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School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

51. On table five of the handout projecting number of students at each school, add a column to provide the number of FDK classes proposed for each elementary school (Kuesters/January 13, 2015)

See Attachment Question #51


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

53. Disaggregate the FDK data From Title 1 schools to show students served by ELL FDK? (Reed/January 13, 2015)

All ELL students at four Title I schools receive full-day kindergarten instruction in the general education setting with support from ELL-certified personnel. The breakdown of ELL students and non-ELL students at the Title I schools is as follows:

TITLE I FDK ENROLLMENT, 2014-15 ELL Students 298 Non-ELL Students 106 Total Title I FDK 404


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

64. Please provide a list of all software licenses, including renewal costs if applicable (break out this year's) and any maintenance agreements for upgrades/patches. A one line description of the utility of the program (other than the common ones) would be helpful. (Morse/January 13, 2015)

Attached is a matrix of the DTS budgeted software licenses (61160), which include application, vendor, license count, cost, purchase and renewal date, and comments.

Also attached are lists of software for Pupil Services, Support Services and Business and Financial Services.

In 2013-2014 Personnel spent $6,000 with Global Learning Systems for Ethics and Harassment Licenses.

Lists for other LCPS departments are not attached.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

71. In the instructional standards, why is there only 1 TRT in the middle schools, while high schools and elementary schools have a min of 1.3 and a max of 3.0? Some of our middle schools are facing 1400 students. (Morse/January 15, 2015)

First, some confusion around Technology Assistants came from the technology assistant (TA) staffing standard for middle school not being in the Proposed Staffing Standards for FY16. It has now been added. The Elementary School technology standards are: Technology Resource Teacher for Elementary Schools 0.3 -0.6 FTE per school with enrollment below 299. One per school (over 300) Technology Assistant Standard for Elementary Schools 0.5 Technology Assistant with enrollment between 300 and 599 (Tier 2) 1.0 Technology Assistant per school with enrollment of 600+ (Tier 3-5) The Middle School technology standards are: Technology Resource Teacher for Middle Schools One per school Technology Assistant Standard for Middle Schools 0.5 Technology Assistant with enrollment between 0 and 1,099 (Tier 1) 1.0 Technology Assistant per school with enrollment of 1,100 or above (Tier 2) The High School technology standards are: Technology Resource Teacher for High School One per school Technology Assistant Standard for High Schools 1.0 FTE Technology Assistant with enrollment between 0 and 1,399 students (Tier 1) 1.5 FTE Technology Assistant with enrollment between 1,400 and 1,799 students (Tier 2) 2.0 FTE Technology Assistant with enrollment 1,800 or above students (Tier 3)


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

81. According to page 70 of the FY 2016 Superintendent’s Proposed Operating Budget, the number of students attending TJHSST is anticipated to increase from 229 to 245 students or a nearly 7% increase while overall high school student enrollment growth is expected to be 4.2%. How is the budgeted growth of TJHSST students determined? (Hornberger/January 19, 2015)

Attached is the letter LCPS receives from the TJ Admissions office. It has a range of students that can be admitted to TJ. The budget is based on historical participation.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

82. According to page 70 of the FY 2016 Superintendent’s Proposed Operating Budget, the number of students attending summer Governor’s Schools is anticipated to increase to 75 students. How is the budgeted growth of students attending summer Governor’s Schools determined? What has been the growth in the number students attending summer Governor’s Schools over each of the past five years? What is the cost to the school division for each student attending? (Hornberger/January 19, 2015)

It is determined based on our best estimate, as the number can vary. The following is the number of students over the past five years. Year Academic/Visual World Languages Total 2010 43 22 65 2011 40 32 72 2012 64 30 94 2013 69 30 99 2014 64 39 103 The cost per student is approximately $950.00


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

93. Provide alternative levels of funding for Summer School (up to the FY14 level) and what service would be provided at each level. (Fox/January 20, 2015)

As discussed at a prior school board meeting, staff will come back with a recommendation of potential services that could be available to students as summer school options with associated costs for each level.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

96. Is Loudoun County Public Schools the only school district in Northern Virginia that doesn’t offer Summer School Class-room instruction at the High School level? (Reed/January 20, 2015)

We are not sure what has been done over the past few years in all the Northern VA districts, however, when funding was not available in Fairfax, they had only online learning. In different years there have been different patterns. In the past 3 years, both Arlington and Prince William counties have offered summer school classroom instruction at the HS level.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

99. What would be the cost to implement the Language Immersion Pilot? If it is implemented what would be the philosophy? (Hornberger/January 20, 2015)

LCPS Dual Language/ Partial Immersion Program Philosophy:

A dual language/partial immersion program provides content area instruction in both English and another language. The goal is to intentionally develop language and literacy skills in two languages while teaching content knowledge through both.

See attachment for cost information. Please note that the cost estimates were prepared based on FY15 information and will be updated if there is interest in doing so.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

101. Provide a list of school activities for Veterans Day. (Turgeon/January 20, 2015)

See Attachment for Question #101.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

107. What is the average response time for IT and AV requests? What will it be with additional support? (Kuesters/January 21, 2015)

Response Level  Acknowledge   Resolution  Example 

7  10 minutes  3 Hours Internet down 

district wide 

6  30 minutes  6 hours   

5  1 hours  1 Day (9.5 hrs)   

4  2 hours  3 Days (28.5 hrs)   

3  4 hours   1 week (47.5 hrs)   

2  1 day  2 Week (95 hrs)   

1  3 days 3 Weeks (142.5 



computer needs 

software install 


  < 5 Users  Site Subset  Site  District 

Low  1  2  3  4 

Medium  2  3  4  5 

High   3  4  5  6 

Critical  4  5  6  7 


DTS service levels are based on data taken from the new comprehensive service desk implemented in July 2014. In previous years, incidents were tracked through separate service desk systems so comprehensive data collection was not possible. Workloads are cyclical, with times like start of school and SOL creating a heavier service load. While we cannot predict with specificity the improved service times, the goal is to reduce it.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

138. Do we have funds in the FY16 Budget to replace textbooks? (Hornberger/January 27, 2015)

$3.7 million is included in the FY16 Superintendent’s Proposed Operating Budget for replacement textbooks.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

139. What is staff's position on combined grade levels? Will this continue or will staffing standards be applied? (Turgeon/January 27, 2015)

Traditionally, the elementary school director works with schools to ensure they do not exceed 25 pupils per combined class. A teacher assistant is allotted when a class is combined.

