sc guide 1

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 SC guide 1


    A) Types to be avo ided in GMAT

    1) Being, to be (Both are c onsidered to be passive)

    2) Unnecessary ing words should be removed, wherever possible.

    3) Avoid Passive vo ice as fa r as possible

    e.g. His app roa ch is d ifferent from the a pp roa c h used by any o ther tenor ispa ssive a nd he nce inco rrec t on GMAT

    The c orrec t sent enc e is

    His ap p roa c h is different from the a pp roa c h of any o ther tenor

    4) Any Sente nce c onstruc tion with preposition + noun + participle

    e.g . With child-ca re fac ilities includ ed (with p rep osition , c hild -ca re noun ,

    inc luded pa rticiple)

    Infinitives like to inc lude , to impleme nt etc . are wrong on GMAT. Instea d use,

    impleme nting , including (Which are know n as Ge runds) etc .

    A Ge rund is a noun formed from a ve rb i.e. Overcoming the GM AT is a g rea t

    achievement. infinitives are usually formed to retain the integrity of the idiom

    which is used or to keep a sentence in parallel

    5) Hop efully, is a lmost a lwa ys wrong .

    Examp le of p oints (3) and (4)

    Cha rlotte Perkins Gilma n, a late nineteenth-ce ntury fem inist, called for urba n a partment

    houses inc lud ing c hild-c are fa c ilities and c lustered suburba n ho uses including c om muna l

    ea ting a nd soc ia l fac ilities.

    A) including c hild -ca re fa c ilities and c lustered suburba n houses including c om muna lea ting and soc ia l fac ilities

    B) tha t inc luded child-c a re fac ilities, and for clustered suburba n houses to include

    co mmuna l eating and soc ial fac ilit ies

    C) w ith c hild-ca re fac ilities included and for clustered suburba n houses to inc lude

    co mmuna l eating and soc ial fac ilit ies

    D) that inc luded c hild -ca re fa c ilities and for clustered suburba n houses with c om muna l

    ea ting and soc ia l fac ilities

    E) to inc lude c hild-c a re fac ilities and for clustered suburba n ho uses with c om muna l

    ea ting and soc ia l fac ilities inc luded

    First, we c an eliminate all the answe r choices that use w ith comm unal ea ting and

    soc ial fac ilities included or any o the r structu re tha t follows this pa tte rn:

    prep osition + noun + p a rticiple

    This pa tte rn is a lmost a lwa ys wrong on the GM AT, and is certa inly wrong in this

    question. This elimina tes C) and E).

    A) is amb iguous--is c lustered suburban ho uses pa ra llel w ith child -ca rfac ilities or

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    with urba n apa rtme nt houses? We need to repea t for to be sure tha t c lustered

    suburban houses is pa ra llel with urba n a partme nt ho uses.

    Now we 're left w ith B) and D).

    Now, the o nly differenc e b etw een B and D is the infinitive to inc lude, which G MAT

    c onsiders unidioma tic.

    Tha t lea ves us with D).

    B) Idiom s to Rem em be r

    1) To excha nge X for Y (exchange X with Y or any o ther form is inco rrec t)

    2) Different from one ano ther (Different o ne from the o ther is wrong)

    3) X is unknown, nor it is know n is a correc t id iom (Neither is not req uired ) It is not

    that nor would alwa ys be prece de d b y a neither

    4) To rat ify (At rat ifying is inco rrec t) An a ttemp t to ra tify is the c orrec t use

    5) Allergy to (Allergy of, allergy for a re incorrec t)

    6) To t ry to fix is the right id iom (to try and fix is incorrec t)

    7) Just as So too

    8) X is different from Y (different than Y is incorrect)

    9) Same to to Y

    e.g G rav ity will ap ply the sam e to an airplane flying in a ir as to a ship floating o n


    10)From X to Y (Grow from 2 million to 3 billion) (From X up to Y is wrong , from being X

    to Y is a lso w rong )

    Studies of the human sleep-wake cycle have practical relevance for matters

    ranging from duty assignments in nuclear submarines and air-traffic control towers

    to the staff of shifts in 24-hour factories.

    (A) to the staff of

    (B) to those who staff

    (C) to the staffing of

    (D) and staffing

    (E) and the staff of

    From X where X is a noun he re.

    So, Y should b e a noun.

    To tho se who sta ff in B is incorrec t.

    C ha s a no un and is c orrec t.

    Also, see exam ples in notep ad (From a lso-ran to loc a l hero the a thlete )

    11)Estima ted to b e (Estima ted a t is inco rrec t)

    12)Believe X to be Y (Note: consider to b e is wrong but believed to be is right)

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    13)Acc laimed a s is the c orrec t idiom (Ac c laimed to b e is wrong ) (is acc laimed for


    14)Distinguish b etwee n X and Y (Distinguish X from Y is incorrec t)

    15)In an a ttemp t to (ga in c ontrol)

    16)Worried a bo ut (When ta lking ab out som eone s cond ition)

    17)Attemp t to do some thing (Attempt a t d oing is inco rrec t).

    18)Bot h X and Y (Bot h X as well as Y is incorrec t) Both a t X and a t Y is correc t. Both o nX or on Y is c orrec t. Both shou ld a lways have p ara llel forms assoc iated to it.

    Simila rly, Neither nor should ha ve para llel forms assoc iated to it.

    19)Adverb twice ca nnot be an o bject of p ropo sit ion by.

    Inc rea se b y twice is inc orrec t; doub led is correc t

    20)So X as to be Y (So unrea l as to be t rue)

    21)As muc h a s (Rep ublica ns a re involved as much a s Demo c rat s).

    22)X prohibits Y from

    23)Persuade d X to d o Y

    24)x forbids y to do zx prohibits y from doing z.

    The new contract forbids a strike by the transportation union

    A) forbids a strike by the transportation unionB) forbids the transportation union from strikingC) forbids that there be a strike by the transportation unionD) will forbid the transportation union from strikingE) will forbid that the transportation union strikes

    A is the correct answer ??????????????????????????????

