santa fe presbyterian church 2016 annual congregational...

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Santa Fe Presbyterian Church

2016 Annual Congregational Report March 26, 2017

Our thanks to all of the officers who served in 2016!

Class of 2016

Elders Bruce Ackerman Craig Cole

Paul Iott Martin McNeese

Clerk of Session: Greg Spahr

Deacons Leigh Miller Robyn Spahr

Brenda Underwood

Church Staff Rev. Mitchell L. Miller, Pastor

Timothy Goff, Minister of Music

Jan Ingerson, Congregational Care Minister

Bill Jones, Youth Director

Nancy Johnson, Safe Day Director

Eleen Svanas, Interim Administrative Assistant

Santa Fe Presbyterian Church

1603 North Santa Fe Avenue

Edmond, Oklahoma 73003

(405) 341-3300

Annual Congregational Report 2016

Table of Contents

Pastor’s Report

Clerk of Session Report

Administrative and Financial Committee Report

Adult Fellowship Committee Report

Christian Education Committee Report

Commissioned Lay Pastor for Congregational Care

Deacon’s Report

Endowment Committee Report

Evangelism Committee Report

Membership Committee Report

Mission Committee Report

SaFe Day School Report

Worship and Music Committee Report

Financial Detailed Report

Budget for 2017, Balance Sheet, P&L


Officers for 2016

Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019

Elders Don Dage Charlotte Langley John Laisle

Cathy Hansen Mike Reed Bev Mackey

David Lautenschlager Ann Stewart Greg Svanas

Jim Rule Don Sterne Rick Underwood

Deacons Brian Champlin Tracie McCall Susan Addison

Melody McKitrick David Van Norstrand Diane Hughes

Kathy Brock Chris Wright Pam Shoulders


Annual Report of the Pastor 2016

2016, what a year! In fact, 20 years! As the year of our 20th anniversary comes to an end, I find that after 7 and

one half years, the “Santa Fe Way,” continues to be a blessing to me, and to our community. It reflects what I

see as the grateful and faithful actions of a congregation that reflects its mission to “Love as Christ loves and

serve as Christ serves” in response to the ways we are blessed by God. I know Pride can be a dangerous thing,

and I do try to keep things in perspective, but it is very satisfying to “brag” about you all to my friends and

colleagues. At times I almost feel embarrassed about what a blessing you are to me, and my family, the way

you make me a better pastor, while being so patient with me. More importantly, I cannot be more joyful about

the strengths and health and enthusiasm of this congregation as it serves the community.

Throughout this 20th year in ministry, we witnessed some wonderful things. In 2016 we continued our

partnership with Urban Mission, providing money through our Mission Giving and our Cents-ability offering;

as well as regular volunteers with the men of the church the 4th Monday of each month and the youth each

Tuesday over the Summer. Cindy Thomas and I have continued to serve on the Board of Directors. Our second

year providing the successful Pumpkin Patch fundraiser got some new decorations, gave a boost of our annual

Trunk or Treat and gave rise to our first annual Pumpkin Fest. A special thank you goes out to all the people

who again made it happen. 2016 saw the expansion of our Spiritual lives as well. 2015’s Advent Day of Prayer

became in 2016, a Day of Prayer for Lent, Pentecost, Fall and again for Advent. We expect to provide for you

all the same in 2017.

We also welcomed two new staff members this year. Bill Jones came on board this year with many years of

experience to serve as our Youth Director and Eleen Svanas stepped in as our Interim Administrative Assistant.

I hope that you all have taken a moment to introduce yourself and make them feel welcome.

On a more personal note, in addition to four funerals, and eight baptisms (3 of them adult baptisms), and we

held a Confirmation Class with four young people attending. I continued to serve as Teaching Elder

Commissioner to the Synod of the Sun representing Indian Nations Presbytery, as mentioned before, a member

of the Board of Urban Mission, and on the staff of Trinity Youth Conference. Additionally, I had the honor of

participating in the Baccalaureate Service at Deer Creek High School and in the Event commemorating the 30th

Anniversary of the Edmond Post Office Shooting. Herb Rettke and Martha McNeese, who did an outstanding

job, primarily planned the memorial service event. Thank you goes out as well to the Oklahoma Pilgrimage

Community for providing the sound system and to Greg Spahr for operating it.

2016 also saw changes in Indian Nations Presbytery. General Presbyter, Aaron Carland has retired, leading to a

great time of change. Malcom Champlin began his service as a member of the Mission Strategy Group (the

Presbytery Council) and I am now serving on the Presbytery Transition Task Force. We will both be involved

in the many changes that will inevitably happen, and we will keep you informed.

Finally, as we close the book on 2016, I want to thank you all, again, and tell you how truly blessed and

honored I am to serve the Lord with you as your pastor. Your grace and support and patience these past 7 and a

half years have been beyond measure and far beyond my ability to describe. I truly feel like the most blessed

pastor and thank God for bringing us together.

Now let us look ahead to 2017. The coming year promised to have many challenges as we continue moving

forward as a church and discerning God’s plans for us. Let us meet and over come those challenges head on. I

encourage you to get involved in one or more of the many ministries and activities we have at Santa Fe. Let us

continue to be the loving, friendly, caring congregation we are. Invite your friends, neighbors, co-workers and


family members, to ‘come see, be fed, and go tell’ with us, joining in our worship and work. Let us striver to

draw closer to God in Jesus Christ through prayer and study and worship, deepening our relationships with

Christ and one another. And above all, let us remember to be thankful for the many ways God has blessed us,

an be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit as Santa Fe Presbyterian Church continues to serve the Kingdom of

our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

May the Lord bless and keep us all in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Mitchell Lee Miller, Pastor

2016 Clerk of Session Report

The membership committee has done an excellent job keeping our rolls up-to-date. I would like to acknowledge and send

a very special thank you to Joyce Anderson for all her work. We started the year with 201 members and ended with 198.

