scholarships for incoming exchange students (2016/17)€¦ · letter of recommendation from a...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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DHBW HEILBRONN offers attractive scholarships for Incoming students, whether you join the Junior Program of Business Administration or study one semester in one of our undergraduate programs in German.

SOME SCHOLARSHIPS are awarded in advance (with admissions notification) and others during your semester at DHBW Heilbronn.


„We support your dream to study in Germany at DHBW Heilbronn“

Academic Scholarships for Incoming Students (awarded with acceptance)

In academic year 2016/17 DHBW is awarding 3 scholarships of €1,000.00 per stay.The target group is Incoming exchange students with very good academic background plus personal engagement and leadership qualities.

Application procedure and documents to submit (in addition to application package)

Application DocumentMotivational statement expressing why you have the qualities meriting a scholarship (combined with the motivational statement in the application package)Letter of recommendation from a professor at your institution.Submit the scholarship application with the normal Admissions applicationDeadline: 30 MayThe decision will be sent with the acceptance letter (mid-June)Please send all materials (scan/pdf.) to:

DHBW Heilbronn also awards Donors‘ Scholarships (Stibet I & BWI-Stiftung) for Incoming Exchange Students (awarded during the Semester)

DHBW-Heilbronn also awards Scholarships to se-lected students who demonstrate outstanding ded-ication and performance. These are awarded in the course of the Semester.

The Scholarships are awarded in amounts from ca. €400.00 to €1,200.00 per stay. The quantity of schol-arships and award levels vary, based on funding sources (foundations, government, etc.).

Criteria include outstanding participation and lead-ership (in class, during excursions and co-curricular activities) combined with very good academic per-formance (based on midterm results).

Awards will be made toward the end of the semes-ter.

Application Documents:Scholarship Application Form including Motivation-al Statement describing your accomplishments and contributions to the program.Application documents may be submitted directly to the Academic Chair: Prof. Dr. Ralph Scheubrein,

Bildungscampus 4 · 74076 Heilbronn · Tel. +49 7131 1237 0 · www.heilbronn.dhbw.deDuale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Heilbronn

All application documents can be found here:

Scholarship Ceremony 2015 Team Building Activity

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