish Israel and He does not send His blinded nation to hell. When a rich man comes to Yahushua and asks about salvation what does he say? Believe in the cross and wait till I die? Do not be unwise about these things any longer!

Mattityahu (Matthew) 19:17 And he said unto him, Why ask me concerning the Good? There is none Good but one, but if you want to enter������������ into life, keep the commandments.����������������

Jewish brothers keeping the commandments means keeping Torah are not going to hell, they already have the Messiah but are simply blinded to that truth. The Door is the same one for both. Whose report will you believe? YHWH’s or man’s? Will we keep Torah and obey Messiah or will we still try to ram a Roman Catholic derived two line gospel into Judah’s throat that already has the words of Torah.

Mark 2:17 When Yahushua heard it, he said unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.

The doctor was called for the House of Israel, those who were sick but not for the Jewish nation, they certainly had a few issues that could be straightened out but they were not sick. Will you believe the Master or the later church fathers who were all anti-Semitic? The words of Messiah: �

Mattityahu (Mathew) 25:32-34 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd


divides his sheep from the goats. (33) And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.���������������� (34) Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, you blessed of my Abbah, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.����������������

The idiom ‘shepherd’ means shepherd of Israel, Israel is not being judged the rest are, the seventy nations of the world. When were the Jewish people ever called goats? NEVER – The very designation of goats and sheep is to show the difference between Israel and non-Israel. The ones Yahushua is judging on behalf of are the Jewish people, there is actually a remez (hint) of the holocaust victims and pogroms conducted against the members of the household of Judah across the world. People would not normally see this as it is also ‘sod’ (hidden) in the text. � In the prayer taught to His disciples by Yahushua it says this: � &����#�����

Mattityahu (Matthew) 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

� The idea here is not that you are begging for forgiveness and there is continual hard work on your part to receive forgiveness but the Messiah is pointing to two main themes, the year of Shimita (release of debts) every seven years and Yahubel (Jubilee), 7 times 7. This is how the book of Revelations is also a theme of Sevens! Now let me ask, on the year of shmita, where did I have to be to receive a release? Where did I have to be in the year of Jubilee? In the Land of Israel. Did I have to squat in my leased out house to receive it back? If no then why not? The release is automatic for the people of the land. It is called grace, unmerited favour of YHWH. Its for all of Israel. Did YHWH say Simon you were living in Pakistan but now that you are in Israel the release does not apply to you?

Bmidbar Numbers 15:15 One ordinance shall be for you of the congregation and for the foreigner who lives among you, an ordinance forever throughout your generations; as you are, so shall the foreigner be before ����.

- Yahu – The name of YHWH


- Bel - an Aramaic way of saying Baal, so Yahubel means YHWH my Lord, My Master or My husband. Yahushua says this:

Mattityahu 13:16-17 And blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear,(17) for truly I say to you, that many prophets and righteous ones longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.

So the ones who did not see it were they not blessed or not saved?????? King Solomon’s prayer in First Kings 8, which YHWH acknowledges in First Kings 9:3.

Melechim Alef (First kings) 9:3 And YHWH said unto him, I have heard your prayer and your supplication, that you have made before me: I have set-apart this Temple, which you have built, to put my name there forever; and my eyes and my heart shall be there forever.

John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know you the only true Elohim, and Yahushua The Messiah, whom you have sent.

It would be wrong to say they did not know the Father because they already know him and pray through Him. Do the Jewish people not say Avenu Shab Shaymayim? Our Abbah who is in heaven. Now the covenants! It is automatic and YHWH grants it therefore the Covenant part is with YHWH not man, Israel is in YHWH’s hands for complete forgiveness. Let me prove it to you. �

Vayikra (Leviticus) 25:10 And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a Yahubel unto you; and you shall return every man unto his possession,���������������� and you shall return every man unto his mishpacha (family).

� Note ladies and gentlemen liberty throughout the land, what land? Israel! When – On the Yahubel (Jubilee). Complete freedom. � �

John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.


The good shepherd lays his life down not the sheep killing themselves over acquiring eternal life. Did not the Roman Catholic church do this? They killed the sheep instead of leading them to Israel! �

Revelation 22:15 For outside are dogs,���������������� and those enchanting with drugs, and those who whore, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and raises a falsehood.����������������

We do not see any Jewish person or the race mentioned but we do have gentiles mentioned as dogs. If a gentile became a proselyte to Biblical Judaism then they would no longer be called dogs. Constantine was a dog, a heathen dog for at that, who corrupted much of the true faith and murdered many Jews and the true believers of Messiah. �

Zecharyah 2:12 And ���� shall inherit Yahudah (Judah) his portion in the set-apart land, and shall choose Yerushalayim, (Jerusalem)���������������� again.

� Even the prophet Zechariah shows us YHWH will choose Jerusalem once again, to repeat His earlier choice. Why? �

Psalm 89:34 My covenant���������������� will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.

