
Post on 14-Feb-2017






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FAUNA, FLORA.4th Period

Boston International School


Objective:To understands the different interactions of the elements of the earth and its effects on the preservation of the planet.

Learning Objectives:Recognizing the value of Colombian Biodiversity and why is important for our country.

Biblical principle:

Psalm 19:1New International Version - UK (NIVUK)

1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

¡His perfect Creation!God put His works on a permanent display. The creation is like a gallery. The heavens, the vast empty space, has God's mighty works all poised and properly rotating about as in the best of displays.

Project: “Colombian Biodiversity” Students will make a presentation about Colombian Biodiversity: fauna, flora and the most important natural parks. At the end the students will create a slogan about the preservation of the planet.They may use PowerPoint presentations, pictures, or videos.

Groups: 3 students


Flora, Fauna, Temperature, Species, Relief, Climate Thermal floor.

BIODIVERSITYThinking of Colombia, it comes to mind a geographically and natural privileged territory, that emerges from the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and that is found in the northeastern end of Latin America, serving as a meeting point for the continent.

Its 1’142.000 kilometer surface it’s crossed by the imposing Andean mountain range that comes from Ecuador, its neighbor country, and it divides itself in tree branches that receive the names of western, central and eastern mountain range. Additionally, the Colombian territory counts with 2 important mountain formations: the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the wonderful Serranía de la Macarena.

BIODIVERSITYAccording to its altitude, Colombia counts with all warm, cold and in between weathers, and because of the fact that its soils come from volcanic activity they blend perfectly to offer the most varied and exotic crops.

Its unique mountain system, with its plateaus, rainforests, plains, snowy mountains, “páramos” (similar to Tundra), and wetlands; its coasts lie on the two oceans; the extend and torrential rivers that go trough it; the fact of having a part of the Amazon, the biggest lung of the world, determine the richness of the flora and fauna and the climatic variety for which the country is known worldwide.


Its varied geographical characteristics have granted the adequate conditions so that in its territory can live a great variety of animal and vegetable species.

Colombia has 0.8% of the planet’s terrestrial surface, but it’s the third country with greater biodiversity in the world, after Brazil and Indonesia.


Of the many surprises Colombia has to offer, few expect it to be a country so rich in flora and, yet, Colombia is the country with the highest rate of species by unit of area in the entire world. Colombia, lest you not believe us, is home to over 130,000 species of plants.


Colombia has: moorland biomes, Amazon jungles, Amazon bushes hills, deserts, tropical rainforests, mangrove forests, and marsh vegetation.

With this variety Colombia ranks as one of the 19 mega-diverse countries in the world.

FLORAColombia also boasts many endemic species of plant, including the national tree, the Wax Palm (or ceroxylon quindiuense) which is only found in the stunning Cocora Valley of Colombia. Others include the vast array of heliconia species. In fact, a massive 10% of the species in the world are native to Colombia.

Colombia has between 40,000 and 90,000 species of plants, equivalent to 10 or 20% of all plant species worldwide,

To witness these endemisms first hand, your best places to visit are the Colombian Amazon Basin, the Catatumbo River basin, the Mid-Magdadena River Basin and the Pacific Coast.

It’s famous for its flowers, amongst which outstands the orchid, the national flower that has near 3.000 varieties.

Cruziana flower Victoria regia or Victoria in the Amazon basin.

Colombia's national tree (wax palm) in the Valley of Cocora.

Orchid (Cattleya trianae) is the national flower of Colombia.

FAUNA Fish: Colombia has a total of 1200 species of marine fish and about 1600 species of fresh water.

AmphibiansColombia is the country of the globe with more species of amphibians, representing 15% of the world total.

ReptilesColombia is possibly the third country in the world reptile species, with 30% of turtle species and 25% of species of crocodiles, along with 222 species of snakes

BirdsThe Biodiversity Information System of Colombia SIBC, based primer Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute, estimates that the number of bird species in the country is 1885, with a record of 197 migratory species, limits without But the number of known species changes almost daily, however, information from verifiable sources is presented and updated 2011.


Colombia boasts the highest rate of animal species by unit area in the whole world. From birds to monkeys to toucans to parrots to sloths to bears, it’s a dazzling array of species that has to be seen to be believed.

It holds the first place in the world when it comes to bird diversity. It has near 1.800 species of the more than 9.000 existing species in the planet.

It counts with a huge amphibian, reptile, bats, rodent and insect varieties. It counts with more than 3.000 butterfly species.


In Colombia almost 2000 species of bird have been described, which is more species of bird than there are in North America and Europe combined. This staggering figure includes one of the biggest birds on earth, the Andean condor. The best place to witness the bulk of this bird life is in the environs of the Amazon (South Colombia), Minca (near Tayrona National Park) and the Coffee Region (West Colombia).


Colombia also has the largest number of amphibians in the world (including the most venomous verterbrae in the world, the phyllobates terribilis), with over 200 different species in danger of extinction thanks to various reasons, including air and water pollution. You can also find reptiles such as crocodiles and snakes throughout the Amazon region.


One of the highlights of Colombia’s wildlife is whale watching, which you can do every year in July on Colombia’s Pacific Coast. These waters are ideal for whales fleeing the South Pole’s waters for a warmer environment and allow the females to give birth. The best places to witness this unforgettable moment in nature are Bahía Solano, Nuquí, Gorgona National Natural Park and Bahía Malaga (Buenaventura).

When discovering animals native to Colombia the best place to start is in the sky. The Condor is the national bird of many South American countries including Colombia. The Andean Condor is considered in Colombia to be the king of the sky. This amazing bird has a wing span of just over 10 feet. This makes it the largest flying bird on the planet.

The next amazing animal native to Colombia is the Anaconda. This snake is one of the longest and heaviest snakes in the world. These massive snakes can get up to 30 feet in length and almost a foot in diameter. There amazing diet can consist of anything from fish to deer, and even have been known to eat a jaguar.

One of the most unique animals that call Colombia its home is the Capybara.

This semi-aquatic herbivorous animal is the largest living rodent. They live in large herds and spend a majority of there time on the banks of rivers.

Finally we have the Southern Right Whale. This enormous sight is found on the pacific coast and can be up to 59 feet in length. This beautiful creature is a sight to behold.

Around 20% of the 465 reported mammal species are endangered or critically endangered. This is mostly due to human activity and, therefore, preventable. The consumption of natural resources in Colombia is a massive problem, but one without an easily identifiable answer since many of the country’s vulnerable communities rely on its natural resources for income and sustenance. Better education in how to raise crops has been suggested as a start.

FLORA - Orchid

FLORA - The Wax Palm

FLORA – Platanillo

They are called platanillo for their leaves or bird of paradise and grind lobster by the colorful bracts envulven flowers.



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