sbspksv2: structure-based sequence analysis of polyketide...

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  • W72–W79 Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, Vol. 45, Web Server issue Published online 29 April 2017doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx344

    SBSPKSv2: structure-based sequence analysis ofpolyketide synthases and non-ribosomal peptidesynthetasesShradha Khater, Money Gupta, Priyesh Agrawal, Neetu Sain, Jyoti Prava, Priya Gupta,Mansi Grover, Narendra Kumar and Debasisa Mohanty*

    National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110067, India

    Received February 24, 2017; Revised April 10, 2017; Editorial Decision April 16, 2017; Accepted April 25, 2017


    Genome guided discovery of novel natural productshas been a promising approach for identificationof new bioactive compounds. SBSPKS web-serverhas been a valuable resource for analysis of polyke-tide synthase (PKS) and non-ribosomal peptide syn-thetase (NRPS) gene clusters. We have developed anupdated version - SBSPKSv2 which is based on com-prehensive analysis of sequence, structure and sec-ondary metabolite chemical structure data from 311experimentally characterized PKS/NRPS gene clus-ters with known biosynthetic products. A completelynew feature of SBSPKSv2 is the inclusion of featuresfor search in chemical space. It allows the user tocompare the chemical structure of a given secondarymetabolite to the chemical structures of biosyntheticintermediates and final products. For identification ofcatalytic domains, SBSPKS now uses profile basedsearches, which are computationally faster and havehigh sensitivity. HMM profiles have also been addedfor a number of new domains and motif informa-tion has been used for distinguishing condensation(C), epimerization (E) and cyclization (Cy) domains ofNRPS. In summary, the new and updated SBSPKSv2is a versatile tool for genome mining and analysis ofpolyketide and non-ribosomal peptide biosyntheticpathways in chemical space. The server is availableat:


    Polyketides (PKs) and non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) aretwo major classes of secondary metabolites with diversechemical structures (1,2) and a valuable source of pharma-ceutically important molecules. The enormous diversity inchemical structures and hence their bioactivities, stem fromthe thio-template mechanism used by polyketide synthases

    (PKSs) and non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs).The tailoring enzymes that act after biosynthesis of corepolyketide or non-ribosomal peptide scaffold, are capableof adding a plethora of functional groups to further di-versify the final metabolites (3). An in-depth understand-ing of the biosynthetic mechanism and ways to adapt it,might yield valuable results in the form of therapeuticallyimportant products (4,5). Given their pharmaceutical rel-evance, PKS and NRPS gene clusters and the metaboliteshave been extensively characterized (6). The pharmaceu-tical importance of these natural products and the rolegenome that mining has played in the discovery and char-acterization of new natural products, prompted us to de-velop SBSPKS (Structure based sequence analysis of PKSand NRPS)––a web-based tool for sequence and structuralanalysis of PKSs and NRPSs (7). SBSPKS is one of theuser friendly web-servers for analysis of PKS and NRPSmegasynthases, their substrate prediction and a variety ofother sequence and structural analysis (8–12). Recent re-views on computational methods for natural product dis-covery, have compared various features of SBSPKS andother similar bioinformatics tools like AntiSMASH (13),ClusScan (11), NP.Searcher (14) and SMURF (15), andhave provided overviews on utilities of such tools in genomemining studies (13,16). Since the first version of SBSPKSwas released, advances in high throughput technologieshave unveiled a large number of microorganisms contain-ing putative natural product biosynthetic gene clusters withunknown biosynthetic products (17), and also large numberof natural products for which biosynthetic gene clusters areunknown. Since SBSPKS uses a knowledge based approachfor formulation of its prediction rules, it is essential that itsbackend databases are updated to include information onexperimentally characterized PKS and NRPS gene clusters.It is also necessary that computational methods/tools aresuitably updated for optimum execution time with increaseddata size and to facilitate new types of searches. In additionto robust genome mining tools, tools which aid in search ofchemical space are also required. Therefore, we have devel-