Losses: Gains Robert Grounds Jerry Wall III

Patti Grounds Marc Gleason

June Curry Ian McCall

Sheena McMahan Kaitlyn Albrecht

Chris Milam Herb Rettke

Michelle Milam Jim Bidlack

Nicchole Crown Mindy Windholz

Paige Dew Donna Royse

Jeff Scheihing David Ooten

Chrissy Scheihing Michelann Ooten

Ebba Mathis Irene Reiner

William Reiner

Willard Johnson

Cheryl Hanson

Jon Hanson

Baptisms Loss by Death Addison Kate Shattuck Gay Lemler

Maxine Hubble

Ian Garrett McCall Lety Jo Johnson

Marc Anthony Gleason Wanda Manderscheid

James Andrew McKitrick Emilia Johnson

Cheryl Hansen Kathy Goudge

Carolyn Barton

Respectfully submitted,

Greg Spahr,

Clerk of Session

Administration Committee

The administration committee is responsible for finance and personnel. The committee met several times during

the year, and below are highlights of their work.


Personnel The Personnel Committee met several times during the year. The main issues we dealt with follows:

1. Evaluation of the job performance and ultimate termination of the Office Administrator.

2. Replacement of the Office Administrator and approved by the session.

3. Work with the nominating committee to hire a Youth Director.

4. Work with the Christian Education Committee to replace a Nursery Worker.


This committee Planned and implemented the pledge drive, using the theme “The chest of Joash”

Based on the notion, that each pledge was made to God, and not to Santa Fe, The pledges were never opened

and were returned to the person making the pledge. More details are available in the financial report. The

committee continued to meet and review other financial matters.

John Huffman for the committee

Adult Fellowship Committee

The goal of the fellowship committee is to encourage members of our church to get to know each other better and have

fun thru the activities and events we plan throughout the year.

2016 Activities Include:

Special Dinners---Thanksgiving, Christmas, and End of the Year Picnic

Easter Party and Egg Hunt

Night at the Jewel Box Theatre

Halloween Trunk or Treat Party

Santa Breakfast and Party

Windsong Messiah Concert

Christmas Caroling and Social Afterwards

Baby Showers for 4 of our church members

Lunch and Candle Decorating for Mom’s and Daughters

Progressive Dinner hosted by the Sterne’s, Shoulders, and Rules

We would like to thank all those who helped us make these events successful!!

Co-chairs: Pam Roney and Martha McNeese

Christian Education Report

The Christian Education Committee at Santa Fe had a busy year, filled with transition, clarification and new beginnings. One of

our most significant accomplishments came about in June when we revisited the purpose of the Christian Education committee

at Santa Fe Presbyterian Church. We outlined a Committee Mission Statement, clarifying and prioritizing the goals for our

specific group. We have also outlined and assigned specific roles within the Committee to assist with maintaining continuous

and harmonious communications with other committees and with the congregation at large. We feel these efforts have helped us

renew our focus and purpose moving forward.

Another significant mention for our Committee was the addition of our new Director of Youth Ministry, Bill Jones. We

introduced Bill to the congregation in late October, and he began working immediately with our Youth as they wrapped up their

efforts with the Pumpkin Patch fundraiser on Halloween.

Weekly Sunday School classes for all ages continue to maintain steady attendance during the regular school year. Summer

attendance is more sporadic at the Elementary level, so a combined Elementary class model was utilized again this summer.

Beginning in November, the Youth Sunday School classes for Grades 6-12 are now meeting as one group, in the Youth Room,

with our new Director of Youth Ministry leading the classes. The committee has greatly appreciated monthly feedback and

reports from all Sunday School classes, either from the teachers or from members who attend the classes.


Last February, the Youth held their annual Valentine's Dinner and Silent Auction. As usual, the congregation was extremely

supportive. We had a record attendance, with over 95 dinners served, and multiple youth participants entertained the crowd

between courses. Generous donations and bids during the Silent Auction brought in revenue exceeding our initial projections.

Suggestions were offered for ways to continue to grow this event for our Youth Ministry, several of which are being

implemented for the 2017 dinner.

Proceeds from the 2016 Valentine's Dinner and Auction were instrumental in assisting our Youth in two different trips last

summer. In June, Mitch Miller, Gretchen Cole and Jason McMahan accompanied nine Youth in grades 6-12 on a Mission Trip

to Goodland Academy in Hugo, Oklahoma where they spent the week working on various projects at the residence facility. In

late July, Mitch traveled with 13 High School and College aged Youth to TYC for spiritual growth and development!

Earlier in 2016, months of preparatory classes and a weekend retreat in April culminated on Pentecost Sunday 2016. Pastor

Mitch Miller and the Santa Fe congregation recognized four Youth members who celebrated the Rite of Confirmation on

Sunday May 15, 2016. Our next confirmation classes will begin in September 2017, with the Rite of Confirmation

being celebrated in May 2018.

Finally, Vacation Bible School 2016 also took place in June, with 45 registered children from grades K-5. Additional support

from the Youth Grades 6-12, as well as other adult leadership, ensured that this Santa Fe tradition continued. Plans for VBS

2017 are currently underway.

Report reviewed and respectfully submitted by,

Jenn McMahan, Chair of the Christian Education Committee

Sandy Albrecht, Secretary of the Christian Education Committee

2016 Annual Report Of Commissioned Lay Pastor

2 Thessalonians begins with Paul, Silas, and Timothy praising the church at Thessalonica: we give thanks to God for you

because your faith is growing and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. This summarizes my feeling

about our last year of ministry at Santa Fe.

It has been a year of blessings with the 20th Anniversary; the hiring of a Director of Youth Ministry; expanded Prayer Days

and Retreats; and the Commissioning of seven new Stephen Ministers, to name a few.

2016 began with an excellent team of folks who worked diligently to discern God’s will for our church in regards to a

Youth Ministry Director (DYM). I led the Discernment Team and with God’s guidance, we handed off the result of our

work to the DYM Search Committee.

Prayer Days were held throughout the year. We expanded the hours to accommodate school and work schedules so all

would have an opportunity to attend. The goal was to allow all ages to experience the presence of God in silence and

interactive, hands-on prayer activities. Thus a Children’s Prayer Room was added. Our Seasonal Prayer Retreats have

grown numerically as well as spiritually. It is my joy to discover new ways for us to encounter God. We established a

Spiritual Formation Team to encourage others to help with leadership. The Intercessory Prayer Group continues to

faithfully meet weekly. We are here to confidentially pray for you.