As discussed at the school board meeting on 1.27.15, the staffing standards have not yet been developed to address combined grade levels at the elementary schools.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

143. What are the mobility rates (mainly intra-year) for ELL students for the five elementary schools in Sterling Park and does the movement from the three Title 1 schools to one of the Title 1 eligible schools (with a focus on Forest Grove) warrant the creation of more FDK classroom capacity at the two Title 1 eligible schools. (Sheridan/January 27, 2015)

Question withdrawn


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

144. What happens to FDK eligible students if the FDK capacity of Forest Grove is reached (due to this mobility). Are those students put in the lottery? Is capacity built around them? (Sheridan/January 27, 2015)

Question withdrawn


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

145. Are Virtual Loudoun Courses offered in different languages or just English? (Sheridan/January 28, 2015)

Currently Virtual Loudoun courses are taught in just English. In the future we will be embedding electronic tools that will allow students to translate into different languages.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

146. Do the increases for technology address teacher bandwidth concerns? (Reed/January 28, 2015)

LCPS is in the process of enhancing the infrastructure to allow all teachers to connect multiple personal devices to the LCPS wireless network. There are no technical restrictions in place that limit bandwidth or functionality for these devices. DTS is planning to increase internet bandwidth from 2 Gb to 10 Gb for the FY16 school year as well.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

147. Is there an inventory of technology devices purchased by schools rather than DTS? (Rose/January 28, 2015)


Yes. The Department of Instruction initiated a survey of schools in December 2014 to identify school purchased devices. Attachment 147 identifies the number and type of devices reported by each school so far.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

148. Are we underestimating the number of targeted at-risk students for FDK? In projecting the number of targeted at-risk students, did staff take into account the fact that our first grade cohort is consistently larger than our kindergarten cohort? (Turgeon/January 27, 2015)

In planning for FDK implementation for Loudoun’s students, staff examined current data and applied eligibility rates to next year’s projected Kindergarten enrollments. Staff also applied the eligibility rates to next year’s first grade students to help establish a broader range for budget, staffing and classroom needs. Even after using the higher first grade figures, there should be sufficient space to serve all of the target population, but there would be a reduction in the number of slots available to lottery students.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

149. Why are we discontinuing the administration of the PSAT for 9th graders, especially when our middle school students have taken Algebra 1? (Bergel/January 27, 2015)

After discussions with Directors of School Counseling at the high schools and a review of the data, it was the consensus of the group that the practice of administering the PSAT to 9th graders be discontinued and we explore other options for our students.

Rationale :

• Although 74% of 9th graders have already taken Algebra 1 and some have taken Geometry, it is Algebra 2 that is the issue. The current PSAT Math requires that students have a working knowledge and understanding of Algebra 2 concepts;

The scores are not used for course planning;

There are no benchmarks or norms, the scores can only be compared relative to what students in grade 10 and 11 score and then as an estimated performance on that day;

The use of the PSAT scores for Governor’s School can be replaced by other assessments;

9th grade students are not eligible for merit based awards or scholarships based on the 9th grade testing;

Other practice opportunities are available including free, scored practice tests with local test companies outside of school;

Ample resources are provided to support and promote a “college going culture” online through the College Board and in each school’s Career Center.

The College Board is developing a new PSAT for fall 2015 for grades 8 and 9 to replace the RediStep to make it grade appropriate for Math and we are exploring the possibility of using this assessment as we learn more about it this year. We are in ongoing communication with the College Board representative to determine the best option for our students for college preparation.

It should also be noted that other jurisdictions, such as Fairfax, Prince William and Arlington, do not administer the PSAT to 9th graders.


School Board Questions and Answers

January 29, 2015


 Loudoun County Public Schools – FY 2016 Operating Budget

150. What is the difference between Sterling and the whole of Loudoun County on the eight (8) demographic data points* listed below? (Sheridan/January 29, 2015)

1. Multi-unit house as a percentage of all residential housing: Sterling: 19.2% Loudoun: 16.4%

2. Median value of owner-occupied homes: Sterling: $287,200.00 Loudoun: $437,700.00

3. Per capita income (in 2013 $): Sterling: $34,287.00 Loudoun: $46,565.00

4.Median household income: Sterling: $87,221.00 Loudoun: $122,238.00

5.Percentage of persons living in the same home one year over year: Sterling: 86.6% Loudoun: 87.9%

6.Percentage of population earning high school diploma or greater: Sterling: 83.5% Loudoun: 93.8%

7.Percentage of population earning bachelors or higher: Sterling: 36.6% Loudoun: 57.9%

8.Percentage of persons below the poverty line: Sterling: 6.7% Loudoun: 3.6%

*All data are derived from U.S. Census Quick Facts, which use 2010 U.S. Census data as a base and develop estimates out to 2013. (Note that the Loudoun County measurements include Sterling.)


