saved! “this water symbolizes baptism that now saves...

Post on 26-Aug-2018






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“This water symbolizes baptism that now saves you.” 1 Peter 3:21

It was an ugly scene, a violent scene. Death and destruction were everywhere. Water was bursting up from the ground below. Rain was pelting down from the sky above. Waves were churning. Water levels were rising. People were drowning. There was no dry ground to be found. The people could only swim in place for so long. Eventually it became a struggle for them to keep their heads above the water. Soon their lungs filled with water and they sank to the depths below. The flood—it was an ugly scene. Death and destruction were everywhere . . . outside the ark. But inside the ark? Inside the ark, eight people, along with all of those animals, were safe and secure.

Awesome, isn’t it? How the same floodwaters that brought so much death and destruction to the people outside the ark actually saved the people who were inside the ark? How? How did the floodwaters save Noah and his family? Simply put, the floodwaters enabled that ark to float. The floodwaters lifted Noah and his family above all of the death and destruction below. The water saved Noah and his family.

We deserve death and destruction. We deserve to perish. We deserve to die—forever. We were drowning in a sea of unbelief. Waves of denial, rivers of rejection, and currents of stubbornness kept us from believing in God, from turning to God, and from trusting in God. Spiritually speaking, we were unable to swim to dry land. We couldn’t tread water—we couldn’t even keep our heads above the water—and there was no way for us to save ourselves. Our sins weighed us down. They pulled us down. They pulled us under. Drowning in sin and unbelief, we should have perished. But someone spotted us. Someone jumped in to rescue us. Someone reached out to save us.

God did. “He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:5). Greater than throwing us a life preserver, God reached out to us in his Word through the water of Holy Baptism. Just like the water of the flood saved Noah, the water of Baptism saved us (1 Peter 3:21). There in a shallow basin of warm water, God saved us from sin, from death, and from the punishment of hell. Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Mark, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved” (verse 16). Rescued from certain death! Saved for all eternity! And God did it all; he did it all by grace and by grace alone.

Pastor Nick Maglietto


In the Center Ring

is a monthly publication of St. John’s Lutheran Church

Baraboo, Wisconsin

Church Office 355-3870

School Office 355-3860

Rev. Nicholas C. Maglietto Principal Craig Breitkreutz

Church office 355-3870 School office 355-3860


Wedding Cassandra Recob and Joshua Hartwig

June 17, 2017

Baptism Evelyn Marie Duley

Andrea (nee Hartwig) and Kevin Duley June 18, 2017

Funeral Marjorie A. Litscher

Born September 2, 1927 Died June 3, 2017 Burial June 7, 2017

Statistics as of June 7, 2017

Confirmed members 885 Baptized members U 210 Total members 1,095

St. John’s Media Ministry

Balance 22-May-2017 $5,764.67 Contributions $ 230.00 Disbursements

WRPQ $ 840.00 Radio Phone Line $ 15.00

Balance 22-JUNE-2017 $5,139.67

Luther Movie

A Return To Grace: Luther’s Life and Legacy. This movie will be shown at the AMC Desert Star 15 Theater on Tuesday August 1, 7:30 pm We must sell 75 tickets for the event to take place. The cost of each ticket is $10 and a portion of the proceeds will be returned to us here at St. John’s. You may sign-up in the narthex for the church to order your tickets. Or you can find the link to purchase your own tickets on our webpage ( and Facebook page. Tickets must be purchased by July 25. If enough tickets are not sold and the event does not happen, your money will be refunded.

Volunteers Needed

Sauk County Fair - July 10-16: We will need help with setup on Wednesday 7/12 in the morning, and Wednesday-Sunday at the fair booth. Please contact Tim by signing up in the narthex or emailing him at to help “man” the booth. This is a good way to promote our church and school.



Congregational Meeting June 25, 2017

Present: President-Dave Grant, Secretary-Marty Brey, Outreach-Tim Kiefer, Board of Education-Martin Strobel, Principal-Craig Breitkreutz, Stewardship-Brent Bailey & Property-Bill Giese. Pastor- Maglietto. Treasurer-Ron Voss. Absent: Spiritual-Absent Position, Youth-Michael Tennier, Worship-Tom Tiedt, Fellowship-Gayland Leatherberry, and Education-Eric Durkee. 1. Opening prayer – Pastor 2. Reading and approval of March Congregational

Voter’s Meeting Minutes – Motion/2nd/Carried.

