satellite sar remote sensing of great lakes ice cover

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Satellite SAR Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Ice Cover, Part 2.Ice Classification and Mapping

George A. Leshkevich1,* and Son V. Nghiem2

1National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationGreat Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory

2205 Commonwealth BoulevardAnn Arbor, Michigan 48105

2Jet Propulsion LaboratoryCalifornia Institute of Technology

4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 300-235Pasadena, California 91109

ABSTRACT. During the 1997 winter season, shipborne polarimetric backscatter measurements ofGreat Lakes (freshwater) ice types using the Jet Propulsion Laboratory C-band scatterometer, togetherwith surface-based ice physical characterization measurements and environmental parameters, wereacquired concurrently with Earth Resource Satellite 2 (ERS-2) and RADARSAT Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) data. This polarimetric data set, composed of over 20 variations of different ice types measured atincident angles from 0° to 60° for all polarizations, was processed to radar cross-section to establish alibrary of signatures (look-up table) for different ice types. The library is used in the computer classifica-tion of calibrated satellite SAR data. Computer analysis of ERS-2 and RADARSAT ScanSAR images ofGreat Lakes ice cover using a supervised classification technique indicates that different ice types in theice cover can be identified and mapped, and that wind speed and direction can have an influence on theclassification of water as ice based on single frequency, single polarization data. Once satellite SAR dataare classified into ice types, the ice map provides important and necessary input for environmental pro-tection and management, ice control and ice breaking operations, and ice forecasting and modelingefforts.

INDEX WORDS: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Great Lakes, ice, classification, mapping,RADARSAT, ERS-2, satellite, remote sensing.

J. Great Lakes Res. 33:736–750Internat. Assoc. Great Lakes Res., 2007


In his recommendations for Great Lakes ice re-search, Marshall (1966) concludes that “studies areneeded to classify Great Lakes ice types, their dis-tribution and drift during the winter, and the subtlechanges in albedo and imagery which mark thegradual disintegration of the ice and the imminentbreakup.” Early investigations by various re-searchers were conducted to classify and categorizeice types and features (Chase 1972, Bryan 1975), tomap ice distribution (McMillan and Forsyth 1976,Leshkevich 1976), and to monitor and attempt toforecast ice movement with remotely sensed data

*Corresponding author. E-mail:


(Strong 1973, McGinnis and Schneider 1978,Rumer et al. 1979, Schneider et al. 1981). Most ofthe early classification and mapping research onGreat Lakes ice cover was done by visual interpre-tation of satellite and other remotely sensed data(Rondy 1971, Schertler et al. 1975, Wartha 1977).Owing to the size and extent of the Great Lakes andthe variety of ice types found there during the win-ter, the timely and objective qualities in computerprocessing of satellite data make it well suited forsuch studies.

In the world’s largest freshwater surface, cover-ing an enormous area of 245,000 km2 with adrainage basin extending 1,110 km north-south and1,390 km east-west, ice cover is inherently a large-scale problem. The ice cover of the Great Lakes is a

Satellite SAR Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Ice Cover, Part 2 737

strong climate indicator, and its seasonal change insurface cover has a profound impact on regional en-vironment, ecology, economics, navigation, andpublic safety. Knowledge of the ice cover and itsinterannual variability is critical for the assessmentand prediction of the impact of the Great Lakes en-vironment on socio-economic conditions.

Great Lakes ice cover information, including spa-tial coverage, concentration, ice type, thickness,freezeup and breakup dates, and ice duration, is animportant and necessary input for environmentalprotection and management, ice control and icebreaking operations, and ice forecasting and model-ing efforts. The nature of the ice cover problem inlarge lakes and in extensive waterways demands theuse of satellite SAR data to satisfy the required highspatial resolution and the large aerial coverage si-multaneously. A major utility of synthetic apertureradar (SAR) is its high spatial resolution, which isappropriate to monitor ice navigation hazards inshipping lanes in lakes and rivers.

