sanyu babies home · sanyu abies’ home, p.o. ox 14162, mengo, kampala, uganda tel: +256 414 274...

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Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

Sanyu Babies’ Home Quarterly Newsletter – Issue 29– October – December 2015


Letter from the Chairman Letter from the Director Hello’s & Goodbye’s Christmas celebrated at Sanyu An Update on Mercy Malaika Meet Maama Racheal Volunteer Report Volunteer

Opportunities Sponsor A Child Donations Needed How to Donate Donors this quarter LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN

Happy, Happy, Happy New Year 2016. We thank God for seeing us safely through 2015. We greatly appreciate your love and support, without which the story would have been different and very sad. Through Exodus 2: verse 10, God is saying regarding each one of the babies we receive at Sanyu Babies Home, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I will pay you” – a reward. Such words demonstrate God’s compassion for these babies and constitutes a firm instruction to us which also carries a divine promise. God always keeps his word and each one of you and us can rest assured that our efforts are not in vain. May God sustain our commitment to His service never forgetting His words in Matthew 25: 40, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one

of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Rev. Prof. Sam Luboga – Board Chairman

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR 2015 has been a fruitful year filled with God’s bountiful blessings. I want to take this opportunity to thank God for helping us go through 2015 with the children in very good health. For the first time in our 86 year history, we have not had to mourn the death of a child or staff member at Sanyu. There have been so many challenges but I must declare God’s goodness and faithfulness in protecting and providing for us. It is with awe, gratitude, and honor to God that I rejoice in His Love displayed through all of you our dear friends, partners, volunteers, foster and adoptive families who have worked with us throughout the year. One of our volunteers- Tasha Bailey had this to say; “Sanyu isn’t a place where the abandoned are forgotten. God’s constant wave of hope and pulsating Love are flowing deep and wide through every paint-chipped crib and every faded piece of “SBH” clothing.”

Particularly, allow me to thank the dedicated team of staff at Sanyu for working tirelessly with love and passion. To the Board of Governors, I say thank you, for your guidance, love, and care to the Sanyu family. Remember that; “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” Hebrews 6:10 It’s my prayer that as we allow God to use us in 2016. “We shall not get weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Happy 2016! Barbara Nankya Mutagubya – Director HELLOS AND GOODBYES In the past three months, we have received 5 children, 3 have been re-united with their families, and 4



Owen Nsubuga (1 month old) arrived on 8th Oct 2015;

He was abandoned by a mentally disabled mother

around Wandegeya Market Parking Yard, rescued by

residents and the matter reported to Wandegeya

Police Station.

Jeremiah Mukisa Wabwire (1.5 years old) arrived on

10th October 2015; He was abandoned by a mentally

disabled mother around Wandegeya-Mulago, rescued

by a cyclist who reported the matter to Wandegeya

Police Station.

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

Roy Mirembe (3 days old) arrived on 3rd Dec 2015; She was wrapped in a polythene bag, stuck in a handbag and

left under rain at the exit gate of St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe.

Claire Zoe Nansubuga (1 month) arrived on 9th Dec 2015; She was abandoned by her mother to a Motor cyclist

in Lugala- Kampala.

Edmund Lubulwa (5 weeks) arrived on 24th Dec 2015; He was abandoned by a teenage mother in the premises

of Old Kampala Police Station.


Melissa Nabateregga (5th Oct 2015)

Claire Zoe Nansubuga (14th December 2015)

Balaam Byamukama (18th December 2015)


Robert Kayanja (14th October 2015)

Joy Ainembabazi (6th November 2015)

Isaac Kenneth Kasule (11th November 2015)

Beatrice Nakamya (27th November 2015)


Every child has a soul, is created in the image of God, and therefore should be treated with wonder, awe, and unconditional love. The Incarnation of Christ- God become a child- confirms this human sacredness. We, Christian’s, celebrate this every Christmas- the love of God for mankind in sending his Son, born of a virgin in a fallen world- born to die, to redeem His children. This truth gives us much to celebrate and Sanyu Babies’ Home was able to celebrate this at the Christmas party because of your generosity and love for the littlest of God’s

children. The children enjoyed the party very much, eating and dancing. It brought great joy to my heart to see them dance and laugh, for I was imagining a day when they, like David (2 Samuel 6:14), would dance and sing before the throne of Christ crying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come” (Rev. 4:8).