3. Additions and approval of agenda – Motion to approve agenda/2nd/Carried.

4. Reception of new members, transfer, release or

removal from membership –

5. Roll call of voting members – 25 voting members.

6. Old Business a) Pastor compensation during a vacancy of a 2nd Pastor. Motion to give Pastor Maglietto $500/month going forward and include retroactive payment of $5,000 for compensation while working without a second pastor/2nd/Discussion. Money would come from staff stabilization fund. Motion Carried.

7. Reports of officers and committees

a. Pastor Maglietto – Funeral- 7 this quarter. Adult confirmation- 2 this quarter. Transfers in: Sara Castillo, Bill & Jamie Rogers (Lily, Rebecca, Jessica, Rachel), Joe & Kate Seep (Darby). Peaceful release from Call granted to Justin Siegler who has accepted a call to teach at St. Paul’s in Beverly Hills, FL. Guest pastors & presenters: July 23 Pastor Harry Sturm will preach. Maria Reese will share info about Friends of China during the Bible study hour. July 30 Professor Jim Korthals will preach in advance of screening new Luther movie. August 13 Pastor Reuben Schmitz will lead worship. He is involved with Bethesda Ministries.

b. Congregational President – David Grant c. Financial Report – Ron Voss. Through May

2017. Total Revenues $828,218. We are running $1,235 behind last year (2015-2016) giving for 11 months. Church revenues are $21,920 ahead of last year, while school revenues are $18,743 below last year. Day care

revenues are $4,410 below last year. Church expenses are $60,325 under budget which is expected due to one Pastor. School expenses are under budget and day care is slightly over budget. We ended May with $38,450 positive balance. June is an end of quarter so this balance will be reduced quickly as all our quarterly expenses (WELS VEBA and Pension) will need to be paid once we start July. Motion to approve the financial report/2nd/Carried.

d. Education – Eric Durkee. VBS has been a team effort to make this happen, and I am very thankful to the volunteers who are helping teach, those who have helped organize, and those who are housing the Camp Phillip staff. With VBS behind us, we will be planning next year’s Sunday school as well as continuing to discuss a teen Bible Study. This will be a cooperative effort with Michael Tennier and the youth committee.

e. Evangelism – Tim Kiefer. FAIR BOOTH – We will be setting up the fair booth the morning of July 12. Anyone who would like to help with the set-up can meet us here the church at 8AM. The booth will be in operation from 10AM to 9PM from Wednesday July 12th to Saturday July 15th and Sunday July 16th from 11AM to 4PM. People interested in helping out can get in touch with me (Phone 355-0869, e-mail or the church office. MOVIE – We only have to sell a few more tickets before July 25th for the screening to go on. The screening will be Tuesday, August 1st at 7:30PM at the Desert Star 15 theatre. If you have not ordered your tickets yet you can do so at or order them through the church office or church website

f. Fellowship – Gayland Leatherberry. Thanks for all the help with Siegler farewell. Next fellowship event is church picnic Sunday August 27, 2017.

g. Property – Bill Giese. Thanks for the spring cleanup at school. Daycare had a flood due to a toilet. Help is needed to sanitize the area after the plumbing repairs are made. Any members that could help wipe down daycare should contact John Darrow.

h. School Board – Martin Strobel. School board is considering combing 4k with kindergarten for 2017/2018 school year. 4k is only a half day program. Brooks raised concern with combing this grade as development at this age is different. School board will inform parents of the consideration prior to signing them up. If any members of the congregation has concerns or other ideas please talk to members of the school board.

i. Spiritual Growth – Vacant j. Stewardship/Finance – Brent Bailey.


k. Worship – Tom Tiedt. New wireless microphones have been ordered. Wireless router in radio room was replaced.

l. Youth – Michael Tennier. Wisconsin Right to Life provided 100 long-stemmed carnations to hand out on Mother's Day in exchange for a donation. All flowers were presented to members of the congregation and a check for $100 was given to Wisconsin Right to Life. I will continue to faithfully serve as Youth Elder as I fulfill my obligation as a United States Army Reservist. I am looking forward to the opportunity of providing anesthesia services to soldiers and their family members while stationed in Landstuhl, Germany.