    25)Credit X with discove ring Y (Credit w ith d oing som ething)

    26)Cred it X Rupee s to Ys ac count (When mo ney is involved )

    27)Given c red it for being o neswho

    28)Believed to have

    29)Reg arded as hav ing30)Reg arded as ones who ha ve

    31)Conc erned for wo rried ; conc erned w ith related/ a fflia ted

    32)No soonerthan

    33)X expec ted to Y

    34)Mista ke X for Y

    35)Not X, but rather Y (ca n also ha ve semi-colon in be tween)

    36)So X that Y (So po or that they stea l, So illiterate are p eo ple tha t they c ant eve n


    37)Req uire tha t X be Y (Not require tha t X is Y)

    38)As a result o f

    39)At least as strong as(At least as great as)

    40)Mode led a fter

    41)Intent o n

    42)Nat ive of (Native to is a lso used in som e c ases, as in the examp le given b elow )

    43)Com pe nsate for

    44)Adapted for

    45)Plead gu ilty fo r fa iling

    46)Descend ent o f (Desc end ent fo r is inc orrec t)

    47)X is to wha tY is to

    48)Pote ntial for causing

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    In large doses, analgesics that work in the brain as antagonists to

    certain chemicals have caused psychological disturbances in

    patients, which may limit their potential to relieve severe pain.

    (A) which may limit their potential to relieve

    (B) which may limit their potential for relieving

    (C) which may limit such analgesics potential to relieve

    (D) an effect that may limit their potential to relieve

    (E) an effect that may limit the potential of such analgesics for


    49)Aid in (Aid fo r is inco rrec t)

    People w ere a sking Godd ess Dia s aid in healing illsor thanking her for suc h help .

    50)Reg ard as is the c orrec t idiom

    Most nations regard their airspace as extending upward as high as an aircraft can fly;

    no specific altitude, however, has been officially recognized as a boundary.

    (A) as extending

    (B) as the extent

    (C) to be an extent

    (D) to be an extension

    (E) to extend

    A is correct, because it uses regard as

    51)When rates m ea ns pric es c harged it should be follow ed with for

    Ra tes for liab ility insurance

    52)Distinguish b etw ee n X and Y (2 very d ifferent items, distinguished , say red and

    green colors)Some co lor blind pe op le ca nnot d istinguish b etwe en red and green

    53)Distinguish X from Y (Two p retty similar item s, say orig inal p a intings from fake o nes)54)Attribute X (An effect) to Y(A cause)

    55)Not in a flashbut in a56)May be (This is a word) is idiomatic, maybe (This means perhaps) is not idiomatic57)That X is called for is indicated both by Yand by Z.58)Not so m uc h to Xas to Y

    59)Assoc iate X with Y

    60)Business ethics Is a singula r word

    61)To worry about som eo ne s c ond ition (To keep worrying ove r an a ction)

    62)Com bined X with Y OR Co mb ined X and Y (Both a re c orrec t)

    e.g. Co mb ined skill with d ete rmination

    Comb ined reacta nt X and reac tant Y63)wa y to p rovide (Way for providing is incorrec t)

    64)No less an a utho rity than

    An artistic presence of the first order, one frequently ranked with Picasso, Stravinsky, andJames Joyce, Martha Graham was acclaimed as a great dancer long before her

    innovative masterworks made her the most honored of American choreographers.

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    (A) Martha Graham was acclaimed as(B) Martha Graham was acclaimed to be(C) Martha Grahams acclaim is as(D) Martha Grahams acclaim to be

    (E) Martha Grahams acclaim was in being

    acclaimed as choice A is correct in this case.

    65)Alloc a ted to is the c orrec t id iom

    E,g, The public library allocated revenues it recieved from the recently passed taxinitiative to the purchasing of more than 2000 books and 50 computers.

    A) to the purchasing of more than 2000 books and 50 computers.B) in order to purchase more than 2000 books and 50 computers.C) so as to purchase more than 2000 books and 50 computers.D) so that more than 2000 books and 50 computers could be purchased

    E) for the purchase of more than 2000 books and 50 computers.

    Bufo ma rinus toa ds, fierce p reda to rs tha t w ill ea t frogs, liza rds, and eve n sma ll b irds,

    a re na tive to South Ame rica but we re introd uced into Florida during the 1930's in an

    a ttemp t to c ont rol pe sts in the sta te's va st sugarcane fields.

    (A) a re na tive to South Ame ric a but we re introd uced into Florida during the 1930's in

    an a ttempt to c ontrol

    (B) are na tive in South Americ a b ut we re introduc ed into Florida during the 1930's as

    attem pts to c ontrol

    (C) a re na tives of South Americ a b ut we re introduced into Florida during t he 1930's in

    an a ttemp t at c ontrolling

    (D) had be en na tive to South Am erica b ut we re introd uc ed to Florida during the

    1930's as an a ttemp t a t cont rolling

    (E) had be en na tives of South Am erica but w ere introd uced to Florida during the

    1930's as a ttemp ts a t c ont rolling

    Cho ice A is best. The p hrasing a re na tive to c orrec tly sugge sts tha t the toa d

    spec ies is ind igenous to , and still exists in, South Am eric a . In B, na tive in is

    unidioma tic; in C and E, natives of illogica lly sugg ests that ea c h toa d now in

    Florida ha ils from Sout h Am erica . In D and E, had bee n inac c urate ly imp lies tha t

    the to ad s a re no longe r nat ive, or ind ige nous, to South Am eric a , and introd uc ed to

    Florida is unidiom atic. Both a s a ttemp ts in B and E and as an a ttemp t in D a re w rongbec ause the atte mp t c onsists not of the toa ds them selves, but o f their introd uc tion

    into the environm ent. The c orrec t phrase, in an a ttem pt , should b e c om p leted b y an

    infinitive (here, to c ont rol), as in A.

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    C) Most Impo rtant Points to reme mb er:

    1) Use of Consider: When consider me ans reg a rd as , as should no t be present

    with c onsider in the sentenc e. Consider must d irec tly be follow ed by the

    sentence w ithout a n infinitive like to be etc .

    Exam ple: Som e stud ents of literary c ritic ism c onside r thetheories of Blaine to be a huge ad vanc e in mod ern

    c ritica l thinking a nd q uestion the nee d t o study the

    d isc ounted theories of Rauthe and Wilson .

    to be a huge a dvanc e in mod ern crit ica l

    thinking a nd que stion

    as a hug e a dva nc e in mod ern c ritica l thinking

    and question

    as be ing a huge a dva nce in mod ern c ritic al

    thinking and que stioned

    a huge adva nce in critica l thinking and

    question (When consider means regard as, no need of as)

    are a huge a dva nce in mo de rn c ritic al thinking

    and que stioned

    Example 2:

    Critics consider correc tion fac ilities to be a n integ ral pa rt of communal system. -


    Critics consider correc tion fac ilities an integral pa rt of c om muna l system .