Attachment Question #51


Table 5 

Projected Number of Students Eligible Because of ELL and/or Low‐Income Status (Does Not Include Eligible Special Needs Students) 

AND the Number of FDK Classes Per Site 2015‐2016 

SCHOOL  Eligible Students  # of FDK Classes 

Aldie  3  1 

Algonkian  9  1 

Arcola  20  1 

Ashburn  18  0 

Ball's Bluff  22  0 

Banneker  7  1 

Belmont Station  9  1 

Buffalo Trail  6  3 

Cardinal Ridge  19  1 

Catoctin  28  2 

Cedar Lane  31  2 

Cool Spring  37  0 

Countryside  36  2 

Creighton's Corner  24  0 

Discovery  26  2 

Dominion Trail  35  2 

Emerick  9  1 

Evergreen Mill  38  2 

Forest Grove  50  2 

Frances Hazel Reid  50  2 

Frederick Douglass  33  2 

Guilford  78  4 

Hamilton  3  1 

Hillsboro  1  1 

Hillside  7  0 

Horizon  17  1 

Hutchison Farm  29  0 

J.W. Tolbert  42  2 

Kenneth W. Culbert  4  1 

Leesburg  22  1 

Legacy  12  0 

Liberty  33  0 

Lincoln  5  1 

Little River  11  1 

Lovettsville  8  1 

Lowes Island  10  0 

Lucketts  11  0 

Meadowland  21  1 

Mill Run  12  0 

Moorefield Station  35  0 

Attachment Question #51


Mountain View  10  1 

Newton‐Lee  16  1 

Pinebrook  20  1 

Potowmack  34  2 

Rolling Ridge  56  4* 

Rosa Lee Carter  37  0 

Round Hill  11  1 

Sanders Corner  10  1 

Seldens Landing  13  1 

Sterling  44  2 

Steuart W. Weller  28  2 

Sugarland  69  4* 

Sully  84  4 

Sycolin Creek  16  0 

Waterford  1  1 

Other Regional Classrooms 


  1320  75  *Even though the number of targeted at-risk students at Rolling Ridge and Sugarland falls in the range normally associated with three FDK classes (51-75), 4 classes are listed because these schools offer universal FDK because of their Title I status.

Attachment Question #64

DTS Matrix of Software






Quest ActiveRoles/Spotlight  Dell Marketing                 83,986  

 $       114,220   6/26/2014  7/1/2015  Yes   Active Directory server and user management tool 

Quest ActiveRoles server / AD Pack 

Dell Marketing                   6,014  

 $         50,878   6/26/2014  7/1/2015  Yes   Active Directory user administration 

Adobe EEA  CDW   District    $       210,000   11/25/2014 11/25/2015  Yes  District wide licensing for software titles such as Adobe Reader  Adobe Elements Adobe Photoshop 

Backup Exec agent/server  CDW  19/91   $         21,425   6/12/2014  6/12/2015  Yes  Local school server backup software 

School Funds Online  TRA School Software Solution                         88  

 $         40,000   10/16/2014 10/16/2015  Yes  New accounting system for Business and Finance 

iBoss Internet content filter  Iboss Inc.                 26,000  

 $         95,000   7/17/2014  7/17/2015  Yes  Content filter to meet CIPA, COPA, and FERPA requirements. 

LightSpeed and SpotLight  DLT Solutions                         23  

 $         28,566   3/15/2014  3/15/2015  Yes  SQL database management application 

Solarwinds  Solarwinds                           1  

 $           9,258   6/8/2014  6/8/2015  Yes  Network monitoring application 

ArcGIS  ESRI                           4  

 $           4,000   6/18/2014  6/18/2015  Yes  GIS software  

LANDesk Management Suite  LANDesk                   7,600  

 $       235,796   6/30/2014  6/30/2015  Yes  Computer management tool 

Alchemy  Quality Associates Inc                           3  

 $           8,000   TBD  TBD  Yes  Software to store student records for 75 years. 

Also used to store payroll and leave summary documents. 

LogRhythm  LogRhythm                           1  

 $         53,000   TBD  TBD  Yes  Event and server log consolidation, tracking, and management system. 

McAfee Antivirus  MacAfee   District    $       170,320   TBD  TBD  Yes  Anti‐Virus Software 

Cogmotive                    12,000  

 $           9,000   TBD  TBD  Yes  Office 365 monitoring and reporting 

Prolog  Meridian                         35  

 $         52,900   TBD  TBD  Yes  Construction project management software for Support Services 

Microsoft EES  CDW   District    $       544,737   TBD  TBD  Yes  Licensing for Microsoft Products such as Microsoft Office Microsoft Windows 

Nessus Feeds  Nessus   District    $           1,600   TBD  TBD  Yes  Comprehensive security monitoring and auditing management tool 

Phoenix  EduPoint   District    $       381,450   TBD  TBD  Yes  Comprehensive integrated student information system and gradebook 

SDM ‐ GPO Management  SDM Software                      250  

 $           6,000   TBD  TBD  Yes  Active Directory group policy management software 

Telerik  Telerik                           5  

 $           3,968   TBD  TBD  Yes  Application software for mobile app and desktop application development 

Uptrends  Uptrends                         15  

 $           2,645   TBD  TBD  Yes  Website performance monitoring which includes server monitoring, transaction monitoring, network monitoring, and alert notifications. 

Shavlik VMWare Patching  Shavlik                         12  

 $           2,645   TBD  TBD  Yes  Enterprise patch management software 

Admin Studio  Flexera                           3  

 $         28,963   TBD  TBD  Yes  Application packaging tool to prepare reliable application packages for software deployment. 