The Bible has more than 1600 references to children, sons, daughters,

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

and parental relationships with a consistent message calling for the nurture and protection of the young. Children have a vital and valued place in God’s Kingdom, God’s Church, and God’s Mission. Sanyu honors God’s Word in serving these children, rejected by the world. When the world thinks of great men they think of men who possess great power, wealth, who command many men or even armies. But Jesus tells his disciples, that we become great in loving and serving children (Luke 9:46-48), for that is whom His Kingdom belongs too (Luke 18:15-17). Roland Mwesiga of Amazing Grace Crystal Dinning, we thank you for the Sanyu Babies’ Home Christmas party and want to honor your gift because you have honored God, His Word, and these children in allowing us to celebrate Christmas. May God richly bless in this life and in the life to come, where we shall stand before Jesus with the children of Sanyu dancing, laughing, and singing forevermore. By: Sam Petruc

FEATURE: Update on Mercy Malaika

You will all remember from our last newsletter, that Mercy Malaika arrived

at Sanyu on 25th September 2015; weak, underweight and malnourished.

Mercy was born with a congenital upper limb deficiency, meaning that she

has only half her arms.

Despite going through so much in her short life already, we are delighted to

report that Mercy has made great

progress and fantastic

improvements since her arrival.

She has gained weight and her

disposition is brighter and happier

by the day - often melting the

hearts of visitors and volunteers.

Mercy has been receiving twice

weekly physiotherapy, where the focus has been on strengthening her

lower limbs, allowing Mercy the opportunity to explore the use of her

upper and lower limbs in different ways. Mercy has also been assessed

by an orthotist and has had an initial fitting for her prosthetic limbs.

She is currently awaiting the final fitting from where she will begin her

journey of learning how to use her limbs in a new way. This of course

will be a lengthy journey for Mercy, however with the continued

support of the therapy staff, the mamas and teachers, we are sure that

this will make a huge impact in her independence and quality of life in

the long term. Please keep Mercy’s continued improvement in your prayers.

“I don't have a dis-ability, I have a different-ability.”

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)



In Matthew 22 the Pharisees come to Jesus and ask, “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus responds, “to love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “your neighbor as yourself.” When we work at the daily tasks our jobs demand, we are to see our work as the fulfillment of these words, a way of service to God and our neighbor. As Sanyu’s Employee of the Year, Mama Rachael has exemplified this calling. Her love of children, four of her own and the children of Sanyu, stands as witness against a world that rejects children. In Revelation 12:4 Saint John paints a picture of the Devil, seeking to devour the child born of a woman, a picture of his eternal hatred of children. For they represent a power he does not have, a power only God possesses, the power to give life. In the Bible we see Satan’s hatred of children in the slaughter of the infants in Pharaoh’s Egypt (Exodus 1) and Herod’s Bethlehem (Matthew 2), the eating of children in wartime (2 Kings 6), armies ripping babies from pregnant mothers’ wombs (Amos 1). The story has not changed in our day as children are so often caught in the crossfire, so often hurt, so often the victims of a larger conflict in which they have no say, no influence, no responsibility, leaving them vulnerable and alone.

There is a war on children, and we are all, in one way or another, playing some role in it. Through mothering her children and her work at Sanyu, Mama Rachael has been fighting against “the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil” (Ephesians 6:12), standing between vulnerable children and the evil seeking to devour them, as a soldier in the Lord’s Army, standing firm with the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:13). At Sanyu’s Christmas party we celebrated and honored Mama Rachael as Employee of the Year with words of gratitude looking forward to the day when she will be able to stand before her King, Jesus, to hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:21)”.