Pastoral prayer and care also continue to be a joy of mine. From hospital, home or office visits to phone calls or texts,

sharing God’s care is a blessing in my life. There are hurting folks sitting among us in worship, continue to extend love to

one another.

Stephen Ministry leadership is shared by myself and Mitch. After leading 50 hours of training we commissioned six new

Stephen Ministers in May and an additional minister in October. I’d love to speak to you about this excellent, confidential,

one on one ministry. Please ask us!

Another area of caring ministry lies with the Deacons. I serve as staff liaison at their monthly meetings; meals, cards,

college boxes, transportation, and other care were delivered throughout the year. In addition, the Shepherding Leaders

extend care to their teams of approximately 8 families each. If you don’t know who your Shepherding Leader is, please

ask. 7

I served as staff liaison for the Membership Committee. Responsibilities include the new member luncheon, outreach to

new members, keeping track of current members and church membership records. Cards are sent to folks needing an

encouraging word or prayer.

Worship leadership is humbling. Administering the sacraments; assisting with memorials and funerals, writing prayers,

sermon preparation/delivery are a treasured blessing. I preach, teach, and extend care only by the grace of God. Each

ministry has excellent leaders; thank you sisters and brothers for the opportunity to be in ministry with you.

With love and God’s blessings,

Jan Ingerson

Deacon’s Report 2016

Deacons serving in 2016:

Class of 2016: Leigh Miller Robyn Spahr Brenda Underwood

Class of 2017: Kathy Brock Brian Champlin Melody McKitrick

Class of 2018: David Van Nostrand Chris Wright Tracie McCall

*Class of 2019: Diane Hughes Susan Addison Pam Shoulders

*to be ordained/installed on January 8, 2017

Robyn Spahr served as Moderator; Chris Wright as Vice Moderator; and David Van Nostrand as Secretary.

Jan Ingerson; CLP, served as staff liaison to the Deacons.

Activities for 2016:

Prepared and served monthly outbound Communion with Session Elders.

Sent letters and cards of encouragement to those who were ill or bereaved.

Provided meals to members and friends during times of need.

Prepared and served luncheons for funerals at the church.

Provided transportation to church and doctor’s offices for members and friends.

Made home and hospital visits to those who were ill.

Furnished and mailed college exam time snack boxes during spring and fall semester final exams to member students and


Provided service to members in need of home repair and moving assistance.

Coordinated Shepherding Team activities and events with church membership.

Submitted by

Robyn Spahr

Moderator, Board of Deacons

Endowment Committee

The Stock Market was favorable for the year 2016. The account ended the year with a balance of $266,026.32.

In August of 2016, assets were sold in the amount of $23,648.00 and the money was used to pay off the small church


In October, the Lord Abbet Fund was sold and the proceeds were $12,351.00. This money was transferred to the regular

church account to help pay operating expenses.

John Huffman, for the committee.


Evangelism Committee

The committee endeavors to attract visitors and new members to Santa Fe Presbyterian Church. The Santa Fe

Presbyterian Church website has proved to be the most effective way to attract interest, inquiries, and visitors.

There is a wealth of information concerning Vision, Mission, Youth, Day School, News, Worship, and other on The church can also be followed on Facebook and Twitter.

The sign in front of the church that was installed by the committee a few years ago is up-dated by committee

members as a way of advertising current events. An information table in the Narthex contains information and

activities concerning the church and includes a tri-fold summarizing major on-going activities and programs.

The trifold is periodically up-dated.

The committee makes arrangements for Greeters at the 11:00 AM Worship Service. The committee sends hand-

written note cards to first-time visitors to supplement the letter and phone call made by Pastor Mitch. The

Membership Committee provides the list on weekly basis as well as visitor gift bags.

Music On Santa Fe programs have also been an effective way to attract visitors. This past year the committee

coordinated to help bring the presentations of “Godspell” and “Festival Of Hymns”. Tim Goff has made the

contacts with the performers. These events are attended by church members and visitors alike. The Evangelism

Committee arranged the events of “Liberty Fest” in July and “Pumpkin Fest” in October for people in

neighborhoods around the church area. Neighborhoods included Cedar pointe, Homestead, and Pebble Creek

and the new Meritage Park.

This next year the committee will explore ways to attract more young families with children and begin

searching avenues to begin an outreach to the surrounding communities. We feel the future of the church will

depend on the younger generations showing interest and becoming members.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee meets monthly on the second Monday at 10:00 a. m. Active members are

Joyce Anderson, Shirley Huffman, Martha McNeese, Sue Meikle, Susan Addison, and Cathy Hansen.

A list of all visitors to SFPC is compiled each week and sent to all deacons, elders, and Evangelism

Committee, who sends first time visitors a welcome letter. Also, gift bags with cookies or assortment of beans

are provided to each first time visitors. Member attendance lists are recorded weekly. Contacts are made by

care or phone calls to those who are ill or, absent for 3 or 4 weeks.

The Committee coordinates the Newcomers Class for those desiring to join Santa Fe and provides a light

lunch when the class meets. We help integrate the new members so they quickly become active in the life and

program of the church. We always encourage wearing name tags at our services.

A project of Membership to keep people and addresses up-to-date and Eleen Svanas helps us keep a

pocket size directory. Every member should pick up one of the directories because they are handy for your car

or purse, and updated often. We coordinate the member spotlight in the Expressions.

The committee also reviews the list of person who have not participated in the work or worship of the

church during the past 2 years and sends a letter to those persons inviting them to return to worship with us. A

return card is enclosed allowing the person to indicate if they have found a new church home, moved, desire a

call for the pastor, wish to return to worship with Santa Fe, or wish to be removed from the church membership

rolls. This list is presented to Session and upon appropriate action, the list is presented to the Clerk of Session

to make the necessary changes in the membership.

Respectfully Submitted, Joyce Anderson


Mission Committee

Giving and doing for others: that is what mission activity involves. But it is much more than “giving and doing”. Our

commitment to Missions involves an attitude of caring, of being open to some self-sacrifice, and of looking beyond our

church community to find the needs that exist in communities near and far from Edmond, Ok.