In this paper (Part 2), results of algorithm devel-opment for Great Lakes ice classification and map-ping using satellite SAR data are described with afocus on the application of the measured backscat-ter library of C-band signatures from numerous icetypes presented in the companion paper (Nghiemand Leshkevich 2007) to calibrated ERS-2 andRADARSAT-1 SAR data. The main goal of thiswork is to develop an automated or semi-automatedmethod to classify and map Great Lakes ice coverusing satellite SAR digital imagery.


Much of the satellite ice interpretation algorithmdevelopment in the Great Lakes region began dur-ing the Extension to the Navigation Season Demon-stration Study conducted during the 1970s.However, many of the early studies were done bysubjective interpretation of satellite and other re-motely sensed data. Starting in the mid-1970s, a se-ries of studies including field studies and computerdigital image processing, explored techniques andalgorithms to classify and map freshwater ice coverusing LANDSAT and Advanced Very High Resolu-tion Radiometer (AVHRR) optical data and later,ERS-1/2 and RADARSAT SAR data (Leshkevich1985; Leshkevich et al. 1990, 1997, 2000; Nghiemet al. 1998).

During winter months, cloud cover and shortdaylight hours over the Great Lakes impair the useof satellite imagery from passive sensors operating

in the visible, near infrared, and thermal infrared re-gions. Even the daily repeat coverage from theAVHRR aboard the National Oceanic and Atmos-pheric Administration (NOAA) series of weathersatellites produces only a few images per weekshowing regions of the Great Lakes that are usefulfor operational monitoring during winter months.

Passive microwave data acquired by satellite ra-diometers, such as the Special Sensor MicrowaveImager (SSM/I), lack the spatial resolution requiredfor monitoring and detailed analysis of Great Lakesice cover. Although airborne high-resolution SARor Side Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) are usedby the U.S. Coast Guard, the Canadian Ice Center(Atmospheric Environment Service 1988) (cur-rently known as the Canadian Ice Service) and oth-ers for operational ice mapping, they are limited intheir spatial and temporal coverage, are costly tooperate, and are dependent on weather conditionsfor flight safety. The all-weather, day-and-nightsensing capabilities of SAR make it well suited tomonitoring winter conditions in the Great Lakes re-gion, provided that data analysis algorithms can bedeveloped.

The launch of the first ERS (ERS-1) SAR in July1991 marked the beginning of a wealth of satellite-borne SAR data that were available throughout the1990s, and continues more recently with the launchof the Advanced SAR (ASAR) sensor on the Envi-ronmental Satellite (ENVISAT), the launch of PAL-SAR on ALOS, and the future launch ofRADARSAT-2. The satellite SARs used in thisstudy all operate at C-band (5.3 GHz frequency, 5.7cm wavelength) and include the ERS-1, with a ver-tically polarized SAR, the ERS-2, launched in1995, also with a vertically polarized SAR, andRADARSAT, an operational satellite launched in1995, with a horizontally polarized SAR, providean opportunity for algorithm development.


Previous Studies

In the results of a 1993 study using airborne (he-licopter) reconnaissance data as “ground truth,”preliminary computer analysis of ERS-1 images ofGreat Lakes ice cover using a supervised classifica-tion (level slicing) technique (Lillesand and Kiefer1979) indicated that there was enough dynamicrange in the backscatter signal allowing differentice types in the ice cover to be identified andmapped (Leshkevich et al. 1995).

