sap change and transport management

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sap transport, sap se09, stms, transport system in sap, sap change managment


SAP Change and Transport Management

- Presented By

Ravi Jain


• Introduction • Change and Transport System• Clients & their roles • System Landscape• Basics of Transport control• Transport Layer• Transport Route• Transport Strategy• Transport with Import Queue• Procedure of Mass Import• Procedure of Single Import

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• Transport Strategy• Transport Workflow• Transport Organizer• Working with Transport Organizer• Functions in Transport Organizer• Change Request• Roles in Change & Transport System • Thank you !!!• Appendix A - Selected Transaction Code• Appendix B - Steps of Activity for TMS• Appendix C - Version Managements

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SAP's Transport management system represents the centralized change and transport system CTS for all R/3 systems.

Features :-

Enable SAP Admin to manage SAP R/3 Change RequestEnable SAP Admin to manage SAP R/3 Change Request

Streamlined Change ManagementStreamlined Change Management

Minimize human interventions in handling transport requestMinimize human interventions in handling transport request

Helps you in organizing development projectsHelps you in organizing development projects

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Change & Transport System

• CTS is the central tool for managing changes to Customizing and Repository data

• CTS records all changes in change requests

• changes in change requests can be linked together logically, or can be completely independent of each other • When you have finished your work, you can release the request •The change request is then used to copy the changes from this client to other clients or systems. This automatic procedure is known as a transport.

• Transports of changes by the CTS allow you to develop in one environment, test your development work in a test environment, and then, if the tests are successful, use it productively

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Clients and Their Roles

We can divide clients into mainly three category :-

CUST :- - SAP system landscape requires a client where Customizing settings, and possibly ABAP Workbench developments, can be made. client is known as the Customizing and development client, or Customizing client for short. The abbreviation CUST is used for this client

QTST :-- Before you can use the Customizing settings and Workbench developments productively, you need to test them extensively for errors. The client where these tests are made is the Quality Assurance Client, QTST for short.

PROD :-- Separate client is required for productive use of the SAP System. This client is known as the Production Client, PROD for short.

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System Landscape

Three-System Landscape Two-System Landscape

One System Landscape

A transport layer is assigned to each development class and thus to all the object in that class. Transport layer determines :-

• in which SAP system development or changes to the repository objects are made

• weather objects are transported to other system within the group.

• all the project developed in the same system and transported on the same transport route are grouped together to form a transport layer.

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Basics of Transport Control - Transport Layer

There are two types of transport route :-

• Consolidated Routesto make the changes transportable, we set up consolidate route for each

transport and specify the source system (dev system) and target system (quality system)

Any modified object that have consolidate route setup for their transport layer are Included into transportable change request.

• Delivery Routes to transport the work to production system or other SAP system, we need

delivery routes.

We can setup routes between source and target system via :-• parallel forwarding• multilevel forwarding

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Basics of Transport Control – Transport Route

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Transport Route example via Multilevel Delivery

In more complex system Landscape, in layered dev

project that have each other as Sources

We can activate multipleDelivery route in sequence

Any changes to customizing object or Repository object in the development system, do not automatically transported to target system.

Two procedure to use import Queue to perform import :-

Mass Transport Single Transport

Make changes


Release a Change request

Placed on the import

Queue of the system

Perform Import

To use import queue

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Transport with Import Queue

• This procedure imports all the request waiting for import in the queue.

• This is good solution if we have large number of transport to administrator

• it’s a secure way

Process Map :-

Configure transport Route

Btw dev / quality &production

Define Mass importAs the import


Specify the datesWhen you want to

Execute mass import

Admin can Schedule the

Import periodically

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Procedure of Mass Import

We opt for Single Import under following situation :-

• for infrequent transportation

• if organization doesn’t include fixed import times.

• or if we want to maintain production system directly with correction

Process Map :-

Configure transport Route

Btw dev / quality &production

Release the modified

Objects associated With change


Import individualChange request

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Procedure of Single Import

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Transport Strategy

Client Landscape &Transport Routes

Transport Schedules


Quality Assurance

Single Imports / Mass Import

Transport Workflow

Decide which client & system you need and

project to be developed in which client

To keep the dependencies under control, set up the transport schedule

For quality assurance, check all the request in the quality system before they being

delivered to other systems – TMS

Use project to schedule the

transport as well

Decide if have to opt for single transport or

mass transport

This method automatically triggers

a workflow ensure close communication

bet developer and admin

It provides a framework for transporting enhancement or new development. It provides a direct connection between development and transport administration.