It is not surprising that at SFPC, we experience mission activity outside the planned activities of the Mission Committee.

Our Sunday School classes donate their offerings to organizations in our community. Our Youth travel miles to volunteer

for agencies that need strong hands and dedicated minds. Our members deliver hot meals to seniors, stock canned goods at

the Urban Mission Food Resource Center, or help mothers at both the NSO Martha House and the Infant Crisis Center.

No doubt there are countless other ways that our church members give and do for others.

And so please take a moment of silent thankfulness that our mission activities abound beyond the following report of

SFPC Missions.

In 2016, SFPC gave monies to the following organizations:

Presbytery General Mission 10,000

Local Missions (Breakfast on Blvd,

Edmond Mobile Meals) 599

Neighborhood Services Organization 738

Urban Mission 6,955

Goodland Academy 2,260

Crop Walk 1,270

Dwight Mission 2,000

Uganda Mission 1,500

Mission – Other 592

Southern Oklahoma Presbyterian Parish 652

Joy Offering 551

One Great Hour of Sharing 620

CentsAbility* 3,275

Presbyterian Disaster Fund 300

Wounded Warrior Fund 275


In addition to these funds, we have given in-kind donations to the following:

Edmond Mobile Meals: canned goods

Edmond/Santa Fe Caregiver Support Group: love and commitment

Eyeglasses (used) for mission trips to Central America, organized by a local ophthalmologist, Dr. Robert Gourley.

Goodland Academy (labels and box top points to be used to purchase computers)

NSO: household supplies for their transitional housing, birthday cakes and gifts for children living in their

housing units, labor of cleaning vacated apartments that SFPC sponsors, transportation to SFPC holiday

parties so their kiddos can experience the joy our kiddos experience during these events.

Turning Point: painted two houses for families who are approved to purchase new homes built by Turning Point

volunteers and skilled professionals. (What a great day that was!)

Urban Mission: canned goods, labor

Wellston Elementary School: school supplies

SFPC Mission Committee members: Darry Carlstone, Edith Carlstone, Charlotte Langley, Martha McNeese, Joan

Orman, Ann Stewart, Cindy Thomas, Kitty Velasco, Carol White. 10

SaFe Day School


We are off to another fun-filled year at SaFe Day! Many of our staff members returned, and those that did not,

were replaced with friendly faces of friends and former parents in our program. Most of our staff is now

degreed, with 5 of our teachers being certified in Elementary Education.

Our student enrollment is 107 students. We have no open spots, and have a considerable wait list.

We field calls from interested families on a daily basis. Tours, and inquiries are increasing as our enrollment

draws near.

The reputation of SaFe Day is one of the best in Edmond. Most, if not all our students, are referred by other

families that have been enrolled in our school, or that are currently enrolled. I have even heard of a relocation

service telling out of state families moving to Edmond, that our school is the one that they recommend!

Our staff strives to beat the expectations our families enrolled, and the community of which we are a part of.

We are proud to say that we partnered with the Summit Middle School Backpack program this year, as well as

the Urban Mission. Instilling a desire to do good for others through Jesus' name is something we feel is

imperative to our students.

We also do monthly visits to the Brookdale Retirement home to visit with the residents. Building a sense of

community is also one of the corner stones to our curriculum.

Our registration for the 2017 -2018 school year will start in late February, with currently enrolled families.

Our open enrollment to the public will begin on February 28th at 9:00 am in the Narthex. I expect most, if not

all of our spots to be full by that afternoon. Last year, we turned away numerous families, due to our lack of

classroom space, and fully expect to do the same this year.

As we look forward to another year, we hope to continue in our emphasis of expanding the horizons of the

children that come to us, through Christ's love.


Nancy Johnson



Worship And Music Committee


2016 members: Craig Cole, Linda Champlin, Robyn Spahr, Ann Stewart, Mitch Miller and Tim Goff.

Worship at Santa Fe continues to be a vital and joyous element of our ministry. A special thanks goes to all those on this

committee and the many others in our congregation who work very hard in the planning and execution of our worship

services. We greatly appreciate our Chancel Choir, the Mustard Seed Worship Team, our Youth Handbell Ensemble, the

Santa Fe Winds, the Youth Music Group, the worship skills classes in our Kids’ Club (which make up our children’s

choirs) and various soloists and instrumentalists who provide beautiful and inspiring music each week at Santa Fe. We

also appreciate our special guest musicians for their inspiration throughout the year, especially with our MUSIC ON

SANTA FE concerts (working alongside the Evangelism Committee). On April 17, we presented GODSPELL in

Concert featuring the youth and adult musicians of Santa Fe, along with soloists and choir members from Church of the

Savior in Oklahoma City. We also presented as a MUSIC ON SANTA FE a worshipful and educational evening on

November 6 called A Festival of Hymns featuring our Chancel Choir and soloists, along with the Youth Brass Ensemble

and Handbells. The highlights of the evening were our “guest hymnwriters” who shared their stories through the


This past year, 2016, Santa Fe held two services of worship each Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion

was served on the first Sunday of each month, and on Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve. The sacraments were

prepared by members of the worship committee and served by the elders of the church.

Some special worship and music services during the year included the Ash Wednesday Service, a Palm Sunday

Celebration which included the cantata, Lenten Canticles, presented by the Chancel Choir and Chamber Orchestra, a

Seder Dinner and Tenebrae Service on Maundy Thursday, a Good Friday Vigil, two Easter Sunday Services (including

a sunrise service at Mitch Park) with our own SANTA FE WINDS ensemble and the Kids’ Club presentation of The

Big Fish. Our sanctuary on Pentecost Sunday was adorned with hundreds of red balloons (and a few orange and yellow)

as we celebrated the birthday of the Church and the coming of the Holy Spirit, and featured various creative worship

experiences emphasizing the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Advent and Christmas Seasons included a meaningful

“Hanging of the Greens” Service (featuring beautiful new greenery attached to a central hand-fashioned disc as well as

an angel, thanks to hard-working members of the committee), our Kids’ Club presentation of THE INCREDIBLE,

HUMONGOUS, VEGGIE TALES CHRISTMAS SHOW on December 14 (following the church Christmas dinner),

the Christmas cantata, Sing Noel: Lessons and Carols by the Chancel Choir and Chamber Orchestra, two beautiful

Christmas Eve Services (a 5:00 Family Service with a Nativity Pageant and an 11:00 p.m. service with the Chancel

Choir), and morning services on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

As always, the worship committee welcomes your suggestions, your advice and your prayers as we continue to plan for

each phase of a meaningful worship experience.