To assess the utility of RADARSAT SAR data

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for Great Lakes ice analysis, a data set for Lake Su-perior has been established covering the periodfrom 13 to 21 March 1996. This data set includesRADARSAT ScanSAR data, AVHRR imagery, U.S.Coast Guard (USCG) SLAR, and surface (in situ)data consisting of ice charts, photographs, andvideo taken from the USCG Cutter (USCGC)Mackinaw, a Coast Guard ice breaker, and from aUSCG helicopter. Meteorological data from se-lected ground stations are also included. Color pho-tographs and video along with ice charts and GlobalPositioning System (GPS) data were obtained alongthe ship track and over the study areas from alti-tudes ranging from approximately 200 to 400 m.Ice thickness was obtained by measurements andvisual examination enroute. RADARSAT SAR datafrom the Gatineau readout station in Canada werereceived at the National Ice Center (NIC) in Suit-

land, Maryland via a link between the U.S. andCanadian Ice Centers and forwarded to the GreatLakes Environmental Research Laboratory. TwoScanSAR Wide images having a nominal 100-mresolution and a ScanSAR Narrow image of west-ern Lake Superior with a nominal 50-m resolution(Fig. 1) were used in this analysis.

A supervised (level slicing) classification, basedon a comparison of digital values in the SAR scenerepresenting known ice types as identified from thein situ data, was used in this initial analysis. Usingphotographs, ice charts, and field notes, two icetypes (snow ice and new lake ice) and open waterwere identified in the computer-displayed SARimage, and a representative training set, consistingof a range of digital values, was extracted for eachtype. A color was assigned to each type (range ofvalues) and then applied to the entire scene, produc-

FIG. 1. RADARSAT ScanSAR Narrow Image (copyright RADARSAT International1996), western Lake Superior, 16 March 1996.

Satellite SAR Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Ice Cover, Part 2 739

ing a color-coded classified image. However, theScanSAR Wide A (SWA) and Narrow data receivedfrom the Gatineau readout station were not cali-brated and were “banded” or “striped,” evidentlydue to an artifact in processing (mosaicing differentantenna patterns). Calibration should greatly reducethis problem.

Although training sets were taken and processedwithin a “band,” the results of the classificationoutside the band in which the training set was takencould be subject to error. For example, the trainingset for open water was selected in the “middleband” and color-coded blue. The training sets fornew lake ice (green) and snow ice (red) were fromthe “right band.” A training set for open water wasalso picked in the “left band” and color-coded yel-low as the training set for open water picked in the

“middle band” did not classify the open water in the“left band.” This is probably largely due to the ra-diometric differences among the bands (mentionedabove) as the areas are relatively close to each otherand likely influenced by the same wind pattern.Figure 2 illustrates the results of the supervised(level slicing) classification of the western LakeSuperior image (black, gray, and white are unclassi-fied).

The 1997 Great Lakes Winter Experiment(GLAWEX’97)

To continue the development and validation of analgorithm for remote sensing of Great Lakes iceusing SAR data, two winter experiments were con-ducted across the Straits of Mackinac and Lake Su-perior during February and March of the 1997

FIG. 2. Results of supervised (level slicing) classification of open water (blue) (yel-low), new lake ice (green), and snow ice (red) in western Lake Superior, 16 March1996.

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winter season. The experiments acquired shipbornepolarimetric backscatter data together with surface-based ice physical characterization measurementsand environmental parameters in conjunction withaerial ice reconnaissance data. The experimentswere timed to include RADARSAT-1 and ERS-2SAR imaging.

In these experiments, the Jet Propulsion Labora-tory (JPL) polarimetric scatterometer was mountedonboard the USCG ice breakers Biscayne Bay (Feb-ruary) and Mackinaw (March) (Nghiem andLeshkevich 2007). Figure 3 shows the route of theUSCGC Mackinaw across Lake Superior in March,1997. The scatterometer operates at C band and hasfull polarimetric capability (Nghiem 1993, Nghiemet al. 1997) including the horizontal (HH) and verti-cal (VV) co-polarizations and all other linear polar-ization combinations. Measurements were made atincident angles from 0° to 60° for each ice type sothat the results are applicable to ERS-1/2 andRADARSAT SAR data, but can also be applied toother current and future satellite C-band SAR data.A video camera was used to observe lake ice typesand surface conditions in the same direction of thescatterometer incidence at the same time and loca-tion of the backscatter measurements. Radar

backscatter signatures of different ice types at dif-ferent polarization, incidence angle, and tempera-ture were processed to fully calibrated normalizedradar cross-section (σ°) (Nghiem et al. 1998,Nghiem and Leshkevich 2007) to establish a libraryof signatures (look-up table) to be used in the com-puter classification of calibrated satellite SAR data.