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)


Arriving from Ireland to volunteer at Sanyu Babies Home for 6 weeks, I really didn't know what to expect. This was first time in Africa, and of course Uganda. Preparing for this trip at home felt futile; you spend time figuring out where you will stay, places you will visit, reading about the culture and of course the organisation itself. But nothing can really prepare you for the experiences you will have, people you will meet and emotions you will undergo. I arrived at Sanyu and, I'm sure like many others, for the first few days my mind was full of thoughts about the experiences these babies have endured before coming to Sanyu.

What trauma they had been through in their short lives already; more than any of us can even comprehend. I soon became overwhelmed by the resilience of these babies, and their ability to receive and display love and affection when placed in a better environment. Being an Occupational Therapist by background, I was naturally drawn towards the therapy side of things in Sanyu. I spent time with the physiotherapist who provides invaluable input to babies in need on a regular basis. I found myself focusing on those babies who would benefit from extra input to help them reach important developmental milestones at this crucial stage in their lives. In particular, my attention was drawn towards a young boy who arrived just 1 week before I did. With an estimated age of 2 1/2 years, he was not walking, talking and made no attempts to interact with those around him. He was withdrawn and isolated - I would often find him crawling around on this own, away from others. Despite initial concerns that there was a physical reason for this, it quickly became evident that neglect played a huge role in his condition. With the input and stimulation from everyone at Sanyu, the improvements over the coming weeks were subtle but staggering. The day I witnessed some of his first steps, I was fit to burst with pride and joy - just like any proud mamma! Each day saw an improvement in his self-esteem and confidence. His ability to begin standing up independently also meant that he was able to stand up for himself amongst the other kids; he began doing normal things such as stealing toys and vying for attention! It was an absolute joy to behold, and an experience I will never forget. Whist he may still have a long way to go, he is just one example of how, thanks to the love and support of all at Sanyu, these babies are given the chance of a full, healthy and happy life. Being a part of this journey for a short while was an absolute privilege and joy, and an experience I will cherish forever.

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

Volunteer Opportunities at Sanyu Babies’ Home

We offer a number of ongoing opportunities to come and volunteer at Sanyu. On site is our guesthouse, which provides each volunteer with a comfortable and safe place to stay while being steps away from the babies’ home. Please check our website for more information. We’re also on Facebook; LIKE AND SHARE!

Sponsor a Child Would you like to sponsor a child at Sanyu Babies’ Home? For just 233,496 Ugandan shillings (£53/$96/€65) you can help sponsor a child’s food, sanitation, medication and education for a full month. In return you will receive twice yearly an update and a photo of your child. This sponsorship will help the most vulnerable children in Uganda and change the lives of children at Sanyu Babies’ Home. Please contact Barbara, the Director if you can help us by sponsoring one of our babies.

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

Donations Needed Sanyu Babies’ Home relies almost entirely on the generosity and support of friends like you. Over the years, we have received many donations which have been enormously valuable to the home and especially the children. We thank you for all your love and support. However, we are always in need of contributions to keep the home running. Our wish list is endless and includes some of the following;

Lactose free baby formula milk

Baby formula milk (Cow & Gate 1)

Feeding bottles

Pampers / disposable nappies in various sizes from newborn to toddlers’ pull ups

Baby wipes

Baby rocking chairs/ soother chairs for the classroom

Disposable gloves

Food – rice, milk, sugar, eggs, fresh fruits, vegetables, matooke, potatoes (sweet and irish), fish, meat, peanut butter, blue band, ground nuts, etc ...

Milton Sterilising tablets or own brand sterilising tablets.

Cleaning products – ie. Detergent, bleach, washing up liquid/soap, washing detergent, stationery for administration work and classroom

Activities, toys, books, arts and crafts suitable for nursery class.