    Many scholars regard the pre-Hispanic civilizations of Peru as the most impressive

    in South America.

    (A) regard the pre-Hispanic civilizations of Peru as

    (B) regard the pre-Hispanic civilizations of Peru to be

    (C) regard the pre-Hispanic civilizations of Peru to have been

    (D) consider that the pre-Hispanic civilizations of Peru are

    (E) consider the pre-Hispanic civilizations of Peru as

    A is c orrec t

    2) Sem ico lon: Any sentence a fter a sem icolon (;), should b e a n indep end ent


    3) Objec t v/ s. Subjec t: If a no un is the o bjec t of a verb, the verb should end w ith

    ed . If a noun is the subjec t of a ve rb , the verb should end w ith ing . (e.g. loc a l

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    times de termined when the noun is ob jec t of the verb d etermined ) (e.g.

    de termining the loc al times whe re the noun loc al times is the subjec t o f the ve rb

    de termining). Som eb od y d ete rmined time s time s is ob ject of d ete rmined

    Times d iffered Times is the sub jec t o f d iffered

    4) One of the: The p a ttern to rem em be r is one o f the NOUN (this noun w ill alwa ysbe plural) + that/ who + PLURAL VERBExamp le : He is one of the persons who make money.

    This is one of the cars that run on hydrog en.

    A number of peop le are wa iting for the b us.

    The numb er of c ars in the c ity is decreasing.

    Any o f the stoc khold ers who disapp rove is the right use

    Three cat s, eac h ea t

    Three cat s, ea c h of which ea ts

    A sentenc e like X is one of the Y tha t are. Are is the correc t use. Suc h a sentenc e

    alwa ys should have a sub ject verb a greem ent with Y and not w ith X. CAVEAT: this is the only one of Y that is

    With its plan to develop seven and a half acres of shore land, Cleveland is but one

    of a large number of communities on the Great Lakes that is looking to its

    waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life and attract new


    (A) is looking to its waterfront as a way to improve the quality of urban life andattract

    (B) is looking at its waterfront to improve the quality of urban life and attract

    (C) are looking to their waterfronts to improve the quality of urban life and attract

    (D) are looking to its waterfront as a way of improving the quality of urban life andattracting

    (E) are looking at their waterfronts as a way they can improve the quality of urbanlife and attract

    C is correct.

    5) Tenses: When the ent ire sentenc e is in the same tense, a simp le p resent tense

    ma y be fine. How eve r, if the sentenc e imp lies tha t an a c tion oc c urred be fore

    anothe r action, had ma y need to b e used ap art from the simp le p resent tense.

    To be + Comp leme nt: Points to p resent tense (The d ep letion of ozone layer is

    be lieved to b e the ca use o f all problems)

    To ha ve b een : Points to p ast tense (The imp ac t of me teorite is believed to ha ve

    c aused the extinc tion of d inosaurs)

    If they would ha ve found the receipt b y April, they wo uld ha ve p aid less tax.

    If they had found the rec eipt b y Ap ril, they would ha ve p a id less tax. - Correc t

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    6) Parallelism: Its very imp ortant to ma intain p ara llelism. E.g. I like to danc e, to run

    and to wa tc h TV. This is the c orrec t sente nc e. Howe ver, a sentenc e like I like to

    danc e, to run and wa tc h TV is wrong be cause it do es not m ainta in parallelism.

    Infinitive pa rallelism: to salvag eto p roc ess

    Only w ay for fa rme rs to sa lvag e fruit is to p roc ess it That pa ralle lism: Ma ny ag ree tha t there is wa steand that g ove rnment is


    7) Singula r verb o r plural: When the sub jec t is p lura l use a p lura l verb.

    e.g. In law s of m otion, there is a c ond ition and its c onve rse reg arding b od ies at

    rest a nd bod ies in mo tion. This is incorrec t.

    The c orrec t sentence w ould b e : In law s of mo tion, there are a c ond ition and its

    c onve rse rega rding b od ies at rest and bo d ies in motion.


    Counta ble nouns Non Countab le nouns

    More (More than 200 million

    pe op le in world ea rn less than 10

    dollars a da y)


    There is too m uc h traffic, be c ause

    ma ny peop le travel.

    Muc h is a lso used with nouns like

    Work a nd Happ iness

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    Few er (Could I have fewer soup ,

    p lease? Is wrong ,

    The c orrec t sentenc e is Could I

    have less soup, please?)

    As a rule o f thumb ,

    Use fewer to modify a plural noun.

    Example: I have fewer papers towrite than last year.

    Use less to modify a singular noun.

    Example: Youll need less paper ifyou type your report.

    When drive-ins were at the

    height of their popularity in thelate 50's , some 4000 existed in

    the United States, but today there

    are less than one-quarter thatmany

    B. there are fewer than onequarter as many

    c. there are fewer than onequarter of that amountD.the number is less than one

    quarter of that amount

    E. it is less than one quarter of

    that amount

    Fewer is correct, as highways

    are countable (4000/4) =

    1000. So, C is the answer.

    Less (Also used for sums of mo ney

    as in ab ove sentence, pe riods of

    time and distance, or while c iting

    numerical or statistical data )

    The re is less tra ffic on

    the roa d, bec ausefewer pe op le drive

    these d ays.

    It's less than twenty

    miles to Dallas.

    He's less than six feet


    Your essay should be

    a thousand words or

    less. We spent less than

    forty dollars on our


    The town spent less

    than four percent of

    its budget on snow


    With a total population of less

    than two hundred and xfewerbreeding females than ever

    before, the American

    crocodile seemed a decadeago to be in danger of


    (A) of less than two

    hundred and fewer

    (B) lower than two hundred

    and less

    (C) lesser than two hundred

    and fewer

    (D) fewer than two hundred

    and less

    (E) of fewer than twohundred and of fewer

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    Ma jority Qua ntity, amo unt, g rea ter (Used

    to c omp are numbers)

    Number, ma ny

    When d ea ling w ith peo ple,

    alwa ys use numbe r and not


    Singular nouns Plura l nouns

    Eac h, eve ryone Ha lf, a ll, mo st, 10%


    With frac tions, the verb

    agrees with preceding

    noun or clause

    e.g. 1) One third of the

    a rtic le is rubb ish

    2) All of the info is c orrec t3) Ha lf of what he writes is


    Ab out 50% of the job is



    None, eve ryone

    With c ollec tive no uns, use a singula r/ plura l verb d ep end ing on w hethe r you wa nt

    to e mp hasize on a single g roup o r its individua l mem bers.