Respectably submitted,

Timothy H. Goff, Director of Music and Worship


Finance Committee

Year End Report 2016

Members: John Huffman – Chairperson

Martin McNeese

Jim Rule

Barbara Norman

Rick Underwood

Jeff Ingerson

Don Sterne

The committee meets at various times during the year to discuss the financial situation of the church. 2016 was

not a good year for Santa Fe from a financial standpoint; we ended the year with a deficit of $26,122.81. One

of our saving graces was SaFe Day School, they contributed $43,000 to the general budget this year. In

addition, Santa Fe had a brokerage account that was set up to use for emergencies that we were able to use, the

amount was $12,300.

During the last year we were able to pay off the small note to the Presbyterian Loan Office. This was

accomplished by using the Birthday Fund. Currently the final note on the building is $51,266.75.

We held our annual pledge drive on the first Sunday in December and once again used the Joash Chest. The

pledge from our members is between them and God, as in the pass we did not open the pledge cards which will

be return to you in November. There were approximately 70 cards in the Joash Chest.

Using this type of pledge drive we based the attached budget on past data. To make the budget we will need to

raise an addition $65,000 this year. Part of this will come from a CD that the church has in the amount of

$50,000 which was given to cover the Youth Directors first year salary.

The committee hopes that each of us will prayerful consider what they are giving to the mission of the church

this year.

Attached are the 2017 budget and 2016 balance sheet and profit and loss.


Santa Fe Presbyterian Church

2017 Budget

Approved by the Session 12/15/2016

2016 2017

Budget Budget

Ordinary Income/Expense




41020 · NON-PLEDGED REVENUE 452,000.00 465,423.05

41030 · LOOSE PLATE OFFERING 15,000.00 10,000.00



41060 · INTEREST INCOME 250.00 250.00

41080 · WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER 7,500.00 7,500.00