Kids toothbrushes and kids toothpaste

Kids shoes – Croc style (rubber type flip flops)

How to Donate You can do international transfer via the following bank details or by cash and or cheque written out to: Beneficiary Bank Details: Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Limited 5 Speke Road, Kampala, P.O. Box 7111 Account Name: Sanyu Babies’ Home UGX Account No: 0102010619500 USD Account No: 8702010619500 Sort Code: 08-02-47 Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited City Branch, Kampala Road Account Name: Sanyu Babies’ Home UGX Account Number: 9030005856247 Sort Code: 31008, Swift Code: SBICUGKX You can also send money using the MTN Mobile money collection line – 0788162147. You can post items to: PO Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Please ensure you let the Director know if you send any donations so they can be looking out for them. Send us an email: or call: +256 414 274 032 or +256 712 370 950

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

Donors – We thank you! Every gift that is given to Sanyu is so appreciated and we want to thank everyone who has given to the children of Sanyu. The donors listed have given in cash and also in kind (formula, food, clothes, toys etc.) and we know that it is the heart of the giver, not the size of the donation. Thank you so much for your kind hearts! This list is for October, 2015 to December, 2015. Namirembe Diocese, Aclaim Africa, Worship Harvest Ministries, Mrs. Sarah Mulwana, Mrs. Dorothy Lubega, Major Benjamin Mwesigwa, Mr. Roland Mwesiga, Mr. Ronald Buule, Hope Amolin, Flavia Okum, William Matovu, Robinah Nakawunde, Angela Nsereko, Stella Nampunde, Henrry Mbeera,Evelyn Atim, Peter Waniaye, Nelson Waswa, Teo Nanyange, Geofrey Ndiwalana, Claver Babi Peter, Robina Ssebuggwawo, Rhodest Adong Sanday, Amara Kirabo, Juma sentongo, Edith, Rock & Success, Ber Mc Grath, Mike, Richard, Redeemer Church- Virginia, Ashaba Gogwin, G & W Investment, Blessing Atuhaire, Camiilla Winlison, Bikobere Joy, Josephine Magoba, Nsubuga Mark, Asiimwe Amos Patrick, Lusiba Andrew, Kweya Muhire Emmanuel, Joseph Aliker, Kiyaga K. Samuel, Nyanzi Lameck, Nyendo Ronald, Agatha Zake, Chew, Kulubya D, Patricia, Zawedde Susan Leah, Hassan & Kansiime Aisha, Joy M, leven C, Denis, Barbara Namutesi, Patrick Kasirye, Nsubuga Mark, Nalwanga Caroline, Richard Katiso, Mr Kamya Christop[her, Mulago School of Medicine, Birungi Joanita, Mr& Mrs Richard Mutyaba, Aclaim Uganda, Namugongo Martyrs Church of Uganda, A.C.K Kagio Deanery Kikinyaga Diocese Kenya, Tony Bourke, Mr Denis Kulubya, Namirembe Diocese, Lubega Edward, Mr Amivali Kazan & Family, Kampala Bptist Church, Ruth Gibbs, Rev Jane Namugenyi, Madam Nakaweesa, Mwebe Timothy, Kkonde Brasio, Arthur, Alexandar M, Ronald Nyende, Beatrice Basudde, Sekitto, Muhangi Margaret, Hueyen Lam Carrie, Erick Ntalo & Rehema, Christopher Kamya, Janet OPela, Dr. Eleanor Namusoke, Crytal Lau, Musiime Beneth, Bhaset Blushan, Worship Harvest Ministries, Kampala University ECD Dept, Ntulume Sam, Yiga Simon, Matovu Rita, Margaret Kiggundu, Nabatanzi J, Sebunya Kasule, Ahimbisibwe Mbabazi, Nathaniel Okoroudo, Ruth S & Family, Kawoya’s