    *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +91 11 26703749; Fax: +91 11 26742125; Email:

    C© The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, whichpermits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please


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  • Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, Vol. 45, Web Server issue W73

    oped SBSPKSv2 which integrates genomic and chemical in-formation, and helps not only in improved analysis of PKSand NRPS gene clusters, but also in analysis of the chem-ical space of these secondary metabolites. Table 1 providesa summary of the comparative analysis of various featuresof the major web-servers currently used in genome miningof secondary metabolites. Most of these software do notstore chemical structures of starters, extenders, biosyntheticintermediates and final secondary metabolites in SMILESformat. Hence, the feature for search in chemical space ishitherto unavailable in most other web servers available foranalysis of PK and NRP biosynthetic pathways. CurrentlyPRISM is the only other tool which allows comparison ofpredicted chemical structures of secondary metabolites withstructures of known secondary metabolites (18). However,detailed analysis of biosynthetic PKS/NRPS pathways inchemical space cannot be carried out using PRISM.

    The updated version of SBSPKS has been divided intochemical and genomic space. The chemical space of SB-SPKSv2 can be probed using available tools like search forchemically similar compounds and search for potential tai-loring reactions. These search tools are based on manu-ally curated database of more than 200 biosynthetic path-ways. The pathways can be visualized as interactive graphs.The utility of these tools has been described using an or-phan PK-Albocycline. To the best of our knowledge thereare no databases or tools which catalog the information onPKS and NRPS pathways in chemical space at such de-tails and provide users with tools to analyze it (Table 1).Generic pathway databases like KEGG catalog a commonpathway map for all PKs and NRPs (19). Recently, Khateret al. and Dejong et al. have independently developed bioin-formatics pipelines for retro biosynthetic analysis of PKsand NRPs (20,21), but they lack a curated database anduser friendly interfaces for analysis of characterized path-ways (22). A well curated database of PK and NRP biosyn-thetic pathways in chemical space will also help in verifica-tion of the available tools for retro biosynthetic enumera-tion of biochemical transformations. The genomic space ofSBSPKSv2 has also been updated and it now includes 311manually curated gene clusters. Though extensive manualcuration and restricting our database to only experimen-tally characterized clusters limit the number of entries inSBSPKSv2, it makes this web-server a valuable resource foraccessing experimentally characterized PKS/NRPS geneclusters. The genome mining tool of SBSPKSv2 now usesfaster and more sensitive profile based search to detect reg-ular PKS/NRPS catalytic domains as well as other unusualdomains which occur less frequently in PKS/NRPS biosyn-thetic gene clusters. In addition to modeling three dimen-sional (3D) structures of PKS modules, a new feature tomodel 3D structures of NRPS module has also been in-cluded. The interfaces, for analysis of PKS/NRPS biosyn-thetic pathways in genomic and chemical space have alsobeen seamlessly interlinked with each other.

    Combined with the new features and updates, SBSPKSv2can potentially help in characterization of new secondarymetabolites and in redesigning known biosynthetic path-ways to produce novel compounds of therapeutic impor-tance. In summary, SBSPKSv2 is an user-friendly, up-to-

    date and manually curated web server which has undergoneseveral crucial improvements.


    New features

    SBSPKS chemical space. Traditional methods like micro-bial isolation and culturing combined with newer meth-ods like genetic engineering and metagenomics have yielded>11000 PKs and NRPs (20). Also, advances in sequencingtechnologies have exponentially increased the rate of dis-covery of new PKS and NRPS gene clusters. Of the 11000PKs and NRPs discovered, a very small percentage has itsbiosynthetic gene cluster known. Gene cluster discovery ofthese secondary metabolites can be facilitated by compar-ing them to characterized PKs, NRPs and their biosyn-thetic intermediates. Two essential requirements for suchsearches are, a well curated database containing charac-terized biosynthetic pathways of PKs and NRPs and suit-able tool(s) to search and analyze the chemical structuresof secondary metabolites and their biosynthetic intermedi-ates. Therefore, to assist in the discovery of gene clusters oforphan PKs and NRPs and help in rational design of novelengineered products, we have developed a completely newinterface in SBSPKSv2–PKS/NRPS chemical space.