Although backscatter measurements of differentice types with various snow cover, ice characteris-tics, and surface roughness were made at 20 differ-ent locations, ice and snow conditions at somelocations were similar. Here we use backscatter sig-natures selected for different ice types commonlyencountered over the Great Lakes. Although the icenaming convention starts with documented defini-tions (U.S. Dept. Commerce 1971, U.S. Navy Hy-drographic Service 1952, Canadian Ice Service2004), deviation from standard terminology wasmade in some cases to better describe the ice typein terms of stratigraphy, surface roughness, or otheridentifying characteristics as opposed to concentra-tion. For example, a description like “patchy snowon snow ice over black ice” (along with a shortname) was used to depict the ice types and layeringor structure within the ice. In all cases, extensiveareas of each ice type were measured and include:

FIG. 3. Route of USCGC Mackinaw, Lake Superior, 20–24 March 1997. Box represents coverage ofERS-2 SAR scene, 22 March 1997.

Satellite SAR Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Ice Cover, Part 2 741

(a) brash ice, (b) pancake ice, (c) patchy snow onsnow ice over black ice (stratified ice), (d) olderlake ice with patchy and rough snow cover (lake icewith crusted snow), (e) rough consolidated iceflows (consolidated ice floes), and (f) black ice withsome snow dusting on surface (new lake ice). Pho-tographs of the different ice types along with theirphysical characteristics are shown in Part 1(Nghiem and Leshkevich 2007).


Initial Classification

ERS-2 SAR imagery was obtained and used inthe initial study. A scene of the central portion ofLake Superior collected on 22 March 1997 (Fig. 4)was calibrated, and linear σ° values were convertedto decibel (dB) according to the simplified equation

for the derivation of σ° in Precision Image (PRI)products (Laur et al. 1997). Certain assumptions onthe local incidence angle were made:

• A flat terrain is considered, i.e., there is noslope. The incidence angle depends only onthe earth ellipsoid and varies from about19.5° at near range to about 26.5° at farrange .

• Any change in incidence angle across a dis-tributed target is neglected, i.e., a distributedtarget corresponds to one average value ofthe incidence angle, thanks to the smallrange of ERS incidence angles (23° wasused).

Measured backscatter values (in dB) for threenon-overlapping ice types and calm water measuredwith the JPL C-band scatterometer on 21, 22, and

FIG. 4. ERS-2 image (Copyright ESA 1997) showing Lake Superiorice cover northwest of the Keweenaw Peninsula (lower right) on 22March 1997.

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23 March were used as test “training sets” to clas-sify the scene. We assume that the values for 21 and23 March did not change significantly from 22March as there was no significant change in tem-perature or precipitation conditions. The assump-tion is verified as values measured on 23 Marchwere very comparable to those of a similar ice typemeasured on 22 March.

The measured backscatter values for consolidatedice floes, brash ice, stratified ice, and calm openwater (essentially non-overlapping) were applied tothe 8 × 8 pixel averaged digital ERS-2 SAR image.The averaging not only reduced the speckle but alsoresulted in an image similar in resolution toRADARSAT ScanSAR Wide images. The overall

uncertainty is about ±1 dB due to the averaging andthe incidence angle effect.

Figure 5 shows the color-coded result of the clas-sification. Most of the ice cover in the scene wasclassified as consolidated ice floes (yellow) orbrash ice (red). Areas classified as stratified ice(green) are scattered throughout the ice cover, butno calm open water was classified in the scene.This sample was measured on 23 March when wewere out of the area covered by this scene. Blackand gray represent unclassified areas.