Family, Nyakaisiki Ednar, Justine c/o Ednar, Nakibirango Irene, Lobe & Family, Lammela’s Family, Inter-Mech Enterprise Ltd, Au Wai, Charity Alesi, Events 101, Miriam Nanyonga, Nabugo Esther, Kisita Family, Asiimwe David, Sempijja Benjamine Matsiko, Kihumuro Gordon, Carla Violet, Eng. Betty Nabboja & Fiona W, Kayondo Joseph, Kabanda Benard, Moses & Patricia Kyazze, Herbex Kizito, Adah K Mwanga & Family, Ariel Manne Paca & Zach L, Henry & Jennifer Sekawungu, Hyvinkaa Church, Mengo P/S Scouts, Kisakye Jackline, Naluzzi Victoria, Jay LTD, , Multi Choice Uganda, Kwizera Sheila, Steven Bingi ,Esther Wilson, Nambatya Faith, Batte Dennis, Nantogo Angel Gary Ward, Acheng Flavia, Lilicore Nalouz, Pegah Sheirzad, Stephanie Card, Walusimbi family, Ssazi Richard, Amrei Von Blaun, Nabwami Eunice, ST M Kalemba S S, Krishna Hare Rama, Sandra Kisakye Nanyonga, Kukiriza Martin Semakula, Nasiima Elias, Ndibalekera Maria, Kesiime Christine, Bulega Peter Mugabi J, Namuleme Stella Senteza, Buule Ronald, Grace life Healing and deliverance church, Light secondary and Vocational School Bulenga, Josephine Nyuma, Kwaka Leah, Gursharn Singh Panesar, Jjayi, Mayanjja Alex, Mugwanya Summit College Kyengera, Nadir Ali, Jyoti Sharma, Donor Patel Bonny, Josephine Nylema, Fine pear, Annabel, Laura, Tamsin, Uphill College Mbuya, Marish Designs Shifah Musisi Nalubega,Anselk, Sarah, Vixen,Ecla, Ivan, Ann, Clare, Momo, Mbabazi, Kirsty and Audrey, Amen Jivari, Ram Chandeji, Sekitto A Karam, KISU Roseline Beauty, Margret Lubega, ENG and MRS Kalegga, Eshare, Ram, Rwagisha family, Mpambara, Mrs Rehema Musisi, Julie Jones, Kampala Blessed Academy P/S King of kings College, Shate Ram, Naalya S S Namugongo, Margo Delgado, Dlane Schiling, Namanya Patience, Sandra Tumusiime, Beatrice Atyanga, Robert Bbale family, Berea Baptist Church, Mbabazi Patience, Assimwe Blessing, Shahinaz Sabel, Nohanngo Afoora Unnisa, Flying Eagles, Triumph, Favoured, Independent, Ngobi Mohammed, Jimmy Ayodele Akinola, Nakiwala Fatuma IUIU, Mukwaaya Muzamilu, Levent C, Eswap Frans, Phillip and Nina Rukikaire and kids, Simon, Lynette and Prince, The family of Mr. and Mrs. Kitandwe of Lungujja, Rwenzori Anglican Youth missioners ST Francis Chapel MUK, Irene Musaala and Mike, Himat Ali Yassin, Fred Kyobe, Lubaga KCCA, Stella Kakai, Uganda JICA EX-participants association, Japan International co-operation, Halima Ndagire, Kaishna Patel, Gracious fellowship, Nitish Kuman, Hon.Oryem Okello and Mrs Oryem Okello,Namugenze Mpemba, Steven and Prudence Able, Rodigo and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Tibaleka and family,Nakibowa Prossy, Raymond Luyinda, Kalhanna Kutter, Hatty Barthop, Liitle steps early learning centre, Regal paints Uganda ltd, Patel Ankit, Aguth Nagujan, Jumba Michael, Kanyakere Bruce family, Budo junior school guides and scouts, Eva Hellgren, Keshwani family, Monish and FLY. Salim, Loy and Monica , Ilonka Hoving, Ssekibaamu Karim, Nikola Cattermoul,Mr Biswade Bhattacharya, Shree Kutch Satasang temple Kampala, Nambalirwa Florence, Nambooze Sarah, Ssenjobe Simon Peter, Nansamba Joyce, Bake for me, Oath generation ministries, Keshwani, Ramel S Patel, Kazibwe Peter, Ema signitus, Betty A,