TOTAL 41000 · UNRESTRICTED REVENUE 474,750.00 521,173.05


42030 · Memorials

Total 42000 · Building Revenue

46000 · SaFeDay School

46010 · SaFeDay Wages

46020 · SaFeDay Payroll Taxes 12,000.00 10,000.00

46025 · SaFe WC Ins 2,500.00

46030 · SaFe Day Reimbursements 7,000.00

46035 · SaFe Day Payroll Processing 400.00

Total 46000 · SaFeDay School 19,000.00 12,900.00

49500 · Miscellaneous Income

Total Income 493,750.00 534,073.05

Gross Profit 493,750.00 534,073.05


60000 · Christian Education

60100 · Adult Education

60110 · Curriculum 350.00 1,000.00

60120 · Supplies 150.00 100.00


60100 · Adult Education - Other 100.00 100.00

Total 60100 · Adult Education 600.00 1,200.00

60200 · Youth Education

60210 · Curriculum 600.00 200.00

60220 · Supplies 250.00 600.00

Youth Trips 1,750.00

60200 · Youth Education - Other 120.00 200.00

Total 60200 · Youth Education 970.00 2,750.00

60300 · Childrens Education

60310 · Curriculum 1,600.00 1,500.00

60320 · Supplies 400.00 400.00

60330 · Kids' Club

60350 · Kids' Club Meals 250.00 200.00

60330 · Kids' Club - Other 500.00 100.00

Total 60330 · Kids' Club 750.00 300.00

60300 · Childrens Education - Other 200.00 2,200.00

Total 60300 · Childrens Education 2,950.00 6,450.00

60500 · VBS 750.00 1,200.00

60000 · Christian Education - Other 250.00

Total 60000 · Christian Education 5,270.00 7,900.00

61000 · Deacon's Ministry

61020 · Meals 500.00 500.00

61030 · College Care Packages 600.00 600.00

61040 · Stephen Ministry

61050 · Baptismal Crosses 25.00 25.00

61060 · Card Ministry 100.00 100.00

61000 · Deacon's Ministry - Other 100.00 100.00

Total 61000 · Deacon's Ministry 1,325.00 1,325.00

61500 · Stephen Ministry

61510 · Potential New Member Training 180.00 180.00

61520 · Leadership training 2,000.00 2,000.00

61530 · Contuning Education Materials 50.00 50.00

61540 · Caregivers support Group 300.00 300.00

Total 61500 · Stephen Ministry 2,530.00 2,530.00


62000 · Evangelism

62010 · Advertising 1,800.00 1,800.00

62020 · List Service

62050 · Signs 200.00 200.00

62060 · Special Promotions 300.00 300.00

62070 · Visitor's Gifts/Goodwill 500.00 500.00

62080 · Web Page 500.00 500.00

62090 · Concert Series 1,500.00 1,500.00

62000 · Evangelism - Other 200.00 200.00

Total 62000 · Evangelism 5,000.00 5,000.00

63000 · Mission

63010 · Presbytery General Mission 10,000.00 10,000.00

63020 · Local Mission 1,000.00 1,000.00

63022 · Edmond Mobile Meals 800.00 800.00

63025 · Neighborhood Services Organizat 600.00 600.00

63026 · Presbyterian Urban Mission 3,400.00 3,400.00

63027 · Goodland Academy 1,500.00 1,500.00

63050 · Crop Walk 250.00 250.00

63055 · Mission Uganda 1,000.00

63060 · Dwight Mission 2,000.00 2,000.00

63000 · Mission - Other 1,150.00 950.00

Total 63000 · Mission 20,700.00 21,500.00

64000 · Plant Administration

64030 · Janitorial Services 1,000.00

64040 · Janitorial Supplies 700.00 600.00

64050 · Kitchen Supplies 1,000.00 1,500.00

64055 · Pest Control 350.00 300.00

64060 · Lawn Care 12,000.00 12,000.00

64070 · Property & Liability Insurance 8,000.00 7,500.00

64080 · Repairs & Maintenance 25,000.00 15,000.00

64090 · Security 2,000.00

64120 · Utilities 22,000.00 22,000.00

64000 · Plant Administration - Other 100.00 500.00

Total 64000 · Plant Administration 71,150.00 60,400.00

64500 · Church Bus

64520 · Insurance 600.00 450.00

64540 · Maintenance 350.00 300.00

64550 · Gasoline 650.00 500.00


64500 · Church Bus - Other

Total 64500 · Church Bus 1,600.00 1,250.00

65000 · Program Administration

65020 · Computer Software 600.00 400.00

65060 · Miscellaneous 1,000.00 1,200.00

65070 · Office Supplies 3,500.00 3,000.00

65080 · Officer Training 150.00

65090 - Pastor Discretionary Allowance

65100 · Postage 1,300.00 1,000.00

65105 · Session Discretionary 500.00 500.00

65120 · Subscriptions 150.00 2,500.00

65130 · Telephone 3,700.00 3,500.00

65140 · Office Equipment Maintenance 3,000.00 3,500.00

Total 65000 · Program Administration 13,750.00 15,750.00

66000 · Payroll Expenses

66100 · Senior Pastor

66110 · Salary 55,700.00 55,700.00

66120 · Housing Allowance 23,500.00 23,500.00

66130 · Board of Pensions 30,465.00 30,465.00

66140 · Reimbursable Expenses/Auto 3,250.00 3,250.00

66155 · SECA Reimbursement 4,261.05 4,261.05

66170 · Continuing Education 1,250.00 1,250.00

Total 66100 · Senior Pastor 118,426.05 118,426.05

66300 · Music Director

66310 · Salary 63,500.00 63,500.00

66330 · Board of Pensions 22,400.00 22,400.00

66340 · Reimbursable Expenses/Auto 1,500.00 1,500.00

Total 66300 · Music Director 87,400.00 87,400.00

66400 · Lay Staff

66410 · Custodian 12,480.00 12,480.00

66420 · Nursery Workers 8,000.00 7,500.00

66440 · Administrative Assistant 29,120.00 29,120.00

66450 - Youth Director

66451 - Salary 43,000.00

66455 - Reimbursable Expenses 2,000.00

Continuing Education0 1,500.00

Total 66450 - Youth Director 46,500.00

66490 · Lay Pastor


66491 · Salary 36,417.00 36,417.00

66493 · Continuing Education 2,000.00 2,000.00

66495 · Reimbursable Expenses 2,000.00 2,000.00

66490 · Lay Pastor - Other

Total 66490 · Lay Pastor 40,417.00 40,417.00

Total 66400 · Lay Staff 90,017.00 136,017.00

66910 · FICA Taxes 15,699.10 15,000.00

66920 · Medicare Taxes 3,000.00 3,000.00

66930 · Workers Comp Insurance 5,000.00 5,000.00

66990 · Payroll Processing 600.00 1,200.00

66000 · Payroll Expenses - Other 5,000.00 4,500.00

Total 66000 · Payroll Expenses 325,142.15 370,543.05

66900 · Reconciliation Discrepancies

67000 · Fellowship Committee

67010 · Wednesday Night Dinner 7,000.00 7,000.00

67020 - Trips and Events 200.00

67030 · Special Dinners

67040 · Parties 800.00 400.00

67050 · Coffee & Donuts 1,200.00 1,300.00

67060 · 20th Anniversary 500.00

67000 · Fellowship Committee - Other 50.00 200.00

Total 67000 · Fellowship Committee 9,550.00 9,100.00

68000 · Worship/Music

68100 · Music

68110 · Cleaning/Maintenance 350.00 200.00

68120 · Guest Musicians 1,000.00 1,000.00

