sarus exchange program 2011 - seminar 5 in vietnam

Post on 27-May-2015






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SEMINAR 5 IN CAN THO CITY.Our weekend with children

We started with a lesson from Professor Le Dinh Bich. He gave us a lecture about history and culture of the South of Vietnam.

A nice photo with all members of Sarus.

Then we visited the House of Children where orphans, street children and poor children can study.

We made a circle and started up before the activities.

Khanh, a medicine student, was teaching the children how to brush their teeth properly through funny pictures.

Then the chilren had teamwork activity

…and learnt to speak in front of the crowd.

They had to explain what the picture was about, and learnt the messages of protecting their living environment

This boy was super confident.

The manager of the House was talking to us about the difficulties of children in Can Tho city.

Finished our first day.

In the morning of Sunday, we visited the Nhip Cau Foundation, which is the place where the handicapped work.

They made fake eyelashes,

… and souvenir made of the skin of coconut.

We took a look at the place where they work to make beautiful souvenirs.

And another afternoon with children.

They are so active.


Look funny, huh, they were learning the right way to wash their hands.

We had to work so hard to keep them on their seats.

However, they calmed down when drawing.

At the end of the day, we gathered together and share what we had learnt from the Seminar.

We really had a great weekend, and got many interesting experiences in teaching children.

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