    All of the c lass is/ a re here.

    Half of m y fam ily lives/ live in Ca nada .

    Tea m is a collec tive no un and c an be singula r or plural de pend ing upo n the rest

    of the sentence follow ing the noun.

    The team streamed into the locker room, donned their uniforms, and, beforecommencing its first practice, they joined in a brief strategy session.

    B) and its first practice was preeceded by a brief strategy session

    C) and a brief strategy session preeceded its first practiceD) and, before commencing their first practice, they joined in a brief strategy


    E) and, before commencing their first practice, joined in a brief strategy session

    E is correct

    8) Subjec t Verb Ag reement (Refer to sorted for more info): If the subjec t a nd verb

    are reve rsed , they should still ag ree with ea c h othe r.

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    e.g. A g roup of lions is c alled p ride or A p ride is a group of lions

    Attac hed a re c op ies of the co ntrac t or Co pies of the co ntrac t are

    at tached.

    One Imp ortant Examp le : All the c hoice s but D contain amb iguities.

    Amo ng the va rious em otions on display wasanger.

    Amo ng the various things found werestatues.

    9) In cond itiona l sentenc es (X w ill oc c ur if Y happe ns), ve rb o f the ma in clause

    should be in future te nse a nd verb o f the if clause should be in p resent indicat ive

    (if Y ha ppens)

    e.g . We will go to the movie only if I finish my w ork.

    10)IT as a pronoun: Wheneve r, it is used in a sent enc e, it shou ld a lways refe r to a

    NOUN. If tha t noun is not p resent in the sentenc e, don t use it. Also it shou ld

    unam b iguo usly refer to a single noun in the sentence. If unsure, replac e the it in

    the sentence w ith the NOUN.

    e.g. Unde r a provision of c onstitution that wa s neve r ap p lied , co ngress has bee n

    req uired to c all a c onvention for possible a mend ments to d oc ument w hen a sked

    ab out it. (There is no no un, to whic h it c an refer to).

    11)USE of OR: When there are 2 or more op tions sep arate d by OR , both should

    eq ua lly ap ply to the follow ing c lause.

    e.g. Slowing the growth or da ma ging forests (Both slowing the growth and

    dam aging ap p ly to forests. Now, consider the c lause slowing the growt h forests

    and dama ging forests . The first one, d oe s not see m fine. As, it shou ld b e slowing

    the g row th of o r dam aging forests).

    Dam aging or slowing the grow th of forests Is the c orrec t usage (Dama gingforests or slow ing the g rowth o f forests).

    12) I de cided tha t I would e ither take my d aughter to the cinema or go by m yself.

    I wo uld either take my d aug hter to the c inema or go by m yself.

    I either would take my d aug hter to the c inema or go by m yself.

    I wo uld either take my daug hter to the c inema or else I would m yself go.

    either I wo uld take my d aug hter to the c inema or go by m yself.

    either I wo uld myself go to the c inema o r take my da ughte r.

    The construc tion eithe r XXX or YYY is a c om mo n c onstruc tion with parallelism e rrors. In this

    c ase, the XXX (afte r the w ord e ither) and the YYY (afte r the w ord o r) should b e in thesame forma t. Let us consider wha t XXX and YYY are for eac h op tion:

    Choice A:

    XXX: take m y daughter to the cinema

    YYY: go by myself

    (This is correc t - they are b oth c lauses starting with a verb. After all, A (the origina l text) is

    the c orrec t answer.

    Cho ice B:

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    XXX: would ta ke my da ughte r to the c inema

    YYY: go by myself

    No - one c lause sta rts with the auxilia ry verb "wo uld" and the other sta rts with the p lain

    verb "go".

    Choice C:

    XXX: take my d aug hter to the c inema

    YYY: else I would myself goYuk! Tha t use of "else" is to ta lly unnec essary! It c erta inly ruins the parallelism. Beside s, the

    inc lusion of "would" in one pa rt b ut not the o ther is eno ugh to spoil the p arallel effec t.

    Choice D:

    XXX: I wo uld take my d aug hter to the c inem a

    YYY: go by myself

    Ha! O ne p a rt c onta ins a subjec t a nd auxiliary verb ("I wo uld ") and the o ther do esn't!

    Need I say more?

    Cho ice E:

    XXX: I would myself go to t he c inema

    YYY: take my d aug hter

    The swa pp ing o f the two p arts is not in itself wrong , but the inclusion o f "I wo uld" in the first

    pa rt a nd not in the sec ond is the sam e e rror that wa s p resent in (D).

    12)When two adjec tives mo d ify the same noun, bo th must have simila r forms.

    e.g. The topology co urse w as bo th rigorous and a c hallenge.

    This is wrong . Ad jec tives rigorous and c ha lleng e both mod ify c ourse, so it should

    be rigo rous and c hallenging.

    D) Comp arisons:

    1) Use of that and whic h: Most often tha n not, in GMAT, which would b e p rec ed ed

    by a co mma in the sentence.

    e.g. Ge t me the b oo k, which is mine. Which is used to q ualify the b oo k i.e. whic h

    is mine. There ma y be ma ny books in the room, but I wa nt my b ook.

    Whic h should alwa ys refer to a noun. E.g. Get me the b ook, which is mine. So,

    w hic h here refers to the noun bo ok.

    Whic h should a pp ly to things

    e.g. Sales of United States manufactured goods to non-industrialized countries rose to$167 billion in 1992, which is 14 percent more than the previous year and largelyoffsets weak demand from Europe and Japan.

    A) which is 14 percent more than the previous yearB) which is 14 percent higher than it was the previous yearC) 14 percent higher than the previous year's figure

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    D) an amount that is 14 percent more than the previous year wasE) an amount that is 14 percent higher than the previous year's figure

    B is incorrec t, bec ause w hich should refer to a spe c ific noun in the p rec ed ing

    c lause. Tha t no un d oe s not exist ( Rise of sa les). So, it is replac ed by a n a mo unt

    tha t is 14 perce nt highe r

    So, E is the c orrec t a nswe r (Simila r to the UFO exam ple in p rince ton)

    Tha t is a restric tive c lause while which is a non restric tive c lause.

    2) Like v/ s. As: Like is used to express similarity. It is normally used to show similarity

    betwe en tw o no uns e.g. Lem ons are like lime s.

    As on the o ther hand would normally co mp are two clauses and not two nouns.

    E.g. He loo ks as if he is d runk.