Correction for Power Loss

For accurate derivation of geophysical parame-ters from the normalized radar cross section

FIG. 5. Classified color-coded ERS-2 scene (22 March 1997) using mea-sured backscatter values for consolidated ice floes (yellow), brash ice (red),stratified ice (green), and calm water (blue). No calm water classified inthis scene.

Satellite SAR Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Ice Cover, Part 2 743

(NRCS) of ERS-1 and ERS-2 SAR data, the NRCShas to be calibrated as accurately as possible. Aproblem with saturation within the analog-to-digitalconverter (ADC) of the ERS-1 and ERS-2 SARsleads to a power loss resulting in an underestima-tion of the NRCS. It has been determined that thehighest power loss occurs over inland ice and in thenear range of ocean surface images (Laur et al.1997). To correct for power loss, the ERS-2 image(22 March 1997) was recalibrated as described inRosenthal et al. (1998) using the programs getit andcalit (Weinreich et al. 1998). In addition, to accountfor the effects of local incidence angle, the mea-sured calibrated backscatter values for the three icetypes and calm open water used as “training data”

were interpolated every 0.5° between incident an-gles 19.5° and 26.5°. These “training data” setswere then used to classify the 8 × 8 pixel averagedrecalibrated image.

Figure 6 shows the color-coded result of the clas-sification of the image using the calibration algo-rithm for power loss and the correction for localincidence angle effect. As there were rather lowpower loss corrections to perform in this image, theresults are similar to those described above. Twonotable differences are that 1) there is more areaclassified as stratified ice (green), and 2) a smallarea of open water (blue) is classified in this imageas the result of the more accurate calibration and“training data” sets.

FIG. 6. Classified color-coded ERS-2 scene (corrected for power loss)using the same three ice types and calm water as in Figure 5, but account-ing for local incidence angle effect. Calm water (blue) is classified in thisscene.

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Our route across Lake Superior passed throughthe northwest portion of the scene. The area of openwater adjacent to the Keweenaw Peninsula appearsreasonable. There is a strong current (KeweenawCurrent) that flows along the deep nearshore areaadjacent to the Keweenaw Peninsula that tends tokeep the nearshore ice broken and moving. Theclassification can be improved by inclusion of addi-tional ice types in the training data set. Althoughfurther validation needs to be done, this studydemonstrates the capability of classifying GreatLakes ice types in calibrated satellite SAR imageryusing backscatter values measured from differentice types as “training data.”


During the 1997 GLAWEX winter experiment,RADARSAT imagery was acquired over Lake Su-perior coincident with backscatter measurements on22 March (Fig. 7), the same day as the ERS-2image used in the initial analysis. Subsequent to theERS-2 scene analysis, calibration techniques be-came available for RADARSAT-1 SWA from anumber of sources including the Canadian SpaceAgency (CSA), as well as academic (Johns HopkinsUniversity/Applied Physics Laboratory) and com-mercial (Satlantic, Inc.) institutions. The followingtwo sections describe the results of ice classifica-

tion of the RADARSAT scene using two differentcalibration techniques and classification methods.The RADARSAT results are compared to eachother and to the classified ERS-2 scene.

JHU/APL Calibration

At the John Hopkins University/Applied PhysicsLaboratory (JHU/APL), algorithms have been de-veloped to derive high resolution winds fromRADARSAT ScanSAR data. For such purpose, theRADARSAT images need to be accurately cali-brated. The data produced at the Gatineau receivingstation are calibrated to beta naught (β°), but arealso 2 × 2 block averaged at the Canadian Ice Ser-vice before being sent to the NIC. This block aver-aging complicates the calculation of incidenceangles needed to derive sigma naught (σ°) valuesand has to be accounted for in the software. Usingequations provided by the Canadian SpaceAgency/Radarsat International (RADARSAT Inter-national 1997), software was written at theJHU/APL (Monaldo 2005) to output an image cali-brated to radar cross-section (σ°) from operationalRADARSAT SWA data received by the U.S. Na-tional Ice Center (NIC) from the Canadian Ice Ser-vice via the North American ice link.