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

Byarugaba Richard, Mrs Namaganda Olivia, Madam Nakaweesa C, George Karo, Mukasa Bonny, Gilbert Yewande Kamuntu and micah Josiah Kamuntu, Bagala Nurudin, Nalongo Tedy, Sarah Christine Nalwoga, Sekyanzi Ahmed, Sukhveer Jhass, Fred kasozi, Norah Mukisa, Kishor Modwadia, life line ministries Bukasa, Tibenda Nicholas, Namuyitto Juliet, Ronald Elly Kimuli, Mrs. Kitandwe Catherine, Mrs. Bbosa Ruth, Christ Heart church mukono, Harriet zalwango, Margret Kiwanuka, Mr. Asvin Patel, Chapmans, Max, Kalyesubula Edward, winning souls for Christ outreach ministries, Maddanma Kaweesa, Nsibuka Luke KCCA, Bravo junior school, Assimwe Jovia, Irene Nanyonga, Major Benjamin Mwesigwa, Alghamdi Mosaad Alisa, Temia Shiellah, Nalubega Fatuma, Irene Nalugga, Stanley and Doreen Musiime, Sharon, Ashlegh, Alvin, Derro, East Africas Trucker ltd, Africaza, Victo Nalule, Nalubombwe Hellen, Nabirye Suzan, Kayera Mariam kirabo, Aluma Kingsey, Hampo, Nasozi Agnes, Delphine Kitengie, Evelyne Tumuhaire, I have a future for God alone, Kara Shamji, Diplomats friends club,Nakumatt Village mall Bugolobi, Yeyi cao, Sserunkuma Sumaya, Paul Ukechukwu, Tayebwa Annet, Noella, Shalom, Hope Imara, Ldyia Bakashabaruhanga, Muyinba John Vianney, Hillary Nabimanya, Frank Unachukwu, Ekoh Ekene, Nwosu Chris Emeodi, Olwwer, Innocent Ani Onoh, Bazie Henry, Namugerwa Florence, Matovu Herman, Stella and Rose Walusimbi, Winnie, Hazel, Danniella, Gabriella, Emmanuel Barungi, Dhansukh, Rakesh, Kalpesh Patel, Shamji Rara, Kanyesigye Rachel Comfort, Nakakande suzan, Sali and family, Mr. Kakooza, Kabanda BERNARD, Kokutorah Florence, AlisonHarcort, Kumar Shasma, Clyde Zelch, Evelyn Musinguzi, Clement Rugomwa, Nakanwagi Olivia, Kavuma Ivan, Frank and Shiela Gashumba, Simbwa Herbert, Amara and Agatha, Sarah Kalyango, Brian Umony, Friday, Ruth, Peter, James, Mr Dipak Patel, Lukka vipil, Dorah Niwamanya, Ruth Kamuteera, Amy Rossetto, Johns Hoykins, Eric Rice, Susan Nalugo, Sylvia Katoroogo, Nicholas, patricia, World vision Australia, Hellen mutesi Mwanjje, Shashi Ravsi, Levent, Nalme, Akusa Tuma, Rebecca Banoba, Samantha, Donna Warner, Ian McDaniels, Susan, Hirego Susan, Joy Balamba, Namisango Sabrinah, Kemigisa sheialah, Musa M, Jingo Fazil, Sali Julius, George Kaulback, Dadye Sam and family, Lucky and Lillian, Harriet Adong, Max imports and exports, Kishore and Chetna Nawani, Tomomi Yoshikawa, Elise Laura Mary, Leila Najjuko, Byansi Lydia, Sylvia Tegyeza, Kansiime Catherine, Namatovu Christine, Nalubega Mary, Pastor Michael, KCCA, Nanyonga Mayi Mayega, Nalwoga Mariam, Kyembe Karim, Kyemya Justine, Juliet Kaggwa, Bagenzi Brendah, Nzogi Richard, Nsubuga Stephen, Mulidwa Tumuhaise, Beebwa wandira Arnold, Ssali