TOAD  Dell Marketing                           4  

 $         11,241   TBD  TBD  Yes  Database management software 

Exinda  Vista One   District    $         50,000   TBD  TBD  Yes  Provides interactive analytics and intelligent recommendations to shape and optimize network traffic Licensing based on bandwidth to internet 



Department of Pupil Services Software

1. Read and Write Gold -A Text Reading and Writing Program – used to improve the reading and writing for students with disabilities (the program is available for use by administrators, teachers, students, and parents in LCPS) - $54,750 – site license; 14,970 (school and home); $9,348 – maintenance fee; total -$79,068

2. i-Ready for Reading – Diagnostic Tool for grades K-8 – used in support of RI - $56,330

3. i-Ready for Math – Diagnostic Tool for grades K-8 – used in support of RI - $4,200

4. Aimsweb – universal screening software used for RI -$4,276

5. Boardmaker – software for Augmentative Communication devices – $3,616

6. Unique Learning software – used for support of instruction for students with intellectual disabilities and

students with autism - $50,288

7. Gold Assessment – diagnostic tool used with Early Childhood Special Education students - $5,975

8. News2You – online subscription for use with secondary students - this subscription provides access to reading materials that are at a high interest/low vocabulary - $11,130

9. Odysseyware - provides online access to instruction for secondary students - $15,000 (Office of Special Education has 15 copies)

10. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (Pearson), annual subscription for scoring and reporting, $700

11. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (Pearson), annual subscription for scoring and reporting, $70

12. Kaufman Tests of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (Pearson), annual subscription for scoring and reporting, $875

13. Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Tests (BrainTrain), annual technical support for software, $200

14. Naviance – web based College and Career Readiness/Planning/Accounting tool for for 2014-15: $103,006.00;Cost per student = $3/HS, $2/MS Approximate renewal cost for 2015-16 will reflect any increase in enrollment at these levels


Attachment Question #64

Construction Prolog Construction Project Management, Licensing and hosting fees are in DTS Budget ‐ $6,120.00/Yearly

Construction Prolog Web Construction Project Management, Web Based, Licensing and hosting fees are in DTS Budget ‐ $33,600/Yearly

Construction AutoCAD Design application ‐ $3,000/Yearly

Construction Microsoft Project Business Management Software ‐ DTS Installed and licenses

Construction AIA Contract Software Licensed use of Architectural Contract Software ‐ $1,100 yearly

Construction Master Spec Licensed use of Specification Software ‐ $3650/yearly

Facilities School Dude Work order System, inventory, planning, pm, facility use/scheduling ‐ Annual Service fee ‐ $43,045/Yearly

Facilities Refrigerant Inventory no annual fees

Facilities Markware no fees ‐ make simple signs ‐ (after we finish using tapes we currently have, this hardware and software will be red tagged)

Facilities Master Key Lock fees for upgrades onlyFacilities Code Source Lock  fees for upgrades onlyFacilities Award Wizard  no fees - certificatesFacilities Street Signs  flashing school zones signs

Facilities Building Automation software no fees - Andover: Continuum-infinity-older model 256-even older model, Seibe: Invensys, Trane: Tracer Summit Fee for upgrade onlyFacilities/Energy Edu Energycap ‐ annual service ‐ utility bills Tracks and manages all Utilities. Water, Diesel Fuel for heat & Generators. Propane for heat & generators, Electricity for Dominion & NOVEC, and Natural Gas from Washington Gas 

are all tracked in this system. Provides reporting capability for details in LCPS energy use and allows for building performance comparisons. $3,380/Yearly

Facilities/Energy Edu ENERGY STAR Portfolio manager  Free Online System ‐ Benchlines and tracks energy use for all LCPS Facilities.  Compares to National Energy Use indexes and prepares environmental reports.  Establishes 

performance goal through the ENERGY STAR award.

Facilities/Energy Edu HOBO DATA Loggers  track and store Temperature, Light, Humidity, and CO2 information.  The Software gathers this information and places it in graphical format that is used to identify problems in the 

operation of building systems. No additioal cost

School Nutrition Data Business Systems POS, free and reduced , scanning applications, accounting package, inventory ‐ $118,000/Yearly

School Nutrition NutriKids Menu Planning and Nutrition Analysis ‐ $500/Yearly

School Nutrition Crystal Reports Custom Reports  ‐ Point of Sale Data ‐ One time charge

Office of Support Services XDM (Xerox Device Management) Monitor networked Xerox, Ricoh machines, No Cost ‐ Free from Xerox

Office of Support Services Public Surplus Auction Auction out of use items ‐ Fee paid by winning bidder to auction site ‐ %

Safety & Security NetVu Observer Client for viewing and controlling security cameras. This software is provided free from the manufacture of the DVR's.Safety & Security Network viewer Client for viewing and controlling security cameras(older generation DVR's ONLY). This software is provided free from the manufacture of the DVR's.Safety & Security Pc playback Client for viewing downloaded footage from older generation DVR's. This software is provided free from the manufacture of the DVR's.Safety & Security Support Tools used to gather information from and upgrade DVR's. This software is provided free from the manufacture of the DVR'sSafety & Security EDP2 used to receive alarms from DVR's and forward to logged in clients. This software is provided free from the manufacture of the DVR'sSafety & Security Time update utility used to sync all DVR's system wide to a single server time. This software is provided free from the manufacture of the DVR'sSafety & Security B.A.S.I.S. Client used to program offline locks that we took over from Facilities. This software has a concurrent user license not a per client install license. We are currently Safety & Security WiQ AMS Client used to program and view status of the Online card access system. This software is provided free from the manufacture of the Locks.Safety & Security Aiphone Ax series Client used to program Aiphone video intercom systems. This software is provided free from the manufacture of the systemSafety & Security IXO Web based reporting system. $1440.00 annuallyTelecom Telephony Manager SMTP alarming / Access to PBX 6.0 and below / Call Detail Recording No additional software cost. All cost included in Telecom utility charges.Telecom Call Pilot Voice Mail application - No Cost No additional software cost. All cost included in Telecom utility charges.Telecom Call Pilot Application Builder Builds Voice Menu services - No additional software cost. All cost included in Telecom utility charges.Telecom Call Pilot Reporter Reports from Voice Mail system - No additional software cost. All cost included in Telecom utility charges.Telecom UCM Unified Communication Manager - Required service for 6.0 high PBX access and single logins. - No additional software cost. All cost included in Telecom utility