    Suc h As: It is normally used to give e xamp les. Com pa re t he tw o sentences I

    wa nt you to buy fruits like lemons and limes . How eve r, if you w ant lemo ns and

    lime s, you would say tha t I wa nt you to buy fruits suc h a s lemo ns and lime s . The

    ea rlier sentenc e mea ns you d on t wa nt lemo ns and lime s, but fruits like those.

    Examp le o f Like v/ s. As

    The ordinance is intended to force householders to separate such hazardous waste likepesticides, batteries, fertilizers, and oil-based paints from the general stream of

    household trash.

    (A) to separate such hazardous waste like

    (B) that they should separate such hazardous waste like

    (C) separating such hazardous wastes as

    (D) that they should separate such hazardous wastes as

    (E) to separate such hazardous wastes as

    E is the c orrec t a nswe r. Examples to be g iven, so as .

    For some reason the new consultant treats his clients like idiots, talking to them like

    they were mentally deficient and incapable of understanding more than the simplest


    (A) like idiots, talking to them like they

    (B) as if they were idiots, talking to them like they

    (C) like idiots, talking to them as if they

    (D) as idiots, talking to them like they

    (E) like idiots who

    C is c orrec t.

    Like the government that came before it, which set new records for growth, laissez-

    faire capitalism is the cornerstone of the new government.

    (A) laissez-faire capitalism is the cornerstone of the new government

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    (B) the cornerstone of the new government is laissez-faire capitalism

    (C) laissez-faire capitalism is the new governments cornerstone

    (D) the new government has made laissez-faire capitalism its cornerstone

    (E) the new government has a laissez-faire cornerstone of capitalism

    D is correct

    Ac c ording to a rec ent poll of the e nte ring c lass, joining a fra ternity or sorority is still

    a p riority of a ma jority o f freshme n, .

    A) like tha t of ea rlier c lasses

    B) as tha t for ea rlier c lasses

    C) just as ea rlier c lasses d id

    D) as ha ve ea rlier c lasses

    E) as it was of ea rlier c lasses

    (E) The intended c om pa rison should b e c om pleted by a c lause b eg inning w ith asand c ontaining a subject a nd verb that c orrespo nd to the subject a nd verb of

    the m a in clause. In E, the best c ho ice , it refers una mb iguously to the p hrasa l

    sub jec t joining. . . sorority, the verb was correspond s to is, and today's ma jority of

    freshma n a re a pp rop riately comp ared to e arlier c lasses. Choice s A a nd B lac k a

    verb c orrespo nding t o is and a c lear referent for that. Choice s C a nd D are

    c onfusing and illogica l bec ause the ir verbs, did a nd have , ca nnot substitute for is

    in the ma in clause.

    Ano ther exam ple stressing the point, that like is used to c om pare no uns only, and

    as to c omp are ac tions.

    During an ice age, the buildup of ice at the poles and the drop

    in water levels near the equator speed up the Earth's rotation,like a spinning figure skater whose speed increases when her arms

    are drawn in.

    (A) like a spinning figure skater whose speed increases when her

    arms are drawn in

    (B) like the increased speed of a figure skater when her arms

    are drawn in

    (C) like a figure skater who increases speed while spinning with

    her arms drawn in

    (D) just as a spinning figure skater who increases speed by

    drawing in her arms(E)

    (E) just as a spinning figure skater increases speed by drawing

    in her arms

    rota tion o f the ea rth is c om pared to sp inning of a figure skate r (so E is the OA)

    A is like B. like is a p roposition linking 2 no uns and 2 c lauses should no t b e linked

    with it.

    More than thirty years ago Dr. Barbara Mc-Clintock, the Nobel Prize winner,

    reported that genes can jump, as pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace to

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    (A) as pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace to another

    (B) like pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace to another

    (C) as pearls do that move mysteriously from one necklace to others

    (D) like pearls do that move mysteriously from one necklace to others

    (E) as do pearls that move mysteriously from one necklace to some other one

    B is righ t.

    Examp le o f Such a s:

    While the ba se sa lary for the top five offic ers of the c om pany d id no t c hang e

    from 1990 to 1991, cuts were m ade nonsalary c om pensation, a s in allow anc es for

    oversea s assignment s and c lub m em berships.

    (A) cu ts we re m ade nonsalary co mp ensat ion, as in

    (B) cuts we re m ad e in suc h nonsalary co mp ensat ion as

    (C) c uts we re ma de in such nonsalary com pe nsation as those in

    (D) cuts in no nsa la ry c om pe nsation we re ma de in areas like

    (E) there w ere c uts ma de in nonsa lary comp ensation, in a rea s like

    B is the correc t a nswer. It uses suc h a s to furnish 2 examples.

    3) Comp ared to v/ s. Compared with: To show com parison b etw ee n unlike things,

    c om pa re to is used . To show c om parison b etw een like things, c om pare w ith is


    e.g. He co mp ared her to a summe r da y.

    Sc ientists c om pare the hum an b ra in to a c om pute r. (Unlike thing)

    The polic e c om pa red the forge d signature w ith the original. (Like things)

    4) Bec ause v/ s. In Tha t:


    and in that in a sentenc e, more often than not, in that w ould be c orrec t. In tha t

    qua lifies the p revious sentenc e, while b ec ause is just used to show a simp le causa l


    Teratoma s are unusua l forms of c ancer because they a re

    com posed of tissues such as too th and bone not normally found in theorgan in which the tumor ap pe ars.

    A. because they are c om po sed of tissues such as too th and bo ne

    B. bec ause they are c om po sed of tissues like tooth and bo ne tha t a reC. b ec ause they a re c om posed of tissues, like too th a nd bo ne, tissues

    D. in tha t the ir c om position , tissues suc h as too th a nd bone , is

    E. in tha t they a re c om posed of tissues suc h as tooth and bone , tissues

    E is the correct answer.

    5) Less v/ s. Few er: Less me ans Not a s muc h , Few er means Not a s ma ny

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    e.g. A show er takes less wa ter than a ba th, so ta ke fewe r ba ths and mo re


    6) Agree to v/ s. Agree with: Ag ree w ith is used when a person is agree ing w ith

    another pe rson . Ag ree to is used when a person is agree ing to som eth ing


    e.g. I agree to your prop osa lI com plete ly ag ree w ith you on this one .

    7) Usual v/ s. Is Usua l: He is faster tha n is usua l for any human b eing Is c orrec t.