8. Church Council Recommendations and New Business a) Approval of Endowment Committee member

replacement – Warren White to fill Jim Dohner’s term. Motion/2nd/Carried.

b) Approval of Spiritual Growth Elder replacement Bruce Wilkinson to fill Will Underwood’s term. Motion/2nd/Carried.

c) Update on School Staffing. Nothing further after report from above.

d) Property recommendation on asbestos removal at school. Asbestos removal at the school, replace flooring in all rooms on first floor including kitchen but not gym. Estimated costs are $9,060 for removal, Air quality testing $1,205, new flooring and installation cost $7,080. Groups that are helping towards the costs PTO, School Lunch Program. A request from TAC and the congregation will also be made. This is not a budgeted item. Motion to have the asbestos removed from school/2nd/Carried.

e) Approval of Budget for 2017/2018. Proposed $930,000 budget. Highlights: $30,000 reduction from 2016/2017 budget, Called worker salary increases per synod guidelines, increase to school maintenance, church maintenance remains unchanged, synod subscription remains unchanged, Housing allowance change $300/month to all full time called workers. Our Housing allowance and health insurance is below synod guidelines but we are working to get there. Wages we are meeting synod guidelines. Proposed budget includes cost for two pastors. Actual budget will be below $930,000 as we do not have a second pastor. 80% of St. John’s budget is staff. The feedback from the congregation is they want two pastors and school offering 4k-8th grades. The congregation needs to show support for these items. The only option we have to match giving with budget is to cut staff. We have cut maintenance cost to both buildings to the bare minimum. Insurance costs keep rising,

if there is a member of St. John’s who works in the insurance industry and could offer some help to council and budget committee we would welcome the opportunity. Everyone seemed to agree we need to offer our called workers a good package. Budget committee will start much earlier as starting in March and have numbers by June is a daunting task. Motion to approve the 2017/2018 budget as presented/2nd/Carried. No opposed.

f) Update on every member visit. With Spiritual Growth position filled will have an update at next quarterly meeting.

9. Items for Next Voter’s Meeting

a. Update on School Staffing b. Asbestos removal update c. Update on every member visit

10. Adjournment with Prayer – Pastor Respectfully Yours in Christ, Marty Brey Secretary

Divine Call

On June 25, 2017, the voters of our congregation who were in attendance, called Pastor Todd Engel to serve as our Associate Pastor. Pastor Engel currently serves at St. John Lutheran Church in Red Wing, MN. Please keep Pastor Engel, his wife Michelle, and his children (Samuel, Katie and Joseph) in your prayers as he deliberates where he can best serve in God’s kingdom at this time. If you would like to contact him regarding his call to serve here you can contact him at (651) 388-2149.


St. John’s Lutheran School News SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR NEXT YEAR: Registration for the next school year is as follows: Monday, August 21st ~ 11:30-12:00 Classroom, 12:00-1:15 Gym, 1:15-1:45, & 1:45-2:15 classroom. Tuesday, August 22 ~ 6:00-6:30 classroom, 6:30-7:45 Gym. 7:45-8:15 & 8:15-8:45 Classroom. Parents should try to attend one of these to receive the latest information about the new school year.

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: The new school year starts on Monday, August 28, 2017.

SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM: This summer, the Baraboo School District will again take part in the federally funded Summer Food Service Program. We will serve breakfast and lunch in three sites, and we will be delivering meals to the Boys and Girls Club. The meals are free to all children 18 years and younger. Any adults accompanying the children eat free as well. A local church is covering this cost. Individuals do not have to attend Summer School to take part in this food service program. The program will run from: June 12, 2017 to July 21, 2017 (except the ABE site, which will end on July 12, 2017), Monday thru Friday. All sites will be closed on July 3, 4 and 5, 2017 for the holiday. Here are the sites and hours of operation: GLW - Open only to students participating in the Kid Stop Program - breakfast and lunch BHS - Breakfast daily from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM/Lunch daily from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

ABE [South] - Breakfast daily from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM/Lunch daily from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Any questions, please call Mary Loveless, Food Service Director at 355-3980. “This Institution is an equal opportunity provider”

TUITION ASSISTANCE: Please consider donating to the Tuition Assistance Fund. This is a supplemental fund available to St. John’s member families who seek assistance paying their children’s school tuition. If you would like to donate to Tuition Assistance, please stop at church or include a donation with your offering. The available total is now $3,764.15. Thanks for your support.

From the Church Library

Don’t forget to check out the

library area for reading

material or DVD’s this summer!