charges.Telecom NRS (Network Routing service) Routing service for phone Extensions throughout voice network - No additional software cost. All cost included in Telecom utility charges.Telecom Security Server Routing service for phone Extensions throughout voice network - No additional software cost. All cost included in Telecom utility charges.Telecom Avaya Communications sever & Element Manager versions 4.0 / 4.5 / 5.0 / 5.5 and 6.0 Telephone PBX Software - No additional software cost. All cost included in Telecom utility charges.Transportation REI Equipment / DVD capture devices on School busses Hard Drives on School busses used to capture video. /CODECS will not be loaded on machines and Vendor has no intention to alter software (keep proprietary)

working with Traci on easiest way to convert and burn videos. No recurring chargesTransportation GPSSynovia GPS System/Rebecca Perry has updated me with current information regarding System status.  Rebecca Perry has also met with Zonar and determined that we will not be able to 

use them at the current time but that an open mind should be kept for future use.  Yearly License ‐ $43,800.00

Transportation Faster Used to manage all aspects of fleet maintenance and asset management. Annual support fee based on the number of user licenses $14,499.31Transportation VersaTransTripTracker Field Trips system There is an annual maintenance fee Yearly ‐ $2544.69

Transportation Edulog Bus routing software, School Assistant, and Web query.  There is an annual maintenance fee. Yearly ‐$37,000.00

Transportation Crystal Reports XI Used to develop custom reports from Faster and various other data sources. One time cost

Transportation Fleet Commander Used to manage motor pool reservations (not yet in use by LCPS), Annual license and maintenance fee (costs are split with County dept. of General Services) Yearly - Transportation Streets and Trips Mapping Software for lead drivers and supervisors, No recurring charges 

Transportation PayClock / In Implementation stage Used to manage employee time keeping for Garage employees. Hardware is installed and working in Transportation and VSC. Yearly - $99.00Transportation ImageX Used to archive various document types; Faster work orders, Garage payments, Transportation Payments, Training documents and time sheets for the drivers. Annual License and 

Maintenance fee. Garage ‐ $1154.78, Transp. $1950.00

Transportation Cummins Insight Engine diagnostics software, No recurring chargesTransportation Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link Engine diagnostics software, No recurring chargesTransportation International Diamond Logic Engine diagnostics software, One time costTransportation International Service Assistant Engine diagnostics software, One time costTransportation International Service Max Engine diagnostics software, No recurring chargesTransportation International Body Builder Diagnostic software for body control systems, No recurring chargesTransportation Allison DOC Allison transmission diagnostic software, No recurring chargesTransportation Caterpillar Electronic Technician Engine diagnostic software, One time costTransportation Mitchell On‐Demand Automotive general diagnostic software (internet based), Annual license fee $1608.00Transportation Mitchell HD Truck Heavy Truck general diagnostic software (internet based), Annual license feeTransportation ShopWare, Used to manage communications assets and maintenance workflow, One time costTransportation Radio Soft Used to map radio coverage for tower sites, One time cost plus upgrade cost if needed No recurring chargesTransportation Various Diagnostic Software/Communications for each type of communications equipment in use; mobile radios, hand held radios, telephones, pagers, backbone equipment, etc. Each of these programs are

bought as a part of the equipment purchase and generally cost less than $100. No recurring chargesWarehouse SchoolDude Inventory Direct: to maintain and track inventory Maintenance Direct:  to generate and track warehouse work orders. SchoolDude license paid by Facilities

Attachment Question #64

Attachment Question #64

Department of Business & Finance

1. ORACLE – Financial and Human Resources software used to track and record all financial and human capital transactions in an integrated environment. Purchased by Loudoun County and renewal/maintenance costs borne by the County.

2. TRA – Student Activity Fund software – used to track and record school-based financial transactions

(General Ledger) for Student Activity funds. Purchased by LCPS Technology Services and renewal/maintenance costs borne by LCPS Technology Services as well.


Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Admissions Office

Gatehouse Administrative Center 8115 Gatehouse Road, Suite 2600

Falls Church, VA 22042

October 14, 2014 TO: Marty Smith, Fairfax County

Brenda Wilks, Arlington County Lisa High, Falls Church City Julie Kelly, Loudoun County Jim Mudd, Prince William County FROM: Jeremy Shughart SUBJECT: Admissions Ceiling/Cap for the Class of 2019 PURPOSE: For your information The June 30, 2014 seventh grade enrollment is used to determine the ceiling levels for the eighth grade acceptances for the freshman class of 2015-2016 at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. Jurisdiction Enrollment Percent

Fairfax County 13,460 49.60% Prince William County 6,430 23.69% Loudoun County 5,462 20.13% Arlington County 1,616 5.95% Falls Church City 171 0.63%

Total 27,139 100.00% Approximately 480 students are admitted each year. The following range of ceilings would be applied, if we admitted anywhere between 480 to 500 students: Division Range (480 – 500 students) Prince William County 114 – 118 students Loudoun County 97 – 101 students Arlington County 29 – 30 students Falls Church City 3 students The ranges will be based on the freshman class entering TJHSST. Calculations would be applied to the freshman class to determine each division’s number of eligible students. If you have any questions, please call Jeremy Shughart, Admissions Director, at 571-423-3770. cc: Steve Lockard

Attachment Question #81


SY Total Costs (3 Schools) Breakdown of Start Up Costs Ongoing Costs

15‐16 $208,000 

1. Program Lead Teacher = $35,000  (.5 fte)                                                        

2. Language Ambassador*= $35,000 (level 9 avg. salary & benefits)

3. Professional development**= $6000/school (2 teachers L1 & L2)

4. Instructional/digital materials for L2 content = $16,000/school

                                                               TOTAL = $69,330/school 

Curriculum translation = $2000 (one time cost)

Professional dev. ‐ depending on teachers’ needs. Program 

lead teacher @ appropriated salary

3 Ambassadors @ appropriated salary 

Proficiency Exams =  $200/ teacher (as needed)                        

Immersion classroom costs are equivalent to the other 

classes of the same grade level at the school.

