schedule 1- design documentation. schedule 1 requirements have a long history in tasmania there were...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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  • SCHEDULE 1- Design Documentation
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  • Schedule 1 requirements have a long history in Tasmania There were requirements in the 1994 building regulations and these were not included in the introduction of the 2004 building regulations. Regulators thought that designers and building surveyors would endeavor to keep the standards to the appropriate level.
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  • In 2011 Building Standards were approached by some designers concerned with what they saw as a continual decline in the standard of building design in the market place. Some building surveyors also raised concerns. Investigators found that poor documentation was often a contributing cause of dispute between parties.
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  • Building Standards contacted all industry stakeholders regarding these concerns and were encouraged to address the situation for the long term benefit of the building industry. A working group was formed with representation from the following areas.
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  • Building Designers Association of Tasmania (BDAT) Australian Institute of Building Surveyors Tasmanian Builders Association Councils (Permit Authorities) Engineers Builders Building Designers (Independent groups) Private Building Surveyors Plumbing Inspectors Compliance Investigators ( Both HIA and the Master Builders Association were invited to participate )
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  • The findings of the working group were introduced into the Directors Specified list as Schedule 1 in November 2012. Building Standards has now conducted a full review of the Schedule. All categories of building practitioners and other stakeholders were invited to make comment as well as the original working group. All comments were taken into consideration and there has been a reduction of some requirements and a redesign of the layout with added explanatory information. Schedule 1 now reflects the minimum standard of documentation required for class 1 and 10 buildings in Tasmania.
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  • SCHEDULE 1 Government (policy- regulation) ConsumersDesignersBuilding Surveyors Permit Authority Builders
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  • SCHEDULE 1 Benefits of Good Documentation Better protects all stakeholders. Designers know the minimum acceptable level of design. Client knows what they are paying for. Building knows what they are quoting for. Building surveyor knows what they are assessing for compliance. Less disputes between parties. Builders can quote apples with apples in the market place.( Meaning the person that should have won the work gets the work) Less variations though out the build. Better quality builds. Less cost blow outs and associated issues i.e. :Litigation, complaints, loss of reputation.
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  • SCHEDULE 1 Survey since November 2012 Northern Building Surveyor.
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  • SCHEDULE 1 Adjoining property structures
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  • SCHEDULE 1 Stair sections
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  • SCHEDULE 1 Site Drainage
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  • SCHEDULE 1 Australian Standard 2870-2011 Additional requirements for classes M, H1,H2 and E sites 5.6.3 (a) Drainage Requirements Surface drainage shall be considered in the design of the footing system and necessary modifications shall be included in the design documentation. Surface drainage of the site shall be controlled from the start of site preparation and construction.
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  • SCHEDULE 1 Sub floor ventilation
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  • SCHEDULE 1 New Layout
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  • SCHEDULE 1 Class 1 single storey
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  • Revision of Schedule 1 Explanatory notes throughout Less information for Class 10s No survey for simple Class 1 additions Drawings, specifications or schedules Example sets of drawings Reduced truss roof details
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  • 6 star energy efficiency Building fabric types and values required Thermal bridging Ceiling penetrations Condensation considerations Roof lights Glazing building sealing Air movement Services Heated hot water systems Electric resistance space heating Lighting Swimming pools and spas Practical considerations
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  • NATHERS software: revised release dates for Chenath engine V3.13. The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) National Administrator has advised of revised software release dates for Chenath engine V3.13. The new dates are: AccuRate - 1 November 2014 FirstRate5 - 1 February 2015 BERS Pro - 1 February 2015 NatHERS have released a new Technical Note 1, V1.2 which is available on the NatHERS website and is ONLY for use with software using Chenath engine V3.13. This information will be placed on the NatHERS website If you have any questions about the revised dates, please contact Catherine Zerger, Manager, Residential Buildings on 02 6243 7824 or at
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  • Bedroo m Hall Class 1a Changes to provisions: Interconnection of Alarms
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  • D2.13 Goings and risers (a)A stairway must have (v)treads which have (A)a surface with a slip-resistance classification not less than that listed in Table D2.14 when tested in accordance with AS 4586; or (B)a nosing strip with a slip-resistance classification not less than that listed in Table D2.14 when tested in accordance with AS 4586. Changes to provisions: Slip Resistance
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  • / Typical Examples
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  • Communication Disputes Difference between what the client thinks they are getting and what the builder has actually quoted for. Good documentation and specification protects all parties. Small Variations Often ends in dispute between parties often not documented by builder however often is by owner. Diarize and have parties sign if possible. Sign brochure etc. state agreed price and list any relevant details.
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  • Design documents with erroneous wording, such as Not for Construction marked on them. Building Standards policy is to ensure that designers are following good design practices and meeting minimum acceptable standards. Including such contradictory information would be very confusing to the builder and could create non-compliance problems from the date any work starts (see the duties of designers in section 13 of the Act sufficiently detailed for the builder to build from. The view of Building Standards is that any such documents labelled with those words, fall short of professional standards expected of a building designer. Before accepting that application for assessment for a CLC, the responsible designer is to provide the BS with amended copies of any such documents. Building surveyor is entitled to reject the application as being incomplete or is too deficient to be assessed.
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  • Material cost Vapour permeable barriers 3 Bed Single Storey Home Double Garage Pitched Roof House 214 m2
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  • Cost of Vapour Permeable barriers
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  • General Issues BCA /NCC free on line 2015 From 2016 the BCA /NCC will be moving to a three year cycle
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