    Similar chemical structure search. To understand thebiosynthetic pathway of an orphan PK or NRP, user cansearch for chemically similar molecules using the ‘Reac-tion Search’ module (Figure 1). The search for chemi-cally similar PKs and NRPs accepts chemical structure ofquery molecule in SMILES format. Chemical structures inSMILES format can be obtained from PUBCHEM for alarge number of metabolites (18). If not available in PUB-CHEM or other websites, user can generate it using Pub-Chem Sketcher (23). ‘Reaction Search’ module allows usersto restrict their search by defining the number of matches,Tanimoto score or sub-structural patterns in SMARTS for-mat. The algorithm then compares the given molecule to∼2000 biosynthetic intermediates and final products of ex-perimentally characterized PKs and NRPs using the simi-larity search option of Open Babel which is based on sub-structure based fingerprints (24). Links to the biosyntheticpathway page of the hits provided by the tool can help in de-ciphering putative biosynthetic pathways of the query com-pound.

    Tailoring reaction search. In addition to the variation instarter/extender molecules and length of PKs and NRPs,cyclization reactions and post PKS/NRPS modificationsadd to the complexity and diversity of PKs and NRPs. Thetailoring enzymes are usually present in synteny of PKS andNRPS genes. Therefore, deciphering the cyclization modesand tailoring steps will not only help in understanding thepathway but will also help in narrowing down the biosyn-thetic gene cluster. Extensive analysis of the biosyntheticpathways of PKs and NRPs helped us in extracting closeto 20 functional groups involved in tailoring reactions andcyclizations (Supplementary Table S1). These functionalgroups are stored in SMARTS format and form the basisof search for potential tailoring reactions (Figure 2). Open


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  • W74 Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, Vol. 45, Web Server issue

    Table 1. Comparison of various web servers for analysis of PKS and NRPS biosynthetic pathways




    Identificationof clustershavingsimilarORFs



    NRPS/PKS3D Modeling

    SMILES for starter/extender/intermediatesand finalsecondarymetabolite

    Comparison ofpathways inchemical space



    SBSPKSv2 + + + + + + + +AntiSMAH + + + +PRISM + + + + +SMURF +CLUSEAN + +ClustScan + +NP.Searcher + +NRPSpredictor2 +

    Figure 1. The figure depicts search for similar structures in chemical space. The search for structurally similar polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide allowsusers to match a query molecule to the biosynthetic intermediates of experimentally characterized polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide. The links onthe result page can be used to navigate to the respective page in the biosynthetic pathway database. The database catalogs biosynthetic pathways of >200polyketides and non-ribosomal peptides. Chemical structures of each step are stored in SMILES format, along with the reactions, monomer/extender unitand enzymes involved. Clicking on the reaction arrow links to the respective module/enzyme in the genomic space of SBSPKS. The genomic space alsoprovides a cross link to the chemical space. Chemical structures similar to the biosynthetic intermediates can be searched by clicking the intermediates.

    Babel is used to match the query molecule (SMILES for-mat) with the stored functional groups. A hit indicates pres-ence of the functional group and hence suggests that the re-spective reaction is potentially involved in the biosynthesisof query. The result page also provides an option to visual-ize the functional group added by the predicted reaction byhighlighting it in chemical structure of the query.