    He is faster tha n usua l tod ay is correc t

    A Me rc ed es is mo re expensive than usua l for a c ar Inc orrec t

    A Merced es is mo re expe nsive tha n is usua l for a c ar Co rrec t

    When som ething is c om pared to a subgroup to w hich it be longs, is usua l shou ld

    be used . When som eth ing is c om pared to itself, usua l is fine

    e.g . He is nice r than usua l.

    8) Between v/ s. Among : Betw een used for a c om pa rison b etw een two things only.

    Am ong is used for more tha n 2 things.

    9) If v/ s. Whether: If introduc es a cond ition O r a future possiility, whe the r p rod uc es a


    Whether to go o r not to g o.

    If I go , he w ill co me .

    10)Who v/ s. whom: If a nswer is in HE , use WHO . If a nswer is in HIM , use WHOM .

    e.g. Who b roke the glass (HE d id, so who )

    By whom wa s the g lass ta ken? (By HIM , so WHOM )

    11)Where v/ s. When : Where is used to point to a region/ area/ plac eWhen is used to point to a time.

    Eac h of the fac tory towns which has po llution as a seve re p rob lem

    Eac h of the fa c to ry tow ns where the p ollution p rob lem is seve re is correc t

    12)Native o f v/ s. Native to: Native of c an b e used whe n referring to huma n be ings.

    Nat ive to usage is otherwise c orrec t.

    13)Can v/ s. Could: If you a re just assuming som eth ing, c ould shou ld be used .

    e.g. Artificial intelligenc e e merge d during t he late 1950's as an ac ad em ic

    disc ipline b ased on the assumption that co mp uters are a ble to be program med

    to think like people.

    (A) are a ble to b e p rog ram med to think like peo ple

    (B) were a ble to be programme d to think as pe op le

    (C) can b e p rogrammed to think as peop le c an

    (D) co uld be p rogramme d to think like peop le

    (E) are ca pa ble of b eing programme d to think like peo ple do

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    Ca n is used for : Ge nera l ab ility (I can spea k Eng lish), opportunity (I c an he lp her

    now ), req uest (Ca n I have a glass of w ate r?), po ssibility (Anyone c an bec om e

    rich a nd fam ous).

    Co uld is used for: possib ility (John c ould be the one who stole the mo ney),

    c ond ition (If I had more time , I c ould t ravel around the w orld ), sugg estion (You

    c ould spend your vac at ion he re), polite reque st (Could I have som ething todrink?)

    Notice the usag e o f modals in the following sentenc es:

    I pa y my taxe s. General dec laration o f fac t. Paying taxes issom ething I norma lly do.

    I can pa y my taxes. Expresses ability. I have the means (funds) topay.

    I might pa y my taxes. Expresses possibility, but not certainty. Ma ybeI will pa y; mayb e I wont.

    I will pay my taxes. Exp resses future in tent. I resolve to do it atsom e la ter time.

    I should p ay my taxes. Expresses mild ob liga tion. It is required , and Iexpect to comply.

    I could pay my taxes. Exp resses possib ility. If I have nothing else todo w ith the money , I might pa y taxes.

    I would p ay m y taxes. (In this c ase), expresses reservation. If I hadthe money (but I dont).

    I must pay m y taxe s. Expresses strong ob liga tion. I am requiredand have to comp ly.

    Would is ofte n used to show a c ond ition in the p ast. E.g. I would have

    do ne it, if I had mone y then. (A thing that wa s not d one b ut co uld ha ve

    be en d one if money wa s ava ilab le) OR


    In the mid -1920s the Hawt horne Works of the Western Elec tric Co mp any

    was the scene of a n intensive series of e xperiments investiga ting the

    effec ts that cha nges in working c onditions would have on wo rkers

    pe rformanc e (Cha nges in cond ition will have is wrong , it should b e would

    have, as we a re d escribing w hat the c omp any had done a nd what they


    14)BECAUSE v/ s. ON ACCOUNT OF: On GMAT, Bec ause is p refe rred ove r on

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    ac c ount of . This is bec ause be c ause c an introd uce a n entire subo rd inate

    c lause in the sentenc e (Golde n c rab is not fished , on a c count of living - is not

    c orrec t). Golden c rab is not fished , bec ause it lives - is correc t

    15) CHIEF of WHICH v/ s.CHIEF among which:

    Jamieson's proposal was rejected for several reasons, the chief among which was cost.

    (A) the chief among which was cost(B) among which the chief was its cost the main one was cost(D) the chief reason of which was its cost(E) the chief of which was cost

    chiefmeans main or principal, and all three words mean the top one. And when we refer to a

    member of a group, we use of. For example, if we want to name our best friend, we'd say He

    is the best of my friends, but not He is the best among my friends.

    Now, run these through your head to see how they sound:

    The main reason ofall the reasons.

    The main reason among all the reasons.

    I think the first sounds better and is more precise.

    16)PRACTICE v/ s. PRACTISE: Prac tise is a ve rb a nd p rac tice is a no un. I p rac tise p iano

    is correc t. Also, I had my p iano p rac tice for the day is c orrec t.

    The do c tor prac tised for 20 yea rs; his brother a lawyer had a 2 year p rac tice.

    17)Resumptive mo difiers

    Since the 1930s a irc ra ft ma nufac turers have tried to build a irp lanes with fric tionless

    wings, shap ed so smoothly and pe rfec tly that the air passing ove r them wo uld not

    become turbulent.

    (A) wings, shape d so smoothly and pe rfec tly

    (B) wings, wings so smooth and so p erfectly shaped

    (C) wings that a re shap ed so smooth a nd p erfec t

    (D) wings, shap ed in such a smooth a nd p erfect m anne r

    (E) w ings, wings hav ing been shape d smo othly and pe rfec tly so

    B is the c orrec t a nswe r.

    Wings is req uired to una mb iguously conve y the m ea ning of the sentenc e.

    A resump tive m od ifier p ic ks up a wo rd or phrase from a sentence tha t seem s to b e

    finished and then a dd s information a nd t akes the read er into new te rritory of thought.

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    In a c row de d , ac quisitive wo rld, the d isap peranc e o f lifestyles suc h a s those onc e

    followe d by southern Afric a 's Bushme n a nd Australia 's aborig ines, req uiring vast w ild

    spac es and pe rmitting little ac cumulation of goo ds, seem inevitab ly doomed .

    (B) req uiring va st w ild spa c es and pe rmitting little ac c umulation o f go od s, seem s to be

    inevitab ly doo med

    which req uire va st w ild spa c es and pe rmit little ac c umulation o f go od s, seems to b e

    inevitab ly doo med(D) life-styles tha t req uire va st wild spac es and permit little a cc umulation o f go od s, see m


    (E) life-stlyes req uiring va st w ild spaces and permitting little ac c umula tion o f go od s,

    see ms inev itab le

    E is the correct answer.