68130 · Instruments 300.00 300.00

68140 · Kids Praise 300.00 300.00

68150 · Music Library 1,600.00 1,600.00

68160 · Musical Productions 300.00 350.00

68170 · Special Music

68190 · Handbells 200.00 100.00

68100 · Music - Other 250.00 275.00

Total 68100 · Music 4,300.00 4,125.00

68500 · Worship

68510 · Communion Supplies 50.00 50.00

68520 · Decorations 50.00 50.00


68530 · Pulpit Supply

68540 · Sound System 150.00 150.00

68550 · Supplies 700.00 700.00

68500 · Worship - Other

Total 68500 · Worship 950.00 950.00

68000 · Worship/Music - Other

Total 68000 · Worship/Music 5,250.00 5,075.00

69000 · Membership Committee 400.00 400.00

70000 · Misccellaneous Expense

90000 · Building Fund Expenses

90040 · Interest Expense 5,500.00 2,220.00

90060 · Notes Payable Principal 33,500.00 31,080.00

90000 · Building Fund Expenses - Other

Total 90000 · Building Fund Expenses 39,000.00 33,300.00

95000 · Endowment Fund Expenses

95010 · Birthday Fund

Total 95000 · Endowment Fund Expenses

Total Expense 500,667.15 534,073.05

Net Ordinary Income -6,917.15 0.00


Santa Fe Presbyterian Church

Balance Sheet

December 31, 2016

Dec 31, 16


Current Assets


10015 · Checking General OK Fidelity 13,977.88

10030 · ACH Clearing Account 1.00

10050 · CD - Oklahoma Fidelity 51,236.89

10150 · SaFe Day Checking-Fidelity 14,178.21

Total Checking/Savings 79,393.98

Total Current Assets 79,393.98

Fixed Assets

15010 · Land 260,000.00

15050 · Building 2,031,000.00

15100 · Furniture & Equipment 135,000.00

Total Fixed Assets 2,426,000.00

Other Assets

19000 · Endowment Account 263,770.75

19500 · Endowment Birthday Legacy 2,255.57

19750 · Federal payroll tax overpayment -46.62

Total Other Assets 265,979.70

TOTAL ASSETS 2,771,373.68



Current Liabilities

Other Current Liabilities

24000 · Payroll Liabilities

24010 · Board of Pensions Payable 2,644.45

24060 · Savings Plan Payable -431.45

Total 24000 · Payroll Liabilities 2,213.00

Total Other Current Liabilities 2,213.00

Total Current Liabilities 2,213.00


Long Term Liabilities

26010 · PCUSA Note 10230008 51,266.75

Total Long Term Liabilities 51,266.75

Total Liabilities 53,479.75


30000 · Opening Balance Equity 1.00

31000 · Unrestricted Net Assets 2,729,235.29

35000 · Designated Assets

35010 · Flower Fund -14.00

35100 · Mission 200.00

35250 · Presbyterian Women 1,142.42

35300 · Open Designated

35302 · Bible Journeys SS 168.06

35304 · Contemporary SS 833.07

35306 · Discovery SS 694.61

35308 · Congregational Emergency Fund 221.27

35311 · Handbell Fund 898.09

35312 · Assistance fund 200.00

35313 · Pilgrimage fund 23.04

Total 35300 · Open Designated 3,038.14

35315 · Music Fund 1,591.45

Total 35000 · Designated Assets 5,958.01

Net Income -17,300.37

Total Equity 2,717,893.93



Santa Fe Presbyterian Church

Profit & Loss Statement

December 31, 2016

Jan - Dec 16

Ordinary Income/Expense


41000 · Unrestricted Revenue

41010 · Pledged Revenue 29,424.00

41020 · Non-Pledged Revenue 405,280.04

41030 · Loose Plate Offering 6,995.75

41045 · miscellaneous 3,340.50

41060 · Interest Income 441.54

41070 · Rentals 100.00

41080 · Wednesday Night Dinner 6,956.21

41085 · Donated Stock 0.00

41090 · Insurance Reimbursements 16.00

Total 41000 · Unrestricted Revenue 452,554.04

42000 · Building Revenue

42030 · Memorials 0.00

Total 42000 · Building Revenue 0.00

45000 · Designated Revenue

45001 · Christian Education 34.16

45005 · Trips and Events 171.00

45010 · Flower Fund 510.00

45100 · Mission

45102 · Joy Offering 551.00

45104 · One Great Hour 620.00

45115 · Presbytery Urban Mission 2,179.89

45118 · Centsability campaign 3,275.24

45120 · Souper Sunday 50.00

45130 · Southern Oklahoma Presbyterian 651.98

45150 · Crop Walk -40.00

45170 · Goodland Academy 176.00

45186 · Uganda Mission 50.00

45100 · Mission - Other 700.00

Total 45100 · Mission 8,214.11

45200 · Youth

45230 · TYC 2,010.00

45240 · Pumpkin Patch 17,794.74


45200 · Youth - Other 5,294.50

Total 45200 · Youth 25,099.24

45250 · Presbyterian Women

45260 · Least Coin Deposit 0.81

45270 · Hannah Circle 144.81

45280 · Study Books 112.00

45250 · Presbyterian Women - Other 56.07

Total 45250 · Presbyterian Women 313.69

45300 · Open Designated

45301 · Connections Class 93.00

45304 · Contemporary SS 564.75

45306 · Discovery SS 607.00

45308 · Deacon's Fund 594.85

45310 · Music 1,018.10

45315 · Congregational Emergency Fund 1,320.00

45320 · Endowment Birthday $'s 1,218.00

45395 · Cub Scout Pack 94 61.00

45440 · Vacation Bible School 96.00

45450 · Outreach/Evangelism 191.66

45460 · Pilgrimage 565.00

Total 45300 · Open Designated 6,329.36

Total 45000 · Designated Revenue 40,671.56

46000 · SaFeDay School

46010 · SaFeDay Wages 111,418.12

46020 · SaFeDay Payroll Taxes 8,518.72

46025 · SaFe WC Ins 2,451.12

46030 · SaFe Day Reimbursements 313.53

46035 · SaFe Day Payroll Processing 355.17

Total 46000 · SaFeDay School 123,056.66

49500 · Miscellaneous Income 303.28

Total Income 616,585.54

Gross Profit 616,585.54


60000 · Christian Education

60100 · Adult Education


60110 · Curriculum 1,024.75

60120 · Supplies 287.01

60100 · Adult Education - Other 166.74

Total 60100 · Adult Education 1,478.50

60200 · Youth Education

60210 · Curriculum 329.52

60220 · Supplies 820.92

60200 · Youth Education - Other 324.00

Total 60200 · Youth Education 1,474.44

60300 · Childrens Education

60310 · Curriculum 877.69

60320 · Supplies 12.00

60330 · Kids' Club

60350 · Kids' Club Meals 38.03

60330 · Kids' Club - Other 364.61

Total 60330 · Kids' Club 402.64

Total 60300 · Childrens Education 1,292.33

60500 · VBS 970.48

60000 · Christian Education - Other 363.87

Total 60000 · Christian Education 5,579.62

61000 · Deacon's Ministry

61020 · Meals 173.80

61030 · College Care Packages 387.16

61040 · Stephen Ministry 688.72

Total 61000 · Deacon's Ministry 1,249.68

61500 · Stephen Ministry

61510 · Potential New Member Training 151.19

