schools as chaplaincy provision within the parish

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Schools as chaplaincy provision within the


What is a chaplaincy?

Particular group of people in particular circumstances

Particular moment in life with particular needs

Particular group of people looking after these people

Examples of chaplaincy:hospital, prison, military, university (my particular background)

NB all reside within a geographical parish

What are the advantages of a chaplaincy?

Specialist approach appropriate to group and circumstances in the way the kerygma is proclaimed.

 What makes a school eligible to be considered as a chaplaincy?As in definition above:Children / young people in a school environmentEducation and vocation particular moment in life and particular needsAll staff who work with them at this moment in their lives

A visual image:

The parish as a garden with the schools as greenhouses within the garden

What are the practical implications of this model?

More cross fertilization between schools and parishes

Education of parishioners, teachers, parents head teachers and clergy

‘Wonderfully complicated’

Use of foundation governors, Hallam examples, parishioners in school with faith stories to share. Work presented by Simon and Dennis

Poster campaign beginning with jigsaw with schools as pieces of parish jigsaw

What are the advantages of this model?

Inclusive:Addresses what is the underlying relationship between school and parish and what should it be, what shape should it take

Very clear way of explaining what we are talking about particularly using image of garden

Puts schools and parishes in right relationship and secures the identity of schools and their unique role within the education system

Emphasises teaching as a vocation and precludes people ‘trading’ on the name of the church without being part of it cf. Sacred Heart football team has nothing to do with our parish but uses the name

What are the challenges presented by this model?

To see school as part of the parish

Some people in schools and in parishes will not want to do this

Evangelisation, frontiers, challenges

Out of a comfort zone

What the limitations and disadvantages of this model?

Depends on relationships and expectations

Final thought: in twenty years we may not have Catholic schools or may not want them unless we are clear about their identity within the parish and the important role that they play in evangelisation. This model is attempting to establish the bedrock on which to build practical ways of schools working as part of the parish and the parish valuing and working with the schools as part of the parish to the benefit of all concerned.

That’s what I think but what do

you think?

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