� The covenant that YHWH mentions entails life and not just life on the earth but eternal life and YHWH is categorically saying, I will not break my covenant.

Psalms 89:4 Your seed������������ I will establish forever,������������ And build up your throne���������������� to all generations.' '' Selah

� Joel 3:16 ���� also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem (Yerushalayim); and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but t���� will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Yisrael.

We are not just talking about temporal hope like when they are being obedient but also when they are disobedient. Just as an earthly father will not let go of his children when they are disobedient how much more our Father in heaven? �

Yashayahu (Isaiah) 45:25 In ���� shall all the seed of Yah’sar’el (Israel) be made righteous,���������������� and shall glory in him.


How much is this all – kul ha eretz. Faithful Torah believers, the blinded tribe of Judah as well.

Psalm 129:5 Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Tziyon.

� Zecharyah 2:10 Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Tziyon: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of you, says ��� �

Yet we know YHWH, or Yahushua comes back and dwells in Jerusalem and not London, Paris or New York, even though the latter three are famous for fancy perfumes and open idolatry. You can read all about politicians, sportsmen and their clandestine affairs in the new York Times. You can read all about footballers and their illicit affairs in the The daily Telegraph in London. �

Isaiah 40:1-2 Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, says your Elohim. (2) Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem (Yerushalayim), and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she has received of ����'s hand double for all her sins.

� The Jewish people do not need to be converted to be saved, they already know YHWH who at least we know is Yahushua. As far as knowing Yahushua as their Messiah, for that information, they have corporate blindness, the creator does not blind someone into oblivion. It is for their own good, it is both punishment and mercy.

Devarim (Deut) 6:25 And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before ���� our Elohim, as he has commanded us.

It shall be our “righteousness” if we observe to do all that YHWH commanded. This is talking about Torah obedience, not calling to some foreign monte cristos or whatever nonsense. So the Jewish nation/individual which is being Torah obedient is told no no no, you must believe in this Christian messiah called “Jesus”, then you will be saved. Or the other variant is you must believe in the Real Messiah called Yahushua and then you will be saved. I am afraid neither is the case. He Himself blinded them. Nazarene Judaism is true because it ties in with the faith of our forefathers. It does not lead us to a false elohim. It does not lead us away from Torah. It does not lead us away for the purposes of Israel.

Devarim (Deuteronomy 28:1 And it shall come to pass, if You shall listen carefully to the voice of ���� your Elohim, to Guard���������������� and to do all his commandments which I command you this day, that ���� your Elohim will elevate you high above all nations of the world.


So how come YHWH says that He will guard and raise up Israel high above all nations but then you come to believe in this Western style “Jesus”, and start eating pork, crabs, lobsters, things he calls an abomination, do no keep the seven Biblical feasts and suddenly you are saved and you are being lifted up high above the nations and the poor Jew is left behind defending his Torah? Do you see the problem? It’s actually the opposite. It’s not saved but unsaved. So we know that the Messiah came to teach Torah and to repair the Tikun Olam for Israel.

Yashayahu (Isaiah) 45:4 For Jacob my servant's sake, and Yah’sar’el (Israel) my elect, I have even called you by your name: I have surnamed you, though you have not known me. Yashayahu (Isaiah) 45:17 But Yah’sar’el (Israel) shall be delivered in ���� with an everlasting salvation: you shall not be ashamed nor confounded anymore.����������������

Is there even one witness from the Disciples of Yahushua and I am saying Disciples the twelve that says the Jewish nation that obeys Torah is not saved? You will not find it. Not one. Today we are told that we should not enter orthodox Jewish synagogues because they do not know Yahushua meaning the Christian “Jesus”, because the Yahudim are unsaved, this is plain brainwashing and an error indeed. The Jewish people will live because in the corporate blindness has built in mercy. We can also go to their synagogues so do not follow the error of the anti-Jewish church fathers.

Isaiah 29:10 For ���� has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and has closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers has he covered.����������������

Vayikra (Leviticus) 18:5 You shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do them, he shall have life���������������� in them: I am ����.

Hopefully this will allow us to see where we must work to bring reconciliation both to the Jewish people and Christian people! For groundbreaking articles…


Simon Altaf was chosen by YHWH for the special End-Times prophetic calling. A lone voice in the wilderness, one taught by YHWH (Ps 199:120-121), a messianic Rabbi and a writer. He is an ex-Muslim, called out of Islam to rejoin His people after his long exile. We hope this article has been a blessing to you. Please write to us and let us know if this has been a help and if you have any other questions or wish to receive our ground shattering quarterly Newsletter. Send the mail to For prophecy books and DVDs that will wake up many who are asleep. Get the best Hebrew Roots Torah; this will become your Torah of choice opening up many areas of the Renewed Covenant (NT) writings which will give you a whole new understanding. The AF excellent Torah and the AF NT are now available to order from the site. The AF Complete Bible 66 books being released in March 2010. �

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