The 22 March RADARSAT scene was processedusing the calibration software developed at

FIG. 7. RADARSAT-1 SWA (copyright RADARSAT International 1997) scene of Lake Superiorice cover on 22 March 1997.

Satellite SAR Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Ice Cover, Part 2 745

JHU/APL, producing a 4 × 4 block averaged imagecalibrated to σ° in dB. Using our library of cali-brated C-band backscatter signatures (Nghiem and Leshkevich 2007) corresponding to theRADARSAT SWA HH polarization and incidentangles, the scene was classified and color-codedusing the same four essentially non-overlappingtraining sets and classification technique as wasused for the ERS-2 scene. Figure 8 shows the re-sults of the classification.

Satlantic Calibration

Satlantic, Inc. is a commercial company that sup-plies remote sensing instruments, processing soft-ware, and services to the remote sensingcommunity. Their SAR processor called SentrySAR(Dragosevic and Plache 2000) was used to read the

Level 0 data for the 22 March scene obtained fromthe Gatineau receiving station and produce CEOSLevel 1, flat binary beta naught, and flat binarysigma naught products for the scene.

For classification of this scene, the entire libraryof ice types and open water described in Table 1and Figure 6 in Part 1 (Nghiem and Leshkevich2007) was used as training data, and the classifica-tion method was modified. Since the library of sig-natures can output σ° as a function of incidenceangle, backscatter signatures of the different icetypes and open water at every one-degree incidenceangle interval were used as training data to classifythe scene (which was subset in a 4 × 4 window tomore nearly match the size of the JHU/APL cali-brated scene) by incidence angle of each pixel.Since the signatures are incidence angle dependent,

FIG. 8. Classified color-coded RADARSAT-1 scene (22 March 1997) calibrated to σσ° using theJHU/APL software. Measured backscatter values for consolidated ice floes (yellow), brash ice(red), stratified ice (green), and calm water (blue) were used as training sets.

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this should yield the most accurate classification re-sults.

The incidence angle for each pixel in the scenewas used to initiate a series of classification tests.First, the radar cross section of each pixel was com-pared to the minimum value of brash ice for thegiven incidence angle and, if greater than or equal tothat value, the pixel was classified as brash ice. Ifnot, the pixel was checked to see if it was less thanor equal to the RADARSAT noise floor (–20 dB),which would account for types including calm waterand new lake ice. If this test was not met, the radarcross section was matched against the minimum andmaximum signature of each ice type in the libraryfor the given incidence angle. If more than one icetype matched, the mean value closest to the radarcross section of the pixel determined to which ice

type it was classified. The RADARSAT radiometricuncertainty is about ±1.0 dB in scene and ±1.5 dB inone orbit. However, since the overall uncertainty incalibration was estimated to be approximately ±2dB including both RADARSAT and scatterometerradiometric uncertainty, the minimum and maximumsignatures for each ice type were decreased and in-creased (respectively) by 2 dB to account for thisuncertainty. The result is presented in Figure 9. Inthe next section, the results are compared to theclassified JHU/APL and ERS-2 scenes.


The objective is to show that our library of po-larimetric C-band backscatter signatures can be ap-plied to various sensor data calibrated using

FIG. 9. Classified color-coded RADARSAT-1 scene (22 March 1997) calibrated to σσ° by Satlantic, Inc.Measured backscatter values for consolidated ice floes (yellow), brash ice (red), stratified ice (green), newlake ice (cyan), lake ice with crusted snow (magenta), pancake ice (orange) were used as training sets.Areas below the RADARSAT noise floor (–20 dB) are coded blue and unclassified areas are coded white.

Satellite SAR Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Ice Cover, Part 2 747

different software, and classified using differentmethods and can produce similar results. Becauseof differences in satellite sensors (different polar-ization and range of incidence angles), calibrationschemes, pixel averaging, classification methods,and training data sets (Table 1), results for differentimages should not and cannot be compared on aone-to-one or pixel-to-pixel basis. As such, it is notour intention in this paper to endorse any one cali-bration method over any others.