Miles Moses, Barry, Mrs .Kirumira Suzan, Isabelle, Mubiru Eddy, Mwenyango Irene, Kasolo Sheila, Osma Kayanja, Allen Kagoya, Jackie Kisakye, Eeron Esther, Eve Kibirango, Nanyombi Eron, Kwikiriza Lilly Dorothy, Kobusingye Winnie, Pamela Kisibo, Sophie Nanteza, Naama Kayihura, Esther B, Nakannyo Margret, Williams Prossy, Halai construction ltd, Ssenga Abdul, Barbra Settiba Home cell, Aida Obiga, Nampozza Annet, St Peters S.S Naalya, Dr. M. Buchanan, Daniel Kaggwa, Esther Bashaijja, Patrick Asiimwe, Church of Christ UK, Banansagawa Deo ,Robert Potter, Amin Popatia , Amirali Kazani, Louise Roth, Ruthdal, Bente, Grace, Ajambo, Olivia mama juice, Baagala Robert, Women of Acts, Johard Castle, Samatha BA crew, Schmidt Gita, Kalungi Jane, Nalukwago Joyce, Namuli Mary, Sunday school Rubaga Cathedral, John Sembatya, Xaverians, Zion Saints Ministries, Stella Nattembo, Ngobi Mohammed,Nicholas Kyamzi, Gifa Roem Schmiat, Steffea Moldow, YS Men’s club, Easther gloria, Bagala Noordin, Bonnie King, Kalema Anthony, Hardir Bhatt, Jasubem Nanzibhai Ashami, Daina Nankya, Muyimpa John Vian, Yhadijah Nsamba, Jatinda Kumaq, Isaac M. with family and friends, Patel Ankit, Abbey, Mark and Sam from England, Mill, Catherine Gautrey, Nanteza Hanifa, Mugambwa Paul, African Skies, Onyedede’s Family, Dr. Agne Bamuwange, Nasiime B.&Pallen Mugabe, Agath Nagajan, God’s remnant Assembly, Christina Katwesige, Esther Bashaija, Namaseruka, Kenne & Freddy Hass, Eng & Mrs. Kalegga, TresTrompth, Muteesa University students, Mr&Mrs. Zak, Godfrey FDN sch Bunamwaya, Edith, Margret Lutimba, Peak Kindergarten, Sravan Gathe, Josie& Sophia Owen, Mrs. Bogere, Sajmin Popatia, Kampala blessed academy, Tuhirirwe dorcus, St. Lawrence University, Nanyonjo Josephine, Mulindwa Jennifer, Kukiliza A. Susan Batwala, Isha&Sarh Mwesigwa, Kasirye Winnie, Bernice& Michael Batamba, Doreen Kintu, Jemimah Barigye, Cills Oven, Rotary Uganda Kampala zone1, Movit Products LTD, Little Cranes Bugoloobi, Kirabo Gerald, Little Cranes Naguru, Gord & Julia Roddy, Viyjaya, Galabuzi Mike, Ibrahim Doukour, Levent C, Musiime Consolate, Siva Koti, Kemigisha Harriet, Shamim & friends from Kiwatule, Mrs. Muwanga, Fairchild Pre-school, Mr.&Mrs. Okumu, URA records & regismes fellowship, Matovu Francis, Ayub Chineds, Pastor Elizabeth Kyalimpa, Zaburoni, Buddo S.S, Max improts, Save a Life Uganda, Joy Ssali, Mr. Amirali Kazini and family, Ram Blasose, Bazie Henry, Ugochukwu Okafor, Goshen Hostel Mengo, Firoz Sayani, Locks&SCCS, Nairuba Damali, Nsubuga abas, Branda Sadra, In-Line-Print Services, Patrick Batte, Abigail Confctionery, Kirabo Gerad, Debra, Jasmine Petrah Alex Carissa Hidalgo and Edga Emirates Dubai, Crystal Lau, Obiyo Family, Joy Tukahirwa, Kampala Parents school, Sam Petruc,