    Biosynthetic pathways database. The similarity search andsearch for potential tailoring reaction uses an elaboratedatabase of biosynthetic pathways in chemical space at thebackend. The database contains biosynthetic pathway of>200 experimentally characterized PKs and NRPs. Basedon extensive manual curation of published literature, chem-ical structures of metabolites and sequences of biosyn-thetic enzymes, each step involved in the biosynthesis ofPKs or NRPs have been cataloged in the database along


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    Figure 2. The reaction search part of SBSPKSv2 provides search based on chemical structures (Figure 1 lower panel), search for possible tailoring reactionsand search for keywords. The search for potential tailoring reaction, lists the predicted reactions along with link to other biosynthetic pathways containingthe same functional group and also provides a link to visualize the functional group by highlighting it in green.

    with the reactions, enzyme names, accession numbers andmonomers added. Approximately 2000 chemical structuresof biosynthetic intermediates are stored in SMILES formatand >1000 sequences of enzymes involved in the charac-terized PKs/NRPs pathway have been stored. The PK andNRP pathways have been represented as interactive graphs(Figure 1). The pathway pages use embedded JavaScript-based Cytoscape.js (25). Each graph starts with the startermoiety and catalogs the intermediate steps to terminate atthe complete metabolite. The nodes of the graph representthe biosynthetic intermediates and the edges represent thereaction converting each intermediate. Images of chemi-cal structure of intermediates have been used to depict thenodes. All nodes and edges in the graph based viewer canbe dragged by the user to any desired position and can beclicked to show additional details. Individual nodes can beclicked to view a larger image of chemical structure, repre-sentation in SMILES format and link to structurally simi-lar metabolites. Each edge label depicts the monomer beingadded (if applicable), gene name corresponding to the en-zyme involved and reaction name. The web-server also al-

    lows user to download the pathway map of each metabo-lite as a flat file. Feature for searches in the text part ofthe database has been made available using the keywordsearch functionality. For example, it can help in search forall PKS/NRPS pathway where the monomer alanine ormethyl malonate is added or all pathways where a particu-lar reaction like methyl-transfer or epoxidation occurs. Theidentified pathways can then be visualized as interactivegraphs.

    Interlinking chemical and genomic space. The genomic andthe chemical space of SBSPKSv2 have been interlinked bycross references between related features/records. Clickingon the edge of a reaction graph in chemical space allowsthe user to visualize the corresponding biosynthetic enzymein genomic space of SBSPKS and carry out further analy-sis of its sequence or structural features. The link displaysthe complete biosynthetic gene cluster where the selectedenzyme is highlighted (Figure 1). Similarly in the HTMLpages which depict domain organizations for each biosyn-thetic gene cluster in genomic space, each domain has beeninterlinked to the chemical transformation it catalyzes in


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    Figure 3. Understanding the origin of unusual double bond in orphan polyketide Albocycline. Search for chemical structures similar to albocycline showedsimilarity to jerangolid and ambruticin among others. Interestingly, these two polyketides contain the same unusual double bond. Study of the completepathway revealed the origin of double bond through rearrangement.

    chemical space. Clicking on the domain leads to a pagewhich not only provides interfaces for a variety of sequenceas well as structural analysis, but also provides a link to thebiosynthetic pathway database in the chemical space (Sup-plementary Figure S1). The reaction catalyzed by the se-lected domain is highlighted in red. Thus SBSPKSv2 pro-vides interfaces for seamless transitions between genomicand chemical space and carry out various types of analysis.

    Case study. The new chemical space interface of SB-SPKSv2 can therefore help in the search for biosyntheticcluster of orphan PKs and NRPs. The utility of SB-SPKSv2 chemical space can be demonstrated using anorphan antibiotic–albocycline (Figure 3). Albocycline hasbeen shown to be effective against methicillin resistantStaphylococcus aureus but its biosynthetic gene cluster stillremains unknown (26,27). Though an in silico analysis haspredicted albocycline to be a product of PKS gene clustercomprised of six elongation modules (28), the origin of theunusual diene system (C8-C9 and C11–C12) remains ob-scure. Therefore to understand the biosynthesis of albocy-cline and origin of the unusual double bond we searched forclosest structural match to albocycline in chemical space.Though the overall structure of albocycline looks similar topikromycin and erythromycin the closest structural matchcame from biosynthetic intermediates of FD891, jerangolidand ambruticin. A closer look at the ambruticin and jeran-golid intermediates revealed that they too share the skippeddiene system of albocycline. As evident from the ambruticinand jerangolid pathways in chemical space, the skipped di-ene is a result of carbon excision and rearrangement. There-fore a similar carbon excision and rearrangement can be en-visioned for albocycline. The methyl group at C10 might be