    The Swiss watc hma kers' failure to c ap italize o n the invention o f the d igital

    timep iec e wa s bo th astonishing and alarming astonishing in tha t the Swiss ha d ,

    since the b eg innings of the industria l revo lution in Europe , been a mo ng the first to

    c ap italize on tec hnica l innova tions, alarming in that a tremendous industrialpo tential had be en lost to their c hief com pe titors, the wa tc hma kers of Jap an.

    The de fensive c oa c hes taug ht risk-taking, b all-haw king, a nd pe rpetua l

    movement three strategies tha t be wilde red the op position and resulted in

    ma ny b ad passes, stea ls, and ea sy fastb rea k ba skets.

    Another exam ple in the sam e lea gue

    Prop onents of a rtificial intelligenc e say the y will be a ble to ma ke com pute rs that can

    unde rstand English a nd othe r human langua ge s, rec og nize o b jects, and rea son as an

    expe rt do escomp uters tha t will be used to d iag nose eq uipment breakdow ns,

    dec iding whethe r to authorize a loan, or othe r purpo ses suc h a s these.

    (A) as an e xpe rt doescomp uters that w ill be used to d iagno se eq uipment

    brea kdow ns, dec id ing whe ther to a uthorize a loan, or other purposes suc h a s


    (B) as an expert do es, which ma y be used for purpo ses suc h as d iagnosing

    eq uipm ent b rea kdowns or dec iding w hether to authorize a loa n

    (C) like an expertcom puters that will be used for such purposes as dia gno sing

    equipment breakdo wns or dec iding whether to authorize a loan

    (D) like a n expert, the use o f whic h wo uld b e fo r purposes like the d iag nosis of

    eq uipment breakdow ns or the dec ision whethe r or not a loan should b e


    (E) like a n expe rt, to be used to d iagno se equipm ent b rea kdow ns, dec id ingwhe ther to a uthorize a loan or not, or the like

    C is the answer.

    18) EACH v/ s. EVERY: Each refe rs to 2 times, eve ry refe rs to More than 2 times

    The d og has bitten m y younge r son tw ice, and ea c h time , he ha s had to b e sent

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    to his kennel.

    ea c h time, he has had to b e sent to his

    eve ry time , it ha s had to b e sent to his

    each time, it has had to be sent to its

    eve ry time , it ha s had to b e sent to its

    ea c h time, he has had to b e sent to its

    Each time be cause it ha s b itten only twice . The use o f the p rono un "he" is unc lear here -

    do es it refer to the d og or to the son? In fac t, trac ing o ur wa y ba c k along the sentence,

    we find tha t we c om e a c ross the word "son" before we c om e a c ross the word "dog ",

    wh ich rather imp lies tha t it is the son who o wns, and is sent to , the kennel.

    The wa y to ge t round this amb iguity is to use "it" followe d by "its" (no apostrophe!). This

    limits the c hoice s to (C) and (D). The only differenc e b etw een these op tions is the fac t

    tha t one uses the w ord "eve ry" and the o ther uses the w ord "ea c h". Since these refer to

    the tw o times tha t the d og bit the son, we shouldn't use "every" (that refers to three or

    more times). The correc t op tion is therefo re (C).

    17) Econom ic v/ s. Econom ica l:

    Economic means "having to do with the economy or the study of


    Economical means "careful or prudent in managing finances, money-


    The supply of oil being finite has become an economical and political

    consideration of the first magnitude for all modern industrial nations.

    (A) The supply of oil being finite has become an economical

    (B) The finite supply of oil has become an economical

    (C) That the supply of oil is finite has become an economical

    (D) The supply of oil being finite has become an economic

    (E) That the supply of oil is finite has become an economic - OA

    E) Misc ellaneous

    1) Due to: If used c orrec tly mea ns Attributa ble to and not be ca use

    2) In Neithernor sentences, the ve rb has to ag ree with the subjec t

    follow ing nor

    e.g. Neither the evidenc e no r the fac ts are c orrec t

    Neither his mo m no r his dad agree s with him.

    3) Avoiding redundant words: free g ift, surrounded on a ll sides, the same

    exac t thing, try to att emp t, whe ther or not, the rea son w hy

    4) Use of subjunc tive ve rb: To e xpress a dem and or a request, THAT a lwa ys

    c om es a fter the ve rb, the sec ond verb is a lwa ys in simp le p resent t ense.

    Incorrect: If I wa s you, I would run.

    Correct: If I were yo u, I would run.

    (The ve rb follows if and exp resses a non-fac tual cond ition.)

    Incorrect: I wish he was ab le to typ e faster.

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    Correct: I wish he we re ab le to type faster.

    (The second verb is in a c lause following a verb e xpressing a wish. It also

    suggests a non-fac tual or do ubtful cond ition.)

    Incorrect: His requirement is that eve ryone is com puter literate.

    Correct: His requirement is that everyone be computer literate.

    (Subordinate c lause follows ma in clause w ith a dema nd.)

    Incorrect: He rec omm ende d that each d river reports his tips.Correct: He rec omm ende d that eac h driver repo rt his tips.

    e.g. 1) His fathe r de ma nde d that he return hom e b y 9 PM.

    Return Simp le p resent te nse

    Demanded- prece de s tha t in the sentenc e.

    i. The m ana ge r dem and ed that the sta ff stay la te to finish the w ork.

    ii. Jac k sugge sted tha t Sylvia should buy a new w atc h Inco rrec t(Should must b e remo ved )

    Jac k sugg ested that Sylvia buy a ne w w atc h.

    Use o f sub junct ive to e xpress an idea t ha t is cont ra ry to fa c t or to

    spe culate ab out a hypothetical situation

    e.g. I wouldnt do it if I were you.

    If air force were to c rash with the p reside nt on b oa rd , the vic e p resident

    would be c ome the p reside nt.

    If I we re the p resident of Am eric a , I wo uld relax.