Baraboo Food Pantry


Tuna and Mayonnaise


Jell-O and Pudding


in July or August



INDIA: Despite a 20-month single vacancy and four-month double vacancy, the CELM seminary con-inues to train 42 men for the

public ministry and continues to offer contin-uing education to our 45 graduates on a regular basis. The field has an active trans-lation and publications program in addition to building one to two new chapels every year on a self-help basis. WELS Christian Aid and Relief annually funds humanitarian aid (well digging and medical supplies) to show Christian love. Seven children’s homes care for the physical and spiritual needs of 205 children, and one elementary school offers instruction in God’s word to 220 children-all outside the WELS budget.

NEPAL: In Nepal, only one-half of one percent of the people are Christian. In spite of the small percentage of Christians, the mission in Nepal is being blessed by God in extraordinary ways. For the past seven years, more than 100 leaders of the church gather for seven to 10 days to attend workshops every spring and fall. In the morning, they study the Bible. In the afternoon, they practice teaching what they learned in the morning. Seventeen workshops have been conducted.

PAKISTAN: More than 47,000 people have been enrolled in the Bible correspondence and teaching school. In spite of the threat of persecution, the gospel is being shared boldly. 10,000 copies of The Promise have been published in Pashtu – the language of the northwest tribal region of Pakistan. The Kuske Catechism has been translated into Urdu and The Promise into Punjabi, a third language of Pakistan. The Sunday school ministry cares

for 840 children. 175 children who are among the poorest of the poor attend seven “non-formal schools” after working in the fields all day to learn the stories of the Bible and how to read and write in Urdu and English as well as other subjects. Recently a television broadcast to the Muslim world was begun. Humanitarian efforts in free medical clinics and midwife training classes open many hearts and minds to the love of Christ.

ALBANIA: The national pastors continue to reach out with the gospel to give hope to needy souls in this poor Eastern European country. Plans are underway to celebrate the mission field’s 20th anniversary in 2016. The new seminary student (the son of a national pastor) has completed the first level of studies and has begun the second. The Durres congregation has maxed out their storefront space with 80-90 in worship on a weekend.

Church League Softball Monday Nights

We only have an A team this year. The games are all at Pierce Park. Schedules are on the narthex desk.

Luther’s 500th Anniversary of the Reformation 1517-2017

WELS Anniversary Picnic The multi-church picnic will be September 23rd, 2017 at Ochsner’s Park in Baraboo from 10 am to 5 pm. This is a chance for us all to come together as one in Christ. The potluck will start at 1 pm. Please contact Mark Bloss from St. John’s Rock Springs at (608) 393-4002 with any questions you might have. Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”



July 2017

July 1 Acts 15:1-12 July 2 Acts 15:13-34 July 3 Acts 15:35-16:5 July 4 Acts 16:6-15 July 5 Acts 16:16-40 July 6 Acts 17:1-15 July 7 Acts 17:16-34 July 8 Acts 18:1-17 July 9 Acts 18:18-28 July 10 Acts 19:1-20 July 11 Acts 19:21-41 July 12 Acts 20:1-16 July 13 Acts 20:17-38 July 14 Acts 21:1-16 July 15 Acts 21:17-36 July 16 Acts 21:37-22:16 July 17 Acts 22:17-29 July 18 Acts 22:30-23:10 July 19 Acts 23:11-35 July 20 Acts 24:1-21 July 21 Acts 24:22-25:12 July 22 Acts 25:13-27 July 23 Acts 26:1-18 July 24 Acts 26:19-32 July 25 Acts 27:1-20 July 26 Acts 27:21-44 July 27 Acts 28:1-16 July 28 Acts 28:17-31 July 29 Amos 1, 2 July 30 Amos 3, 4 July 31 Amos 5, 6

July Special Envelopes

Capital Improvements

Bible Passages to Help You in Life When you’re sad: John 14 When people fail you: Psalm 27 When you have sinned: Psalm 51 When you need forgiveness: 1 John 1:9 When you worry: Matthew 6:25-34 When you’re in danger: Psalm 91 & 121 When you’re lonely: Psalm 23 When you’re afraid: Isaiah 41:10 When you’re anxious: Philippians 4:6, 7 &

1 Peter 5:7 When you’re brokenhearted: Psalm 34:18 When you’re disappointed: Romans 8:28 When you’re impatient: Psalm 27:14 When you’re suffering: 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 When you’re tempted: James 1:12-16 When you need courage: Joshua 1 When you need to make a decision:

