school improvement planning 2006-2007. today’s session review the purpose of si planning review...

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School Improvement PlanningSchool Improvement Planning2006-2007

Today’s SessionToday’s Session

Review the purpose of SI planning Review the components of SI plans Discuss changes to SI planning for


Purpose of School Purpose of School Improvement PlanningImprovement Planning

Plan for increased learning for all students

Align curriculum standards and resources (human, financial, material)

Develop focus for all staff members Promote involvement in the

educational process by parents, students, families, and communities

Policy Base for SI PlanningPolicy Base for SI Planning

It is the intent of the Cobb County School Board and Administration that all schools be held accountable for students performing at high levels

It is their expectation that schools will assess student performance, identify which students are not making adequate progress toward state standards, institute appropriate measures for improvement, and monitor student learning

Components of School Components of School Improvement PlansImprovement Plans

ProfileSchool Mission/BeliefsAction Plans for Student Performance

and School PerformanceResults


Several major categories of information about the school Demographic characteristics Performance information Stakeholder perspective information Organizational characteristics

Profile hits on major points about each data type to guide the reader through “big picture” information about the school

Mission and BeliefsMission and Beliefs

These two elements form the basis for all decision making

Mission is an expression of why the school exists and what it hopes to accomplish with the students

Beliefs are an expression of school values evident in daily practice

Action PlansAction Plans

Keep the focus on students….development of the action plan is based on student needs, not adult needs or schedules

Clear goals, performance indicators, and benchmarks are essential to development of the resource plan (vision of SI leadership team)

Action Plan: GoalsAction Plan: Goals

Goals (reflect priorities)Student Learning School Performance

Performance IndicatorsCurrent Performance Levels Benchmarks Resource Plans


Goals Arise from an

analysis of the data and address the most pressing academic issue in the school

Are written broadly Address

• proficiency OR

• grade level performance

Remember Emphasize

achievement in the learning area

Be sure you can clearly describe what it will look like if students attain the goal (performance indicators)

Exclude test or assessment measures in the goal statement

Goal Statement Goal Statement for Student Learningfor Student Learning

EXAMPLEAll students will be proficient writers.

Questions to consider: Can proficiency in writing be defined in

observable terms? (Performance Indicators) Can proficiency in writing be measured?


Performance IndicatorsExamples

Students use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in written work

Students can successfully use the editing process to produce a grade level writing product

Student writing papers have a clearly articulated main idea with supporting details

Students write for a purpose

Defines proficiency (or grade level performance)in terms of observable student behaviors. (What a student should do to demonstrate proficiency)

Current Performance Level

Defines where the school currently stands in the goal area

Data may be reported as school wide proficiency or by grade level performance

May include standardized test information as well as local school data (if they are to be used as a benchmark)

If there is a subgroup not meeting AYP requirements a current level of performance must be included for that group

Current Performance LevelsCurrent Performance LevelsExamplesExamples

On the Georgia Writing Assessment, 42% of students are proficient, and 3% exceed standards

56% of students were proficient writers on local school prompt at the beginning of the year

43% of students scored above the 49th PR on the language section of the ITBS

68% of students showed an increase in their ability to use the editing process to produce a grade level writing product.


Sets the desired level of improvement sought

Written for a single yearAdjusted annually Includes who, measure, amount of

change, and when the measurement will be taken

Sample BenchmarksSample Benchmarks

60% of fifth grade students will demonstrate proficiency or higher on the Georgia Writing Assessment in the spring of 2007

80% of all students in grades 3-5 will use the editing process to successfully produce a grade level writing product in the spring of 2007

85% of students will be proficient writers at the end of the 2006- 07 school year as measured by the local school rubric

67% of special education students will meet or exceed standards on the English/Language Arts section of the CRCT in spring of 2007


Looks at the organizational and instructional effectiveness of the school and plans how to better align the systems to achieve the student performance goals

Instructional effectiveness could be in curriculum, instruction, or assessment

Organizational effectiveness might include scheduling, interventions for at risk learners, collaboration, parental/community involvement


Resources are what staff members need to fully implement and monitor the strategy. Typically includes:PeopleTimeTraining and SupportMoneyMaterials

Identification of potential hotspots

Resource Plan Resource Plan ComponentsComponents

Strategy Activities for teachers by year Timeline and Professional Development Financial Resources Monitoring Plan


Details the action steps taken by the adults in the building to achieve the goal

Targets the performance indicators related to the goal

Activities/Strategies…What’s Activities/Strategies…What’s the difference?the difference?

Activities Usually one time

implementation Require little or no

training to become expert

Require minimal planning

Strategies Refined over time Require training and

practice to become expert

Require extensive planning to integrate resources

Typically a string of activities related to the goal

Strategy QuestionsStrategy Questions

What is the specific strategy to be used? Does this strategy represent the best chance to

improve student learning in the goal area? When, in a teacher’s day, is the strategy to be

used? To what extent is the teacher expected to use

the strategy? How can we make time to fully implement this

strategy? What results might we see (for students) if

the strategy is implemented?

Sample StrategySample Strategy

Incorporate the use of writing across all content areas. Increase the amount of non-fiction writing

students produce. Develop a writing rubric commonly used by all

teachers to evaluate student writing. Use collaborative scoring of student writing. Use direct instruction to teach the editing







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Professional DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentExamplesExamples

Workshop on writing across the curriculum Consultation with central office language arts

specialist on the development of a rubric to evaluate student writing

In service sessions on collaborative scoring of student work

Specialist rounds or teacher rounds to develop best practices in student editing

Visits to demographically similar schools who are achieving at higher rates

Sample ResourcesSample Resources

Literacy specialist and Instructional Lead Teacher to model writing across the curriculum (PEOPLE)

Faculty meetings devoted to collaborative scoring (TIME)

Sub days for selected teachers to develop a writing rubric and present to the staff for approval (TIME, MONEY)

Sub days and travel funds to visit another school who has been successful in raising student writing scores to identify best practices (TIME, MONEY)

Funds to purchase supplemental writing assessments for all students (MONEY, MATERIALS)

Monitoring PlanMonitoring Plan

Purpose is to determine if the strategy is getting results

Provides for a review of student data and implementation

Periodic through the year Can use:

Performance Series Data team work Observations Checklists Rubrics CWT

Monitoring Plan Examples Monitoring Plan Examples

Individual teacher feedback on the number of students using the editing process as common practice

Specialist review of student writing in their area

Observation of students who demonstrate proficiency in a particular area

Use of a school wide rubric to measure a particular aspect of the goal

Teachers review of student work samples in the targeted area once per quarter and data reviewed by the SI team


Annual Evaluation of plan to identify what did and did not work

Changes for 2006-2007Changes for 2006-2007

No more NSSE Compacting of Parts New Template Standardized Data Profile Storage of Plans on District Web

page Annual calendar of SI events Mid Year Report

SI Template

Sample Data Profile


Plans due to AAS and Accountability Office by September 1

NI schools will meet at the end of August (date/location TBA) to identify location of components required by SDOE

Revised NI plans due by September 15


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