    the excised and rearranged from the main PK chain. There-fore the ‘Reaction Search’ module of SBSPKS was able topredict the biosynthetic origin of the unusual diene systemof albocycline and hence aided in better understanding ofthe possible biosynthetic origin of this molecule.

    Cluster search. The genomic space of SBSPKSv2 nowhas a new interface named ‘Cluster Search’, for search-ing ORFs in the experimentally characterized PKS/NRPSgene clusters having similarity to the query sequence andalso for identifying biosynthetic reactions catalyzed by thedomains/modules present in the matching ORFs (Supple-mentary Figure S2). This search interface uses the latest ver-sion of NCBI BLAST+ (29) at its backend and the searchspace of this interface includes sequences of the megasyn-thases as well as the tailoring enzymes in biosynthetic geneclusters (BGC) present in SBSPKSv2. It provides interlinkbetween the chemical and the genomic space of SBSPKSv2.User can input multiple sequences to search in both ge-nomic and chemical space and can predict the potential en-zymatic reactions catalyzed by the input sequences. This in-terface is useful for identifying tailoring enzymes.


    In the past decade, a large number of PKS and NRPSgene clusters have been identified and characterized. Re-sources like MIBig, IMG-ABC and antiSMASH databasecontain a large number of predicted secondary metabo-lite gene clusters (30–32). These databases are excellent re-sources containing a catalog of all predicted gene clustersand their domain annotations, but often it is difficult todistinguish information about experimentally characterized


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    Figure 4. The figure depicts usage of PKS/NRPS domain search. The search identifies various catalytic domains present in PKS/NRPS gene clustersbased on twenty profile HMMs. The similarity and alignment of each domain can be visualized by using the HMM alignment link. Each domain is furtherlinked to its alignment with structural homologs and with experimentally characterized sequences.

    biosynthetic gene clusters (BGC) from information whichis predicted for uncharacterized BGCs. Therefore, there isa need to comprehensively annotate and store the infor-mation regarding experimentally characterized BGCs andmake them easily accessible for analysis. The few databasesthat contain manually curated gene clusters of PKS andNRPS are DoBISCUIT and ClusterMine360 (33,34). Theycontain 135 and 245 gene clusters respectively, correspond-ing to unique compound families. But since their last up-date the number of characterized gene cluster has increased.Therefore to catalog the growing information comprehen-sively, NRPS PKS––the genomic database of SBSPKS hasbeen updated. NRPS PKS now contains >300 gene clus-ters belonging to unique compound families (Supplemen-tary Table S2). The database catalogs information aboutgenes involved in the biosynthesis of PKs and NRPs, itsmodules and domains, specificity of acyltransferase (AT)and adenylation (A) domains and their active sites. Each do-main is linked to the respective domain organization pagewhich allows for various analyses like pairwise alignmentwith other characterized domains; search for nearest struc-tural homolog, threading alignments, comparison of the ac-tive site with other characterized sequences. As a number of

    new 3D structures of PKS and NRPS domains have beenelucidated since the last NRPS PKS update, we have incor-porated them into SBSPKSv2.