16‐17 $255,612 

1. Lead Teacher = $74,212 (1.0 fte)                                                                       

2. Language Ambassador*= $36,000 (level 9 avg. salary & benefits)

2. Professional development**= $6200/school (2 teachers L1 & L2)

3. Instructional/ digital materials for L2 content = $17,600/school

                                                               TOTAL = $85,204/school 

Curriculum translation = $2000 (one time cost)

Professional dev. ‐ depending on teachers’ needs.  Program 

lead teacher @ appropriated salary.

3 Ambassadors @ appropriated salary 

Proficiency Exams =  $200/ teacher (as needed)  Immersion 

classroom costs are equivalent to the other classes of the 

same grade level at the school.

17‐18 $261,438 

1. Lead Teacher = $76,438 (1.0 fte)                                                                       

2. Language Ambassador*= $37,000 (level 9 avg. salary & benefits)

3. Professional development**= $6400/school (2 teachers L1 & L2)

4. Instructional/ digital materials for L2 content = $17,600/school

                                                               TOTAL = $87,146/school 

Curriculum translation = $2000 (one time cost)

Professional dev. ‐ depending on teachers’ needs. Program 

lead teacher @ appropriated salary.

3 Ambassadors @ appropriated salary 

Proficiency Exams =  $200/ teacher (as needed)  Immersion 

classroom costs are equivalent to the other classes of the 

same grade level at the school.

18‐19 $281,731 

1. Lead Teacher = $78,731 (1.0 fte)                                                                       

2. Language Ambassador*= $38,000 (level 9 avg. salary & benefits)

3. Professional development**= $6600/school (2 teachers L1 & L2)

4. Instructional/ digital materials for L2 content = $22,400/school

                                                               TOTAL = $93,900/school 

Curriculum translation = $2000 (one time cost)

Professional dev. ‐ depending on teachers’ needs. Program 

lead teacher @ appropriated salary.

3 Ambassadors @ appropriated salary 

Proficiency Exams =  $200/ teacher (as needed)  Immersion 

classroom costs are equivalent to the other classes of the 

same grade level at the school.

19‐20 $290,093 

1. Lead Teacher = $81,093 (1.0 fte)                                                                       

2. Language Ambassador*= $39,000 (level 9 avg. salary & benefits)

3. Professional development**= $6800/school (2 teachers L1 & L2)

4. Instructional/ digital materials for L2 content = $23,200/school

                                                               TOTAL = $96,700/school 

Curriculum translation = $2000 (one time cost)

Professional dev. ‐ depending on teachers’ needs. Program 

lead teacher @ appropriated salary.

3 Ambassadors @ appropriated salary 

Proficiency Exams =  $200/ teacher (as needed)  Immersion 

classroom costs are equivalent to the other classes of the 

same grade level at the school.


*Average salary & benefits of Level 9 classified employee. Works in tandem with L2 teacher for majority language students.

Attachment Question #99


LCPS Observes Veterans Day

Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) will celebrate Veterans Day on Tuesday with

events throughout the school division. LCPS holds school on Veterans Day at the request of veterans’ organizations. Rather

than a day off, students will learn, reflect upon and celebrate the service of America’s men and women in uniform.

Among the events will be: Algonkian Elementary Algonkian will have an assembly at 1:15 p.m. Two grade levels will be singing songs.

Veterans have been invited to this program and approximately 20 have said they will be attending.

Arcola Elementary Arcola’s students have rehearsed patriotic songs, made “Pinwheels for Peace” and

donated money for Wounded Warriors in anticipation of their Veterans Day celebration on Tuesday. Arcola families have been asked to invite their military family and friends to be recognized and appreciated at the school’s assembly.

Ball’s Bluff Elementary School Ball’s Bluff will be having a Veterans Day assembly at 9 a.m. Tuesday. Blue Ridge Middle School Students will plant small American flags on campus and write letters to members of

the Armed Services overseas. Blue Ridge also will skype with a serviceman overseas. Buffalo Trail Elementary Every grade level will participate in a ceremony to honor veterans at 8:30 a.m.

Veterans will be recognized through an audio/visual program and will be presented student-made cards and fresh carnations.

Cardinal Ridge Elementary Cardinal Ridge is hosting a Veterans Day program at 9 a.m. and inviting the parents

and relatives of students who have served in the Armed Forces to attend. Cedar Lane Elementary Cedar Lane is having a fifth grade performance honoring veterans in the community at

8:30 a.m. and again at 7 p.m. Tuesday. For the morning performance, the school will have a hospitality room set up for veterans to enjoy prior to the performance.

John Champe High School Friday’s football game against Park View honored veterans with a donation going to

Wounded Warriors. At 7 p.m. Tuesday, Champe is having a band/choral concert in honor of Veterans Day.

Cool Spring Elementary Cool Spring Elementary’s fourth grade students will perform a number of patriotic

selections at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. Parents and veterans within the school community will be invited to this program.

Kenneth Culbert Elementary

Attachment Question #101

Culbert will have a Veterans Day program at 9 a.m. Tuesday. The school also has a Veterans Wall in honor of past and present veterans.