Total 61500 · Stephen Ministry 151.19

62000 · Evangelism

62010 · Advertising 1,619.75

62020 · List Service 231.00

62050 · Signs 569.11

62060 · Special Promotions 1,148.53

62080 · Web Page 450.00

62000 · Evangelism - Other 432.18


Total 62000 · Evangelism 4,450.57

63000 · Mission

63010 · Presbytery General Mission 10,000.00

63020 · Local Mission 598.95

63022 · Edmond Mobile Meals 800.00

63025 · Neighborhood Services Organizat 701.27

63026 · Presbyterian Urban Mission 2,300.00

63027 · Goodland Academy 1,500.00

63055 · Mission Uganda 1,550.00

63060 · Dwight Mission 2,000.00

Total 63000 · Mission 19,450.22

64000 · Plant Administration

64020 · Equipment Rental 701.12

64030 · Janitorial Services 1,300.00

64040 · Janitorial Supplies 646.27

64050 · Kitchen Supplies 1,766.71

64055 · Pest Control 300.00

64060 · Lawn Care 11,100.00

64070 · Property & Liability Insurance 6,847.00

64080 · Repairs & Maintenance 13,261.12

64120 · Utilities 20,033.06

64000 · Plant Administration - Other 572.65

Total 64000 · Plant Administration 56,527.93

64500 · Church Bus

64520 · Insurance 608.00

64530 · License and Fees 245.49

64550 · Gasoline 408.38

64500 · Church Bus - Other 31.98

Total 64500 · Church Bus 1,293.85

65000 · Program Administration

65020 · Computer Software 418.61

65060 · Miscellaneous 1,657.25

65070 · Office Supplies 3,071.97

65080 · Officer Training 171.08

65090 · Pastor Discretionary Allowance 100.00

65100 · Postage 1,094.93

65105 · Session Discretionary 376.98

65120 · Subscriptions 2,479.90


65130 · Telephone 3,759.16

65140 · Office Equipment Maintenance 3,697.94

Total 65000 · Program Administration 16,827.82

66000 · Payroll Expenses

66100 · Senior Pastor

66110 · Salary 55,699.92

66120 · Housing Allowance 23,500.08

66130 · Board of Pensions 32,218.92

66140 · Reimbursable Expenses/Auto 1,632.74

66155 · SECA Reimbursement 4,260.96

66170 · Continuing Education 1,092.94

Total 66100 · Senior Pastor 118,405.56

66300 · Music Director

66310 · Salary 63,499.92

66330 · Board of Pensions 24,081.96

66340 · Reimbursable Expenses/Auto 1,512.21

Total 66300 · Music Director 89,094.09

66400 · Lay Staff

66410 · Custodian 10,550.64

66420 · Nursery Workers 5,726.85

66440 · Administrative Assistant 29,197.00

66450 · Youth Director

66451 · Salary 8,062.41

Total 66450 · Youth Director 8,062.41

66490 · Lay Pastor

66491 · Salary 34,875.31

66493 · Continuing Education 355.31

66495 · Reimbursable Expenses 147.20

66490 · Lay Pastor - Other 1,541.69

Total 66490 · Lay Pastor 36,919.51

Total 66400 · Lay Staff 90,456.41

66910 · FICA Taxes 13,138.59

66920 · Medicare Taxes 2,878.71

66930 · Workers Comp Insurance 4,078.00

66990 · Payroll Processing 615.20

66000 · Payroll Expenses - Other 4,046.62


Total 66000 · Payroll Expenses 322,713.18

66900 · Reconciliation Discrepancies 5.00

67000 · Fellowship Committee

67010 · Wednesday Night Dinner 6,231.98

67020 · Trips and Events 277.26

67030 · Special Dinners 221.50

67040 · Parties 522.84

67050 · Coffee & Donuts 1,319.69

67000 · Fellowship Committee - Other 207.95

Total 67000 · Fellowship Committee 8,781.22

68000 · Worship/Music

68100 · Music

68110 · Cleaning/Maintenance 25.49

68120 · Guest Musicians 1,450.00

68140 · Kids Praise 304.37

68150 · Music Library 1,718.68

68160 · Musical Productions 340.19

68170 · Special Music 74.89

68190 · Handbells 56.84

68100 · Music - Other 263.36

Total 68100 · Music 4,233.82

68500 · Worship

68510 · Communion Supplies 14.99

68520 · Decorations 626.01

68530 · Pulpit Supply 150.00

68540 · Sound System 23.98

68550 · Supplies 863.65

68500 · Worship - Other 324.83

Total 68500 · Worship 2,003.46

68000 · Worship/Music - Other 71.52

Total 68000 · Worship/Music 6,308.80

69000 · Membership Committee 229.74

70000 · Misccellaneous Expense 2,499.56

80000 · Designated Fund Expenses

81000 · Flower Fund 1,023.90

82000 · Mission

82010 · Joy Offering 551.00


82020 · One Great Hour 620.50

82045 · Presbyterian Hunger Fund 655.05

82050 · Local Mission 391.68

82060 · Presbytery Urban Mission 3,384.63

82065 · Edmond Mobile Meals 655.05

82070 · Goodland Academy 936.00

82090 · Southern Oklahoma Presbytery 638.78

82100 · Neighborhood Services Organizat 137.89

82180 · Breakfast on Boulevard 327.52

82000 · Mission - Other 200.00

Total 82000 · Mission 8,498.10

84000 · Youth Ministry

84010 · Activities 166.87

84040 · Mission Trips 1,968.87

84045 · Pumpkin Patch 12,658.75

84050 · Retreats 44.00

84090 · TYC 4,334.20

84000 · Youth Ministry - Other 770.87

Total 84000 · Youth Ministry 19,943.56

85000 · Open Designated Expenses

85020 · Contemporary SS 432.50

85030 · Discovery SS 987.00

85050 · Cub Scout Pack 94 61.00

85250 · Presbyterian Women 372.56

85255 · Hannah Circle 83.00

85315 · Congregational Emergency Fund 588.00

85350 · Pilgrimage 486.92

Total 85000 · Open Designated Expenses 3,010.98

Total 80000 · Designated Fund Expenses 32,476.54

90000 · Building Fund Expenses

90040 · Interest Expense 3,309.12

90060 · Notes Payable Principal 56,928.85

Total 90000 · Building Fund Expenses 60,237.97

95000 · Endowment Fund Expenses

95010 · Birthday Fund 1,218.00

Total 95000 · Endowment Fund Expenses 1,218.00


97000 · SaFeDay

97100 · SaFeDay Payroll

97110 · Wages 107,013.52

97120 · FICA Taxes 3,552.04

97130 · Medicare Taxes 760.87

97140 · Payroll processing 619.77

97100 · SaFeDay Payroll - Other 938.35

Total 97100 · SaFeDay Payroll 112,884.55

Total 97000 · SaFeDay 112,884.55

Total Expense 652,885.44

Net Ordinary Income -36,299.90

Other Income/Expense

Other Income

98000 · Unrecog Gain (Loss) on Endowmt 20,641.67

98100 · Unrecog. G (L) on BD Legacy -2,093.03

98200 · Unrecog. G(L) on Brokerage 450.93

Total Other Income 18,999.57

Other Expense

99999 · Ask My Accountant 0.04

Total Other Expense 0.04

Net Other Income 18,999.53

Net Income -17,300.37


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