    Earlier version of SBSPKS identified PKS/NRPS do-mains by pair wise alignment of query sequence to tem-plate sequences of various domains, and multiple templatesequences were used for domains like ACP which had highlydiverged sequences. Since profile based methods are moreefficient for domain identification, other software like Anti-SMASH, NRPSsp and NRPSpredictor (13,14,35) use Hid-den Markov Models (HMMs) not only for domain iden-tification, but also for prediction of substrate specificityof adenylation (A) domains of NRPS. We have now im-plemented HMM based method in SBSPKSv2 for quickand efficient domain identification. In the last few years,not only has the number of characterized gene clusters in-creased, but a number of new domains like product template(PT), starter unit:acyl-carrier protein transacylase (SAT),Formyl transferase (FT) have also been identified in thesemegasynthases (Supplementary Table S3). To detect thesenew domains and the canonical PKS/NRPS domains wehave either developed HMM models or used HMM modelsfrom Pfam (22,36). Cut-off was determined for each domain


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    after extensive analysis of the characterized sequences withprofile HMMs. The sensitivity, specificity and precision ofall our HMM based models are >0.9 (Supplementary TableS4). As Condensation (C), Epimerization (E) and Cycliza-tion (Cy) domains of NRPS shares high sequence similar-ity, we have used motif based methods to distinguish thesedomains. Though a number of tools exist for genome min-ing of PKS/NRPS gene clusters, detection of several un-usual domains is exclusive to SBSPKSv2 (SupplementaryTable S3). In addition to domain detection the genome min-ing tool of SBSPKSv2 also predicts substrate specificity,active site, closest structural homolog and experimentallycharacterized domain sequences (Figure 4). Updated SB-SPKSv2 now uses specificity determining active site profilefrom 160 different A domain monomers and 15 AT domainsubstrates. This significantly enhances the performance ofSBSPKS in predicting starter/extender substrates selectedby PKS/NRPS modules in a newly identified sequence.

    Since the last SBSPKS release, 3D structures of threeNRPS module has been elucidated. (14,35,37). Given aNRPS module sequence, ‘Model 3D-PKS/NRPS’ interfaceof SBSPKSv2 builds its homology model using these struc-tures as templates. SCWRL program (15) is used to buildthe side chain coordinates of these homology models.


    Open Babel was used to build database of biosynthetic in-termediates (24). Chemaxon ( used for chemical structure drawing. The interac-tive pathway graphs are visualized using Cytoscape.js (25).HMM profiles were built using HMMER3 software (22).Pairwise alignments are performed using latest version ofBLAST+ (29).


    An update of SBSPKS was planned due to three rea-sons: (i) since the last update the number of characterizedPKS/NRPS gene cluster have increased, (ii) advances inhigh throughput technology has exponentially increased thenumber of orphan PKs and NRPs as well as the mega-synthases and (iii) The chemical space of PKs and NRPs’biosynthesis has not yet been curated and cataloged in anydatabase and hence is not available for analysis. Therefore,to augment these three areas we have manually curated thechemical space of characterized PK and NRP biosyntheticpathways, developed tools to analyze and search in thechemical space, updated the genomic database of biosyn-thetic gene clusters and updated the genome mining toolto increase its efficiency. In summary, the new features andkey improvements in SBSPKSv2 make it a comprehensivebioinformatics resource for search and analysis in the ge-nomic as well as chemical space of polyketides and non-ribosomal peptides.

    Though we have tried to create an updated and userfriendly web-server, there are still some aspects which mightneed improvement. We are in the process of adding morenumber of PKS/NRPS pathways in chemical space. In thefuture, the download format of the pathway will be up-dated to XML formatted files like SBML to help user to

    use the pathways in simulation and modeling applications.The database of tailoring reaction will be increased so thatthe usability of the tool is further enhanced.

    AVAILABILITY This website is free andopen to all users and there is no login requirement.


    Supplementary Data are available at NAR Online.


    Department of Biotechnology, Government of India grantto National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi; Depart-ment of Biotechnology, India [BTIS (BT/BI/03/009/2002),COE (BT/COE/34/SP15138/2015) to D.M.]; Council ofScientific & Industrial Research, India (to N.S., M.G.).Funding for open access charge: NII, New Delhi (to D.M.).Conflict of interest statement. None declared.

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