Discovery Elementary Discovery will celebrate all veterans from the various military branches by hosting a

Veteran’s Day musical program at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. Dominion High School Guest speakers will present to students during all resource periods on Monday and

Tuesday. Dominion has a Wall of Fame that includes names and service dates for alumni,

friends and family of the Dominion High School community. All the students will be attending an assembly during their Titan Time. During that

assembly, Al Hall, father of student Cullen Hall (an Army veteran) and David Toatley, a Marine veteran of the Vietnam War, will be speaking.

Eagle Ridge Middle School Eagle Ridge is celebrating staff that are veterans and staff with families in the military

with a brief video produced for the morning announcements and by providing lunch for them. Emerick Elementary Emerick will be having a Veterans Day breakfast. All grade levels will perform a song

of appreciation. Evergreen Mill Elementary Evergreen Mill will have an assembly at 8:45 a.m. Tuesday. Community veterans are

seated on the stage as they are honored. Students will sing and a veteran will be the guest speaker.

Harmony Middle School Harmony will honor veterans during a special program at 2:15 p.m. that will include the

singing of the National Anthem, a guest speaker, musical performances and the announcement of the winner of an essay contest.

There will be a reception for veterans after the program. Harper Middle School Students will wear red, white and blue on Tuesday. Principal Beth Robinson, a native

of Canada, will wear a poppy pin and explain to students (and staff) the meaning of the poem “In Flanders Field.” Harper Park buys corsages for all staff who are veterans and recognizes their service.

The “Thought of the Day” will be about veterans and service to our country. Hillside Elementary The Veterans Day program, performed by all first- and third-graders, will start at 9 a.m.

(There will be a second performance of this program at 6:30 p.m.) Students will be singing patriotic songs and highlighting the understanding they have of American holidays and important historical events. Students will wear red, white and blue shirts.

Leesburg Elementary Leesburg Elementary will honor family members in the school community that have

served our country. Students will wear red, white and blue in a show of support for veterans.

Attachment Question #101

In addition to a formal program at 9 a.m., students will write notes of appreciation to veterans.

Veterans are being asked to wear their uniform to the program so that they can be seated on stage.

Liberty Elementary Liberty teaches about Veterans Day as a classroom activity. Students will have

dialogue and activities about its meaning. Loudoun County High School The Naval Junior ROTC will kick off and close this ceremony that will include a guest

speaker and the signing of the National Anthem by Amanda Lee and Sarah Warfield. The program begins at 10:30 a.m.

All the veterans present will be recognized. The chorus will sing a medley of Armed Services anthems and “America the Beautiful.”

Collin Little will perform “Taps.” Loudoun Valley High School The Loudoun Valley High School Veterans Club is presenting its 15th annual Veterans

Day program, “Empower,” at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tuesday. In addition to guest speakers, there will be performances by the Orchestra, Wind

Ensemble, sign language students, the Women’s Chorus and student soloists. The Veterans Club is collecting “Sweats for Vets” for servicemen and women at the

Martinsburg, W.Va., Veterans Administration Hospital. Sizes XL, 2XL and 3XL are needed. Sweat sets should be brought to Valley’s main office by Tuesday.

Lucketts Elementary Lucketts will hold a Veterans Day assembly at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. Meadowland Elementary Students will write letters to veterans in Veterans Administration Hospitals. Mountain View Elementary Mountain View will hold a Veterans Day program at 8:30 a.m. in its gym followed by a

reception for veterans in the library. Newton-Lee Elementary Newton-Lee fourth-graders will perform a medley of patriotic songs for the school

community at 1:30 p.m. In addition, the school will honor its veterans during its morning news show.

Park View High School On Tuesday, students will participate in preparing a “Patriots Honoring Patriots” wreath

by writing thoughtful notes honoring and recognizing the national patriots serving our country. On December 2nd, approximately 75 Park View Patriots will attend a ceremony in which this year’s wreath will be placed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.

Pinebrook Elementary Pinebrook is inviting former and current members of the military to join their Pinebrook

student for coffee and doughnuts and a special time together. This invitation is open to parents and guardians or other family members

Attachment Question #101

Potowmack Elementary Second-graders will hold a Veteran's Day Tea with guest speakers, red poppies,

cookies, and juice for all veterans. They will sing and present the veterans with an award. Frances Hazel Reid Elementary The third-graders will present a program in honor of Veterans Day at 8:30 a.m. River Bend Middle School River Bend is honoring its veterans and members of the Armed Forces by creating a

memorial wall. The wall will include ribbons of family members from the school community who served and/or are currently serving America. This project involves the Social Studies Department and School Beautification Committee.

Rock Ridge High School Rock Ridge history classes will integrate material about veterans and their

contributions throughout their lessons. In addition, Rock Ridge’s PEER organization, in conjunction with history classes, will design and create a display to honor the contributions of our veterans. This sign of appreciation will be posted prominently and referred to throughout the week and beyond as part of Rock Ridge’s Month of Gratitude.

Rolling Ridge Elementary Rolling Ridge will hold a Veterans Day program at 9 a.m. Tuesday. Students will sing

and pay tribute to veterans. A bulletin board is posted honoring veterans from staff and staff members’ families.

Round Hill Elementary Round Hill will stage an hour-long Veterans Day program at 9 a.m. Tuesday. The

Round Hill Elementary Chorus will present a short concert to open the assembly. All of the classes will join together in song to celebrate and thank military veterans and families from the school community.

There also will be a PowerPoint presentation featuring anyone who served or is still serving in the military. Round Hill students also will be asked to wear red, white and blue.

Sanders Corner Elementary Sanders Corner will present a “Salute to Veterans” at 8:15 a.m. Tuesday. This

program will feature veterans related to members of the Sanders Corner family, along with patriotic songs presented by the third grade.

Seldens Landing Elementary Seldens Landing honored 20 Veterans during a school-wide assembly on Friday.

Veteran guests were family members of Seldens Landing students and staff. Students participated in a patriotic sing-along, including the “Armed Forces Medley.”