The results show that similarities among the clas-sified scenes are striking and outweigh the differ-ences. The patterns of ice distribution areexpectedly similar and the classification results rea-sonably similar. Differences can be attributed to oneof several factors:

1) The library of signatures for all seven iceand water types, as well as a modified clas-sification method, were used for the classi-fication of the Satlantic scene, while fouressentially non-overlapping types wereused for the JHU/APL and ERS-2 scenes.

2) Different calibration methods were used foreach of the scenes resulting in slightly differ-ent σ° products (values).

3) Although imaged on the same day, the ERS-2and RADARSAT images were collected atdifferent times, allowing time for ice move-ment in the more dynamic areas (such asalong the Keweenaw Peninsula).

4) For the Satlantic classification, signatures lessthan –20 dB (RADARSAT noise floor) werecolor coded blue, which in the library of HHsignatures would include calm open water andnew lake (black) ice.

5) There are ice types in the scene that we didnot get measurements of and are thus not inthe library of signatures.

Despite these differences, the overall classifica-tion of ice types in each scene was very similar. Forexample, the strip of brash ice (red) located southof Isle Royale appears in all the scenes (Figs. 6, 8,9), and the distribution of brash ice in WhitefishBay and other areas of the lake are similar. The areaalong the west side of the Keweenaw Peninsula andcolor-coded blue (below RADARSAT noise floor)in the Satlantic calibrated scene (Fig. 9) was unclas-sified (black) in the JHU/APL calibrated scene (Fig.8), although a few small areas along the northernshore and in the western parts of the scene wereclassified as open water (blue). In the ERS-2 re-cal-ibrated scene, which has a lower noise floor thanRADARSAT, open water is classified along thewest side of the Keweenaw Peninsula. In addition,stratified ice (green) is the predominant ice typeclassified in the central and western portions ofboth the JHU/APL and Satlantic calibrated scenes(Figs. 8, 9) and also is a dominant type in the re-calibrated ERS-2 scene (Fig. 6) in the area west ofthe Keweenaw Peninsula.

One major difference is the extent of the areaclassified as consolidated ice floes (yellow) in theJHU/APL calibrated scene (Fig. 8). Although thistype can be seen in the same areas (to the east andwest of Isle Royale, for example) in the Satlanticcalibrated scene (Fig. 9), it is not the dominant typebut rather has pancake ice (orange), lake ice withcrusted snow (magenta), and stratified ice (green)included. This may be an artifact of the level ofpixel averaging in the JHU/APL calibrated scene.As can be seen in Figure 6 in Part 1 (Nghiem andLeshkevich 2007), this ice type (consolidated icefloes (yellow)) overlaps and can be mixed with oth-ers at all incidence angles. Another obvious mis-classification (error of commission) in both theJHU/APL and Satlantic calibrated scenes (Figs. 8,9) is the large area of open water in the east central

TABLE 1. Summary of sensors, calibration source, and classification results

Classification Number % overwaterSatellite Block average source training sets pixels classified

RADARSAT 4 × 4 SATLANTIC 7 73Figure 9 subset SentrySAR

RADARSAT 4 × 4 ofFigure 8 original 2 × 2 JHU/APL 4 78

ERS-2 8 × 8 ESA 4 53Figure 6 getit/calit

748 Leshkevich and Nghiem

portion of the lake. This area of open water is clas-sified as predominantly consolidated ice floes (yel-low) in both scenes and is an example of thepossible misclassification of one or more ice typeswith wind roughened water whose backscatter cancover a large range depending on wind speed, winddirection, and incidence angle. This is a major limi-tation of SAR operated at a single polarization in asingle frequency band.