Proverbs 3:5 When you become critical: 1 Corinthians

13:4-13 When you feel rejected: Romans 8:39 When you face financial hardship: Psalm 9:18 When you need rest: Matthew 11:25-30

Neighborly Needs (free clothing store)

This year the demand for free clothing for those in need has continued to increase. In 2015, we gave away more than 10,100 garments, which increased to more than 11,000 in 2016. While donations have been very generous, we are in special need of clothing for boys – size 7 and up. As of last week, we had only 7 shirts and 10 pair of pants and shorts in boys’ sizes. Neighborly is located at First United Methodist Church, 615 Broadway, and is open Mondays from 1:00 to 2:30 and Tuesdays from 5:00 to 6:00, except holidays. The Methodist church office is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 9:00 to 2:00 to receive donations.



Dave Grant, President (2018)

326 2nd Avenue 963-0783 (c)

Marty Brey, Secretary (2017) S4374A Johnson Road 355-7544 434-1572 (c)

Ron Voss, Treasurer S5681 Lehman Road 356-3200 (h) 963-7416 (c)


Bill Giese, Property (2018)

W12032 County Rd W 356-3109 (h) 393-4893 (c)

Tom Tiedt, Worship (2019) 402 5th Street 414-526-8733 (c)

Brent Bailey, Stewardship (2018) E12987 Fairfield Road 356-2932 393-9046 (c)

Eric Durkee, Education, VP (2019)

2109 Doris Road Reedsburg, WI 53959 477-4905 (c)

Martin Strobel, School Board (2019) 529 2nd St. 393-1580 (c)

Bruce Wilkinson, Spiritual Growth

(2019) S3565 Pine Knoll Ct 434-4440 (c)

Gayland Leatherberry, Fellowship (2019) 304 12th Street 356-8231 (h) 393-1042 (c)

Michael Tennier, Youth (2018) PO Box 736 Portage, WI 53901 617-2586 (c)

Tim Kiefer, Evangelism (2019)

201 1st Avenue #19 355-0869 (h) 448-7470 (c)



Martin Strobel, Elder (2019) Jim Allen (2019) 1540 W Pine Street 448-2919 (c) Bob Hovey (2019) E11240 N Poplar Rd 448-8508 (c) 692-4117 Todd Halvorson (2018) E10969A Pine Acres Drive 355-6381 (w) 356-2771 Scott Manis (2018) S5790 Crown Ct. 608 445-6247 (c) Mark Smidl (2017) S5350 O’Neil Rd 393-1498 (c) PROPERTY COMMITTEE

Bill Giese, Elder John Schubring, 356-6835 Randy Neuman 356-8384 John Darrow 356-5541 477-0503 (c) Dave Parchem 356-8224 434-2687(c) Poncho Showers 356-8327 Bruce Wilkinson 434-4440 Dan Fuller 575-0158 Church office 355-3870 School office 355-3860 Pastor Nicholas Maglietto 1730 Algonquin (c) 963-5712

Pastor Ervine Vomhof 1318 15th Street 356-9181 (c) 477-7068


Jan Bance (2017) 710 Parkside Avenue 356-8898 Suzanne Brey (2017)

S4374A Johnson Road 355-7544 Cheryl Fenske (2017) S5120 Rock Hill Rd 434-2291 (c) Orris Smith (2017) 907 Justin Circle 768-0298

Julie Thieding (2017) E5294 Ohio Road Loganville, WI 53943 495-0395 Jackie Unbehaun (2017) E5294 Ohio Road Loganville, WI 53943 495-0395 Judy Birch (2018) 728 5th Street 356-3813 Bill Giese (2018) W12032 County Rd W 356-3109 (c) 393-4893 Gayland Leatherberry (2018) 304 12th Avenue 356-8231 Bill Karg (2018) 422 Moore Street 356-9148 Tim Quinn (2018) 520 Bauer Street Wisconsin Dells 53965 253-6460 Bruce Ramsey (2018) New Lisbon (c) 477-0177 Don Rogers (2018) 515 Lynn Avenue 356-8579 Steph Wilkinson (2018) S3565 Pine Knoll Ct. 434-6440 (c) Dave Williams (2018) 726 DuBois Drive 355-2390 Bill Grosz (2018) 1151 11th Street 356-8439

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