sample plc training agenda

Post on 14-May-2015






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Evidence for my ePortfolio - Here you see sample of two training agendas from my staff development sessions wherein we us the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) model.


Professional Learning Community Meeting Agenda New Haven Adult School - CTE

GROUP NORMSTime Management: Start on time. Be on time. Stay on agenda/tasks.Respect Each Other: Discuss conflict with honesty and consideration of feelings. One speaker at a time. One discussion at a time.

Accomplish Goals: Everyone contributes and participates voluntarily. Ask for clarity on assigned tasks. Be accountable for your action items.Roles: Define objective for every agenda topic. Stay in your role. Use consensus building for decision-making.Documentation: Make written meeting notes available for after meeting. Archive all meeting notes and documents.

Date: 10/21/2010Meeting Objective/s: (1) Fine tune the delivery of CoFA for Standard 5.1. (2) Create relevant use of lesson objectives for both teachers and students

Professional Learning Community Meeting Agenda New Haven Adult School - CTE

Task Resources Activity Duration Expected Outcomes

Ice Breaker: “If These Walls Were Talking…” CTE Student Learning Outcomes

12:00-12:05 Teachers will envision using the empty wall spaces in room 14 to communicate the CTE Student Learning Outcomes.

Review Norms. Go over agenda

Assign timekeeper & note taker.


Report out on first pilot run of CoFA for Standard 5.1

2 Sample student assessments

What worked? What didn’t work? What should we do differently?

Pair Share

Report out


12:10-12:30 Teachers will create plan for 2nd pilot run of CoFA for standard 5.1

Common Agreement #1

What did you do to help students connect the dots between the lesson objectives, the delivery of instruction, and the lesson assessment (whether it was a practice exercise, quiz, or unit test/project)?

School-wide Common Agreements

Learning from Our Colleagues Protocol

Report-out using “Learning from Our Colleagues Protocol”.

Present (3 min)

Clarifying questions (2 min)

Probing questions (3 min)

Feedback discussion (5 min)

Reflection (2 min)

TOTAL: 15 minutes per person


12:30-12:354 rounds


1:35-1:454 rounds


Teachers will identify “best practices” for helping students find relevance in their lesson objective(s).

Open discussionPrep time for PLC


Evaluations 2:55-3:00

Professional Learning Community Meeting Agenda New Haven Adult School - CTE

GROUP NORMSTime Management: Start on time. Be on time. Stay on agenda/tasks.Respect Each Other: Discuss conflict with honesty and consideration of feelings. One speaker at a time. One discussion at a time.Accomplish Goals: Everyone contributes and participates voluntarily. Ask for clarity on assigned tasks. Be accountable for your action items.

Roles: Define objective for every agenda topic. Stay in your role. Use consensus building for decision-making.Documentation: Make written meeting notes available for after meeting. Archive all meeting notes and documents.

Task Resources Activity Duration Expected OutcomesIce Breaker: “When I learn to…then I can…”

Handout 12:00-12:10

Review Norms. Go over agenda 12:10-12:20

Museum of Lessons, Lesson Objectives, and Evaluations - Silent Walk

Teacher’s sample lessons objectives, textbooks and resources.

Objectives & Evaluation signs

Set-up lesson & materials as a museum exhibition.

Silently observe, review, analyze, and make notes on museum “exhibits”



Teachers will analyze a variety of statements and thinking questions about lesson objectives.

Teachers will analyze, compare and make notes on a variety of lessons, lesson objectives, and evaluation statements.

Museum of Lessons, Lesson Objectives, and Evaluations - Pair-Share Walk

Teacher’s sample lessons objectives, textbooks and resources.

Objectives & Evaluation signs

Notes from silent walk

With partners, observe, review, analyze, discuss and make notes on museum exhibits.

Leave feedback notes for the teacher (the exhibitor).

Please only examine/ discuss other teacher’s lessons (not your own)

12:40-12:55 Teachers will discuss their analysis and comparisons with other teachers.

Teachers will write feedback notes on the lesson “exhibits”.

Museum of Lessons, Lesson Objectives, and Evaluations - Examine, Evaluate, Reconsider, Report out

Teacher’s sample lessons objectives, textbooks and resources.

Feedback notes

Review feedback notes received. Reflect on what you yourself learned from the Museum of Lessons…Prepare oral response.

Report out & discuss

Redo assignment and post on the cte_nhas yahoo group.

Review, Reflect, Response


Report out & Discuss (7 minutes/person)4 rounds


1:35-1:454 rounds



Teachers will examine the feedback provided, distinguish what is relevant and applicable to his/her objectives, and will prepare to orally report-out and discuss the findings.

Teachers will modify the first draft of their objectives and present the new set on the cte_nhas yahoo group.

Evaluations & CTE Business 2:30-3:00

Date: 11/15/2010Meeting Objective/s: By the end of this PLC session, teachers will be able to write focused supportive lesson objectives with evaluation statements expressing the measurable evidence that will inform both the teacher and the student of what the student can do as a result of the lesson being taught or facilitated.

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