In conclusion, the measured library of signatures(both for HH and VV polarizations) appears to clas-sify the majority of ice types in the ERS-2 re-cali-brated scene and the RADARSAT scene collectedon the same day, and the distribution and patternsof coverage are strikingly similar. Differences in theclassification results between the JHU/APL andSatlantic calibrated RADARSAT scenes can bemainly attributed to differences in calibration, clas-sification methodology, pixel averaging, and to theadditional training data (ice types) used for the Sat-lantic classification, but also emphasize the needfor an accurately calibrated scene as was docu-mented by investigators for ocean wind retrieval(Vachon et al. 1999). Overall, classification by inci-dence angle (per pixel) is most accurate because thesignatures are incidence angle dependent and thismethod best accounts for this variability. Unclassi-fied areas in all scenes point to the need for addi-tional types to be added to the library.


Advanced SARs on ENVISAT and the futureRADARSAT-2 satellite have improvements in theirmeasurement capabilities. For single-beam SARmodes in Imaging Swath number 1 (IS-1) to num-ber 7 (IS-7) with incidence angles up to 45.3° (Eu-ropean Space Agency 2006), ENVISAT ASAR canmeasure backscatter with dual polarizations in co-polarized and/or cross-polarized modes. ENVISATScanSAR mode can be selected at either vertical orhorizontal polarization; however, it is still limitedto a single polarization. A preliminary analysis ofENVISAT ASAR Alternating Polarization (AP) im-ages of Great Bear Lake in northern Canada indi-cates that the additional information contained inthe co-polarized and cross-polarized data can helpin the classification of different ice types in the icecover and open water from ice under various windconditions.

RADARSAT-2 SAR will have polarimetric capa-bility in single-beam modes (Morena et al. 2004).Furthermore, RADARSAT-2 SAR has dual-polar-

ization ScanSAR modes and a large range of inci-dence angles compared to ENVISAT SAR. In antic-ipation of these advanced SAR capabilities, the1997 GLAWEX library was obtained with the JPLpolarimetric C-band shipborne scatterometer for allpolarization combinations and incidence angle up to60°. Thus, this library will be applicable to bothENVISAT and RADARSAT-2 SAR data for GreatLakes ice classification and mapping.

During the 2002 GLAWEX field experimentcampaign (Nghiem and Leshkevich 2003), polari-metric and inteferometric SAR data were collectedat C band and L band using the JPL airborne SARsystem (AIRSAR) coincident with in situ measure-ments across Lake Superior, upper Lake Michigan,and Lake Huron from the USCGC Mackinaw. Thisdata set will be useful to develop new ice classifica-tion and mapping algorithms for C-band SARs suchas ENVISAT and RADASAT-2, and L-band SARsuch as the Advanced Land Observing Satellite(ALOS) Phased Array L-band Synthetic ApertureRadar (PALSAR) (Iragashi 2001) or the future L-band InSAR in the DESDynI Mission (National Re-search Council 2007).


SAR data for this study were provided by the Eu-ropean Space Agency (ESA) and the CanadianSpace Agency (CSA)/Radarsat International (RSI).The authors gratefully acknowledge individuals atthe Ice Center Environment Canada and the U.S.National Ice Center for their efforts in obtainingand making available the RADARSAT and ERS-2SAR imagery, to Dr. J. Horstmann of the GKSS Re-search Center (Germany) for his help in recalibrat-ing the ERS-2 image to correct for power loss, toDr. F.M. Monaldo of the Johns Hopkins Univer-sity/Applied Physics Laboratory for use of his SARcalibration software and processing assistance andto Songzhi Liu (Cooperative Institute for Limnol-ogy and Ecosystems Research) for programmingassistance. Our appreciation and thanks go to theU.S. Coast Guard, Ninth District for providing theship, helicopter, and ground support essential to thesuccess of this study. The research in this paper per-formed by Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California In-stitute of Technology, was sponsored by theNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA), through an agreement with the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).GLERL Contribution Number 1429.

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Submitted: 16 February 2007Accepted: 20 June 2007Editorial handling: William M. Schertzer

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