satzinger chp. 2 part part 4 of 4 2 object-oriented analysis and design with the unified process...

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Satzinger Chp. 2 Part Part 4 of 42Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified ProcessTesting Testing is critical disciplineTesting activitiesDefine and conduct unit testingDefine and conduct integration testingDefine and conduct system testingDefine and conduct usability testingDefine and conduct user acceptance testingIn UP, acceptance testing occurs throughout the building phase

3Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified ProcessDeployment Goal: conduct activities to make system operationalDeployment activities Acquire hardware and system softwarePackage and install componentsTrain usersConvert and initialize dataDeployment activities prominent in transition phase

4Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified ProcessProject Management Most important support disciplineProject management activitiesFinalize the system and project scopeDevelop the project and iteration scheduleIdentify project risks and confirm feasibilityMonitor and control the projects plan Monitor and control communicationsMonitor and control risks and outstanding issues5Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified ProcessConfiguration and Change Management Configuration and change discipline pertains to:RequirementsDesignSource codeExecutablesThe two activities in this discipline Develop change control proceduresManage models and software components6Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified ProcessEnvironment Development environment includesAvailable facilitiesDesign of the workspaceForums for team communication and interactionEnvironment discipline activitiesSelect and configure the development toolsTailor the UP development processProvide technical support servicesReview of OO Concepts7Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

8Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified ProcessOverview of Object-Oriented Concepts Object-oriented analysis (OOA) views system as a collection of objects Each domain object represents a thing in systemObject capable of responding to messagesEach object has identity because of the attribute valuesObject-oriented design (OOD)Defines additional solution objects Shows how the objects interact to complete tasksRefines definition of objects for implementationObject-oriented programming (OOP): object codingLanguages: Simula, C++, Java, C#, Visual Basic .NET 9Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

Figure 2-18Attributes and Methods in Problem Domain Objects

10Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified ProcessUnderstanding Object-Oriented Concepts (continued)A Class defines a template for all objects of classObjects are instances of a classCustomer object is an instance of a Customer classObjects interact through messagesObjects have identity based on value of attributes 11Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

Figure 2-20Order-processing system where objects interact by sending messages

12Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process

Figure 2-22Superclasses and Subclasses

13Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified ProcessSummarySDLC: set of activities required to complete system development projectPredictive SDLC: executes project in sequential phases (waterfall approach)Adaptive SDLC: accommodates change and phase overlapUP is an adaptive system development methodology14Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified ProcessSummary (continued)UP life cycle includes four phases-inception, elaboration, construction, and transition UP phases decomposed into one ore more iterationsIterations involve work in nine UP disciplinesUP is object-oriented Object-oriented concepts: object, class, methods, encapsulation, associations, inheritance, polymorphism

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