say farewall to nate

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Really? Nate is going to leave

Words from friends in Taiwan

Thanks for what you do for YUI and front-end-

enginnering. You will be always my hero.

Tom Wu

Nate, listening to your YUI talk took me back the memory

of HTML 1.0 tricks that everyone used in 1995. It’s surprising to have

you that make surfing on Web couldn’t be better experience than before. Want to salut to Nate with a old chinese saying: “ 天不生奈特,



I am very impressed with your passion at front-end engineering. You really taught me a lot. Wish you have better



Hey hey Nate... It's sad to hear you are leaving

us but still wish you the best for the coming futureand don't forget to call us if you pop in Taiwan!! Keep up the excellent work and



body {background:url(Yahoo! Taiwan) no-repeat;}

#Nate { content:’Yahoo! CSS God Father ’;}

#Beckie { content:’Thank you!’;}

Hello Nate,

After seeing you dancing with the hot nurse in Taipei pub – DS , I must say I totally change my impression for engineers!

Great dance moves, haha… awesome! Do let us know the next time you visit Taiwan, we’ll surely show you around, there’re more cute nurses out there!Hopefully we’ll hear from you soon! Take care!

Cheers,Taiwan UED VD

Yvonne Jong

Dear Nate,

It is with mixed emotions that I write this, I would like to take this opportunity to express my

sincere appreciation to you, my friend. I have learned a great deal from you and will miss you. It has been a great pleasure working with you. Great to know that your baby is on the way and please visit my home again when traveling around Taipei then.

All the best to you and your family

Aaron , friend always

Also Don’t forget the wonderful moments in Taiwan!

Chinese Worship

Tea Time in LaCrema!

Drunken F2Es

Your Speech in NTU

Still Remember the Taste of Duck Blood?

Wonderful Time at DS pub!

Your Speech in NCTU

Life is an “Easy but also difficult game”We always believe you will be the winner!

Thank You Nate!

Your friends in Taiwan.

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