Ways to use transport workflow :-

• Transport Workflow as transport strategy

• Special transport workflow (mass transport)

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Transport Workflow

Create Transport


Proposal Contains Required Transport


Proposal Appear in TMS

Work list

Admin Approves

Or reject it

Admin Can

change it

As well

if approves

TMS imports

Transport Request Into target


if import

is Successful


Complete The


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Transport Workflow – Process Diagram

A set of tools in the SAP systems for managing development project in the ABAP workbench and in customizing and for preparing and managing transportation between the SAP system.

Features :-

• Provide functions for creating, documenting and release of change request.

• to reorganize development landscape.

• can call by SE09 / SE10

There are multiple ways to manage and record the changes for the object, which are being discussed further.

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Transport Organizer

Steps involve while working with the Transport Organizer :-

• Record Changes in the Change request

• working with Change request from creation to release.

• checking weather transported request were successful or not.

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Working with Transport Organizer

A source of information in the transport organizer that records and manage all the modification made to repository and customizing settings during a development work.

Types :-

• Workbench Request

• Customizing Request

• Transport of Copies

• Relocations

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Function in the Transport Organizer- Change Request

A source of information in the transport organizer that records and manage all the modification made to repository and customizing settings during a development work.

Few Points :-

• for every change to the repository object we need to assign that to specified workbench request.

• From the system setting (if transport route is defined for the package of these objects) system determines if weather the change request are transportable and to which target system

• we can only save the changes if we assign object to a change request.

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Workbench Request

Change request for coping and transporting changed system setting from client specific tables.

Few points :-

• Customizing request record client-specific customizing settings made in a single client.

• Customizing request in the SAP System are all transportable or local depend on System settings.

• System uses Standard Transport layer to determine automatically if change request are transportable and to which target system.

•we can only save the changes if we assign object to a change request.

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Customizing Request

• transport object to a specified SAP system.

• object are transported with the current version in SAP system.

• original location of the object will remain

• no delivery to another SAP System.

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Transport of Copies

• Relocation without package change• to create object into another SAP system for temporary basis• It is having same functions as transport of copies• It allows you to move original location of object.

• Relocation with package change• Opt this type if want to change the development system for a object for permanent basis.• Allows you to change the original location of object.

• Relocation of complete package• Opt this solution when development system of a complete package is to be changed.• it allows us to change the transport layer of the package.

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Releasing Change Request

Create Request

Create Task

Use Request Editor to edit the content of CR / Task

Object check when Releasing request

Release Task

Release Change Request

Create a request in transport organizer or editing object

Add new task to the existing CR

Use request editor to edit the CR and task. We can write document, edit properties &

edit object list

If the check process is activated, cant release the

request unless it is error free

When you release a task, the object entry it contains r

copied to the object list of CR

Final release Change request

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High Level Diagram

The change and the transport system offers the following two roles :-

• Transport Administrator• Super user authorized to import new SAP software• Routine transport task like import, approving changes etc• having t-code SA38, STMS, RZ20

• Transport Operator • operator is responsible for routine task suck as import, approve software changes, transport, tracking import• using alert monitor to monitor to transport domain• using import tracking functions to check transport• analyze and edit the contents of transport request.

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Roles in the Change & Transport System

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Thank you !!!

Configuring TMS

Configuring transport


Configuring transport


Choose a Transport


Configure transport


Configure QA Approval


Perform Transport

Import Overview

Displaying & change the

import queue

Import request

Update Import overview &

Import Queue

Check the Import


Monitoring Transport

Approve / Reject


Process Request

Delete Request from

QA Work List

Display the QA history

Quality Assurance


Transport Workflow



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Appendix A - Steps of Activity for TMS

Transaction Code FunctionSTMS Initial Screen of Transport

Management System

STMS_QUEUE Display the import queue

STMS_IMPORT Import queue of the current SAP System

STMS_INBOX TMS work list

STMS_FSYS Create / Change TMS System

STMS_DOM TMS system overview

STMS_PATH TMS transport routes


STMS_TCRI Display / Change Critical transport objects

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Appendix B - Selected Transaction Code

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Appendix C – Version Management Of Repository Object

Version Management is active for all the objects. It serves different purpose and user group :-

• The developer can keep track of his or her work.

• The developer can restore previous version by reactivating it.

• System admin can monitor the work

• It enables customer to use the system to adjust the data after they have upgraded to new release

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