saving our planet /icse 5th class syllabus

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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By Sarala

For her daughter Joshitha Sai

Earth is made up of….

+ = environment

All living thing depend on each other and on non living things for survival

Humans often disturb the balance of nature by their own irresponsible actions

Human made disasters


Air pollution

Smoke from vehicles and factories

Use of pesticide spray

The effects of air pollution

1.Health problems

Harms our lungs and cause breathlessness

Causes redness in eyes

2. Acid rain

Rain water consists of acid

When rain water mixes with pollutants in the air it becomes more acidic and comes as acid rain

3. Ozone hole

Ozone layer is protective gases in earths atmosphere which acts against harmful effects of sunrays

Many of the chemicals that are released in atmosphere harm the layer

some of them are so powerful that they make holes in the layer as a result harmful effects of sun rays are felt on our planet

4. Global warming

The heat from sun warms the earth

They are some gases in earths atmosphere called green house gases

These green house gases reflect some of the heat of sun back to the surface of the earth which

helps to keep it warm

How ever it is believed that burning of fossil fuels more and more green gases are added to atmosphere.

So the earth is getting warmer and this is called global warming

Result of global warming

World climate will change, ice caps in the polar region will melt, the sea levels will rise and health problems will increase

Water pollution

Water is essential for life

Yet we use it carelessly and often waste it

Water in rivers and streams get polluted by domestic or industrial waste

Effects of water pollution

Drinking of polluted water many diseases such as diarrhea

Soil pollution

Reasons for soil pollution

Bio degradable waste

Domestic waste Agricultural waste

Bio degradable waste mix with soil to form manure

Non bio degradable waste

Domestic waste Industrial waste

Effects of soil pollution

Soil pollution breeds germs and bacteria and causes many diseases

Save plants

Plants are our friends and help us in many ways

1. Plants keep the air clean

2.Trees effect rainfall of the place

3. Trees provide shelter for birds and animals

4. Trees provide us shade

5.Trees give us food , fruits and flowers

6.Plants are used as medicines

7. Trees provide wood

8. Trees bind top soil with their roots and prevent soil erosion

9. Trees help to make soil fertile when dead leaves decay


Reasons for mowing down of forests:

To use the land for habitation

Forests are mowed down for agriculture

Forest are cut down for resources

Grazing by animals also causes deforestation


Protect animals

In what way animals help us:Farm animals provide us with milk and food

Animals provide us with wool and leather

Animals are also used as means of transport

Birds help to scatter the seeds of different plants

Pets provide security and companion ship

Many animals are in danger due destruction of forests

Extinction of pandas due to extinction of bamboo

Cattle choke on plastic covers and die

Shrinking of grasslands cause undernourishment for animals

In order to preserve wild life, especially endangered species of animals and birds, wild life sanctuaries and national parks has been built to protect these animals from poachers

Kanha national park in Madhyapradesh

Tiger reserves to protect tigers


Resources should be used carefully

wastes Another way by which we spoil

environment is by the production of wastes in our daily life

We produce lot of domestic and industrial waste especially in cities

They add to the environment and make it dirty

Waste management

Reduce waste by avoiding plastic bags , foils, glass and tins that can not be used more than once

Reuse waste by using something more than once for different purpose

Waste management

Recycle non bio degradable items like glass, aluminum and metals to make various articles. Recycled paper is used by many people now

Replace non bio degradable items such as plastic bags with environmental friendly material like paper, jute or cloth bag

How can we save our planet

1.Reduce use of fossil fuels such as petroleum, while using natural gas so that

less smoke and particulate matter emits from vehicles

2.Planting more trees and putting a ban on random cutting of trees and forests

3. Building more national parks and reserved forests to protect the animals

and plants

4. Developing other source of energy use like wind, water, solar etc

Building of engine that use fuel more efficiently

Treating sewage, hospital and factory waste and emissions from factories and power stations before they are dumped in the water bodies or in the atmosphere

Thank you

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