Veteran guests received an ABC book written and illustrated by students to express their gratitude for their service.

The assembly concluded with a patriotic slide show with more than 50 photos of Seldens Landing family members who have served, or are serving, in the Armed Forces. Students and staff dressed in red, white and blue to show their appreciation for veterans.

Stone Bridge High School Stone Bridge will dedicate its “Alumni Wall of Heroes” on Tuesday. The tribute, an idea formulated by former Principal James Person, will contain the

names of all Stone Bridge graduates who have served in the military or have held a teaching

Attachment Question #101

position in Loudoun County. The mural is located in the main hallway of the school near the front office.

The honored names will be featured on a perpetual plaque, meaning that names will be constantly updated. Currently, the plaque displays the names of 42 military personnel and 33 LCPS teachers.

Seven of the names on the wall – Wes Anderson, Charlotte Kenny, Nicholas Marchio, Shelbie Morgan, Muoka Musau, Kristen Poland, and Matthew Sarmiento – not only graduated from Stone Bridge, but also are on staff at Stone Bridge.

Stone Hill Middle School A PowerPoint will be presented at 11 a.m. Tuesday recognizing current servicemen,

servicewomen and Veterans. This presentation will highlight their courage, dedication, honor, service and sacrifice for our freedom.

Social studies teachers also will share the history of Veterans Day. Sycolin Creek Elementary Sycolin Creek will be celebrating Veterans Day through an assembly at 8:45 a.m.

Tuesday. Veterans will be treated to student essays, posters, thank-you letters from the student council, speeches and a slide show.

Tolbert Elementary Tolbert will have its annual Veterans Day assembly at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. Veterans and active military are invited to a concert consisting of patriotic songs and

those of each military branch. Gifts will be given to all service members past and present. Waterford Elementary Waterford is hosting an assembly at 8:45 a.m. Tuesday and inviting veterans that have

a connection to the school. Students were invited to create a star for Waterford’s “Wall of Honor” for any veteran in their family. These stars will be displayed in the hallway during the assembly.


Attachment Question #101

Source: M. Speidel 1/28/2015 This is self reported survey data as of December 2014.

Please enter your 

THREE digit school 


Primary supplemental 

device purchased by 


How many of the 

primary supplemental  

devices does your 

school have?


supplemental device 

purchased by school?

How many of the 


supplemental devices 

does your school have?

Tertiary supplemental 

device purchased by 


How many of the 

Tertiary supplemental 

devices does your 

school have?

If you have any other 

comments please feel 

free to add them 



ALD No Response

ALG Chromebook 10 5 5

AOS No Response

ARC iPad 50 Chromebook 30 0

ASH Other 30 5 5

BAL iPad 1 0 0 0

BAN iPad 8 0 0

BEM Chromebook 75 Windows 8 Tablet 12 iPad 12

BRH No Response

BRM Chromebook 30 Windows RT 9 Android Tablets 5

BST No Response

BUF iPad 60 Android Tablets 2 0

BWH No Response

CAT Chromebook 50 iPad 10 Android Tablets 13

CCE iPad 33 Other 56 Other 16

CED No Response

CRE No Response

CSP iPad 20 0 0

CTY Chromebook 30 0 Chromebook 20

DCS No Response

DIS Other 0

DMH No Response

DOM iPad 50 0 0

EME iPad 40 0 0

ERM Chromebook 140

EVE iPad 30

FDE Windows RT 11

FHR iPad 45 0 0

FHR No Response

FHS Chromebook 35 iPad 5 4

FOR No Response

FWS Chromebook 128 iPad 6 0

GUI iPad 120 Chromebook 15 0

HAM iPad 12 0 0

HIL No Response

HLS Chromebook 30 Kindle Fire 30 iPad 8

HPM No Response

HRM No Response

HRZ iPad 30 Chromebook 50 5

HRZ No Response

HTH Chromebook 30 iPad 26 Other 10

HUT Windows 8 Tablet 6 Chromebook 65 Windows RT 2

JCH iPad 25 Other 6 5

JLS Chromebook 7 0 0

JML Chromebook 56 iPad 10 0

KWC Chromebook 68 0 0

LCH No Response

LEE iPad 30 0 0

Attachment Question #147

Source: M. Speidel 1/28/2015 This is self reported survey data as of December 2014.

LEG Chromebook 113 iPad 42 0

LIB iPad 155 5 5

LIN No Response

LIT iPad 12

LOV Chromebook 30 0 0

LOW iPad 50 0 0

LUC Chromebook 10 iPad 10 0

LVH No Response

MCCS No Response

MEA iPad 9 0 0 Answered via email

MIL Chromebook 67 iPad 42 0

MMS No Response

MSE Chromebook 26 iPad 10 0

MTC iPad 10 0 0

MTV iPad 5 0 0

MTV No Response

NLE iPad 75 Other 20 iTouch 10 Other are Nooks

PFH No Response

PMK Chromebook 52 iPad 40 0

PNB Chromebook 33 iPad 15 0

PVH No Response

RBM Chromebook 63 iPad 24 Kindle Fire 4

RHL iPad 35 Chromebook 2 0

RLC Chromebook 14 iPad 25 0

RRD iPad 130 Chromebook 10 0

RRH Kindle Fire 25 0 0

SAN No Response

SAN No Response

SBH No Response

SEL Chromebook 90

SHM Chromebook 100 Windows RT 8 Android Tablets 25

SMM Chromebook 30 0 0

SRM iPad 18 0 0

STE iPad 16 iTouch 5 0

STM No Response

STU No Response

SUG iPad 60 Chromebook 60 0

SUL Chromebook 42 iPad 60 0

SYC iPad 40 0 0

THS No Response

TMS Chromebook 45

TOL iPad 65

WAT No Response

WHS No Response

Total 2710 720 154 3560

Attachment Question #147

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