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

Joel&Jeremy, Lubwama Henry, Ambassodar Sheklah Princess Obia and Team, Mazzi Shillah, Janet Laker Opira, Eric Ntalo&Rehema, Kiyaga Aaron, Keshwani Yasin, Aluma Kingsley, Sarah Namuyonga, Sseruwagi Benson, Mangolds Holiday Camps, Abas Nsubuga, Mrs. Rose Byaruhanga, Kampala University ECD dept, Kamikazi, Jiwani Naseeruddin, Madma Kishor, Eunice Nkomeje, KCCA Lubaga, Emma, Besigye Elizabeth, Shan, Mulindwa Nelson, Kisakye Nicole, Purse of Hope, Teachers’ Association, Megah Industries Roayal foam, Teen&tots Safaris Ltd, Mr&Mrs. Deo Butaka, Ndaruzi Hawa& Celina Natocho, Faith Namugoji, Michael and Petrina Kawooya, Kobe Brian, Confort Namaweje & Shamim, Cissy Kyeyune, Yves Makumbi, Mrs. Elizabeth Wamanga, Joint Medical stores, Mega Supermarket, Evely, Susan Kirumira, radhe Engineering Co.Ltd, Betty Akollo, Kiwanuka, Dr.&Mrs. Sejjaaka’s family, Collin Khisa, Dipa, Hope message church, Kyampisi children’s ministry, The helping hand network, Kerstin, In Baptiste, M.Lorna, Abbey Sam and Mark, Akot Fanella Justine, Sseruwagi Benson, Kabanda Catherine, Barbara Nayebare, Mbabazi Barbara, Musiimenta Derrin, Walugembe Jojo, Joane Lyavala Okulu, Sara Bentan, Cerey Joles, Damien Childress, Madison Warner, Kyamugisha Belinda, Katende Musa, Mr&Mrs. Tibaleka, Lwebuga Phillip&Alice Kyeyune, Nadia Sahil Kotadia, Bryn Stephen Nyanga, Uringi , Sekitto Karim, Lydia Balubuliza, Hadson& Emmanuelle, Nakayaga Mary, Sophie Nakato, Muna Hirsi, Bambuuza S, Mr. Katende& family, Philip Stone, Mariam Kaddu Nalule, Dhanji Mepani, Zach Lavie & Ariel Manne, Mulungi Resty, Mrs. Adah K. Muwanga& family, Kizito Herbert, Kabenge’s family, Stella Kakai, Norah, Apolo& Anne kyeyune, Esther Kisaakye, Rev. Paul Wasswa Ssembira& MrsTamar Ssembiro, Salongo& Nalongo Muhwezi Milton, Mohanned Afoora, Erick Kakaire, Kaband bernad, Mukasa Richard, Moses&Patricia Kyazze, Kayondo Joseph, Carla Violet, Mafabi Joseph, Kijjambu Ronnie, Nvirigabo Chaples, Eng. Betty Nabbaso, Kawana David, Kihumuro Gordon, Bamuroho Ronarld, Sempijja Benjamin, Mwesigwa Jack, Ocen Bonny&Jalo Isaku, Lawrence &Aisha, Susan serumaga, Arthur Nshemerairwe, Samuel Joel&Janel Kasujja, Muyinza Amos, Mrs. Dinesh Kambley, Mrs. Faith Luwarila, Nabukwasi Edrina, Canon Sentongo, Timoth Kasumba, Njunaki Christopher, Julian Komuhangi, Patrick Katagaya, Twinomugisha Molly, Jimmy Katumba, Passion for children team, Ednar Nyakayisiki, Ronald Buule, Prossie Nalweyiso, Justine Olivia Kasule, Ssenoga family, Amusolo Teddy, UAE exchange, Bellah Charity org, Christ King CTk prayer, Ann Touray, Birungi Barbara, Grace Foundation USA, Nelson Mushabe, Jesus Explosive Ministries, Nalubega Aisha, Brian K, Mr. Mpamizo David, Asiimwe Hamidu, Zaddock Associates, Nakyaja Jovitah, Rock& Success Co, Liarant Mareselynam, Bharat Bhistan, Chzrandan Single, Nantongo Doreen, Barbara Namutesa, Rose Nkilembwe & Hope Amoline.

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold

water to one of these little ones because he is

my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will

certainly not lose his reward.” Matthew 10:42

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