school name: pope john paul ii catholic secondary school ... · pope john paul ii catholic...

Post on 13-Jun-2018






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SCHOOL NAME: Pope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School PRINCIPAL: Paul GERARD McAlpine

SUPERINTENDENT: Gary Poole TRUSTEE: Paul John Crawford

SCHOOL ADDRESS: 685 Military TRAIL , Toronto ON , M1E 4P6


School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 2 of 12

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 3 of 12

Increase participation of classes in small groupings for school based liturgies and para-liturgies during the school day as part of the whole curriculum interaction.

Academic Year Chaplaincy Team, Religion Department, All Homeroom Teachers

School resources Ongoing Greater use of Chapel facilities throughout the school day and a greater interaction between Chaplaincy Team, Department Heads and Individual Staff members.

Division 9 - 12

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Faith Development

To create and celebrate Catholic Community where all proclaim the Good News of the Gospel and where Catholic beliefs are modelled and integrated into the whole learning experience.

Priority Nurturing Our Catholic Community

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 4 of 12

Increase the viability of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program by expanding on the variability of options to offer more program spaces in the Arts area.

Academic Year Teacher, Principal School resources Ongoing -Increase in diversity of student options selections at the Grade 11 and 12 level for the IB Program-Increase in student numbers at the pre-IB level for Grade 9 & 10

Earlier visits to Grade Eight Feeder Schools and Open House for Grade 8 Parents with a focus on student presentations. Implement an outreach program to our elementary students with a focus on literacy and numeracy as well as a variety of other academic programs and non academic programs.

Semester 1 Student Services School resources In progress -Number of schools visited-Numbers attending Open House-Nominal Roll requests-Inviting schools and students to visit Pope-Working with our Elelmentary teachers through professional development and job shadowing

Direct invitation to Grade 8 Feeder School Teachers to come to the school for a meeting with staff to explain programs, their requirements and answer questions and concerns.

Semester 1 Student Services School resources In progress -number of Grade 8 teachers attending-results of Nominal Roll

Division 9 - 12

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Increasing Enrolment and Retention in Grades JK-12

To support and implement a variety of local and system initiatives that actively enhance the school profile and promote the benefits of Catholic education.

Priority Nurturing Our Catholic Community

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 5 of 12

OSSLT Preparation - Maintain and increase student success levels on the EQAO Test.

Academic Year Vice Principal, School Literacy Team, Subject Department Heads

Board-wide resources In progress -Implement after school literacy program-Practice sessions during school day in varying subject disciplines

Charts EQAO Grade 10 OSSLT-20052006-Participating Students

Gap Analysis:

Division 9 - 12

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Literacy

To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 6 of 12

Goal Numeracy

To improve the overall level of students' Mathematical literacy skills through problem solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics.

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 7 of 12

Division 9 - 12

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 8 of 12


EQAO Grade 9 Math-Applied-20042005-Participating Students

Gap Analysis:

EQAO Grade 9 Math-Academic-20052006-Participating Students

Gap Analysis:

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 9 of 12

Improve on the Grade 9, EQAO Mathematics tests. Implement a proactive comprehessive plan to increase results. Our goal is to increase the scores over the course of two years with an increase this year and a further increase the following year

Academic Year Vice Principal, Mathematics Department Head, All Teachers in Mathematics DepartmentAll staff in gen

Board-wide resources Ongoing -success rate of students-strike a Math committee to analyze areas for improvement.-implement an afterschool math workshop-set up a math olympics program

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 10 of 12

Put in place a Success for all team at Pope that involves Administration, Special Education, Guidance and all interested teachers. Put in place a transition team to work collaboratively with our grade seven and eight elementary teachers.

Academic Year Principal Board-wide resources In progress Implement credit recovery subjects for students in grades nine and ten.Look at increasing student success at the senior grades with credit recovery options. Our goal is to increase student success through a proactive Success for All program at Pope.

Division 9 - 12

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Success for All

To improve opportunities for all our students to achieve their desired destinations through a variety of programs, supports, assessment strategies and pathways (apprenticeship, college, community living, university and the workplace).

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 11 of 12

Opportunities for presentations and workshops to be hosted and provided to the elementary family of schools. Students run workshops and facilitate such activities as, drama presentations, Science Fair organization and support, activity Day set-ups, elementary Play days. Supports would be provided through the appropriate curriculum department within the school.Implement a school wide Success for All Team that involves Administration, Guidance and Special Education. Our focus is based on increasing retention and success rates. As a school we are looking at programs that enhance and augment the current academic programs in Math and English.

Academic Year Department Heads, Subject teachers, School Board resources, Elementary teachers.

School resources Action to be taken -number of interactions between Pope JP II and the elementary schools-possible increase in Grade 8 enrollment-feedback from elementary schools-provide Credit Recovery programs at the grade 9 and 10 levels-Assist senior students by providing credit recovery which will help facilitate the current shift from an October graduation to a June 2007 graduation.-Implement a transition team that works collaboratively with our grade seven and eight teachers to ensure student success and retention through appropriate programs.

Division 9 - 12

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Empowering Catholic Leadership

To develop and support Catholic Educational Leaders who are energizing, caring, visionary, student-focused and collaborative role models in building a Catholic professional learning community.

Priority Building Capacity to Lead and Learn

School Learning PlanPope John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 12 of 12

Professional Development Program for Pope John Paul II Teaching Staff

Academic Year Principal Teacher resources with administrative support where and when possible

Ongoing Supporting and accommodating teacher inspired professional development across a variety of subject disciplines

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Division 9 - 12

Goal Professional Development

To provide job-embedded professional development that focuses on broadening the range of skills, practices and attitudes needed to create sustainable improvement and better results.

Priority Building Capacity to Lead and Learn

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