    5) If one p rono un is sufficient to introd uc e a mo d ifier, another pronoun is notneeded . E.g. Astronomers have d isc ove red a supe rnova , one tha t they

    believe is of a type unknown. Inc orrec t

    Astrono mers have d isc ove red a supe rnova , one t hey be lieve to be of a

    type unknown. c orrec t

    List of verbs normally followed by Infinitives

    affo rd | agree | appear | a rrange | ask | a t tempt | ca re | choose |

    c la im | come | consent

    dare | dec ide | demand | deserve | determine | e lect | endeavour |

    expect | fa il | get | guarenteehate | he lp | hesita te | hope | hurry | inc line | in tend | learn | long |

    m anage | m ean | need

    offer | plan | prepare | pretend | promise | refuse | resolve | say |

    seem | tend | threaten | want | wish

    List of verbs that ca n only have ge runds after them

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    acknowledge | admit | adore | antic ipate | apprec iate | avoid |

    celebrate | confess | contemplate

    delay | deny | describe | detest | discuss | dislike | dread | endure |


    fancy | f in ish | imagine | involve | keep | just ify | mention | mind | miss

    | omit | postpone | pract ise

    quit | reca ll | recommend | regret | report | resent | resume | risk |sugg est | tolerate | understand

    e.g. anticipa te impleme nting is c orrec t (Antic ipa te to impleme nt is


    Even tho ugh she d idn't anticipa te ma nage r's prop osal to streng then

    her de pa rtment.

    A) to imp lement it, the a dve rtising m ana ge r ag reed w ith the


    B) imp lementing it, the a dvertising m ana ge r agreed with the p ersona l

    C) imp lementing it, the advertising ma nag er ag reed w ith the personne l

    D) to imp lem ent it, the a dve rtising m anag er ag reed w ith the p ersonne l

    E) imp lem enting it, the a dve rtising m ana ge r agreed to the pe rsonne l

    (E) NOTE: all answe r cho ices a re indeed d ifferent here. 'Persona l' dea ls

    with a p erson's ow n spec ial things; 'Personnel' de a ls with a lot of p eo p le.

    Verbs like 'anticipa te' must b e followed by a ge rund, the verb form in '-

    ing'. The correc t idiom usage should rea d : a p erson 'a grees with' ano therperson, not w ith an inanima te th ing suc h as a p rop osa l. Therefo re, she

    agrees 'to the p ropo sa l.' (E) is c orrec t.

    a. Simp le Present tense: To e xpress an a c tion tha t is rep ea ted as usua l. It c an

    be a habit, a hobb y, a da ily/sched uled event etc.

    e.g. I play te nnis

    I like to sing.

    She a lwa ys forgets her purse

    Ca ts like m ilk.

    b. Simp le pa st tense: Used to d eno te a n ac tion that sta rted and finished at aspe c ific time in the pa st.

    e.g. I saw a movie yesterda y

    She w ashed her ca r

    I d idn t see a m ovie yesterda y.

    I finished wo rk, wa lked to the be ac h and found a plac e to swim.

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    Imp: When I pa id her one-dollar, she answered my question.

    When c lauses are very impo rtant, because they hap pen first

    when bo th c lauses are in simp le p ast tense.

    When he had run for ma yor of Cleve land in 1968, Ca rl Stokes won the

    election, proving that an Afric an Ame ric an c and ida te ca n be electe d ina c ity in which Africa n Ame rica ns c onstitute a minority of the p op ulation.

    (A) When he ha d run for mayo r of Cleve land in 1968,

    (B) He ran for ma yor of C leveland in 1968, and

    (C) Running , in 1968, for ma yor of C leveland ,

    (D) When he ran for mayor of Cleve land in 1968,

    (E) In 1968 he ha d run for ma yor of Cleve land , and

    Choice (D)

    Step 1: Loo k at the verb tenses. Is "had run" co rrec t? No; "ran" would b e b etter. Therefo re

    eliminate c hoice s (A) and (E).Step 2: Is "ran" be tte r tha n "running "? Yes, so e limina te c ho ice (C). Fina lly, choice (B)

    do esn't fit w ith the rest o f the sentenc e.

    Step 3: Choice (D) rem ains.

    Step 4: When he ran fo r ma yor of Cleve land in 1968, Ca rl Stokes wo n the e lec tion,

    proving that a n Afric an Ame ric an c and ida te c an b e electe d in a city in which Afric an

    Americans constitute a minority of the population. Yes.


    For some birds the sense of smell appears to play a role in navigation,

    since pigeons with surgically removed olfactory nerves were found to

    have increased difficulties in homing.

    (A) were found to have increased difficulties

    (B) have been found to have increased difficulty

    (C) were found to have increasing difficulty

    (D) had been found to have increased difficulties

    (E) have been found to have increasing difficulties

    Have been is used to de sc ribe a n a c tion tha t started in the p ast, and still co ntinues.


    To show that a thing sta rted in the p ast, and continued till som e t ime in the p ast.

    e.g. I had b een wa iting the re for 5 hours before she fina lly arrived . (She fina lly arrived ,

    which is in the p ast, and had be en w aiting started 5 hours be fore she a rrived ).

    It c an a lso b e used to d enote an a c tion in pa st that o cc urred be fore some other ac tion

    in pa st (Cause a nd e ffec t)

    e.g. Jason w as tired be ca use he had be en jogg ing.

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    THE EXPLETIVE IT and 2 questions, testing the same fund amenta ls:

    1) For many travelers, charter vacations often turn out to cost considerably more than theyoriginally seemed.

    a. they originally seemedb. they originally seem toc. they seemingly would cost originallyd. it seemed originallye. it originally seemed they would.

    B would need to be in past tense, seemed. In fact, I often teach GMAT and TOEFL students

    that the words original (and its derivations) and first usually require past tense.

    Furthermore, the "past future" ofwould in E is more precise than the simple past in A (or that

    B is lacking, in case you're going to ask if B would be correct if we changed seem to seemed).

    Since we're talking about something we'd learn after a certain point in the past, would is


    For example:

    This Acura is a lot better than I thought it would be.

    is better than

    This Acura is a lot better than I thought it was.

    In the first example, we are saying that something turned out to be true. In the secondexample, we are saying that we were not aware of a fact that was true at that time.

    And in the charter vacations question, there is no fact that the travelers were unaware ofwhen they purchased the charter vacation--after the original purchase of the charter vacation(and probably toward the end of the vacation), the charter vacation turned out to be morecostly than they had at first believed it would be.

    2) Resea rc hers are finding o ut tha t p lastics a re ta king more time to de teriorate than they

    originally seemed.

    A) They orig inally see me d.

    B) they see me d orig inally

    C) it seemed that the y would originally

    D) it origina lly see me d

    E) it originally seem ed they would

    From Kap lan: The Kap lan thing says about this. (About p lastics)

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  • 8/8/2019 SC guide 1


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